I didn’t know what CrossFit was until I showed up. That was 4.5 years ago and I am in the best shape of my life! My every day lifestyle is completely different. I eat healthy, I cut out almost all alcohol and sugar and I don’t miss any of it. It was the best thing I ever did for myself.
Same here. I saw a bunch of people flipping large tyres and thought, "I want to do that". That's when I looked more into it and began my fitness journey. Before then, I was an office worker who would go home and not do any fitness whatsoever.
Helped me get moving. Since I started in February (after reading extreme ownership) I have dropped 30 lbs so far, more importantly I am off the couch, excited to exercise, and I have lost ten inches off my waist.
Igive props to Crossfit for bringing lifting gear, sleeves, shoes, etc. to a mainstream market. It was of great help to powerlifting, weighlifting and strongman, even if indirectly.
Absolutely! The availability of high quality equipment has sky rocketed since crossfit. People forget Powerlifting, and Olympic lifting were dying before crossfit. And the only quality bars were $500+
ianAEF I hadn’t thought about this. I do traditional weightlifting and I was able to build an entire home gym for a fraction of the cost that it would have been 10 years ago. Retail is cheaper and there are way more options on used equipment. In that sense, CrossFit has helped me a lot lol.
@@dt7603 There is not any data to support powerlifing and olympic lifting "dying" before crossfit. There is also no sufficient data to support crossfit directly or indirectly increasing the number of powerlifting or olympic lifting competitors or practitioners. There is data to show, that women taking on strength training, interest in strongman competitions, etc. increased in the late 1990's. This would be a 5 years to 1 year prior to Crossfit emerging in 2000. That said, while it "emerged" in 2000, it didn't have an elevated trajectory until the 2004-2015 period of rapid growth, then back down to a modest 2% growth rate that it has since maintained. There is data to show that interest in crossfit, calisthenics programs, and military style circuit training has increased the competition for items suck as wraps, rings, racks etc. - and whenever competition enters a market - 2 things occur: overall price, and quality, go down. That said - yes, being able to get rings with reasonable quality straps for under 50 bucks (including x-ring mounts) is awesome, and can be partially attributed to the rise of crossfit. None if its positive impacts however, validate its methodology (not my opinion, but a logical fact) or justify its marketing strategy (in my opinion). It should also be noted: the rise of internet, smart phones, and youtube can be directly attributed to overall trend of any fitness program popularity.
I’m a CrossFit box member and even I agree that CrossFit needs to eliminate bazaar workouts like kipping pull-ups, handstand push-ups, and handstand walking. These things have nothing to do with fitness but CrossFit wants to stay weird and remain a fringe sport.
From an objective scientific prospective, there are more efficient ways to grow muscle, gain endurance, gain strength than the crossfit mindset. Sure, you will see some benefits, but I'd argue you could get even more in other training routes. But if it's what gets you off the couch, I'm not gonna crucify you for it, just trying to educate people who are naïve to fitness. Not to mention the number of injuries we see from it as a physician myself.
Crossfit helped me enjoy cardio. It taught me not to be afraid of lifting heavy weights. It helped me push through and not give up during a workout. I eat better because I feel the difference in my workouts and overall energy throughout the day. It changed my life for the better.
Learned everything there is about the key lifts (Bench/OHPs, Deadlifts, below parallel squats, pull-ups/rows as the major priorities for strength), as well as learning lots of skills with CrossFit as my starter: jump rope (yeah, childhood wasn't that complete lol), handstands, pull-ups (for the record, I never even did any, nor know how to do the butterfly/zero pull-ups) As I leaned more into bodybuilding movements and integrating them more in my lifting forms, I'll always be grateful for learning lots in my first year of lifting with CrossFit
I actually like how Crossfit is more than just exercise or working out, but is has a community. The box invites beginners and has them do a WOD with a group, and that builds relationships and makes the workout even more fun.
I remember doing deadlifts and squats at a commercial gym in the early 2000's and being told those are dangerous movements and that I should stop. I was asked to stop deadlifting one time because a lady complained I was being too loud. As a rule thumb, I will not go to a gym if it doesn't have squat racks and deadlift platforms.
Where are you from??? People were shocked????? you were doing squats and deadlifts and people said it was dangerous? Ever since i started lifting, I’ve always incorporated those lifts and that was in the mid 90’s
The Crossfit method is awesome (strongest and highest endurance I ever had), but coaches vary obviously. I was fortunate to have an Olympic lift coach so I never worried about form or injury. What I didn't know was gonna bush wack me was cancer! lol
I'm sorry it hit you man. Yeah, I was in the best shape of my life, stronger than ever, when cancer found me. I hope you're doing well now. It's difficult to even walk normally now. There's just a new norm, but hope for betterment in each day. We all just get one day at a time. I hope you attain thankfulness for something each day forward. Best wishes!
Mark Lishman my hunch is that the sudden increase in metabolism through exercise favors those rogue cells. Acidity from the protein like diet does not help either. Be careful and seek second opinions, some people out there only sell treatments and that will cause problems. Killing the cancer is only half the battle, the rest is somehow maintaining your body with foods that heal rather than inflame through a treatment that is damaging.
CrossFit has helped me with my strength for my job as an EMT and I love the community and how everyone just encourages each other. I have done movements I never thought I’d ever be able to do and working on pull ups and muscle ups and overcoming an imitation for barbell work. I love barbell work now.
The dichotomy of Crossfit: Great for the fitness industry- equipment availability, bringing barbell and gymnastic training to the forefront, widely promoting fitness Bad for actual training- Constant variation (bad for progress), performance mindset (are you training or competing in your workouts), Olympic lifts for reps, bad form instruction (kipping and swinging), ignorance of volume landmarks and proper periodization, etc.
Jared Nelson the only one ignorant here is you. It’s variance, not randomness, very different. There is a periodization in CrossFit, but you don’t know. Also kipping is done in competition, like running instead of walking lunges. Or you do weighted walking lunges in a 100mt run? 😂 During training you do STRICT movements. Inform yourself.
@@casualarrogance Variance, randomness- whatever you want to call it- is bad for attaining any skill. The body only adapts to consistently applied stimulus. As for your, "strict movements" maybe your box trains with strict form, but there are countless cases of others who don't. Regardless, kipping and cheating have no place in training OR competition, as they erase the objective standards by which competitors are judged.
Jared Nelson CrossFit competitions are not made for training strength. Or you think rowing on a boat in a race has the same stimulus as barbell rows? What a clueless guy. Stick to your training if don’t know anything else.
@@casualarrogance Varying your training to the point that there is constant novelty is the surest way to go nowhere in any particular direction. In the strength and conditioning field this is called, "Program hopping." Sure, one can become generally fit with crossfit training, but it is very suboptimal for improvement by any objective standard. I'm not trashing crossfit. I'm simply pointing out its flaws- many of which can be correct by following modern periodization and training with appropriate specificity.
I practice both Crossfit and just started Jiu Jitsu. I think the main problem is big Ego’s and expect instant results. There are no secret recipies and you just have to put in the work. Crossfit taught me the benefits of funcional fitness and pushing hard and realizing I had a lot of shortcomings due to lack of mobility and bad form. Is it healthy to go 100% every workout? Or always competing with the other guy just for the sake of lifting heavier or finish earlier? Most definately not! Leave your ego at the door and you will get better and fitter. Combined with a healthy meal plan and enough rest. Just enjoy the journey with an open mind, work on your weak points and don’t overdo it.
I love crossfit. My entire athletic background growing up was swimming, so, I had no idea what i was doing when I first stepped into the gym. My crossfit gym has some fantastic coaches, who have taught me how to lift and exercise correctly. I've built up my strength, as well as developed a much better resistance to high impact exercises.
We just started the Army Combat Fitness Test today, it’s good. Now the twigs that can only muster 43-50 pushups but can run 11:00 2 miles are being beat by the PT Studs that also lift heavy. It’s more overall applicable and fair. (17 Echo - Fort Gordon, Georgia. 15th Signal Brigade, Cyber Training Battalion)
Certain types of Crossfit exercises are great for cardio when combined with the time limit. However, there is a really simple reason why most people who consistently do Crossfit end up getting injured... It's not safe to do Olympic lifting for time. You will eventually sacrifice form in order to get more reps in because you're against the clock and competing with other people, and in doing so, you will inevitably injure yourself.
Please name a sport or any form of exercise where there are no injuries. The most injuries of any sport comes from running. Look it up. If you are pushing yourself in anything, injuries are part of the game. I've been doing CF for 12 years, competed at the Crossfit Games twice, and yers I've been injured, but only a handful of times. My point is every sport has injuries. Its part of being an athlete.
look man- i was a weak, unconditioned guy before i started crossfit, i decided to join the army and thought crossfit would help me out in getting fitter. now i’m stronger than i ever have been and getting stronger everyday. crossfit is the best.
Theres def issues with CF (movements that strain poorly developed rotator cuffs, limited periodization, mob mentality) but theres good things too (getting people to SQ, DL, on the spot correction of form) . I go to a globo gym and a box (globo has babysitting) and what I see at globo scares me. Trainers putting people on leg press, rounded back deadlifts, half depth squats. That shit wouldnt fly at my box. For all of you that knock CF, if youve havent tried it, sit down and shut up. If you have tried it, please continue the criticism: We are listening and want to get better. Good luck to everyone. I hope you find what works for you.
What Jocko said was perfectly accurate. CrossFit didn’t invent any movements but they embraced every movement as a whole of fitness approach. The only thing I’d argue with in what he said was that CrossFit isn’t “random” - at least the strength programming should not be random, the workouts are programmed to be random because they’re designed to stop you plateauing, it’s about intensity of the workout not necessarily what the movements are.
Yeah people don’t understand that in CrossFit there are so many movements to get stronger at. It’s not easy to program. Yes you do have to focus on getting your core lifts stronger and maybe do some extra stuff outside the gym.
I did crossfit for years and hurt myself a few times but still think it's a good thing. You have to be humble about your limits (or at least that was my challenge). I was an above average athlete growing up, and when I got in there, I was out of shape and didn't like the fact that people could beat me. I got competitive and over did it a couple of times. Crossfit is a tool. It's up to you to use it responsibly.
I watched too much Infinite Elgintensity to have any respect left for CrossFit. It's just like the "McDojo" problem; there are WAY too many ignorant trainers looking for disciples.
Yeah my friends who trained crossfit got inured more then i did in my mma training after that im not going into crossfit at lest not without a super legit coach
I agree with you there are 5 crappy gym owners for every 1 great gym. That is why you do your research and make your own informed decisions about where you choose to work out.
So is CrossFit to blame or the people themselves who most likely did not leave their ego at the door? Honest question. It's the coach's job to not let people lift incorrectly or lift too much weight if they are not ready for it. So it could be bad coach's or their own ego, but is it really CrossFit's fault?
A roman chair, pull up bar, dip bar is cheaper in the long run then 150 monthly. I have my own equipment lots of the equipment i built myself saving more money. Totally worth it then wasting money at crossfit
Makes total sense. I only pay $90/month for my CF gym. A lot of people need that community and people holding them accountable. That’s what they pay for. I sometimes workout at home by myself and it’s fine but having people there to compete with helps so much. My sister never worked out and I told her to go to CrossFit and now she goes 5 days a week and loves it. It’s all she talks about.
I do Crossfit and recommend it. However, I believe that it does not matter what physical activity a person does. Yoga, weight lifting, cycling, swimming, body building, running, etc. As long as people are doing something physical everyday is what matters. The only activity that is unacceptable is sitting on your butt doing nothing. Have a nice day and train hard :) Andrew
True but if you're going to train you may as well do so intelligently, and make better progress. Following the standard Crossfit workouts will lead to stagnation eventually. That said, Crossfit is still a lot more intelligent than what most people do at the gym (a treadmill and/or half-assed bodybuilding with machines).
Also depends on your CrossFit gym. A lot of shit gyms out there that give it a bad name. Once you find the right gym that actually understands how to properly program, CrossFit’s a game changer.
Greg Glassman The "creator" of crossfit said the exact same thing in a podcast, that Jocko is saying here. He compared crossfit to a blueberry muffin receipe..lol The objective is to get the body primed to do ordinary things we do on a daily basis..the fitness part is to be confident you can handle anything that is thrown at you. In the Crossfit games or in the game of Life. ❤
The more I age, the more I see my home-crossfit gym as a waste of good energy, that I'd rather convert in a useful manner; you know, hard labor, taking care of the house, building stuff, hiking, chopping and clearing wood, carrying rocks. Nothing feels better or complete!
I'm 45, and I've been in and out of physiotherapy for about 10 years for an inherited bad back. I began to understand what I'd read about some middle-aged perspectives on exercise: some practice to be back to maintain the usual chores.
@@TheJohnnystockman Of course. Please see my other comment: I've begun to see some exercises as "greasing the groove" to allow me to get back to my yardwork chores. Also, pardon the TMFI but some physical therapy was really about enabling me to wipe my own butt again. Sciatica and degenerative disc disease, among other back ailments, are no joke.
Crossfit as a competition is awesome. For the general population Crossfit is not a sustainable workout program. High rep Olympic lifts are not worth the risks associated and it is a matter of time before they cause injury. Incorporating aspects of crossfit into a program is a good thing, an untrained office worker attempting Murph is idiotic.
Do you have data to support that? Recent meta-analysis of crossfit injury rates: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28253059 suggests that crossfit injury rates aren't higher than other strength sports. I don't participate in crossfit, but the high injury rate claims don't seem to be supported by the majority of studies.
@@tiocsti I never mentioned strength sports in my comment. As a Strength & Conditioning Coach for many years I have personal data gleaned from discussions and seminars with my peers and associates in the field. I also have 27 year career in the orthopedic industry. Slap tears, tendonopathy, AC impingement and ab/oblique strains are just a few common issues associated with crossfit. My orthopedic surgeon friend speaks of other surgeons who have opened satellite offices in close proximity to crossfit boxes. Studies are manipulated to support a desired outcome.
i bought my colt 1911 in Tammany but i ain't gottime to kill anyway i was low bidder but getting rid of it what do you think yes no maybe so #boysenberry
CrossFit deserves some credit; I had been lifting weights since 1988 and I am a physical therapist ... but I hadn’t heard of rhabdomyolysis until CrossFit. But yeah it has gotten a lot of people lifting so 👍🏻
Crossfit: these are some good compound exercises that carry significant risk of injury LETS DO AS MANY AS WE CAN AS FAST AS WE CAN EVEN IF OUR FORM TOTALLY BREAKS DOWN IN THE PROCESS........... why is everybody injured?
Yes. Thank you. Doing AMRAAP olympic lifts for time is a great way to accomplish nothing productive except burning calories and getting sweaty and likely injuring yourself. CrossFit's programming is also too varied to achieve specific goals, it's only good for general fitness.
I think you are very ignorant about the topic. While there are aspects I don’t fully agree with you can say “everyone” is injured. You look at any sport or any form of weightlifting and there will always be injuries. If you go to any good gym with any good coaching form is not forgotten just to get a faster time. Also CrossFit is a brand. Most people nowadays are doing some form of cross training and functioning fitness.
@@TheJohnnystockman Wrong. I'm well informed on the subject. I've been interested in dynamic strength training for almost two decades. One word.....kipping. If you call a kipping pull up a legitimate rep then you do not value form and technique. All you have to do is look at the official CrossFit Games and see that they allow kipping pull-ups. I really like most of the exercises that CrossFit does. It's just doing as many reps as you can for time with a lot of those movements is a really bad idea. Just look at the injury rate for people who do CrossFit.
@@TheJohnnystockman no. the official crossfit site with the official forms proves that its crossfit itself. look at these weird pull ups crossfit seems more like cardio training overall. if you wanna do cardio: there is better stuff if you wanna gain muslce: there is better stuff if you wanna do bodyweight: calisthenics crossfit is just a little weird. and its scammy. our local crossfit gym is only open 5 of 7 days a week. not even 5 hours sometimes... most days 2 hours before lunch and 4 in the afternoon. it is basically an empty space... no machines, so you would think that its cheap especially with those hours. but nope... its above 100 euros! a month packaged of course. so it looks individualistic i just dont get what ppl are thinking. you could do a combination of calisthenics and stupid box jumps for free...
This may sound strange but Pilates has been the greatest advantage for me . After 1x a week for 5 years I have developed a weapon unmatched in sport . Having a core that’s under my control all connections made it’s a weapon . I strongly recommend it for everyone ... I swim run bike
Yes once a week I’ve done yoga twice in my life and the principals are the same even breathing and “poses” but with resistance and power . Also In Pilates There are different apparatus you use . The secret , as with anything, is consistency and over time you learn to master each one . You also have Mat or floor work . The biggest barrier is cost . I have had one on one the entire time ... a teacher . Group class is good but I wanted to make sure I was doing everything 100% correct ... it has changed my life
@@thebesttheworst2277 sean vigue is about the best. but remember he isnt using the springs and bars resistance that a studio setting would offer you. when i first started i took "lessons" for a month but i was really wanting the full effect and planned on long term goal setting for my swimming. i had no idea how weak my core was and how much a strong core helps.... in everyday life. also my posture is unbelievable. and i havent had a back pain in 3 years. i workout heavy 5 days a week
* Out of all the teachings one may learn here during life, martial arts is by far the most beneficial, for it can be applied to every other aspect naturally and effortlessly. Martial arts is the fastest and most efficient way for one to learn their bodies capabilities and limitations fully engaging with all their body senses to their extreme limits in the most efficient way that is humanly possible therefore being able to become physically fit, mentally sound, and spiritually balanced allowing them to constantly consistently express physical freedom. Which is key for one to start living up to the pleasure, potential and responsibility of femininity and masculinity at this level of body awareness one naturally actually has a self-control, discipline, loyalty, devotion, appreciation, respect, confidence and playful determination to validate, confirm and signify that the are being true towards love, honor, and the creation of life. If one makes a conscious choice to physically do their best in live in accordance to validating love to the degree I mentioned it allows the subconscious to systematically coincide with the soul, spirit, Mother earth, and all the various different forms of life that live within this world in the most efficient way that is humanly possible. Thus yielding the best spiritual kickback for one's efforts accomplishments experiences. Anything less is feebleminded, physically inadequate, and submissive subservient which it doesn't get any worse than that living and dying in that manner. For when one lives and dies having neglected the physical freedom they have had available all throughout their life a results in them being recognized internally and externally for all eternity throughout existence as spiritually sexually suppressed. Case closed. Mercy, forgiveness, and spiritual welfare death are not changing those facts protecting carrying compensating any wining souls or spirits that are freely connected to a life that does not do its best to improve upon and maintain the quality of it. You might want to take that point to Heart considering if life is not free why the hell would death be any cheaper it's not. So don't miss the deadline on becoming physically fit, mentally sound, and spiritually balanced being able to enjoy physical freedom being able to express and receive love and every other desired emotion in its entirety Obviously clean air, water, and organic non genetically modified high sources of nutrition will greatly increase one's physical freedom + formal education maybe some hands on experience with the most extreme situations nursing homes, daycare centers, critical care units birthing centers. Group homes, jails, prisons, Army, Navy, Marine core, special forces, first responders, fire department, all aspects of law enforcement, hospitals, drug alcohol rehabilitation centers, sports and fitness facilities. Whether you believe are not as secondary to the fact that each and every moment is spiritually accounted for. Obviously if you believe in a higher power form of God goddest then you would want to serve them the best life possible. The sad truth is thanks to people living dying to the lowest standards of quality for so many years that today's people are living and dying to a diminished quality of life from coast to coast globally getting far worse because people have been consciously physically reduced to unsafe working and living environments for the last hundred 50 years so these worst-case scenarios have been exacerbated and that is putting it mildly so unfortunately this scientifically classified understood diminished quality of life resulting in the worst spiritual kickback that has ever been manifested throughout the history of mankind. This diminished quality of life is primarily do to dirty low-paying jobs that come from outdated power sources, inferior materials, poisonous, toxic substances, pesticides, and chemicals that never change their killing composition which means whether it is a solid, liquid, burnt off into our airways atmosphere as a vapor its always going to be poisonous, debilitating, and deadly to the body. At the same time polluting, corrupting, and devastating to Mother earth and all the various different forms of life that live within this world. There is no cash profit to be made in the destruction of the planet. Even far worse is the spiritual kickback that is manifested from inhaling petrified death 24/7 drinking using contaminated even treated water has over 125 different impurities using wearing the materials that are made cheap and inferior something like corrosive to the body that's what happens when you conduct business to the lowest standards of quality which is primarily America China India. In layman's terms You cannot promote life by doing business with material, resources and substances that have been scientifically classified religiously verified as petrified death or worse which all stem from coal, oil, gas and the chemical industry. It's not all gloom and doom. For we have the man/woman power to offset maybe even fully compensate all the damage that has been caused from dirty low-paying jobs. And that is with clean high paying jobs from coast to coast that improve upon and maintain the quality of our air, water foods, landscapes, working/living environment, every day home products, habitats, and ecosystems plus the lifestyle I mentioned. The goal is to live in a manner that allows each persons generation to naturally and gradually constantly consistently become stronger, smarter, healthier, happier, better off physically, mentally, financially and possibly spiritually then the previous generation in other words we can make each and every moment of life physically mentally financially spiritually beneficial. Sad to say even under those best case scenario circumstances there is still going to be a percentage of people who freely live and die having only used the smallest percentage of a fraction of the true potential they were first born with. Now I wish and pray for my soul and spirit to be held spiritually accountable to the statements I proclaim to the way of living personally and professionally. I guarantee you never see hear another body man/ woman in power, persons of legal or religious authority, leaders ever freely validate the statements they proclaim with that level of certainty. One reason they don't naturally instinctively have the best interest of the majority of the population's needs at Heart another reason could be they cum from a blood line of cowards or have a lifestyle that suggests, confirms and validates them as being absent-minded frail body. Is quite possible to be a combination of those two worst-case scenarios. For one is genetic hereditary and the other is a synthetic generic learned behavior. Either way it is physically mentally spiritually useless to freely live and die in such a low-quality manner. Especially if that ignorance, stupidity, weakness and desperation stems from being soft, lazy, out of shape, over fed, undernourished, overworked and underpaid with the dirty low-paying job. these points have been scientifically classified religiously verified as the absolute truth S.R.F
In everything we do we must be open minded versatile we have our own choices. We have the freedom to learn evolve. Just take the good leave the bad. Most of us are quick to judge...anyway just have fun do some research quantify then do what you feel is right and enjoy
The issue that I had with CrossFit was the loss of Form when you’re exhausted and rushing through the program. I didn’t want to risk injury. Tried something else.
Linkin park - no more sorrow Are you lost In your lies Do you tell yourself I don't realize Your crusade's a disguise Replace freedom with fear You trade money for lives I'm aware of what you've done No, No more sorrow I've paid for your mistakes Your time is borrowed Your time has come to be replaced I see pain I see need I see liars and thieves Abuse power with greed I had hope I believed But I'm beginning to think that I've been deceived You will pay for what you've done Thieves and hypocrites Thieves and hypocrites Thieves and hypocrites Your time has come to be replaced Your time has come to be erased
Yes. But he did Jiu-Jitsu too. He just called it catch wrestling which is basically no gi with less emphasis on the guard game and more on wrestling control.
I think CrossFit is a good idea executed badly. I really like the idea of training in multiple sports as a functional workout, but I dislike how there is a disregard for proper form and the health risks. I know of people getting rhabdomyolysis because they went way too far during crossfit training. I know of people having accidents when doing kipping pullups or complex lifts. I know of people ruining their joints by lifting too much weight with improper form. And all these aspects contradict what I believe to be the primary goal in becoming active as a previously inactive person: Long-term healthiness. Life is no fun when you struggle with arthritis at age 50 or die of heart disease. And what I am thinking one is doing with typical CrossFit workouts is ruining their body long-term. Imagine getting into this whole fitness lifestyle at age 40 only to be told by your doctor that you shouldn't lift anymore because of arthritis at age 50.
you should go retire early. 65 year olds are deadlifting, muscle ups, running, swimming. you must be ashamed of yourself, a younger person complaining. go look at the games. ohhh the adaptive athletes also do crossfit. one arm rope climbs. 1 arm 200 kg deadlift. can you do any of these? get your head out of your ass man.
@@conradduplooy6570 those are the pros. Of course there form is great, for the average person joining a gym if they don’t have a GOOD coach that can give them a lot of time they put themselves at a much higher risk.
CrossFit to me is awesome it offers the challenge as well as the lifting component that I enjoy. Yes there are CrossFit box’s that are lead by under qualified people who program heavy lifts into their WODs unfortunately comes with the territory. it comes down to knowing your personal limits if the workout says your going to do 70lbs KB overhead swings and you know personally that you won’t be able to keep proper form with that weight, dial it back and continue the workout.
@@stormranger528 5 years of crossfit and I have never once seen someone injure their shoulder from butterfly/kipping pullups/chest to bar.. keep parroting that talking point though. ✊
Crossfit is a fad - but not a terrible one. I am a Jocko fan - have read and recommend his books, listen to podcast multiple times a week. But it is no surprise that a guy who owns a gym that is a Crossfit affiliate...endorses Crossfit. I hear there is a brand of BJJ Gi he recommends as well ;) For what its worth - my take on Crossfit: The good: mostly to the younger adult age range - made fitness and strength training 'trendy' The bad: same as the good Making fitness a trend is better than making a trend out of psychotherapy. However - 'crossfitters' have turned into a culture, and the 'bro science' of this culture can be frustrating, with its easy adoption and swearing by things like 'paleo diet'. As well as of course, the arrogance (e.g. if you do not 'do crossfit' you are not in shape, having this odd combo of gymrat and hipster mixed together, etc.). The biggest contradiction for the program, is that if you watch any documentary about any of the people who have 'won' the 'crossfit games' (which is a weaker strongman competition, with a slight element of endurance)...you will see how they prepare, which is barely recognizable as 'crossfit'. They are doing: weightlifting, cardio, endurance, and agility - and in very traditional ways, for long periods of time each day. Simply put - you are unlikely to place at their own competition, following their own workout regimen (you must add all of the traditions they eschew). In particular - watch the Froning doc - which was made by Crossfit: they try to make light of/show as little as possible - all of the non-crossfit things he did to prepare, it is interesting. I simply hope that the rigidity/inflexibility that comes with forming a culture, does not constrict it from evolving, potentially out of its own faults (which it totally could do), and simply maintain a focus on fitness can be individual, group, team, or even region based (first program to pull this off by the way) and yet still be FUN. Ironically - it is the pull of the culture, that simultaneously allows it to grow, but risks its ability to truly thrive for a long period of time. This is true of any culture of course.
well said. I wish I would've read this before I commented a few minutes ago. But I agree it is a good thing if it encourages people to go outside and get in shape. but A LOT of things do that. not just the cult of crossfit. Indeed the crossfit hipsters are obnoxious and after reading jocko's book I have a hard time imagining someone like him would hang out with any of those yo-yos but hey I've never met the man. I'm just going off of the ultra-rugged no-nonsense masculine vibe I get from reading his stuff. The crossfit games are one of the oddest athletic spectacles I've seen. I think the crossfit people are doing a huge disservice by hiding the fact that proper "traditional" methods of conditioning are necessary for not only success but also injury prevention when participating in their sport.
I disagree with this. I come from Germany and the first crossfit gyms opened here in 2012 as far as I know. Proper lifting and bodybuilding / powerlifting type exercises have been around for longer. I would argue that bodybuilding deserves way more credit for changing the way we work out than crossfit. If I'd ask everyone in my gym, which includes men and women in their 50s who just want to stay in shape as much as young guys who wanna build their bodies, I bet only one in ten of these people could tell me what crossfit even is.
@@johnanderson3731 I believe that but it is not like that everywhere and I believe the change in fitness culture is a world wide thing while crossfit is not. Therefore I don't think that crossfit was the driving force behind that change.
Crossfit is challenging, combining strength and endurance in one makes indeed more sense as a comprehensive approach method. Cave man did both when fighting mammoths in the wild. It all goes back to preparing for the harrowing difficulty of combat. CrossFit like basic training, is “no big deal”, so to speak, compared to what is next if you do real militiary. Sure, you can get injured, but with walking all day with your IBA for months on end and what not, is where the real injury will occur if you are not prepared. You cannot pass crossfit, sheesh, forget about hoping being a soldier and expecting not to be on VA pain killers later the rest of your life.
Crossfit is a great way to make sure that orthopedic and neuro surgeons can pay down their student loans, and mortgages. It's garbage form, and super compensation designed by someone with a certificate that is purchased and "earned" over the course of two days. My opinion comes from working in an operating room for more than a decade. ***Reasonable Edit*** If a person is using weight light enough to accommodate proper form, and they don't compensate form (egolift) ... Crossfit does have some value. However most Crossfit Professionals have about as much training as anyone who has ever attended a MLM program.
Ramdomyalosis is what immediately comes across my mind. Every 4 of my friends did crossfit ane got severe cases of ramdomyalosis. Yall can do crossfit and get ramdomyalosis, for all i give a fuck. Ill stick to my consistent exercises of cardio and calthenstics.
Pretty sure Goggins and Jocko don't get along or we would have seen a podcast with the 2 of them by now. My bet is that because Jocko has mass amounts of combat experience while Goggins doesn't - the 2 of them won't see eye to eye when the conversation hits the, 'Well how many deployments do you have?' dick measuring that happens with every SEAL on the planet. Goggins can explain he doesn't need to deploy to war 100 times to be hard... while the guys who have deployed a 100 times think that becase they've deployed so many times they are harder than eveyrone
Charlotte Dogtooth a couple years ago, someone asked on Jocko’s Facebook about having Goggins as a guest. I think Jocko said something to the effect of Goggins has told his story on enough podcasts, that it wouldn’t be interesting for him to tell it again the umpteenth time.
@Tom S You speak for Jocko? How you know who he likes or dislikes. Goggins has his lane and Jocko has his lane. They both are motivators and preach the concept of mental toughness, hard work and doing the right thing. No need to compare. They both are the real deal 👌
@Tom S although it seems that way, and I don't know if that's true or not, he's good buddies with Morgan Luttrell and has been on Team Never Quit Podcast with Marcus and Rut
Fitness Junkie like I said you need to know your limits on both especially if your older. But I would say that since cross fit involves more dynamic movements than bodybuilding which has mostly static push and pull movements your more apt to get injured doing a CrossFit routine. With all that said I see benefits to both just need to be careful.
The main issue with crossfit is the low standard of instruction while teaching complex movements such as cleans and training reps to failure while fatiguing and having poor form is a recipe for disaster and the injuries stemming from crossfit are a major issue.
Yeah low quality is still a problem: high rep oly lifts for beginners is a superb way to ingrain bad form, no matter how good the instructors are. But the bigger problem is what Jocko says: the mostly random programming. If you're past the beginner stage, you really need to program carefully to periodize all the different attributes Crossfit tries to develop. Today's lecture from Dr Mike Israetel explains it very well: ruclips.net/video/eHh002RxYhc/видео.html
Crossfit is aimed at health. Fire breathers new to CF need to check their egos and learn to love scaling BEFORE high and fast repping some movements. Scale for longevity, practice the rx skills during the instruction. You don't HAVE to rx a wod. Try jumping pull ups LOL!!!! Still.hard as... fudge 😉 My CF box concentrates on form first!!! If it is breaking down you have to go lighter or scale. It's not your choice!!!! We pay the coaches to coach and they take their job very seriously. Very seriously!! Any owner that doesn't follow that philosophy is not a great business person. Injured members don't show up. If they aren't showing up.They aren't paying $$$ . Simple!
@@MoneyMunday Is your claim that every last CF coach on the planet is qualified to teach olympic lifting movements ? Then they should be performed to 100 reps in games when the typical rep number is 1-5 per set to keep the technical aspecs and movement cues sharp.
CrossFit athletes, as a sport, win. Look at Heppner getting 5th this year in the Spartan Race last weekend. CrossFitters are very fit. And some programs are harder than others. If you do MisFit Athletics, everyday will be hard and suck, for instance.
I didn’t know what CrossFit was until I showed up. That was 4.5 years ago and I am in the best shape of my life! My every day lifestyle is completely different. I eat healthy, I cut out almost all alcohol and sugar and I don’t miss any of it. It was the best thing I ever did for myself.
Same here. I saw a bunch of people flipping large tyres and thought, "I want to do that". That's when I looked more into it and began my fitness journey. Before then, I was an office worker who would go home and not do any fitness whatsoever.
@@MichaelBrooksUK That’s a you problem dude
@@ferumcastrum4097 What is?
@@ferumcastrum4097 No fucking shit Sherlock, when did he blame it on anyone else?
@@ferumcastrum4097 hey, doucher! What was that all about?
Helped me get moving. Since I started in February (after reading extreme ownership) I have dropped 30 lbs so far, more importantly I am off the couch, excited to exercise, and I have lost ten inches off my waist.
Hell yea man
Right on!
Hell yeah , keep it going
Good work. Keep it up!
Well done!!!!
Igive props to Crossfit for bringing lifting gear, sleeves, shoes, etc. to a mainstream market. It was of great help to powerlifting, weighlifting and strongman, even if indirectly.
I powerlift and I've meet a few powerlifters who started with crossfit
Dropped the price of gymnastics rings by like 100 dollars. That stuff used the niche, now any fitness store ha has them for 30dollars
Absolutely! The availability of high quality equipment has sky rocketed since crossfit. People forget Powerlifting, and Olympic lifting were dying before crossfit. And the only quality bars were $500+
ianAEF I hadn’t thought about this. I do traditional weightlifting and I was able to build an entire home gym for a fraction of the cost that it would have been 10 years ago. Retail is cheaper and there are way more options on used equipment. In that sense, CrossFit has helped me a lot lol.
@@dt7603 There is not any data to support powerlifing and olympic lifting "dying" before crossfit. There is also no sufficient data to support crossfit directly or indirectly increasing the number of powerlifting or olympic lifting competitors or practitioners. There is data to show, that women taking on strength training, interest in strongman competitions, etc. increased in the late 1990's. This would be a 5 years to 1 year prior to Crossfit emerging in 2000. That said, while it "emerged" in 2000, it didn't have an elevated trajectory until the 2004-2015 period of rapid growth, then back down to a modest 2% growth rate that it has since maintained.
There is data to show that interest in crossfit, calisthenics programs, and military style circuit training has increased the competition for items suck as wraps, rings, racks etc. - and whenever competition enters a market - 2 things occur: overall price, and quality, go down. That said - yes, being able to get rings with reasonable quality straps for under 50 bucks (including x-ring mounts) is awesome, and can be partially attributed to the rise of crossfit.
None if its positive impacts however, validate its methodology (not my opinion, but a logical fact) or justify its marketing strategy (in my opinion).
It should also be noted: the rise of internet, smart phones, and youtube can be directly attributed to overall trend of any fitness program popularity.
How do I swim faster?
Jocko: jiu-jiutsu
BraxEU optic gaming?
A big hungry shark or crocodile?
@@connorfrancis6022 yes fucking old account, never changed the pic and i won't do it. Optic was a part of my life ;D
Because it does help! With everything 🤙🏼
That was a really refreshing discussion in what seems to be a landscape of non-crossfitters bashing crossfit
I’m a CrossFit box member and even I agree that CrossFit needs to eliminate bazaar workouts like kipping pull-ups, handstand push-ups, and handstand walking. These things have nothing to do with fitness but CrossFit wants to stay weird and remain a fringe sport.
@JR Parker *bizarre
@@jrparker4804 do you understand the purpose of kipping pull-ups? Also, have you ever seen a gymnast do a front uprise on the rings?
From an objective scientific prospective, there are more efficient ways to grow muscle, gain endurance, gain strength than the crossfit mindset. Sure, you will see some benefits, but I'd argue you could get even more in other training routes. But if it's what gets you off the couch, I'm not gonna crucify you for it, just trying to educate people who are naïve to fitness. Not to mention the number of injuries we see from it as a physician myself.
@@hamiltonnewhart3053 you are leaving out the fact that the strongest, fittest athletes are CrossFit athletes
Crossfit helped me enjoy cardio. It taught me not to be afraid of lifting heavy weights. It helped me push through and not give up during a workout. I eat better because I feel the difference in my workouts and overall energy throughout the day. It changed my life for the better.
Learned everything there is about the key lifts (Bench/OHPs, Deadlifts, below parallel squats, pull-ups/rows as the major priorities for strength), as well as learning lots of skills with CrossFit as my starter: jump rope (yeah, childhood wasn't that complete lol), handstands, pull-ups (for the record, I never even did any, nor know how to do the butterfly/zero pull-ups)
As I leaned more into bodybuilding movements and integrating them more in my lifting forms, I'll always be grateful for learning lots in my first year of lifting with CrossFit
I actually like how Crossfit is more than just exercise or working out, but is has a community. The box invites beginners and has them do a WOD with a group, and that builds relationships and makes the workout even more fun.
I remember doing deadlifts and squats at a commercial gym in the early 2000's and being told those are dangerous movements and that I should stop. I was asked to stop deadlifting one time because a lady complained I was being too loud.
As a rule thumb, I will not go to a gym if it doesn't have squat racks and deadlift platforms.
Now I know Seth brown will not go to a gym if it does not have a squat rack or deadlift platform my life is complete
@@mrigue56 You're welcome!
@John Dew yeah you can't get in shape at Planet Fitness. With all their barbells, dumbbells and equipment.
@@mrigue56 😂
Where are you from??? People were shocked????? you were doing squats and deadlifts and people said it was dangerous? Ever since i started lifting, I’ve always incorporated those lifts and that was in the mid 90’s
The Crossfit method is awesome (strongest and highest endurance I ever had), but coaches vary obviously. I was fortunate to have an Olympic lift coach so I never worried about form or injury. What I didn't know was gonna bush wack me was cancer! lol
I'm sorry it hit you man. Yeah, I was in the best shape of my life, stronger than ever, when cancer found me. I hope you're doing well now. It's difficult to even walk normally now. There's just a new norm, but hope for betterment in each day. We all just get one day at a time. I hope you attain thankfulness for something each day forward. Best wishes!
God is good!
Mark Lishman my hunch is that the sudden increase in metabolism through exercise favors those rogue cells. Acidity from the protein like diet does not help either. Be careful and seek second opinions, some people out there only sell treatments and that will cause problems. Killing the cancer is only half the battle, the rest is somehow maintaining your body with foods that heal rather than inflame through a treatment that is damaging.
Sorry about that my man
So was it the method or the coach that helped you more? Would you recommend finding a CrossFit gym or a quality coach/trainer?
Love the comparison between Gracie’s and Crossfit!
Jocko is the perfect combination of being the most intimidating man an earth and also being the most approachable
CrossFit has helped me with my strength for my job as an EMT and I love the community and how everyone just encourages each other. I have done movements I never thought I’d ever be able to do and working on pull ups and muscle ups and overcoming an imitation for barbell work. I love barbell work now.
Just did Murph today with the vest, I do it every year since 2013 and it's always a gut check.
I clocked in at 62:00
Hell yea bro, I finished at 73:13
The dichotomy of Crossfit:
Great for the fitness industry- equipment availability, bringing barbell and gymnastic training to the forefront, widely promoting fitness
Bad for actual training- Constant variation (bad for progress), performance mindset (are you training or competing in your workouts), Olympic lifts for reps, bad form instruction (kipping and swinging), ignorance of volume landmarks and proper periodization, etc.
Jared Nelson the only one ignorant here is you. It’s variance, not randomness, very different. There is a periodization in CrossFit, but you don’t know.
Also kipping is done in competition, like running instead of walking lunges. Or you do weighted walking lunges in a 100mt run? 😂
During training you do STRICT movements. Inform yourself.
@@casualarrogance Variance, randomness- whatever you want to call it- is bad for attaining any skill. The body only adapts to consistently applied stimulus. As for your, "strict movements" maybe your box trains with strict form, but there are countless cases of others who don't. Regardless, kipping and cheating have no place in training OR competition, as they erase the objective standards by which competitors are judged.
Jared Nelson variance is not randomness. You know nothing. 😂
Jared Nelson CrossFit competitions are not made for training strength. Or you think rowing on a boat in a race has the same stimulus as barbell rows? What a clueless guy.
Stick to your training if don’t know anything else.
@@casualarrogance Varying your training to the point that there is constant novelty is the surest way to go nowhere in any particular direction. In the strength and conditioning field this is called, "Program hopping." Sure, one can become generally fit with crossfit training, but it is very suboptimal for improvement by any objective standard. I'm not trashing crossfit. I'm simply pointing out its flaws-
many of which can be correct by following modern periodization and training with appropriate specificity.
I practice both Crossfit and just started Jiu Jitsu. I think the main problem is big Ego’s and expect instant results. There are no secret recipies and you just have to put in the work. Crossfit taught me the benefits of funcional fitness and pushing hard and realizing I had a lot of shortcomings due to lack of mobility and bad form. Is it healthy to go 100% every workout? Or always competing with the other guy just for the sake of lifting heavier or finish earlier? Most definately not! Leave your ego at the door and you will get better and fitter. Combined with a healthy meal plan and enough rest. Just enjoy the journey with an open mind, work on your weak points and don’t overdo it.
I love crossfit. My entire athletic background growing up was swimming, so, I had no idea what i was doing when I first stepped into the gym. My crossfit gym has some fantastic coaches, who have taught me how to lift and exercise correctly. I've built up my strength, as well as developed a much better resistance to high impact exercises.
CrossFit... 🤣
It’s called PT. Formation is at 0600.
I was literally thinking the same thing shortly before I saw your comment
Well except now you pay me to show up and PT. Pay me... a lot.
You miss that shit in the civilian world... then snap out of it promptly.
We just started the Army Combat Fitness Test today, it’s good. Now the twigs that can only muster 43-50 pushups but can run 11:00 2 miles are being beat by the PT Studs that also lift heavy. It’s more overall applicable and fair.
(17 Echo - Fort Gordon, Georgia.
15th Signal Brigade, Cyber Training Battalion)
No. JOCKO formation 0330!!!
6 Jocko burpees + 4 Jocko paper bag hyper breaths=1
Certain types of Crossfit exercises are great for cardio when combined with the time limit. However, there is a really simple reason why most people who consistently do Crossfit end up getting injured... It's not safe to do Olympic lifting for time. You will eventually sacrifice form in order to get more reps in because you're against the clock and competing with other people, and in doing so, you will inevitably injure yourself.
Please name a sport or any form of exercise where there are no injuries. The most injuries of any sport comes from running. Look it up. If you are pushing yourself in anything, injuries are part of the game. I've been doing CF for 12 years, competed at the Crossfit Games twice, and yers I've been injured, but only a handful of times. My point is every sport has injuries. Its part of being an athlete.
Thoughts on the shake weight ?
How can I improve my cooking skills?
Jocko: ... jiu jitsu
look man- i was a weak, unconditioned guy before i started crossfit, i decided to join the army and thought crossfit would help me out in getting fitter. now i’m stronger than i ever have been and getting stronger everyday. crossfit is the best.
Theres def issues with CF (movements that strain poorly developed rotator cuffs, limited periodization, mob mentality) but theres good things too (getting people to SQ, DL, on the spot correction of form) . I go to a globo gym and a box (globo has babysitting) and what I see at globo scares me. Trainers putting people on leg press, rounded back deadlifts, half depth squats. That shit wouldnt fly at my box. For all of you that knock CF, if youve havent tried it, sit down and shut up. If you have tried it, please continue the criticism: We are listening and want to get better. Good luck to everyone. I hope you find what works for you.
never clicked on a video so fast.
Dude I did all the same things in high school football program. Just repacked as CrossFit now. And that was in the late 80’s!!
richard angulo sooo true
Our line coach was a retired Army Colonel. Is still call burpees eight-count pushups.
@@MrPoochie-jv8qd Burpees are four counts not eight
You’ve clearly never done CrossFit then lol
I do crossfit for 8 years now and I think the guy nailed it.
Crossfitters are the roller bladers of the workout world.
operationNOBO 🤣👍
What Jocko said was perfectly accurate. CrossFit didn’t invent any movements but they embraced every movement as a whole of fitness approach. The only thing I’d argue with in what he said was that CrossFit isn’t “random” - at least the strength programming should not be random, the workouts are programmed to be random because they’re designed to stop you plateauing, it’s about intensity of the workout not necessarily what the movements are.
Yeah people don’t understand that in CrossFit there are so many movements to get stronger at. It’s not easy to program. Yes you do have to focus on getting your core lifts stronger and maybe do some extra stuff outside the gym.
golden era bodybuilding has left the chat
Like 30 years ago lol
Best fair assessment of CrossFit I've heard.
I did crossfit for years and hurt myself a few times but still think it's a good thing. You have to be humble about your limits (or at least that was my challenge). I was an above average athlete growing up, and when I got in there, I was out of shape and didn't like the fact that people could beat me. I got competitive and over did it a couple of times. Crossfit is a tool. It's up to you to use it responsibly.
It wouldve made my day if he wouldve said in his deep voice "crossfit is fuckin gay" lol
"Zeeerrroooooooooo" - Elgin
I watched too much Infinite Elgintensity to have any respect left for CrossFit. It's just like the "McDojo" problem; there are WAY too many ignorant trainers looking for disciples.
Yeah my friends who trained crossfit got inured more then i did in my mma training after that im not going into crossfit at lest not without a super legit coach
If Elgin or Broscience doesn't do it neither does I!
I wanna be an ignorant disciple... :/
I agree with you there are 5 crappy gym owners for every 1 great gym. That is why you do your research and make your own informed decisions about where you choose to work out.
So is CrossFit to blame or the people themselves who most likely did not leave their ego at the door? Honest question. It's the coach's job to not let people lift incorrectly or lift too much weight if they are not ready for it. So it could be bad coach's or their own ego, but is it really CrossFit's fault?
1st rule of crossfit: ALWAYS TALK ABOUT CROSSFIT!
brilliant !
No different then the first rule of chest day 😂
and get bumper stickers and multiple t shirts
That kind of applies to jiu jitsu, as well.
Literally had bumper plates delivered to my house today, so yeah, these are some good points lol
The thing I hate about crossfit is the $150 a month to do what I can do at home
A roman chair, pull up bar, dip bar is cheaper in the long run then 150 monthly. I have my own equipment lots of the equipment i built myself saving more money. Totally worth it then wasting money at crossfit
I do it in my garage gym, for free. Who said you have to do it in a CrossFit gym?
Makes total sense. I only pay $90/month for my CF gym. A lot of people need that community and people holding them accountable. That’s what they pay for. I sometimes workout at home by myself and it’s fine but having people there to compete with helps so much. My sister never worked out and I told her to go to CrossFit and now she goes 5 days a week and loves it. It’s all she talks about.
I do Crossfit and recommend it. However, I believe that it does not matter what physical activity a person does. Yoga, weight lifting, cycling, swimming, body building, running, etc. As long as people are doing something physical everyday is what matters. The only activity that is unacceptable is sitting on your butt doing nothing.
Have a nice day and train hard :)
True but if you're going to train you may as well do so intelligently, and make better progress. Following the standard Crossfit workouts will lead to stagnation eventually.
That said, Crossfit is still a lot more intelligent than what most people do at the gym (a treadmill and/or half-assed bodybuilding with machines).
Asks Jocko about CrossFit 0:00-0:07 - Jocko smirks and sits in silence 00:07-8:48.....
Also depends on your CrossFit gym. A lot of shit gyms out there that give it a bad name. Once you find the right gym that actually understands how to properly program, CrossFit’s a game changer.
Hold up are we just going to by pass the whole mug with the clock on it ?
Greg Glassman The "creator" of crossfit said the exact same thing in a podcast, that Jocko is saying here. He compared crossfit to a blueberry muffin receipe..lol
The objective is to get the body primed to do ordinary things we do on a daily basis..the fitness part is to be confident you can handle anything that is thrown at you. In the Crossfit games or in the game of Life.
The more I age, the more I see my home-crossfit gym as a waste of good energy, that I'd rather convert in a useful manner; you know, hard labor, taking care of the house, building stuff, hiking, chopping and clearing wood, carrying rocks. Nothing feels better or complete!
Mat Winner you can do both 😉
I'm 45, and I've been in and out of physiotherapy for about 10 years for an inherited bad back. I began to understand what I'd read about some middle-aged perspectives on exercise: some practice to be back to maintain the usual chores.
@@TheJohnnystockman Of course. Please see my other comment: I've begun to see some exercises as "greasing the groove" to allow me to get back to my yardwork chores. Also, pardon the TMFI but some physical therapy was really about enabling me to wipe my own butt again. Sciatica and degenerative disc disease, among other back ailments, are no joke.
Crossfit as a competition is awesome. For the general population Crossfit is not a sustainable workout program. High rep Olympic lifts are not worth the risks associated and it is a matter of time before they cause injury. Incorporating aspects of crossfit into a program is a good thing, an untrained office worker attempting Murph is idiotic.
Do you have data to support that? Recent meta-analysis of crossfit injury rates: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28253059 suggests that crossfit injury rates aren't higher than other strength sports. I don't participate in crossfit, but the high injury rate claims don't seem to be supported by the majority of studies.
@@tiocsti I never mentioned strength sports in my comment.
As a Strength & Conditioning Coach for many years I have personal data gleaned from discussions and seminars with my peers and associates in the field. I also have 27 year career in the orthopedic industry. Slap tears, tendonopathy, AC impingement and ab/oblique strains are just a few common issues associated with crossfit. My orthopedic surgeon friend speaks of other surgeons who have opened satellite offices in close proximity to crossfit boxes. Studies are manipulated to support a desired outcome.
Crossfit is awesome as long as you can tame your inner drive to not go too fatigued during the session. Or you will find yourself injured a lot.
i bought my colt 1911 in Tammany but i ain't gottime to kill anyway i was low bidder but getting rid of it what do you think yes no maybe so #boysenberry
CrossFit deserves some credit; I had been lifting weights since 1988 and I am a physical therapist ... but I hadn’t heard of rhabdomyolysis until CrossFit. But yeah it has gotten a lot of people lifting so 👍🏻
ECHO get Jocko to read A Scroll Marked III. THE PEOPLE NEED IT. 😤💪
Did CrossFit for two years, had to stop because of a shoulder injury, but I have one day a week where I do a CrossFit workout.
Crossfit: these are some good compound exercises that carry significant risk of injury LETS DO AS MANY AS WE CAN AS FAST AS WE CAN EVEN IF OUR FORM TOTALLY BREAKS DOWN IN THE PROCESS........... why is everybody injured?
Yes. Thank you. Doing AMRAAP olympic lifts for time is a great way to accomplish nothing productive except burning calories and getting sweaty and likely injuring yourself. CrossFit's programming is also too varied to achieve specific goals, it's only good for general fitness.
I think you are very ignorant about the topic.
While there are aspects I don’t fully agree with you can say “everyone” is injured.
You look at any sport or any form of weightlifting and there will always be injuries.
If you go to any good gym with any good coaching form is not forgotten just to get a faster time. Also CrossFit is a brand. Most people nowadays are doing some form of cross training and functioning fitness.
@@TheJohnnystockman Wrong. I'm well informed on the subject. I've been interested in dynamic strength training for almost two decades.
One word.....kipping.
If you call a kipping pull up a legitimate rep then you do not value form and technique. All you have to do is look at the official CrossFit Games and see that they allow kipping pull-ups.
I really like most of the exercises that CrossFit does. It's just doing as many reps as you can for time with a lot of those movements is a really bad idea. Just look at the injury rate for people who do CrossFit.
@@TheJohnnystockman no.
the official crossfit site with the official forms proves that its crossfit itself.
look at these weird pull ups
crossfit seems more like cardio training overall.
if you wanna do cardio: there is better stuff
if you wanna gain muslce: there is better stuff
if you wanna do bodyweight: calisthenics
crossfit is just a little weird.
and its scammy.
our local crossfit gym is only open 5 of 7 days a week. not even 5 hours sometimes...
most days 2 hours before lunch and 4 in the afternoon.
it is basically an empty space...
no machines, so you would think that its cheap especially with those hours.
but nope...
its above 100 euros! a month
packaged of course. so it looks individualistic
i just dont get what ppl are thinking.
you could do a combination of calisthenics and stupid box jumps for free...
@@robertrobertson8575 what do you recommend, do?
for what purpose/goal
This may sound strange but Pilates has been the greatest advantage for me . After 1x a week for 5 years I have developed a weapon unmatched in sport . Having a core that’s under my control all connections made it’s a weapon . I strongly recommend it for everyone ... I swim run bike
Just generic Pilates x1 per week ?
Better than Yoga ?
Yes once a week I’ve done yoga twice in my life and the principals are the same even breathing and “poses” but with resistance and power . Also In Pilates There are different apparatus you use . The secret , as with anything, is consistency and over time you learn to master each one . You also have Mat or floor work . The biggest barrier is cost . I have had one on one the entire time ... a teacher . Group class is good but I wanted to make sure I was doing everything 100% correct ... it has changed my life
@@geoffmcarthy7314 Thanks for the detailed and informed reply ... Can you recommend any good beginner videos on RUclips from your experience ?
@@thebesttheworst2277 sean vigue is about the best. but remember he isnt using the springs and bars resistance that a studio setting would offer you. when i first started i took "lessons" for a month but i was really wanting the full effect and planned on long term goal setting for my swimming. i had no idea how weak my core was and how much a strong core helps.... in everyday life. also my posture is unbelievable. and i havent had a back pain in 3 years. i workout heavy 5 days a week
CrossFit helped the average person become truly fit, and help you push your limits, in a fun way.
My problem is the bad form and injury inducing exercises they push don't even get me started on kipping
* Out of all the teachings one may learn here during life, martial arts is by far the most beneficial, for it can be applied to every other aspect naturally and effortlessly. Martial arts is the fastest and most efficient way for one to learn their bodies capabilities and limitations fully engaging with all their body senses to their extreme limits in the most efficient way that is humanly possible therefore being able to become physically fit, mentally sound, and spiritually balanced allowing them to constantly consistently express physical freedom. Which is key for one to start living up to the pleasure, potential and responsibility of femininity and masculinity at this level of body awareness one naturally actually has a self-control, discipline, loyalty, devotion, appreciation, respect, confidence and playful determination to validate, confirm and signify that the are being true towards love, honor, and the creation of life. If one makes a conscious choice to physically do their best in live in accordance to validating love to the degree I mentioned it allows the subconscious to systematically coincide with the soul, spirit, Mother earth, and all the various different forms of life that live within this world in the most efficient way that is humanly possible. Thus yielding the best spiritual kickback for one's efforts accomplishments experiences. Anything less is feebleminded, physically inadequate, and submissive subservient which it doesn't get any worse than that living and dying in that manner. For when one lives and dies having neglected the physical freedom they have had available all throughout their life a results in them being recognized internally and externally for all eternity throughout existence as spiritually sexually suppressed. Case closed. Mercy, forgiveness, and spiritual welfare death are not changing those facts protecting carrying compensating any wining souls or spirits that are freely connected to a life that does not do its best to improve upon and maintain the quality of it. You might want to take that point to Heart considering if life is not free why the hell would death be any cheaper it's not. So don't miss the deadline on becoming physically fit, mentally sound, and spiritually balanced being able to enjoy physical freedom being able to express and receive love and every other desired emotion in its entirety Obviously clean air, water, and organic non genetically modified high sources of nutrition will greatly increase one's physical freedom + formal education maybe some hands on experience with the most extreme situations nursing homes, daycare centers, critical care units birthing centers. Group homes, jails, prisons, Army, Navy, Marine core, special forces, first responders, fire department, all aspects of law enforcement, hospitals, drug alcohol rehabilitation centers, sports and fitness facilities. Whether you believe are not as secondary to the fact that each and every moment is spiritually accounted for. Obviously if you believe in a higher power form of God goddest then you would want to serve them the best life possible. The sad truth is thanks to people living dying to the lowest standards of quality for so many years that today's people are living and dying to a diminished quality of life from coast to coast globally getting far worse because people have been consciously physically reduced to unsafe working and living environments for the last hundred 50 years so these worst-case scenarios have been exacerbated and that is putting it mildly so unfortunately this scientifically classified understood diminished quality of life resulting in the worst spiritual kickback that has ever been manifested throughout the history of mankind. This diminished quality of life is primarily do to dirty low-paying jobs that come from outdated power sources, inferior materials, poisonous, toxic substances, pesticides, and chemicals that never change their killing composition which means whether it is a solid, liquid, burnt off into our airways atmosphere as a vapor its always going to be poisonous, debilitating, and deadly to the body. At the same time polluting, corrupting, and devastating to Mother earth and all the various different forms of life that live within this world. There is no cash profit to be made in the destruction of the planet. Even far worse is the spiritual kickback that is manifested from inhaling petrified death 24/7 drinking using contaminated even treated water has over 125 different impurities using wearing the materials that are made cheap and inferior something like corrosive to the body that's what happens when you conduct business to the lowest standards of quality which is primarily America China India. In layman's terms You cannot promote life by doing business with material, resources and substances that have been scientifically classified religiously verified as petrified death or worse which all stem from coal, oil, gas and the chemical industry. It's not all gloom and doom. For we have the man/woman power to offset maybe even fully compensate all the damage that has been caused from dirty low-paying jobs. And that is with clean high paying jobs from coast to coast that improve upon and maintain the quality of our air, water foods, landscapes, working/living environment, every day home products, habitats, and ecosystems plus the lifestyle I mentioned. The goal is to live in a manner that allows each persons generation to naturally and gradually constantly consistently become stronger, smarter, healthier, happier, better off physically, mentally, financially and possibly spiritually then the previous generation in other words we can make each and every moment of life physically mentally financially spiritually beneficial. Sad to say even under those best case scenario circumstances there is still going to be a percentage of people who freely live and die having only used the smallest percentage of a fraction of the true potential they were first born with. Now I wish and pray for my soul and spirit to be held spiritually accountable to the statements I proclaim to the way of living personally and professionally. I guarantee you never see hear another body man/ woman in power, persons of legal or religious authority, leaders ever freely validate the statements they proclaim with that level of certainty. One reason they don't naturally instinctively have the best interest of the majority of the population's needs at Heart another reason could be they cum from a blood line of cowards or have a lifestyle that suggests, confirms and validates them as being absent-minded frail body. Is quite possible to be a combination of those two worst-case scenarios. For one is genetic hereditary and the other is a synthetic generic learned behavior. Either way it is physically mentally spiritually useless to freely live and die in such a low-quality manner. Especially if that ignorance, stupidity, weakness and desperation stems from being soft, lazy, out of shape, over fed, undernourished, overworked and underpaid with the dirty low-paying job. these points have been scientifically classified religiously verified as the absolute truth S.R.F
I love CrossFit, and Jocko, and all of you out there that hate CrossFit.
It works for me... life's too short for so much hatred
In everything we do we must be open minded versatile we have our own choices. We have the freedom to learn evolve. Just take the good leave the bad.
Most of us are quick to judge...anyway just have fun do some research quantify then do what you feel is right and enjoy
CrossFit is a 1-helve workout gentleman.
Spot on about both. Also early bjj guys were some of the first cross fitters.
In seal prep we did wod style work outs as set down from seals who ran the program
Seals? Was that at Seal World? SEALs are Operators in the Navy.
The issue that I had with CrossFit was the loss of Form when you’re exhausted and rushing through the program.
I didn’t want to risk injury. Tried something else.
CrossFit reintroduced handstands, handstand walks, pegboards and kettlebells as well as powerlifting movements to the mainstream.
Excellent Information Video
Thanks for add subtitle at your videos!!!
Funny how a lot of Jocko fans have no idea how much he trusts, supports, and uses CF... It's not just bench press, deadlifts and 3 pizzas
Good to hear your opinion !
Linkin park - no more sorrow Are you lost
In your lies
Do you tell yourself I don't realize
Your crusade's a disguise
Replace freedom with fear
You trade money for lives
I'm aware of what you've done
No, No more sorrow
I've paid for your mistakes
Your time is borrowed
Your time has come to be replaced
I see pain
I see need
I see liars and thieves
Abuse power with greed
I had hope
I believed
But I'm beginning to think that I've been deceived
You will pay for what you've done
Thieves and hypocrites
Thieves and hypocrites
Thieves and hypocrites
Your time has come to be replaced
Your time has come to be erased
Just a REMINDER....
KAZUSHI sakuraba tapped out 3 of the GRACIE BROTHERS
Aka the GRACIE Hunter
DimensionZombie Ok never heard of this person. Links?
Yes. But he did Jiu-Jitsu too. He just called it catch wrestling which is basically no gi with less emphasis on the guard game and more on wrestling control.
@@johnnyk5385 he is a catch wrestler and catch was around long before BJJ which derived from Judo. Catch wrestling predates Judo.
Www dot RUclips dotcom MY NIGGA
The gracie got whooped
Do I need a good CrossFit gym, or a quality trainer/coach regardless of the name on the building?
fah q yes
Me: Hey Jocko, how do I fix XYZ?
No one:
Jocko: Jiu jitsu
No doubt lol
I think CrossFit is a good idea executed badly. I really like the idea of training in multiple sports as a functional workout, but I dislike how there is a disregard for proper form and the health risks. I know of people getting rhabdomyolysis because they went way too far during crossfit training. I know of people having accidents when doing kipping pullups or complex lifts. I know of people ruining their joints by lifting too much weight with improper form. And all these aspects contradict what I believe to be the primary goal in becoming active as a previously inactive person: Long-term healthiness. Life is no fun when you struggle with arthritis at age 50 or die of heart disease. And what I am thinking one is doing with typical CrossFit workouts is ruining their body long-term. Imagine getting into this whole fitness lifestyle at age 40 only to be told by your doctor that you shouldn't lift anymore because of arthritis at age 50.
There isn't a disregard for proper form tho. Can you give me an example?
you should go retire early. 65 year olds are deadlifting, muscle ups, running, swimming.
you must be ashamed of yourself, a younger person complaining.
go look at the games. ohhh the adaptive athletes also do crossfit. one arm rope climbs. 1 arm 200 kg deadlift. can you do any of these?
get your head out of your ass man.
@@conradduplooy6570 those are the pros. Of course there form is great, for the average person joining a gym if they don’t have a GOOD coach that can give them a lot of time they put themselves at a much higher risk.
CrossFit to me is awesome it offers the challenge as well as the lifting component that I enjoy. Yes there are CrossFit box’s that are lead by under qualified people who program heavy lifts into their WODs unfortunately comes with the territory. it comes down to knowing your personal limits if the workout says your going to do 70lbs KB overhead swings and you know personally that you won’t be able to keep proper form with that weight, dial it back and continue the workout.
What I hate most about CrossFit is the Kipping... God the Kipping
William Villar work capacity increases when you use hip power. I know that’s difficult for a bro to understand
@@Journey_of_Abundance so does shoulder injury
@@stormranger528 5 years of crossfit and I have never once seen someone injure their shoulder from butterfly/kipping pullups/chest to bar.. keep parroting that talking point though. ✊
Just looking at the thumbnail I imagine him saying “...douchbags.... working out... sometimes outside. Together... with one another”
You all have to change and evolve.AND OPEN YOUR MIND 👍
Crossfit is a fad - but not a terrible one.
I am a Jocko fan - have read and recommend his books, listen to podcast multiple times a week.
But it is no surprise that a guy who owns a gym that is a Crossfit affiliate...endorses Crossfit.
I hear there is a brand of BJJ Gi he recommends as well ;)
For what its worth - my take on Crossfit:
The good: mostly to the younger adult age range - made fitness and strength training 'trendy'
The bad: same as the good
Making fitness a trend is better than making a trend out of psychotherapy. However - 'crossfitters' have turned into a culture, and the 'bro science' of this culture can be frustrating, with its easy adoption and swearing by things like 'paleo diet'. As well as of course, the arrogance (e.g. if you do not 'do crossfit' you are not in shape, having this odd combo of gymrat and hipster mixed together, etc.).
The biggest contradiction for the program, is that if you watch any documentary about any of the people who have 'won' the 'crossfit games' (which is a weaker strongman competition, with a slight element of endurance)...you will see how they prepare, which is barely recognizable as 'crossfit'. They are doing: weightlifting, cardio, endurance, and agility - and in very traditional ways, for long periods of time each day.
Simply put - you are unlikely to place at their own competition, following their own workout regimen (you must add all of the traditions they eschew).
In particular - watch the Froning doc - which was made by Crossfit: they try to make light of/show as little as possible - all of the non-crossfit things he did to prepare, it is interesting.
I simply hope that the rigidity/inflexibility that comes with forming a culture, does not constrict it from evolving, potentially out of its own faults (which it totally could do), and simply maintain a focus on fitness can be individual, group, team, or even region based (first program to pull this off by the way) and yet still be FUN.
Ironically - it is the pull of the culture, that simultaneously allows it to grow, but risks its ability to truly thrive for a long period of time. This is true of any culture of course.
well said. I wish I would've read this before I commented a few minutes ago. But I agree it is a good thing if it encourages people to go outside and get in shape. but A LOT of things do that. not just the cult of crossfit. Indeed the crossfit hipsters are obnoxious and after reading jocko's book I have a hard time imagining someone like him would hang out with any of those yo-yos but hey I've never met the man. I'm just going off of the ultra-rugged no-nonsense masculine vibe I get from reading his stuff. The crossfit games are one of the oddest athletic spectacles I've seen. I think the crossfit people are doing a huge disservice by hiding the fact that proper "traditional" methods of conditioning are necessary for not only success but also injury prevention when participating in their sport.
I disagree with this. I come from Germany and the first crossfit gyms opened here in 2012 as far as I know. Proper lifting and bodybuilding / powerlifting type exercises have been around for longer. I would argue that bodybuilding deserves way more credit for changing the way we work out than crossfit. If I'd ask everyone in my gym, which includes men and women in their 50s who just want to stay in shape as much as young guys who wanna build their bodies, I bet only one in ten of these people could tell me what crossfit even is.
In Australia and America etc there are CrossFit gyms in every suburb ; it’s huge
@@johnanderson3731 I believe that but it is not like that everywhere and I believe the change in fitness culture is a world wide thing while crossfit is not. Therefore I don't think that crossfit was the driving force behind that change.
Crossfit is challenging, combining strength and endurance in one makes indeed more sense as a comprehensive approach method. Cave man did both when fighting mammoths in the wild. It all goes back to preparing for the harrowing difficulty of combat. CrossFit like basic training, is “no big deal”, so to speak, compared to what is next if you do real militiary. Sure, you can get injured, but with walking all day with your IBA for months on end and what not, is where the real injury will occur if you are not prepared. You cannot pass crossfit, sheesh, forget about hoping being a soldier and expecting not to be on VA pain killers later the rest of your life.
Airforce are professional crossfit ninjas
HueLik Duh Imbecile hooah
I'm glad he said this. I get alot of shit at work because I train CF..
Just do burpees and sprints all the time. That shit'll have you strong and smoked quick!
Great exercises, but I would add some more resistance training. If you don't want to lift weights, do calisthenics.
I didn't mean do only those two.
@@Ragnarockalypse cool name
@@NinjaSushi2 but you said "just do"
Love what Echo Charles says here
David Goggins please.
Crossfit is a great way to make sure that orthopedic and neuro surgeons can pay down their student loans, and mortgages. It's garbage form, and super compensation designed by someone with a certificate that is purchased and "earned" over the course of two days.
My opinion comes from working in an operating room for more than a decade.
***Reasonable Edit***
If a person is using weight light enough to accommodate proper form, and they don't compensate form (egolift) ... Crossfit does have some value. However most Crossfit Professionals have about as much training as anyone who has ever attended a MLM program.
@Tim Romanski it is when the sport, including their championship events all but encourage garbage form.
The only cross fit I do is when I cross over from the living room to the kitchen.
Ramdomyalosis is what immediately comes across my mind. Every 4 of my friends did crossfit ane got severe cases of ramdomyalosis. Yall can do crossfit and get ramdomyalosis, for all i give a fuck. Ill stick to my consistent exercises of cardio and calthenstics.
David Goggins Get him on this Podcast!!!
We can talk about his dark past sense that's kinda what the podcast is about.
Pretty sure Goggins and Jocko don't get along or we would have seen a podcast with the 2 of them by now. My bet is that because Jocko has mass amounts of combat experience while Goggins doesn't - the 2 of them won't see eye to eye when the conversation hits the, 'Well how many deployments do you have?' dick measuring that happens with every SEAL on the planet. Goggins can explain he doesn't need to deploy to war 100 times to be hard... while the guys who have deployed a 100 times think that becase they've deployed so many times they are harder than eveyrone
Charlotte Dogtooth a couple years ago, someone asked on Jocko’s Facebook about having Goggins as a guest. I think Jocko said something to the effect of Goggins has told his story on enough podcasts, that it wouldn’t be interesting for him to tell it again the umpteenth time.
@Tom S
You speak for Jocko? How you know who he likes or dislikes. Goggins has his lane and Jocko has his lane. They both are motivators and preach the concept of mental toughness, hard work and doing the right thing. No need to compare. They both are the real deal 👌
@Tom S although it seems that way, and I don't know if that's true or not, he's good buddies with Morgan Luttrell and has been on Team Never Quit Podcast with Marcus and Rut
CrossFit is All fun and games until you blow out your back, knee or Achilles’ tendon ... Need to know your limits when doing this exercise program.
it is a very strange "exercise program"
Had more issues doing bodybuilding then I do CrossFit.
Fitness Junkie like I said you need to know your limits on both especially if your older. But I would say that since cross fit involves more dynamic movements than bodybuilding which has mostly static push and pull movements your more apt to get injured doing a CrossFit routine. With all that said I see benefits to both just need to be careful.
@jockowillink Would you be able to have Dave Castro on as a guest?
Missed opportunity for not just opening with "it's gay."
Dude c’mon. It’s not gay....it’s suuuuuuuuper gay!
@@CH-hk1xp Thoooper gay!!!
What exactly is that supposed to mean? There's nothing wrong with gay.
@@duality1984 Ha! GAAAAYYYYY!!!!
@@duality1984 gay!!!
The main issue with crossfit is the low standard of instruction while teaching complex movements such as cleans and training reps to failure while fatiguing and having poor form is a recipe for disaster and the injuries stemming from crossfit are a major issue.
When's the last time you went to a crossfit box? The shit you saw on youtube 8 years ago doesn't exist anywhere near as frequently as it used to.
Yeah low quality is still a problem: high rep oly lifts for beginners is a superb way to ingrain bad form, no matter how good the instructors are.
But the bigger problem is what Jocko says: the mostly random programming. If you're past the beginner stage, you really need to program carefully to periodize all the different attributes Crossfit tries to develop. Today's lecture from Dr Mike Israetel explains it very well: ruclips.net/video/eHh002RxYhc/видео.html
Crossfit is aimed at health. Fire breathers new to CF need to check their egos and learn to love scaling BEFORE high and fast repping some movements. Scale for longevity, practice the rx skills during the instruction. You don't HAVE to rx a wod. Try jumping pull ups LOL!!!! Still.hard as... fudge 😉 My CF box concentrates on form first!!! If it is breaking down you have to go lighter or scale. It's not your choice!!!! We pay the coaches to coach and they take their job very seriously. Very seriously!! Any owner that doesn't follow that philosophy is not a great business person. Injured members don't show up. If they aren't showing up.They aren't paying $$$ . Simple!
@@MoneyMunday Is your claim that every last CF coach on the planet is qualified to teach olympic lifting movements ? Then they should be performed to 100 reps in games when the typical rep number is 1-5 per set to keep the technical aspecs and movement cues sharp.
@@gracefool Indeed and Mike is a legend.
Spot on analysis
Globo gyms have bumper plates and mats but don’t allow you to drop the weights which is the point of bumper plates and mats.
Crossfit got me a lip remote control to move around
This comment had me dead. Underrated.
So nice to hear jocko acknowledge the gracies didnt invent shit ❤
I agree . Give the credit where credit is due
CrossFit athletes, as a sport, win. Look at Heppner getting 5th this year in the Spartan Race last weekend. CrossFitters are very fit. And some programs are harder than others. If you do MisFit Athletics, everyday will be hard and suck, for instance.
Modern Witcher Agreed. Comptrain is solid too
Holy shit I never realized how jacked Echo Charles is
Hey Jonko, what are your thoughts on competitive eating?
Thx Crossfit for spreading Yoga pants to women... :)
amen !
Hahaha. "Open your mind!" Total Recall callback.
Anything that gets American's moving is a step in the right direction....Echo doing the crossfits looking all YOKED