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@@3n0k1 In a instanced story dungeon when there is a sprout/new player and they are watching the story cutscene before a boss fight and someone pulls the boss, usually the dps, the healer doesn't heal him, and he gets to be the reason for the wipe.
Still a sprout but something I learned recently is if you accidentally skip cutscenes (or just want to watch them again) you can rewatch them through a book in an inn.
Thanks for this! I didn’t know that. Technically probably still a sprout (WHM54 and SAM57, CNJ somewhere… lol but I don’t think I ever turned it off), and I’m definitely whatever the “returner” is (took 3 months off bc of work). Had no idea you could read a book in an Inn to rewatch cutscenes!
One more thing: don't skip the Novice Hall quests. The Novice Hall is a short walk from Aleport, and the MSQ requires you to go there, but that's about it. Many new players never talk to the "Smith" NPC there, or in the adventuring guilds in Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, or Ul'dah, to do the job-specific exercises. These give you valuable information, such as a better understanding of the range of your tank's AOEs, or telling you that healers are expected to do DPS when no healing is required. You'll also get a solid set of gear to get you through your first few dungeons, and an exp bonus ring with some nice stats. the exp bonus is applied from lvl 1 to 30 and is useful for all professions except crafting and gathering. you can access these quests once you've reached lvl 15 and you don't need to go to Aleport, you can just talk to one of the "Smith" NPCs in your starting city's adventuring guild. You can complete these quests for any role (tank, healer, caster, phys. dps) and receive a job-specific set of gear and the ring, which you only get once.
Good advice but at the same time, don't take the Hall of the Novice's lessons to heart. They're designed for 2.0, which looks very different from the current game. The Tank version teaches you to use ranged attacks to pull one enemy at a time, which almost always does not work (mobs aggro in packs) and even if it did is not the way the community tends to run dungeons (you usually want a bunch of guys on you so you can AoE them). The DPS version tells you you alwayd do more damage from the side or flank, which is no longer the case except with specific skills that specifically say they do in the tool tip. I'm sure there's more stuff like that, too. Take the Hall of the Novice with a grain of salt - it's mostly OK, but ocasionally outdated.
@@masterplusmargarita i would never expect a new player as a tank to pull more than one group. Let them start slow and gain confidence instead of wearing them down to never play tank again. Also, the Novice Hall gives some nice Armor and Ring for starters which can last a few levels. So either way, just do it.
i just started recently and the novice hall was really helpful as a healer :D it helped me get a good feel for when to attack vs when to heal, though im def expecting to make some adjustments as i get more skills/skill upgrades and different cds
I have a veteran tip that somehow a lot of people seem never to catch on: there are certain trials and raids where you cannot do damage to the boss unless you fulfill certain conditions! The classic example is Bismarck (the "Limitless Blue" trial one unlocks in HW). When you fetter the whale to the island, you CANNOT do damage to the chitin caparace unless you're on the whale's back. A lot of physical ranged and casters think they can chill on the island and do damage from there, but they're in fact doing 0 damage! You can tell you're not doing damage because besides seeing your hits go for 0 damage, they have a distinctive metallic "clink clink" sound feedback to them, and visually there's a translucent hexagon showing whenever your animations impact the boss.
I'm exactly the person who would think I'm so smart doing 0 damage to the boss. Thanks for the tip. I just unlocked HW, so hopefully I'll see that soon
The Thanatos boss in Labyrinte of the aincents cannot be damaged if you are not effected by a boss specific debuff. makes you see through, kinda like a ghost.
You are correct, but something even earlier, the bowl of embers, if you deal enough damage to the boss he will start spawning "infernal nails" if you keep hitting the boss he will turn invincible until you defeat the infernal nails OR you take too long and die to an attack he only does if you don't break the nails
Before ShB came out the ARR trials did not go invincible so you could accidently push them far enough to just wipe the party. was much more common on unsynced extreme's thou.
The MSQ is super important, but don’t forget to unlock things (the blue missions with the gold plus sign), they will get you all sorts of new content - such as mounts and other fun stuff.
the best tip that i can tell is, in the PC, when you want to teleport to an aetheryte that is surounded by quest markers, just hold CTRL, it will bring the aetheryte to first plan and you can just click on it
My biggest tip is: READ YOUR TOOL TIPS!!! You arent expected to play perfectly or optimally but you are expected to at least have a general knowledge of what your job can do and how to do it. And while there are some skills with tool tips that are a mile long and/or might not do exactly what you think they do, there are plenty of people out there willing to help and teach you! Throw a question to your dungeon party or shout in Limsa (dont shout in Limsa or do I cant stop you. May god have mercy on your soul) or look up one of the numerous guides on your job, there are tons of vids on YT and plenty of other resources to help you learn!
When i played as tank and first few dungeons i had Limited knowledge, the teams i was there with paused progression in the level and explained very patiently to me. This community is one of the greatest i have been part of ❤️
Tip even a lot of vets don’t know about: there is a ferry between Limsa and Vesper Bay (the Waking Sands). Just go outside the Arcanist’s Guild/Mealvaan’s gate and talk to the ferry guy behind the counter at the bottom of the ramp.
How can you guys not know about the ferry??! I’ve run it over and over two expansions before I found out that there is such a thing as an aetherite ticket.😂😂😂
Welcome! I'm afraid there's a stigma you may experience. A fair number of people are worried that Xbox users are going to be toxic. You may catch a bit of flack for it. I only ask that you take it in stride for now. Eventually the worries will subside, and you'll just be another friend having fun. People are people, and if someone needs a little grace and patience, they're free to give. Enjoy the game!
Hey I'm on xbox aswell as a new player I'm in a group that's clearing all the raids and such were on second coil of bahumut stage 4 right now on diabolos server
For old players who didn't catch the change, you no longer destroy gear when you extract materia. So, you essentially have a constant farm going as long as you're running content. No need to cycle equipment.
I have 2000+ hours in game and have never seen anyone have a problem with waiting for cut scenes. However sometims the tank doesn't realise there is a first timer playing and accidentally pulls the boss while the cutscene is running, so don't be afraid to let people know at the start that you will be watching the cut scenes.
Huh?? I must be playing with former WoW players, just made 60 on my Bard & NOBODY I have ran dungeons with has ever waited on cut scenes lol, don't ask me the story, I couldn't tell you 🤣🤣🤣
@@TheBlessedone37you can also go to an inn and rewatch any cutscene in the story. Also there isn’t that much story to be told on the cutscene entering a dungeon. Most the time it’s just a camera roaming view of the dungeon. Albeit those are cool to watch as well. So as it was mentioned most the time if you say “new” it may make them more aware.
For background music (both game music and mounted background music) I have macros setup to mute these on a single click instead of having to go into settings. /bgm - this mutes/unmutes regular background music including bards playing music. So if I get tired of hearing Gold Saucer music for the 3rd hour straight or not wanting to listen to the bard next to me plink away on thier guitar, I click my macro button to turn it off, and then again when I'm ready for it to be back on /mountbgm - mutes/unmutes the background music when mounted. There are some mounts I love the music for, there's not so much. Just a quick way to enabke/disable that music.
I just started this game for the first time yesterday. I feel like I'll have a lot of fun trying to finish the hunting log thing. Gives me a nice goal to look forward to
The hunting log is really great as it'll have enough XP to get a class into dungeons from lvl 1. Make sure to check your achievements after you finish.
FOR DPS MAINS: When running content like dungeons, remember that other than your Limit Break, you shouldnt be saving your Area Of Effect attacks or stat buffs for the bosses. in almost every case, using them on the trash mobs on your way to the boss will help yhe party more, as it'll deal out more damage on the whole. They recharge faster than you realize, so feel free to use them the second you get to the parking point for your tank's next mob pull. DPS MAIN TIP 2: another big thing i like to do is make one bar for Single-Targets, and another for AOE attacks, that way i dont have to think too much about which buttons to push when. put them in order of weakest to strongest, so that you're able to get into a rotational rhythm easier. MOST IMPORTANT TIP OF ALL- don't be afraid to admit you dont know how to do something. we're literally all there to help guide you. every single player at some point started where you are. Find an FC, make some friends, and have fun. its okay to start over a few times if you have to. No one will judge you for how you choose to enjoy the game
Solid advice, great video 🤗 I will say, the only thing of note about turning in your excess gear to grand companies for seals is that the lower the level, the fewer seals you get. The 2k a pop will come from current endgame (Lvl 90) gear, while anything under level 50 will net you about 150-400ish. Always roll on gear to exchange for seals! You get relic materials, ventures to pay retainers, dark matter to repair your gear, coffers with mounts/minions from Heavensward & Stormblood. All around a great investment, and you can make a nice amount of Gil from selling duplicates ✨
As a new player, you are going to find it hard to get seals in the beginning, as you will need them to 'level up' your rank in the grand company. Leveling up your grand company raises your cap on the amount of seals you can have at one time. The best way to do this is to do your grand company hunting logs! (Doing hunting logs in general is a great way to get exp up to level 30 or so) - The other way to get seals early on is the adventurer in need on leveling roulette. If you have already unlocked roulettes, when you open your duty finder it will show a role icon to the right, OR, when you click on it, it will state Adventurer in Need (role in parenthesis). It's usually tank or healer, but sometimes you'll get lucky for dps. You can also farm ARR fates for seals, but frankly, I find this to be the least efficient way to get them.
Dungeons, Fates, Roulettes, Hunting logs, Hunts (via hunting board), Command Missions (via unlocking your army), turning in crafting and gathering stuff, levequests (also helps with the achievement if you’re into that), completing the log that resets weekly. A ton of content gets you seals. And if you want? Seals get you gear, power ups, and other things to make leveling smoother.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet (I didnt seen it as i scrolled down so apologies if someone has already covered this) but a note about the "massive xp massive gil" statement on the Daily Duty Roulette rewards. If you notice it says "Adventurer in need (Role)" above those amounts. So that massive xp and massive gil is "extra" on top of the daily reward IF you queue for that duty AS the role in need. You dont just automatically get it for running it.
Just a further clarification for shop price and restricted: Sometimes this is locked behind something that will take a few hours and/or days to get to. For example, beast tribe quests. Sometimes it's an area you don't even have access to yet. So sure, if you have the rep for them built up and you can get it from them then it's good to do so. However, if not then it comes into a question of time/cost, which is what a lot of people base their marketboard prices on.
Healers: dps when you can, but also, HEAL when people need it. Tanks: Use your AOE abilities when pulling trash packs! >3 mobs? always AOE. DPS: please dont pull. Wait for tank to engage before attacking.
Thanks I just started and I’m a healer and so far I’ve been mostly just healing the tank and dps if they aren’t taking damage but I was wondering if I wasn’t doing enough dps. Is the healer expected to damage a lot?
@@justinashworth849 Every class has multiple job tasks in a party, but the first is always dealing damage. Your class-specific task varies. For healers, it's keeping everybody alive, primarily the tank. For tanks, it's keeping aggro off the rest of the party, and for DPS, it's picking up the adds so they don't go after the healers. They say the first duty is to the truth, but in dungeons, the first duty is to burn that mofo down.
@@justinashworth849 The faster an enemy dies, the less damage it will deal, and the less healing you need to do. IDEALLY, the only damage you SHOULD be healing is unavoidable mechanics and auto attack damage. But people aren't perfect...
As a Bard, even when running solo dungeons with NPCs (I'm also a sprout) I just slowly edge forward until the tank locks on and then back up to deal damage xD
I love playing healers, and went for white mage. Healing kicks my tail. Can’t manage to get the spells off quicker than the damage is coming in. 😒 The community is the absolute best though. I’ve felt horrible for causing a wipe, and all I got was a, “lol it’s cool. Try this: _____ and it should help. Ready to go again?” That’s how it should be. Yall are the best. L
Just a heads up, if you have a duty that's tied to a quest, once you complete that duty you'll automatically be teleported to the spot where you unlocked the duty or an area nearby as dictated by the story. So the best way to avoid unnecessary teleports while doing the story is not to immediately go to the job quest, but rather do the job quest once you hit a duty roadblock (denoted by "______ is now available in the Duty Finder"). Do the job quest, then queue for the duty and complete it. That way you don't have to teleport back to the story point because the game will put you there once the duty is completed.
For example, starting Heavensward, you're second dungeon is Sohm Al at 53. Your first job quest is available at 52. Don't peel away from the story yet until you get to the point where you unlock Sohm Al. Teleport to town to do the job quest then instead of going back to the quest point, just queue for Sohm Al. You save one extra teleport.
The 5-second rez immunity can be cancelled as soon as you used any skill or auto attacks. So it’s always a good idea to wait for heals before getting back into action.
Here's something I didn't know and recently figured out. If you have already collected an item like a triple triad card, a minion, or an orchestra composition, the icon will show a small check mark in the bottom right to indicate if you have the item. This is useful for dungeon drops and such
As a sprout player (began playing for the very first time 10 days ago), it was very informative to know about the shop details of things (selling price, if available in npcs, etc) and being able to sell trash dungeon gear to the grand companies. Also I'm glad that the community is receptive and understading with the fact that I need to watch the cutscenes to understand the story. I've played other MMOs (SWTOR per example) that people would go nuts and start spamming chat non-stop if the cutscene played for even 5 seconds.
The best advice I can give to someone who's played other MMOs is to familiarize yourself with your settings and learn to customize your hud early. It's a bit overwhelming at first, but knowing how to change things you don't like can drastically improve your experience. And in FFXIV you can customize almost everything.
The only thing to clarify in your video - While "Shop Selling Price - None" means you can't buy it from an NPC for gil, doesn't mean you can't buy it for seals or poetics. In-game there's no easy way to figure out if this is the case.
Awesome video! I have alot of hours in this game and I don't think I really knew what the shop selling price actually meant. My tip for newer players would be to make sure you set up at least 3 active hotbars for all of your actions, and while the game will give you one action at a time as you play through it, it is possible to read through what every action does and place it on your hotbars before hand from the Actions and Traits menu. Also to set up your keybinds accordingly with each action in mind and how they can be used across multiple classes (tank mit cooldowns being on the same key, knockback prevention etc). This will help to build up the muscle memory early as you play.
Idk if anyone already said this but if u find the SMN summons are filling up most of ur screen u can make them smaller by typing "/petsize all small" in the message log.
The thing i still forget is to extract materia. There is the quick check right next to the inventory bubbles, if the gear slot shows white bubble, extract!
I think the banning thing should have some clarification, you wont get banned for constructive criticism, only for remarks that are designed to disparage the player. I see a lot of people confuse the two, in both directions. Some are afraid to make a comment that might help someone but are too afraid to speak up because people tell them they will get banned for correcting people, and on the other side there are people who erroneously think disparaging and negative comments are somehow constructive but they are not. You can help your fellow player if you think they are doing something in error, but do it in a polite and civil manner. A kind helpful comment will do far more good than a dozen negative ones.
Yeah offering advice does not, and should not, contain insults. If you simply say "hey during that phase you will live if you do x" no one is getting banned
Literally everyone is negative in their criticism on this game. I’m new and already considering stopping because I have no room to learn without feeling bad.
A note regarding limit breaks in dungeons. The general approach for dungeons is wall to wall (where the tank grabs every possible mob between the start and end of the current section). When a dungeon is being played in such a fashion (the dungeons are designed around wall to wall play) do NOT save your limit break for the boss. Instead, if you have a ranged or magic DPS, use the LB on the mobs. It does infinitely more damage and is a much more efficient way of playing. In addition, when a dungeon is run wall to wall, those big mob packs are much more dangerous than a boss. Using an AoE LB on mobs is not just more efficient, it is better for survivability too. Of course, in (almost all) raids and trials this doesn’t apply as there are no mobs. That is the right time to use LB on the boss, assuming the tank LB3 isn’t required as it is with REDACTED and REDACTED. :P Oh and of course if the LB wasn’t used on mobs, then use it on the boss. Better to use it inefficiently than waste it entirely.
@@DonaldTurner Hallati is a good example for a WtW ARR dungeon. Also, the LB shouldnt be used by a Melee since its just a Strong hit against a Single mob. Ranged DPS have a priority to use it against groups.
Do Hildibrand quests, do all the 8 man and 24 man raids, log out in big cities, tell people when you are in a dungeon your first time, and realize that tanking is not hard in this game.
I played the first version. I have come back to arr with the Xbox beta. This game is soooo good. I'm lvl 58 and almost done with the base story, having to clear crystal tower missions to progress the msq. It's really ok to watch the cutscenes without pissing veterans off? I love this player base!
yes! Watch them. If anything the FF14 community will be more upset that you skipped the story than they will that they had to wait a few seconds for your cutscene to play. I'm not kidding!
In alliance raids like Crystal Tower, I will regularly see people report in Alliance chat if even one person in their group has a cutscene so that the raid knows to hold up. You still might get an early pull every now and then, but I've never seen anyone give a sprout any grief for watching a cutscene, even long ones.
Yeah, worst case scenario they don't care about the cutscenes and pull every time, but they will _never_ give the sprout themselves grief for watching it.
Yea it's part of FF14's culture to allow people to watch cutscenes, so 99% of the time your group will just wait as usual for you to finish watching the cs before proceeding forward. Now sure there is that 1% where people do early pulls but most of the time those early pulls happen by accident.
jumping in and bouncing off glamouring: glamour plates. you get 20 plates when you click into the glamour dresser in an inn that you can use for glamous that you know you will be using often and you can set them up for general glams or for certain jobs which you will be able to apply in any city in the game. with glamour plates you can also go into your set list for all the gear sets you have and apply certain plates to certain jobs then if you change in any city it will auto update all your gear to be the glam for you and keep your portraits pretty up-to-date as well. another thing i will say is macros. there are helpful things that you can use to use a certain set of skills back to back with only clicking one button [crafters use these a bit] or have a second hotbar in the UI that will have all your jobs for a quick and effortless switch from one job to the next
Something I was happy to figure out early was how to change auto-target. Check out those settings and if you want to only auto-target things you can see, switch it to cone. You're welcome.
I've been playing for a couple years now, and one major thing I notice is parties telling tanks to double pull, or pull wall to wall. If you see a tank only pull one group at a time, try to help them get comfortable pulling bigger groups, or if they're hesitant, don't rush them, everyone goes their own pace, I used to be a slow tank, but with help from other players, I got comfortable pulling larger groups more often
Just reached level 40 on my first character. This has been BY FAR the singular most enjoyable gaming experience to date……Witcher 3 used to be my favorite for many years until I started this game. The combat, COMMUNITY, and all around content is 2nd to none for me. But the community is what makes this game imo. It’s nice to not be surrounding by screaming, petty children all the time….
The Community indeed, like this one dungeon run, dps died not dodging aoes. The healer apologized to them, wat. Even crazier the dps admited fault themselves and said sorry to the healer. I have never ever seen that in any other co-op online game or MMO period 😮
I remember one of my first times running a dungeon, and i was watching all the cutscenes. The tank told me to skip everything because it was wasting his time from doing hunts and other stuff. The healer then replied, saying that he hoped he better get used to no healing then. It genuinely made me feel special, knowing that i was given some kind of priority since I'm newer to the game.
ppl kept pulling when i was doing my first run of alexander and watching cutscenes T.T i know i got "fancy" pvp glam and a silly name but i am still new! i did eventually set up a chat macro when i got to Midas and it got better Also Arm's Length stops knockback and inflicts slow on what hits you and True North gives you a bit of time to get full damage positionals from anywhere on your target
Just some added information: 1. Allagan tome gear for each expansion is good up to usually 3rd/4th dungeon of the next expansion example a heavensward augmented shire gear 270 ilvl is good enough up to 3rd dungeon of Stormblood the only time to ditch the old Allagan tome gear is once you past this certain levels in the game (3rd dungeon for SB is level player 65-66 Avg Item level to get in is 250) this is to save you tomes for newer players and the gear you get from quests you can sell them on the Market board for profit since they are HQ items or use them for your future alt jobs. 2. Buying prism via Grand company is a good idea but selling high level items from older expansions for grand company seals is only good if you don't have a crafter that can desynth them. Desynthing items will turn the gear into materials for crafting and can turn into HQ crafting items you can sell for more profit off the Marketboard then selling the gear to the Grand company . Example is Solution items for Alchemy like Immutable that can be bough only via scripts or desynthing items from the latest expac it is more profitable to desyth them and sell them or use them as they make the 640 crafted gear for the latest expac. So don't always sell every items you get from the dungeons if its from dungeons last 2 expacs or 60/70/80/90 as they are valuable.
Great video! I have some additional stuff to add to certain points touched on, that I hope is useful. I'm no expert by any means, but a lot of this is was explained by other helpful players I met in game, my own observations/experience, or from other FF14 content creators' videos. 1:29 : Stuns and Interrupts "Stun abilities can interrupt both yellow and red cast bars", this is only true for some enemies, and mostly only in lower levels (
If you're a controller player usually who plays this on PC, these keyring changes absolutely revolutionized my gameplay. Go to Keybinds, change all your hotbar keybinds to the corresponding key on the 10-key num pad. For hotbar 2, it'll be Alt+numpad, and hotbar 3 will be Alt+Ctrl+numpad. This allows you to use or queue abilities while leaving movement unrestricted.
Some things to note. Doing your job "correctly" isn't as important as learning and doing boss mechanics correctly. Keep your eye on the bosses you encounter, what the moves they use are called as they do them and keep an eye on the stage around you as well. Many bosses will spawn some type of thing on the edge of the level and it will likely shoot a beam straight from it meaning you don't want to be standing in line with whatever it is, just keep an eye on the surrounding stage when you can and watch what the thing that spawns does so you can avoid it the next time it appears assuming it was avoidable it will actually be pretty obvious if it's something you could avoid. Sometimes attacks will appear so fast you might think it's broken or unfair but in those cases it's likely the boss moved it's body in a way telegraphing an attack before it appeared on the ground, you actually have to dodge these attacks before they appear by moving when the boss starts telegraphing the attack. Like for example a boss might raise it's right hand to telegraph a huge attack on the bosses right side prompting you to pre-emptively move to the left side of the boss to avoid the attack. It's not always as telegraphed as raising an arm though, sometimes it's just the name of an attack you need to watch out for in order to actively move and position while it's casting rather than waiting for the attack to appear because once it appears, it's probably too late to dodge. ALL boss fights in the game show you mechanics before they're used in more complex ways. The first time you see a boss use a new mechanic it's usually just the learning portion of the mechanic so they expect you to get hurt by it. The bosses will almost always "Use ability 1" once or twice "Use ability 2" once or twice and then you'll see the same 2 abilities get used but in more complicated ways, the first times you see something is just so you can learn the mechanic before the abilities are used seriously. I can guarantee you the mechanic you just got hit with is coming again but it will be slightly harder to avoid next time maybe it will even be combined with a different mechanic just to trip you up, so make sure you pay close attention to each mechanic during the learning phase of the mechanic. The game also generalizes certain mechanics so you know what to do when they appear in multiple fights. Like for instance the marker for "stack together to absorb the damage as a group" is indicated by yellow arrows pointing towards whoever is targeted by the attack. Tank busters or big damage boss hits on tanks are usually a strange red marker, It's on the tank so you'll know it when you see it trust me. If the red tank buster marker is slightly yellow it means the attack is actually not just a single target tank buster like usual but it can also hit other players usually it's like a huge cone attack towards the tank so don't be behind the tank or near them. the yellow/orange tank buster marker is very obviously not the same color as the very red marker so you don't need to stress about it, you'll know it when you see it. Another example of a reused marker you see a lot is the big red eye marker on the monster or another player, it means look away from whatever has the eye on it until you dodge the attack. I'm not typing this to teach these "complex" markers to anyone though, I know it's confusing, they're complicated scary markers you don't need to learn from someone online, the game actually teaches these markers fantastically over time at a natural pace by just showing them to you as you play, I just wanted it to be known that these reoccurring mechanical markers exist and you'll be seeing them a lot and they mean the same thing every time you see them.
I learned this hardcore with Rhitahtyn’s floor punch last week. I thought the move was over after you dodged the four pillars of light. I didn’t realize those pillars _turned into the explosions_ covering 90% of the field later.
Normal raid is still good because you can get drops worth millions. The orchestrion rolls. So think of it as gil reward, a lot of people don’t even stick around to roll for the orchestrion
Nice tips! There's a lot of knowledge I've gained in my like 7k hours but it can be hard to think of on the spot. One thing about glamours, use the glamour dresser! It only costs a prism to place it into the dresser and then you can apply it individually or with a glamour plate whenever for free. Plates can be used in any sanctuary and once again they're free to use.
A few more: 1 - I find better to buy ventures using Wolf Mark or GC credits instead of buying glamour prism, because you can buy prisms cheap on NPC, but ventures aren't sold for gil. 2 - There's a feature called Focus Target, usually bound to Shift + T, you can also right click a target's name and select this option. It's amazing for keeping an eye on the boss attacks and act accordingly, this can help keeping an eye on interruptable casts, avoid gaze attacks, and also prevent wipes in a raid.
Thanks so much for this video i just started playing ff14 and the things you mentioned shed a lot of light on some things i was confused about. Plus now i know how to get the glamor prisms so thats a big help so thanks i love how you explain everything in detail and not to fast but clearly and actually show in the video what to do and where to go. Keep it up!!!!
just something extra about the tip for buying glamour prisms, and trading in dungeon gear for company seals, there is a bit of prework a sprout would need to do to unlock that capability, both the shop with the glamour prisms, and the gear handin are locked behind squadron content
Something I learnt as a new player is Your level and mission level are 2 different things (I grinded to level 20 thinking I could access my mounts to find out its the mission level that's important in that case)
About gear, know your role, tanks have the highest requirement for gear. As a tank your gear determines how much punishment you can take and how much you get healed so staying up to date on gear is imperative. You can feel the difference when healing tank at synced gear, average gear, and then min ilvl gear. If youre dying a lot in a dunge9n you are leveled at and tou feel confident that you and your healer are doing well, check your gear.
I've been playing FFXIV for ten years, and I learn new things all the time. I use my mouse to move, and recently I discovered that if I move through a zone change (starry barrier) and just hold the mouse buttons instead of letting go, I'll still be moving when the new zone loads. Otherwise, there's a delay to get moving again in the new zone.
Level your crafters and gatherers. If you want to do it with minimum effort, use the daily turn ins at your Grand Company. You get a boatload of xp, and if you turn in a HQ item, it is doubled !
Tip for Tanks: trying to do the big pulls, but the ranged enemy is too far? Hide around a corner/wall, it'll force the ranged enemy to go around that corner/wall to get you in their sight. General good rule is that when pulling, just make sure the enemy isn't facing your party, common thing for new tank players, but if you keep them facing away from the party, it avoids cleaving as well as exposing the back/flank to the melee fighters to get that bonus positional dps.
After every expansion there is a "wrap up" quest that is marked as a generic side-quest (Heavensward has two if you include the Scholasticate). If you enjoy the story it's highly recommended to look these up and complete them.
One of the best things I did to get myself back in the game (away since heavensward/stormblood) was buy a story skip and level boost and I'm loving dawntrail.
Definitely don't rush to the end. Take some time and do the side quest. There are some awesome stories. Take the mog mail quests. They are perfectly corny. I loved them.
I would like to correct your points about the duty finder: with the 50/60/70/80 dungeon roulette there is very little exp for the time played, while for the normal raids roulette there is significantly more exp for the time played.
50/60/70/80 Roulette is for poetics more than exp or gil. Your biggest poetic return is from MS Roulette, but that's generally the longest time commitment too. Next is the 50/60/etc roulette.since these were previously "level cap" levels before release of new expac, they were minimal exp dungeons.
I JUST found out you can turn off movement tilt in the control settings. I've been stuck using the simplest mounts possible since DT dropped to avoid motion sickness. I AM FINALLY FREE TO USE ANY MOUNT
As a new player it's insane how good it was for you to mention the legacy camera mode. It is SO MUCH BETTER Was one of the main cons for me starting out with the standard camera mode
hearing that vets are so willing to have us experience the cutscenes and don't get mad about not skipping them is such a breath of fresh air. I tried playing lost ark but lost interest so fast bc every time I wanted to watch a cutscene or asked about lore I got flamed. It made me stop playing it bc I was so scared and shy to go into dungeons.
Xbox sprout in heavensward story at the moment. never knew that I could sell my gear to the alliance guys 😰 I was so confused on how to rank up faster 😰 thank you!
As a new player (healer) who is constantly concerned about my team mates valuable time, one of the best things you could have said is that NO veteran player would want me to skip my first cutscene in dungeons. Thank you! And for all the other great tips. But that sentiment stood out for me.
Biggest tip on earth: You can press enter on PC during a cutscene to open the chat window, and the Event tab shows all the dialogue that's played so far in that cutscene. Helps me not miss anything
Been playing for a month now and absolutely loving it and the community is so lovely , even the veteran players, its so refreshing coming from other MMOs where the community is nothing like that x
Just a possible heads up about having an expanded retainer inventory: I don't know if it's just me or not, but whenever I search an item and it's found in a retainer's inventory, the page where it is does not seem to reflect the expanded inventory, but rather the normal. Also... I was not aware there was an Open All option for personal inventory. Another heads up is about Limit Break: while normally all you need to do is click Limit Break and you'll do it, but if you're playing a caster you instead have to MANUALLY AIM the Limit Break... unless you've created a macro that makes it drop on the targeted enemy/object. I learned this in the worst way possible.
Some of the dungeons absolutely can be beaten without you. I once had a boss intro cutscene interrupted by the boss defeat cutscene, because my teammates killed it without me.
F2p PC sprout here, just cleared ARR. I haven’t loved a FF game this much since X, and it’s the most fun I’ve _ever_ had with a hotbar MMO. Legacy movement was such a game changer. Before that, I had to dodge AoEs by _releasing lock-on, spinning the camera a quarter turn, and running sideways_ lmfao and then I had to hurry and lock back on. Lots of other great info here that I’ll have to put into practice :D
New F2P here. Are you able to get a Soul Crystal with F2P? I know a fair bit is locked behind subs and trying to find this anywhere online is a nightmare lol.
@@bazdin You should be able to unlock Soul Crystals/jobs from any update besides…Endwalker, I believe. So I think that locks off Dancer, Reaper, Sage, Gunbreaker… Anything else should be up for grabs. I’m not f2p anymore, but I was planning my job choices around that limitation when I still was. I fell in love with Red Mage when I was still f2p.
@@Densoro Thanks for the additional insight. I'll poke around for some of the others. Everything else I had looked up just said lvl 30 quests done and up to 20 for the MSQ. I was like there has to be something I am missing somewhere because I'm well past both of those lol.
@@bazdin That sounds right, if you're referring to the Soul Crystal _for your starting job._ Like Lancer -> Dragoon. Every job on the character creation screen works like this. A lot of the jobs can be considered 'prestige jobs' -- Red Mage requires you to be level 50 to unlock it (and complete MSQ for A Realm Reborn I believe), and it _starts_ at level 50 once you unlock it. Thus, you can't accept the quest for it until you reach that point.
Just want to point out, the numbers you mentioned on the Duty Roulette, those are the Adventure In Need bonus for going in as whatever role the game is short on at the moment. (The AIN bonus has always felt really low to me, but at the top 10 levels you can at least get materia tokens from leveling and alliance.) The *daily* bonus is the one above it that's just a cryptic up arrow - they can't tell you in advance because it's calculated to make whatever duty you land in about as rewarding as a duty of that type at the level your character actually is. Raids always release at the current level cap, so they never gave much experience; a daily roulette is basically good for tomestones only. Weirdly, *alliance* raid roulette is a lot better for experience. Maybe just because it's longer. PVP "roulette" is also decent for experience, and you can change jobs once you get in (the exp goes to the job you queued as) so you can always play your most comfortable job, or switch to what's needed if you like.
One thing that's helps me is knowing the percentage if remaining health of a mob/boss. There's a option in the character configuration to turn that on to.
As someone that plays on and off that would technically be considered a veteran, I did NOT know about the legacy movement thing. Very useful tip, wish I knew that sooner lol Also, 100% agree with everyone being okay with waiting for cutscenes. When I was still working my way through MSQ, I was doing trials and the like to get to the next expansion (I think it was the patch content leading into Shadowbringers) and everyone in my party was so excited for me. Plenty of "Enjoy Shadowbringers!" appearing in chat once we wrapped up. The community is awesome.
As a returning player that plays healer, I had no clue they were immune for 5 seconds on rez. I would rez, panic and spam my fast heals to get them back up to health every time and its stressful lol
So I’ve been playing ff14 for roughly 4 days and trying out keyboard and mouse for the first time so my learning curve is unbearable lol.. but this game…love it, the sheer amount of content and story, lore, gear…. It’s all amazing and unforgettable with a feel good learning curve when it starts clicking. I read some comments about “snobby” veterans in parties. In my experience I have not met one toxic or even slightly standoffish person. Hands down best community ever. Everyone is soo excited to hear and talk about their favorite game and first time experiences . The community truly loves this game and looks out for each other. Came from , nba 2k,ROK,COD… some of the most toxic communities ever(genshin impact lol). All I say when I first get in the part is “hey sorry I suck I’m new lol” and they all support , help and teach. Great game, even better community. ..*side note*…play ninja, hate ninja, main ninja lmao.
Been playing for about 6 months now, used to play WoW years ago and have to say the players are _amazing_ here. We've run into the occasional "toxic" person but _nothing_ like other online games! Enjoy the journey and welcome to Eorzea!
@@bsparky01 you too my fellow warrior of light lol. Man I love this game soo much. Only downside is I don’t have friends to party and run around with. Hence why I don’t play mmo’s. But still love it.
hey im a new player and its true, seeing everyone rush through a raid/dungeon that they've done hundreds of time but is my first kinda made me overwhelmed, and i skipped every skippable cutscene and dialogue. it is the reason why i avoided matching with other players and only did dungeons with NPCs until i was forced to with the primal dungeons. so hearing that people will wait for me I guess is a little comforting. also someone recommeneded to me The Scrub youtube channel. he makes a short and concise (3-7min)tutorial on every raid and dungeon which is really helpful. the game has a tendency of throwing boss mechanics at you without an explaination and expects you to preform correctly or you die or even in some cases you cause the party to wipe (looking at you labyrinth of the ancients). so its helpful to know what you're going into beforehand, as not all players are willing to sit and explain dungeon mechanics, some players decide to outright quit when a newbie keeps making mistakes, specially if the newbie isn't looking at chat and reading what people type to them. so if you're new like me and waiting while queueing for a dungeon/raid, you should spend the time watching videos and learning dungeon/raid mechanics so you dont drag the party/alliance down and waste everyone's time. (only talking about specific bosses and raids, the majority are very straightforward so far)
The biggest thing I have is the most obvious: ask, ask, ask. If you're uncertain about anything, ask other players. And try and get into Novice Network. There's always a bunch of people there willing to help out.
I’m playing on the Xbox beta and am trying to level all the crafting classes to 30 so I could make my own gear and since it saves me gil if I don’t mind running around collecting ore, trees, fish and the like.
Thats smart starting crafting and gathering early on and makes tons of money too. All tho one of the free trail version's restrictions is cappinf your Gil (in-game money) to only 300k at the most.
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"If you disturb a sprouts story, youll die alone" our healer in a random dungeon many years ago. Words to live by
Those are wise words.
If I am the healer I always make sure sprouts like me get priority.
ima need an explanation T^T wdym by that
@@3n0k1 In a instanced story dungeon when there is a sprout/new player and they are watching the story cutscene before a boss fight and someone pulls the boss, usually the dps, the healer doesn't heal him, and he gets to be the reason for the wipe.
As opposed to dying in a group ? :|
deep wisdom
Still a sprout but something I learned recently is if you accidentally skip cutscenes (or just want to watch them again) you can rewatch them through a book in an inn.
Good tip. It isn't very well advertised. I know of it, because I click on everything.
Thanks for this! I didn’t know that. Technically probably still a sprout (WHM54 and SAM57, CNJ somewhere… lol but I don’t think I ever turned it off), and I’m definitely whatever the “returner” is (took 3 months off bc of work). Had no idea you could read a book in an Inn to rewatch cutscenes!
Do cutscenes with your character get replayed with the currently equipped gear?
@@zachsilby4569 yes. rewatching cutscenes shows your current gear
Sprout too, and I skip all the time to accommodate older players, then watch at the inn later.
I've played FF14 for literallly 3k hours and somehow didn't know the difference between the enemy spell bars for stun/interrupt so well played sir! :D
awesome! I tried to get something in here for everyone!
I'm at 4k and it's the same for me😂
Brother I feel you I'm 20k hours deep been here forever
Yeah, that was new to me too. I never even noticed the different colored cast bars.
It rarely matters so you didn't miss much
One more thing: don't skip the Novice Hall quests. The Novice Hall is a short walk from Aleport, and the MSQ requires you to go there, but that's about it. Many new players never talk to the "Smith" NPC there, or in the adventuring guilds in Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, or Ul'dah, to do the job-specific exercises. These give you valuable information, such as a better understanding of the range of your tank's AOEs, or telling you that healers are expected to do DPS when no healing is required. You'll also get a solid set of gear to get you through your first few dungeons, and an exp bonus ring with some nice stats. the exp bonus is applied from lvl 1 to 30 and is useful for all professions except crafting and gathering. you can access these quests once you've reached lvl 15 and you don't need to go to Aleport, you can just talk to one of the "Smith" NPCs in your starting city's adventuring guild. You can complete these quests for any role (tank, healer, caster, phys. dps) and receive a job-specific set of gear and the ring, which you only get once.
Good advice but at the same time, don't take the Hall of the Novice's lessons to heart. They're designed for 2.0, which looks very different from the current game. The Tank version teaches you to use ranged attacks to pull one enemy at a time, which almost always does not work (mobs aggro in packs) and even if it did is not the way the community tends to run dungeons (you usually want a bunch of guys on you so you can AoE them). The DPS version tells you you alwayd do more damage from the side or flank, which is no longer the case except with specific skills that specifically say they do in the tool tip. I'm sure there's more stuff like that, too. Take the Hall of the Novice with a grain of salt - it's mostly OK, but ocasionally outdated.
I agree, it's somewhat outdated here and there but there is still some valuable advice to get. the rest comes with playtime =)@@masterplusmargarita
@@masterplusmargarita i would never expect a new player as a tank to pull more than one group. Let them start slow and gain confidence instead of wearing them down to never play tank again.
Also, the Novice Hall gives some nice Armor and Ring for starters which can last a few levels. So either way, just do it.
i just started recently and the novice hall was really helpful as a healer :D it helped me get a good feel for when to attack vs when to heal, though im def expecting to make some adjustments as i get more skills/skill upgrades and different cds
Today was my first day and almost to 15 so I’m def gonna grab that quest when I get there.
I have a veteran tip that somehow a lot of people seem never to catch on: there are certain trials and raids where you cannot do damage to the boss unless you fulfill certain conditions! The classic example is Bismarck (the "Limitless Blue" trial one unlocks in HW). When you fetter the whale to the island, you CANNOT do damage to the chitin caparace unless you're on the whale's back. A lot of physical ranged and casters think they can chill on the island and do damage from there, but they're in fact doing 0 damage! You can tell you're not doing damage because besides seeing your hits go for 0 damage, they have a distinctive metallic "clink clink" sound feedback to them, and visually there's a translucent hexagon showing whenever your animations impact the boss.
Good tip!
I'm exactly the person who would think I'm so smart doing 0 damage to the boss. Thanks for the tip. I just unlocked HW, so hopefully I'll see that soon
The Thanatos boss in Labyrinte of the aincents cannot be damaged if you are not effected by a boss specific debuff. makes you see through, kinda like a ghost.
You are correct, but something even earlier, the bowl of embers, if you deal enough damage to the boss he will start spawning "infernal nails" if you keep hitting the boss he will turn invincible until you defeat the infernal nails OR you take too long and die to an attack he only does if you don't break the nails
Before ShB came out the ARR trials did not go invincible so you could accidently push them far enough to just wipe the party. was much more common on unsynced extreme's thou.
The MSQ is super important, but don’t forget to unlock things (the blue missions with the gold plus sign), they will get you all sorts of new content - such as mounts and other fun stuff.
Wait you can get mounts from those!!! I just started playing in the last two weeks and reached my first 100 hours I appreciate this!
@@PalowsWorld Also later on that's how your mount flies in that zone
yes I got a unicorn mount from one of these 🦄 it sparkles
the best tip that i can tell is, in the PC, when you want to teleport to an aetheryte that is surounded by quest markers, just hold CTRL, it will bring the aetheryte to first plan and you can just click on it
life saver
My biggest tip is: READ YOUR TOOL TIPS!!! You arent expected to play perfectly or optimally but you are expected to at least have a general knowledge of what your job can do and how to do it. And while there are some skills with tool tips that are a mile long and/or might not do exactly what you think they do, there are plenty of people out there willing to help and teach you! Throw a question to your dungeon party or shout in Limsa (dont shout in Limsa or do I cant stop you. May god have mercy on your soul) or look up one of the numerous guides on your job, there are tons of vids on YT and plenty of other resources to help you learn!
hey hi, absolute newbie here, why not shout in Limsa? haha thx
When i played as tank and first few dungeons i had Limited knowledge, the teams i was there with paused progression in the level and explained very patiently to me. This community is one of the greatest i have been part of ❤️
Tip even a lot of vets don’t know about: there is a ferry between Limsa and Vesper Bay (the Waking Sands). Just go outside the Arcanist’s Guild/Mealvaan’s gate and talk to the ferry guy behind the counter at the bottom of the ramp.
Literally just found that the other day! Not that I've ever run out of waking sands teleport tickets
@@chevronlily People not knowing about it is half the reason they added those tickets to the game, I think. lol
I only learned about this in Shadowbringers.
How can you guys not know about the ferry??! I’ve run it over and over two expansions before I found out that there is such a thing as an aetherite ticket.😂😂😂
New player to FFXIV just joined on the Xbox open beta/free trial, thanks for the tips I will have to use them
Welcome! I'm afraid there's a stigma you may experience. A fair number of people are worried that Xbox users are going to be toxic. You may catch a bit of flack for it. I only ask that you take it in stride for now. Eventually the worries will subside, and you'll just be another friend having fun.
People are people, and if someone needs a little grace and patience, they're free to give. Enjoy the game!
Hey I'm on xbox aswell as a new player I'm in a group that's clearing all the raids and such were on second coil of bahumut stage 4 right now on diabolos server
@butiliketacos thanks for the heads up. So far haven't ran into that yet but I'll keep that in mind
On the item UI your equipment is usually green but if it is white it means that it is 100 percent spirit bonded and ready to get the materia from
Just rejoined 3 days ago. Thanks for the tip!
I just subbed :)
For old players who didn't catch the change, you no longer destroy gear when you extract materia. So, you essentially have a constant farm going as long as you're running content. No need to cycle equipment.
I have 2000+ hours in game and have never seen anyone have a problem with waiting for cut scenes. However sometims the tank doesn't realise there is a first timer playing and accidentally pulls the boss while the cutscene is running, so don't be afraid to let people know at the start that you will be watching the cut scenes.
Huh?? I must be playing with former WoW players, just made 60 on my Bard & NOBODY I have ran dungeons with has ever waited on cut scenes lol, don't ask me the story, I couldn't tell you 🤣🤣🤣
@@TheBlessedone37Sorry to hear that man... Thankfully most of the time all it takes is a "Hey, first time in here!" and most people will wait.
@@TheBlessedone37you can also go to an inn and rewatch any cutscene in the story. Also there isn’t that much story to be told on the cutscene entering a dungeon. Most the time it’s just a camera roaming view of the dungeon. Albeit those are cool to watch as well. So as it was mentioned most the time if you say “new” it may make them more aware.
You must not do weekly Savage raiding
@user-og4cu1fp7d I would assume by the time they are doing weekly savage they would have already seen the cut scene.
top tip: you dont have to run to the exit at the end of a duty, you can just press U (or whatever you use for duty finder menu) and click 'leave'
Counter-tip: if you even remotely care about commendations, leaving too fast means you'll never get one again.
For healers and bards, debuffs you can cleanse will have a white line above them
Well I’ll be damned, thank you kind sir.
For background music (both game music and mounted background music) I have macros setup to mute these on a single click instead of having to go into settings.
/bgm - this mutes/unmutes regular background music including bards playing music. So if I get tired of hearing Gold Saucer music for the 3rd hour straight or not wanting to listen to the bard next to me plink away on thier guitar, I click my macro button to turn it off, and then again when I'm ready for it to be back on
/mountbgm - mutes/unmutes the background music when mounted. There are some mounts I love the music for, there's not so much. Just a quick way to enabke/disable that music.
I just started this game for the first time yesterday. I feel like I'll have a lot of fun trying to finish the hunting log thing. Gives me a nice goal to look forward to
The hunting log is really great as it'll have enough XP to get a class into dungeons from lvl 1. Make sure to check your achievements after you finish.
FOR DPS MAINS: When running content like dungeons, remember that other than your Limit Break, you shouldnt be saving your Area Of Effect attacks or stat buffs for the bosses. in almost every case, using them on the trash mobs on your way to the boss will help yhe party more, as it'll deal out more damage on the whole.
They recharge faster than you realize, so feel free to use them the second you get to the parking point for your tank's next mob pull.
another big thing i like to do is make one bar for Single-Targets, and another for AOE attacks, that way i dont have to think too much about which buttons to push when. put them in order of weakest to strongest, so that you're able to get into a rotational rhythm easier.
MOST IMPORTANT TIP OF ALL- don't be afraid to admit you dont know how to do something. we're literally all there to help guide you. every single player at some point started where you are. Find an FC, make some friends, and have fun. its okay to start over a few times if you have to. No one will judge you for how you choose to enjoy the game
Solid advice, great video 🤗 I will say, the only thing of note about turning in your excess gear to grand companies for seals is that the lower the level, the fewer seals you get. The 2k a pop will come from current endgame (Lvl 90) gear, while anything under level 50 will net you about 150-400ish.
Always roll on gear to exchange for seals! You get relic materials, ventures to pay retainers, dark matter to repair your gear, coffers with mounts/minions from Heavensward & Stormblood. All around a great investment, and you can make a nice amount of Gil from selling duplicates ✨
400 hours in and I didn’t know about the inventory expander 😅 thank you so much for this vid
As a new player, you are going to find it hard to get seals in the beginning, as you will need them to 'level up' your rank in the grand company. Leveling up your grand company raises your cap on the amount of seals you can have at one time. The best way to do this is to do your grand company hunting logs! (Doing hunting logs in general is a great way to get exp up to level 30 or so) - The other way to get seals early on is the adventurer in need on leveling roulette. If you have already unlocked roulettes, when you open your duty finder it will show a role icon to the right, OR, when you click on it, it will state Adventurer in Need (role in parenthesis). It's usually tank or healer, but sometimes you'll get lucky for dps. You can also farm ARR fates for seals, but frankly, I find this to be the least efficient way to get them.
Dungeons, Fates, Roulettes, Hunting logs, Hunts (via hunting board), Command Missions (via unlocking your army), turning in crafting and gathering stuff, levequests (also helps with the achievement if you’re into that), completing the log that resets weekly.
A ton of content gets you seals. And if you want? Seals get you gear, power ups, and other things to make leveling smoother.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet (I didnt seen it as i scrolled down so apologies if someone has already covered this) but a note about the "massive xp massive gil" statement on the Daily Duty Roulette rewards. If you notice it says "Adventurer in need (Role)" above those amounts. So that massive xp and massive gil is "extra" on top of the daily reward IF you queue for that duty AS the role in need. You dont just automatically get it for running it.
I was about to say this too :D
Just a further clarification for shop price and restricted: Sometimes this is locked behind something that will take a few hours and/or days to get to. For example, beast tribe quests. Sometimes it's an area you don't even have access to yet. So sure, if you have the rep for them built up and you can get it from them then it's good to do so. However, if not then it comes into a question of time/cost, which is what a lot of people base their marketboard prices on.
I was with you until that last line. "Most people" base their marketboard prices on the cheapest one currently on the market.
Healers: dps when you can, but also, HEAL when people need it. Tanks: Use your AOE abilities when pulling trash packs! >3 mobs? always AOE. DPS: please dont pull. Wait for tank to engage before attacking.
Thanks I just started and I’m a healer and so far I’ve been mostly just healing the tank and dps if they aren’t taking damage but I was wondering if I wasn’t doing enough dps.
Is the healer expected to damage a lot?
@@justinashworth849 Every class has multiple job tasks in a party, but the first is always dealing damage. Your class-specific task varies. For healers, it's keeping everybody alive, primarily the tank. For tanks, it's keeping aggro off the rest of the party, and for DPS, it's picking up the adds so they don't go after the healers.
They say the first duty is to the truth, but in dungeons, the first duty is to burn that mofo down.
@@justinashworth849 The faster an enemy dies, the less damage it will deal, and the less healing you need to do. IDEALLY, the only damage you SHOULD be healing is unavoidable mechanics and auto attack damage. But people aren't perfect...
As a Bard, even when running solo dungeons with NPCs (I'm also a sprout) I just slowly edge forward until the tank locks on and then back up to deal damage xD
I love playing healers, and went for white mage. Healing kicks my tail. Can’t manage to get the spells off quicker than the damage is coming in. 😒 The community is the absolute best though. I’ve felt horrible for causing a wipe, and all I got was a, “lol it’s cool. Try this: _____ and it should help. Ready to go again?” That’s how it should be. Yall are the best. L
Just a heads up, if you have a duty that's tied to a quest, once you complete that duty you'll automatically be teleported to the spot where you unlocked the duty or an area nearby as dictated by the story. So the best way to avoid unnecessary teleports while doing the story is not to immediately go to the job quest, but rather do the job quest once you hit a duty roadblock (denoted by "______ is now available in the Duty Finder"). Do the job quest, then queue for the duty and complete it. That way you don't have to teleport back to the story point because the game will put you there once the duty is completed.
For example, starting Heavensward, you're second dungeon is Sohm Al at 53. Your first job quest is available at 52. Don't peel away from the story yet until you get to the point where you unlock Sohm Al. Teleport to town to do the job quest then instead of going back to the quest point, just queue for Sohm Al. You save one extra teleport.
The 5-second rez immunity can be cancelled as soon as you used any skill or auto attacks.
So it’s always a good idea to wait for heals before getting back into action.
Here's something I didn't know and recently figured out. If you have already collected an item like a triple triad card, a minion, or an orchestra composition, the icon will show a small check mark in the bottom right to indicate if you have the item. This is useful for dungeon drops and such
As a sprout player (began playing for the very first time 10 days ago), it was very informative to know about the shop details of things (selling price, if available in npcs, etc) and being able to sell trash dungeon gear to the grand companies.
Also I'm glad that the community is receptive and understading with the fact that I need to watch the cutscenes to understand the story.
I've played other MMOs (SWTOR per example) that people would go nuts and start spamming chat non-stop if the cutscene played for even 5 seconds.
The best advice I can give to someone who's played other MMOs is to familiarize yourself with your settings and learn to customize your hud early. It's a bit overwhelming at first, but knowing how to change things you don't like can drastically improve your experience. And in FFXIV you can customize almost everything.
@@Lordoftheapes79 oh yeah indeed, I already customized mine the way I want and also make some tweaks here and there every now and then.
Oh you’re one of those who watched cutscenes in dungeons and wastes everyone like 10mins…
The only thing to clarify in your video - While "Shop Selling Price - None" means you can't buy it from an NPC for gil, doesn't mean you can't buy it for seals or poetics. In-game there's no easy way to figure out if this is the case.
Awesome video! I have alot of hours in this game and I don't think I really knew what the shop selling price actually meant.
My tip for newer players would be to make sure you set up at least 3 active hotbars for all of your actions, and while the game will give you one action at a time as you play through it, it is possible to read through what every action does and place it on your hotbars before hand from the Actions and Traits menu. Also to set up your keybinds accordingly with each action in mind and how they can be used across multiple classes (tank mit cooldowns being on the same key, knockback prevention etc). This will help to build up the muscle memory early as you play.
Thank you. About the cutscenes on dungeons i was on pure stress.
Idk if anyone already said this but if u find the SMN summons are filling up most of ur screen u can make them smaller by typing "/petsize all small" in the message log.
Some controller tips would be nice, FF14 has such a good interface for it you may choose to play with controller even on PC.
The thing i still forget is to extract materia. There is the quick check right next to the inventory bubbles, if the gear slot shows white bubble, extract!
I think the banning thing should have some clarification, you wont get banned for constructive criticism, only for remarks that are designed to disparage the player. I see a lot of people confuse the two, in both directions. Some are afraid to make a comment that might help someone but are too afraid to speak up because people tell them they will get banned for correcting people, and on the other side there are people who erroneously think disparaging and negative comments are somehow constructive but they are not. You can help your fellow player if you think they are doing something in error, but do it in a polite and civil manner. A kind helpful comment will do far more good than a dozen negative ones.
Yeah offering advice does not, and should not, contain insults. If you simply say "hey during that phase you will live if you do x" no one is getting banned
Literally everyone is negative in their criticism on this game. I’m new and already considering stopping because I have no room to learn without feeling bad.
A note regarding limit breaks in dungeons. The general approach for dungeons is wall to wall (where the tank grabs every possible mob between the start and end of the current section). When a dungeon is being played in such a fashion (the dungeons are designed around wall to wall play) do NOT save your limit break for the boss. Instead, if you have a ranged or magic DPS, use the LB on the mobs. It does infinitely more damage and is a much more efficient way of playing.
In addition, when a dungeon is run wall to wall, those big mob packs are much more dangerous than a boss. Using an AoE LB on mobs is not just more efficient, it is better for survivability too.
Of course, in (almost all) raids and trials this doesn’t apply as there are no mobs. That is the right time to use LB on the boss, assuming the tank LB3 isn’t required as it is with REDACTED and REDACTED. :P
Oh and of course if the LB wasn’t used on mobs, then use it on the boss. Better to use it inefficiently than waste it entirely.
I would add one caveat to an otherwise great comment: newer dungeons are wall to wall. ARR? not so much.
@@DonaldTurner Hallati is a good example for a WtW ARR dungeon. Also, the LB shouldnt be used by a Melee since its just a Strong hit against a Single mob. Ranged DPS have a priority to use it against groups.
Do Hildibrand quests, do all the 8 man and 24 man raids, log out in big cities, tell people when you are in a dungeon your first time, and realize that tanking is not hard in this game.
Thanks for the tip about mount music. There has been mounts that I want to use, but music sucks.. now I'll be able to use them again :)
For real, the mount music is horrible 😂
I played the first version. I have come back to arr with the Xbox beta. This game is soooo good. I'm lvl 58 and almost done with the base story, having to clear crystal tower missions to progress the msq. It's really ok to watch the cutscenes without pissing veterans off? I love this player base!
yes! Watch them. If anything the FF14 community will be more upset that you skipped the story than they will that they had to wait a few seconds for your cutscene to play. I'm not kidding!
Yes, absolutely watch the cutscenes and enjoy! The vast majority of vets are 100% ok with waiting for you to watch.
In alliance raids like Crystal Tower, I will regularly see people report in Alliance chat if even one person in their group has a cutscene so that the raid knows to hold up. You still might get an early pull every now and then, but I've never seen anyone give a sprout any grief for watching a cutscene, even long ones.
Yeah, worst case scenario they don't care about the cutscenes and pull every time, but they will _never_ give the sprout themselves grief for watching it.
Yea it's part of FF14's culture to allow people to watch cutscenes, so 99% of the time your group will just wait as usual for you to finish watching the cs before proceeding forward. Now sure there is that 1% where people do early pulls but most of the time those early pulls happen by accident.
jumping in and bouncing off glamouring: glamour plates. you get 20 plates when you click into the glamour dresser in an inn that you can use for glamous that you know you will be using often and you can set them up for general glams or for certain jobs which you will be able to apply in any city in the game. with glamour plates you can also go into your set list for all the gear sets you have and apply certain plates to certain jobs then if you change in any city it will auto update all your gear to be the glam for you and keep your portraits pretty up-to-date as well.
another thing i will say is macros. there are helpful things that you can use to use a certain set of skills back to back with only clicking one button [crafters use these a bit] or have a second hotbar in the UI that will have all your jobs for a quick and effortless switch from one job to the next
Something I was happy to figure out early was how to change auto-target. Check out those settings and if you want to only auto-target things you can see, switch it to cone. You're welcome.
I've been playing for a couple years now, and one major thing I notice is parties telling tanks to double pull, or pull wall to wall. If you see a tank only pull one group at a time, try to help them get comfortable pulling bigger groups, or if they're hesitant, don't rush them, everyone goes their own pace, I used to be a slow tank, but with help from other players, I got comfortable pulling larger groups more often
One thing I really wish items have is the ability to lock them to make it easier to clear unused or old gear.
Just reached level 40 on my first character. This has been BY FAR the singular most enjoyable gaming experience to date……Witcher 3 used to be my favorite for many years until I started this game. The combat, COMMUNITY, and all around content is 2nd to none for me. But the community is what makes this game imo. It’s nice to not be surrounding by screaming, petty children all the time….
The Community indeed, like this one dungeon run, dps died not dodging aoes. The healer apologized to them, wat. Even crazier the dps admited fault themselves and said sorry to the healer. I have never ever seen that in any other co-op online game or MMO period 😮
@@HyouVizerone of the best communities and willing to help. Did not expect that when I started playing
I remember one of my first times running a dungeon, and i was watching all the cutscenes. The tank told me to skip everything because it was wasting his time from doing hunts and other stuff. The healer then replied, saying that he hoped he better get used to no healing then. It genuinely made me feel special, knowing that i was given some kind of priority since I'm newer to the game.
ppl kept pulling when i was doing my first run of alexander and watching cutscenes T.T i know i got "fancy" pvp glam and a silly name but i am still new! i did eventually set up a chat macro when i got to Midas and it got better
Also Arm's Length stops knockback and inflicts slow on what hits you and True North gives you a bit of time to get full damage positionals from anywhere on your target
Just some added information:
1. Allagan tome gear for each expansion is good up to usually 3rd/4th dungeon of the next expansion
example a heavensward augmented shire gear 270 ilvl is good enough up to 3rd dungeon of Stormblood the only time to ditch the old Allagan tome gear is once you past this certain levels in the game (3rd dungeon for SB is level player 65-66 Avg Item level to get in is 250) this is to save you tomes for newer players and the gear you get from quests you can sell them on the Market board for profit since they are HQ items or use them for your future alt jobs.
2. Buying prism via Grand company is a good idea but selling high level items from older expansions for grand company seals is only good if you don't have a crafter that can desynth them. Desynthing items will turn the gear into materials for crafting and can turn into HQ crafting items you can sell for more profit off the Marketboard then selling the gear to the Grand company . Example is Solution items for Alchemy like Immutable that can be bough only via scripts or desynthing items from the latest expac it is more profitable to desyth them and sell them or use them as they make the 640 crafted gear for the latest expac. So don't always sell every items you get from the dungeons if its from dungeons last 2 expacs or 60/70/80/90 as they are valuable.
great tips!
Great video! I have some additional stuff to add to certain points touched on, that I hope is useful. I'm no expert by any means, but a lot of this is was explained by other helpful players I met in game, my own observations/experience, or from other FF14 content creators' videos.
1:29 : Stuns and Interrupts
"Stun abilities can interrupt both yellow and red cast bars", this is only true for some enemies, and mostly only in lower levels (
If you're a controller player usually who plays this on PC, these keyring changes absolutely revolutionized my gameplay. Go to Keybinds, change all your hotbar keybinds to the corresponding key on the 10-key num pad. For hotbar 2, it'll be Alt+numpad, and hotbar 3 will be Alt+Ctrl+numpad. This allows you to use or queue abilities while leaving movement unrestricted.
Some things to note. Doing your job "correctly" isn't as important as learning and doing boss mechanics correctly. Keep your eye on the bosses you encounter, what the moves they use are called as they do them and keep an eye on the stage around you as well. Many bosses will spawn some type of thing on the edge of the level and it will likely shoot a beam straight from it meaning you don't want to be standing in line with whatever it is, just keep an eye on the surrounding stage when you can and watch what the thing that spawns does so you can avoid it the next time it appears assuming it was avoidable it will actually be pretty obvious if it's something you could avoid.
Sometimes attacks will appear so fast you might think it's broken or unfair but in those cases it's likely the boss moved it's body in a way telegraphing an attack before it appeared on the ground, you actually have to dodge these attacks before they appear by moving when the boss starts telegraphing the attack. Like for example a boss might raise it's right hand to telegraph a huge attack on the bosses right side prompting you to pre-emptively move to the left side of the boss to avoid the attack. It's not always as telegraphed as raising an arm though, sometimes it's just the name of an attack you need to watch out for in order to actively move and position while it's casting rather than waiting for the attack to appear because once it appears, it's probably too late to dodge.
ALL boss fights in the game show you mechanics before they're used in more complex ways. The first time you see a boss use a new mechanic it's usually just the learning portion of the mechanic so they expect you to get hurt by it. The bosses will almost always "Use ability 1" once or twice "Use ability 2" once or twice and then you'll see the same 2 abilities get used but in more complicated ways, the first times you see something is just so you can learn the mechanic before the abilities are used seriously. I can guarantee you the mechanic you just got hit with is coming again but it will be slightly harder to avoid next time maybe it will even be combined with a different mechanic just to trip you up, so make sure you pay close attention to each mechanic during the learning phase of the mechanic.
The game also generalizes certain mechanics so you know what to do when they appear in multiple fights. Like for instance the marker for "stack together to absorb the damage as a group" is indicated by yellow arrows pointing towards whoever is targeted by the attack. Tank busters or big damage boss hits on tanks are usually a strange red marker, It's on the tank so you'll know it when you see it trust me. If the red tank buster marker is slightly yellow it means the attack is actually not just a single target tank buster like usual but it can also hit other players usually it's like a huge cone attack towards the tank so don't be behind the tank or near them. the yellow/orange tank buster marker is very obviously not the same color as the very red marker so you don't need to stress about it, you'll know it when you see it. Another example of a reused marker you see a lot is the big red eye marker on the monster or another player, it means look away from whatever has the eye on it until you dodge the attack.
I'm not typing this to teach these "complex" markers to anyone though, I know it's confusing, they're complicated scary markers you don't need to learn from someone online, the game actually teaches these markers fantastically over time at a natural pace by just showing them to you as you play, I just wanted it to be known that these reoccurring mechanical markers exist and you'll be seeing them a lot and they mean the same thing every time you see them.
I learned this hardcore with Rhitahtyn’s floor punch last week. I thought the move was over after you dodged the four pillars of light. I didn’t realize those pillars _turned into the explosions_ covering 90% of the field later.
Normal raid is still good because you can get drops worth millions. The orchestrion rolls. So think of it as gil reward, a lot of people don’t even stick around to roll for the orchestrion
Nice tips! There's a lot of knowledge I've gained in my like 7k hours but it can be hard to think of on the spot.
One thing about glamours, use the glamour dresser! It only costs a prism to place it into the dresser and then you can apply it individually or with a glamour plate whenever for free. Plates can be used in any sanctuary and once again they're free to use.
A few more:
1 - I find better to buy ventures using Wolf Mark or GC credits instead of buying glamour prism, because you can buy prisms cheap on NPC, but ventures aren't sold for gil.
2 - There's a feature called Focus Target, usually bound to Shift + T, you can also right click a target's name and select this option. It's amazing for keeping an eye on the boss attacks and act accordingly, this can help keeping an eye on interruptable casts, avoid gaze attacks, and also prevent wipes in a raid.
thanks for the guide mate! i love the game but feel it lacks explanations for the enormous amount of content it offers so I appreciated the breakdown
Thanks so much for this video i just started playing ff14 and the things you mentioned shed a lot of light on some things i was confused about. Plus now i know how to get the glamor prisms so thats a big help so thanks i love how you explain everything in detail and not to fast but clearly and actually show in the video what to do and where to go. Keep it up!!!!
just something extra about the tip for buying glamour prisms, and trading in dungeon gear for company seals, there is a bit of prework a sprout would need to do to unlock that capability, both the shop with the glamour prisms, and the gear handin are locked behind squadron content
Something I learnt as a new player is Your level and mission level are 2 different things (I grinded to level 20 thinking I could access my mounts to find out its the mission level that's important in that case)
About gear, know your role, tanks have the highest requirement for gear. As a tank your gear determines how much punishment you can take and how much you get healed so staying up to date on gear is imperative. You can feel the difference when healing tank at synced gear, average gear, and then min ilvl gear. If youre dying a lot in a dunge9n you are leveled at and tou feel confident that you and your healer are doing well, check your gear.
I've been playing FFXIV for ten years, and I learn new things all the time. I use my mouse to move, and recently I discovered that if I move through a zone change (starry barrier) and just hold the mouse buttons instead of letting go, I'll still be moving when the new zone loads. Otherwise, there's a delay to get moving again in the new zone.
Level your crafters and gatherers.
If you want to do it with minimum effort, use the daily turn ins at your Grand Company. You get a boatload of xp, and if you turn in a HQ item, it is doubled !
Thank you so much for explaining the difference between enemy casts I could never figure out when to use those interrupt abilities
The shop selling price. Years of playing and did not know that was what it meant. Thank you. Enjoyed your voice also.
Thank you 😊
Tip for Tanks: trying to do the big pulls, but the ranged enemy is too far? Hide around a corner/wall, it'll force the ranged enemy to go around that corner/wall to get you in their sight.
General good rule is that when pulling, just make sure the enemy isn't facing your party, common thing for new tank players, but if you keep them facing away from the party, it avoids cleaving as well as exposing the back/flank to the melee fighters to get that bonus positional dps.
After every expansion there is a "wrap up" quest that is marked as a generic side-quest (Heavensward has two if you include the Scholasticate). If you enjoy the story it's highly recommended to look these up and complete them.
I've tried looking them you have a link or something with all the wrap-up quests? Having difficulties finding it....
One of the best things I did to get myself back in the game (away since heavensward/stormblood) was buy a story skip and level boost and I'm loving dawntrail.
Definitely don't rush to the end. Take some time and do the side quest. There are some awesome stories. Take the mog mail quests. They are perfectly corny. I loved them.
Got off this game for a couple years and came back. Forgot about selling for seals and limit break. So thank you!
Been playing on Xbox. Loving it! Been a FF fan since the early days. Feels good, man.
Heck ya! Enjoy!
I would like to correct your points about the duty finder: with the 50/60/70/80 dungeon roulette there is very little exp for the time played, while for the normal raids roulette there is significantly more exp for the time played.
Yep I noticed this. I do the 50 roulette if I need gil and the normal leveling dungeon and trial if I want exp.
50/60/70/80 Roulette is for poetics more than exp or gil. Your biggest poetic return is from MS Roulette, but that's generally the longest time commitment too. Next is the 50/60/etc roulette.since these were previously "level cap" levels before release of new expac, they were minimal exp dungeons.
I JUST found out you can turn off movement tilt in the control settings. I've been stuck using the simplest mounts possible since DT dropped to avoid motion sickness. I AM FINALLY FREE TO USE ANY MOUNT
What you said about the cutscenes... I love that.
As a new player it's insane how good it was for you to mention the legacy camera mode. It is SO MUCH BETTER Was one of the main cons for me starting out with the standard camera mode
I’ve been playing for a little bit only but your settings section has CHANGED MY LIFE.
I'm glad to hear it!
hearing that vets are so willing to have us experience the cutscenes and don't get mad about not skipping them is such a breath of fresh air. I tried playing lost ark but lost interest so fast bc every time I wanted to watch a cutscene or asked about lore I got flamed. It made me stop playing it bc I was so scared and shy to go into dungeons.
Xbox sprout in heavensward story at the moment. never knew that I could sell my gear to the alliance guys 😰 I was so confused on how to rank up faster 😰 thank you!
You got this!
As a new player (healer) who is constantly concerned about my team mates valuable time, one of the best things you could have said is that NO veteran player would want me to skip my first cutscene in dungeons. Thank you! And for all the other great tips. But that sentiment stood out for me.
Hey! I'm a 14 vet and I have a tip~ Please read your tooltip, it will help alot in knowing what your class is able to do.
Biggest tip on earth: You can press enter on PC during a cutscene to open the chat window, and the Event tab shows all the dialogue that's played so far in that cutscene. Helps me not miss anything
Been playing for a month now and absolutely loving it and the community is so lovely , even the veteran players, its so refreshing coming from other MMOs where the community is nothing like that x
Just a possible heads up about having an expanded retainer inventory: I don't know if it's just me or not, but whenever I search an item and it's found in a retainer's inventory, the page where it is does not seem to reflect the expanded inventory, but rather the normal. Also... I was not aware there was an Open All option for personal inventory. Another heads up is about Limit Break: while normally all you need to do is click Limit Break and you'll do it, but if you're playing a caster you instead have to MANUALLY AIM the Limit Break... unless you've created a macro that makes it drop on the targeted enemy/object. I learned this in the worst way possible.
Some of the dungeons absolutely can be beaten without you. I once had a boss intro cutscene interrupted by the boss defeat cutscene, because my teammates killed it without me.
F2p PC sprout here, just cleared ARR. I haven’t loved a FF game this much since X, and it’s the most fun I’ve _ever_ had with a hotbar MMO.
Legacy movement was such a game changer. Before that, I had to dodge AoEs by _releasing lock-on, spinning the camera a quarter turn, and running sideways_ lmfao and then I had to hurry and lock back on.
Lots of other great info here that I’ll have to put into practice :D
awesome to hear! glad you are enjoying ff14!
New F2P here. Are you able to get a Soul Crystal with F2P? I know a fair bit is locked behind subs and trying to find this anywhere online is a nightmare lol.
@@bazdin You should be able to unlock Soul Crystals/jobs from any update besides…Endwalker, I believe. So I think that locks off Dancer, Reaper, Sage, Gunbreaker… Anything else should be up for grabs.
I’m not f2p anymore, but I was planning my job choices around that limitation when I still was. I fell in love with Red Mage when I was still f2p.
@@Densoro Thanks for the additional insight. I'll poke around for some of the others. Everything else I had looked up just said lvl 30 quests done and up to 20 for the MSQ. I was like there has to be something I am missing somewhere because I'm well past both of those lol.
@@bazdin That sounds right, if you're referring to the Soul Crystal _for your starting job._ Like Lancer -> Dragoon. Every job on the character creation screen works like this.
A lot of the jobs can be considered 'prestige jobs' -- Red Mage requires you to be level 50 to unlock it (and complete MSQ for A Realm Reborn I believe), and it _starts_ at level 50 once you unlock it. Thus, you can't accept the quest for it until you reach that point.
Just want to point out, the numbers you mentioned on the Duty Roulette, those are the Adventure In Need bonus for going in as whatever role the game is short on at the moment. (The AIN bonus has always felt really low to me, but at the top 10 levels you can at least get materia tokens from leveling and alliance.) The *daily* bonus is the one above it that's just a cryptic up arrow - they can't tell you in advance because it's calculated to make whatever duty you land in about as rewarding as a duty of that type at the level your character actually is. Raids always release at the current level cap, so they never gave much experience; a daily roulette is basically good for tomestones only.
Weirdly, *alliance* raid roulette is a lot better for experience. Maybe just because it's longer. PVP "roulette" is also decent for experience, and you can change jobs once you get in (the exp goes to the job you queued as) so you can always play your most comfortable job, or switch to what's needed if you like.
Thanks just started currently level 31 and this helped me alot!
One thing that's helps me is knowing the percentage if remaining health of a mob/boss. There's a option in the character configuration to turn that on to.
Lucky Ghost could be a lore-friendly Hellsguard Roegadyn name.
Thank you for the guide! I appreciate your helping new players like me!
excellent video Lucky! your quality is over 9000! ❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥
Just started playing ff14 a couple days ago, your guides have been beyond helpful!
I thought interject was worthless. I took it off my tank bar. Gonna add it back now
As someone that plays on and off that would technically be considered a veteran, I did NOT know about the legacy movement thing. Very useful tip, wish I knew that sooner lol
Also, 100% agree with everyone being okay with waiting for cutscenes. When I was still working my way through MSQ, I was doing trials and the like to get to the next expansion (I think it was the patch content leading into Shadowbringers) and everyone in my party was so excited for me. Plenty of "Enjoy Shadowbringers!" appearing in chat once we wrapped up. The community is awesome.
lot of all the dungeon loot can even if you dont want it and go to your GC to turn them in for a ton of seals under the "Expert Delivery" tab
As a returning player that plays healer, I had no clue they were immune for 5 seconds on rez. I would rez, panic and spam my fast heals to get them back up to health every time and its stressful lol
You're not alone!
open all for inventory is a life changer ty
Hey new player here who is coming in with the xbox crowd and thanks alot of these i didnt know about
my pleasure! glad to be able to help!
So I’ve been playing ff14 for roughly 4 days and trying out keyboard and mouse for the first time so my learning curve is unbearable lol.. but this game…love it, the sheer amount of content and story, lore, gear…. It’s all amazing and unforgettable with a feel good learning curve when it starts clicking. I read some comments about “snobby” veterans in parties. In my experience I have not met one toxic or even slightly standoffish person. Hands down best community ever. Everyone is soo excited to hear and talk about their favorite game and first time experiences . The community truly loves this game and looks out for each other. Came from , nba 2k,ROK,COD… some of the most toxic communities ever(genshin impact lol). All I say when I first get in the part is “hey sorry I suck I’m new lol” and they all support , help and teach. Great game, even better community. ..*side note*…play ninja, hate ninja, main ninja lmao.
Been playing for about 6 months now, used to play WoW years ago and have to say the players are _amazing_ here. We've run into the occasional "toxic" person but _nothing_ like other online games! Enjoy the journey and welcome to Eorzea!
@@bsparky01 you too my fellow warrior of light lol. Man I love this game soo much. Only downside is I don’t have friends to party and run around with. Hence why I don’t play mmo’s. But still love it.
@@fknkashi There are a lot of really helpful discord servers and 'free companies' (guilds) to check out, if nothing else!
I'm new player, and i love this game community so much. Thanks for the help.❤
hey im a new player and its true, seeing everyone rush through a raid/dungeon that they've done hundreds of time but is my first kinda made me overwhelmed, and i skipped every skippable cutscene and dialogue. it is the reason why i avoided matching with other players and only did dungeons with NPCs until i was forced to with the primal dungeons. so hearing that people will wait for me I guess is a little comforting.
also someone recommeneded to me The Scrub youtube channel. he makes a short and concise (3-7min)tutorial on every raid and dungeon which is really helpful. the game has a tendency of throwing boss mechanics at you without an explaination and expects you to preform correctly or you die or even in some cases you cause the party to wipe (looking at you labyrinth of the ancients). so its helpful to know what you're going into beforehand, as not all players are willing to sit and explain dungeon mechanics, some players decide to outright quit when a newbie keeps making mistakes, specially if the newbie isn't looking at chat and reading what people type to them.
so if you're new like me and waiting while queueing for a dungeon/raid, you should spend the time watching videos and learning dungeon/raid mechanics so you dont drag the party/alliance down and waste everyone's time. (only talking about specific bosses and raids, the majority are very straightforward so far)
The biggest thing I have is the most obvious: ask, ask, ask. If you're uncertain about anything, ask other players. And try and get into Novice Network. There's always a bunch of people there willing to help out.
I’m playing on the Xbox beta and am trying to level all the crafting classes to 30 so I could make my own gear and since it saves me gil if I don’t mind running around collecting ore, trees, fish and the like.
Thats smart starting crafting and gathering early on and makes tons of money too. All tho one of the free trail version's restrictions is cappinf your Gil (in-game money) to only 300k at the most.
and cant use the marketboard@@HyouVizer