I wager that it was NOT accidental - Glenn knows what he is doing and purposely slips these gems in what he says to people, to plant the seeds of truth out there to his captive audiences. Onward Christian soldier Brother Beck !
This clip came from the Tucker Carlson Tour with Glenn Beck in Salt Lake City September 7, 2024. The Delta Center was packed…not a mere 100 or 1000 people. It was awesome to be there!!! Tucker spoke about God vs. evil and that love and family are the most important things. Thank you, Glenn, for teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ!
I was gonna say, it’s not some little CPAC meeting. It’s the Tucker Carlson live event to a packed stadium! And it was awesome. And it was in SLC. That is why they were cheering so much!
Oh, I missed it… I didn’t know… It must have been so much fun! But also it means that the cheering is because there’s almost 💯 members there… I wish this cheering was really outside Utah.
On 82810, I saw Glenn Beck in person when he, as a Melchizedek Priesthood Holder, made Church History. Brother Beck taught The Law of Tithing to well over 300,000 of Our Father's children, mostly Gentiles. This was at Lincoln Memorial. Unforgettable!
On 8.28.10, I saw Glenn Beck when he, as a Melchizedek Priesthood Holder, _made Church History._ In person, Brother Beck taught The Law of Tithing to well over 300,000 of Our Father's children, mostly Gentiles. This was at Lincoln Memorial, WA DC. Unforgettable!
I went to Bible Belt on my mission. I always loved teaching th plan of Salvation which included the war in heaven, men’s agency, the fall of man and the needed for a redeemer and a Savior. The whole way through the discussion, the investigator would be nodding their head. Then we would ask them how they felt about what we had just taught them. And they would say.” I know it’s true, that’s what I believe”. I believe that they were remembering from the council in heaven a Familiar story. I believe that the Spirit was testifying to them that it was true. This was one of my favorite experiences on my mission that happened over and over again. Thanks for sharing.
Goes to show most people don't read their scriptures and honestly don't know what their religion they go to each sunday teaches. Glad they were so responsive to your questions and lesson. I hope they remember what they heard and brought that into their core beliefs and not just nodded and said yes to everything out of politeness.
There is a part of the Bible that they shared here that talks about the war in heaven that ALL traditional Christian know. So that's why these truths that Glen Beck shares seems so familiar to them.
Glenn is teaching the plan wrong . Ward radio is teaching it wrong . So if I lived my life perfectly would I need to be redeemed? Would I need to be saved? Lol you all reach the plan backwards and wrong ...Moses 4 3vs 1 and I the lord spake unto Moses saying that Satan whom thou hast commanded in the name of my only begotten is the same wich was from the beginning. And he came befor me saying behold here I am send me I will be thy son and I Will Redeem all man kind... There you have it . Can't Redeem perfect people now can you ? We all need to have a discussion on agency. You Glen ward radio don't get it
This was at the “delta center” in Utah last Saturday night. It was part of a tour that is on both Tuckers and Glenn’s social media sites. Cardio miracle sponsored it. President Nelson said when we hear the gospel of Jesus Christ it js a reminder to something we already knew and accepted. I love Tucker and Glenn. Tucker said he read the Bible for the first time last year. One step at a time❤
The Delta Center is once again the Delta Center! No more calling those weird, long, obscure names with arena - bleh. It was fun to watch Tucker's Episcopalian mind engage with the Latter-day Saint doctrine that Glenn referenced.
Do you happen to have that quote from President Nelson? That is my exact feeling I got when I took my lessons from the missionaries 4 years ago! It’s my life now! I can’t see it any other way.
This is from Tuckers tour stop in Utah. While there were probably tons of non-members, 90% we're probably members. But good for both of them. Hopefully this will go viral.
I've been listening to Glenn for at least 20 years. I was able to listen to him at work. Every once in a while I would get home and tell my wife what principles Glenn taught that day. He's been doing this for decades. Great show.!
^ This. He's been explaining this on his radio program for a very long time. He really emphasized it when he'd talk about Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals."
This was in Salt Lake City. I’m sure at least half of the attendees are members of the church or are at least already familiar with church doctrine. I still think it’s really cool that Tucker gets to hear what we believe from one of our own.
I once knew a guy who joined the Church later in life. As a kid he went to a Catholic school and kept wondering when the nun teaching his class would get around to talking about their pre-mortal existence. It drove him nuts that nobody would talk about it until he met the missionaries.
One reason I love to see this by Glenn is because of the continual rumor mill by critics that Glenn had quietly left the church and was more Evangelical now.
I was fortunate to be able to attend this Live Tour Event and I'm grateful for persevering, despite a few "road bumps" in my Mom's & my attempts to participate in this event. While I was concerned about hearing solely more about politics (thought I do like to stay informed), I felt burnt out by all the doomsday talking. However, I'm grateful for the messages shared by Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck! I felt like I needed Spiritual Nourishment to my Soul and God helped deliver this through them. I don't know if I yelled out with the crowd, but I at least clapped in agreement with the points of of the Plan of Salvation and the Doctrine of Jesus Christ! It reminded me of when I was a Young Woman and hearing former President Hinckley about the War in Heaven! Whenever Glenn Beck or Tucker Carlson talked about Jesus Christ, I remember noticing how I felt. Joy, a Longing to run towards Jesus Christ and be with Him (Christ), and basically be on God's Team Family! I think I really needed to be reminded of the things that I grew up Loving about learning in the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I've been struggling with my own Testimony about a few things, but I have Always loved knowing about the Plan of Salvation! I'm grateful for this extra drop of oil for my Soul, in my Spiritual Lamp! 🪔 😊❤⛪🕊️ I'm so grateful God helped open up this opportunity for me and my Mom and thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. ------ (P.S. I think for Glenn Beck, he might tend to need to learn for himself - generally speaking - from his own mistakes. I think the point he was trying to make was that in addition to learning more from others, he himself, has the Freedom to learn for himself about the consequences of choosing right or wrong. But I Do agree that we can learn from the choices of others and Especially Jesus Christ on what we can choose to do in a given situation.)
When on my mission there were so many times that I would share a principle that was unique to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and many times people would begin to nod their heads as though they knew it already yet it was the first time they were hearing this. This was an experience I had many times.
I went to see Glenn Beck at the University of Utah many years ago. It was when he was doing his conversion story “tour”. Somehow I arrived at the theatre an hour early and for whatever reason they let me in. I was seated in the first row of the balcony. The theatre was dark, they were setting the stage, and Glenn walked in to do the sound check, wearing his slacks and garment top. Eventually they brought his shirt to him, he finished dressing and the “show went on”. It was a wonderful evening. His conversion story is amazing.
Glenn Beck has a platform where he can do this and I hope he does this type of ministering more often. There is a revival coming, but people had better get ready for opposition.
This event was filmed in Salt Lake City Utah. This is one of the reasons why the audience was clapping because they were an audience that may have known all these things already. At least many of them! But it was awesome to hear Glenn Beck share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Tucker Carlson! The war in heaven is the war here on Earth and we are fighting these spiritual battles
“There are those who learn from the failures of others, those who learn from their own failures, and those who just never learn.” True, but I have found that the lessons we learn _most deeply_ come from our own experiences, or the choices of those we are most connected to and thus directly affected by.
I was there - from my perspective it was probably 60/40 friends of other faiths to Latter-day Saints. You could tell from the reactions in the crowd that some people were confused about the references that Glenn made that they were not familiar with what he said. It was a great event, even though I'm still figuring Tucker out. Glenn I know, trust, and like, and can be reasonably confident that he's being honest and forthright. He was what made the night fantastic.
@@brucebooth4489 It was super cool. Definitely worth watching the online clip here or from Tucker or Glenn! Tucker made the case, in simple terms, for good and evil, and how that applies to leaders. I felt like he left out some nuance about his ideological opponent (mainly Liz Cheney, who can defend herself), but overall it was amazing.
"And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some." - The apostle Paul
As a missionary I always had this verse in my mind. //But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you// John 14:26 When we teach them about the plan of salvation, are we REALLY teaching them or helping them 'remember' the plan they already accepted? Are we teaching them about Christ or helping them remember their redeemer whom they accept in the pre-earth realm? When they feel the spirit,are they feeling the spirit for the first time or remembering the feelings they felt long ago? These and other things helped me teach with power and the spirit.
I would love to have that hat. I am a boomer (77) on Social Security and my budget doesn’t allow for a $70 hat. I took a marker and wrote it on a plain $5 hat I already have. Thank you!
Glenn Beck is an amazing missionary! I used to watch his show regularly, and he often quotes the Book of Mormon and D&C but makes it sound like it’s just his thoughts. Very subversive! He’s brilliant.
That's because he's too afraid to proclaim his true beliefs and tries to relate and pander to the Evangelical crowd that hates his Mormon guts by pretending to be like them. In truth, he really is one of them since he pushes the same Lucifer-inspired political agenda they do.
Oh, Cardon. Bless your heart. This was in Salt Lake City. I was there. It was in the Delta Center. It was a packed house. Glenn Beck ask Tucker if he could say a prayer and he did. This was a great event and I think there were more than just a couple of hundered or a thousand people were there. Tucker talked about evil in the world and Glenn gave his take on it. I love Ward Radio.
Yeah, but they need to do just a little more research. How hard would it have been to learn that this was in Salt Lake City, so a large portion, maybe a majority of the audience was LDS?
They can recognize the truth when they hear it, because the Holy Ghost gives testimony of all truth. When they get that confirmation to their soul, they cannot deny it. It's just a question of whether or not they accept or reject it after that point. During my mission in Germany my companion and I were invited to attend an Evangelical prayer meeting for a member of their congregation who had passed away. The pastor preached a sermon first about being saved by faith and that you don't have to do any works to earn it, it is a free gift. There was a lot of "Amen!" and "Hallelujah!" as he spoke. After he was done, he then told the congregation about us being there as guests, and said, "Now we will hear from Elder Jensen." and gestured to me. Neither of us were expecting to speak, but I went up anyway. As I felt prompted, I opened the Bible and taught the plan of salvation. I also focused on James chapter 2 and the importance of works with faith, the opposite of what the pastor had just preached. I also focused specifically on the verse where it says, "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." Basically, if you only have faith, and no works to go with it, you are no better than a devil. We have to do the works of the commandments of God. The pastor was saying, "Amen!" and "Hallelujah!" as I spoke, and the congregation also. However, the longer I talked, the quieter it became. By the end you could hear a pin drop, and the Holy Ghost was there with great power, and the congregation and I were full of tears. Evangelicals don't teach about eternal families, but they did from me and gave us a standing invitation to return and preach. Sadly, I got transferred to a new city and was unable to continue teaching them.
It is true that works are important. But they aren’t what saves us. Christ is the only one who completed the work of salvation as a free gift to us. Our works are the EVIDENCE of one who is truly saved or converted to Christ. Also our works determine the degree of glory we’ll receive. It does not determine our salvation. Christ, as our Savior, already did that for us. We don’t earn heaven… we learn heaven. We are preparing to meet God as we “work out our salvation”. This doesn’t mean that our works will lead to salvation. Rather, it means that because of the salvation that Jesus provided for us, we do the work required to show that we are his disciples who are preparing to live with God again.
I hate to break it to you, but half the audience was from Glenn's town in Idaho. But Tucker's response is still priceless, and who knows how many people saw that video? They both have huge audiences.
@@MrDofB ok. They were still there. I think it's great that the gospel is going out on the air! I just wanted to make the point that much of the audience present was like preaching to the choir.
@@gorrilyman574 Thanks for admitting that 👍. Also your cult leader will be very disappointed for not trying to evangelize to me and trying to give me a BoM. You also forget to tell me your personal testimony story to convince me as if your religion is the only ones that have seen "blessings". Do better Mormon boy
@@gorrilyman574 So sad that doing what you're cult leaders, who are apparently led by The Almighty God himself, tell you to do is considered a waste of your time.
The behavior of you two is rather unholy considering Glenn is sharing eternal truths. You are witnessing the tender and raw planting of seeds . Why would someone sharing truth produce a reaction of such laughter and almost condensation towards the receiver of Glenn’s message.
It wasn’t by accident! God bless Glenn Beck.❤ I love the way he so subtly teaches the Gospel; I have heard him do this many times on his radio program. He is a force for good and I pray regularly for his safety and that of his family, and staff. Love you, Glenn!!❤❤
I agree with Glenn, the most spiritual lessons have come to me in a state of some trial that included extreme pain. It's the experience of pain and God using that moment to teach who's really in charge and we're not alone.....
I was there up in Salt Lake when this was filmed it was amazing to be there and see both Glenn Beck and Tucker on a stage together live just talking about the country and religion
@@T3rsky I love his chalkboard! He is so precise, clear, and very articulate in his explanation of things he talks about! And he writes so beautifully too! No chicken scratches!
If you’ve been listening to his show the last year or so you’ll know that there is nothing accidental about this. He has been bringing the gospel more and more into everything he does. At one point he talked about having a sacred experience directing him to move in this direction.
Just in the last week I read Ether 8 (I’m ahead of the “Come Follow Me” schedule) and was so impressed by verses 18 through 26. What impressed me about those verses was how they relate to our present day, especially here in America.
I have learned WAY more from overcoming my weaknesses and trials than I have through the scriptures, prophets and classes at church. It makes me who I am today.
When I'm struggling with my weaknesses, the scriptures teach, guide and comfort me through those weaknesses and redemption. So thankful for all of those things
This was held in SLC, Utah, so my guess is there was a large LDS representation in the audience. However, there will be a much larger online audience that is not, and how wonderful it is that Glenn spoke truth so freely.
I think it resonates so deeply with people because they know where they were before coming to Earth. I’ve had so many experiences about the preexistence and the War in Heaven that I can never deny knowing where I was. It’s not possible that I’m the only one that feels that way, I’m sure there are others that can almost remember it!
We know in our soul that these things are true because it’s part of our nature. Most people believe they’ll be with their family and even their pets in the next life.
...even NEPHI says, "Oh, wretched man that I am!"...we EACH came here as unique spirits having to learn unique lessons...not everybody has to learn EVERY LESSON through living through EVERY bad experience...only the ones YOU (or I) need to specifically learn...even studying scripture or attending the temple as much as possible, takes sacrifice (& a type of suffering)... giving up one thing (like go play baseball with friends) for something BETTER: specifically, following the counsel of a prophet of GOD...p.s...I LOVE GLENN BECK & Tucker Carlson.. you guys are fairly good too**)😊🌿🫡
Then explain Job, Abinadi, Stephen, Paul Jesus, and others.....they all experienced suffering. I think you do not understand the purpose of suffering. One cannot learn courage without experiencing danger, developing gratitude without experiencing neediness, develop mercy for other by experiencing forgiveness from others.......
@@n.d.m.515 the extent of failure is the fall of Adam, after that Adam was placed under covenant which he kept without fully knowing why, it is usually at this point when faith crisis or rebellion comes to play. Christ was obedient and learned grace for grace, line upon line there was no need for him to fail. Thus we learn by experience, that could be obedience to law or repentance from sin to get back on the path because we receive no witness until after our trial of faith, not a failure but a trial.
@@stephaniewilliamson4611 suffering is not failure. Giving up is failure. Christ did not have to break a commandment to learn, he gained a witness by obedience and faith and enduring to the end. You do not have to “fail” to learn, although I agree with Yoda, “great teacher failure is,” but it isn’t necessary. Errors occur which is sin, or missing the mark, repentance allows you to correct an error. Noah was perfect in his day, but was not perfect. Experience only serves you when you overcome it by the Gospel of a Jesus Christ. Learning can be done without failing first. I don’t need to witness a murder or murder someone to learn it is a violation of Gods law.
Smart people learn from their mistakes. Super smart people learn from other people's mistakes. That is one good reason we study the scriptures so that we can learn from the mistakes of others so we don't have to go through those terrible consequences and suffer ourselves.
When I have conversations with people about a whole flock of our beliefs (this one, eternal families, etc.), but don't identify them as OUR beliefs, most people say they believe also. When I have nicely pointed out that their church doesn't believe that, I get a lot of confused looks. I think that most people don't actually know what their church teaches.
That’s interesting! Maybe I will try it. Here in Virginia we pass at least 5 other Christian churches on the way to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (which is only a 10-minute drive away). I know several families, from swim team, that attend the same Baptist church.
Dude, this was NOT accidental! If you look at Tucker lately.... He asked Russell Brand to pray at the end of his show with him. Tucker has been becoming more and more spiritual all the time. I'm seeing the same spiritual growth in him that I saw in David Boice.
It is the truth that set Glenn Beck free. I don’t think it was an intentional pre planned thing to share but a intrinsic glee bursting out of him because of the freedom he now has because of this truth! He can’t help it. It was amazing.
I am a convert to the church of 17 years. As a child, I had often thought that eternity didn't make sense without pre-existence. It was amazing to learn those doctrines from the missionaries as a young adult.
I think this is really cool, but it was in Utah. I'm pretty sure a Glenn Beck audience in Utah is going to have a high percentage of members of the Church. So it makes sense to me he would freely share our doctrine.
I love the Plan of Salvation!! I love Jesus who FREES us from darkness & separation. Praise God ! So thankful for the book; Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. 😊😆🥰 I’ve learned so much about the Bible through Joseph.
I don’t want to rain on your parade. But, Glenn has been talking about this on his daily show for a couple of months. Just bits and pieces here and there without giving any reference to chapter and verse. Also, this event with Tucker was in SLC. 90% of the audience was probably LDS.
Correct!!! It's in the Bible. The Book of Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price all collaborate the Bible, and provide clearer details which strengthen and focuses verses of the Bible. The overall premise of the plan of Salvation and war in heaven, is all scattered through out the Bible.
I passed by you, Aaron! I thought it was fantastic, but I was surprised by the composition of the audience, lots more friends of other faiths it seemed to me.
I don't think it was accidental. Beck prays before these events, and asks that the things he says will land on fertile souls. He asks that he be allowed to speak truth.
It was no accident. Brother Beck knew exactly what he was doing! 😊 It was also in Salt Lake City....so there is at least some LDS representation there.
Guys that was an awesome show. I was so excited to see the gospel being shared and being shared to so many of our brothers and sisters all at once. How amazing that they all spiritually knew the truth when they heard it. And how exciting especially Tucker. That is exciting!! ❤
I wager that it was NOT accidental - Glenn knows what he is doing and purposely slips these gems in what he says to people, to plant the seeds of truth out there to his captive audiences. Onward Christian soldier Brother Beck !
I would have loved to hear them after they left the stage. I am sure they continued the conversation. 😊
This clip came from the Tucker Carlson Tour with Glenn Beck in Salt Lake City September 7, 2024. The Delta Center was packed…not a mere 100 or 1000 people. It was awesome to be there!!!
Tucker spoke about God vs. evil and that love and family are the most important things. Thank you, Glenn, for teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ!
My parents were there
I was gonna say, it’s not some little CPAC meeting. It’s the Tucker Carlson live event to a packed stadium! And it was awesome. And it was in SLC. That is why they were cheering so much!
Oh, I missed it… I didn’t know… It must have been so much fun! But also it means that the cheering is because there’s almost 💯 members there… I wish this cheering was really outside Utah.
On 82810, I saw Glenn Beck in person when he, as a Melchizedek Priesthood Holder, made Church History.
Brother Beck taught The Law of Tithing to well over 300,000 of Our Father's children, mostly Gentiles. This was at Lincoln Memorial.
@@rconger24 he’s a member?!? I thought he was Christian and told the plan of salvation without knowing
On 8.28.10, I saw Glenn Beck when he, as a Melchizedek Priesthood Holder, _made Church History._ In person, Brother Beck taught The Law of Tithing to well over 300,000 of Our Father's children, mostly Gentiles. This was at Lincoln Memorial, WA DC.
I went to Bible Belt on my mission. I always loved teaching th plan of Salvation which included the war in heaven, men’s agency, the fall of man and the needed for a redeemer and a Savior. The whole way through the discussion, the investigator would be nodding their head. Then we would ask them how they felt about what we had just taught them. And they would say.” I know it’s true, that’s what I believe”. I believe that they were remembering from the council in heaven a Familiar story. I believe that the Spirit was testifying to them that it was true. This was one of my favorite experiences on my mission that happened over and over again.
Thanks for sharing.
Goes to show most people don't read their scriptures and honestly don't know what their religion they go to each sunday teaches. Glad they were so responsive to your questions and lesson. I hope they remember what they heard and brought that into their core beliefs and not just nodded and said yes to everything out of politeness.
There is a part of the Bible that they shared here that talks about the war in heaven that ALL traditional Christian know. So that's why these truths that Glen Beck shares seems so familiar to them.
???? dont presume
Glenn is teaching the plan wrong . Ward radio is teaching it wrong . So if I lived my life perfectly would I need to be redeemed? Would I need to be saved? Lol you all reach the plan backwards and wrong ...Moses 4 3vs 1 and I the lord spake unto Moses saying that Satan whom thou hast commanded in the name of my only begotten is the same wich was from the beginning. And he came befor me saying behold here I am send me I will be thy son and I Will Redeem all man kind...
There you have it . Can't Redeem perfect people now can you ? We all need to have a discussion on agency. You Glen ward radio don't get it
I was in the audience and yes, it was an awesome evening and yes, he did throw out doctrine. It was great.
This was at the “delta center” in Utah last Saturday night. It was part of a tour that is on both Tuckers and Glenn’s social media sites. Cardio miracle sponsored it.
President Nelson said when we hear the gospel of Jesus Christ it js a reminder to something we already knew and accepted.
I love Tucker and Glenn. Tucker said he read the Bible for the first time last year. One step at a time❤
The Delta Center is once again the Delta Center! No more calling those weird, long, obscure names with arena - bleh. It was fun to watch Tucker's Episcopalian mind engage with the Latter-day Saint doctrine that Glenn referenced.
Do you happen to have that quote from President Nelson? That is my exact feeling I got when I took my lessons from the missionaries 4 years ago! It’s my life now! I can’t see it any other way.
This is from Tuckers tour stop in Utah. While there were probably tons of non-members, 90% we're probably members. But good for both of them. Hopefully this will go viral.
Thanks for clarifying. I was about to. It was definitely not a boomer cpac meeting!
I would guess at least 40% were not members of the church. That seems to be the demographic at other Utah Glenn Beck events.
Members of a Mormon, JW, or SDA cult?
I've been listening to Glenn for at least 20 years. I was able to listen to him at work. Every once in a while I would get home and tell my wife what principles Glenn taught that day. He's been doing this for decades.
Great show.!
^ This. He's been explaining this on his radio program for a very long time. He really emphasized it when he'd talk about Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals."
Yep… the good old chalk board
This was in Salt Lake City. I’m sure at least half of the attendees are members of the church or are at least already familiar with church doctrine. I still think it’s really cool that Tucker gets to hear what we believe from one of our own.
Good point, probably why there is so much cheering!
And it makes so much sense and Glenn opened up the interview with a prayer that truth would be shared.
I once knew a guy who joined the Church later in life. As a kid he went to a Catholic school and kept wondering when the nun teaching his class would get around to talking about their pre-mortal existence. It drove him nuts that nobody would talk about it until he met the missionaries.
Do catholics even believe in a pre-mortal life?
It’s worth watching the whole thing. Glenn opens the meeting with one of the most distinctively Mormony prayers ever.
@@sonofabinch YES!
Where can I watch the whole thing?
Yes, where can I see the whole thing?
@@terryall4 It's on Tucker Carlson's youtube page titled "Glenn Beck: Biblical Prophecy, Conquering Evil, and Why Alcoholics Will Save the World"
It is on RUclips @@victoriaorme1564
One reason I love to see this by Glenn is because of the continual rumor mill by critics that Glenn had quietly left the church and was more Evangelical now.
I was fortunate to be able to attend this Live Tour Event and I'm grateful for persevering, despite a few "road bumps" in my Mom's & my attempts to participate in this event.
While I was concerned about hearing solely more about politics (thought I do like to stay informed), I felt burnt out by all the doomsday talking.
However, I'm grateful for the messages shared by Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck!
I felt like I needed Spiritual Nourishment to my Soul and God helped deliver this through them.
I don't know if I yelled out with the crowd, but I at least clapped in agreement with the points of of the Plan of Salvation and the Doctrine of Jesus Christ!
It reminded me of when I was a Young Woman and hearing former President Hinckley about the War in Heaven!
Whenever Glenn Beck or Tucker Carlson talked about Jesus Christ, I remember noticing how I felt.
Joy, a Longing to run towards Jesus Christ and be with Him (Christ), and basically be on God's Team Family!
I think I really needed to be reminded of the things that I grew up Loving about learning in the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I've been struggling with my own Testimony about a few things, but I have Always loved knowing about the Plan of Salvation!
I'm grateful for this extra drop of oil for my Soul, in my Spiritual Lamp! 🪔 😊❤⛪🕊️
I'm so grateful God helped open up this opportunity for me and my Mom and thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.
(P.S. I think for Glenn Beck, he might tend to need to learn for himself - generally speaking - from his own mistakes. I think the point he was trying to make was that in addition to learning more from others, he himself, has the Freedom to learn for himself about the consequences of choosing right or wrong.
But I Do agree that we can learn from the choices of others and Especially Jesus Christ on what we can choose to do in a given situation.)
He should invite Tucker to attend the general conference in October. Kudos on Glen Beck.
When on my mission there were so many times that I would share a principle that was unique to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and many times people would begin to nod their heads as though they knew it already yet it was the first time they were hearing this. This was an experience I had many times.
I went to see Glenn Beck at the University of Utah many years ago. It was when he was doing his conversion story “tour”. Somehow I arrived at the theatre an hour early and for whatever reason they let me in. I was seated in the first row of the balcony. The theatre was dark, they were setting the stage, and Glenn walked in to do the sound check, wearing his slacks and garment top. Eventually they brought his shirt to him, he finished dressing and the “show went on”. It was a wonderful evening. His conversion story is amazing.
Was this back when Beck was anti-Trump? Hearing his pro-MAGA rants today I seriously think he needs re-conversion.
@@101mythbusterhis conversion story tour was at least 15 or more years ago
Glenn Beck has a platform where he can do this and I hope he does this type of ministering more often. There is a revival coming, but people had better get ready for opposition.
@@paulw2117 he does. He talks about this stuff on his radio show all the time. 😁
@@MsCrow716 that's good to hear
This event was filmed in Salt Lake City Utah. This is one of the reasons why the audience was clapping because they were an audience that may have known all these things already. At least many of them! But it was awesome to hear Glenn Beck share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Tucker Carlson! The war in heaven is the war here on Earth and we are fighting these spiritual battles
Yeah, these guys need to do a little more research before they do one of these episodes.
“There are those who learn from the failures of others, those who learn from their own failures, and those who just never learn.” True, but I have found that the lessons we learn _most deeply_ come from our own experiences, or the choices of those we are most connected to and thus directly affected by.
Well said
It is thru our own experiences that we learn good from evil, after all… part of the Plan.
There was about 13,000 people in attendance. I was one of them! It was an LDS crowd in SLC at the Delta Center.
And Ward Radio should know that.
This was not an accident. I think Glen knows this is truth, not just a church belief. He is not afraid to share truth.
I was there - from my perspective it was probably 60/40 friends of other faiths to Latter-day Saints. You could tell from the reactions in the crowd that some people were confused about the references that Glenn made that they were not familiar with what he said. It was a great event, even though I'm still figuring Tucker out. Glenn I know, trust, and like, and can be reasonably confident that he's being honest and forthright. He was what made the night fantastic.
So where was the event Salt Lake?
@@brucebooth4489 The venue formerly known as (and once again known as) The Dealt Center.
@@mmaddox1787 I wished I had gone to this
@@brucebooth4489 It was super cool. Definitely worth watching the online clip here or from Tucker or Glenn! Tucker made the case, in simple terms, for good and evil, and how that applies to leaders. I felt like he left out some nuance about his ideological opponent (mainly Liz Cheney, who can defend herself), but overall it was amazing.
Is the Beck/Carlson event in Salt Lake available to stream anywhere?
Spread the truth “to all nations, kindred, tongue and people.”
"And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some." - The apostle Paul
As a missionary I always had this verse in my mind.
//But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you//
John 14:26
When we teach them about the plan of salvation, are we REALLY teaching them or helping them 'remember' the plan they already accepted?
Are we teaching them about Christ or helping them remember their redeemer whom they accept in the pre-earth realm?
When they feel the spirit,are they feeling the spirit for the first time or remembering the feelings they felt long ago?
These and other things helped me teach with power and the spirit.
I would love to have that hat. I am a boomer (77) on Social Security and my budget doesn’t allow for a $70 hat. I took a marker and wrote it on a plain $5 hat I already have. Thank you!
❤❤I’d buy you a hat.
@@ladyjade6446 you are too kind❣️
@@ladyjade6446 you are too kind❤️
Glenn Beck is an amazing missionary! I used to watch his show regularly, and he often quotes the Book of Mormon and D&C but makes it sound like it’s just his thoughts. Very subversive! He’s brilliant.
That's because he's too afraid to proclaim his true beliefs and tries to relate and pander to the Evangelical crowd that hates his Mormon guts by pretending to be like them. In truth, he really is one of them since he pushes the same Lucifer-inspired political agenda they do.
Oh, Cardon. Bless your heart. This was in Salt Lake City. I was there. It was in the Delta Center. It was a packed house. Glenn Beck ask Tucker if he could say a prayer and he did. This was a great event and I think there were more than just a couple of hundered or a thousand people were there. Tucker talked about evil in the world and Glenn gave his take on it. I love Ward Radio.
Yeah, but they need to do just a little more research. How hard would it have been to learn that this was in Salt Lake City, so a large portion, maybe a majority of the audience was LDS?
They can recognize the truth when they hear it, because the Holy Ghost gives testimony of all truth. When they get that confirmation to their soul, they cannot deny it. It's just a question of whether or not they accept or reject it after that point.
During my mission in Germany my companion and I were invited to attend an Evangelical prayer meeting for a member of their congregation who had passed away. The pastor preached a sermon first about being saved by faith and that you don't have to do any works to earn it, it is a free gift. There was a lot of "Amen!" and "Hallelujah!" as he spoke.
After he was done, he then told the congregation about us being there as guests, and said, "Now we will hear from Elder Jensen." and gestured to me. Neither of us were expecting to speak, but I went up anyway. As I felt prompted, I opened the Bible and taught the plan of salvation. I also focused on James chapter 2 and the importance of works with faith, the opposite of what the pastor had just preached. I also focused specifically on the verse where it says, "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." Basically, if you only have faith, and no works to go with it, you are no better than a devil. We have to do the works of the commandments of God.
The pastor was saying, "Amen!" and "Hallelujah!" as I spoke, and the congregation also. However, the longer I talked, the quieter it became. By the end you could hear a pin drop, and the Holy Ghost was there with great power, and the congregation and I were full of tears. Evangelicals don't teach about eternal families, but they did from me and gave us a standing invitation to return and preach. Sadly, I got transferred to a new city and was unable to continue teaching them.
It is true that works are important. But they aren’t what saves us. Christ is the only one who completed the work of salvation as a free gift to us. Our works are the EVIDENCE of one who is truly saved or converted to Christ. Also our works determine the degree of glory we’ll receive. It does not determine our salvation. Christ, as our Savior, already did that for us. We don’t earn heaven… we learn heaven. We are preparing to meet God as we “work out our salvation”. This doesn’t mean that our works will lead to salvation. Rather, it means that because of the salvation that Jesus provided for us, we do the work required to show that we are his disciples who are preparing to live with God again.
I doubt the Holy Ghost has ever testified to anything Glenn Beck has ever said. The man is a compulsive liar.
@@1004ajI think "the works" shows we have tried to do something ❤🙏
People can say what they want about Tucker but he’s one of the most intellectually honest individuals I’ve seen. One of the last good journalists
BROTHA BECK!!!! BRINGING TRUTH!! Nice cover, Brothers.
Glenn often quotes the D&C on his show. I just smile ever time I hear it.
I hate to break it to you, but half the audience was from Glenn's town in Idaho. But Tucker's response is still priceless, and who knows how many people saw that video? They both have huge audiences.
FYI, population of Glenn's idaho town is only about 550.
@@MrDofB ok. They were still there. I think it's great that the gospel is going out on the air! I just wanted to make the point that much of the audience present was like preaching to the choir.
How do you know everyone from his town were there??
This interview was so great!! Beck was preaching TRUTH!
You need to have an infallible authority to claim truth objectively. You Mormons need "New Revelation" constantly because your god makes mistakes.
@@a.ihistory5879 Yeah yeah yeah...
@@gorrilyman574 Thanks for admitting that 👍. Also your cult leader will be very disappointed for not trying to evangelize to me and trying to give me a BoM. You also forget to tell me your personal testimony story to convince me as if your religion is the only ones that have seen "blessings". Do better Mormon boy
@@a.ihistory5879 I wouldn't waste my time. Enjoy your life. 👍
@@gorrilyman574 So sad that doing what you're cult leaders, who are apparently led by The Almighty God himself, tell you to do is considered a waste of your time.
Way to go Glen Beck! What he said was no accident. Truth is truth.
I desperately wanted to attend this event, but the tickets were too expensive. I wish I could've experienced this live. Fantastic!!!
Why would anyone pay any amount of money to hear Back's cynicism and conjecture?
The behavior of you two is rather unholy considering Glenn is sharing eternal truths. You are witnessing the tender and raw planting of seeds . Why would someone sharing truth produce a reaction of such laughter and almost condensation towards the receiver of Glenn’s message.
Go Glen Beck!! It's about time someone says something!
It wasn’t by accident! God bless Glenn Beck.❤ I love the way he so subtly teaches the Gospel; I have heard him do this many times on his radio program. He is a force for good and I pray regularly for his safety and that of his family, and staff. Love you, Glenn!!❤❤
I agree with Glenn, the most spiritual lessons have come to me in a state of some trial that included extreme pain. It's the experience of pain and God using that moment to teach who's really in charge and we're not alone.....
I was there up in Salt Lake when this was filmed it was amazing to be there and see both Glenn Beck and Tucker on a stage together live just talking about the country and religion
Glen your a great missionary for our church, were proud of you!!!
Beck's church calling for a while was Gospel Doctrine teacher. Can you IMAGINE being in his class?
It would be FUN!
It would be interesting to see what he’s like without the lights and cameras.
@@jaylambert2838, I would imagine his Sunday School teaching style is pretty much what you see when he's in front of his chalkboard at work.
😄😂😆Right ON!!!
@@T3rsky I love his chalkboard! He is so precise, clear, and very articulate in his explanation of things he talks about! And he writes so beautifully too! No chicken scratches!
Good to hear true inspiration. God is great! He can use anyone as a instrument.
If you’ve been listening to his show the last year or so you’ll know that there is nothing accidental about this. He has been bringing the gospel more and more into everything he does. At one point he talked about having a sacred experience directing him to move in this direction.
A crowd cheering for Mormon dogma in Salt Lake City... MIND BLOWING! WOW!
Just in the last week I read Ether 8 (I’m ahead of the “Come Follow Me” schedule) and was so impressed by verses 18 through 26. What impressed me about those verses was how they relate to our present day, especially here in America.
I love that the Holy Ghost came when Glenn started talking about it.
You forgot to mention they opened with a prayer and asked that “something special will happen tonight”.
Sounds like a prayer answered
I'm half way through and I have already decided this is one of my top five episodes you have done. Well done!
I agree. I learned a LOT from watching or listening to other’s mistakes -didn’t have to personally put it to the test.
I have learned WAY more from overcoming my weaknesses and trials than I have through the scriptures, prophets and classes at church. It makes me who I am today.
When I'm struggling with my weaknesses, the scriptures teach, guide and comfort me through those weaknesses and redemption. So thankful for all of those things
Just think how much more you've could have gained from those experiences had you actually studied the scriptures, etc.
This was held in SLC, Utah, so my guess is there was a large LDS representation in the audience. However, there will be a much larger online audience that is not, and how wonderful it is that Glenn spoke truth so freely.
I think it resonates so deeply with people because they know where they were before coming to Earth. I’ve had so many experiences about the preexistence and the War in Heaven that I can never deny knowing where I was. It’s not possible that I’m the only one that feels that way, I’m sure there are others that can almost remember it!
We know in our soul that these things are true because it’s part of our nature. Most people believe they’ll be with their family and even their pets in the next life.
...even NEPHI says, "Oh, wretched man that I am!"...we EACH came here as unique spirits having to learn unique lessons...not everybody has to learn EVERY LESSON through living through EVERY bad experience...only the ones YOU (or I) need to specifically learn...even studying scripture or attending the temple as much as possible, takes sacrifice (& a type of suffering)... giving up one thing (like go play baseball with friends) for something BETTER: specifically, following the counsel of a prophet of GOD...p.s...I LOVE GLENN BECK & Tucker Carlson.. you guys are fairly good too**)😊🌿🫡
The answer for “have you ever learned anything without suffering and failure?” Is Yes, through obedience to truth and obedience in repentance.
Yes, by watching others fail and/or repent.
Then explain Job, Abinadi, Stephen, Paul Jesus, and others.....they all experienced suffering. I think you do not understand the purpose of suffering. One cannot learn courage without experiencing danger, developing gratitude without experiencing neediness, develop mercy for other by experiencing forgiveness from others.......
@@n.d.m.515 the extent of failure is the fall of Adam, after that Adam was placed under covenant which he kept without fully knowing why, it is usually at this point when faith crisis or rebellion comes to play. Christ was obedient and learned grace for grace, line upon line there was no need for him to fail. Thus we learn by experience, that could be obedience to law or repentance from sin to get back on the path because we receive no witness until after our trial of faith, not a failure but a trial.
@@stephaniewilliamson4611 suffering is not failure. Giving up is failure. Christ did not have to break a commandment to learn, he gained a witness by obedience and faith and enduring to the end. You do not have to “fail” to learn, although I agree with Yoda, “great teacher failure is,” but it isn’t necessary. Errors occur which is sin, or missing the mark, repentance allows you to correct an error. Noah was perfect in his day, but was not perfect. Experience only serves you when you overcome it by the Gospel of a Jesus Christ. Learning can be done without failing first. I don’t need to witness a murder or murder someone to learn it is a violation of Gods law.
JST Heb. 11:40 God having provided some better things for them through their sufferings, for without sufferings they could not be made perfect.
Smart people learn from their mistakes. Super smart people learn from other people's mistakes. That is one good reason we study the scriptures so that we can learn from the mistakes of others so we don't have to go through those terrible consequences and suffer ourselves.
I'm so so glad I've found this channel. I've been working hard on binge watching the videos lol. This conversation was pretty sweet.
It's a fun one.
I’ve either learned through my own suffering and failures or others, but it’s always through someone’s suffering and failure.
WOOO!! I love Beck! Preach it brother Beck! Reach it! ❤😂
David o McKay comes out throwing stones at socialism and fascism and communism ! Too awesome!!
When I have conversations with people about a whole flock of our beliefs (this one, eternal families, etc.), but don't identify them as OUR beliefs, most people say they believe also. When I have nicely pointed out that their church doesn't believe that, I get a lot of confused looks. I think that most people don't actually know what their church teaches.
That’s interesting! Maybe I will try it. Here in Virginia we pass at least 5 other Christian churches on the way to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (which is only a 10-minute drive away). I know several families, from swim team, that attend the same Baptist church.
Dude, this was NOT accidental! If you look at Tucker lately.... He asked Russell Brand to pray at the end of his show with him. Tucker has been becoming more and more spiritual all the time. I'm seeing the same spiritual growth in him that I saw in David Boice.
David Boice is awesome!
I've had a feeling about Tucker. The same I had with David Boice before he joined the church.
This was awesome. 👏
It is the truth that set Glenn Beck free. I don’t think it was an intentional pre planned thing to share but a intrinsic glee bursting out of him because of the freedom he now has because of this truth! He can’t help it. It was amazing.
I love how he so boldly declared and articulated exactly why I can’t vote for liberals.
"All those people cheering loudly for a doctrine they don't even realize they believe in "
Satan’s fall from Heaven is in the Bible, but the Bible does not give the specifics or additional information about Satan’s fall. I love this!
I am a convert to the church of 17 years. As a child, I had often thought that eternity didn't make sense without pre-existence. It was amazing to learn those doctrines from the missionaries as a young adult.
I was there it’s very so awesome!!!
I think this is really cool, but it was in Utah. I'm pretty sure a Glenn Beck audience in Utah is going to have a high percentage of members of the Church. So it makes sense to me he would freely share our doctrine.
Cardon you nailed it. Wow. It didnt strike me that way. But now i see it. How did i miss it? But it now sticks out like a sore thumb.😊
This program took place in Salt Lake City. I heard it later and wondered if Glenn realized whom he was speaking to. Good for him!
I love the Plan of Salvation!! I love Jesus who FREES us from darkness & separation. Praise God ! So thankful for the book; Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. 😊😆🥰 I’ve learned so much about the Bible through Joseph.
I don’t want to rain on your parade. But, Glenn has been talking about this on his daily show for a couple of months. Just bits and pieces here and there without giving any reference to chapter and verse. Also, this event with Tucker was in SLC. 90% of the audience was probably LDS.
Yes. He has been stepping it up in recent months.
Glenn’s events in Utah are probably about 60% lds from my observations
Glen Beck opened with prayer with the approval of Tucker.
I was there. There were ~12K people in attendance.
Was it in Utah? One comment says Idaho.
@@amandadangerfieldpiano It was at the Delta Center in SLC last Saturday evening.
When I heard Trump say "I alone can fix it," I thought of Satan saying "And surely I will do it." (Moses 4:1)
It's not Trump you have to worry about. Satan is using the left to accomplish his evil goals.
Will all of those cheering remember the feeling they felt when they heard the doctrine that touched their memories?
We learn best by faith and obedience. When we fail, the atonement of Jesus Christ can rescue us.
Explain Paul and Alma the Younger?
@@stephaniewilliamson4611 What about them?
The War in Heaven is also mentioned in Revelations 12 and Isaiah 14:12-15.
Correct!!! It's in the Bible. The Book of Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price all collaborate the Bible, and provide clearer details which strengthen and focuses verses of the Bible. The overall premise of the plan of Salvation and war in heaven, is all scattered through out the Bible.
Because good people will hear truth
Dude, most of that audience was LDS. I was there
I passed by you, Aaron! I thought it was fantastic, but I was surprised by the composition of the audience, lots more friends of other faiths it seemed to me.
You know Roseanne Barr gave him a Book of Mormon 😂😂😂! I love it!
Satan did not want to be the one who brought people to God. Satan wanted to take God's place. He wanted God's throne.
The truth is the truth, no matter who shares it.
Yeah, I was there, it was mostly members of the church.. but it was still awesome
Plus Tucker Carlson was hearing this. Win!
This was a fantastic podcast! There are no accidents! Glenn was in tune with the spirit and directed to share the Plan of Salvation . Loved it!
I don't think it was accidental. Beck prays before these events, and asks that the things he says will land on fertile souls. He asks that he be allowed to speak truth.
It was no accident. Brother Beck knew exactly what he was doing! 😊 It was also in Salt Lake City....so there is at least some LDS representation there.
I’m not sure why this is such a surprise coming from Glenn. He’s always very very open about his beliefs. Even on his show.
Guys that was an awesome show. I was so excited to see the gospel being shared and being shared to so many of our brothers and sisters all at once. How amazing that they all spiritually knew the truth when they heard it. And how exciting especially Tucker. That is exciting!! ❤
GB is a good man he is a true patriot and man of God!
He found the one...Happy Birthday President Nelson. Great job.
Fabulous discussion! Voices from the wilderness are beginning to speak!
The other side of the same coin on agency is that Satan wants to beguile individuals into believing that there are no consequences for sin. . .
Thank you for this. I was born and raised in the church and don't always know or understand what others know or believe.
Been a glenn beck diehard since about 2009 when he was on Fox. He read from the Book of Mormon on his radio show not too long ago.
Not accidental. Also does it on his regular radio program heard by millions.
Go Glenn! The doctrine is so sweet and rings so true. It is hard for me to not throw in doctrine like that when discussing things like this