Corgi need to do a Thinderbird 1. There are too many versions of T2. Change the record aales people. Thunderbird 1 needs to have retractable landing legs folding out from under the wings, and stands on its own weight Come on, Corgi, you can do it, please. TB1 please in this,range...add a bit of originality.
Never felt T2 was corgis finest effort however stingray is excellent.
Corgi need to do a Thinderbird 1. There are too many versions of T2. Change the record aales people.
Thunderbird 1 needs to have retractable landing legs folding out from under the wings, and stands on its own weight
Come on, Corgi, you can do it, please. TB1 please in this,range...add a bit of originality.