Should you buy a Fractal FM9 or Neural DSP Quad Cortex? A new users experience (so far!)


Комментарии • 471

  • @SteveSterlacci
    @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

    For the best price on a Quad Cortex, check out Sweetwater
    For the FM9 -

  • @tanamati6832
    @tanamati6832 2 года назад +39

    On the FM9 you can press the big button which takes you to Layout page, then navigate to the block you want to tweak and press edit. I know it's not as fast as the QC touch interface, but it's pretty simple once you get used to it.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +11

      Thanks for the tip!! I just messed with that and like it. Thanks

    • @justinTime077
      @justinTime077 Год назад +4

      I forced myself to not use axe edit for like a week and now I’m a master at using the hardware.

    • @TheBbtlegit
      @TheBbtlegit Год назад

      I know a guitar player and he said this thing is giving him a headache.

  • @cryptoking8060
    @cryptoking8060 2 года назад +2

    To my mind ease of use is 2nd to tonal quality. Tone is king. If it sounds good I'll send the extra time. if not, I could care less if it's easy to use. Having said that, if tweaking and editing for hours is "required" in order to get decent tones then it's useless imo. Give me some well researched (by listening to the market of guitar users buying them) and great tones out of the box then that's the key. Simple presets that are already solid that allow each player to tweak subtly (or aggressively) as needed.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      Definitely! I have been comparing it to getting a new smartphone. Once you have it a few days, you figure out what is needed vs wanted and whats unnecessary. Finding a workflow is good on both! I think tonally, these 2 and Helix are quite close

    • @cryptoking8060
      @cryptoking8060 2 года назад +2

      @@SteveSterlacci I listened to the QC, Axe3, Kemper and Helix playing along actual studio tracks. Well, Helix clearly lost that battle, not even close. The Kemper was the warmest, closest to the sound of an amp. Yet the QC consistently sounded good on top of multiple music styles and playing. The ease of use along with clear tonal superiority (to my ears of course) the QC is winning so far. Close to pulling the trigger! Only issue, and it's a big one as you know, is the inability to edit on my computer, damn that's serious drawback, Do I want the extra tweaking and additional hours getting good sounds that the Axe demands or do I sacrifice the editing and go straight for tone and buy the QC???From pure tone If that is the most important I think I'm pulling my cc out for the QC.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      All units are dependent on the users ability to dial it in. I could post the same vid and have complete opposite results! QC is great and I do love the captures. It could be the best in the future

    • @cryptoking8060
      @cryptoking8060 2 года назад +2

      @@SteveSterlacci True, either way tweaking will be a part of my life, just don't wanna spend needless hours down the rabbit hole and come out listening to sounds that after all don't sound that great anyways! lol I know tweaking gets my ears lost in what I'm trying to create. The QC seems to have some out of the box rock solid tones.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      The presets on the FM9 are incredible too, but learning to navigate is a nightmare. QC seems like your lane. Its so easy to use and the meat and potatoes are all there with a very promising future. I will continue to use them all 🤣. I have listened to our rehearsal and gig footage back and literally dont think there is any noticeable enough difference. Some bandmates prefer one or the other. I dont think any listener would prefer one or another. We record all our rehearsals direct through a MIDAS m32 console. Pretty good indicator! I am gonna probably make that video comparing "the same preset" on each of the 3. They're not meant to sound identical, but they are meant for the same gig and have the same snapshots and scenes as each other

  • @woodward_alan
    @woodward_alan 2 года назад +2

    One QC for me please!

  • @chriscann2774
    @chriscann2774 2 года назад

    My head hurts. It's time to upgrade from my EVH combo amp. I'm trying to decide between an Engl Savage 120 and a cab, or either QC/FM9 with an Accugroove 2x12 FRFR. Both scenarios are huge $$$ so I need to get it right. Either way I don't want a loaded pedalboard.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      I would recommend the FM9 out of those options

  • @sillyness3456
    @sillyness3456 2 года назад

    The QC with all its promises and extreme stock shortages really looked like influencer vaporware to me. No IEC plug is also a complete dealbreaker for me. They finally made themselves look like assholes by sending the device out to influencers, who seemed to all have the identical script, aside from Rhett Shull and Paul Davids, who criticised the device and didn't sing the very obvious corporate praise, everybody else did.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      I thought the same with those youtube vids. And honestly, none of them have made any follow up vids besides pete thorn using it for fly dates. Its like they never even had it

    • @sillyness3456
      @sillyness3456 2 года назад

      @@SteveSterlacci Rabea seems to use it for his session jobs.
      They oversold this device so hard… Claiming it to better than anything at everything…
      After almost a year, consensus seems to be:
      Best Sound: Kemper, Fractal
      Best Effects: Fractal, Helix
      Best UI: Helix, QC
      Correct me if I’m wrong.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      @@sillyness3456 i would not be able to argue too much with that list! I do think Helix ui is worlds better than all of them, and the drive pedals sound way better in Helix than my fm9. Delays I will give an even split, but fm9 has more complex things that I will never use, and reverb goes to fm9 if you're doing more than basic reverb things. Also, the fractal cab section is what makes it sound so good IMO. Still messing around with it, but so far its between Helix and FM9 for current king of the hill

    • @sillyness3456
      @sillyness3456 2 года назад

      @@SteveSterlacci I went from the Helix LT to a Kemper and yes, the UI was much better, but I never got it to sound good, so I bought the Kemper

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      How long ago was that? They did a complete engine re build at version 3.00 and it makes a huge difference. I am curious to go back and see what I think after a month exclusively with the fm9

  • @hiddennotesberlin
    @hiddennotesberlin 2 года назад +17

    the most important thing (in my opinion) is, these units (helix,kemper,fractal audio or quad cortex) are not just amp modelers like the pod 20 years ago.these are very powerful devices who are just like a computer and sometimes it can take a lot of time to master these units and i know it can be very very frustrating and confusing...just like buying a new computer;)

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +4

      Absolutely! Definitely can't just plug in and play lol its worth the time saved over its lifetime rewiring a pedalboard or chasing a bad cable and swapping pedals every few weeks!

  • @alvarofelipe_sepu
    @alvarofelipe_sepu 2 года назад +12

    QC is so easy to dial! I’m just waiting for the next updates, because as a first gen modeler, it needs to improve as you mentioned. To me, a capture’s marketplace will be the real game changer for this.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +3

      I look forward to that as well! Hopefully they can really kill it with updates and set themselves apart

  • @martymeatball1877
    @martymeatball1877 2 года назад +6

    Got a QC about a week ago to compare to my Axe-Fx III. Frustrating doesn't even begin to describe the user experience. The whole cloud thing is a hot mess. To download a capture you have to install an app on your iPhone, then search for the capture(s) but there's no metadata so searching is a crapshoot. Then you tag the captures you want to download. Then you go to the QC and download them. That's if you can find them because they're just sorta randomly located. And don't get me started on the Wi-Fi performance. If you're not within 20 ft. of your router then chances are you won't be able to connect.
    After futzing with it for several hours I finally got something that sounded okay but not nearly as nice as the Axe-Fx. Add to that the complete lack of any kind of effects content. The modulation stuff is a joke. The pitch shifter sucks. The reverbs are passable.
    As far as amp sounds go it's nothing special. Some of the models are okay but a lot are mediocre. I tried several dozen captures and they all have this weird thing gong on in the high frequencies.
    The UI for the cabinet stuff is nice but beyond that everything feels half-baked and incomplete. I'm returning it. If I were in the market for a new modeler I'd go with either the Axe-Fx III or the FM9.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      I get that frustration big time. Making your own is definitely best, or finding a reputable uploader makes life way easier. Live Ready Sound and Tone Junkies are great. Totally get where you are coming from tho!

  • @JackFossett
    @JackFossett 2 года назад +4

    So that’s like another version of what Kemper does, correct?

  • @tanshaomala
    @tanshaomala 2 года назад +6

    All good points. Personally the Axe Fx III has been the best musical investment I have ever made by far. I've played and recorded more in the one year I've had it than the previous 5 years combined. Personally I spend most of my time navigating through the front panel just so I don't have to rely on the editor, but some of the menus are a bit confusing and don't necessarily correspond to where they are on Axe Edit.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      I have to get more savvy with the front panel editing. I am coming around more and more! Loving the sounds it can provide for sure!

  • @citizenkang01
    @citizenkang01 2 года назад +8

    I'm probably going to get a QC since I'm also a bass/piano/vocalist and the inputs are super versatile that way... But man the foot switches on the Fractal! The hold function alone is keeping me on the fence, nevermind the channel switching options. They both sound great, and it's a great time to be a guitar player!

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      Agreed man! The i/o and separate paths is very nice in the QC. The open format may be better for you with the different instruments and especially vocals... cant go wrong either way !

  • @kingjb99
    @kingjb99 2 года назад +1

    That power supply on the QC makes me want to puke. You cannot gig with that with any confidence unless it was in a rack.

  • @anthonykenny1320
    @anthonykenny1320 Год назад +2

    Hendrix had two pedals straight into the amp and he got pretty good sounds
    Why any one needs a fractal with 560 amps with 300 cabs and 3,000 effects is beyond me

  • @deans.4705
    @deans.4705 2 года назад +4

    I have both. For the QC it is still too early but I think it sounds better especially with single coil guitars. It's a shame they advertised their product way too early. Still waiting for a lot of features. Like you said, hybrid mode, the editor, the cloud. Maybe in a few more years the dust will settle and we will see. RIght now. Wins go to Fractal for effects and ease of use (navigating parameters immediately and mapping buttons). QC is slightly quicker for me at getting the sound I want.

  • @WolfGuitarsandGear
    @WolfGuitarsandGear 2 года назад +5

    I think people overstate the difficulty of editing the fractal on the fly. With no laptop I can dive in and make the changes i need in seconds. I also tried the helix but found the fractal way easier to edit and make good sounds. Relying solely on captures seems really limiting to me. Like I’d have to only have the amps I already own or buy someone else’s capture as opposed to over 200 amp channels in fractal that sound good right out of the box. And as you mentioned if your overwhelmed by the variety of things you can change in fractal, you also don’t have to. Just the basic controls should get you some great sounds.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      Using basics was my main suggestion in the video as well. Its not so much that its overstated, it's just not practical to new users. I have my first gig with FM9 tonight and was able to do some tweaking at soundcheck which felt very good lol so I am coming around more on that front. Like I said, new user stresses!

    • @WolfGuitarsandGear
      @WolfGuitarsandGear 2 года назад +1

      @@SteveSterlacci it’s the first modeler I’ve owned. Coming from a regular pedalboard all the same thought process carries right over. As a new user I found it extremely intuitive.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      @@WolfGuitarsandGear thought process, yes. Its more understanding how to navigate the pages than anything. The rest is easy and intuitive. I do wish for more than 4 scene controllers. Definitely a downer vs hx and qc

    • @anotherone9219
      @anotherone9219 9 месяцев назад

      @@WolfGuitarsandGeardo you miss your pedalboard? Im thinking to build one or go for fractal

  • @chrispotts4830
    @chrispotts4830 2 года назад +4

    Nice review! To me, captures just sound a little more realistic than models. Also, I have had experience with fractal and it's too tedious.

  • @bedlam46
    @bedlam46 Год назад +2

    I have owned my QC since launch, with such slow updates and still no desktop editor, OR PLUGIN support in 2023,, ill be selling it and going to FM9. I have lost all confidence in NDSP. Also the FX are not great,, Soon? nah.. im done soon,, and sick of it, and the bull from ndsp

  • @x3a3x3
    @x3a3x3 2 года назад +15

    I was at the waitlist for the QC but once I had my first gig with the FM3 that was it for me. The sounds and feel are unbelievable. It feels more real in your hands than the helix imho. Not sure if the audience can tell the difference, but I enjoy playing it a lot more. The effects are amazing too and once you get used to editing on your laptop editing on the unit becomes easier as you understand the flow.
    I really like the size and touch screen on the QC tho and would like to try one eventually…

    • @1972Georges
      @1972Georges 2 года назад +1

      I just decided to buy the FM3. is there a long learning curve? You play trough a real amp or just trough monitors. ? The Sound samples of the FM3 on YT are very very good...I hope the buy is worth it....

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      You will learn your way as you go. Just be patient with it! There is no right or wrong way to use it. I use headphones and FRFR with no amp

    • @1972Georges
      @1972Georges 2 года назад

      @@SteveSterlacci thanks. I hope it is good enough to replace my Tube Amps / pedals…I want to be able to play trough headphones and dedicated speakers on a high level sound wise…

    • @1972Georges
      @1972Georges 2 года назад

      @@SteveSterlacci I just bought the Valeton 200 Pedal Board for about 350 USD. It does not even come close to amps / pedals…I can only use it with headphones for playing when I cant loud…

    • @nandolemon
      @nandolemon 2 года назад +1

      @@1972Georges I play the FM3 into a Fryette PS2A and a real cab and as soon as I plugged it into the Power Station I’ve put me Mesa TC-50 and Fractal FX8 for sale. I’ve had a pedalboard with analog pedals and the FX8 (or the FM3) pedals are better than the real ones as you have much more parameters to tweak. You can run the FM3 through a power amp and real cab using output 2 without the cab SIM and at the same time run it to FOH using an XLR to TRS (or XLR to XLR) using output 1 with the Cab SIM. By using the Power Station as a power amp you get the sound and feel of a real tube amp while having many options of pre and power amps (200+ from the FM3) so it just doesn’t make sense to keep any other tube amp head imho. Cheers!

  • @aviator_bryan
    @aviator_bryan 2 года назад +17

    Yeah, the QC has lots of promise. I was on the Tier 1 waitlist and backed out for the FM3. Now I also have the FM9. For me, I’m not interested in captures at all. I’d rather have a nice selection of detailed models and dial them in, but that’s me. Still, having that function available is cool. I like QC size and form factor. I’ll definitely look again in a couple years once it’s had some updates.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +3

      You'll probably want to stick with the fm9 if you don't want the captures! Its a BEAST

    • @aviator_bryan
      @aviator_bryan 2 года назад

      @@SteveSterlacci Also, keep in mind that a) you can use the same Scene Controller for controlling multiple parameters and b) there are 4 channels of controllers so you technically have 16 Scene Controllers per preset. You can use Control Switches to make multiple parameter changes (32 per I think?) and then assign the state of the control switch per scene. so theres a fair amount of power there, but the learning curve is steeper.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      @@aviator_bryan i haven't seen anything about that on the internets. Is it in the manual somewhere? I would think if more than 1 parameter is assigned to the controller, they would need to not conflict with each other. Like one would have to be in a bypassed state while it controls one thats active? Definitely interested in hearing more on this

    • @aviator_bryan
      @aviator_bryan 2 года назад +2

      @@SteveSterlacci the footswitch functions guide expands on it a bit more. There’s it to cover between scene controllers, manual controllers, modifiers, control switches etc.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      @@aviator_bryan thank you! I will dive into that manual this week 🤘. I appreciate the tips

  • @MrKiammi
    @MrKiammi 2 года назад +4

    Great job there Steve and non biased review as well.
    Its no secret, i really really like my QC, i love the simplicity, Its like you said Its plug and play within minutes. but I am very sure i would be enjoying the heck of both of them.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for checking it out! QC is such a cool unit!

  • @yanossnicklefritz7064
    @yanossnicklefritz7064 2 года назад +3

    It would be best for all of you to buy the Cortex.
    This way I don't have to wait as long for my FM9.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      LOL!!! Nice one

    • @yanossnicklefritz7064
      @yanossnicklefritz7064 2 года назад +1

      @@SteveSterlacci A man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do,........ to speed up his place on the wait list. 😁

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      @@yanossnicklefritz7064 absolutely correct! Lol you don't wanna know how I got mine 😳😳😳

    • @yanossnicklefritz7064
      @yanossnicklefritz7064 2 года назад

      @@SteveSterlacci When you say it like that, probably not. I can only scrub away so much imagery in my brain. But either way, you have yours. I have no choice but to be patient, even though I'm not a patient person. My FM3 will have to hold me in the meantime. But anyone who wants to buy a Cortex instead, so I can get one sooner is good by me.

  • @TheBbtlegit
    @TheBbtlegit Год назад +1

    No Thanks. I'll stick with my Helix.

  • @grievous6614
    @grievous6614 2 года назад +1

    Fractal FM9..and all Fractal stuff is years and years ahead of QC..this guy is bias..

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      I literally give fm9 more props than QC throughout the vid lol what you mean bias?! Its actually been my gigging rig the last few weeks too

  • @armoredsaint6639
    @armoredsaint6639 2 года назад +9

    I want to love the fractal stuff but…..I bought the Axe Fx111 worked with it for about a month and finally sold it. There were so many things you had to tweak and so many pages to go through to do that I found myself getting lost I mean who wants to adjust amp sag and a whole host of other things that I have no idea what they do nor do I ever want to know what they do and it’s seven pages behind something else that was two pages in for just a single affect or portion of the tone! I don’t want to have to have a masters degree from MIT just to figure out how to turn on the unit! I’m back to a real amp in the room with pedal board!

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      For some people thats all ya need!

    • @billyarsenault1970
      @billyarsenault1970 2 года назад +4

      Pressing the button that says ON will turn ON the unit.
      The drama OFF switch is the one you really should be looking for.

    • @edjankovsky4810
      @edjankovsky4810 2 года назад +7

      All of that editing is not necessary with the AxeFX. You can get great tones using the same basic controls as a regular amp. Those options are available on advanced pages for people who wish to dig around but please don't make it sound like deep editing is necessary. It's not.

    • @TheBbtlegit
      @TheBbtlegit Год назад

      Yes. I don't want to buy something I'm spending a lot of time on just trying to get it to sound good.

  • @HYUGE
    @HYUGE 9 месяцев назад

    After watching hundreds of videos regarding these pedals, i concluded that people never gonna be happy. They just want everything great great tone great this great this with this one click...they have now high end gear and still unhappy that i have to dial this dial that...JUST MAKE IT WORK WHATEVER YOU HAVE. Both are great units. QC is better coz its their first new high end product and they gonna improve via updates...fractal needs more dsp so new hardware gonna come and thn u have to buy tht...atleast QC have amazing DSP....updates gonna solve this.. its future proof

  • @SeanBodleyGuitarist
    @SeanBodleyGuitarist 5 месяцев назад

    Now 2024...and the FM9 is still leaps ahead of the Cortex in amps/effects.... also, Cortex still waiting on promised updates.

  • @FLdb-wj4wc
    @FLdb-wj4wc 2 года назад +2

    I think I will stick with the Helix. I wish I could A/B these modelers to compare the sound & feel. I wish the Helix was smaller. I'm gigging a lot and most gigs I have no room on the floor. The Helix is pretty good but sometimes I miss the feel of my amps.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      I will still be using my Helix a ton! Its honestly not a lot smaller than Helix at all. Even without the exp pedal!

  • @dmock66
    @dmock66 2 года назад +4

    Nice video Steve!
    I have a QC and FM3 - so close to your comparison. I agree with most of your assessment. I like them both but prefer to play the QC live. Also, being able to Capture pedals, in addition to amps, is awesome!

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      Definitely agree on the captures! fm3 seems tough to use live. FM9 is a perfect size for me. I hope the qc gets the needed updates fast. I love using both

    • @dmock66
      @dmock66 2 года назад +2

      @@SteveSterlacci - I'm also coming from using the Helix/Stomp platform for several years, so we're on a similar journey. I agree - the FM3 has some live challenges that the FM9 covers in Spades. If I didn't already have the FM3 I probably would have gone with the FM9 as well as it's got everything you need without anything you don't. But also agree with the sheer volume of options the Fractal ecosystem presents. It's both their biggest Pro AND Con, IMHO.
      All great products tho - especially if you use each ti it's strength.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +3

      Absolutely! When you just remove the idea of all those options and just stick to basics, it becomes infinitely easier!

    @LIFEINSIXSTRINGS 3 месяца назад

    i have been using qc for 2 years its very easy to use and travell perfect tone bt its not trust worthy i had more then 2-3 issue u will get lots n lots of issue evry 5-6 motnth so for me qc is not trustable

  • @scottwhitlow8468
    @scottwhitlow8468 2 года назад +4

    Great video! Would have loved to see a little more interactions with both units and comparing how each of them handle the same thing (actually seeing the processes). Would also be cool to see both dialing in the same sound (amp, effects, etc) just for a comparison of an A/B test. Great overview though! 👍🏻

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      That might be a cool idea! Set up a basic preset with a pre determined rig and see how long it takes each to make

  • @Hillman1312
    @Hillman1312 2 года назад +4

    Thank you Steve !! I don't have either of these units so can only base my opinion on what I read/hear from others but to me it looks like these companies have put a lot of effort into the technical part of the units (lots of power, lots of models, lots of parameters, capturing functionality) but didn't pay as much attention to how most people would use the device as did the nice people at Line 6. To me your review actually confirms how great of a job Line 6 did with their Helix family of products. Perhaps the Fractal and the QC sound better (I don't know), but to me the ease of use of the Helix is way more important. I've seen a couple of video's on the Fractal and the amount of parameters that can be tweaked is just insane ... perfect if you're a sound engineer and you're looking to get your tone from 95 - 99% of what you want, but for an average user like me just unnecessary (again, just my personal opinion). With regards to the QC, I understand that the capture function is great for people who own nice amps yet prefer not to take these amps to their gigs. But when you think of it, most people get a modeller for the reason that they don't (want to) own amps. It is tempting to consider buying new gear like this, but for now I'll stick to the Helix. Keep up the good work, much appreciated !

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for watching and for the well thought out comment. You're on the money with the Helix stuff having the best end user gigging experience.

    • 2 года назад

      @@SteveSterlacci THANX A LOT To YOU BOTH. that was the really most useful comment to me so far

  • @bropetersbropeters193
    @bropetersbropeters193 2 года назад +2

    I just subbed. I'm also a Helix Floor user. I'm very basic in my approach because I'm still learning. So these other models are also an eye opener. Would it be a good idea to get a second 112plus to provide yourself a bigger/warmer live/stage tone?

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      If you want it, I am content with 1x12. The reason i got into digital was to travel lighter and have less gear, so I am the wrong one to ask 😅. I have a 112 and 212 though but never used them together

  • @vencarnjr
    @vencarnjr 2 года назад +2

    I’d have to disagree just a little bit. Being a QC user and taking it out to play live, you don’t need to have the swipe up screen to up to get edits done on the fly live (the screen displaying the 8 performances or pedal blocks). The top right corner of the QC tells you what mode you’re currently on. (Whether it’s Scene Mode, Stompbox Mode or Preset Mode) if you’ve memorized where you’ve routed the footswitches you can turn on/off the pedals or go through scenes and still have access to the main screen displaying the pedal routing - meaning: if you have to change something on the fly you just tap on the block and change the parameters that need to be changed. Granted, It just won’t look as pretty or polished as compared to a screen with custom labels or displayed stompboxes, if that makes any sense.
    On the other hand, I will agree that hybrid mode is a much needed feature that needs to come in a future update and prayerfully it comes soon! 🙏🏼
    Great video btw! Very informative nonetheless!

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      Thanks for adding Victor! If we had scribble strips that said what the FS were assigned to, then definitely. I personally dont want to memorize every footswitch for every preset that I use. Between scenes and stomp mode, thats a lot of blind memorizing!

    • @vencarnjr
      @vencarnjr 2 года назад +1

      @@SteveSterlacci Facts! 💯

  • @chriswenzel7275
    @chriswenzel7275 2 года назад +2

    Got my QC last week and within hours I was gig ready. In fact, I used it this weekend. That said, I agree with your frustrations. The power supply choice alone has me scratching my head

  • @guitarman5560
    @guitarman5560 19 дней назад

    I plan on taking my surface pro tablet to the gig with my FM9. Will have it on a music stand right in front of me. I've only had it for a month and gigged it once. I figure once I get used to it and as I learn the UI better I shouldn't need the tablet.

  • @guillaumemarchand4557
    @guillaumemarchand4557 2 года назад +3

    as much as I can see the need of a desktop editor, I like that I do not need to carry anything else than my QC when I go to practice or gig. adjustments on the units on the fly are super easy

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      For sure! But building a rig from scratch is much easier on the pc IMO. Touch screen is def awesome though!

    • @ilmisxx2
      @ilmisxx2 2 года назад +1

      Tweak on the unit, build on a computer. There is no better way. Fractal is still above all imo if you are willing to get your hands dirty. QC was released too early almost like a pre beta product, it has potential to be good but fractal is good

  • @GuitarTabsDaily
    @GuitarTabsDaily 2 года назад +1

    Sooo still the helix 😉

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      Yep! Lol

    • @marksh24
      @marksh24 2 года назад +2

      I'm a Helix user going on four years now. I've never felt the need to try anyting else. Still seems to be the most user and gig friendly option to me.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      @@marksh24 you're dead on the money here! Same thoughts

  • @TheMelodyofChaos
    @TheMelodyofChaos 2 года назад +2

    I'm going for the fm9 or the Axe fx 3 mk2, I keep seeing post about people having issues with the QC, some die from nothing others have some weird software error that in some cases can't be fixed and when they reported neural did not answer to them for weeks, others have loose screws inside... that last one got me worried because I never heard or seeing something like that in a unit of this price range, the price is almost 2k us dollars for having these kind of issues is just unacceptable, I understand that Joyo pedals, nux, hotone or moer can be possible to have those kind of failures on the hardware because of the price but not from a device that cost almost 2k...

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      I haven't heard many of those horror stories. So far its fine for what it does..but still feels very incomplete

    • @TheMelodyofChaos
      @TheMelodyofChaos 2 года назад +1

      @@SteveSterlacci in the facebook official group of the quad cortex nobody post serious problems, but in the other group that I am it's another history, the group is call Neural DSP - QUAD CORTEX - User Group Original, the reality of many QC users is there.

  • @drissaitkassimusic
    @drissaitkassimusic 8 месяцев назад

    That’s the problem with user feed back the user always wants more and when the company makes more then the user complains that it’s overwhelming

  • @joshuafernandes4935
    @joshuafernandes4935 Год назад +1

    Make a choice on the features you have in each unit as per today. Dont buy into the hype that one product is going to be awesome tomorrow especially considering that in 2 years since Neural DSP was announced none of the features that were promised to be coming soon have been delivered and 2 years is a very long time frame. I have been waiting for the next update on QC forever and in another 5 years when QC delivers the coming soon features I can only imagine how far fractal audio will be considering everything already works amazing well currently. No one is buying fracal products for future hype like QC is doing.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  Год назад +1

      You make a perfect point here. If i were buying only 1 today, itd be the fm9

  • @marksh24
    @marksh24 2 года назад +5

    OMG the QC power supply is HORRIBLE! That turns me off immediately. I would love to see Kemper Stage next, Steve!

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      Yeah its definitely a weak point! I have never tried a kemper. Maybe in a few months!

    • @AndGuitar
      @AndGuitar 2 года назад

      Most would replace with a more robust PS (or multi outlet styles) if they were live gigging anyway to be honest. 😀🤟

  • @MattMacKo
    @MattMacKo 2 года назад +1

    I wish I could have both for about 2wks to play with and explore. Before determining which unit to keep

  • @SteveSterlacci
    @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +11

    What do you want to see from these 2 units in future videos?

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +6


    • @johngiannaris9279
      @johngiannaris9279 2 года назад +4

      Country and Southern rock tone examples; acoustic; all the examples Neural does are for 7 string hard edge tones which are good but that is all; need to see some versatility

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      Totally agree John! That's where I typically live tone wise.

    • @AmericaWhatsup
      @AmericaWhatsup 2 года назад +1

      How about let's hear how they sound? Not just talking about them?
      BTW if you have any questions about the Fractal I am a long time Fractal owner. and I also owned the QC as well.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      @@AmericaWhatsup there will be plenty of those coming! I have some playing demos of them on the channel and I plan on doing some preset building videos as I get better on them. So far I think I am competent enough on FM9 to gig comfortably. Looking into how to maximize the scene controllers. Coming from Helix, we are able to control up to 8 parameters per snapshot (similar to scenes)
      Any tips on getting more than 4 parameters changing through scenes? Like if I use the same amp, i would like to not just change the gain, but the whole tone stack to accommodate the gain levels. Any tips would be appreciated!

  • @martoneill
    @martoneill 2 года назад +2

    As a hobbyist, I’ve found the Neural stuff that I’ve tried (plug-ins so far but am tempted by QC) fantastic. As you say at the end, Neural have a knack for producing great sounding presets and also for making it easy to tweak sounds. I have spent so many hours working on Helix tones (via Helix Native) and I still don’t like them nearly as much as the Neural ones I get in minutes. I know Helix has amazing sounds, I’m just not experienced enough to get them. What I would ultimately love to see would be a NeuralDSP plug-in that matches the QC like Helix Native does the Helix floor.

  • @ChrisM541
    @ChrisM541 Год назад +1

    As a past gigging guitarist myself of waay too many years I care to remember, I always have a wee chuckle when I watch folk complain about shortcomings in 'ease of use'. I could have done with a little more 'ease of use' myself in the past, however, once set up, I had little/no complaints during a gig. The gear I had the longest was a Mesa Triaxis, 2:90 and G-Force FX unit. I controlled this with a Roland FC200 foot pedal. It allowed the use of control/expression pedals etc. There was a lot (MASSIVELY more compared to today's 'learning' systems, lol) of learning initially but, when configured, it was an EXTREMELY versatile setup.
    Advice? make darn sure you get to the gig well beforehand for that crucial soundcheck/tweaking (and understand the basics of what a filled venue makes to your sound....EQ dampening etc - but don't worry). No soundcheck possible? Use what you know of the room/venue/hall as your base. Understand the crucial reverb and master EQ sections of your FX. If you're mic'ing into an established system then the PA dude will advise (primarily those master reverb / eq levels). Above all, do your homework well before hand on your system, and the venue. Uber above all, try not to worry if your not 100% happy with your one ever is...Rule #1: Enjoy yourself !!

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  Год назад

      Well, when they all have the ability to sound good, ease of use becomes more important when tone is subjectively negligible. Rule #1 still applies

  • @Harrysound
    @Harrysound 2 года назад +1

    I’ve done the leg work with an axe fx 2 for 5 years so I’ll be happy when my fm9 arrives next month

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      Thats definitely the right choice for ya!

  • @WoodstockBobbyJ
    @WoodstockBobbyJ 2 года назад +2

    You can really get a great sound out of any of these devices. I have to say that the difficulty with using the Fractal gear is overstated here. After the initial learning curve with the Fractal units (which really doesn't take that long) you can build a great preset with clean, crunch, lead and effects in just a few minutes. It is easier with the editor but if you take a little time with the unit you can edit pretty quickly on that as well. There are many more parameters you can adjust with the Fractal and that is what maybe gives it the edge for me. You don't have to really get into any of that stuff, but if you want to... 😉

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      For sure! I do still find myself frustrated using it, even after the initial curve. I get that its super capable, but the other units like QC and Helix are just easier IMO. I keep trying with the FM9 though. I plan on mastering it and conquering the universe 🤣😅

    • @ernieficklin3593
      @ernieficklin3593 Год назад

      Agreed. The fractal stuff is amazing. Have Kemper as well. They are both outstanding. The fractal is a hell of a lot more versatile though. Can be what ever you want. Profilers do what the profile does…+\- 20%. Outside of that…it gets sketchy.

  • @TheJoecoool
    @TheJoecoool 2 года назад +2

    Fractal FM9 💪

  • @anthonykenny1320
    @anthonykenny1320 Год назад

    The Fractal is designed for guitarists who have a team of tech nerds to do the hard work of programming etc

  • @bedlam46
    @bedlam46 Год назад +1

    Hi Steve, so i thought id give an update! i bought an FM9 and have QC for sale.. i have to say, for me,, the FM9 is miles ahead of the QC.. and i owned the QC for 2 years.
    I hounestly have owned the fm9 a few days, and already have far better tones than the QC.. theres alot to be said for a desktop editor ;-)
    One thing i would say is the ABCD channels are a game changer.. 4.01 as of this week is awsome. QC owners dont know what they are missing!
    Its all very personal.. it might be the best thing for me, but not for everybody else.. i get it. Thanks for the reviews, it has massivly helped me make a choice. So a huge thank you

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  Год назад

      I absolutely can't blame you. I would pick FM9 if I had to only choose one. Thank you for watching and supporting!

  • @jbag4289
    @jbag4289 2 года назад +1

    So in other words.
    If you are someone creative and you want to have your own sound, go for the Fractal.
    Do you want to plug and play, and play with sound clones, go for QC

  • @vio4jesus
    @vio4jesus 2 года назад +1

    I am bummed by my QC. The QC DOES NOT have a looper, it doesn’t carry over trails from reverb/delays in preset changes, there’s delay issues with expression pedals. An interesting thing that many QC users have requested - a PC/Mac editor. The FM certainly has a much much bigger list of amps and cabs out of the box. The nice features on the QC is the size and the the user interface screen. Those are nice in the QC. I had an Axe Fx III, and I sold it. ….. i feel like if you want an overall unit that does BOTH amp/cabs and fx (pedals), the QC is still way, way too immature. I think you didn’t understand scenes and presets in the FM, it’s NOT the same as the QC. It’s good to hear people bust the QC hype bubble.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      I dont think I say that they are the same. If i did, maybe I just misspoke or just meant in title. I do think the scenes in QC are way more flexible than the FM9, but stilll, overall the QC is currently a diamond covered in a lot of turd.

  • @mthao1832
    @mthao1832 2 года назад +1

    maybe my ears just ain’t it anymo but I couldn’t tell differences in the quads amps and captures pol

  • @skidogbill
    @skidogbill 2 года назад +3

    I have spent 5 years dialing in my helix, and it sounds killer. I have specific needs in terms of routing that I would like to know if the others can handle, but since they’re not in stores, I’ll probably never know. Good luck with them!

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      Thanks Bill! I think Helix is still the best all in one gig solution. That videos coming 😉

  • @carmelodl8407
    @carmelodl8407 2 года назад +3

    You can change a lot more than 4 parameters per scene on the fm9, you can attach more than one parameter to each scene controller and.. you have channels (which also allow to change model within a block besides parameters, unlike helix and qc snapshots)

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      Yes, but the block is also stuck in that position where in helix and qc, can be placed wherever you want (make 3 ODs stackable into each other for example) and however many you can until you run out of dsp. Also, I am researching more about scene controllers and it looks like the settings are universal if you set more than 1 parameter to them. Like all the parameter changes have to fall in place per Sc? I am hoping to figure it all out.

    • @carmelodl8407
      @carmelodl8407 2 года назад

      @@SteveSterlacci what do you mean with "stuck"? You can't move it between scenes but you can't either on the Helix or QC, and there are 3 drive blocks in the fm9, not 2.
      Sure you can't stack 8 drive blocks like in other platforms but.. do you really need that? 😅

    • @carmelodl8407
      @carmelodl8407 2 года назад

      Regarding scene controllers, yes the scene controller setting is the same for all attached parameters, but parameter values can be set differently by editing the modifier curve (min, max, mid, slope, etc..)

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      @@carmelodl8407 so do you set the scene controller on a value of one parameter, say gain, and then assign a second parameter, but use those modifiers to make it work within the percentages you already used on the SC? My head hurts, but I think I am following...

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      I don't foresee me running into the issues I stated, but would like to know how, if I ever needed to lol. I may be totally over thinking it too

  • @normt6226
    @normt6226 2 года назад +1

    So...Basically...The ultimate unit would be a mix of the Helix(Usability/Layout),Quad Cortex(Sound/Captures) and FM9 (Tweakability)...Let's wait a couple years down the road...

  • @mrserv0n18
    @mrserv0n18 2 года назад +1

    I love your channel I don't like how you post those 7 second tiktok vids all the time and clog my feed though.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      They should come up in a separate feed. Unfortunately, they're a part of the game to try to gain traction. I am not proud of any of those and hate doing them as well

  • @meriam4109
    @meriam4109 2 года назад +1

    Just the explanation of these modelers gives me a headache, glad I sold mine. But I do see the value for a touring guitarist, buckle up to do some serious programming.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      Its like getting a new cell phone! Pain in the ass for a few days, then becomes second nature

  • @billyshears6622
    @billyshears6622 2 года назад +1

    For FM9 you need a degr.... QUAD CORTEX. Thank you, and adios! 😂

  • @jeremywho2289
    @jeremywho2289 2 года назад +1

    Is the QC worth it if I don't have gear to capture? Sounds like there's plenty of options already in the Cloud?

  • @JohnFraserFindlay
    @JohnFraserFindlay 2 года назад +1

    Used to have racks of dx7s and AKai samplers .. hesitating having to go back to small edit screens at least live

  • @caseybcraft
    @caseybcraft 2 года назад +2

    Quad Cortex for sure. I plan to use the quad to replace my pedal switcher and amp. I will rely on my timeline, big sky and h9 for all time based effects. These effects will switch midi via Quad Cortex. All my pedals will fit neatly on a novo 24.

  • @richardschmitt5650
    @richardschmitt5650 2 года назад +2

    I just got a Helix a few months ago, so I'm going to stick with that for a while. I have not ever played on a Fractal product, or the QC, but I'm sure they sound amazing. Seem to from what I've heard on RUclips. I will say this, I've tried a few different pluggins for guitar, (ML Sound Labs, Guitar Rig, and a few others) and I downloaded the Neural DSP Archetype Gojira, and was blown away. It's been a while since I was unable to get up because I was enjoying the sounds so much.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      Well, you won't get that in QC yet. Plug in implementation is far away. Helix is an amazing workhorse choice

  • @kasitharachai1584
    @kasitharachai1584 2 года назад +1

    For the nerd studio guy for recording, re-amping , sound desigh , create the new sound . Can you suggest me brother ?

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      Helix Native and save the cash if you don't need hardware! For re amping and tweaking, out of these 2 the FM9 goes wayyyyy deeper with editing. Almost too deep lol its kind of paralyzing

  • @r.llynch4124
    @r.llynch4124 2 года назад +6

    I sold my QC once the FM9 came in. Yes, QC is easy to use with touch screen but so is the AXEDIT. QC amps were good but the effects were not. The quality of effects are not even close to Fractal and Fractal has the best effects on any modeler. I think QC was rushed out a little and its years away from mature. Fractal has been at this for over a decade. Considering the price of QC @ 1900 plus and lacking, the 1800 shipped for FM9 was a no brainer.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      I have to agree with you on these points. Hope you at least made a few bucks on your QC sale!

    • @r.llynch4124
      @r.llynch4124 2 года назад

      @@SteveSterlacci yeah bought it for 1700 and as with all the hype on new gear sold it for 2350 shipped less the reverb fees :( hope the QC becomes what it should in next few years.

  • @Milesinstruments75
    @Milesinstruments75 2 года назад +2

    Great episode Steve! I am looking at QC, Helix and Fractal as my next big purchase and which ever unit provides the best useable presets/default sounds will win. The interfaces all seem workable in a gig setting. However, the QC multi-function mechanics of the foot switches scare me into thinking they won't last. As a product developer and engineer, that aspect worries me and dont want to have to replace/repair an $1800 unit because of a $10 switch failure, The Helix light touch activated foot switch for programming mode seems a far more elegant way to make a switch multifunctional with fewer moving parts. On the other hand Helix's less developed presets dont make it attractive either, so Fractal may win. Still researching though. Keep up the great gear rundowns - they are very helpful and I appreciate your bonafide performance experience as a barometer as to what is and is not, gig worthy.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      Thanks Jeff! They are all really incredible units. I have to revisit the Helix presets and do a similar video on it and see where I wind up. I always hear presets suck, but honestly have never found out for myself. I am sure I will be happier than the haters! LOL you are very correct on the user experience of Helix being most elegant too!

  • @salvodipiazza88
    @salvodipiazza88 2 года назад +2

    To me the real downside on the FM9 is the limited amount of scene controllers, they should definately improve that part and let us be able to control as many parameters per preset we want just like Helix and shouldn't be hard to do it
    The dsp thing, considering that each block has 4 channel it doesn't bother me too much; also the effects quality on fm9 is much better than QC at the moment, so that's why you feel like fm9 is dsp limited compared to the QC: they require more power
    Tha gap between switching amps is a thing but when your guitar sits in the mix of a band during performance, switching on cue should be fine enough
    QC on the other hand, as modeler doesn't sound as good as fractal...but the GUI and the form factor kills FM9.
    I'm not into captures, so that's not really important to me
    All in all, I think I'll go for the Fractal hoping they will improve the scene controllers thing. Fm9 looks more reliable and solid and seems to be the best sounding MODELER.
    I bet quad cortex will keep improving adding features, amps, fx's ...but I need a unit ready today, not tomorrow and at the end of the day I prefer having a better sounding unit than a better user interface

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      All that being said, def skip the QC. I am reading and seeing that you can use 4 channels of scene controllers... idk what that means in terms of actual use, but I am looking into

    • @salvodipiazza88
      @salvodipiazza88 2 года назад +1

      @@SteveSterlacci it means that you can load 4 different amps on the same block and switch from one to another using scenes..same for drives etc
      It’s cool but it’s a bit dsp consuming and you don’t get rid of audio gap anyway

  • @RasCricketSmallAxe
    @RasCricketSmallAxe 2 года назад +1

    Lol, you make good content, Steve. Actual guitar playing is getting better, too ;)

  • @AndreasSchlitzkus
    @AndreasSchlitzkus 5 месяцев назад

    A seperate power supply is an absolute no go on any stage.

  • @lessamuelson
    @lessamuelson 2 года назад +1

    The FM9 is back ordered until at least May 2022. There's that

  • @PNGtwentyfour
    @PNGtwentyfour 2 года назад +1

    Best comparison on the internet because of your honesty. No fanboi-ism. Cheers.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      I appreciate that very much! Thank you for checking it out and adding to the conversation 🤘🤘🤘

  • @heut4384
    @heut4384 11 месяцев назад +1

    Steve, I just bought mine FM9 more than 7 weeks ago. I've been playing around every day, then I was finally able to get my dream sound. However, it wasn't that easy though. Lol. One my first day, I already saw that fractal FM9 is NOT as seamless what people claimed. Now I know for sure, Fractal does have a gap (or a small noise or clip'ish sound) between one amp to another or Channel to another Channel (or Preset to another Preset). This is what I agree with your video. On one or two Amps and/or Channels are seamless, BUT not most. I bought mine it's because I needed to be seamless changing between channels during my real LIVE gig, but it's NOT. I do love my sound though and I'm not going to return mine, but it would have been nice if Fractal would allow showing my a few "negative" points on FM9. In my 7 weeks experience, FRACTAL will not show any review less than "5 Stars." Lol.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  11 месяцев назад

      Well, they just announced there will be seamless amp switch in the next update! So there is hope!

    • @heut4384
      @heut4384 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@SteveSterlacci Hey, that would be great, IF the gap/clip'ish will help. I went from a 5 piece band to a trio, so I really really hope this gap-seamless will help us simple trio band. Thanks again, Steve. I will be looking forward on Fractal's update.

  • @bennettskb555
    @bennettskb555 2 года назад +1

    So for most mere mortals Line 6 is still where it’s at….too many compromises on these two units

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      I can't disagree! The FM9 is an exceptional unit once you get the workflow down

  • @richardfuller9274
    @richardfuller9274 2 года назад +1

    FM9: Amp merge block after the amps - seemless, 4 amp channels per amp block , that's a lot seemless amp switching...

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      I am confused. Does this actually work ? Whats the difference between channels changing?

    • @richardfuller9274
      @richardfuller9274 2 года назад +1

      My bad, my comment meant to say amp merge block after two amp blocks in preset. Save 4 amps in the channels on preset . You can either load two separate amps on one scene with amp merge block or one amp on first scene save the scene, move 2 scene 2 change amp from 4 amp channels/library and then save the scene and on. Check Leon Todd's or Cooper Carter's vids and your golden.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      That would still need a specific order of amp switching to go between the 2 amp blocks. I have considered this but its still only between the 2 blocks as far as I can tell. I'm not mad enough about it to keep experimenting! Im happy as is 🤣😅. Watched so much Leon Todd that I read the manual in his voice

  • @alexwong7
    @alexwong7 Год назад +1

    Thank goodness for you. I had the money burning a hole in my pocket and started to convince myself I needed an FM9 when I'm totally happy with my QC. The option paralysis and laptop at rehearsal reminded me why I sold my FM3. Impulse puchase averted!

  • @tobins6800
    @tobins6800 2 года назад +1

    If you don't want either one of these, I accept donations...

  • @PaoloBrunoThyLight
    @PaoloBrunoThyLight 2 года назад +1

    Man, not sure if you will ever read this but I'm really struggling to choose between QC and FM9. My scenario is: I play Black Metal and I need one of those to be used in live shows but I need to run both my guitar and vocals through it. I will need at least a compressor/delay and lots of reverb on vocals and overdrive/amp/cab/reverb/delay on guitar. We play to a metronome so I always setup my vocals/guitars' delay to the correct bpm of the exact part of the song I'm playing.
    I saw some people saying that the FM9 would not be able to handle all of that at the same time with its CPU (is it true?). As they are both very expensive, I really would like to make the right choice, do you think both of them can handle that amount of stuff with their CPU? If not, which one would suit me better in this case?
    Thanks a lot for your videos man, really love how clear you explain stuff, it really helps people that know nothing about gear like me.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      Hello! I am reading and hopefully can help! You have XLR inputs on the QC. The FM9 has only 1/4 inch so you would need adapters. If you are running a mic in, I would probably suggest QC because it does seem to handle bigger presets better. In your case, 2 independent chains. Plus, if you find the right captures, life becomes easy!

    • @PaoloBrunoThyLight
      @PaoloBrunoThyLight 2 года назад

      @@SteveSterlacci In this case I will watch more videos about the QC, starting with the videos you did using it live, to learn more about it. Thanks a lot for your help, man! Really appreciate it.

  • @TheGooseChaseMusic
    @TheGooseChaseMusic Год назад

    A year later and its still "...Soon™" with getting a desktop editor 🙃

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  Год назад +1

      But hey, soon isn't like... far away. Right? Soon!

  • @JediCrackSmoke
    @JediCrackSmoke 2 года назад +1

    Trick Question, you should buy a Line 6 Helix.

  • @antoniogabriele4065
    @antoniogabriele4065 Год назад

    Anyway FM9 in USA is a cheaper solution with respect of Quad Cortex and Kemper (Rack/Head), isn't it ? Looking at prices on Sweetwater, same price of Helix...

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  Год назад

      They are within a couple hundred. FM9 still has a long waitlist too. But people would rather wait than gamble on QC at this point

  • @algorithm007ify
    @algorithm007ify 2 года назад +2

    Fractal wins.

  • @stevieknighten
    @stevieknighten 2 года назад +1

    Long time Helix user here. Just got my FM9 on Thursday. It sounds great but editing on it is way too much trouble. Line 6 have got it nailed when it comes to UI.

  • @toki9367
    @toki9367 2 года назад +1

    To be honest, as of now there's no sound I have in mind that I can't pull out of my Helix...

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      Same! This is a boredom trial phase I am going through!

  • @hanshol5399
    @hanshol5399 6 месяцев назад

    both great!..i prefer FM9

  • @ExpatZ266
    @ExpatZ266 2 года назад +1

    For the QC (and everthing else in my rig actually) I use a GC Pro to provide the switch functionality remotely so I can keep it safe and still useable off to the side.
    Even in 2022 midi is your friend.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      It feels like this device really needs midi! I wish it could assign multiple bypasses to one switch without using scenes though!

  • @TrumpetsInMy4x12
    @TrumpetsInMy4x12 2 года назад +2

    I would recommend editing on the FM9 itself. IR selection and switching methodologies are really the big initial hurdles to get over.

    • @TrumpetsInMy4x12
      @TrumpetsInMy4x12 2 года назад +1

      Also; why wouldn't you just stick with the Helix as it sounds like it already does what you need it to do without driving yourself nuts?

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +2

      I am learning and getting better! Why? Because I have a problem 🤣😅. I wanted to expand the content on my channel from being just Helix and if it sounds better, use it on tour

    • @TrumpetsInMy4x12
      @TrumpetsInMy4x12 2 года назад +1

      @@SteveSterlacci I know something about problems :) Good luck on your progress \m/

  • @eranzaksh
    @eranzaksh 2 года назад +2

    Great video as usual!
    Would want to see and hear your own tones on them (:
    Ultimately for the performing guitarist - which of them would you say gives the more complete experience overall?
    Also if you could Frankenstein your own unit out of all existing ones (fm9, DSP, HELIX etc.) what would you take from each one (if at all?)

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +3

      I'd say Helix is still the ultimate performing platform. I'd like the size and captures of QC, cabinet section and some amp and reverb models of fractal and the user interface and floorboard and models of Helix, but with the touch screen capability of QC

  • @dryanbuchanan
    @dryanbuchanan 2 года назад +1

    All that’s left is the kemper stage…do it

  • @GeorgeBonez
    @GeorgeBonez 2 года назад

    I broke both of my arms on a ATV about 20 years ago. My right arm was broken in 5 places and my recovery time was extremely long. Anyway it ended me as a guitarist. Professionally I mean.
    Well IM BACK! And I’m also about broke so keep that in mind as I ask this question.
    I play mostly 80s Big Hair Metal, Satriani, EVH basically anything that was popular in the 80s. I used to really like the Digitech modeling pedal boards Like the GNX III & IIII etc.
    Does anyone have any suggestions for an affordable multi FX board! I’m thinking around $300-$400 bucks. I could swing that. 😊

  • @Proganaut1989
    @Proganaut1989 Год назад

    The only reason I buy a guitar modeler ...profiler is sound and you totally bypassed it because they are different?

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  Год назад +1

      No. The point is that they are both completely able to sound as good as you can make them sound. A side by side youtube comparison won't tell you anything you need to know

  • @ctld5266
    @ctld5266 2 года назад +2

    line 6 helix

  • @luigijordanprudencio
    @luigijordanprudencio 6 месяцев назад

    Hey Steve! Thank you for your review, that was really helpful. I have a question though, I'm currently using an acoustic guitar with 2 in build Microphones and an other one extra from the outside. I saw i just have 2 In channels on the quad, do you know if I also have phantom power on those channels?
    And the other question, do you know why fractal decided to make just one In channel on such a monster pedal?
    Best regards from Germany!

  • @giacomocastellano-official
    @giacomocastellano-official 2 года назад +1

    Thanks, I'm also a touring musician, this video is excellent!

  • @RadMedia402
    @RadMedia402 2 года назад +1

    The QC OS is so similar to the Helix, that is part of why you had an easier time. Honestly, though, the touch screen is so fast to work with. Fractal's OS is horrible. I used a laptop with my Axe-FxIII, but that sucks, like you said. I have figured out how to navigate quickly on the FM9. Lot of clicking layout, edit. page >> is a pain, but I've got it now.
    I still think the Fractal sounds better at gig volumes, but damn if the QC isn't easy to use. The QC = Crazy polished studio sound. Almost unnaturally polished, though. The FM9 = More feel from playing. Break up just has a nicer organic sound. Also, palm mutes sound better to me on the FM9. I'd be happy using either. Neither of them is perfect for me. I chose sound over easy, since my audience doesn't care how easy it was for me to set up, They just want it to sound good, and it does.

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      I agree with everything you said here. All makes sense and lines up with how I feel. I think its in the fractal cab section. Curious if I mess with a room verb after the cab with a high mix and quick decay

  • @aciek
    @aciek 2 года назад +1

    Helix desktop editor drove me crazy... ;) With FM3 Edit it felt like home. :) And a general tip for Fractal: don't tweak knobs that you don't understand. :D

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      HX edit is the easiest of all IMO. How long ago did you have it? Could be an older version compared to what's out now?

    • @aciek
      @aciek 2 года назад +1

      @@SteveSterlacci I had HX Stomp ca.1-1,5 year ago. I guess in terms of guitar gear I prefer knobs to sliders. ;)

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад

      Whatever works best for ya! As long as you're inspired to create 🤘🤘🤘

  • @surfrby8876
    @surfrby8876 Год назад

    Great video , I love Fractal But I have an ADD mind , So I’m grab go and play QC would be my pick , but in reality If I was a touring musician or gigging out a lot , I would use these, but at the moment I’m not, so I don’t really need them , although I lust for them , I’ve streamlined my gear to owning 3 amps , ViOX AC15 , Fender Deluxe Reverb and a Marshall Studio 20 and a small pedal board with 4 pedals ,Timmy, Hotcake OD’s , Naga Viper boost, Memory Man Nano,all I need for now , but someday …..

  • @drtubez
    @drtubez 10 месяцев назад

    In order I’ve owned the fractal rack unit 2 I think, kemper stage, quad cortex, and currently Fm9 turbo
    Kemper had the worst editing software but my recordings of it sound really good. The Cortex imo didn’t do it for me sound wise but everything else was cool. This fm9 turbo is awesome I don’t feel it difficult at all to edit in ax edit , and sounds great, you don’t have to use all the editing options. All these units have a slight buzz that needs to be dealt with when tracking.

  • @TheBbtlegit
    @TheBbtlegit Год назад

    I rather spend my time playing not trying to figure out how to use a product. That's why I love my Helix.

  • @donyacos582
    @donyacos582 2 года назад +1

    Hi Steve! Great video and channel! Curious, are you not using the Helix anymore? If so, where does it stack up in your opinion?

    • @SteveSterlacci
      @SteveSterlacci  2 года назад +1

      Hey Don! Still using all 3. So far, nothing has been blowing me away to the point of ditching helix. But the FM9 is closest to doing so . QC needs a few years to mature before its ready for the big time IMO