+Bob Haines Hi Bob, Kitz Technologies is located in Eagle River, WI. Address is "Kitz Technologies, P O Box 1267, Eagle River, WI 54521" Web site is www.kitztech.com/ I have ordered the KT-200 Coax version $79.95 and the KT-500 Coax version $110.00. I have had good luck with both of these amplifiers and I have recommended these amplifiers to my neighbors. The KT-500 may have a little higher noise floor than the KT-200 but I was able to pull in more weaker stations using the KT-500 (set at max gain 36dB) when the weather related issues acted up due the 60+ miles from the TV transmitting stations.
Getting ready to do the same. Googled Eagle River as a Kitz supplier, could not find them.
+Bob Haines
Hi Bob, Kitz Technologies is located in Eagle River, WI. Address is "Kitz Technologies, P O Box 1267, Eagle River, WI 54521" Web site is www.kitztech.com/
I have ordered the KT-200 Coax version $79.95 and the KT-500 Coax version $110.00. I have had good luck with both of these amplifiers and I have recommended these amplifiers to my neighbors. The KT-500 may have a little higher noise floor than the KT-200 but I was able to pull in more weaker stations using the KT-500 (set at max gain 36dB) when the weather related issues acted up due the 60+ miles from the TV transmitting stations.