Hence, the Ni “staring problem.” I can be looking in your direction, but that doesn’t mean I’m focusing on you. Or if I’m focusing on you, it’s not just “you,” but how you interact with the environment.
Can I show this comment to the next stranger in the grocery store who finds me "staring at them"(aka, lost in thought, momentarily on a different planet, and not paying enough attention to where my eyes go)? 😂
Thats ne problem, ni stare microscopically, Ne dom me focusing someone like 2nd ni user trying to read me... while Me fake reading a book lol. Its called plethoric vision or normal vision plus peripheral vision Ni dom are the real deal but again it sucking up body Energy Exept ni dom(4.5% in the world) All the( 2nd to 4th) ni is nothing to ne doms (even has 5 seconds max intuition if needed, 2nd ni 3, 3rd is 2, 4th is 1 seconds may be) Meaning ne create 10 different scenerios in extra 2 seconds always.. Makes anyone so difficult to argue with entp enfp (infj infp intj loves them btw)
I agree Ni feels wreid as if you look at things, but don't see them sometimes, and see more in a way, but not stuff you look at. I agree it's not tunnel vission. I'm aware of everything around me, but it's often blurry in my mind, because I kinda look more about concepts and mental than physical. -ENTJ
When Ni users are in their comfort zone their eyes look/act like Ni but when Ni users are in any anxious nerve-wrecking situations they can start a bit of Ne eye movements.
As a presumed NI dominant, I can confirm on the not looking at one thing directly but being able to have a vision of what’s on the right and left and even Infront of you when you are looking down. I actually have a thing where when I’m asleep completely with my eyes closed, I will wake up if someone or even my dog stands at the entrance of my bedroom, they don’t even have to make any noise. I just know the second someone is near and automatically wake up. You did well on describing Ni vrs Ne eyes!
Oh my god I’m Ni dominant and I’m the exact same. I immediately pick up what’s happening in my peripheral vision so if someone starts doing something from across the room I always notice it without directly looking, and people are like “I can’t believe you saw me do that, I didn’t think you were looking”. Sucks on the train though because I notice every single gross dude picking his nose :/ But it does come in handy as a teacher lol my students know they have to be extra sneaky to slip anything by me
"when I’m asleep completely with my eyes closed, I will wake up if someone or even my dog stands at the entrance of my bedroom, they don’t even have to make any noise." Sounds like a Se thing
body language interests me so much, I think we can all learn so much from it! there's still so much to discover and study :) thank you for making this video, I had been looking for a clear explanation for a while, and you delivered it! all the love x
I find that talking to my ESTP coworker's pretty awkward as an ENTP. I always look everywhere except him when we talk but somehow, some way we always have a very productive conversation, and have both subtle and outbursts of laugh. Its weird though, how he can focus talking to me and everyone else at the room at the same time. Its like when hes there, he likes to make his presence known to EVERYONE!
INFP here. High Ne user especially when I’m with people, but if I need to figure something out that’s complicated I need to be alone. I use Ni when I can’t figure something out with Ne/Si and it usually works. Just stare into space until the answer hits me. I didn’t realize what I was doing until learning about cognitive functions lol
I feel like the same but when I did the mbti test 5 years ago it typed me as INFP and now it type me as INTP for sure but I don’t understand how could someone go from demon Ti to savior Ti. In fact, I think that I’m just a weird INFP but I’ve been around so much xNTx person that I become used to think like them, I mean I have a science diploma but I’m studying 3D animation so I cannot really be a single observer like INFJ or ENFP, I should be a double observer but I feel like both my Fi and Te are strong which doesn’t make sense
I'm INTP. When reading your comment, I just realized this. I do the same thing. When I am trying to figure out something difficult, I stare in one spot. When I'm just having random thoughts or talking, I'm looking around a lot.
I have the Ni-eyes, I just spaced out a lot constantly since everything is buffering in my head. The Se really picks up the details then feed it to my Ni.
You ever get the feeling if it weren't for Ni-Se you'd be kinda dumb? The analyzing, the picking up on emotions, the sudden drops of information when you're doing something else (or the aha moments), the zoning out when someone is talking but you still somehow get the gist of what they were saying enough to keep the conversation flowing, the getting a vibe from meeting someone almost immediately and being right about them. I do all the time, so I'm wondering if you do.
@@dante7817 I've made the comment before I was formally diagnosed with ADHD. I guess I am "dumb" to most people but not really. If I spaced out I'd just excuse myself and asked them again. If they think you're rude for asking then they're really not your people. At least to my perspective it's me trying to be the same page as they are, if they get that then they're my people. I've learned to stay on the same page rather than letting those pages blank. I want my conversations to be meaningful. Hopefully my answers quench your curiosity.
Me as an Ne dom can relate to always looking around to recall or construct my words when I'm talking. When my words are polished enough I can directly stare into their eyes but most of the time I'm not 🤣 because most of the time I don't think carefully enough when I'm talking to someone. I just blew it all out of my mouth even if it's not yet finish processing.
Infj here, Very nice. Yep, you got it with the diffuse "seeing" not looking : ) My buddy was in the early trainings with Richard Bandler, we've had some deep "chats." He also administers biofeedback, with the gear and the guages. I learned so much about breathing and breathing naturally from that. Nlp has been an interest for a few decades, good stuff, been in some interesting circles. Used to crew for T. Robbins, incredible training. Good vid, thanks!
I am not sure if this theory is correct: Ni does not move their eyes much because they are not looking at the object only (Se) but they are just disengaged from themselves (Ni) looking at everything equally (big picture).
Damn! Someone so quickly just simplified that daydreaming, double-reality imagination land I could never really understand...”that focus of unfocus.” That’s cool 😎
This is interesting! I don't know how valid vultology & typing via microexpressions is, but I have certainly noticed patterns with Ne/Si vs Ni/Se in both eye movenents and speech patterns. The intense stare you mentioned is actually something I associate more with Se (which is, of course, linked to Ni) but Se-doms, in particular, tend to make intense eye contact. You didn't mention this in your video, but NJs are often said to have an "Ni toggle" where their eyes make small but rapid movements side to side on a horizontal plane (could also be called "lateral/horizontal nystagmus" for any med students out there). Linking to the idea you discussed about the parts of your memory or thinking you're accessing when your eyes move in a certain direction, I was just thinking, the "Ni toggle" could be associated with rapidly going back & forth between accessing auditory memory and language construction. This got me thinking about Dario Nardi's research and how INTJs show activity in the T4 region of their brain, which picks up on tone of voice. Seems to check out!
I don't know how valid it is either - which is why I tried to preface it with the fact that these were my connections through NLP and cognitive functions. Oooh.. Ok.. that Ni toggle through T4 and T3 (I assume?) sounds interesting. I'll ask him if there's anything to report on it... Are you an NJ? I know Ni has a keen connection to language and seeing how, as personality hacker says, Ni will notice that when one person talks about a tea pot, for example, the other person may have a completely different image in mind - their own tea pot. And when you expand that to different domains like ... dignity, love, happiness ... things can quickly get out of hand with the intended meaning of words.
@@GeekPsychology I'm actually an NP, but I've had plenty of misunderstandings with people, after which, or during which, I eventually realize that their reaction to what I said, or their perception of my reaction to what they said, resulted from differing definitions and connotations of words. I'd like to think my Ne is pretty good at realizing people can have multiple interpretations, and my own impressed Si associations help me realize others have their own unique associations with words as symbols. But I suppose it's often only through experience and hindsight (Si again?) that I gain clarity on those issues. I'm pretty sure the word "toggle," in this context, refers to the eye-movement (appearing to jump suddenly from left to right, back and forth) rather than the EEG, so I'm not sure about T3. I haven't read any of Nardi's books and am not super familiar with his research in detail. I just happened to have watched a newer interview with him where he mentioned that T4 lights up in INTJs, and that the T4 region is associated with tone of voice and intention. If I recall correctly though, it might have been both INTJs and ISTJs that show activity in this region, which doesn't necessarily fit the Ni theory to a T, but I'd have to think on it more. Just a possible connection that could validate the theory I thought I'd throw out there. Dario Nardi was interviewed by Binyamin Tsadik in the particular video I'm referring to, in case you want to watch it for yourself to see exactly what he said.
im Ni dom and i used to work as a lifeguard where we would get audited on how well we were « scanning » the pool. I always thought it was stupid to move my eyes in a repetitive pattern, and they wanted us to complete each scan in less than 20 seconds. i never felt like i was seeing everything so i just kind of made my own system for scanning the pool. I actually ended up getting reported to my supervisor because my coworker thought my eyes werent moving the way they should be. and now I understand that my brain literally just doesn’t work that way.
This is an interesting idea when you think of psychological therapies such as EMDR. I like what you pointed out- the looking back and forth as the way Ne and Si meet. That really tracks with the idea that EMDR can help a person to re-process unpleasant/traumatic memories or feelings from the past and see them in a new and less traumatic way. Interesting stuff.
@@GeekPsychology I had never heard of IEMT before, but after I read your comment I looked it up. What a cool new therapy technique! Our eye movements are already proven to be an important tool our body uses to process (like in REM sleep, etc.). I love that we are now utilizing this tool for other things!
Haha 😂As an INFJ I always get those unfocused Ni eyes 👀 I had no idea that it had to do with being an NJ but it kind of makes sense. 🤔 It feels like taking a break from all sensory stuff and being able to be more inside my head and kind of widen your mind and view.. ^^
IDK about direction. When I'm thinking I just stare straight ahead of me and I actually lose my vision and sometimes hearing completely at that point. It's like I'm elsewhere. Only my Se is running in the background and (hopefully) keeping me from driving into a tree, as this often happens when I'm driving.
When I'm thinking about stuff or talking, I'm always looking back and forth at things in the room. Usually go to the same spots over and over almost in a pattern. I haven't paid too much detailed attention to it, but I've just noticed that I tend to look around at various spots when I'm thinking or talking, and usually it is up, toward the ceiling. I'm INTP. I read some comments and an INFP person stated that when they're trying to figure something out they stare in one spot and I realized I do that too. So when I'm talking or thinking random thoughts (stream of consciousness) I look around a lot. But when I'm trying to figure something out that is difficult, I stare in one spot.
Hm... Well it's difficult because an INFP has Si and Ne. So it's like they're generating possibilities with external connections intuitively using Ne, but then they're also reflecting on past experience, and their own experience, (Si) is on axis with their Ne. So their own past experiences will have influence over the possibilities they're generating. And also, the way they view their memories will be kept responsible with external intuitive connections. A person with Ni+Se like maybe an INFJ, will use their physical eyes to look at the experience as a whole with Se (versus just their own experience with Si) and they will make internal connections intuitively with Ni. So when an Ni user seems to be looking at one object, but they also see the rest of the surroundings along with it? That is definitely an Se thing, especially since your physical sight, and other physical senses have everything to do with Se. Then the whole looking down and recalling thing, would be Si. If we're talking Ne/Ni, Ne would likely be the function that picks up on everything in your surroundings, and the more short term, immediate future. Where as Ni is going to be what is very focused and more like tunnel vision. That's what let's Ni users see into the more distant future. Ne you get a wider, shorter range. Where with Ni, you get a narrower, but longer, more focused range. Ne is quicker and Ni is slower. All the extroverted functions are faster than the introverted functions. But the introverted functions are going to be able to let a person see that deeper level. Te is quick and rational, but can sometimes mistake something that sounds reasonable, or rational, for the actual truth. Where as, with Ti, you're going to have less speed than Te, but you're going to be able to find the gaps and inconsistencies that Te missed. It's kind of like Te is running and hustling to organize everything rationally, while Ti is slowly walking, taking it all in to slowly put together a more detailed picture. So Ti will let you see that deeper truth with logic, but it is at the expense of the efficiency and speed that rationale has (Te). - Just an example of the differences between extraverted and introverted variants of functions. Anyone that uses Ni will have Se and anyone that uses Ne will have Si. So that may be why it seems like Ni+Se users have a widened more broad physical view of things as opposed to a Ne+Si user. But while that may be true on a physical level, on an intuitive level, the Ne user is going to have a wider intuitive view, while the Ni user is actually going to have the narrower intuitive view.
Correction: Ni is the fastest Function. You're completely misrepresenting Ni, no offence. Ni is the most big-picture function of all- it does not have a narrower range. Also, all Extroverted functions are faster is bullshit. INTJs and INFJs score the highest in the processing speed subtest of IQ tests.
@@vijaysundarrajan1785 sure, they both are movement types, I'd like to know where you're finding your information on the "processing speeds" of different types on IQ tests. And I'd like to know how I can verify how the participants of the tests were typed. Because INFJs have an ENFP unconscious and INTJs have ENTP unconscious. There's a possibility that these INTJs and INFJs you are referring to could even be mistyped to be even faster types. However it could be accurate and INTJ and INFJ may actually be faster during testing. Ni can help us to intensely focus on a task when we want to. And these two types can typically perform very well against most of the other types in pretty much anything they set their minds to. However, the speed doesn't come from Ni. Leading with Ni makes us very perceptive, and big picture, sure, but Ni is certainly not faster than Ne. High Ne users can scatter their attention easily and I can guarantee that it could also factor into results of speed during tests. (If your pool of information you're drawing from is actually any good.) Ni dominant has high Ne unconscious that certainly helps with speed, because it can help conscious Ni along a bit. Ne is definitely faster though if we're just examining them individually. And INTJs/INFJs scoring with faster performance times on tests is not good enough information to prove your point, even if what you claim is true. There are so many other factors that you are not considering or taking into account. What type are you?
Haha that's so interesting! All of my ISFJ friends will always make comments to me like "what are you looking at? Where are you looking?" as I'm talking because I shift my eyes so much. I don't even realize I do it most of the time. It's either shifty eyes or unforgiving eye contact. There is zero chill.
The conclusions that can be drawn here indicate not only that typical type behaviours can be tracked to the level of cerebral actions but also that they are used by all people, some just have them more frequently than the others. We are all humans after all with similar capabilities.
I learned about NLP back in the 90's. I tried a trick using it to learn how to spell a tough word like Albuquerque. It had to do with position your eyes and learning the word in chunks. The challenge was put to me to learn to spell it backwards using the NLP method. I actually only can spell Albuquerque by spelling it backwards. NLP works so well, that I've never forgotten! 😆 (Ni hero INFJ here).
The NLP spelling strategy is good. Split words into different chunks and colors. Position it (likely) up and to the left of your face so your eyes access visual recall. Take a picture in your mind and practice it a bit.
It's honestly bizarre, I have intense eye contact but when I'm thinking and elaborating on answers I look down and I can really envision what I'll say next I love brains bro.
In the brain, there is only a small piece that connects the left and right. The rest is not connected. So we have to evolve a way to stimulate their connection, by looking left and right. I read somewhere that the ability to talk is stored on one side of the brain, but the ability to sing is stored on the other side; that is why when people get a stroke on one side of the brain and they can’t even talk, so need to go to a speech therapist to recover their ability to talk...the therapist asks them to sing! Suddenly, they can sing despite still not being able to talk! So our thoughts from both sides need to be brought together by accessing both sides.
This is a really interesting observation! I, an INTP, can definitely relate to Ne eyes. They bounce around a lot and they also look kinda blunt and judging, i would say (probably because of Ti). I also have a couple of theories about functions and how they appear in our body language. Would you cover other functions too?
I'm not sure about Ne type but as an INFJ I have been told by some to not look at them with those cat eyes~ as if I'm looking into their soul. Also when I try to explain things I tend to hold severe eye contact for very long time and end up in awkward situations.
I'm so relieved that you know you have Ne eyes. I'm not familiar with your content, but in the beginning when you were looking directly at the camera I was afraid you were trying to mimic Ni because that's what you thought you were. I think NPs always struggle with this. Looking directly at the camera leads to such an uncomfortable loss of mental productivity..
When I'm talking to people or thinking extremely then I have them Ne eyes. But when I'm daydreaming or in a state of mindfullness then I pull an Ni eyes.
As an enfp, I don’t find myself having the sort of eyes you describe for ne users. Mine are more like the ni eyes, as I’m looking inside the web of ideas in my brain at the larger picture or idea that they create, the “main idea or conclusion” so to speak.
I think there is a misconception here. It seems that since they are both intuitive functions, neither is really focused on the immediate physical environment. They are both involved with perceptions going on in the mind, but work differently - and so, spaced out and in the head in some way. NE is pulling from the SI memories as from an artist's paint pallet in order to reframe, invent, or design a creative idea. Another interesting thought is that some NE users struggle to quickly find the words to frame an idea and they gaze upward as they search for the language to express a concept. There is also an attentional flash of insight that is hard to catch hold of and easily lost or interrupted due to being bombarded with so many other ideas and mental stimuli simultaneously.
To see a great example of the Ni eye toggle, check out any interview with Elon Musk. INTJ’s Ni eye toggle is way more noticeable than INFJ’s Ni eye toggle.
Whenever someone is talking to me and I have to pay special attention and/or add their words to memory, I slightly cock my head (right ear higher), and I narrow my eyes in focus. My eyes will sometimes shift to the right or straight up. BUT, if someone wants me to pull forth a memory (even if it's my birthday lol), I have to close eyes. If I'm trying to recall something particularly elusive (like a mostly forgotten song), then I close my eyes then clasp my hands behind my head, covering my ears with my forearms with my elbows sort of acting as blinders rofl. It's as if I have to completely block out the world. After watching this, I tried looking to the left. Whether up or down, it feels very unnatural and uncomfortable. I'll be sure to check out your links. Thanks for another awesome video.
I think it’s important to note that... 1) these are the usual directions of eye access. Some people are differently “wired” 2) You might more naturally focus on auditory, for example, than visual. Even if it’s a question about something that most would assume is a “visual content” question, you might naturally try to find a kinesthetic or auditory link first. Just something I noticed through studying it. “What kind of car did you first have?” Might cause you to recall the sounds or touch of the seat as opposed to the color or build.
Geek Psychology Thanks for the reply. I have what I call “delayed hearing”, lol. I need to see a person speak in order to fully process what’s being said... and then it sometimes takes a couple minutes for it to actually “click” (nothing wrong with my hearing, just my brain :D I don’t really know WHY I cock my head. Maybe it just helps me focus?) I do understand what you’re saying, though. I never really thought of it like that. I do have a moderate form of “aphantsia” (sp) if that matters at all (I think in spoken word, not images).
What’s your type? I habitually ask “what?” for, what I have decided, my brain to form thoughts around what’s going on. This is a little less awkward than just blanking out as I think. Lol. I have perfect sight and hearing too.
Geek Psychology lol, I blank out a lot myself :D I’m an INFP-A with HSP (which probably explains why I have to block EVERYTHING when trying to remember something).
I knew that Ne person would be like : Eyes going everywhere, but the body's stay still While Ni person would be like: Eyes centered, but the body's just moving and turn to anywhere. Idk if it's true or nah But my cousin who is a Ni person always said that me (Ne person) just avoiding eye contact to them:')
Do you know how that works for people with aphantasia? Like I have aphantasia since forever, that is I have neither visual nor auditory recall or imagination. I move my head and eyes while thinking but sometimes I believe I picked that up from TNG Data, trying to mimic 'normal people'. Sometimes I wonder why looking at a random spot is supposed to help me thinking.
Do any other INTJs do this? Very often when I'm working on some physical task, like screwing something together for example, my instinct is to stop looking at the object I'm working on and stare blankly (and out of focus) into the distance. Then I can see with my mind's eye what I'm working on with my hands. I often do this when I'm low on energy, but stuck working on a task, and my body just does this instinctively.
I have no clue what i am infp or infj. Ive gotten infj a few times and infp more on 16 personalities. Ive watched tons of videos and it seems like im an infj more. I relate more to them. But its difficult because i relate infp's as well. But i def do love my routines and im known for my infj stare lol
@@GeekPsychology a little bit but not well enough to really confirm so I've been trying to learn more about them recently. From your video I definitely seemed more like the infj explanation. I might be overanalyzing trying to find my concrete answer. Edit: I just realized autoplay was on while I commented and it posted on this video instead of the infp or Infj video lol
@@GeekPsychology ok I read quite a bit about the different functions and even the inferior functions of the types and I align more with an infj while I still do relate to infps sometimes. The cognitive functions helped a lot. Thank you I really appreciate it.
My eyes toggle a lot but I have the specific Ni zone out/in How can I have both? Type as infj both professionally but about 20 years ago, and legit every online test.
Well, we all have all of the cognitive functions and at all use our eyes to access different representational systems (visual, in this context). The video was mainly pointing out my observations about how often each type uses them.
@@GeekPsychology yes I understand we access all 8. I meant leading with....I feel like I show heavy Ni and Ne. And I was just looking for your opinion on that. :) ...trying to seek well versed opinions as I don't know if I believe my typing, that's all! Interestingly enough, when I test strictly cog. Functions both Ni and Ne score the highest followed by Ti.
I can't tell which one I am. I know I'm one of the green ones (intuitors). Or if I'm not, I'm ESFJ, xSFP or maybe ENTP I always test as ENFJ or INFJ but I'm messy and not really that elegant And I have no idea which ones my eyes do. I think both. Because xNFPs are dreamy so they go unfocused a lot.
Can someone make a bulletpoints of his arguments, please ? It'd be lovely. Since I'm not a native english speacker I may not understand everything in a 6 minutes long video.
My eyes tend to look at the upper corner of my eyes and tend to fixate on it and then look at the ground for a few moments. Is this Ni or Ne? I typed as an ENFJ during cognitive function tests.
If you have Ni you will automatically have Se, if you have Ne you will automatically have Si. So it doesn't matter what eyes Si/Se are, just look at Ni/Ne.
Si and Se eyes are very different from Ni and Ne eyes. I find Se users will look directly into your eyes but not staring, its like they're absorbing everything you're saying and doing but with a I'm so chilled look. I have Si eyes and when i talk to someone i tend to look away, i look at and take in my surroundings for those few seconds, then my eyes will shift to the eyes of the person im talking to as I'm pointing out facts or at the crux of my sentence, then i will look away again.
@@Magani79It's a spectrum really, mostly SPs with Ni as their third (ISFP, ISTP) that I met still have these "Ni stare" he describes. Their Se-Ni is more balance in usage than it is to Se dominant.
interesting, the Ni eyes you describe are the eyes I have when I space out.... and I've also heard that Ni is an unconscious function so maybe there's a connection there?
@@GeekPsychology i thought so because ENTPs are mostly interested in that subject INFPs mostly hate it because they don't need it for self-understanding🫡
Hence, the Ni “staring problem.” I can be looking in your direction, but that doesn’t mean I’m focusing on you. Or if I’m focusing on you, it’s not just “you,” but how you interact with the environment.
Can I show this comment to the next stranger in the grocery store who finds me "staring at them"(aka, lost in thought, momentarily on a different planet, and not paying enough attention to where my eyes go)?
I wasn't if I was an Ni user, with this comment I'm practically sure I am lol. Now to determine if I'm an INFJ or INTJ.
stop staring please
Thats ne problem, ni stare microscopically,
Ne dom me focusing someone like 2nd ni user trying to read me... while Me fake reading a book lol.
Its called plethoric vision or normal vision plus peripheral vision
Ni dom are the real deal but again it sucking up body Energy
Exept ni dom(4.5% in the world)
All the( 2nd to 4th) ni is nothing to ne doms (even has 5 seconds max intuition if needed, 2nd ni 3, 3rd is 2, 4th is 1 seconds may be)
Meaning ne create 10 different scenerios in extra 2 seconds always.. Makes anyone so difficult to argue with entp enfp (infj infp intj loves them btw)
Yeah, I have me them Ne eyes... the corner of the ceiling is where my brain thinks the teleprompter should be.
lol. Wouldn’t that just make everything easier!? Or would it just get in the way of looking inward for the answers...
Ne is all about generating possibilities
I agree Ni feels wreid as if you look at things, but don't see them sometimes, and see more in a way, but not stuff you look at.
I agree it's not tunnel vission. I'm aware of everything around me, but it's often blurry in my mind, because I kinda look more about concepts and mental than physical.
Omg after contacting with intj after some days when we’re talking i felt the same almost spiral n blurry n physical
Am I the only one that started looking around, trying to mimic how I normally look with my eyes? I know I can't be :p
I certainly did :P
Haha yeah, all over the place 😋
I did, lol :D
Probably not the only one, but instead of looking around, I'm just visualising how it looks (ENTJ).
When Ni users are in their comfort zone their eyes look/act like Ni but when Ni users are in any anxious nerve-wrecking situations they can start a bit of Ne eye movements.
As a presumed NI dominant, I can confirm on the not looking at one thing directly but being able to have a vision of what’s on the right and left and even Infront of you when you are looking down. I actually have a thing where when I’m asleep completely with my eyes closed, I will wake up if someone or even my dog stands at the entrance of my bedroom, they don’t even have to make any noise. I just know the second someone is near and automatically wake up. You did well on describing Ni vrs Ne eyes!
Thanks :) It was just something I felt I needed to finally talk about.
Do you get that uh... 6th sense... often? Or only in that situation?
Oh my god I’m Ni dominant and I’m the exact same. I immediately pick up what’s happening in my peripheral vision so if someone starts doing something from across the room I always notice it without directly looking, and people are like “I can’t believe you saw me do that, I didn’t think you were looking”. Sucks on the train though because I notice every single gross dude picking his nose :/ But it does come in handy as a teacher lol my students know they have to be extra sneaky to slip anything by me
"when I’m asleep completely with my eyes closed, I will wake up if someone or even my dog stands at the entrance of my bedroom, they don’t even have to make any noise." Sounds like a Se thing
I could nap and know what my kids were doing like that. Baby found something to put in mouth. I was right on it. (INFJ) I call it a sixth sense.
Mutant Macrophage hmmm could be
body language interests me so much, I think we can all learn so much from it! there's still so much to discover and study :) thank you for making this video, I had been looking for a clear explanation for a while, and you delivered it! all the love x
No problem. Just my thoughts on it. :)
I like your icon btw. Had a big crush on her when I was a younger! lol
@@GeekPsychology she's a cutie pie :D you're amazing
I find that talking to my ESTP coworker's pretty awkward as an ENTP. I always look everywhere except him when we talk but somehow, some way we always have a very productive conversation, and have both subtle and outbursts of laugh. Its weird though, how he can focus talking to me and everyone else at the room at the same time. Its like when hes there, he likes to make his presence known to EVERYONE!
me too,and the reason is i get distracted when looking at the person,
INFP here. High Ne user especially when I’m with people, but if I need to figure something out that’s complicated I need to be alone. I use Ni when I can’t figure something out with Ne/Si and it usually works. Just stare into space until the answer hits me. I didn’t realize what I was doing until learning about cognitive functions lol
I feel like the same but when I did the mbti test 5 years ago it typed me as INFP and now it type me as INTP for sure but I don’t understand how could someone go from demon Ti to savior Ti. In fact, I think that I’m just a weird INFP but I’ve been around so much xNTx person that I become used to think like them, I mean I have a science diploma but I’m studying 3D animation so I cannot really be a single observer like INFJ or ENFP, I should be a double observer but I feel like both my Fi and Te are strong which doesn’t make sense
I'm INTP. When reading your comment, I just realized this. I do the same thing. When I am trying to figure out something difficult, I stare in one spot. When I'm just having random thoughts or talking, I'm looking around a lot.
I have the Ni-eyes, I just spaced out a lot constantly since everything is buffering in my head. The Se really picks up the details then feed it to my Ni.
It's a different world to me, man. I can only understand it second-hand
@@GeekPsychology Haha, it's been so long I've been to your channel then stumbled on it again accidentally. What type are you again mister?
You ever get the feeling if it weren't for Ni-Se you'd be kinda dumb?
The analyzing, the picking up on emotions, the sudden drops of information when you're doing something else (or the aha moments), the zoning out when someone is talking but you still somehow get the gist of what they were saying enough to keep the conversation flowing, the getting a vibe from meeting someone almost immediately and being right about them.
I do all the time, so I'm wondering if you do.
@@dante7817 I've made the comment before I was formally diagnosed with ADHD. I guess I am "dumb" to most people but not really. If I spaced out I'd just excuse myself and asked them again. If they think you're rude for asking then they're really not your people. At least to my perspective it's me trying to be the same page as they are, if they get that then they're my people. I've learned to stay on the same page rather than letting those pages blank. I want my conversations to be meaningful. Hopefully my answers quench your curiosity.
Me as an Ne dom can relate to always looking around to recall or construct my words when I'm talking. When my words are polished enough I can directly stare into their eyes but most of the time I'm not 🤣 because most of the time I don't think carefully enough when I'm talking to someone. I just blew it all out of my mouth even if it's not yet finish processing.
Infj here, Very nice. Yep, you got it with the diffuse "seeing" not looking : )
My buddy was in the early trainings with Richard Bandler, we've had some deep "chats."
He also administers biofeedback, with the gear and the guages. I learned so much about breathing and breathing naturally from that. Nlp has been an interest for a few decades, good stuff, been in some interesting circles. Used to crew for T. Robbins, incredible training.
Good vid, thanks!
Wow that’s awesome, Steve. Sounds like you were surrounded by some cool people.
I am not sure if this theory is correct: Ni does not move their eyes much because they are not looking at the object only (Se) but they are just disengaged from themselves (Ni) looking at everything equally (big picture).
sagent6 I’m pretty sure you’re correct. I’ve read and heard this too.
That's what the man said. He said *Ne* move their eyes a lot, not Ni.
@@legendzfall those that have Ni have Se too and can't sit in one place for more than a few seconds
I love how to use your words, I am Arabic and I do not speak English very well but I can understand you, this is wonderful❤️❤️❤️❤️
Damn! Someone so quickly just simplified that daydreaming, double-reality imagination land I could never really understand...”that focus of unfocus.” That’s cool 😎
This is interesting! I don't know how valid vultology & typing via microexpressions is, but I have certainly noticed patterns with Ne/Si vs Ni/Se in both eye movenents and speech patterns. The intense stare you mentioned is actually something I associate more with Se (which is, of course, linked to Ni) but Se-doms, in particular, tend to make intense eye contact. You didn't mention this in your video, but NJs are often said to have an "Ni toggle" where their eyes make small but rapid movements side to side on a horizontal plane (could also be called "lateral/horizontal nystagmus" for any med students out there). Linking to the idea you discussed about the parts of your memory or thinking you're accessing when your eyes move in a certain direction, I was just thinking, the "Ni toggle" could be associated with rapidly going back & forth between accessing auditory memory and language construction. This got me thinking about Dario Nardi's research and how INTJs show activity in the T4 region of their brain, which picks up on tone of voice. Seems to check out!
I don't know how valid it is either - which is why I tried to preface it with the fact that these were my connections through NLP and cognitive functions. Oooh.. Ok.. that Ni toggle through T4 and T3 (I assume?) sounds interesting. I'll ask him if there's anything to report on it...
Are you an NJ? I know Ni has a keen connection to language and seeing how, as personality hacker says, Ni will notice that when one person talks about a tea pot, for example, the other person may have a completely different image in mind - their own tea pot. And when you expand that to different domains like ... dignity, love, happiness ... things can quickly get out of hand with the intended meaning of words.
@@GeekPsychology I'm actually an NP, but I've had plenty of misunderstandings with people, after which, or during which, I eventually realize that their reaction to what I said, or their perception of my reaction to what they said, resulted from differing definitions and connotations of words. I'd like to think my Ne is pretty good at realizing people can have multiple interpretations, and my own impressed Si associations help me realize others have their own unique associations with words as symbols. But I suppose it's often only through experience and hindsight (Si again?) that I gain clarity on those issues.
I'm pretty sure the word "toggle," in this context, refers to the eye-movement (appearing to jump suddenly from left to right, back and forth) rather than the EEG, so I'm not sure about T3. I haven't read any of Nardi's books and am not super familiar with his research in detail. I just happened to have watched a newer interview with him where he mentioned that T4 lights up in INTJs, and that the T4 region is associated with tone of voice and intention. If I recall correctly though, it might have been both INTJs and ISTJs that show activity in this region, which doesn't necessarily fit the Ni theory to a T, but I'd have to think on it more. Just a possible connection that could validate the theory I thought I'd throw out there. Dario Nardi was interviewed by Binyamin Tsadik in the particular video I'm referring to, in case you want to watch it for yourself to see exactly what he said.
im Ni dom and i used to work as a lifeguard where we would get audited on how well we were « scanning » the pool. I always thought it was stupid to move my eyes in a repetitive pattern, and they wanted us to complete each scan in less than 20 seconds. i never felt like i was seeing everything so i just kind of made my own system for scanning the pool. I actually ended up getting reported to my supervisor because my coworker thought my eyes werent moving the way they should be. and now I understand that my brain literally just doesn’t work that way.
Fascinating real-life example. Thank you ^^
This is an interesting idea when you think of psychological therapies such as EMDR. I like what you pointed out- the looking back and forth as the way Ne and Si meet. That really tracks with the idea that EMDR can help a person to re-process unpleasant/traumatic memories or feelings from the past and see them in a new and less traumatic way. Interesting stuff.
I know a bit about EMDR but haven’t officially studied it. I took a course in IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy).
@@GeekPsychology I had never heard of IEMT before, but after I read your comment I looked it up. What a cool new therapy technique! Our eye movements are already proven to be an important tool our body uses to process (like in REM sleep, etc.). I love that we are now utilizing this tool for other things!
Haha 😂As an INFJ I always get those unfocused Ni eyes 👀 I had no idea that it had to do with being an NJ but it kind of makes sense. 🤔 It feels like taking a break from all sensory stuff and being able to be more inside my head and kind of widen your mind and view.. ^^
IDK about direction. When I'm thinking I just stare straight ahead of me and I actually lose my vision and sometimes hearing completely at that point. It's like I'm elsewhere. Only my Se is running in the background and (hopefully) keeping me from driving into a tree, as this often happens when I'm driving.
When I'm thinking about stuff or talking, I'm always looking back and forth at things in the room. Usually go to the same spots over and over almost in a pattern. I haven't paid too much detailed attention to it, but I've just noticed that I tend to look around at various spots when I'm thinking or talking, and usually it is up, toward the ceiling. I'm INTP.
I read some comments and an INFP person stated that when they're trying to figure something out they stare in one spot and I realized I do that too. So when I'm talking or thinking random thoughts (stream of consciousness) I look around a lot. But when I'm trying to figure something out that is difficult, I stare in one spot.
Hm... Well it's difficult because an INFP has Si and Ne. So it's like they're generating possibilities with external connections intuitively using Ne, but then they're also reflecting on past experience, and their own experience, (Si) is on axis with their Ne. So their own past experiences will have influence over the possibilities they're generating. And also, the way they view their memories will be kept responsible with external intuitive connections.
A person with Ni+Se like maybe an INFJ, will use their physical eyes to look at the experience as a whole with Se (versus just their own experience with Si) and they will make internal connections intuitively with Ni.
So when an Ni user seems to be looking at one object, but they also see the rest of the surroundings along with it? That is definitely an Se thing, especially since your physical sight, and other physical senses have everything to do with Se.
Then the whole looking down and recalling thing, would be Si.
If we're talking Ne/Ni,
Ne would likely be the function that picks up on everything in your surroundings, and the more short term, immediate future. Where as Ni is going to be what is very focused and more like tunnel vision. That's what let's Ni users see into the more distant future.
Ne you get a wider, shorter range. Where with Ni, you get a narrower, but longer, more focused range.
Ne is quicker and Ni is slower.
All the extroverted functions are faster than the introverted functions. But the introverted functions are going to be able to let a person see that deeper level.
Te is quick and rational, but can sometimes mistake something that sounds reasonable, or rational, for the actual truth.
Where as, with Ti, you're going to have less speed than Te, but you're going to be able to find the gaps and inconsistencies that Te missed. It's kind of like Te is running and hustling to organize everything rationally, while Ti is slowly walking, taking it all in to slowly put together a more detailed picture. So Ti will let you see that deeper truth with logic, but it is at the expense of the efficiency and speed that rationale has (Te). - Just an example of the differences between extraverted and introverted variants of functions.
Anyone that uses Ni will have Se and anyone that uses Ne will have Si. So that may be why it seems like Ni+Se users have a widened more broad physical view of things as opposed to a Ne+Si user.
But while that may be true on a physical level, on an intuitive level, the Ne user is going to have a wider intuitive view, while the Ni user is actually going to have the narrower intuitive view.
Why does this have so few upvotes?
Apart from being a day old, lol.
Hey, I'm a stupid INFJ ;)
@@martakoakowska9872 Lol you're good I am too. I didn't think your reply was dumb though. And I'm glad you like the comment
Correction: Ni is the fastest Function.
You're completely misrepresenting Ni, no offence. Ni is the most big-picture function of all- it does not have a narrower range. Also, all Extroverted functions are faster is bullshit. INTJs and INFJs score the highest in the processing speed subtest of IQ tests.
@@vijaysundarrajan1785 sure, they both are movement types, I'd like to know where you're finding your information on the "processing speeds" of different types on IQ tests. And I'd like to know how I can verify how the participants of the tests were typed. Because INFJs have an ENFP unconscious and INTJs have ENTP unconscious.
There's a possibility that these INTJs and INFJs you are referring to could even be mistyped to be even faster types.
However it could be accurate and INTJ and INFJ may actually be faster during testing. Ni can help us to intensely focus on a task when we want to. And these two types can typically perform very well against most of the other types in pretty much anything they set their minds to.
However, the speed doesn't come from Ni. Leading with Ni makes us very perceptive, and big picture, sure, but Ni is certainly not faster than Ne.
High Ne users can scatter their attention easily and I can guarantee that it could also factor into results of speed during tests. (If your pool of information you're drawing from is actually any good.)
Ni dominant has high Ne unconscious that certainly helps with speed, because it can help conscious Ni along a bit.
Ne is definitely faster though if we're just examining them individually. And INTJs/INFJs scoring with faster performance times on tests is not good enough information to prove your point, even if what you claim is true.
There are so many other factors that you are not considering or taking into account. What type are you?
w0ah, this is awesome! i'm a left-handed entp and it's flipped for me. i look to my right when i'm accessing memories and my conscience.
Haha that's so interesting! All of my ISFJ friends will always make comments to me like "what are you looking at? Where are you looking?" as I'm talking because I shift my eyes so much. I don't even realize I do it most of the time. It's either shifty eyes or unforgiving eye contact. There is zero chill.
Wow, just did the “hakalau” exercise in my room. Feel like a jedi. Thank you 🙏
Very good description demonstration of Ni
The conclusions that can be drawn here indicate not only that typical type behaviours can be tracked to the level of cerebral actions but also that they are used by all people, some just have them more frequently than the others. We are all humans after all with similar capabilities.
Thank you brother.
Keep growing stronger.
I'm an INFP and since I do zen meditation my eyes don't move that much anymore. It's like I'm using more ni now.
I learned about NLP back in the 90's. I tried a trick using it to learn how to spell a tough word like Albuquerque. It had to do with position your eyes and learning the word in chunks. The challenge was put to me to learn to spell it backwards using the NLP method. I actually only can spell Albuquerque by spelling it backwards. NLP works so well, that I've never forgotten! 😆 (Ni hero INFJ here).
The NLP spelling strategy is good. Split words into different chunks and colors. Position it (likely) up and to the left of your face so your eyes access visual recall.
Take a picture in your mind and practice it a bit.
It's honestly bizarre, I have intense eye contact but when I'm thinking and elaborating on answers I look down and I can really envision what I'll say next I love brains bro.
Wow this video really took off. 10k views already, good job!
Yeah... wtf? lol. I mean, I had a plan and did research for the video’s marketing, but something beyond me was working in the background. lol
In the brain, there is only a small piece that connects the left and right. The rest is not connected. So we have to evolve a way to stimulate their connection, by looking left and right. I read somewhere that the ability to talk is stored on one side of the brain, but the ability to sing is stored on the other side; that is why when people get a stroke on one side of the brain and they can’t even talk, so need to go to a speech therapist to recover their ability to talk...the therapist asks them to sing! Suddenly, they can sing despite still not being able to talk! So our thoughts from both sides need to be brought together by accessing both sides.
Its been a while since I saw a video from you so the greenscreen caught me off guard. Also the lighting makes it more surreal lol
Wow that is actually so true! If I'm creating an image to draw, I stare at the right. If I try to remember, I stare at the left. :D Nice!
to the left to the left
Dude I love this. I have Se Ni blend in my eyes I'll look around than I just stare like in an Ni way
This is a really interesting observation! I, an INTP, can definitely relate to Ne eyes. They bounce around a lot and they also look kinda blunt and judging, i would say (probably because of Ti). I also have a couple of theories about functions and how they appear in our body language. Would you cover other functions too?
The "intj and infp coffee" channel covers body language
I'm not sure about Ne type but as an INFJ I have been told by some to not look at them with those cat eyes~ as if I'm looking into their soul. Also when I try to explain things I tend to hold severe eye contact for very long time and end up in awkward situations.
I'm so relieved that you know you have Ne eyes. I'm not familiar with your content, but in the beginning when you were looking directly at the camera I was afraid you were trying to mimic Ni because that's what you thought you were. I think NPs always struggle with this. Looking directly at the camera leads to such an uncomfortable loss of mental productivity..
I enjoyed watching and learning and this helped me how to catch fraud in my company
Yeah true enough I don't have specific corner vision to describe when I'm thinking. I'd stop and stare wherever I'm at and recall.
When I'm talking to people or thinking extremely then I have them Ne eyes. But when I'm daydreaming or in a state of mindfullness then I pull an Ni eyes.
absolutely same... I don't know what type this makes me
Heyyy anyone of you 2guys ...got the answer
Such an easy way to spot a Ne user.
As an enfp, I don’t find myself having the sort of eyes you describe for ne users. Mine are more like the ni eyes, as I’m looking inside the web of ideas in my brain at the larger picture or idea that they create, the “main idea or conclusion” so to speak.
Thank you for this such good stuff
Ne dom and I can't relate. I am always unfocused with my eyes totally spaced out and in my own head.
boatfullogoats same....
I get like that as well. Sometimes days in a row when I feel out of focus and stuck in Ni mode 😂
I think there is a misconception here. It seems that since they are both intuitive functions, neither is really focused on the immediate physical environment. They are both involved with perceptions going on in the mind, but work differently - and so, spaced out and in the head in some way. NE is pulling from the SI memories as from an artist's paint pallet in order to reframe, invent, or design a creative idea. Another interesting thought is that some NE users struggle to quickly find the words to frame an idea and they gaze upward as they search for the language to express a concept. There is also an attentional flash of insight that is hard to catch hold of and easily lost or interrupted due to being bombarded with so many other ideas and mental stimuli simultaneously.
Hey man .i like the way you explain things 🙂
Thanks ^^
is this why I always prefer my headphones on my right ear?
To see a great example of the Ni eye toggle, check out any interview with Elon Musk. INTJ’s Ni eye toggle is way more noticeable than INFJ’s Ni eye toggle.
Jane Elon is an INTP,
hot take: elon is a ni dom but an infj.
Elon Musk is an intj 💯
Some say he's an intp
Did Elon Musk share with ya’ll his MBTI results, if he took the test?
This is great. Please do Si and Se next.
I have some thoughts on Se. Will have to ruminate on Si :)
Sometimes when I am talking I stare so intensely that people turn to look at what I am “seeing.” What is that about from the NLP perspective?
Whenever someone is talking to me and I have to pay special attention and/or add their words to memory, I slightly cock my head (right ear higher), and I narrow my eyes in focus. My eyes will sometimes shift to the right or straight up.
BUT, if someone wants me to pull forth a memory (even if it's my birthday lol), I have to close eyes. If I'm trying to recall something particularly elusive (like a mostly forgotten song), then I close my eyes then clasp my hands behind my head, covering my ears with my forearms with my elbows sort of acting as blinders rofl.
It's as if I have to completely block out the world.
After watching this, I tried looking to the left. Whether up or down, it feels very unnatural and uncomfortable.
I'll be sure to check out your links. Thanks for another awesome video.
I think it’s important to note that...
1) these are the usual directions of eye access. Some people are differently “wired”
2) You might more naturally focus on auditory, for example, than visual. Even if it’s a question about something that most would assume is a “visual content” question, you might naturally try to find a kinesthetic or auditory link first. Just something I noticed through studying it. “What kind of car did you first have?” Might cause you to recall the sounds or touch of the seat as opposed to the color or build.
Geek Psychology Thanks for the reply. I have what I call “delayed hearing”, lol. I need to see a person speak in order to fully process what’s being said... and then it sometimes takes a couple minutes for it to actually “click” (nothing wrong with my hearing, just my brain :D I don’t really know WHY I cock my head. Maybe it just helps me focus?)
I do understand what you’re saying, though. I never really thought of it like that.
I do have a moderate form of “aphantsia” (sp) if that matters at all (I think in spoken word, not images).
What’s your type?
I habitually ask “what?” for, what I have decided, my brain to form thoughts around what’s going on. This is a little less awkward than just blanking out as I think. Lol. I have perfect sight and hearing too.
Geek Psychology lol, I blank out a lot myself :D I’m an INFP-A with HSP (which probably explains why I have to block EVERYTHING when trying to remember something).
watched this video years ago and now im back after watching my first tv appearance lmao I was doing Ne eyes in the sky like a mf😂
Transderivational searching all over the place for connected ideas ^^
Contests on your TV appearance
That's so interesting man, holy -ENFJ
I knew that
Ne person would be like : Eyes going everywhere, but the body's stay still
While Ni person would be like: Eyes centered, but the body's just moving and turn to anywhere. Idk if it's true or nah
But my cousin who is a Ni person always said that me (Ne person) just avoiding eye contact to them:')
This actually seems really accurate, from my experience at least
Do you know how that works for people with aphantasia? Like I have aphantasia since forever, that is I have neither visual nor auditory recall or imagination. I move my head and eyes while thinking but sometimes I believe I picked that up from TNG Data, trying to mimic 'normal people'. Sometimes I wonder why looking at a random spot is supposed to help me thinking.
Perfect example of complete focus for INFPs is Derek Jeter former shortstop of the Yankees.
Sooo handsome 😍
Kati Anerson
Oh awesome:)
Do any other INTJs do this? Very often when I'm working on some physical task, like screwing something together for example, my instinct is to stop looking at the object I'm working on and stare blankly (and out of focus) into the distance. Then I can see with my mind's eye what I'm working on with my hands. I often do this when I'm low on energy, but stuck working on a task, and my body just does this instinctively.
I wouldn't say Ni vision accesses more of your brain. I would say it accesses *different parts* of your brain.
I have no clue what i am infp or infj. Ive gotten infj a few times and infp more on 16 personalities. Ive watched tons of videos and it seems like im an infj more. I relate more to them. But its difficult because i relate infp's as well. But i def do love my routines and im known for my infj stare lol
Do you know the cognitive functions?
@@GeekPsychology a little bit but not well enough to really confirm so I've been trying to learn more about them recently. From your video I definitely seemed more like the infj explanation. I might be overanalyzing trying to find my concrete answer. Edit: I just realized autoplay was on while I commented and it posted on this video instead of the infp or Infj video lol
INFP and INFJ use all different cognitive functions, so learning those would be really helpful.
Also just the basics of being a Judger vs Perceiver.
@@GeekPsychology ok I read quite a bit about the different functions and even the inferior functions of the types and I align more with an infj while I still do relate to infps sometimes. The cognitive functions helped a lot. Thank you I really appreciate it.
This is so so good. You are so intense and warm and attractive 😊💚
the Ni stare can be terrifying (xNeSix/infp); when I'm told "look at me in the eyes" or something 😅damn i get pissed
Sounds like Ni is pseudo-disassociation. Very interesting. Also, are you an ENFJ? (Testing my mbti-radar). Thx :)
My eyes toggle a lot but I have the specific Ni zone out/in
How can I have both?
Type as infj both professionally but about 20 years ago, and legit every online test.
Well, we all have all of the cognitive functions and at all use our eyes to access different representational systems (visual, in this context).
The video was mainly pointing out my observations about how often each type uses them.
@@GeekPsychology yes I understand we access all 8. I meant leading with....I feel like I show heavy Ni and Ne.
And I was just looking for your opinion on that. :)
...trying to seek well versed opinions as I don't know if I believe my typing, that's all!
Interestingly enough, when I test strictly cog. Functions both Ni and Ne score the highest followed by Ti.
I can't tell which one I am. I know I'm one of the green ones (intuitors). Or if I'm not, I'm ESFJ, xSFP or maybe ENTP
I always test as ENFJ or INFJ but I'm messy and not really that elegant
And I have no idea which ones my eyes do. I think both. Because xNFPs are dreamy so they go unfocused a lot.
I’m an Ni, but I use Ne eyes all the time. Why is that?
i know that already and told others about it
yet they judged me
meeeh you can't tell by look or by eyes
I'm INTP and I stare at people am I Ni type ? A lot people say my eyes stare make them get stressed. But I do Ne Si when I'm staring at people.
Are you on the spectrum?
Can someone make a bulletpoints of his arguments, please ? It'd be lovely. Since I'm not a native english speacker I may not understand everything in a 6 minutes long video.
thats very entp from me
very interesting
I thought so!
When I watch this, I absolutely believe I'm not Ni-Se and I rarely use my Ne-Si eyes
An FBI video on YT has debunked some of these body language cues presented here. They said looking to the left doesn’t not mean the person is lying.
My eyes tend to look at the upper corner of my eyes and tend to fixate on it and then look at the ground for a few moments. Is this Ni or Ne? I typed as an ENFJ during cognitive function tests.
ENTP = Ne for sure.
Do Ni home in like looking into a microscope?
what if as an Ne one of my eyes is unable to look in one direction? does that make it harder to recall things?
this video claims the exact opposite of the one by casual cognition?
SO interesting
In essence, NI is flow.
what about dreaming vs thinking? Or is there no difference in the eyes?
😂😂 creepy when it's true. I have Ni parent and people get weirded out when i get that look 😅
Interesting. I thought it was caffeine overdose
are there Si and Se eyes too?
If you have Ni you will automatically have Se, if you have Ne you will automatically have Si. So it doesn't matter what eyes Si/Se are, just look at Ni/Ne.
@@paul2609 not really...an SP is gonna be different from NJ.
There is a difference between Se-Ni and Ni-Se
Same goes for SJ and NP
Si and Se eyes are very different from Ni and Ne eyes. I find Se users will look directly into your eyes but not staring, its like they're absorbing everything you're saying and doing but with a I'm so chilled look.
I have Si eyes and when i talk to someone i tend to look away, i look at and take in my surroundings for those few seconds, then my eyes will shift to the eyes of the person im talking to as I'm pointing out facts or at the crux of my sentence, then i will look away again.
@@Magani79It's a spectrum really, mostly SPs with Ni as their third (ISFP, ISTP) that I met still have these "Ni stare" he describes. Their Se-Ni is more balance in usage than it is to Se dominant.
Is this proven anywhere / scientific info (and where :) or just speculation?
I'm also guilty of looking derpy
Basically it's like going into alpha brain frequency?
interesting, the Ni eyes you describe are the eyes I have when I space out.... and I've also heard that Ni is an unconscious function so maybe there's a connection there?
Great at 1.25 speed (you're welcome Es)
Why settle for 1.25? I watch everything in 2x
im so sorry but i cant help be mesmerised by your attractive face...and your sweater looks like it has stock images watermarks😂😅
Se eyes go like tht as well, around
you are an ENTP
Me? No. INFP
@@GeekPsychology i thought so because ENTPs are mostly interested in that subject
INFPs mostly hate it because they don't need it for self-understanding🫡
lol i was pretty sure i was NI but i have NE eyes
0:52 oh my lord it scares me lol hahahaha