How the Spanish Explored & Colonized the Americas? 5 Minutes...

  • Опубликовано: 5 авг 2022
  • After Christopher Columbus accidentally stumbled across the West Indies in 1492, Spain was among the first countries to explore and conquer this ‘New World’ that would become known as the Americas.
    In this video, we explain how the Spanish Empire explored and conquered the Americas...

Комментарии • 122

  • @asdfomfglol
    @asdfomfglol 5 месяцев назад +10

    There are much better videos about this theme with more factual information. For example, he said the Spanish won because of its advantage in weaponry, which is probably the most widely mistaken part in the history of the Spanish conquest. Small pox was indeed a huge one, but not weaponry. Cortes only had like 100 men at first, 300 later maybe. Against aztecs in the thousands, a musket and a few cannons from your ship are nothing. They won because they allied with the Aztecs' many enemy tribes, bringing thousands of men to the fight. He basically divided and conquered. It could've easily been a disaster for the conquistadors.

  • @cbxxb4841
    @cbxxb4841 2 месяца назад +3

    It’s a shame this video essentially jumps from Cortez, to the mid 1700’s without much detail. That 200 years is pretty important.

  • @micahistory
    @micahistory Год назад +4

    1st and good video

  • @WoodyLing2
    @WoodyLing2 5 месяцев назад +3

    There's quite a few errors in this video. Here's some that I noticed.
    First, Columbus realized that he was not in Asia by his third voyage in 1498, he says so in his journal, Vespucci didn't have his first voyage until 1499. And Vespucci did not name the continent after himself, German cartographer Waldseemüller named it America.
    Then there's mention of Tenochtitlán, but the nap says Teotihuacán, and the dot on the map is way off from where Tenochtitlán or Teotihuacán would be.
    The population decline is mentioned well but current estimates say 90-95% of the natives died in the first century after Columbus's arrival.

    • @AnahuacMex
      @AnahuacMex 4 месяца назад

      Estimates in America are almost always opinions of the author without much basis to support them. Only in the population estimates of America is there a 100% error, because some sources indicate that the natives were 13 million. And another more than 100 million

  • @bvillafuerte765
    @bvillafuerte765 Год назад +4

    Good video.

  • @OriginalOne1960
    @OriginalOne1960 11 месяцев назад +12

    Powers in different countries change throughout course of history but the Spanish army’s were resilient throughout their time in exploration and especially without today’s technology amazing!
    Viva Eapana!

    • @asdfomfglol
      @asdfomfglol 5 месяцев назад +2

      it was definitely the time when the Spanish army was as its most powerful state ever, for sure, from the Reconquista and European wars.

  • @subhranshuganguly2246
    @subhranshuganguly2246 8 месяцев назад

    in his revolutionary book ANANDA math Bankim Chandra Chatterjee had said Muslims and not the British were our real enimy in the 19th century . Today with a Hindu as PM of Britain I think he was right.

    • @DrStrange234
      @DrStrange234 6 месяцев назад

      British civilized Bengal first , it was the British missionaries who build first schools colleges universities hospitals roads bridge writting system
      British even helped bengali to get rid of Sati system , widow rem marriage acts , child marriage acts
      British helped in suppressing Thugee cult who worshiped goddess of death kali and liberated indians from their clutches

  • @yikinkahnkawil7658
    @yikinkahnkawil7658 4 месяца назад +4

    Viva la Hispanidad! Abajo la Leyenda negra!

    • @xispaster
      @xispaster 3 месяца назад

      La leyenda negra es la manta que tapa los crímenes de anglosajones y protestantes.

  • @yttryff6159
    @yttryff6159 4 дня назад

    Incorrect incorrect it's Portugal

  • @Trinity532
    @Trinity532 Год назад +4

    It's great content and narration. Please upgrade your audio.

  • @punchd4317
    @punchd4317 Год назад

    The Bermuda triangle

  • @arthurheidt6373
    @arthurheidt6373 9 месяцев назад

    Actually they did that with the help of the holy spirit that is something nonbelievers will never be able to understand

  • @linrm7
    @linrm7 2 месяца назад

    Native Americans in NA didn’t learn how to ride horses from Spaniards😂 they’ve been riding on Europeans since they landed. Granted most of them didn’t survive but they rode against the french spanish british even mexicans after spains conquest

  • @taitos12
    @taitos12 10 месяцев назад

    The first City/Town in mainland America is Cumaná in Venezuela, it was settled in 1515, and the first foot of Europeans in American mainlad was in Macuro in August 1498 also in Venezuela...

    • @jorgeo4483
      @jorgeo4483 5 месяцев назад

      El primer asentamiento español en América fue el Fuerte Navidad en La Española, hecho con los restos de la Santa María.

    • @taitos12
      @taitos12 5 месяцев назад

      @@jorgeo4483 La Española (RD) es una isla, no se si sabes la diferencia entre isla y tierra firme (Mainland)

    • @jorgeo4483
      @jorgeo4483 5 месяцев назад

      @@taitos12 El primer asentamiento español fue en La Española, no sé si distingues entre asentamiento y borrachera. Cuba también es una Isla, llegamos en 1492, Australia es una isla, no sé si para ti Australia es tierra firme. Eso de Mainland, "continente" en inglés, no tierra firme, es un concepto sajón. Tierra firme en español es tierra, que yo sepa las islas no flotan, por tanto son tierra firme, especialmente si como esa, La Española, están habitadas.

    • @taitos12
      @taitos12 5 месяцев назад

      @@jorgeo4483 comparando el tamaño de Australia considerada como un continente, de 7 millones de kilometros con La Española que le das la vuelta en auto en 1 dia o 2... El que tiene las distinciones un poco atrofiadas en el cerebro no soy yo...

  • @anaibarangan4908
    @anaibarangan4908 5 месяцев назад +1

    Tit for tat, Nash equilibrium colonialism, and will never hear Spaniards with issues about what was accomplished in The Iberian Peninsula by The Roman Empire. That's because it was really not much of importance until it happened. Intelligent admission. Much higher education will think similarly about contributions from Al Andalus. Somehow that can't be understood the same way about Spaniards in The Americas, because Filipinos are definitely much better about it all. Spain may have a Globalist royal family, and that's why can seem that up to no good, but if not for that and corrupted politicians bureaucrats judicial, are certainly not trying to take over independent countries, that's the Anglo-Saxon thing, sometimes hand in hand with French, and Spain has Bourbon kings. That's how get flipped over into Communism, the illusion of democracy. Why want digital currency and the whole Communist nine yards now in western Europe.

  • @chanelone123
    @chanelone123 10 месяцев назад +13

    This is genoicde on a horrific scale.

    • @fedevida1951
      @fedevida1951 9 месяцев назад

      Illnesses aren' t genocide.

    • @joselugo4536
      @joselugo4536 6 месяцев назад +1

      Do you mean the Smallpox blankets by Lord Jeffrey Amherst or the War against the Aborigines of Tasmania? The famines under British misrule in India or Ireland?

    • @tearet741
      @tearet741 6 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@joselugo4536He means the genocide in Latin America

    • @joselugo4536
      @joselugo4536 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@tearet741 There's more Arawakan DNA in today's Caribbean than in 1491. Nice try, panderer.

    • @tearet741
      @tearet741 6 месяцев назад

      @@joselugo4536 Any evidence ? Spanibaboon

  • @v.suarez8383
    @v.suarez8383 Год назад +29

    Sorry, it could be a really good vídeo, but it ISN'T. You mixed truths and lies, but I don't blame you, probably you learned or studied, the Spanish Conquista from the Anglo-Saxon wrong point of view, which is quite nasty with Spain.
    All the Empires conquered its neighbours, with good and bad things, like the Holy Roman Empire and others, but ... 🤔🤔🤔 the difference between British Empire and Spanish Empire, is the first was a looter and the second was conciliatory.
    Spanish America is mixed race but English America is white, with the extermination of native Americans and a strong black minority coming from the slave trade, done by British, Netherland and Portuguese Empires.
    Since the early colonisation (16th, 17th centuries) ,Spain built many cathedrals, universities, hospitals, schools but not in the British colonies, until the very late years abd only in white colonies.
    And so on .....

    • @user-ox1df2wp6t
      @user-ox1df2wp6t Год назад

      English America is quickly becoming mestizo and they have the highest fertility rate in the country.

    • @baltasarmelchor935
      @baltasarmelchor935 Год назад +8

      @@user-ox1df2wp6t bruh...Native Americans in the North, they live on reservations, and those fertility rates you talk about are African Americans.
      for all other, laws of burgos 1512

    • @AdrianCChase
      @AdrianCChase Год назад

      Heh. Another white legend enthusiast. Everything you point out doesn’t invalidate what the video points-which is the biggest fallacy that Spanish historians fall into.

    • @alectapia1518
      @alectapia1518 11 месяцев назад +2

      True. That's why Latin America Is mixed but that's why Spain lost control of it's empire faster. The English are very much white vs black yes. But they too get mixed. And r now and always been systematically corrupted or intervened by mixed indigenous and African peoples.

    • @user-ch2qu8un5i
      @user-ch2qu8un5i 9 месяцев назад +5

      @@user-ox1df2wp6t By mixed he ment, the Spanish had children with the natives, while that was vey uncommon and unlikely for British do to back then.

  • @myhandle8
    @myhandle8 3 месяца назад +2

    poor treatment ?! lol they massacred them.

    • @Iandepian.
      @Iandepian. 2 месяца назад

      Is that not poor treatment or smth, is that great treatment?

  • @FGPR01BrunoCauz
    @FGPR01BrunoCauz 11 месяцев назад +1

    The first germans, polish, czechs, flemish (belgians), swiss and maybe from other central european countries to set foot on continental mainland of New World was in 1529, so as to work as miners to search El Dorado in actual Venezuela . The leased colony by Emperor Charles V to the Ausgburg banker family of Welser was called "Klein Venedig" and its capital Coro was named "Neu Augsburg", Maracaibo "Neu Nüremberg" and Cabimas o "Neu Ulm". Some expeditions inland departed from Coro and El Tocuyo (also given a german name as Tocuyothal) searching for El Dorado. "Klein Venedig" didn't last long though, this was due to both poor results and complaints from miners and locals, thus Emperor Charles V didn't renew the contract to the Welsers (bankers from Augsburg). Some very old and forgotten cemeteries in NW Venezuela may have some surnames still, no idea. This was at a time when the portuguese were still exploring lands which soon later became Brazil and the spanish just arriving to Cuzco and the River Plate. 🇩🇪🇻🇪 🤠👍
    That's right the reasons of the Welser expeditions was to find Eldorado for that, they didn't make a culture legacy and now Maracaibo (The principal city than they created ) doesn't have nothing of germ an culture appart of the Tovar colony established in 1842. But in the Second World War with the germans emigration they build and reapairs so much of his old colonies these new villages start to buiding to equaty than in otrers countries like Peru, Brasil, Chile, Uruguay and Argentina that's when they finally make a legacy in that's countries (Culture legacy). sorry for the fails in the coment, my english is not very nice .

    • @asdfomfglol
      @asdfomfglol 5 месяцев назад

      Do you know about the Nazi expeditions, tho? They sound interesting to me.

  • @sarahstanfield7889
    @sarahstanfield7889 8 месяцев назад +1

    This video contains inappropriate pictures for elementary students.

  • @user-ro3oo8eq8f
    @user-ro3oo8eq8f Год назад +25

    What a lie, the 95% of the american conquistadores were native americans. Did you study? Cortes with 200 men couldn't get anything from a 1M soldiers army.

    • @AdrianCChase
      @AdrianCChase Год назад +11

      Your comment misses the point. It’s not like the natives were recruited beyond simple convenience. Once the conquistadors won, the natives were homogeneized as “Indios”.

    • @sandelemental6502
      @sandelemental6502 10 месяцев назад +5

      Why didn't the anti-Aztec indigenous tribes overthrow them prior to the joining up with Cortes' men? He was the catalyst, there's no doubt about it.

    • @pllyons3359
      @pllyons3359 9 месяцев назад

      Stfu, 95% of them took native wives!!! Dippin in the chocolate red

    • @fedevida1951
      @fedevida1951 9 месяцев назад +1

      Read the 1452 New Laws of Indies.

    • @AdrianCChase
      @AdrianCChase 9 месяцев назад

      @@fedevida1951 I’m aware of them. However, first off, the new laws are from 1542. Secondly, they were paper only laws. Most of the time they weren’t followed, and conquistadors even rebelled and fought successfully to not implement them in Peru. Difference between de de jure and de facto.

  • @ToporzelZAPL_Alt
    @ToporzelZAPL_Alt Год назад +13

    Sorry but Human Sacrifices will stop. - the Spanish

    • @Laotracaradelahisoanidad
      @Laotracaradelahisoanidad Год назад +5

      Now we are going to do it for you.
      -the Spanish

    • @user-ox1df2wp6t
      @user-ox1df2wp6t Год назад

      They never existed til Spaniards discovered gold 9 years after being here then suddenly they needed liberation.

    • @Laotracaradelahisoanidad
      @Laotracaradelahisoanidad Год назад

      @@user-ox1df2wp6t who are you talking about?

    • @Merry19ss
      @Merry19ss Год назад +4

      ​@@user-ox1df2wp6t De que escribes .
      Sabes los Americanos hispanos no somos idiotas sabemos que las antiguos imperios nativos y pueblos indígenas habían caníbales y otras no lo eran ,pero como los Aztecas y Mayas o si a ellos les gustaba la carne Humana

    • @AbbysalWarrior72756
      @AbbysalWarrior72756 10 месяцев назад +2

      I agree we should’ve atleast not hurt each other’s tribes and instead go after the spanish

  • @AlexaDollxo
    @AlexaDollxo 6 месяцев назад

    What’s with his pronunciation? Tf ?

  • @shalashaska5851
    @shalashaska5851 2 месяца назад

    There’s just something special about Europeans.

    • @Lukedalegendz
      @Lukedalegendz Месяц назад

      Yeah they are conquerors who do it for god,money and land

  • @davidherranz3557
    @davidherranz3557 3 месяца назад +1

    100% False

    • @OrangeTweenStudio
      @OrangeTweenStudio 3 месяца назад

      100% means all of them are false and NOT EVEN A SINGLE ONE ARE TRUE.. Are you really sure with your statement? Do you have any historical proof that you want to share? Or only some of the portion in this video are false, but your poor knowledge of English stated as 100% false? Or your statement was just a hyperbole to express your dissatisfaction? Please lad, explain to us.

  • @kassymkhanbissengali5419
    @kassymkhanbissengali5419 2 месяца назад

    dude, get yourself a better microphone

  • @thecoleperry
    @thecoleperry 7 месяцев назад +3

    "The Spanish Crown was benevolent toward the Indigenous populations" WHAT

    • @dianne2446
      @dianne2446 7 месяцев назад +3

      Narrated by the Spanish crown 🤣

    • @juanocampo8907
      @juanocampo8907 6 месяцев назад +4

      @@dianne2446 igual de benevolente que la corona britanica y los estados unidos con los nativos americanos

    • @pietermannaerts4958
      @pietermannaerts4958 6 месяцев назад +4

      You must read Bartolomé de las Casas! They were anything but benevolent. Indigenous people were cruelly slaughtered instead.

    • @joselugo4536
      @joselugo4536 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@pietermannaerts4958Bartolomé de Las Casas was debunked long time algo. And not, never were 3 million Natives in Hispaniola at 1491.

    • @asdfomfglol
      @asdfomfglol 5 месяцев назад

      @@pietermannaerts4958 lollll search "the black legend" and come back.

  • @subhranshuganguly2246
    @subhranshuganguly2246 8 месяцев назад +2

    We are thankful to the British . Even today 78% of India is Hindu.

    • @Ex-SikhArsh
      @Ex-SikhArsh 8 месяцев назад +1

      In India and in Asia there were no European settlement if there was then asians also extinct like native Americans

    • @subhranshuganguly2246
      @subhranshuganguly2246 8 месяцев назад

      @@Ex-SikhArsh And now Indians should colonise the world starting with Guyana, Mauritus, Fiji and Surinam.

    • @joselugo4536
      @joselugo4536 6 месяцев назад

      Now tell us how the British empowered the Muslims in jail time for Jinnah but for Gandhi and Nehru!

    • @jr3753
      @jr3753 4 месяца назад

      @@Ex-SikhArshmajority of natives died due to old world diseases not by warfare.

    • @jaschumb5883
      @jaschumb5883 4 месяца назад

      British india divided in castes and few more countries

  • @dickhead8691
    @dickhead8691 Год назад

    Why u pronounce it port-egol, idk maybe its your accent but its porch-you-gaul

    • @joaoteves7067
      @joaoteves7067 Год назад +1

      tu diz Putugal amigo?

    • @dickhead8691
      @dickhead8691 Год назад

      @@joaoteves7067 No, aunque hablo un poco de español