Over the past 11 years I've had to adjust many things I grow in the garden. Either changing the growing times or the type or strain of crop completely for something that can stand up to the changes. Where I live our summers have gotten warmer and dryer and the winter wetter and colder. Just something I noticed personally. Being able to adjust has been essential for us.
People generally make two wrong assumptions: 1. Some wrongly assume humans havent/can't affect the Earth's climate. 2. Some wrongly assume that if humans didn't pollute the atmosphere and everything else (deforestation, etc), then there'd be no global warning (aka no climate change). Even without humans, the Earth would still be warming rapidly just as it has been for the last 11 700 years...and the world would still be experiencing what you are experiencing (though not at the same rate). But, humans are definitely accelerating this rapid warming that already exists. For the last 2.5 million years, 90% of the time nature experienced very cold weather....aka the Ice Age that we are in right now. Nature is more adapted to that environment than the one that started 11 700 years ago. A lot of animals went extinct, simply because the world stopped being a giant freezer. E.g. The #1 cause of death for elephants is still Heatstroke (if we were still hunter gatherers, there'd be a lot of free meals). This is because large size in warm blooded mammals is most times an adaptation to cold clinates. Large size retains body heat better...and this is also what kills many elephants. Now imagine an elephant with thick fur, small ears, etc...and imagine the Earth suddenly started to warm rapidly. Now imagine an upright ape from the tropics who evolved to become more adapted against dying of Heatstroke than any other land animal, and evolved a hunting strategy of harrasing large animals on hot days until they collapse from heat exhaustion.
Just in time. Another great video with the voice that puts me to sleep! That's not a put down. I really love the voice from the Astrum Sleepspace as I'm dozing off. Night Night.
Correct. And the current CO2 and water vapor in our atmosphere already absorbs, basically, 100% of infrared radiation. The only way greenhouse gasses could contribute to global warming is if the sun outputs more energy.
I agree with all you said, but I have to rant about another factor. One thing we need to account for is volcanism. It can and has and will always exacerbate any other climate change and the reasons why it changes. Local climatic changes are strictly BS, local impacts may be higher than global, but if a regional weather pattern shifts for long enough, it becomes global. Hunga Tonga, imho, has been so grossly overlooked to the point it’s criminally against science. This was an eruption possibly just as powerful as 1815 Tambora, but rather than a bunch of sulfur and ash, it threw up water all the way into space and left so much in the stratosphere, that super arid layer of atmosphere that has huge influence in tropospheric weather, water content there went up 10%. Add ten percent water to a desert and you’ll see some difference. Yet mainstream science dismisses just about any long term impacts. Not to mention the insane climb in major eruptions since the beginning of the 2000s, and really off in the late 2000s, when the “hiatus” of climate change ended. Why can science say all the major eruptions of the 20th century made at least a small global impact yet dismiss all volcanoes in the 21st as regional? Keep bearing with me, yall. lol. Another note, IIRC, 64 major eruptions occurred in all of the 1900s, with 17 occurring within the first 25 years. We are now 25 years into the 21st century and we’ve seen 31 major eruptions. We also have enough studies to suggest a strong hypothesis that sulfur collects water while it hangs in the stratosphere, so it is safe to conjecture🤔 that after the “cooling” effect, it is followed by a “warming” effect. The more major eruptions that occur in a close time period, the possible effects very likely could be compounded. So how are we supposed to believe the major eruptions we’ve seen so far in the last 15 years along haven’t done this? How can we dismiss a strong hypothesis like this? Yet it is without a second thought as if I’m talking about gray aliens taking over. If we are to believe mainstream science, the eruptions lately are the first to not impact global climate to some degree. Astonishing! I know you folks that follow this channel are open minded so I’d like some discussion on this.
We all belong to the planet Earth. Earth doesn't belong to us. Our genetic makeup is created for our time on this planet and its place in the solar system. The sun is our energy and light source. Just live life to your best, and enjoy the ride for the little time you have of it.
no, we shouldnt. we are reaching record high temperatures all across the world and it’s getting incredibly dangerous. central california should not be as hot as it was in july 2024. people are having heat strokes left and right. people, especially those in construction are dying. sacramento had 110+ degree weather in 2024 more days than any other year since the 1800s. death valley hit 130 degrees in 2024. im not saying we should be in an ice age, but we should not be making the earth warmer.
Or vice-versa, for the millions of years the dinosaurs roamed it wasn't this cool. The first millions of years of life on earth it was very hot due to a carbon dioxide atmosphere. Like you, I am very happy with the temps we have-it could be much worse!
It's the same latitude, no matter the altitude, isn't it?😅😅 BTW, navigators traditionally calculated their latitude by measuring the 'altitude' of the sun at their local noon, and comparing it with the sun's declination at that instant. His regular mistakes make me wonder whether the voice is AI generated. I'd always thought the narration was genuine, even when other commenters thought otherwise.
i live in the tropics and it seems over the last decade or so, low pressure systems and the rain is forming further south than normal. THis year we didint get a monsoon which is not normal. but southern cities got heaps of rain.
I hope y’all get to sleep…if you stay up and listen to the whole video, you’re gonna be terrified. When I was growing up, the only weird geography was the Bermuda Triangle
I know the cycles better than the weatherman. that much I can say for certain. never knew a group of people to be so inconsistent and still keep their job. and I thank my father and my grandfather for it.
Earth is going to get roasted like a chicken because the sun itself is getting hotter and hotter as time goes on, to the point it’s going to become a supernova and basically fry everything.
@@DJG37Ssure. In 5 billion years it'll become a red giant (it'll never go supernova). That's quite a lot of time for humans, if we don't destroy the planet like we currently are doing.
Overall good but you closed the video with a lot of incorrect information that then puts the earlier 90% into question. Data show wildfires have decreased globally, and specifically in Canada and the USA over the last 100 years. CO2 does not dry out vegetation; the higher the concentration of CO2, the less water plants need to survive - they expire less water through their stomata. This is a significant reason why NASA's satellite data shows a 15% increase in the greening of the planet over the last 40 years, with much of the increase in vegetation being at the edges of and within deserts as plants now need less water to thrive. At the end of the Younger Dryas period 11,500 years ago, temperatures in Greenland rose about 10°C in a decade or so; yes, not specifically global temperature but significant temperature increases were noted throughout the northern hemisphere at the same time. In comparison we are told that around 1.5°C increase since 1850 is the most dramatic temperature increase experienced by humans. Just not true. You should look into Dansgaard-Oeschger events which are cyclical periods, some say around every 1500 years, of abrupt temperature change that have, and will continue to occur, and they are not related to CO2!
Will it affect me... Ffs! I live on this rock! Of course it will. But that's not the scary thing the scary thing is I am stuck on it with morons that think it won't affect them....
I notice that for this channel a lot of the titles and subject matters are click-baity doom speculation. Who want's to fall asleep to that? Expecting an intelligent audience to fall for clickbait for the views. I don't appreciate it.
So THAT is what it is; I knew everything was feeling a bit "off" when I got up this morning. I just assumed that my chakras were slightly out of alignment. I even ordered a new mattress to try and help. I never would have guessed it was due to this... Whodathunkit !?!?
We don't even understand our own Melankovitch(sp.) cycles. And we want to move across the street to Mars, which may have its own melankovitch cycles. No sweat, we'll spend the summers on Mars and the winters on earth.
On the precession note. You know how a sun dial can keep track of a year cycle? What do you think about the Precession and the Giza complex layout theory?
Your local noon is by definition always when the sun is situated exactly true south/north on your meridian, no matter the angle of the ecliptic. Only the relative time of sunrise/sunset is affected; this occurs every day as we move through the seasons.
Over the past 11 years I've had to adjust many things I grow in the garden. Either changing the growing times or the type or strain of crop completely for something that can stand up to the changes. Where I live our summers have gotten warmer and dryer and the winter wetter and colder. Just something I noticed personally. Being able to adjust has been essential for us.
People generally make two wrong assumptions:
1. Some wrongly assume humans havent/can't affect the Earth's climate.
2. Some wrongly assume that if humans didn't pollute the atmosphere and everything else (deforestation, etc), then there'd be no global warning (aka no climate change).
Even without humans, the Earth would still be warming rapidly just as it has been for the last 11 700 years...and the world would still be experiencing what you are experiencing (though not at the same rate).
But, humans are definitely accelerating this rapid warming that already exists.
For the last 2.5 million years, 90% of the time nature experienced very cold weather....aka the Ice Age that we are in right now.
Nature is more adapted to that environment than the one that started 11 700 years ago.
A lot of animals went extinct, simply because the world stopped being a giant freezer.
E.g. The #1 cause of death for elephants is still Heatstroke (if we were still hunter gatherers, there'd be a lot of free meals).
This is because large size in warm blooded mammals is most times an adaptation to cold clinates. Large size retains body heat better...and this is also what kills many elephants.
Now imagine an elephant with thick fur, small ears, etc...and imagine the Earth suddenly started to warm rapidly.
Now imagine an upright ape from the tropics who evolved to become more adapted against dying of Heatstroke than any other land animal, and evolved a hunting strategy of harrasing large animals on hot days until they collapse from heat exhaustion.
Just in time. Another great video with the voice that puts me to sleep! That's not a put down. I really love the voice from the Astrum Sleepspace as I'm dozing off. Night Night.
Thank god it’s warm in our time here.
Water vapor is a much more significant factor then CO2.
Correct. And the current CO2 and water vapor in our atmosphere already absorbs, basically, 100% of infrared radiation. The only way greenhouse gasses could contribute to global warming is if the sun outputs more energy.
Will it affect me? Well I'm sure I'll have to pay more tax.
Never thought my hometown and the current city I live in Tromsø would be mentioned in an Astrum video 😂❤
Looks like a nice place...I want to visit soon..I'm in Florida...bored of warm weather
Watching this animated motion of the Earth is Making me Feel Dizzy !
I'd suggest to stop watching the video in that case.
thanks for all you do for us
I agree with all you said, but I have to rant about another factor. One thing we need to account for is volcanism. It can and has and will always exacerbate any other climate change and the reasons why it changes. Local climatic changes are strictly BS, local impacts may be higher than global, but if a regional weather pattern shifts for long enough, it becomes global. Hunga Tonga, imho, has been so grossly overlooked to the point it’s criminally against science. This was an eruption possibly just as powerful as 1815 Tambora, but rather than a bunch of sulfur and ash, it threw up water all the way into space and left so much in the stratosphere, that super arid layer of atmosphere that has huge influence in tropospheric weather, water content there went up 10%. Add ten percent water to a desert and you’ll see some difference. Yet mainstream science dismisses just about any long term impacts. Not to mention the insane climb in major eruptions since the beginning of the 2000s, and really off in the late 2000s, when the “hiatus” of climate change ended. Why can science say all the major eruptions of the 20th century made at least a small global impact yet dismiss all volcanoes in the 21st as regional?
Keep bearing with me, yall. lol.
Another note, IIRC, 64 major eruptions occurred in all of the 1900s, with 17 occurring within the first 25 years. We are now 25 years into the 21st century and we’ve seen 31 major eruptions. We also have enough studies to suggest a strong hypothesis that sulfur collects water while it hangs in the stratosphere, so it is safe to conjecture🤔 that after the “cooling” effect, it is followed by a “warming” effect. The more major eruptions that occur in a close time period, the possible effects very likely could be compounded. So how are we supposed to believe the major eruptions we’ve seen so far in the last 15 years along haven’t done this? How can we dismiss a strong hypothesis like this? Yet it is without a second thought as if I’m talking about gray aliens taking over. If we are to believe mainstream science, the eruptions lately are the first to not impact global climate to some degree. Astonishing! I know you folks that follow this channel are open minded so I’d like some discussion on this.
You should check out SunWeatherNews.
They correlated a lot of volcanic and seismic activity to solar activity.
Why don't you make a documentary? I've always said volcanos are a big reason, but can't explain it like you can.
I'm really happy that the UN can give me a simplistic answer before I watch a 2 hour video 😮
Make the climate great again,
Thanks Alex. This is worth watching again.
As we ride the great circle of milky way,we flow with what is
Bedtime in South Africa. Glass of whiskey and pipeweed.
Great scientific journalism and professional presentation. Thanks for the enjoyment.
Lekker Slaap !
Is pipeweed what I think it is?
@@denniscrane9753 It is 🙃
arggghhhh the polarcap has completely melted!
We all belong to the planet Earth. Earth doesn't belong to us. Our genetic makeup is created for our time on this planet and its place in the solar system. The sun is our energy and light source. Just live life to your best, and enjoy the ride for the little time you have of it.
It's really not long at all. Let's enjoy while we can.
👍 That's why holding in your farts is pointless
We are lucky to be in such a warm period, earth is typically way colder than this. If we could make the earth warmer, we should do it.
no, we shouldnt. we are reaching record high temperatures all across the world and it’s getting incredibly dangerous. central california should not be as hot as it was in july 2024. people are having heat strokes left and right. people, especially those in construction are dying. sacramento had 110+ degree weather in 2024 more days than any other year since the 1800s. death valley hit 130 degrees in 2024.
im not saying we should be in an ice age, but we should not be making the earth warmer.
It is better than going back to a full ice age that is FOR SURE!
You're an absolute idiot
You can't possibly be that stupid
Or vice-versa, for the millions of years the dinosaurs roamed it wasn't this cool. The first millions of years of life on earth it was very hot due to a carbon dioxide atmosphere.
Like you, I am very happy with the temps we have-it could be much worse!
RUclips threw up the united nations climate change banner. You must be over the target. The climate is more complex than they portray.
I've been saying this for years. We are on a planet moving thousands of miles of an hour around the sun.
Milankovitch cycles
😂😂 yep
Never mind the fact the sun isn't as stable as we thought nor is light the only thing hitting the Earth... they just ignore the parts they don't like.
Haha, yep. According to the united nations humans are the only influence on the weather. It's a grift.
As the sun goes the Earth follows
Superb. Thank you Alex! 👍🏼
fantastic moving images
Little bits and pieces of this have details that you have mentioned in previous videos, like the effect on mangrove forests.
its alrwady kicking in over here
Yup spring is coming!
You didn’t get tired Milankovitching for a whole two hours?!?
Why does this make me feel ever more alien.
I love the relaxing voice.
At 2:54, I believe that's supposed to to be 'latitude' instead of 'altitude'
Lol asstrum
It's the same latitude, no matter the altitude, isn't it?😅😅
BTW, navigators traditionally calculated their latitude by measuring the 'altitude' of the sun at their local noon, and comparing it with the sun's declination at that instant.
His regular mistakes make me wonder whether the voice is AI generated. I'd always thought the narration was genuine, even when other commenters thought otherwise.
i live in the tropics and it seems over the last decade or so, low pressure systems and the rain is forming further south than normal. THis year we didint get a monsoon which is not normal. but southern cities got heaps of rain.
I hope y’all get to sleep…if you stay up and listen to the whole video, you’re gonna be terrified. When I was growing up, the only weird geography was the Bermuda Triangle
Just in time for bed 🛌 😴
thank u
The audio doesn’t match the video!
I know the cycles better than the weatherman. that much I can say for certain. never knew a group of people to be so inconsistent and still keep their job. and I thank my father and my grandfather for it.
The only constant in the world is that the climate is ever changing and we have nothing to do with it one way or the other.
So, the meteoric rise in CO2 levels in the past century or two is not related to human industrialisation?
Denialist morons still exist in the year 2025?
Humans eat more ice cream in the summer. Perhaps eating ice cream causes the summer? (climate alarmist logic)
if i could eliminate one weather phenomenon it would be wind
9.5 quality show
more than just a *physical* shift happening but changes are coming and with love they will be amazing.
TLDR. Are we getting frozen to a popsicle or roasted like chicken?
I think I'd rather get frozen, I already live in Alaska, I'd be ok😂
Earth is going to get roasted like a chicken because the sun itself is getting hotter and hotter as time goes on, to the point it’s going to become a supernova and basically fry everything.
@@DJG37Ssure. In 5 billion years it'll become a red giant (it'll never go supernova). That's quite a lot of time for humans, if we don't destroy the planet like we currently are doing.
Overall good but you closed the video with a lot of incorrect information that then puts the earlier 90% into question. Data show wildfires have decreased globally, and specifically in Canada and the USA over the last 100 years. CO2 does not dry out vegetation; the higher the concentration of CO2, the less water plants need to survive - they expire less water through their stomata. This is a significant reason why NASA's satellite data shows a 15% increase in the greening of the planet over the last 40 years, with much of the increase in vegetation being at the edges of and within deserts as plants now need less water to thrive.
At the end of the Younger Dryas period 11,500 years ago, temperatures in Greenland rose about 10°C in a decade or so; yes, not specifically global temperature but significant temperature increases were noted throughout the northern hemisphere at the same time. In comparison we are told that around 1.5°C increase since 1850 is the most dramatic temperature increase experienced by humans. Just not true. You should look into Dansgaard-Oeschger events which are cyclical periods, some say around every 1500 years, of abrupt temperature change that have, and will continue to occur, and they are not related to CO2!
I wish the eco warriors educated themselves on the Milankovitch cycles
Will it affect me... Ffs! I live on this rock! Of course it will. But that's not the scary thing the scary thing is I am stuck on it with morons that think it won't affect them....
@4:50 painting Greenland black like that is a good idea. It will keep a particular orange man from trying to take it.
No need to be racist.
@ I’d concur, so please explain the last 400 years to me…
@ also, hailing spray-tan is more of a religion than an ethnicity, isn’t it?
highest C02 levels happens in Ice Ages FYI
In fact, water is a green house gas
Warming is a bad thing?
Faraday cage will work?
I notice that for this channel a lot of the titles and subject matters are click-baity doom speculation. Who want's to fall asleep to that? Expecting an intelligent audience to fall for clickbait for the views. I don't appreciate it.
This last week, Southern Texas had anow Jan 25
Indeed, and they've had it before and they will have it again.
So THAT is what it is; I knew everything was feeling a bit "off" when I got up this morning.
I just assumed that my chakras were slightly out of alignment. I even ordered a new mattress to try and help.
I never would have guessed it was due to this... Whodathunkit !?!?
Please stick to the relevant science, logic and not science fiction colonising other planets, terraforming Mars nonsense.
We don't even understand our own Melankovitch(sp.) cycles. And we want to move across the street to Mars, which may have its own melankovitch cycles. No sweat, we'll spend the summers on Mars and the winters on earth.
Climate will always change. People will always fear change. Thus people currently fear the climate. Sad for them.
Not as sad as those terminally adolescent individuals who do not understand idiomatic expressions.
On the precession note. You know how a sun dial can keep track of a year cycle? What do you think about the Precession and the Giza complex layout theory?
Your local noon is by definition always when the sun is situated exactly true south/north on your meridian, no matter the angle of the ecliptic. Only the relative time of sunrise/sunset is affected; this occurs every day as we move through the seasons.
“It’s time to clear the air” 😄🙏
We love your videos Alex!
It won't affect me for all be asleep.
Shorter videos are more attractive to watch. 🕯️
Much like shorter chicks in the gymn!
I say bring it on. I hit the gym 3 times a week bro you can't bring me down.
Pity of the low production value
29:50 the long drive video, with winter white shown in all directions, its agitating my fight or flight response, mixed with claustrophobia 😶🌫️🥶🤯
Musks tender bag❤