Maurice Ravel - Ondine

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Ravel's Ondine from Gaspard de la Nuit, performed by Mitchell Jett Spencer on 2/25/2024.
    ...I thought I heard a vague harmony enchanting my slumber and, near me, spreading, a murmur like the interrupted songs of a sad, tender voice.
    C. Brugnot -- The Two Genii
    by Aloysius Bertrand
    "Listen! Listen! It is I, it is Ondine brushing with these drops of water the resonant diamond-panes of your window illuminated by the melancholy rays of the moon; and here, in a dress of moire, is the lady of the castle on her balcony gazing at the beautiful starry night and the graceful slumbering lake.
    "Each wave is a water sprite swimming in the current, each current is a path winding toward my palace, and my palace is of fluid construction, at the bottom of the lake, within the triangle formed by fire, earth, and air.
    "Listen! Listen! My father beats the croaking water with a branch of green alder, and my sisters caress the cool islands of grasses, water lilies, and gladioli with their arms of foam, or mock the weeping willow as he dips his fishing line in the lake."
    After murmuring her song, she besought me to accept her ring on my finger, to be the husband of an undine, and to come to her palace, to be king of the lakes.
    And when I replied that I was in love with a mortal woman, she was sulky and vexed; she wept a few tears, burst out laughing and vanished in a shower of spray which ran in pale drops down my blue windowpanes.

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