Can a psychic help find a missing woman? - The Fifth Estate

  • Опубликовано: 13 окт 2018
  • It's been almost two years since Jennifer Hillier-Penney disappeared from her estranged husband's home in St. Anthony, N.L. Her friends and family are beginning to feel desperate, trying to find answers. This past June, they invited a psychic to help with the search and we went along.
    Watch our investigation into what happened to Jennifer Hillier-Penney: • Missing: What happened...
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    About the fifth estate : For four decades The Fifth Estate has been Canada's premier investigative documentary program. Hosts Bob McKeown, Habiba Nosheen, Gillian Findlay and Mark Kelley continue a tradition of provocative and fearless journalism. the fifth estate brings in-depth investigations that matter to Canadians - delivering a dazzling parade of political leaders, controversial characters and ordinary people whose lives were touched by triumph or tragedy.

Комментарии • 318

  • @janelle009
    @janelle009 5 лет назад +93

    If I take one thing from this, it’s that if you have friends like this.. cherish them because not everyone does!

  • @sukumac9013
    @sukumac9013 5 лет назад +66

    He’s a fisherman - he knows the water - he is also an experienced hunter. Could she be at the bottom of the ocean!

    • @stevemcmahan8277
      @stevemcmahan8277 4 года назад +3

      Most likely yes.

    • @stellagianni7534
      @stellagianni7534 4 года назад +2

      Yes, she is into a water at the bottom.

    • @pintdinkler7521
      @pintdinkler7521 4 месяца назад

      Figure out the maximum distance his lil boat could go and the tides on that nite and get an under water drone cause I bet my life she was dropped in the Atlantic with a heavy object keeping her down or just wait till that tough guy gers on a brew at hmp telling his celly all about it ???

  • @kat8838
    @kat8838 5 лет назад +37

    Absolutely the ex. I would get a tracker on his car and see which remote place he's visiting which is where he dumped her.

  • @scrabble651
    @scrabble651 5 лет назад +64

    Desperate times call for desperate measures ! Personally, I believe the psychic is full of it, but I would do the same if it were my loved one. Nothing would be too far fetched.

    • @heathercbc7287
      @heathercbc7287 5 лет назад +9

      Catt Meow I agree. I went to a medium to try and contact my dead father. It was an amazing experience, and I legitimately wrote down everything she said. Even if it didn’t make sense to me. It all made sense later, when talking to family. Nothing is too far fetched when a person is in pain and grieving.

  • @newfie59channel
    @newfie59channel 5 лет назад +103

    I am speaking out because she was my first cousin, common sense will tell you that she never ran away, left her cell phone, car, keys, coat etc on a cold November 30th night, had the bathtub filled up with water & never used it, Jennifer did not run away, she was going to move to central Newfoundland just days from that night to work & make a new start, I am not pointing a finger at anyone but St. Anthony is a small town & Jennifer was loved by most everyone & who would go to her ex-husbands house & take her ? different if it was here in the Toronto area because you could not be so sure then, maybe someone can answer this question how did her ex-husband know that she was texting another man that night she disappeared when he was suppose to be 30 or 40 minutes away at the cabin ? surely they would not give him access to anything thing she wrote that night when he came back, if she wrote anything at all, the Police should know if she indeed texted another man or not & could easy know who that man was, , so if there is no truth to it why would it be said at all, maybe there is a way, can someone explain ? why was that house not locked down right away ? no one going or coming.

    • @sriswan
      @sriswan 5 лет назад +14

      Thanks for sharing - so sorry for your loss.
      Im trying to understand why the police didn't immediately isolate the house - especially now that you explain she left her personal items and a full bath? Not very thorough!

    • @michellesartori7601
      @michellesartori7601 5 лет назад +41

      Hi! I am so sorry for your families loss! I will tell you what I believe and you can tell me if it makes sense to you! Jennifer's husband killed her. He set up the hunting trip as an alibi. He knew Jennifer was moving on and he didn't like it. He needed to draw her back to the family home, which he knew she wasn't comfortable with, on the pretext of caring for their daughter. But he left the camp spot, drove home BEFORE the daughters curfew time,when he knew she'd be alone, and caught her ready to have a bath and abducted her at gunpoint. He likely takes her to the duck hunting spot and kills her by strangulation. It's a very personal way to kill someone you love. But Jennifer was to him a possession. He stated "MY 3 girls ".If Jennifer was not going to remain with him then she wasn't going to leave! Does the family have a cabin somewhere? Or family land? I ask that because I think that the husband still wants to "keep an eye on her". She's a trophy to him. Im thinking that he more likely buried her rather than put her in the water. The RMPS DID NOT do their job PROPERLY. They'll be no usable evidence at the home. Even if they found the husbands prints at the home it's HIS home, they SHOULD be there! Did the RMPS get his phone records for that night? If he WAS at the hunting site his phone should indicate he was there.I'm concerned that he has been made aware that Jennifer was texting someone before her abduction. The police should have treated him as a suspect, not a concerned husband, which I think they did. Who has Jennifers phone now? Have you thought of hiring a Private Investigator to do some of the things that the RMPS didn't? I don't believe that the husband will ever spill the beans on what he did to her and the longer she's deceased without an autopsy, the less the chance of finding cause of death, although if she WAS strangled her hydoid bone should be broken. Jennifer looked like such a great person and I hope you all find her and get justice for her! Last point. Are you sure that he hasn't made any "odd" statements to his daughter's? He may get sloppy over time. I'm in Australia and I want you all to know that I will pray that you get the answers you need so you can lay her to rest! God bless you all!

    • @sriswan
      @sriswan 5 лет назад +9

      Michelle Sartori - thoughtful and interesting post, Michelle

    • @newfie59channel
      @newfie59channel 5 лет назад +5

      the three other missing people in 15 years are not connected, what I know about the story on all of them & none of them were taken from their homes, this area have very little crime, one may have been a accident & one a suicide, I am not at home, I am thousands miles away in another part of Canada, the killer must be found out that is for sure but likely not now..

    • @newfie59channel
      @newfie59channel 5 лет назад +18

      I have to be careful what I say but the police done a very bad job, they are not very professional in my opinion, it have been two years & nothing, they always said the Mounties ( RCMP ) Royal Canadian Mounted Police always get their man, not in this case yet anyway, you are right though Michelle, it do look like the set-up, why have they not looked into the phone records ? they can tell a lot from that, how would he know who she texted that night, I heard & I am not sure of this but he would not take a lie test, also he went to the supreme court with his lawyer to have a ban put on this interview been aired, why is that ? it is hard to believe that most cops I know are not good or do not care about serious crimes but they go after the soft minor crimes very much, I cannot say for sure who done it but most people see it the way you said it..

  • @brihaver1951
    @brihaver1951 5 лет назад +16

    Husband is a hunter; he knows about places prolly no one else has ever been before. Didn’t he say, ...and they’ll NEVER find you?

    • @KathyHussey063
      @KathyHussey063 4 года назад +2

      and he NEEDED to go hunting and fishing the week before Jennifer was going to have an interview for a job that would've taken her 8 hours away from the husband's control ?? He set her up and ONLY HE KNEW SHE WAS THERE AT HIS HOUSE, BY HERSELF, THAT NIGHT....? Yeah, he came home to his house, knowing their daughter was gone that evening for many hours.. and he tried to woo her and seduce her, but she rejected his advances and that pissed him off and then he choked her to death. I'd bet money on it. He didn't probably intend for it to happen that night but he's a man with a temper, obviously or she would not have ever been afraid and her sister said she was afraid. He realized no one heard it or saw it & knew he had a good alibi. She had left the man. He knew she was very soon going to leave that town and if that happened, he knew she would never be coming back to him....typically that is the most dangerous time. She should have told her daughter and him no, and never agreed to stay at HIS house with no one else there to make sure she was safe...probably she felt like it'd give her time to pack y some things she had not gotten a chance to go through before he'd moved out..Women, trust your instincts !! You know what he could do if he flips out.

  • @sarjim4381
    @sarjim4381 5 лет назад +14

    I spent 27 years with my sheriff's department investigating missing person cases. Unfortunately, several were high profile child kidnapping cases, so there was wide publicity about the cases. In all those years, I had to deal with multiple psychics and people who claimed they had remote viewing "gifts". Not a single one of those charlatans were ever successful. Even worse, many of them had us spend resources in areas far from where the victims were eventually found.

    • @Jac-Jay
      @Jac-Jay 5 лет назад +3

      They play on the vulnerable and some of them have a very cushty life because of it..they should not be allowed waste valuable time and money in investigations and in my opinion should be charged with fraud,they would soon stop then.

    • @water4sure
      @water4sure 4 месяца назад

      I hope the psychic was doing it voluntarily and not expecting money?

    • @pintdinkler7521
      @pintdinkler7521 4 месяца назад

      Like digging up vehicles for evidence in the dana Bradley case when the police know who did it ?

  • @warmfuzzyzen960
    @warmfuzzyzen960 5 лет назад +104

    There's no point in digging but at least they should bring cadavour dogs into the area.

    • @functionalist
      @functionalist 5 лет назад +11

      They should also bring them to the area where her husband went hunting.

    • @jordnkris
      @jordnkris 5 лет назад +2

      @@functionalist that was the area by his hunting cabin .

    • @natbb9
      @natbb9 5 лет назад +6

      I think that's a good idea. I would love to know what a cadaver dog could find.

    • @ALuis-js3zs
      @ALuis-js3zs 5 лет назад +4

      Fully agree. No point wandering around aimlessly...

    • @tannerdylan5972
      @tannerdylan5972 3 года назад

      Yeah I agree. I also thought that if they brought metal detectors instead of shovels they might have a better chance. Like if they got some good high end metal detectors maybe they could get a hit on a button and/or zipper her from pants or shirt. Or maybe if they are lucky she’s still wearing jewelry. Idk just a thought. Either way I hope they find her one thing I will say is IM NOT SO SURE A PHSYCHIC WAS THE WAY TO GO

  • @tarncoleman7854
    @tarncoleman7854 5 лет назад +25

    The husband did it instead of breaking down when you talk to him he tells you he was hunting the cops need to test that cabin

    • @scottcantdance804
      @scottcantdance804 4 года назад +2

      I doubt he'd take her body to the cabin if he's professing to the police that he was at the cabin.

  • @flanneryred5755
    @flanneryred5755 5 лет назад +17

    You all have done an INCREDIBLE job with this story! I was going to suggest a psychic. But dont just talk to ONE psychic! Talk to MANY! One doesnt get ALL of the answers.

  • @MrSaltphone
    @MrSaltphone 5 лет назад +8

    I wondered how the husband knew she was texting another man on the night she disappeared? The suspicion usually falls on the spouse for a reason and statistically women are more likely to be killed by them either when they are pregnant or have split with them and they finally realise it's over...the chances of a stranger being responsible are minute compared to it being someone they know. The problem with Jennifer's husband is not only knowing about a text she sent on the night she disappeared but other blatant inconsistencies in his story. He told the reporter he had been at his cabin all week and then admitted he had gone to the house the night she disappeared. He then mentioned that his 'three girls meant the world to him' using past tense and then quickly corrected himself by saying 'they still do.' Language choice is another indicator of deception. He was clearly stalking her before she disappeared, another strong indication of his involvement. His behaviour is straight out of criminal profiling 101 and there is no doubt the RCMP have him in their sights. The problem is that even if the forensic investigation service had been out to the house on day one, if he is the guilty party, finding his DNA or fingerprints in his own house would reveal absolutely nothing of forensic evidentiary value. His unwillingness to take a lie detector test to ease the suffering of his poor daughters is another huge red flag...would you not do anything possible to ease that even against the advice of your lawyer if you were innocent? Unfortunately all these things add up to circumstantial evidence and the RCMP are fully aware of that, I'd say he likely has a very good lawyer who has prevented them from even interviewing him. I think the RCMP 's best play is to do exactly what they've done...they don't have enough to arrest him, haven't named him publicly as a suspect so he will spend all his time wondering what they know or's piling the psychological pressure on him so that eventually he will crack or slip up enough they can at least arrest him on suspicion and have a chance of getting a confession out of him. If you've ever seen the interrogation of col. Russel Williams by RCMP, you know they have the capability. I'm sure the husband has been the subject of a behavioural profile by RCMP and in the absence of finding Jennifer or other direct evidence, he will crack under the pressure or confess to someone he knows eventually, hopefully for the sake of her family, sooner than later. It's a testament to who Jennifer was as a person that her friends and family will never stop searching for her...So sorry for their loss.

  • @laurids2007
    @laurids2007 4 года назад +10

    Her husband did it.

  • @happinessiswhatyoumakeit2376
    @happinessiswhatyoumakeit2376 5 лет назад +24

    I wish they had brought a medal detector and a dog with them ... this is heartbreaking

  • @natabushsuperstar
    @natabushsuperstar 5 лет назад +19

    My guess is she ended up in the ocean :(

  • @frankboff1260
    @frankboff1260 4 года назад +7

    He would have dumped her in the sea. I hope somehow that she gets justice. Maybe fisherman will haul up the evidence..?? Poor Jennifer 😢😢😢

  • @Everybodyshutup710
    @Everybodyshutup710 5 лет назад +9

    They need to tear apart his cabin and the area surrounding it...

  • @windsorcastle2203
    @windsorcastle2203 5 лет назад +66

    Never heard of one coherent and accurate psychic finding someone.

    • @Opheliamamars
      @Opheliamamars 5 лет назад +14

      I know. I think it is so dispicable that the psycho I mean "psychic is leading the family on a wild goose chase. He feels no guilt or remorse for giving this family false hope of finding their loved one. I think this is disgusting and disgraceful; this "psychic" should be ashamed. You really have to be a disgusting human being to take advantage of a family in this situation.

    • @Opheliamamars
      @Opheliamamars 5 лет назад +5

      @ i didn't say that i don't believe in psychics. I think there are people out there who are connected in one way or another to supernatural things. I'm more speaking of the leeches that hook on to these desperate families. I do think that some of them mean well and are so convinced of their own power (there are a lot of gullible people out there) but there are some that are just a con job.

    • @Opheliamamars
      @Opheliamamars 5 лет назад +1

      @ I really used to like Allison Dubois until I saw her get tipsy and be extremely rude to people at a dinner party. If I remember correctly it was on one of the rhobh episodes back in the day when I used to watch it. It was so strange and who knows if it was scripted that way. I also got over not liking her because I was thinking I would probably drink and be rude to a bunch of dingbats if I had dead people contacting me all the time!

    • @5eilat5
      @5eilat5 5 лет назад +3

      but some of them do find missing people.

    • @jeanninepoulin5285
      @jeanninepoulin5285 5 лет назад +3

      @@Opheliamamars Psychics, mediums, clairvoyant's.. the whole bunch of them are conjuring up Evil, Satanic Spirits. It's NOT the dead who are bothering Allison Dubois... it is in fact DEMONS.

  • @charliebrown5716
    @charliebrown5716 5 лет назад +30

    I thought the Fifth Estate was above this kind of nonsense

    • @williamelliott
      @williamelliott 5 лет назад +4

      They are. The family called this weirdo and asked fifth estate to come along. You heard in the beginning saying this isn't right

  • @marktwain368
    @marktwain368 5 лет назад +14

    Ground-penetrating radar might help.

  • @SandraNelson063
    @SandraNelson063 5 лет назад +13

    Read a book by Gavin De Bekker called The Gift of Fear. It explains why Jennifer felt nervous about spending time at Dean's house, and it explains why Dean is more than likely the culprit.
    The police dropped the ball big time. If I was an officer, and I heard that she was gone WITHOUT her purse, phone, keys, wallet...and without letting her daughters know what was going on...I would be VERY suspicious. The bath was left as is, no note was left.
    She didn't just decide to do a bunk. She did not leave of her own accord. This stinks on ice. She would not have left her daughter alone in the house, willingly.

    • @maureenconroy6160
      @maureenconroy6160 5 лет назад +2

      Sandra Nelson great book Sandra! Yes follow your instincts. My heart breaks for this family.

    • @hollyharris1874
      @hollyharris1874 4 месяца назад

      Exactly! Her young daughter was the reason she was even THERE.

  • @victoriaokpik9195
    @victoriaokpik9195 4 года назад +5

    Heart wrenching, I really hope the family and friends gets their closure. Praying that they will find peace.

  • @virginiabell7709
    @virginiabell7709 2 года назад +2

    You need to find a reputable psychic that has worked with police before.

  • @duaneayers6117
    @duaneayers6117 5 лет назад +3

    Definitely need to take cadaver dogs to search all around the cabin the husband was staying at while hunting for a week.

  • @NCFLY-pz5vy
    @NCFLY-pz5vy 5 лет назад +30

    Should contact Shelley stokes in St. John’s. She’s been involved in several missing persons cases. Look her up. Prayers for the strong family and friends! Keep going!

    • @rosebuza967
      @rosebuza967 4 месяца назад

      Yes..I believe it was Shelly Stokes I visited when I was 35 yrs. She was hands down amazing.

  • @krisdan76
    @krisdan76 5 лет назад +7

    The poor girl and all of her family and friends.I am so truly sad and many others are too.Cruel this is

  • @NotoriousVC
    @NotoriousVC 5 лет назад +52

    Shame on the CBC for giving people like this airtime, just takes credibility away from the entire case and episode.

    • @Fleefer
      @Fleefer 5 лет назад +4

      I disagree, they are showing what might happen in your small town, after all this time you have few options but to look into any roads that may have answers.

  • @bikinggal1
    @bikinggal1 3 года назад +1

    Not having closure is the worst ending to this situation for these people.

  • @judybrown1446
    @judybrown1446 5 лет назад +4

    I think it's fair to predict the husband will be arrested.

  • @blinderII
    @blinderII 5 лет назад +8

    Positive thoughts being sent from NB. I hope this case is solved. Thinking about this poor family.

  • @RoyalWatcher1985
    @RoyalWatcher1985 5 лет назад +3

    They said her husband is a fisherman so that makes me think he may have killed her and thrown her off his boat into deep waters. And, there is so much open land, that if he wanted to bury her instead, there are millions of places where he could do that and she could go undetected for a very long time. I think they need search dogs. They need Equisearch which is based in Texas.

  • @marielg1648
    @marielg1648 5 лет назад +5

    If I were the family I would contact every well known and accurate psychic on the planet truly her husband didn’t seem too distraught .....

  • @levinahiscock8069
    @levinahiscock8069 2 года назад +2

    Never give up, keep this going. Get in touch with a good psychic.

  • @slickwillie3376
    @slickwillie3376 4 года назад +2

    That's why never have the family with the psychic . It is bad juju. Their negativity interferes with the psychic's extreme sensitivity.

  • @joydot7620
    @joydot7620 5 лет назад +21

    WHERE ARE THE POLICE? oh canada...

  • @Stand4Liberty
    @Stand4Liberty 5 лет назад +7

    catch the killer first and then you find the body, needle in the haystack won't work.

  • @bethparker1500
    @bethparker1500 5 лет назад +11

    You guys were so brave to tape this for us, I pray that you locate her soon.

  • @qismyfavoriteuncle9856
    @qismyfavoriteuncle9856 5 лет назад +4

    Anyone search where the husband said he went hunting?

  • @maoritane9337
    @maoritane9337 5 лет назад +2

    This guys clearly a fake,how sad and low can people go.

  • @juanitairizarry2202
    @juanitairizarry2202 5 лет назад +4

    So sad.. do what you have to if there is a glimmer of hope!

  • @nepadron
    @nepadron 5 лет назад +6

    Publication ban regarding this case (not being able to claim the mounties are focusing on anyone as a witness publicly) as of 3 days ago, so last we will be seeing of this story for awhile, if this narration continues.
    Seems the mounties have more information than the public is giving them credit for, and wanted to stop any baseless public scrutiny.

  • @wisewillow5731
    @wisewillow5731 5 лет назад +3

    Family, please consider a private investigator, especially to check phone records.

  • @niallcarr9253
    @niallcarr9253 5 лет назад +3

    Can a psychic help find a missing woman? No, no no no no......can they cash-in on the vulnerable & gullible - Yes, yes yes.

  • @rosefernandes3115
    @rosefernandes3115 4 года назад +1

    I have given up the Mainstream Media for over 10 years but I've never given up to the Fifth Estate and W5. Thank goodness that you are now on utube.
    So having said that, Marc, your an amazing journalist, unlike the hypocritical mainstream media. Pls stick to the truth and TRUTH will set your work free of evil. Thank you Marc

  • @allisontaylor1818
    @allisontaylor1818 5 лет назад +7

    Where are our glorious RCMP???

    • @martytruelove5026
      @martytruelove5026 3 года назад

      Tim Hortons

    • @hollyharris1874
      @hollyharris1874 4 месяца назад

      I love our neighbors to the north, Canada - so many nice people! But the RCMP seems to disappoint a LOT. You deserve better.

  • @flanneryred5755
    @flanneryred5755 5 лет назад +1

    Just ask yourself! If YOU had to get rid of a body, and YOU had the choice to BURY it, (where cadaver dogs" might find it...OR get rid of it in the OCEAN, which is a FEW STEPS AWAY! WHAT WOULD YOU DO?! EXACTLY! SHE IS NOT BURIED!

  • @tarncoleman7854
    @tarncoleman7854 5 лет назад +8

    Why the fk haven’t they checked that cabin where he went hunting for DNA someone go swab where that man stayed for a flipping week she’s not in that town she’s at the cabin for God’s sake

  • @elainemaxwell1430
    @elainemaxwell1430 5 лет назад +2

    Why not go to the area the husband said he went hunting? Not sure if this is where there at in this video or somewhere close. Or look at all the bodies of water around🤷 she could be lost as fish food who really knows.. I just hope for her loved one's some peace comes to that family n her friends that love her.

  • @georgiaconti2691
    @georgiaconti2691 4 года назад +2

    Hmmmm. Let's see.....gosh, this is such a hard case.....She was at her soon to be ex husband's house.....she was afraid of her ex because he had threatened her. He came back to the house for his duck decoys......she made plans with her sister for the following day........his daughter thinks he did it.......there's no reason to think anyone else had a reason to kill her......he lawyered up, and his lawyer told him not to talk......the Royal Canadian Mounted Police bungled the investigation....GEE, I WONDER WHO KILLED HER.

  • @KathyHussey063
    @KathyHussey063 4 года назад +1

    It's not "crazy" to try a psychic, humanity doesn't know everything about everything to even have the ability to 100% say whether or not some unique people can truly pick up information from energies left behind from events or people in traumatic situations. Every now and then they have come up with remarkable impressions and occasionally bits of evidence. But maybe the best thing anyone can do is whatever may cause the guilty party to stress out about whether or not a psychic or some new evidence will point to them somehow. Maybe just keeping pressure of any kind on a perpetrator is valuable in getting them to break one day, even if nothing else is achieved by these types of searches. If my loved one was missing there's little I would not try to try to locate them, no matter what experts or scientists thought about it.

  • @Dunning.Kruger
    @Dunning.Kruger 5 лет назад +25

    About as useful as a Plumber in finding people. (no offense to plumbers)
    These nutbars are as bad as faith healers.

  • @brianbarcus5853
    @brianbarcus5853 4 года назад +1

    Should search with dogs where the husband went hunting that week.

  • @lostwanderer8651
    @lostwanderer8651 5 лет назад +1

    They need a drone to get up in the air and look. It'll show if any ground has been disturbed by digging. They might even get a better view of any left evidence.

  • @felinefaye8550
    @felinefaye8550 3 года назад +2

    You have to get the right medium!! There are plenty of sensitives out there that are REAL!!

  • @hestergreen2031
    @hestergreen2031 2 года назад +1

    Could a psychic tell everyone what happened to her. ? Can they pinpoint who was apart of this? If a psychic claims her body is in a particular spot, cold the police be notified, ask them to bring in dogs to sniff out the area. To help locate the body.

  • @ms.peaches2834
    @ms.peaches2834 4 месяца назад +1

    ❤condolences, hi,from Chicago South Side!

  • @fern8088
    @fern8088 5 лет назад +16

    why did I know this was going to waste 6 minutes of my time.! Because i'm psychic too....

  • @fembot521
    @fembot521 5 лет назад +2

    What a waste of time when the episode could have been about something useful. Why in Gods green earth would someone bury a body in the dirt in NFLD when the ocean is right there to take a body far far away. The ex worked on a boat and all things point to him.

  • @mowler8042
    @mowler8042 5 лет назад +1

    Its someone walking their dog not some guy who thinks he's a physchic

  • @riverdeep399
    @riverdeep399 5 лет назад +2

    Can they use ground penetrating radar?

  • @christineingram55
    @christineingram55 4 года назад +1

    I recon cadaver dogs would be the best way to go in this case.. some psychics can be spot on but not that many sadly

  • @1958newboy
    @1958newboy 5 лет назад +3

    IT"s sad & can"t imagine the feeling of having a loved one disappear from face of the earth & I know both the families Penney"s & Hilliers , & both good loving families, & would do anything to help someone in need & expect nothing in return, my heart goes out them, What I"m saying is I know the families but we never know what goes on behind closed doors & yet can T pic Dean hurting Jennifer by taking her life, but then it has happen, & we all know that the investigation by RCMP wasn't handled right, Highway cops r not train to handle something of this nature, & when they were told about the bath was ran, her cell phone, her boots, coat, & purse wasn't missing, something should have raised a red flag, But I wonder did 5th Estate know that 3 other people went missing in ST Anthony in 14 yr period without a trace of them ever found?

    • @ItsFritzDaCat
      @ItsFritzDaCat 5 лет назад

      i also mentioned that in the comments about the other missing persons...but ya, I wonder about the daughter(s) too, seem unfazed by her missing mother...did they not have a good relationship, she just seems really cold...

  • @shellbacksclub
    @shellbacksclub 5 лет назад +9

    a wooded area with a water nearby. I'm a psychic to! smh

    • @1958newboy
      @1958newboy 5 лет назад

      lol have to agree, after all newfoundland is a island

    • @happyheidi747
      @happyheidi747 5 лет назад

      I can see lots of trees around her so that makes 2 of us
      That is scammer

  • @Sha.786
    @Sha.786 Год назад

    ❤️❤️❤️ sending love ❤️

  • @TownGirl04
    @TownGirl04 5 лет назад +2

    They should have brought a cadaver dog.

    • @Ace-ke7fq
      @Ace-ke7fq 5 лет назад +1

      but after it happened, not a yr.a half later..

  • @shellbacksclub
    @shellbacksclub 5 лет назад +5

    nobody would bury someone in a cleared area like that! she'd be in the thick brush. what a dbag!

  • @MsKayla130
    @MsKayla130 5 лет назад +1

    Why aren't the police conducting a complete land search with cadaver dogs? #EveryLifeMatters

  • @sarahstauffer1
    @sarahstauffer1 5 лет назад +1

    I would try a few different psychics. Increase your chances of finding her.. You're not crazy for wanting answer's. And you never know, you might get lucky and find the break you need.. 💛🙏🕊️🦋

  • @BoxofRain-ff4td
    @BoxofRain-ff4td 4 года назад +1

    “Yes, but....”
    Shocker-no body

  • @karenhall7446
    @karenhall7446 3 месяца назад

    I truly feel that this poor woman's body has been taken out to sea and weighted down. That would be a way to not to be able to ever find a body! Did he have suspicious friends with a boat? How about someone paid off? Worth looking into.

  • @elianatarifa2423
    @elianatarifa2423 3 года назад

    Wow !!!

  • @jimspivey2138
    @jimspivey2138 5 лет назад +1

    I think it time to bring in the husband and go back over he alibi. Why don't one
    her friends stay with her at house ? The family members reached out to The Fifth estate
    To come to help find they daughter. So stop jumping on the CBC.

  • @mayberry8299
    @mayberry8299 5 лет назад +1

    Try looking by the tallest pine tree in the valley that stands alone.

  • @bellaluna9473
    @bellaluna9473 5 лет назад +1

    Dear St. Anthony perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring the lost, please help this family find their lost loved one along with the other 3 missing in St. Anthony Newfoundland. In Jesus name Amen. 💛

  • @robbieralph1278
    @robbieralph1278 5 лет назад +1

    He's full of crap ...

  • @sunflowerz54
    @sunflowerz54 3 года назад +1

    psychic detectives have worked for decades with Law enforcement.

  • @millionfish
    @millionfish 5 лет назад

    Yeah, living in small towns gives me the creeps. It's so easy to kill someone and hide the body.

  • @laurenjohnson3898
    @laurenjohnson3898 Год назад

    Please help her family she has 3 beautiful babies and family and friends who miss her badly

  • @laurenjohnson3898
    @laurenjohnson3898 Год назад

    Please sir can you help me find my best friend Jessica hamby she lived in haleyville Alabama it's been so many years still no answers

  • @billywright4246
    @billywright4246 3 года назад

    That " psychic" knows where that poor womans body is about as much as i do!

  • @lisaharrison8754
    @lisaharrison8754 Год назад

    Such a sad situation my heart goes out to the families I do believe there are people who are born gifted what about the psychic kids I use to watch that show there adults now worth trying them or the one’s giving there service from that show

  • @bonnielee7134
    @bonnielee7134 4 года назад

    So the cops can't put together a time line of when Jennifer texted daughter to say I'm going home, bath and sleep and the time line of the husband being in town to get the decoys? She didn't even get in her bath. Oh that's right the husband called Jennifer demanding to know when she was going home.

  • @brendaseay5556
    @brendaseay5556 4 года назад

    In that wide space, they should call for Cadaver Dogs

  • @IngmarSweep
    @IngmarSweep 4 года назад +1

    3:24 says it all

  • @frixadora
    @frixadora 3 года назад

    I wanna see when they are digging! ♥️♥️♥️

  • @emilye126
    @emilye126 5 лет назад +1

    They need a cadaver dog.

  • @treehouse2902
    @treehouse2902 4 года назад

    They have equipment that can detect soil disturbance. Why not use that.

  • @sharonrenedavenport8995
    @sharonrenedavenport8995 3 года назад

    Unfortunately for these people they didn’t know how to Vet and Hire a Real Psychic!

  • @rerehuia709
    @rerehuia709 3 года назад

    There is no such thing as "empty space" in the wilds! Empty space thrives in the cities

  • @rosalieblackman4859
    @rosalieblackman4859 4 года назад

    Ground does move over time, especially near water. This guy is letting these people down.

  • @hollyharris1874
    @hollyharris1874 4 месяца назад

    They'd need ground-penetrating radar to cover that much land.

  • @Manifesting_Secret_Sketchbook
    @Manifesting_Secret_Sketchbook 2 года назад

    Was she found in the end? Update please

  • @CosmosGwelf
    @CosmosGwelf 3 года назад

    Where's your drone? Picks to test the ground as you walk?

  • @dianelalonde544
    @dianelalonde544 4 года назад

    While they were out in the field (supposed spot. Bring the long stick to poke the ground at least while you're there.

  • @lenutaanc463
    @lenutaanc463 Год назад

    He may be telling the truth I dream people near tress who went mising but could be so many places who look similar.

  • @jessicadeines
    @jessicadeines 5 лет назад

    I cannot imagine how much this would hurt, to have no closer and just keep pushing for hope. The only thing I can say to help is maybe see about ground penetration radar or chromatography. There are some groups and agencies that will lend their support for these sort of cases. This might be able to get something as the region is close to the arctic circle and geologically slow to change.

  • @chrisharnum3602
    @chrisharnum3602 4 года назад

    Ocean is the easiest if your solo fisherman ,fishing gear, not an land

  • @anna-taniatransylove5762
    @anna-taniatransylove5762 5 лет назад

    DID THE POLICE QUESTION THE GUY IN THE RED SWEATER? anybody that knew that she was in trouble with her husband cold have killed her and make it look like the husband did it...even though I believe that he husband most likely has something to do with it.

  • @lexiaaforever437
    @lexiaaforever437 5 лет назад +3

    Soooo we going this far ? 🤓🤔 I’m sticking with talking to Jesus . Sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️ I just can’t because he’s full of crap .

  • @annesuire758
    @annesuire758 5 лет назад +1

    some psychics are very good, they need to find a new one!.

  • @isaac20006
    @isaac20006 5 лет назад

    If her husband was a fisherman -- what is the obvious place he would put her -- poor lady is probably fish Bait now -- feel so bad for her family and friends :(