The most important thing about the Kuva Zarr is that on-call crew reload the entire mag at once and don't run out of ammo. Meaning they fire it like a machine gun
When was this? Specters have had an ammo pool for a while, which gets replenished when you pick up ammo. If you let it do all the work without getting pickups, they should run out, right?
From limited testing, they have infinite ammo reserve but still need to reload. The only thing I'm confused about are battery weapons like Tenet Cycron because on call just fires that forever and I don't know how to explain it and don't mind it at all.
Also worth mentioning is that the Zarr is phenomenal for on call crewmates as they have unlimited ammo and reload all the shots in a single animation, Turning them into an endless artillery canon.
@@manynukes11 yup! They needed the new arcanes, mods, and updates or the new coda weapons risked being outclass right away by incarnon weapons. Now they can be interesting and have solid builds.
Not just Eximus anymore, DE apparently a new Ancient enemy (they seperated it off from healers) that gives overguard to normal units. Kind of like the Severed Wardens, only now you also need to break the enemies new overguard even after the Protector is dead.
I appreciate this list and updated builds. The new arcanes have really shook up some things and these weapons feel solid (plus gets stale using incarnon weapons all the time).
they really need to do a 2nd look on the AoE weapon ammo nerf, like it doesnt matter anymore specially considering explosive and chaining incarnons, it just makes those weapons incredibly annoying to use
As an ogris enjoyer, magnetic progen is best alongside building the weapon for heat as nwn scales off of base damage (including progenitor bonus) and modded heat damage, plus magnetic helps chew through tougher enemies with overguard/shields, which nwn struggles with. The build I have found works best is as follows: -Arcane: primary merciless for reload speed and flat damage -Night watch napalm: more heat procs and crowd control -Semi-rifle cannonade: flat damage -Galvanized chamber: multishot -Firestorm/primed firestorm: helps with damage falloff and doubles area where nwn is applied -Rifle elementalist: nearly double the dot from heat procs -Thermite rounds: more heat damage and more status (extra initial heat procs for nwn and greater chance of proccing magnetic) -Wildfire: More heat damage and an extra round in the magazine (10 --> 11 total ammo) -Flex slot: If your feeling lazy, then use heavy caliber for greater coverage and damage (multiplies your damage by 1.24 to 1.49 depending on how many merciless stacks are active). Hammershot/vital sense if you want to run arcane avenger on your frame and can keep it up. Bane mod for damage multiplier. Riven if you really like the ogris and dont mind going through a ton of kuva. Ammo drum so you can spam shots more. Rifle aptitude for more heat procs isn't terrible either. -Exilus: your choice of ammo mutation
@@BobWaffleMan now everyone is spamming with Torid Incarnon and Dual Ichors Incarnon. Cured one cancer, got another one afterwards that is worse than the previous one
Kuva Sobek has that Clip Delegation mod which was available from the same Nightwave as the Tenet Glaxion augment. It helps with stacking up status a looooot faster.
Are there any other weapons that have 3 augments? I know Penta has access to that many, but 2 are mutually exclusive and the other is for all launchers.
i think this list is as accurate as it gets. i also like the showcasing you do . i am also a quartakk fan, i think it fills both a shotgun and a rifle feeling and that's why i like it so much. Looking forward to tenet and warframe tier list videos.
As an on-off player who has been slacking off on Lich/Sister weapons for the past 5 years, really appreciate this updated guide and your personal wiki. 🙏
Kuva Kohm is also an excellent stat stick for Kubrows because of its ridiculous status chance and Mecha Overdrive, letting them apply multiple statuses in a single swipe.
@@RossKyle95 they made it so that the mecha set uses incarnon weapons’ base form’s stats, so strum is a bad stat stick and you don’t have to wait up to two months for a kuva weapon lol
@ paris prime Has same status chance in both forms plus a status chance exilus augment and can still go over 600% but I guess kohm would be good option.
chakurr not only has multi crit but its innate headshot bonus is thus also multi with acuity due to to how acuity works and how headshot multipliers work , missed out using galv aptitude for its multi nature too despite the slight aoe it has
Fun fact with the Kuva Hek, the alt-fire is compatable with the Duelist's Advantage decree. It's a niche case, for sure; but it's a nice bonus for any fellow gamblers
a thing to note about the chaining beam weapons: punchthrough on beam chain weps (kuva nukor, tenet cycron, atomos, ect) makes them chain from every enemy they hit with their punchthrough :3
Yup this is the play, Merciless Gunfight instead of Primed Target Cracker. The nukor already has bonkers crit damage to begin with, so the punch through ends up having far more of a real world impact than even more crit damage
The kuva shildeg actually is decent with melee doutry, it's the only puncture weighted hammer. So it can get pretty high critical multipliers for slam builds
progenitor weapon bonuses don't apply into the taxid status procs from Resupply e.g. having an electric progenitor on Kuva Sobek will not buff the damage of electric resupply's damage instance
Progenitor weapon bonus apply as damage bonuses for Nightwatch Napalm, and Nightwatch Napalam also scale with Heat, making Heat as the best option for progenitor bonus.
A fun synergy that you can do with weapons with ammo issues like Zarr and Bramma, is Arcane Pistoleer, if you have it. Pistoleer's infinite ammo buff applies to every equipped weapon (even Archguns), so you can trigger it with a secondary that does strong single target/upfront damage (Brakk, Laetum, Vesper, Vasto, Lex), and then switch to your Primary and have infinite ammo. I also recommend running firerate on your Zarr instead of Cannonade if you do this, partially because you can cover more area with the shots, but mostly because it's really fun.
Couldn’t have come at a better time. As a returning player, I didn’t know how to even get Lich/Sister weapons for a long time. Now that I do, I’ve been on lookout for a reliable list of which are worth prioritizing since I only have so many requiem mods.
I farmed an impact nukor, it's built around the arcane that strips overguard and the impact procs make most eximus that can be executed, vulnerable at near full hp when the overguard pops. Beyond being an execution generator it can be modded for many element combos depending on faction and also procs slash
I was just looking for this recently! I took a break and was looking to update the modding and potentially swap the elements around now with the relatively recent health/damage updates. Thanks a lot for the work, very timely for me :) Edit.: After watching I can say im very happy to report that I put heat on basically all my kuva weapons, glad that it's still the best choice for most weapons! I definitely should look more at magnetic in my modding in general though because I'm not up to speed again yet with the current powerlevel (especially arcanes but also some "new" mods) and had some issues with some eximus units
For the nukor you could also run impact for the sake of more element types and swap in the new magnetic / crit damage mod to still have the magnetic, radiation, microwave, viral, heat but also have impact on top of it for the additional damage from galvanized shot (I'm not 100% sure if this is better as far as dps but it is something to think about a little bit)
Totally agree on Quartak. Just really super satisfying to use, always one of my favorites. I shelved it a while ago, due to performance. Think I will try your build and see how it does now!
I can get behind the Shildeg being meh, but I still absolutely love it lol. My riven makes it pretty strong, and I love that for me. Super fun weapon 👌🏻
Or using Cyte-09 but if you need a specific frame/helminth to make something work it's kinda lame either way... Imo a heavy buffing warframe like Mirage or Saryn is better because they make weapons kill so good you'll probably not need to spam, especially if you go Primary Blight with the toxic lady which feels like it was hard-crafted for her
@@dunes3174 Nah. Slap EM on a Wukong or something and you'll be map clearing 5x faster than anyone else. By the time Mirage or Saryn have finished casting their abilities you're 2 rooms away nuking everything. It's not even close. You're adverse to using 1 ability slot to get the best AoE-killing weapon in the game but instead suggest dedicating an entire frame and build to propping up inferior weapons. Makes no sense.
Still wishing DE unnerfs explosive weapons eventually considering how much more OP map clearing weapons we have these days. Having to make them usable with specific frames/helminth is dumb.
One day, we'll have old merciless, the old ammo pools, and then a wukong clone that doesn't mag dump everything. Oh and wuclone's 50% damage output nerf has to go too. I miss what my monkey used to be. If we got 2 or 3 of those nerfs rescinded, I'd never comment about this stuff again lol.
Playing Devil's advocate slightly: The Kuva Hind's single fire/semi auto mode is also perfectly serviceable if you're going for a crit build, as it has acceptable crit chance and damage. The Kuva Ayanga does have ONE niche (though admittedly the Kuva Grattler still does this niche better, but if you don't have the Kuva Grattler then the Ayanga is better than the Mausolon in ONE scenario) and that is that one specific Archwing mission where you have to disable a ship's engines and shields then defend it. The Mausolon has trouble hitting the shield generators in the mission and will often lead to failing the mission entirely, but the Ayanga's AoE will make it consistently take those out. This is only useful on the rare occasion when that mission is one of the daily Steel Path things. Before Primary Crux was a thing, Kuva Kohm was one of the few/only times you could maybe consider using your Helminth for Energized Munitions. It was not meta, and was definitely a bad idea since there's almost always a better use for your Helminth, but it was a fun gimmick build alongside the Twin Kohmak. Now Energized Munitions is back to having practically 0 use case, but that doesn't affect the Kohm at all. Kuva Kohm is a fantastic weapon.
I freaking love The Kuva Ogris, Kuva Brakk, and Kuva Nukor the best. I agree with you about the other Kuva weapons, but The Kuva Ogris is tons of fun and clears rooms like no other. The Kuva Brakk is a bit underrated but I've always had a good time with it.
Kuva Shildeg might not be fancy, or have any unique ability, but I've been using it since I started playing last year and got to Liches, and I've built it for crits and had a blast with it. Nothing has dragged me away from using it on every frame I play. :3
What I like about your builds Broz is that I don't need 15 archon shards, have done every quest and maxed out ever single syndicate known to mankind and spend every single resource that I could ever have on one build, OH and a bunch of subsumed abilities that I don't have yet. I'd rather have a weapon build for just the weapon, I get that a combination build is better I suppose technically but I'd rather have a gun do what the gun is supposed to do, not require that I build up my entire game around 1 weapon and 1 warframe.
I like the kuva and tenet melee specifically because their extra mod cap allows easy use of double sacrificial mods (and I'm not a slam lover). As for the the stubbas (and the diplos) I've personally found acuity REALLY helps those - if you can aim at heads then they will shred.
Note on the Bramma(bow), if you use it on a Mirage build, with both the mod that the clones do damage, and the mod where your 3rd affects allys. Then stack strength, duration and maybe Pillage. You will WRECK and delete so many things. Use it exclusively for content with multiple grouped enemies, so that every shot gives you ammo back because you just killed like 5 dudes. I play the build straight up by looking at my mini map only. The explosions are too bright lol
I had a moment recently where I completed ranking up a new secondary weapon and wanted to switch to the Kuva Brakk because I like it more. It took me three missions to figure out why my ol' reliable Brakk failed to perform like I expected it to: I picked the Kuva Seer accidently. It was rough and at the moment I couldn't figure out why none of the enemies die. I was also playing Koumei and constantly had the enemies primed with status, and the Seer just refused to kill anything.
I just want to say that the Kuva Seer makes extremely good use of Galvanized Shot, and combining it with blast makes it so that the weapon clear groups with singular headshots. I don't know if this isnt mentioned because you dont want to call attention to how Shot works on the Seer (understandably), but regardless its not being used to its fullest potential in this video
I've been using a toxin version of what you recommended for the longest and as a max MR player I thought it was pretty strong but not OP. After trying blast, I like it more, but wouldn't change how strong I think the weapon is.
>19:50 I have always gone with at least Shotgun Barrage, and back in the day I had the two 90%s turning it into a lawnmower. It was hilarious to body slam something with a crapload of ailments in six seconds.
Very nice, I have them all, mastered, leveled etc, and I do still use some of them, even the worse ones, when I get them on EDA. This is a really good build refresh I might do for them, particularly crux.
Hello Brozime, I have a quick question about Obsidian. How do I get those drop down lists that you used for this video and the recent DevStream Recap video? I like how it keeps your page organized.
Fantastic! I'm getting back into Warframe and was wondering if it was worth farming to improve my old Kuva Kohm. Glad to see it is! One of my favorite weapons. And I'm looking forward to trying the Quartakk!
@Vermillion295 to further add a lil bit of calcs to understand After the armor strip from a heat proc kicks in, a single heat proc from a gun with hellfire on it will do near exactly the same amount of damage as if it were a slash proc (within 2% of eachother) on maximally armored enemies.
Funny, the 60% heat ayanga is my go to for EDA when I have no good guns on the rotation, it's just infinitely more comfortable to use than the mausolon, maybe not as powerful but definitely more comfortable since its more damage per shot and you can explode basic enemies with a simple tap
Kuva Shildeg is a stealth weapon. Hammers have ridiculous finisher multiplier which lets you build up good slam damage using Melee Crescendo to be used to great amusement toward the end of the mission or when the Acolyte shows up. But SP stealth isn't exactly a community favorite. It's rather sad that *heavy melee* should be the logical stealth melee option when the dagger is such a thief/assassin archetype. Daggers have pitiful finisher multipliers.
My kohm suggestion is running blast with toxin progenitor so you can get corrosive with just one mod. It deals a good chunk of damage and with a riven this thing has no business dealing so much damage
The kuva hind was my prinary go to for blast frost build until i got my hands on the acceltra prime. It does work, not the flashiest. But a good ol reliable
I just got my first Kuva Brakk because I got a riven for it and I'm still not sure if the element I choose was the best one. This video will be perfect in my case ! 😄
I didn't know about kuva liches. Mine have an ayanga with a cold progenitor. The guy has been teasing me for months now, but i am not willing to spend time grinding for the requiem mods to actually fight him. So i just ignore him. So yeah, i've been ghosting my kuva lich for now. I have no intention to engage him in anyway, but it's probable that i just add him to my Railjack when the time comes...
slash viral combo isnt as good anymore cuz of enemy hp and armor changes, enemies have way more hp now and their armor is capped, it allows for more options that are as good
just wondering why you strayed away from hunter munitions with the primary weapons? i would guess its because of either crux giving status, or because slash/HM isnt as good anymore
You need to sacrifice a slot for Hunter Munition to deal slash proc for yoyr primary, when melee weapon can do forced proc with hidden enhanced damage boost from stance mod while also give capacity while also doesn't need to deal with reload and ammo issue. If you like slash/bleed its better to use melee. For guns, blast and corrosive are the better option.
@Stormfin yeah, but you want to be able to switch it after farming out several liches to get max percentage. With an elemental vice, you'd be able to switch after r40. Imo, that's less investment.
I've been using the Kuva Brakk basically since it came out on many loadouts. It's very reliable, aiming is easy, modding has decent options (even more with 1999). Besides that I wish the Drakgoon was better. It's skin and projectile bouncing are so cool but it just feels underwhelming.
I am one of the few wbo actually like the dubba stubbas. What's better than one gun going brrrr? Two! Bonus if you use it on Gauss for extra brrrrrrrrrrrr
The most important thing about the Kuva Zarr is that on-call crew reload the entire mag at once and don't run out of ammo. Meaning they fire it like a machine gun
When was this? Specters have had an ammo pool for a while, which gets replenished when you pick up ammo. If you let it do all the work without getting pickups, they should run out, right?
Yeah, I always thought on-call crews were just specters with a timer and had no abilities, do they really have infinite ammo?
Using that crap out lvl 10 on call 150% rifle is op
@@RioManegosThey aren’t specters
From limited testing, they have infinite ammo reserve but still need to reload. The only thing I'm confused about are battery weapons like Tenet Cycron because on call just fires that forever and I don't know how to explain it and don't mind it at all.
Ayanga - 2:35
Brakk - 4:09
Bramma - 6:15
Chakkurr - 8:02
Drakgoon - 11:31
Grattler - 13:00
Hek - 14:43
Hind - 16:56
Karak - 18:23
Kohm - 19:45
Kraken - 21:55
Nukor - 23:03
Sobek - 25:06
Ogris - 28:18
Quartakk - 30:37
Seer - 33:01
Shildeg - 34:12
Tonkor - 35:41
Twin Stubbas - 38:23
Zarr - 39:25
Thank you
Thanks these RUclipsr are really inexperienced at adding timestamps.
Thank you for doing this I was meaning to get to it tonight but I'll add it now so the chapters kick in!
Gotta love that the Kuva weapon names are enabling the prompt to translate to English.
Also worth mentioning is that the Zarr is phenomenal for on call crewmates as they have unlimited ammo and reload all the shots in a single animation, Turning them into an endless artillery canon.
I use kuva nukor on them, but sounds great ;)
Basically 1999 was the best thing that could happen to Lich weapons
Appropriate, since there's a bunch more infested lich weapons coming
@@manynukes11 yup! They needed the new arcanes, mods, and updates or the new coda weapons risked being outclass right away by incarnon weapons. Now they can be interesting and have solid builds.
Not just Eximus anymore, DE apparently a new Ancient enemy (they seperated it off from healers) that gives overguard to normal units. Kind of like the Severed Wardens, only now you also need to break the enemies new overguard even after the Protector is dead.
I appreciate this list and updated builds. The new arcanes have really shook up some things and these weapons feel solid (plus gets stale using incarnon weapons all the time).
Thank you a ton for all your hardwork and insight!
they really need to do a 2nd look on the AoE weapon ammo nerf, like it doesnt matter anymore specially considering explosive and chaining incarnons, it just makes those weapons incredibly annoying to use
As an ogris enjoyer, magnetic progen is best alongside building the weapon for heat as nwn scales off of base damage (including progenitor bonus) and modded heat damage, plus magnetic helps chew through tougher enemies with overguard/shields, which nwn struggles with. The build I have found works best is as follows:
-Arcane: primary merciless for reload speed and flat damage
-Night watch napalm: more heat procs and crowd control
-Semi-rifle cannonade: flat damage
-Galvanized chamber: multishot
-Firestorm/primed firestorm: helps with damage falloff and doubles area where nwn is applied
-Rifle elementalist: nearly double the dot from heat procs
-Thermite rounds: more heat damage and more status (extra initial heat procs for nwn and greater chance of proccing magnetic)
-Wildfire: More heat damage and an extra round in the magazine (10 --> 11 total ammo)
-Flex slot: If your feeling lazy, then use heavy caliber for greater coverage and damage (multiplies your damage by 1.24 to 1.49 depending on how many merciless stacks are active). Hammershot/vital sense if you want to run arcane avenger on your frame and can keep it up. Bane mod for damage multiplier. Riven if you really like the ogris and dont mind going through a ton of kuva. Ammo drum so you can spam shots more. Rifle aptitude for more heat procs isn't terrible either.
-Exilus: your choice of ammo mutation
I remember what the bramma was like pre nerf. The thing was SO powerful.
Just got a tonkor riven with heat and magazine size. Thats rather convenient.
I wish it wasn't nefred beacause it's fun to use but I get why it's problematic.
@@PuskasMarton I agree with all of that. And the weapon just looks so cool. But yeah, it was certainly problematic.
It was just so bad if you weren't the one using it and your teammate was spamming it all mission
@@BobWaffleMan now everyone is spamming with Torid Incarnon and Dual Ichors Incarnon. Cured one cancer, got another one afterwards that is worse than the previous one
eh not really, pre-nerf Kuva Bramma (and also Kuva Zarr) clear the entire room with a single click, Torid Incarnon and Dual Ichor couldn't
"Hmm, the damage numbers are not very convincing, but why is there a valley carved into the enemy lines?" The Kuva Hek just can't stop winning.
Kuva Sobek has that Clip Delegation mod which was available from the same Nightwave as the Tenet Glaxion augment. It helps with stacking up status a looooot faster.
this and the damage from it is no joke all that extra multishot
Are there any other weapons that have 3 augments? I know Penta has access to that many, but 2 are mutually exclusive and the other is for all launchers.
@@chaosgyro Ogris as well in that case, I think.
Loving all these refreshes. I’m in the middle of farming ephemeras, so this is a perfect reason to keep hunting. Thanks, Zime. ❤
Literally looked yesterday to see if you had a recent look at these. Perfect timing.
i think this list is as accurate as it gets. i also like the showcasing you do .
i am also a quartakk fan, i think it fills both a shotgun and a rifle feeling and that's why i like it so much.
Looking forward to tenet and warframe tier list videos.
This was a fantastic deep dive! Loving you're videos bro! 👊
Quartakk was my signature for a year now. This gun sounds amazing. Didn't know you're a man of such refined taste.
As an on-off player who has been slacking off on Lich/Sister weapons for the past 5 years, really appreciate this updated guide and your personal wiki. 🙏
Kuva Kohm is also an excellent stat stick for Kubrows because of its ridiculous status chance and Mecha Overdrive, letting them apply multiple statuses in a single swipe.
one thing though , strun prime incarnon or paris incarnon
@@RossKyle95 they made it so that the mecha set uses incarnon weapons’ base form’s stats, so strum is a bad stat stick and you don’t have to wait up to two months for a kuva weapon lol
@ paris prime
Has same status chance in both forms plus a status chance exilus augment and can still go over 600% but I guess kohm would be good option.
@@RossKyle95 Kohm also makes much easier use of Primary Crux for the +300% status chance where Paris has more of a hassle maintaining it.
chakurr not only has multi crit but its innate headshot bonus is thus also multi with acuity due to to how acuity works and how headshot multipliers work , missed out using galv aptitude for its multi nature too despite the slight aoe it has
Praise the MIGHTY SEER indeed my friend. The MIGHTY SEER family of weapons damage scales off of your faith. Believe in them and they shall deliver
I was looking for your comment 👋
@Galvantez ❤️
knew id see you here lol. Your dedication is really impressive lmao
Fun fact with the Kuva Hek, the alt-fire is compatable with the Duelist's Advantage decree. It's a niche case, for sure; but it's a nice bonus for any fellow gamblers
a thing to note about the chaining beam weapons: punchthrough on beam chain weps (kuva nukor, tenet cycron, atomos, ect) makes them chain from every enemy they hit with their punchthrough :3
Yup this is the play, Merciless Gunfight instead of Primed Target Cracker. The nukor already has bonkers crit damage to begin with, so the punch through ends up having far more of a real world impact than even more crit damage
The kuva shildeg actually is decent with melee doutry, it's the only puncture weighted hammer. So it can get pretty high critical multipliers for slam builds
progenitor weapon bonuses don't apply into the taxid status procs from Resupply
e.g. having an electric progenitor on Kuva Sobek will not buff the damage of electric resupply's damage instance
What about purple Archon shards adding primary electric damage?
bro get back to making videos 💔
those do@@abyss6722
Progenitor weapon bonus apply as damage bonuses for Nightwatch Napalm, and Nightwatch Napalam also scale with Heat, making Heat as the best option for progenitor bonus.
A fun synergy that you can do with weapons with ammo issues like Zarr and Bramma, is Arcane Pistoleer, if you have it.
Pistoleer's infinite ammo buff applies to every equipped weapon (even Archguns), so you can trigger it with a secondary that does strong single target/upfront damage (Brakk, Laetum, Vesper, Vasto, Lex), and then switch to your Primary and have infinite ammo. I also recommend running firerate on your Zarr instead of Cannonade if you do this, partially because you can cover more area with the shots, but mostly because it's really fun.
16:20 new broz line gave me a crackle
Couldn’t have come at a better time. As a returning player, I didn’t know how to even get Lich/Sister weapons for a long time. Now that I do, I’ve been on lookout for a reliable list of which are worth prioritizing since I only have so many requiem mods.
I farmed an impact nukor, it's built around the arcane that strips overguard and the impact procs make most eximus that can be executed, vulnerable at near full hp when the overguard pops. Beyond being an execution generator it can be modded for many element combos depending on faction and also procs slash
Looking forward to you covering Tenet weapons!
I was just looking for this recently! I took a break and was looking to update the modding and potentially swap the elements around now with the relatively recent health/damage updates.
Thanks a lot for the work, very timely for me :)
Edit.: After watching I can say im very happy to report that I put heat on basically all my kuva weapons, glad that it's still the best choice for most weapons!
I definitely should look more at magnetic in my modding in general though because I'm not up to speed again yet with the current powerlevel (especially arcanes but also some "new" mods) and had some issues with some eximus units
I’m so happy the Kuva Ogris is good - it means I have an excuse to use the cool Unreal skin.
There needs to be a Tenet Stahlta stat.
Kuva Ogris is meta for Profit Taker, it is the best and the fastest to take down those pylons.
For the nukor you could also run impact for the sake of more element types and swap in the new magnetic / crit damage mod to still have the magnetic, radiation, microwave, viral, heat but also have impact on top of it for the additional damage from galvanized shot (I'm not 100% sure if this is better as far as dps but it is something to think about a little bit)
Kuva Nukor need punch through for more chaining. Removing Seeker for Magnetic Mightwill result in slower mob clearing.
Totally agree on Quartak. Just really super satisfying to use, always one of my favorites. I shelved it a while ago, due to performance. Think I will try your build and see how it does now!
Commenting so algorithm-senpai notices this video.
Awsome vid. Loved it. I want to add that from the way I see it: hunters munitions works better on drakgoon
I can get behind the Shildeg being meh, but I still absolutely love it lol.
My riven makes it pretty strong, and I love that for me. Super fun weapon 👌🏻
I feel like whenever a good riven enters the discussion these lists stop mattering.
@ Fully agree 👏🏻
The Quartakk performance actually surprised me. Might need to finally give it a try
Returning after the new war like 3 years ago this video is perfect for me
Thank you so much for this been waiting for something new like this.
Energized Munitions is a great solution to ammo problems on Brama/Zarr etc. Great stuff as always, thanks for the video
Or using Cyte-09 but if you need a specific frame/helminth to make something work it's kinda lame either way... Imo a heavy buffing warframe like Mirage or Saryn is better because they make weapons kill so good you'll probably not need to spam, especially if you go Primary Blight with the toxic lady which feels like it was hard-crafted for her
@@dunes3174 Nah. Slap EM on a Wukong or something and you'll be map clearing 5x faster than anyone else. By the time Mirage or Saryn have finished casting their abilities you're 2 rooms away nuking everything. It's not even close. You're adverse to using 1 ability slot to get the best AoE-killing weapon in the game but instead suggest dedicating an entire frame and build to propping up inferior weapons. Makes no sense.
@@maskettaman1488 Ngl this is pretty disingenuous, but you do you
@@dunes3174 There's nothing disingenuous about it... neither of those frames can compete with "click once to clear a room". It's as simple as that.
@@maskettaman1488 I thought wuclone ignores EM?
Still wishing DE unnerfs explosive weapons eventually considering how much more OP map clearing weapons we have these days. Having to make them usable with specific frames/helminth is dumb.
One day, we'll have old merciless, the old ammo pools, and then a wukong clone that doesn't mag dump everything. Oh and wuclone's 50% damage output nerf has to go too.
I miss what my monkey used to be. If we got 2 or 3 of those nerfs rescinded, I'd never comment about this stuff again lol.
Eh all we need is just old Merciless back. Old Merciless return will fix ammo pool and Wuklone indirectly.
Playing Devil's advocate slightly:
The Kuva Hind's single fire/semi auto mode is also perfectly serviceable if you're going for a crit build, as it has acceptable crit chance and damage.
The Kuva Ayanga does have ONE niche (though admittedly the Kuva Grattler still does this niche better, but if you don't have the Kuva Grattler then the Ayanga is better than the Mausolon in ONE scenario) and that is that one specific Archwing mission where you have to disable a ship's engines and shields then defend it. The Mausolon has trouble hitting the shield generators in the mission and will often lead to failing the mission entirely, but the Ayanga's AoE will make it consistently take those out. This is only useful on the rare occasion when that mission is one of the daily Steel Path things.
Before Primary Crux was a thing, Kuva Kohm was one of the few/only times you could maybe consider using your Helminth for Energized Munitions. It was not meta, and was definitely a bad idea since there's almost always a better use for your Helminth, but it was a fun gimmick build alongside the Twin Kohmak. Now Energized Munitions is back to having practically 0 use case, but that doesn't affect the Kohm at all. Kuva Kohm is a fantastic weapon.
Energized Muntions is kinda good on Gauss with the akarius/prime. but I am crow-baring a crowbar to be fair.
EM is used with ogris for meta arbi farms
I freaking love The Kuva Ogris, Kuva Brakk, and Kuva Nukor the best. I agree with you about the other Kuva weapons, but The Kuva Ogris is tons of fun and clears rooms like no other. The Kuva Brakk is a bit underrated but I've always had a good time with it.
Kuva Shildeg might not be fancy, or have any unique ability, but I've been using it since I started playing last year and got to Liches, and I've built it for crits and had a blast with it. Nothing has dragged me away from using it on every frame I play. :3
I just got my first kuva weapon, and it was a hek! I am happy!
What I like about your builds Broz is that I don't need 15 archon shards, have done every quest and maxed out ever single syndicate known to mankind and spend every single resource that I could ever have on one build, OH and a bunch of subsumed abilities that I don't have yet. I'd rather have a weapon build for just the weapon, I get that a combination build is better I suppose technically but I'd rather have a gun do what the gun is supposed to do, not require that I build up my entire game around 1 weapon and 1 warframe.
Zarr is best in slot for Valence Formation Lavos. His 3 helps its ammo economy, and you imbue gas onto it and let the gas DoT finish enemies off.
When he said “makes you take 1000 years to reload this” I died laughing because I was expecting an actual time 😂😂
December 13th, 2023. The day I saved screenshots of the progenitor list so I never had to look them up again lol.
I like the kuva and tenet melee specifically because their extra mod cap allows easy use of double sacrificial mods (and I'm not a slam lover). As for the the stubbas (and the diplos) I've personally found acuity REALLY helps those - if you can aim at heads then they will shred.
man, i literally just finished grabbing most kuva weapons for the mastery and most have awful status cuz i didnt knew they were still relevant lmao
Note on the Bramma(bow), if you use it on a Mirage build, with both the mod that the clones do damage, and the mod where your 3rd affects allys. Then stack strength, duration and maybe Pillage. You will WRECK and delete so many things. Use it exclusively for content with multiple grouped enemies, so that every shot gives you ammo back because you just killed like 5 dudes. I play the build straight up by looking at my mini map only. The explosions are too bright lol
You know you can use black energy and/or tone down the effects in settings to not blind yourself?
I had a moment recently where I completed ranking up a new secondary weapon and wanted to switch to the Kuva Brakk because I like it more. It took me three missions to figure out why my ol' reliable Brakk failed to perform like I expected it to: I picked the Kuva Seer accidently. It was rough and at the moment I couldn't figure out why none of the enemies die. I was also playing Koumei and constantly had the enemies primed with status, and the Seer just refused to kill anything.
I just want to say that the Kuva Seer makes extremely good use of Galvanized Shot, and combining it with blast makes it so that the weapon clear groups with singular headshots.
I don't know if this isnt mentioned because you dont want to call attention to how Shot works on the Seer (understandably), but regardless its not being used to its fullest potential in this video
I've been using a toxin version of what you recommended for the longest and as a max MR player I thought it was pretty strong but not OP. After trying blast, I like it more, but wouldn't change how strong I think the weapon is.
Such a powerful weapon doesn't need mods but this is a fun build
I have always gone with at least Shotgun Barrage, and back in the day I had the two 90%s turning it into a lawnmower.
It was hilarious to body slam something with a crapload of ailments in six seconds.
Hm, Electric Sobek does sound really interesting. I think when the Elemental Swapper is introduced and not too rare, I will try that!
Accidently made my sobek lich with Dante, so it's double impact. T^T
Finally, Bro Zimm Kuva List
I love how DE said the brama and zarr are too much and then gave us the torrid strun and bore
Very nice, I have them all, mastered, leveled etc, and I do still use some of them, even the worse ones, when I get them on EDA. This is a really good build refresh I might do for them, particularly crux.
Tenant list gonna go crazy
Hello Brozime, I have a quick question about Obsidian. How do I get those drop down lists that you used for this video and the recent DevStream Recap video? I like how it keeps your page organized.
Had no idea the power of crux on the hek. Literal game changer
Fantastic! I'm getting back into Warframe and was wondering if it was worth farming to improve my old Kuva Kohm. Glad to see it is!
One of my favorite weapons. And I'm looking forward to trying the Quartakk!
Kuva Kohm with Crux on a Gauss with Energized Munitions is just insane.
I'm not seeing Hunter Munitions on a lot of these builds anymore, is that mod out of the meta after the armor changes?
Yeah, pretty much.
For the most part yea additional heat mods now normally do more or mods like the elementalists
@Vermillion295 to further add a lil bit of calcs to understand
After the armor strip from a heat proc kicks in, a single heat proc from a gun with hellfire on it will do near exactly the same amount of damage as if it were a slash proc (within 2% of eachother) on maximally armored enemies.
Hell yeah I was excited for this one
the ayanga is fantastic in archwing
Funny, the 60% heat ayanga is my go to for EDA when I have no good guns on the rotation, it's just infinitely more comfortable to use than the mausolon, maybe not as powerful but definitely more comfortable since its more damage per shot and you can explode basic enemies with a simple tap
Kuva Shildeg is a stealth weapon. Hammers have ridiculous finisher multiplier which lets you build up good slam damage using Melee Crescendo to be used to great amusement toward the end of the mission or when the Acolyte shows up. But SP stealth isn't exactly a community favorite.
It's rather sad that *heavy melee* should be the logical stealth melee option when the dagger is such a thief/assassin archetype. Daggers have pitiful finisher multipliers.
Zarr brama and ogris just need to just get double their ammo max and they will be fine still wont be very comfortable but would be much better
Exactly give all of them reserve of 14-18
That's basically what they had before they got curb stomped. I miss being able to enjoy the Bramma.
I do wish the ammo nerfs for aoe launcher weapons was reversed or lessened a bit, they’re a lot of fun but the ammo economy kinda kills it
My kohm suggestion is running blast with toxin progenitor so you can get corrosive with just one mod. It deals a good chunk of damage and with a riven this thing has no business dealing so much damage
Hooray! My opinion on the Kuva weapons is here! :D
Had a buddy hit the damage cap so hard with a Kuva Grattler it crashed his game. No idea how it happened, but that’s gotta be a good sign
Thanks for all your videos Brozime!
The brahma is still useful for ridiculous leveling in sanctuary onslaught if your frame can’t nuke
The kuva hind was my prinary go to for blast frost build until i got my hands on the acceltra prime. It does work, not the flashiest. But a good ol reliable
Aw man, I was just thinking of upgrading my Karak.
ty for the tips! can maybe do a video with all your favourite guns next plz.
I just got my first Kuva Brakk because I got a riven for it and I'm still not sure if the element I choose was the best one. This video will be perfect in my case ! 😄
I like running the grenade launchers with gauss and energized munitions to make them fully automatic.
Kuva Grattler + Harrow + Dispensary is sorta crazy tbh
Will there be a reconifex build? Vesper build?
I didn't know about kuva liches. Mine have an ayanga with a cold progenitor. The guy has been teasing me for months now, but i am not willing to spend time grinding for the requiem mods to actually fight him. So i just ignore him.
So yeah, i've been ghosting my kuva lich for now. I have no intention to engage him in anyway, but it's probable that i just add him to my Railjack when the time comes...
Is there a reason you don't run a crit build on the kohm in this video? is it stronger as a pure status machine?
So, I noticed Hunter Munitions is not on any of the builds for primaries. Is it outclassed these days by other mods?
slash viral combo isnt as good anymore cuz of enemy hp and armor changes, enemies have way more hp now and their armor is capped, it allows for more options that are as good
@@toli7176 Ok, thanks, good to know!
Thanks for the video, Brozime. Why do you think Acuity should be multiplicative?
just wondering why you strayed away from hunter munitions with the primary weapons? i would guess its because of either crux giving status, or because slash/HM isnt as good anymore
not as good anymore with the changes to HP scaling (basically doubles hp all enemies) and armor nerfed to cap at 2700 there's better options
You need to sacrifice a slot for Hunter Munition to deal slash proc for yoyr primary, when melee weapon can do forced proc with hidden enhanced damage boost from stance mod while also give capacity while also doesn't need to deal with reload and ammo issue. If you like slash/bleed its better to use melee. For guns, blast and corrosive are the better option.
Magnetic is the go to element in my opinion.
You really should be allowed to change the element at will once you max its percentage.
Or at least switch between elements you have fused into it.
Oh boy do I have news for yall
Politely, it is a nice patch, but 'at will' does not include 'with a resource you farm or purchase'.
@Stormfin yeah, but you want to be able to switch it after farming out several liches to get max percentage. With an elemental vice, you'd be able to switch after r40. Imo, that's less investment.
Yeah, and I want to be able to do it from the Arsenal once it's maxed.
No Vice, just an Action like putting in a Lens or Forma.
We getting a build refresh with the Rhino skin? :D
Hope you do tenets as well
I've been using the Kuva Brakk basically since it came out on many loadouts. It's very reliable, aiming is easy, modding has decent options (even more with 1999).
Besides that I wish the Drakgoon was better. It's skin and projectile bouncing are so cool but it just feels underwhelming.
I really hope they make the acuity mods multiplicative permanently. I've been really enjoying using the Pyrana Prime again. 🙂
Is that reloading bug on the Zarr the same thing thats affecting the Strun Prime?
considering today's meta, the ammo nerf on the AoE weapons is kinda unnecessary imo. I really hope they reverse the nerf, even just slightly
I didn't want to ask myself that question so i actually farmed every kuva and tenet weapons 60% each elements
I am one of the few wbo actually like the dubba stubbas. What's better than one gun going brrrr? Two! Bonus if you use it on Gauss for extra brrrrrrrrrrrr
You dare to talk badly of THE MIGHTY SEER!!!!!!
One day we'll bring him to our side