This Commander seems pretty powerful (ok its simic so what should we expect). One card that is pretty busted with this commander and I think was not mentioned is Scroll of Fate. Chosing to manifest from your Hand ans instantly flipping it with the ability seems busted.
Manifesting on your opponents turn makes this deck reaaaally scary. When I manifest and flip stuff on my turn, the next time I get my turn, my board is usually picked clean via removals. Manifesting 3 - 6 - 9 times in one round, then flipping everything on your turn with bringing your lands back with Lumra or Splendid Rec ready to attack will probably result in a win. Or just slam down Kozilek :D
Also thinking of building Zimone, might try out demolisher spawn. Don’t think delirium will be hard to trigger
This Commander seems pretty powerful (ok its simic so what should we expect). One card that is pretty busted with this commander and I think was not mentioned is Scroll of Fate. Chosing to manifest from your Hand ans instantly flipping it with the ability seems busted.
Manifesting on your opponents turn makes this deck reaaaally scary. When I manifest and flip stuff on my turn, the next time I get my turn, my board is usually picked clean via removals. Manifesting 3 - 6 - 9 times in one round, then flipping everything on your turn with bringing your lands back with Lumra or Splendid Rec ready to attack will probably result in a win. Or just slam down Kozilek :D