Highway robbery from those whose oath means nothing. Integrity? Shoot, overtime is what matters. Steal from the poor, give to thy self. Freedom in the USA.
Someone should hold a sign saying, "You have the right to remain silent you do not have to answer any questions or produce ID you haven't broken any laws, do not incriminate yourself." If everyone did that the racketeering would stop.
Yeah, we should have invited Poetic. With three of us, we might not have enough time for all of us to talk. Checkpoint will be closed with us still talking over each other.
the supreme court ruled that it is unconstitutional for them to tow car's if no license is the only reason,but people don't know so they continue this practice make's million's for the police
Katman has this video in HD on his channel...katoosha2006. But my video has katman narration. I think my video is better despite the bunk sd video...what do you think? If your one of the many sub contracted, working for local cities, unable to get a cdl, only to be robbed at xmas im terribly sorry. Contact me, tell me your story, and how these dui checkpoints ruin the holidays for your family. Of course people dont care as long as its not them. I do care. I wanna make a video about it.
Mr bitchen...man, I could have made your comment for you. I am proud of how nicely I put that. Merry xmas bob. I have a special gift for you everyone is sure to hate. "Tom Zebra Sings The Classics." Its pretty bad. Later tonight on tz. You have been warned.
Even been hit by driver w/o a DL or insurance? Sucks let me tell you. Funny thing was that it was white guy from Torrance! As for DUI on a bike I saw a drunk old man on a bike near culver city lose his balance and smash his face against a bus bench.
Mr bitchen... You say you saw a drunk old man fall on a bench and smash his face. Thats what im talking about. Straight out of the police report...im not calling you a cop. Just saying that is police jargain for we beat his face in.
nice video keep up with the good job
Someone should hold a sign saying, "You have the right to remain silent you do not have to answer any questions or produce ID you haven't broken any laws, do not incriminate yourself." If everyone did that the racketeering would stop.
Yeah, we should have invited Poetic.
With three of us, we might not have enough time for all of us to talk.
Checkpoint will be closed with us still talking over each other.
Dan, serious I was out $$$$ as for the old man we went to court and learned his blood alcohol was .2 either way happy holidays!
Bob, is that how I spell it?
Jargen...oh well, I guessed.
I would say this is unbelievable, but no I can believe it in this nightmare.
Shameful extortion racket created by CHP... this is not honoring your oath.
@2:35, notice the "flashlight" inside the window. I'd like to know if that's actually an alcohol sensor being used.
the supreme court ruled that it is unconstitutional for them to tow car's if no license is the only reason,but people don't know so they continue this practice make's million's for the police
all they want is money. money to get their car out and money for the ticket they have to pay. smh
Katman has this video in HD on his channel...katoosha2006.
But my video has katman narration.
I think my video is better despite the bunk sd video...what do you think?
If your one of the many sub contracted, working for local cities, unable to get a cdl, only to be robbed at xmas im terribly sorry.
Contact me, tell me your story, and how these dui checkpoints ruin the holidays for your family.
Of course people dont care as long as its not them.
I do care. I wanna make a video about it.
Mr bitchen...man, I could have made your comment for you.
I am proud of how nicely I put that.
Merry xmas bob.
I have a special gift for you everyone is sure to hate.
"Tom Zebra Sings The Classics."
Its pretty bad. Later tonight on tz.
You have been warned.
Serious we use to call the Old man botellas. Bottles in english. Police jargen? Serious?
Even been hit by driver w/o a DL or insurance? Sucks let me tell you. Funny thing was that it was white guy from Torrance! As for DUI on a bike I saw a drunk old man on a bike near culver city lose his balance and smash his face against a bus bench.
Mr bitchen...
You say you saw a drunk old man fall on a bench and smash his face.
Thats what im talking about.
Straight out of the police report...im not calling you a cop.
Just saying that is police jargain for we beat his face in.