That's Why You Don't Need Repressed Memories - Richard Grannon

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Richard's Channel: / spartanlifecoach
    Instagram: / richard.grannon

Комментарии • 26

  • @shipratrika2586
    @shipratrika2586 Год назад +8

    You got to know who you have been so that you know why you do what you do, and then can create a new you. Memories/experiences live in the body and make you behave in certain conditioned ways. Memories and experiences make you who you are today.

    • @Dz-is7rn
      @Dz-is7rn Год назад

      Yoo thank you for this

  • @elevenhorses
    @elevenhorses Год назад +5

    When you've been behaving in ways that seem to have a negative effect... you might wanna switch the light on & take notice of which monster you allow to live rent free in your head ( which you dare not address) has been causing problems. Problems that you've been ignoring which you created yourself. Furthermore, instructing people to ignore their own demons is a fabulous pathway toward malpractice.

    • @louisegarner8888
      @louisegarner8888 Год назад +4

      Are you suggesting we entertain our demons? Richard was pointing out that therapies such as hypnosis may create false memories and it's best practice to identify and work through whatever is actually negatively impacting your life in the here and now to be more functional, safe and emotionally stable real time otherwise you could just be wasting your time marinating in a mess of retraumatising memories that'd be best left to wither and die from lack of attention.

    • @elevenhorses
      @elevenhorses Год назад +1

      @@louisegarner8888 I think you know exactly what I mean & that you just enjoy going on the round about w this kid perhaps a bit too much. I think Richard has demons that have taken over his life & career lol & shd he maybe focus on those - not for entertainment, yet for to tame. I also think Louise, that you shd have garnered a clue by now.

    • @louisegarner8888
      @louisegarner8888 Год назад +1

      @@elevenhorses You know what thought did?!

    • @DreamingOfABetterDay
      @DreamingOfABetterDay Год назад

      Nice to see you both. Especially Missy. I find Louise a windbag at times that dresses up obsession in the gown of illusionary understanding and admiration. But sometimes she's spot on.

    • @louisegarner8888
      @louisegarner8888 Год назад

      @@DreamingOfABetterDay You don't know me from a bar of soap or God either by the looks of your little "g"... 👀 You do you in your "little" world of seperation from reality where, rather than ask what another's meaning, it seems to me that you'd rather project your own issues by personally insulting others falsely for a sick sadistic hit 😏 so you never have to look inside of yourself. Good luck with that. Thanks so much for the motivation though, it really helps with my inner work so you're forgiven.

  • @DrEvil-hu1fi
    @DrEvil-hu1fi 3 месяца назад +1

    Yes. I can tell you right now repressed memories are repressed FOR A REASON. You do need to deal with those memories, but man if they all come up at once, people around you are in for a blow out. It's not easy dealing with those feelings that come up. You are stuck in the emotion you felt when were you left in that moment. You don't ever really deal.
    It's cruel to cause that to a person. To lead them to insanity and then leave them to deal with it and make them feel like a fool for it. To pick up the pieces they just learned they had.
    But that's what makes people stronger, to deal with hurtful things and move on.

  • @pickle9753
    @pickle9753 Год назад +3

    Good lord why would any one WANT to remember their trauma!?!?!
    I’ve spent time contemplating how difficult it would be to talk my doctor into a lobotomy, so I can forget ffs 😂🤪😂

  • @annastone5624
    @annastone5624 8 месяцев назад +1

    Somatic memory should be mentioned here.. as opposed to visual scenes, many of us with chronic trauma go through physical-emotional flash backs that have no imagery, but all of the intensity.

  • @leafmebee
    @leafmebee 10 месяцев назад

    PTSD was known as shell shock

  • @Ceogoogle.
    @Ceogoogle. Год назад +1

    What about knowing oneself? Maybe remembering myself in reality realising who I am and past

  • @chiliart8056
    @chiliart8056 День назад

    Thay are bumping out on there own I don't need hipnosses😆

  • @chiliart8056
    @chiliart8056 Год назад

    I have memorys bumpin every day from childhood I wish I don't remember I would like to have pils to forget all.So cptsd for sure

  • @thethingofitis
    @thethingofitis Год назад

    Very interesting. I didn't know you had taken a stance in this specific area. I think my entire way of living is by my visual memory but "repressed" basically erased or overwritten, right? I need to look this up. I feel like rewinding and replaying my pain memories I do have helps me to analyze it and I do eventually see how I could change things so I get a sense of control again by coming up with some route to avoid that again even if it's just a belief I had that I can adjust for myself and no other person needs to qualify that.
    I don't know if this is even an example of repressed memories but I was in a car accident and got smashed in the face. My car was a Ford Granada that has no airbags but it was a tank that made I think 8 miles to the gallon. I hadn't had that very long and wasn't really enjoying it because of my long commute to work in Alaska. Anyway my friend and I went out for dinner one October night after the first snow of winter. I had snowboarding stuffing the back because we were planning to go the next morning because I had a day off. It was a big deal because she had never been and I was a rookie who hadn't gone by myself or as the driver yet but anyway, after dinner on the way back in white out this white car popped up in front of us out of a ditch that is the only divider on this type of highway there. So, it came in at such an angle so close to us that I had time to gasp and take my foot off the break and that was it.
    Next thing I know I'm on my back already in a hospital gown and the officer who I saw with a clip board asked me if I knew what day it was etc and told me to wipe my face bc I had blood dripping and the clip board said fatality accident on the top of it. So, a lot of stuff happened that I didn't see or remember because I had a head injury. So, I am not sure if that qualifies as repressed or just brain damage or the concussive event erases or how many of that actually works but I am ok with the reports I got about things that went in from my friend who was there in an emotional sense about that injury but it has a bunch of other things that were traumas around it afterwards in many ways for years so the 12k I received from the settlement on this was not enough money actually for all the things that needed to happen for me to recover. My friend was awarded two much larger settlements her injuries the first was 30k I think and then she got a second 30k because the law changed to allow for the max from all insurance providers.
    They did not take the mental health piece seriously or even really investigate that but they did fly me to LA to see a surgeon for my nose scar and possible reconstruction but I declined on e I got there and saw a baby with a huge scar across it's head in the waiting room and decided my nose will be fine.
    Thankfully my friend was living because when I saw that clip board the first thing I thought was that my friend was dead. So, people have some tough stuff and you never know how the things are really operating behind the curtain.
    I saw a Counselor years after for that because I was afraid of being in cars with other drivers. He did some method where you watch his finger waiving in your face and supposedly the eye movement is doing things for your emotions around a topic I have no idea but maybe it's the silly feeling of doing that that actually makes us decide it's too dumb to keep feeling pain I have no idea. Anyway, nice work as always.
    I'm terrible at story telling sometimes so the driver was drunk, speeding on the way to the airport in a white Alamo rental car so I believe because it was white I didn't see it moving until it was too late because I did not expect something like that ever from across the highway coming straight at me so those seconds where I maybe could have moved somehow were not there also it was snowy and I was in that large car so I would not have suddenly turned the wheel anyway because I had driving school in Alaska where they grab the e break and flip you around and you have to correct on ice patches. Blah blah, so the other car hit, no break lights seen from the people behind us in the police report later. That guy flipped over into the ditch on our right side and was ejected. My vehicle was unrecognizable and my thin china flat Mary Jane show was pinched in the firewall and food from dinner and my fear was all over in shambles when my dad went to the lot they had it to get my stuff for me layer. He didn't get pictures but I wish he had because that was intense and I didn't lose my toes which was entirely possible. There's a reason I am a believer in God. It may not be a man in the clouds or maybe it is. Because I see clouds telling stories all the time. Anyway that is not the point.
    Turns out my boyfriend the snowboarder worked at Alamo rental car doing detailing at that time so he got to see that car. That's another story.
    My friend had a chipped tooth, broken ribs and collapsed lung and was traumatized. So she did stay in the hospital and got rehabilitation. I had a military ID card so I got sent to military hospital where they crudely stitched my face shut gave my Tylenol 3 and sent me home. Later I got my nose set but it was a bunch of smashed bone fragments. I am not symmetrical but it's not really that noticable so I have no problem with it. I had to walk on crutches bc of a shin bone fracture but the traumas for me we're things like my parents perspectives and attitudes on things and being able to live in Alaska or not because I was now afraid of snow and night driving so lots changed after that which may have been fated but things if this nature are total recourses. So that is also trauma so it's a whole series of cool concepts and physical changes internal and external you now have to process to reroute your life going forward. It's a lot. So, we need to allow for that and create better systems because these things happen. All these scenarios split off when you have some sudden event like this so insurance and the people providing that help should be more anticipatory and this would solve quite a lot of other things that go on for years attached to one horrific thing. It effects a lot of people when something of this nature happens and we're working with that as a nature of reality. There are no ramifications for me as far as I know. If my nose collapses it's my own responsibility I can't go back and sue again for more to cover it or get back any time or money on anything related period to this but it could not have been anticipated by myself nor did I choose any of it. So these are also things we cope with.
    I sort of think the people who truly do need help don't usually get it because those are bottomless pit cases. So something is wrong or we have missing information on the route to getting things actually truly fixed in a lot of things.
    I was 17 at the time of that accident even though I was graduated from high school and working I did not have the legal right to get an attorney or at least that's what my parents were saying it my friend got one because she was slightly older so I just joined her and they worked on our cases simultaneously. We waited two years for the resolution. Now I'm hearing all these radio ads about basically instant AI attorneys processing car accident claims and people getting awarded millions so if that is true it's progress just not for people who didn't have that luxury because the system was sub par previously yet they're still permanently under certain conditions.
    That attorney has retired. I called and couldn't get information and my hospital records are archived by the military so there's a long process to try to recover that and the doctor who did my surgery is also not available but I looked 😊 m up and he is. It working for the base hospital currently. So, this type of stuff is not a thing you want to be having questions about later in life because it happened when you were just barely getting started in life so of course you aren't going to ask all the proper questions yourself that's why we pay for legal representation. You have a head injury so how can you especially if you never even imagined something like this. - That is not oppression Olympics or victimhood, it's just the situation. It's not controlling anything necessarily but it factors in as a possible continueous life long thing that makes it different for some people and it's not the result of their choices - unless of course going out as girls at night to eat food and plan an adventure is not permitted, um because one thing that happened is my friend's controlling apparently psychic boyfriend didn't want us to go out and said we might get in an accident. We went anyway, of course. So that type of creepy foul play idea has occurred as well. There's just no help for that so you have to move on somehow even if you're making up different scenarios to believe that are acceptable even if they're maybe not the actuality.
    All the times I really was injured in some way it created a situation where I had no rights actually because everyone else just starts doing their jobs and you have no idea what's happening so if later or even at that time you don't agree with it you get bypassed and it just goes however and if the help itself is injurious these trauma inflictions keep going and the predators of the world can live in this area and take advantage of this process like people who lose everything as a result of something then those around instead of assistance just take what they can and then ignore that person forever afterwards or whatever that's how this really operate. There's an underworld attachment for those who fall through cracks which may be gross negligence or they may be intended there isn't a way of knowing.
    "Thinking, thinking, thinking, not changing, thinking more..." -Camвидео.html

  • @LoveStar333
    @LoveStar333 Год назад +2

    Fear of the unknown (FOTU) is the root of all fear. It is defined as “an individual's propensity to experience fear caused by the perceived absence of information at any level of consciousness or point of processing”. (‘Fear of the Unknown: One Fear to Rule Them All’ by Nicolas Carleton).

  • @rsmlinar1720
    @rsmlinar1720 Год назад +1

    Non of our memories should be repressed. Not that our Repressed memories should be gone. Just the repression part have to go. Every event even traumatic shapes us by at least a little bit. This is all to complicated for eny of us, and that includes a therapist. Therapy might help somatimes but it wont solve an issue, because even in therapy when we try to bring repressed memories we try to then "solve" them. We should instead observe and think about whatever happened, at view it as part of our Journey, a part of story with us as the main hero.
    View this traumatic events almost from a third person view while relising its about us.
    Or maybe not what do i know im just a random idiot with a random thought that i for some reason typed out

  • @susancorn4069
    @susancorn4069 Год назад

    Yes must be pretty bad if someone can't remember there Childhood maybe. Ok hypnosis no. Taught it is evil maybe better off maybe never remembering it.

  • @user-xb6fl9ri6g
    @user-xb6fl9ri6g Год назад

    I agree but for some things maybe you do need to remember, gender dysphoria for example.