He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother (The Hollies) / 老人のベースチャレンジ (14-Nov-2024)
- Опубликовано: 26 янв 2025
- 2023年9月、呆けたくない62才が初めてベースギターを買いました。ひょっとしてボケたかも。老人のベースチャレンジです。At 62 years of age in September of 2023 I started learning bass guitar for the first time in my life. Please follow my journey!
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother (1969),
Bob Russell (1914-1970) Songwriter,
Bobby Scott (1937-1990) Songwriter,
Allan Clarke (1942- ) Lead Vocals & Guitar,
Tony Hicks (1945- ) Rhythm Guitar,
Terry Sylvester (1947- ) Rhythm Guitar,
Bobby Elliott (1941- ) Drums,
Bernie Calvert (1942- ) Bass,
Elton John (1947- ) Piano,
Graham Nash (1942- ),
Eric Haydock (1943-2019),
#Yamaha #Bass #YamahaBass #YamahaBassGuitar #TRBX174 #ベースギター #初心者 #HeAintHeavyHesMyBrother #TheHollies #AllanClarke #BernieClvert #TonyHicks #BobbyElliott #TerrySylvester