Thank you brother . I like the way you explain things. Keep it up. Can you make video about existence or is non existence also included in existence. Can anything be non existence. What is non existence
Hello, i want to ask you something out of this topic. I have read the book the power of now. And i have experience being present and awakening and by the time was reading the book i was so afraid because it was something new something real and awkward. And i stopped the book immediately because i was afraid i would loose my self or i dont know maybe be mad because i tought i was acting a bit weird by the time i mean i felt this peace and joy and newness but at the same time there was fear inside me that says what if this is bad and so many other what ifs…So please can you make a video about it or answer for me. Is eckhart talking about the truth or God , does he lead on the right path and is there false enlightenment? I mean i have experience so many other things but it would be too long to write it here. It would be great if i hear from you. Thank you!
First, I’ll say that I’m not someone who often reads psychological books; I tend to observe and meditate rather than read extensively. I believe that true knowledge is already within us. Anything we encounter externally, like books or teachings, is simply information that either uncovers or challenges what we already know deep down. So, what you read in *The Power of Now* may have helped expose that inner knowledge you already possess. When you felt that strong mix of peace, joy, and fear, it was probably your awareness encountering something familiar yet vast within you. That fear, I think, wasn’t a warning that it was “bad” but rather a natural reaction to something new, similar to the way we might feel shy when meeting a part of ourselves we hadn’t known before. You were meeting yourself more deeply. Keep going on this journey, but I’d suggest including prayer or whatever helps you feel connected to God or to something higher. This can ground your experience, guiding your path and helping you discern whether a teaching aligns with your understanding of truth or God. There’s wisdom in exploring these feelings mindfully.
@ Thank you so much my brother!! You don’t know what this means to me. I was confused and it was my everyday question but no one to ask because i was afraid maybe people would think i was mad or something else happened to me. Reading to your answer gave me such a relief. I will read the book again mindfully and continue my journey!!!
Jah bless you for spreading the wisdom to I and I, IETHIOPIA. Thats what we experience in RASTAFAR-III. Selassie -I ✡️
የመጀመሪያ ቀዳማዊ የመጨረሻ ዘላለማዊ ነው ፈጣሪ
ዋው ድንቅ ሀሳብ ከሀቅ ሙላት የተቀዳ
Thank you brother. Keep up!
Thanks Dear
thank you so much
You are welcome, dear!
I really enjoyed this episode. Thank you.
Our pleasure!
Wow bro thanks 😊 👌
Welcome 😊
Thank you brother . I like the way you explain things. Keep it up.
Can you make video about existence or is non existence also included in existence. Can anything be non existence. What is non existence
I will make an episode.
ኢላየይትመንት ማለት የአእምሮ ክፍል ስለሆነ ፍጥረትን እና ዩኒቨርስን የመረዳትን አቅም ማለት ሲሆን ፈጣሪን የመረዳት ፊል የማድረግ ሒደት ያለው ከልብ ጋር የተገናኜ የልብ ብርሀንን መገለጥ እና ፊል ማድረግን የሚጠይቅ ይመስለኛል
በጣም ጥሩ መረዳት እየሰጠኸን ስለሆነ በጣም አመሰግናለሁ ነገር ግን እውነታና እውነት አንድ ያደረካቸው ስለመሰለኝ ነው በኔ መረዳት እውነታ ኘርሰብሽን ሲሆን ሪያሊቲ ደግሞ እውነት ነው ብዬ ነው የምረዳው እና ብታስረዳኝ ብዬ አሰብኩ
ዕይታ(perception of reality)'ን ሲወክል፤ ዕውነታ (realty)'ን ይወክላል። ወዳጄ፤ ዕውነት (truth) እና ዕውነታ(reality) ይለያያል።
ሕግን ሳይፃረር የሚኖር፣ ያለ ነገር፣ መገለጫዎቹም የማይፃረሩ ሕግን ተከትለው የሚኖሩ እውነታ/reality ሲሆን፣ የሰው ልጅ ስለ እውነታው ያለው
የሚኖረው ግንዛቤው ወይም ዕይታው/perception እውቀት ያንን እውነታ የሚገልፅበት ነው። ግንዛቤ/perception ሁልግዜም እውነታውን ሙሉ ለሙሉ ያንፀባርቃል ማለት አይደለም።
Enlightenment is being empty. The understanding of not knowing anything. Being a vessel.
Hello, i want to ask you something out of this topic. I have read the book the power of now. And i have experience being present and awakening and by the time was reading the book i was so afraid because it was something new something real and awkward. And i stopped the book immediately because i was afraid i would loose my self or i dont know maybe be mad because i tought i was acting a bit weird by the time i mean i felt this peace and joy and newness but at the same time there was fear inside me that says what if this is bad and so many other what ifs…So please can you make a video about it or answer for me. Is eckhart talking about the truth or God , does he lead on the right path and is there false enlightenment? I mean i have experience so many other things but it would be too long to write it here. It would be great if i hear from you. Thank you!
First, I’ll say that I’m not someone who often reads psychological books; I tend to observe and meditate rather than read extensively. I believe that true knowledge is already within us. Anything we encounter externally, like books or teachings, is simply information that either uncovers or challenges what we already know deep down. So, what you read in *The Power of Now* may have helped expose that inner knowledge you already possess.
When you felt that strong mix of peace, joy, and fear, it was probably your awareness encountering something familiar yet vast within you. That fear, I think, wasn’t a warning that it was “bad” but rather a natural reaction to something new, similar to the way we might feel shy when meeting a part of ourselves we hadn’t known before. You were meeting yourself more deeply.
Keep going on this journey, but I’d suggest including prayer or whatever helps you feel connected to God or to something higher. This can ground your experience, guiding your path and helping you discern whether a teaching aligns with your understanding of truth or God. There’s wisdom in exploring these feelings mindfully.
@ Thank you so much my brother!! You don’t know what this means to me. I was confused and it was my everyday question but no one to ask because i was afraid maybe people would think i was mad or something else happened to me. Reading to your answer gave me such a relief. I will read the book again mindfully and continue my journey!!!
Endet new yesigane akem bemegedele nefsiyan mechemere yemichalew
Ersu yenem tiyake new.
Yemserabet Yihonal
I think Sega influences our thought choices... that is why
እግዚአብሔር ፍጹም ነው self contained ነው ካልን መፍጠር ለምንድን ነው ያስፈለገው ግን?
እኛም እሱን ስለሆንን።
ፈጣሪ ኢንርጂ ከሆነ እኛም ስንሞት ወይም በኢላይትመንት ከሱ ኢንርጂ ጋር ከሆነ የምንዋሃደው ማንነታችን ይጠፋል ማለት ነው? ለምሳሌ እኔ እና አንተ በፈጣሪ ኢነርጂ ውስጥ ስንዋሃድ አንተም የለህም እኔም የለውም ያለው ኢነርጂ ብቻ ነው እያልክ ነው?
ሳይሆን አሁን በምትለው መለያየት ልክ አይሆንም። ልክ እንደ መላዕክት አስበው።
@@Elzalmon እንደዚህ ከሆነ መፀሃፍ ቅዱስም እንደዚሁ ነው የሚያስተምረው ማቴ22:30
ፈጣሪ አለ ትላለህ ???
አዎ በእርግጥም።
እግዚያብሔር ከውስጥ ነው የሚለው እውነት ነው ግን nothingness ቡዲስቶች እንደሚሉት ማለትህ ነው ወይ
ወዳጄ፤ እነሱ ወደ የለም ነው የሚወስዱት። እኔ አለመኖሩን ሳይሆን ተፈጣሪ ያለመሆን ባህሪውን ስወክል ነው።
አባ አንተ በቅጡ ያልገባህን ነገር ለኔም የበለጠ እንዳይገባኝ ነው ያደረግከው።
እሺ አመሰግናለሁ።
ሌላ ደግሞ አዳም ፍሬዋን ከመብላቱ በፊት እስፕሪትና ስጋ የነበረ ሲሆን ፍሬዋን ከበላ በሗላ አወቀ ማለት በሶል መልክ ተገለጠ ስጋ ነፍስ መንፈስ ሆነ ነፍስን ማሸነፍ በመንፈስ መመራትን ስለሚየያስገኝ ይህ ማለት ወደ ሪያሊቲ እንድንጓዝ ስለሚረዳን ይህ ማለት ነፍስን የእስፕሪት መቀመጫ የማድረግ ሂደት ነው ብዬ አምናለሁ ባጠቃላይ ሰው መሆን ማለት ነፍስን የማጥራት ሂደት ይመስለኛል አንተስ ምን ትላለህ
ወዳጄ፤ የነገውን ወግ ጋበዝኩህ። መልሱ እዛ ላይ ይኖራል ብዬ አስባለሁ።
ሰው መሆን ማለት ነፍስን የማጥራት ሂደት ይመስለኛል exactly
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እጅ ነስቻለሁ፤ ወዳጄ።