Yes. Tithing is New Testament

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 251

  • @erikamarling9861
    @erikamarling9861 2 года назад +8

    Thank you Brother god bless you are so informative. I was raised apostolic. Unfortunately as a youth I got swept into the world. Bro. IH Terry in Bakersfield California. Then Bro. Frost and now Bro. Bradford. I was in and out up and down I was caught in to the drug life for so many years. But I never was alone be caused he was by my side. Thank you Jesus. After a life of mischief my husband and i moved to Oregon and I know this is where I belong. I am now blessed I am a saint in a wonderful Church. I had never called any of the mentioned pastor. Until now and I love and appreciate my pastor. I will never forget the message pastor Dansby preached. He said sometimes you have to go through the fire to get where your suppose to be..I feel that was the Lord. I am sober now 2 1/2 yrs off alcohol, cigarette over 3yr. I've been redeemed and set free!!!! No more shackles no more chains!!!! God bless and know he is Alive!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌💪

    • @mateenfoster4595
      @mateenfoster4595 2 года назад +2

      Bakersfield is a rought spot and known for drugs and gangs. Once you get in it its hard to break free. I'm glad you did.

  • @rm8281
    @rm8281 Год назад +13

    There is no historical evidence that the early Christians practiced tithing. Tithing was not introduced into the church until hundreds of years after the Apostolic period. Paul gives instruction on giving for Christians in 2 Cor 9. Paul's instruction makes no mention of the tithe requirement for Christian believers.

    • @kevinconnelly6075
      @kevinconnelly6075 Год назад

      False. The priesthood of Melchizedek was continued by Jesus Christ. From the beginning of the New Testament until today. Jesus is FOREVER a priest after that priesthood. It is mind boggling how those like you rob God and deceive people.

    • @hargisP2
      @hargisP2 5 месяцев назад

      Yeah, hundreds of years later Mr. Greedy Liar came up with that story.

  • @michaeljames1021
    @michaeljames1021 Год назад +5

    Sir you are in total error. There is no command under the new covenant to tithe. Your doctrine is false. You definitely do not understand your covenant.

    • @kevinconnelly6075
      @kevinconnelly6075 Год назад +1

      No. This was an excellent message. You are in error. The priesthood of Melchizedek is forever and is after the power of an endless life. Stop trying to deceive God's people and rob God.

    • @ThatOneGuy58437
      @ThatOneGuy58437 Год назад +1

      @@kevinconnelly6075​⁠​⁠​⁠ Tithing is an Old Testament concept. And yet Christians and churches use fear, shame, and manipulation tactics to scare people to tithe.
      It’s literally like a cult and what cults do to get people to do exactly what they say.
      Tithing is not part of the new covenant. The New Testament has never explicitly commanded us to tithe.
      The New Testament nowhere commands, or even recommends, that Christians submit to a legalistic tithe system. The New Testament nowhere designates a percentage of income a person should set aside.
      Also context matters, The Tithe was a requirement of the Old Testament Law in which the Israelites were to give 10 percent of the crops they grew and the livestock they raised to the tabernacle/temple.
      The Israelites had to tithe crops, not money.

  • @AndrewS174
    @AndrewS174 2 года назад +1

    God woke me up to read Acts chapters 3-5 again it was a blessing, I loved these verses I can't get them out of my head Acts 5:38-39

  • @isadormoti6977
    @isadormoti6977 Год назад +4

    I doubt you won any converts here Rev., but I'm sure you reenforced those who don't need it. I was so looking forward to you expounding on IICor. ch.s 8 and 9, but very typically and unfortunately the extortive Mal. 3 is the go to scripture. It's also a bit disingenuous to include tithing in the list of OT typology (circumcision, passover lamb, etc), but then maintain that literal tithing's antitype is just more literal tithing, albeit "modified" for today's use$. For the sincere, tithing, giving etc. is not about money, it's about truth, doctrinal bible truth, anecdotal success stories notwithstanding.
    I'll be waiting for your very biblical "ministering to the saints" study.
    The impetus is GIVING, not paying nor the very sly "bringing" (that's just dirty). If a giver desires to give and support as a matter of lifestyle, 10% is a biblical guide for such a giver. Pre-law tithing was all GIVING. You know it's the truth.
    Q: To you is "paying" tithes the same as "giving" tithes?
    Insisting (

  • @markb7067
    @markb7067 2 года назад +10

    Just to table a few counterpoints for discussion... I'll try to do so in the order they were presented in this video. Thanks for the "food for thought".
    1. Is tithing mentioned in the New Testament? Yes. But I think the better question is; Is systematic tithing practiced and taught under the New Covenant in the bible? No, it isn't.
    2. Stating that "tithing is where we give a 10th of our increase to the Lord" carries assumptions that A. Tithing was universally practiced in the bible historically and should be currently. It wasn't. There's no biblical evidence that systematic tithing ever extended beyond Israel and there's no evidence that anyone besides farmers and cattle raisers from within Israel submitted systematic tithes. B. That the term "increase" can be monetized. In the bible "increase" consistently referenced what the land brought forth, not money. Only consumable items were accepted as systematic tithe deliverables although it's evident money was traded and wages were earned (Haggai 1:6) during those times. C. That it's possible to physically "give" to the Lord.
    3. The term "bring tithes" refers to Malachi 3. In Malachi 1:1 the nation of Israel has been addressed specifically and the narrative is further narrowed towards the Levitical Priests in Malachi 1:6 and 2:1. Since it's likely that only the Priests were allowed entrance to the Temple storehouse, it's likely the phrase "bring the whole tithe to the storehouse" was directed specifically towards the Priests and can't be applied universally either historically or currently.
    4. There's no biblical reference to a "tithe" prior to Abram. What Cain and Abel submitted were offerings, not a 10th of anything, and there's no biblical evidence they ever repeated this act.
    5. The "first fruits" were separate from systematic tithing. The first fruits were heave offerings. In Deuteronomy 26:2 the first fruits were produce items that could fit into a basket that were taken to the temple to the Priest(s). Systematic tithes were specifically purposed for the Levitical theocracy, the poor (every 3rd year) and to be consumed and shared at the festival(s). Again, only consumable items were systematic tithe deliverables.
    6. Nowhere in the bible is tithing referred to as a "principle". Biblical, systematic tithes were taxes facilitated through ceremonial and civil ordinances under Mosaic Law, only not received as money.
    7. Abram submitted 10% of items from spoils of war that he declared he wouldn't accept to Melchizedek and he have most of the rest of those items to the King of Sodom. Melchizedek received bread and wine in exchange for what he gave to Melchizedek and there's no evidence Abram (later named Abraham) ever tithed again. While it's reasonable to think what Abram submitted to Melchizedek was an honorarium of sorts, there's no biblical evidence this was required by God or any act of faith.
    8. The book of Hebrews is about a change in Priesthood, as this video rightly presented. However, Hebrews says nothing about amending the obsolete systematic tithing ordinances which were only practiced in Israel and not accepted from earned wages. No one can literally "tithe to Jesus". He isn't here. He left the Holy Spirit and we are now the Priesthood of all believers according to 1 Peter 2:4-5. So if we are to practice the "tithe" as Abram did, we would only do so once from items that have no value to us and we would do so to ourselves. The church is the people, not a building or a religious institution.
    9. There's no biblical evidence that Jacob actually submitted a tithe at Bethel. He made a contingent offer to do so IF God provided for him as he requested. This provides evidence that systematic (required) tithing didn't exist at this time or prior. Otherwise, his offer couldn't be a contingent one.
    10. At no point did Moses ever reference Abraham's tithe.
    11. Yes, consumable items were submitted as tithe deliverables under Mosaic Law because that's what was specified as a tithe deliverable in the bible. Lev. 27:30, 32, Num. 18:27, Num. 18:28, Deut 12:17, Deut. 14:22, Deut. 14:23, Deut. 24:21, Deut. 26:12, 2 Chron. 31:5, 2 Chron. 31:6, Neh. 10:37, Neh. 13:5, Mal. 3:10, Matt. 23:23, Luke 11:42. Yet it's evident money was widely traded during those times.
    12. Yes, Jesus is forever a high Priest after the order of Melchizedek. But Jesus isn't here and at no point in the bible did Jesus or the apostles collect a tithe or pay one. Nor did Jesus leave any instructions on how anyone would "tithe to him" after his resurrection. He left us the Holy Spirit and we who are still here represent his body as the Priesthood of all believers. We can't literally "tithe to Jesus" nor did Paul imply anyone could. It was an analogy to prove Jesus' superiority to Melchizedek, as mentioned in this video.
    13. There's no biblical evidence Abraham (Abram at the time) submitted more than one tithe so if we're referencing Abram's tithe to be practiced today, it can't be referenced as a systematic tithe that God put in place as there's no biblical evidence God required Abram's submission to Melchizedek or that it was any act of faith. It was a one-time offering, probably an honorarium of sorts by custom.
    14. If we're making an analogy from circumcising our hearts with "tithing" then "tithing" would also be a spiritual idea, not a physical practice. So if we see "tithing" as it is practiced today as a "get to do" per the discretion of the giver as an offering with an honorary intent, no problem, because that would simply be a systematic, freewill offering. If we're saying that tithing as it is practiced today is a biblical mandate, it isn't, as it has no biblical precedent.
    15. In Mathew 23:23 Many note that Jesus is recognizing tithing in this passage but ignore that what the Pharisees were tithing (which were under Mosaic Law) had nothing to do with money. The items “mint, dill and cumin” are spices - produce items, which makes sense as only produce and livestock from within the Holy Land were accepted as tithe items. Jesus is indicting the Pharisees, not praising them in the true context of this passage. The fact that they were practicing compulsory tithing according to the law at that time doesn’t excuse their negligence of spiritual “more important” matters - “justice, mercy and faithfulness.” So Jesus is calling tithing a lessor part of the law, which places it on a lessor plane as that of the moral law. Tithing at that time was facilitated through compulsory ceremonial and civil ordinances and statutes under Mosaic Law, which are now obsolete (Hebrews 8:13). Spiritual decisions indicate the condition of the heart in an environment of free will choice. It is this that Jesus is emphasizing in this passage.
    Where we do agree is in giving, but God isn't a mob boss or a slot machine. We're free to give, not bound to pay. Blessings in your giving.

    • @pastorurshan
      @pastorurshan 2 года назад +5

      I appreciate your time in responding. We have dealt with most of your points. You are welcome to read the dialogue.
      I addressed this exhaustively in a few prior posts.
      You make two points that were not addressed previously. I will respond to those.
      To your first point, systematic tithing was practiced. I Cor. 16:1-2 describes the giving of both Galatia and Corinth. It was to be at the first day of the week (first fruits) and was to be "as God has prospered him" (tithing). This is systemic and was ordered by Paul for "every one of you".
      To say that Jesus isn't here isn't true. He most certainly is. How did they rob God in Malachi? One might say God "wasn't there". It was given through the ministry then as it is today. Tithe and offering predates Moses and continues today in the Melchizedek priesthood of Jesus Christ after the power of an endless life.

    • @markb7067
      @markb7067 2 года назад +5

      @@pastorurshan Thanks for sharing your point of view and for your response. If I may also address your recent points...
      We can't confuse systematic tithing with "giving". Biblical, systematic tithes weren't "gifts" they were compulsory submissions of consumable items specifically purposed, and at no point, towards evangelism. 1 Corinthians 16;1-2 reads (KJV) "Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. 2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come."
      What Paul mentions here is a collection of gifts, and not necessarily money. "As God prospered him" doesn't cite a 10% mandatory requirement, but that's what systematic tithes were - a mandatory tax, received as consumable items. Systematic (or random) giving (money or otherwise) is discretionary. Systematic (required) tithing, is not. Nowhere in scripture does Paul instruct anyone to pay a systematic tithe.
      Jesus is "here", spiritually, by virtue of the Holy Spirit. Jesus isn't physically here. We are, and we are to carry out his purpose through our lives, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. "Tithing" to Jesus is physically impossible, but we can "pay tribute" through how we live our lives, here, spiritually. This was Paul's point in Hebrews 7.
      How did "they" rob God in Malachi? The Priests weren't bringing the full tithe to the temple, but rather keeping select items for themselves. This is consistent with the similar indictments in Malachi that were specifically directed toward the Priests beginning in Malachi 1:6.
      You're suggesting that tithes were given through "the ministry" at that time(?) I'm not clear on your idea of "ministry" at that time so I'll provide my thoughts. 1/10th of the Levitical tithe was purposed for the Priests who carried out the sacrificial system of atonement during that time. They were the "connection" between God and man, intervening on their behalf for their atonement for their sins. There's no biblical record of a systematic tithe utilized for the purpose of mission work, Pastoral care, or evangelism.
      Yes, there was a "tithe" that predates Mosaic Law. However, there's no biblical evidence that it was a systematic, required tithe. That makes it an offering, not a systematic tithe, submitted per the discretion of the giver. And Melchizedek isn't here either, not physically. We can't tithe to either Melchizedek or Jesus, physically. We can, however, pay tribute spiritually, which was Jesus' emphasis in Mathew 23:23.
      I'm not pressing for an agreement in terms of "tithing". Just thankful for your feedback and for the discussion and sharing. My passion for this topic is for the many who are exploited out of their money through a false Prosperity Gospel that violates the very people we should be helping, not exploiting. I'm sure that isn't your intention, but a mandatory, universal "tithe" is where it all begins. And that's simply not biblical.

    • @pastorurshan
      @pastorurshan 2 года назад +3

      I appreciate your perspective as well.
      Here at Biblos, we are helping to define the biblical model of giving and blessing. This includes tithes and offering. It is not exploitation. To deny people this is biblical teaching is to deny them God’s financial plan. I’m sure your intention is not to teach a false grace but to deny tithes and offering is precisely that. We have covered each of your points exhaustively in a previous post. I encourage you to read it as it addresses the points you bring up. Take good care.

    • @markb7067
      @markb7067 2 года назад +2

      There's no such thing as "God's financial plan" but I do agree that giving, money or otherwise, typically does produce thanksgiving and gratitude (2 Corinthians 9:10-11). Your points don't address the counterpoints but I didn't expect they would. It's pretty evident where we agree and where we don't. And again, thank you for the exchanges.
      I'll simply close with a quote from Mark Twain: "It's not what we don't know that gets us into trouble. It's what we think we know for sure, that simply isn't so."
      You take care as well. I believe you're well intended. Regarding the tithe, we simply agree to disagree.

    • @pastorurshan
      @pastorurshan 2 года назад +4

      @@markb7067 The problem with Mark Twain quotes is that they cut so many different directions. Like this one:
      “Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” - Mark Twain
      Lol. I kid, I kid. I wish I could spend all my days responding to every observation and point, alas, it isn’t possible time wise.
      To respond to Levitical tithe has never been possible. I am not referring to that. I am referring to Abrahamic tithe that supersedes and eclipses Levitical tithe in the priesthood of Melchizedek. The power of an endless life, an unchangeable priesthood, Jesus remaining a priest after this order forever, this is all language that shows the continuity of tithing today. Jesus is a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek received tithe. It doesn’t say he “receiveth” tithes so that we DON’T tithe. It is because that priesthood is immutable. Much to the chagrin of postmodernist reasoners.
      If you have never entered into God’s financial plan, that is unfortunate. There are millions who have done so and are immeasurably blessed. It is not simply financial. It is an all encompassing blessing that has allowed the Kingdom of God to penetrate the furthest reaches of the globe.
      One common thing I have noticed is that every person I’ve met that has held this view has never built a church. They have no evidence of their “abundant giving” building a sustainable church where people worship and they do not endure in difficult times. Conversely, I have scores of accounts of men teaching this that closed their doors and went bankrupt.
      When we give to missions, it is in the millions of dollars each year. Out of the tens of thousands of people who give and the thousands of churches that cooperate, not one of them is a non-tithing church. Not one. I have asked this question of those who believe this, have you started, built, sustained a church? Where is the army of liberated, “abundant giving” people who are freed from tithing that are making inroads preaching the gospel around the world? I have yet to meet them. I’ve got many closed churches but no powerful, vibrant communities that believe this.
      One glaring weakness is that it doesn’t work. I’ve met very sophisticated point/counterpoint arguers prepared (and eager) to explain why homosexuality is not a sin, why cross dressing is Old Testament only and to forcefully explain why men and women’s hair is not an issue. Either because they are only mentioned in the Old Testament, only mentioned once in the New Testament or there are reasons why this can’t possibly be the sin being mentioned in the New Testament because (insert historical evidence, scriptural distortion, cognitive dissonance here).
      1. Tithing is true scripturally first, predating and superseding Levi and Moses.
      2. It works. The other doesn’t.
      I can agree to disagree. I appreciate your time in responding. Your points are articulate and thoughtful. I believe they are simply misguided. In ten years, people who do not tithe will begin and found little to no churches (I have yet to see one). Tithing people will begin and found thousands. There is a reason for this.

  • @sd5269
    @sd5269 2 года назад +4

    The underlying questions are these...exactly how does God get our money back to heaven per the NT?
    Who specifically receives tithes for God as his earthly representative per scripture?
    Is there a mediator between us and God that qualifies to spend God's money for him?
    Who is this person, scripturally?
    If they receive our tithe in God's stead, does this make them a sub-priest between us and God?
    If we are priests unto our God per Peter, who invented this sub-priest doctrine(RCC)?
    Are we espousing dark ages Catholicism?
    Will God give us a pass?
    Is this a stumblingblock for sinners that will cause us(teachers) to be lost(will Acts 2:38 trump our stumblingblock at the judgement)?
    Could this mandate be why sinners say "the Churches are just a business"?
    Since the doctrine of tithing is salvational, would it make it a form of indulgences?

    • @michaelmerck7576
      @michaelmerck7576 Год назад

      Tithing money from gross income has no biblical basis

  • @mrslouisgantz
    @mrslouisgantz 2 года назад +2

    Biblos Network is my favorite program to listen to and learn from each day. Thank you for this ministry. God bless you, your family, and your ministry.

  • @FoundationBibleStudies
    @FoundationBibleStudies 2 года назад +7

    Yes I love the Apostolic People, no other people like them, no matter the organization😁.

  • @J.solomonlopez
    @J.solomonlopez 2 года назад +4

    Question for you. Could you explain the 5 fold ministry? Especially the role of the Apostle and Prophet.

  • @user-jb1tr9uw3y
    @user-jb1tr9uw3y 7 месяцев назад +1

    Give to the work of the gospel at home and worldwide.many many millions of Christians outside of the west have virtually nothing by comparison of both spiritual and physical needs met.
    Give where you see the real needs,be led in research and a clear vision.
    This will give real joy and enthusiasm in this process from my experience

  • @sheltonmcgraw5085
    @sheltonmcgraw5085 2 года назад +4

    One thing is for sure. When a person lives a life filled with sin and addictions. He will have a bag full of holes because the addictions and the bail bonds will take it all. My Jesus has delivered me of all those harmful addictions. I actually have money in my pocket. I will gladly give back to the Lord that bled and died for me and took those stripes upon Himself so that I can live free from those chains of darkness. Satan robbed me of every dime I made satan won't settle for a little tithe that no good for nothing, lying thief will take all you have and put you in the dungeon and to top it off LAUGH AT YOU. The Lord says. Bring your tithes into the storehouse and see if I want open up the windows of Heaven to you. Yes I will GLADLY bring back to HIM. My High Priest who Loves me so much

  • Год назад +6

    29:40. Very prideful for him to speak the way he did and laugh about it. WE are the temple of God. We can congregate anywhere. Don’t need to be a building only open because of “Tithe” donations. It’s true that churches want your money. Jesus came to fulfill the law. And the law of tithing was meant for the Jews not gentiles. Read Acts 15. Don’t be mislead my brothers and sisters in Christ. In the end times, which we are living in now, people will deny truth. God Bless.

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад +1

      And people ignore Matthew 25:35-40.
      Jesus is still hungry in the Third World

  • @isukarki43
    @isukarki43 3 месяца назад

    Praise God from Nepal

  • @elainedebeaux4675
    @elainedebeaux4675 5 месяцев назад +1

    Jesus is God yes but Tithing under the law and Jesus redeemed me from the law, so i do not tithe as i don't want to be judged under the law.

  • @lindahood9854
    @lindahood9854 2 года назад +4

    I love the Church In Durham NC too

  • @michaelmerck7576
    @michaelmerck7576 Год назад +3

    This pastor is well versed in many false doctrines

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад +2

      He's a wolf.
      Tithing is Not NT Biblical

    • @kevinconnelly6075
      @kevinconnelly6075 Год назад

      @@endtimesareuponus8930 No. You are the wolf. If you listened, Pastor Urshan spoke of the priesthood of Melchizedek. You are the one that wants to kill New Testament churches by robbing God. You will face God for your evil.

    • @kipwilson1
      @kipwilson1 5 месяцев назад

      Lots of incorrect definitions of tithes and offerings and first fruits. Abram gave once from the spoils of war and not is own possessions. Jacob bargained with God vowing to tithe only if God blessed him and only then would he call God, God.

  • Год назад +1

    Tithing was never meant for the Gentiles. Don’t be mislead by false prophets.

  • @lindahood9854
    @lindahood9854 2 года назад +2

    I love Biblos Network. I am watching From Lenoir NC

  • @jerryscott5545
    @jerryscott5545 4 месяца назад

    Wonderful teaching Preacha!! 👍🏾🙏🏽 love that passion! 😊

  • @johnathanthompson5062
    @johnathanthompson5062 2 года назад +2

    Absolutely amazing sir! A blessing and honor!

  • @theophilusm4449
    @theophilusm4449 2 года назад +13

    I'm glad this video came up! As an Apostolic myself, I have been doing a deep dive into this topic again recently. I am currently doing an exegetical study of every verse in the Old and New Testaments referencing the tithe.
    So my first response to you is this: before we even examine whether this is a New Testament teaching, we have to know WHAT the tithe was. You did not really address this in your video. The tithe was never money, even when it could have been.
    The Old Testament tithe under the Law did not resemble the modern teaching at all, and could not be correctly followed today anyways, as becomes evident when examining the scriptures. It was also never taught to New Testament Christians, in Acts or the Epistles, and only showed up in it's current form in the 6th century, see the Catholic Council of Macon in 585 A.D. We (rightly) reject the doctrine of the Trinity on similar grounds.
    As far as biblical teaching goes...
    Tithing was a very specific (and as you said, intricate) part of the law, that pertained only to products of the land (agriculture, livestock, etc.). In fact the tithe was NEVER offered as money. Some would say that they didn't have money and this tithed agriculture, but that also isn't true. In fact the Law addresses times when the tithe can be converted to money for the sake of easier transportation, but there is a penalty associated with it. So money did exist, but God did not want it. This isn't hidden knowledge - See Leviticus 27, Numbers 18, and Deuteronomy 12, 14, and 26.
    As for Abraham and the order of Melchizedek, which you heavily lean on for your points, here are a couple of very obvious points that can be made: firstly, Abraham tithed only ONE recorded time, not of his own possessions, but of the spoils of a war to rescue his nephew, Lot. He also didn't keep the remaining 90%, he returned it to the king of Sodom. (See Gen 14 and Hebrews 7). Secondly, this was of Abraham's own volition, it was non-recurring, and was not commanded by God. In fact it resembles cheerful giving as taught in the New Testament much more (see 2Cor 9:6-7). This in no way resembles a monetary tithe on salary that is taught today.
    Without going much further, my primary assertion to anyone teaching a mandatory monetary tithe doctrine is this: the burden of proof lies with you. Instead of taking your modern understanding of tithing (that it is monetary and a % of every Christian's paycheck) and reading it into the scriptures, read the text for what it actually says. Open your heart when you open your Bible. Rightly divide the Word of truth. Study to show yourself approved. When confronted with this, at first I was offended, but I chose to dig deep and study, and the Word is so plain and clear on this topic that we should be ashamed of ourselves for misusing it for so long, and lumping ourselves in with prosperity gospel peddlers.
    With that said, I am open to being corrected on this. If you can show me the modern tithe doctrine in the Bible, I will repent. At the end of the day, if I'm wrong, I don't want to stay wrong. I also want to make clear: GIVING is taught and I would never teach otherwise. The early church gave MUCH MORE than 10%, they gave everything. If one feels led to give 10% or more, I encourage them to do so with the understanding that it is not required.
    I'll leave this verse:
    But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
    II Corinthians 9:6‭-‬7 NKJV

    • @pastorurshan
      @pastorurshan 2 года назад +3

      Hello God Lover.
      Thank you for taking the time to respond. You invested a goodly amount of time to articulate your position and I'm glad this can be of interest. I have heard many arguments against tithing and most follow a similar trajectory to what you have posited here. Abraham gave tithes one time, it was spoils of war, the Levitical tithe was onerous and filled with tedium, it was animal husbandry or agricultural, etc.
      I can go back and forth point by point i.e. one mention of tithe and Abraham does not mean it was a one off event. He was recorded meeting Melchizedek one time as well but we can safely assume he interacted with the high priest regularly.
      That being said, I have a question. Are you a pastor? Have you ever started a church? The reason I ask is I have yet to meet a person who holds these strong positions who has ever actually built anything for God that required substantive financial support. It has been without exception thus far a purely academic, theoretical argument without them ever having to pay the price or suffer for the kingdom. Each person that HAS done/built the aforementioned work without exception that I know did so by tithe and offering.
      I do not ask facetiously. As you do not want to be in error, I too want honest discourse and am seeking for the truth. Theological jousting aside, from a practical standpoint, are you coming at this from experience or is this an argument based on theory?

    • @sephorareynolds5786
      @sephorareynolds5786 2 года назад +3

      Wow..thank you for that explanation mr theophilus m...

    • @theophilusm4449
      @theophilusm4449 2 года назад +3

      @@pastorurshan Happy to continue discourse with you sir and thanks for the response. Not sure why but my response comment is not posting for some reason. I am in ministry and know others in various offices (pastors, teachers, missionaries) who have found the same but would prefer not to "rock the boat" or cause discord and lose influence in their ministries.

    • @theophilusm4449
      @theophilusm4449 2 года назад +3

      @@pastorurshan Also, side note but I'm really not sure how we can safely assume that Abraham met Melchizedek multiple times, that's an argument from silence in my humble opinion, and we can't build such an important doctrine on assumptions. We have to apply a proper hermeneutic.

    • @pastorurshan
      @pastorurshan 2 года назад +3

      Absolutely. 🙂
      I agree a sound hermeneutic is essential. I am looking at the assumption that Abraham would have interacted with the High Priest of his day. As Abraham is our template (the New Testament makes this abundantly clear) and Jesus is the great High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek, we have merely to look at Jesus and his disciples to see some degree of how this priesthood looks. Both the Old and New Testament teach faithfulness to the house of God and communication with God’s anointed, including the High Priest i.e. David would rarely do anything without consulting the priest or the prophet.
      It is not merely an argument from silence. Interaction is never a one time thing throughout both testaments. Understanding the latter gives insight to the former.
      It is also not true that Abraham’s tithing was a one time occurrence. Just because we SEE one instance of it doesn’t mean it WAS only one instance in Abraham personally. However, perhaps more importantly, generations gave tithing that day. Hebrews lets us know explicitly that Levi gave tithes that day. Rather than minimizing it to an anomaly, the writer uses it to demonstrate the superiority of Jesus’ covenant to that of Moses. This is significant. Levi wasn’t born for three more generations, yet he gave the tithe. To extend this, so did Isaac, Jacob, Reuben, Simeon, Judah, the rest of the brothers and all who sprang from Abraham. This multi-generational giving that is a feature of the Melchizedek priesthood is preserved into the priesthood of Jesus Christ. In short, generations gave tithe that day from that one moment and the writer of Hebrews uses this fact to teach the superiority of Jesus’ priesthood that never changes.
      If multiple generations gave tithe that day and that priesthood has the power of an endless life, it is a grave error to work hard to minimize it or relegate it to a footnote. The Bible does not give words real estate without profound import. The writer doesn’t include the tithe because it DOESN’T matter. Quite the opposite. Rather than marginalize the priesthood of Melchizedek, the New Testament preserves and exalts it.
      I am not simply drawing heavily on the priesthood of Melchizedek, the entire New Testament is built upon it. Jesus Christ fulfills all of the Old Testament law. He is the Lamb, the Scapegoat, the Tabernacle, the Sabbath and he is the High Priest. The multi-generational tithe that day was much more than a footnote that has been exploited by Catholicism, it is an integral part of the priesthood. If it meant nothing, If Jacob’s covenantal vow of Gen. 28:22 “of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee” has no merit why does the writer of Hebrews take pains to mention it? This would be the second recorded time Jacob gave the tenth. The first he gave while he too was in the loins of Abraham.

  • @margerywilson3332
    @margerywilson3332 2 года назад +2

    Love Biblos network ❤️. Watching from Sauk Village, Illinois God bless you

  • @enriquecaballeroPT
    @enriquecaballeroPT 2 года назад +2

    Praise The Lord!📔❤️‍🔥

  • @jacquelinetaylor2439
    @jacquelinetaylor2439 2 года назад +3

    Thank God for you!!!! You are so knowledgeable about the Word. I so wanna know the ins and outs of the Scripture as you do ♥️

    • @davidortega357
      @davidortega357 Год назад +1

      Wasn't tithes in the old testament foods ,spices, cattle, sheep, fruits, never money where in the new testament did Apostles demand tithing they did talke offerings

    • @kevinconnelly6075
      @kevinconnelly6075 Год назад

      @@davidortega357 Tithing was before the Law in Abraham and Jacob. It was the tenth of their increase. You should listen to the podcast. It explained all of that quite succinctly.

  • @marshebrown8902
    @marshebrown8902 Год назад +1


  • @akhereokogun898
    @akhereokogun898 6 месяцев назад

    at the time romans were burning ancient scriptural writings which was in the 4th AD, islam did not even exist, the golden age records islamic scholars preserving ancient text somewhere between the 8th to the 14th CE. How did you connect both events?

  • @hargisP2
    @hargisP2 5 месяцев назад

    Genesis 1:26. Why do people never read it with Genesis 1:27?

  • @mj8973
    @mj8973 Год назад

    What other Bible Version do you recommend for someone that struggles with understanding KJV ?

  • @bryantmurphy1211
    @bryantmurphy1211 2 года назад +2

    My God! Outstanding lesson

  • @waynekellogg4949
    @waynekellogg4949 2 года назад +2

    1 John 1:5. …that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
    I would like to hear your take on the amazing subject of God being Light and some people automatically think that it means visible light although Light can mean many different spectrums and colors not just white. Some lights in infrared are invisible to the human eye. Therefore if we’re supposed to be able to see God in his true form of Jesus but not in his pure form and deity what color of light or what type of light would he be just wondering. Also one of the other concepts is that light does not bend it travels in a straight line and how the path way to God is also straight.
    2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Jesus was the light of the world.
    LED’s can electrically produce multiple colors by changing the frequency. I’m very interested in what you understand Jesus’s color would be IF the Trinitarians would explain this same format. Would Jesus and God the father have different colors. It’s probably not sane for me to think like that but I’ve always been curious

  • Год назад +1

    Be aware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.

  • @AndrewS174
    @AndrewS174 2 года назад +3

    I'm with the UPCI. you always answer the questions I have before I ask them, Good to know how great God is

  • @ShephardMinistries
    @ShephardMinistries 5 месяцев назад

    Understand me, U mighty Saints because I am sent to educate, and protect U. What do I mean? Paul said, "I know this, that after my departing shall grievous "WOLVES" enter in among U, not spearing the flock" (Acts 20:29). The Greek meaning for the word "wolves" is "cruel, greedy, destructive men" [GREEK-ENGLISH LEX.]. For this reason, Ignatius, who was ordained a bishop by Apostle John wrote, "these make merchandise of Christ, corrupting His word, and giving up Jesus to sale; they R corrupters of women, and covetous of other men possessions, swallowing up wealth insatiably" [Ignatius to the Magnesians, Ch.9:62]. Paul further warned " we have corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man" (I Corin.7:2). The Greek meaning for "defrauded" is "to B covetous, over-reach:- to get advantage [STRONG'S]. Remember, I warned U to study the word of God (II Tim.2:15) so people would not B able to take advantage of your ignorance, regarding money in the word of God.

  • @AndrewS174
    @AndrewS174 2 года назад +2

    awesome answer thank you

  • @FoundationBibleStudies
    @FoundationBibleStudies 2 года назад +4

    The point of Jesus being in the priesthood of Melchizedek is the greatest point on tithing for New Testament disciples I think I have ever heard🙌

    • @pastorurshan
      @pastorurshan 2 года назад +2

      It is indeed the foundation. The pre-eminence of the priesthood of Melchizedek cannot be overstated. All things find their completion in Christ, including the tithe.

  • @MsHelen1946
    @MsHelen1946 2 года назад +8

    The poor never paid tithes. They neither owned land or livestock. They received tithes along with the widow, and strangers. If the tithe is legimate as many think then why is only one person in the local church privy to it? Who set the parameters of this system of tithing? All levies partook of this benifit. Strictly speaking, according to that all ministers in our Churches should get tithe. That would include music ministry because the levies were in charge of music and were supported by tithe. To complicate this even more, are we not all kings and priests?

    • @mikeeagan1307
      @mikeeagan1307 2 года назад +1

      Exactly, notice how the Pastor doesn't address any Old Testament facts concerning this. His statements trying to connect the Giving of the church and the Law demanding a Tithing. It's very obvious what Paul was asking for in Corinthians and for what purpose and it wasn't for building new churches. But he is the theologian and I am not. Makes me wonder if the Bible was written for only theologians to understand

    • @bobbylivingston8184
      @bobbylivingston8184 Год назад

      I'd this statement is true. Then why do we need a preacher? Or Pastor? We find all on scriptures we need a shepherd. Romans says how can they here without a preacher ? Even though we are born again and live for God we can stray away. The Pastor looks over our souls and has to give an account for us you can find this also in Hebrews 13: 17 so the Shepherd didn't receive anything for watching the sheep ? In Zachariah it says pay me what you think that I was worth where did this money come from ? Tithe was in old testament and it also in the new. Luke 18:12 we still finding them paying tithes on all things he says it in his prayer Jesus didn't condemn the tithe paying.

    • @mikeeagan1307
      @mikeeagan1307 Год назад

      @@bobbylivingston8184 I understand your reasoning not saying no need for a 5 fold ministry and they should be taken care of because of their labor in the Gospel, But not through Tithing. Study Tithing out and you will see it was only required for the Levite tribe and they were never paid money for the Tithing to them. And only the herdsman and farmers paid Tithe, so how did all this change for the Churches today. Who changed this Law from God? And He changes not, right? You think that if this was demanded of the Church you would see Paul explain this. Keep in mind that the Jews didn't pay money and only the food sources were demanded from those that worked the Land

    • @bobbylivingston8184
      @bobbylivingston8184 Год назад

      @MikeEagan Then why did Jesus when referring to the coin out if the fishes mouth says render unto Ceasars what is his and render unto God what is his and this conversation is over a coin. Taxes a percentage still is today. Tithes a percentage as well a tenth.

    • @mikeeagan1307
      @mikeeagan1307 Год назад

      @@bobbylivingston8184 You have that account mixed up but that doesn't matter. You have been taught that you owe the Church Institution and have been given Scriptures to back this up and mainly Mal.3:8-12. This was Jewish Law for the Jews not the Church. Jesus was bound by the Law as they all were before His Resurrection. But afterwards the Law is dead why does anyone want to be part of the Law? Paul in Galatians show that those that still teach to abide by it are bewitched. The Temple doesn't exist anymore the priesthood either so why are Tithes demanded today of every Saint for the Church Institution? The Jews do not pay Tithe today, it was there Law, how did their Law become the Churches Law were in which if you don't pay you will suffer the same curse of Malachi 3?
      How did the Mosaic Law change for the Churches? That is.
      We pay Tithe with Money and they paid with food sources from the Land
      The Farmers and Herdsman only paid Tithe under the Law, but the Church everyone, the rich, the poor, every age pays.
      The Poor, the Widow's didn't pay under the Law, but the Church, if you receive a dollar you pay.
      Where did this change, for the Churches, come from? Jesus didn't teach this, in fact He rebuked the leaders then because they changed those laws to become even more burdensome on all to profit themselves. And Paul didn't teach this for sure, but he did teach GIVE as your heart leads.
      Show where these changes occurred to be followed by the Churches today in the Scriptures, show where God changed His demands in this. And not reasoning or reading in between the lines trying to spiritualize it. God was specific in His Laws then, and He is specific to His Church on what to do today, so where is it?

  • @pastorbooker9164
    @pastorbooker9164 2 года назад +2


  • @sd5269
    @sd5269 2 года назад +2

    Respectfully, your entire premise is built on a faulty doctrine. The Law started at the creation of man, which eventually tithing was adopted into(the Law).
    Tithing is not pre-Law because the Law started at the 2 trees in the garden.
    The "Law of Moses" is added because of transgression of previous Laws of God.
    "Added" means "in addition to".

    • @sd5269
      @sd5269 2 года назад +2

      Paul called the Prophets "the Law" in 1 cor 14, and Jesus called Psalms "the Law"(it saith in your Law, ye are god's...).
      Pentecost must fix dispensationalism to get back our credibility and stop the Hebrew Roots movement from taking our saints.
      We teach the Law ended at Calvary, but the truth is...only for the saved saint. Not the sinner.

    • @nickkkk495
      @nickkkk495 2 года назад +1

      The law definitely did NOT start at the garden of Eden 😂 God dealt with humanity in general in Eden and then shifted focus to Abraham which became the father of faith. The law wasn’t for the whole world, it was just for the Jews so your argument doesn’t hold water because the law wasn’t for the entire world therefore it started with Moses and NOT in the garden

    • @sd5269
      @sd5269 2 года назад

      Was this a Law or a suggestion?...
      16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
      17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

    • @sd5269
      @sd5269 2 года назад

      Also, Abraham was under God's Law too...
      Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

    • @sd5269
      @sd5269 2 года назад

      Another pre- Law, Law of God...
      4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
      5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.
      6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
      7 And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.

  • @sd5269
    @sd5269 Год назад

    I challenge anyone here to say that the disaster that happened in the garden to destroy the human race was not because of a broken Law of God.

  • @sd5269
    @sd5269 Год назад

    Were Adam and Eve included by Paul here?...
    19 Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.
    20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
    Or, a specific group of people only?

  • @irmabrizuela1293
    @irmabrizuela1293 2 года назад +2

    I’m listening 👂

  • @AndrewS174
    @AndrewS174 2 года назад

    are the bread and wine also a sign of coming communion?

  • @Keepitoriginalministry
    @Keepitoriginalministry 29 дней назад

    Let's talk pastor?

  • @sd5269
    @sd5269 2 года назад +2

    The Law has not been done away because sin has not been done away.
    Only the saint is free from the Law that is walking in the Spirit, but the rest of humanity is born under it to be judged by it. We are to follow the Law of the Spirit, not the old covenant. Another bad teaching is the idea that the dispensation of promise ended and the Law started. The fella(Darby etc) that came up with that one missed this....
    17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.
    Which means the Law and Promise co-exist, simultaneously.
    We need to run from the Law, which is hunting us down as we speak. The only way to do this is to obey Acts 2:38 and walk in the Spirit.

    • @michaelmerck7576
      @michaelmerck7576 Год назад

      Jesus fulfilled the law and made null the fulfilled old covenant

  • @debmcgauley4965
    @debmcgauley4965 2 года назад +1

    I appreciate Biblos Network.

  • @saav7778
    @saav7778 2 года назад +3

    Wow. Dare I say mic drop! Another wealth of information from Bro. Urshan. If you keep doing this you are going to become America’s #1 Pastor. We love Pastor Urshan!

    • @mikeeagan1307
      @mikeeagan1307 2 года назад +2

      Sounds like Pastor worshipping to me

    • @healedfree706
      @healedfree706 2 года назад +2

      @@mikeeagan1307 sounds like jealousy to me. There is nothing wrong with this person’s words or encouragement.

    • @Keepitoriginalministry
      @Keepitoriginalministry 29 дней назад

      Any one of you want to talk about the tithe?

  • @scottgrogan4349
    @scottgrogan4349 9 месяцев назад +1

    Tithing was nailed to the cross.
    Having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.”
    ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2‬:‭14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  • @lesliex4599
    @lesliex4599 2 года назад +1

    As always, awesome explanation

  • @Keepitoriginalministry
    @Keepitoriginalministry 29 дней назад

    Answer my question ⁉️

  • @greenlantern7122
    @greenlantern7122 3 месяца назад

    I don’t understand one word

  • @kellyflynn4060
    @kellyflynn4060 2 года назад

    How do I submit questions?

  • Год назад +2

    Don’t let them twist scripture for their own selfish purpose. Jesus didn’t even tithe. Once, just to shut the Pharisees up. 😢 this guy is so very false please study scripture and don’t listen to false doctrine.

    • @kevinconnelly6075
      @kevinconnelly6075 Год назад +1

      This is a great example of the death of denominational churches. Comments like this. Jesus instructed us to give tithe. Matt. 23:23 he rebukes the Pharisees and then says "...these ought ye to have done...". He reinforces the tithe as he rebukes their hypocrisy. These kind of people LOVE to see churches close their doors. They long for the day that churches no longer exist to do their eternal work. As more churches close their doors, it is because of people just like this. It is a tragedy and they will answer to God for their false doctrine.

    • Год назад

      @@kevinconnelly6075 he was talking about the scribes and Pharisees if you read from the beginning of the chapter. About the Jews I believe. Not the gentiles. Read Acts 15 from beginning to end in its entirety. They discuss what the gentiles should do.

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      @@kevinconnelly6075 Jesus DIDN'T say a word about money here.
      When Jesus died, we're not under the Law but under grace.
      Do you obey Matthew 25:35-40 wholeheartedly?
      I thought not.
      Jesus is still hungry in the Third World

    • Год назад

      @@kevinconnelly6075 Matthew 23:23 wasn’t a commandment to tithe, it was a lesson on hypocrisy

    • @kevinconnelly6075
      @kevinconnelly6075 Год назад The priesthood of Melchizedek is forever. It is the power of an endless life. Tithing begins with Genesis 1:1. "Bereshit" is the first word of scripture and it includes the concept of "first things" or "first fruit". In the Beginning God. This concept continues in the Melchizedek priesthood. You rob God and work against His purpose when you deceive people concerning the scriptural concept of tithing.

  • @colonialroofingofnorthcaro441
    @colonialroofingofnorthcaro441 2 года назад

    Understanding that I am commenting in the middle of this teaching session so I'm sure my brother will come across this and in no wise am I trying to say anything but just anyway we'll come to me we remember the people who brought their ties until the church and then the ones that had lied and I didn't have to lie about it so they drop dead also the woman it might have been the elderly woman I don't know why I ain't got my Bible right in front of me some reason it may I think or the way the story is told it makes me think of the elderly woman maybe it's not I don't know but she gave all and Jesus had spoke about how that she had gave more than any with all the gifts that these people were bringing this woman had the least amount but she gave more than all of them according to Jesus and this is another part that I want to be better at I pray the Lord would bless my heart and my soul cuz when it comes to money you worry about bills we worry about those kind of things of course we're human beings you know especially when you just work from check to check but this woman done more than give all she had that was not even the point point was in her heart with she gave didn't even have to do or at least to me the way I see the story didn't even have to do with the fact that she gave all she had which was only like I don't know a penny or something like that somebody else can research that kind of historical currency of that time but the Lord could see straight to her soul when she gave straight to a heart when she gave and that was what was so amazing about him pointing out her gift it wasn't just that she gave all but did she gave it from a place that no man can see only God can see and that's exactly what I want my giving to be I just want I want my giving to be from the soul from a place that the Lord can see whatever I've given I've given with my heart obviously with obedience yes but I wanted to be more than just obedience I want it to be something spiritual something that the holy Ghost moves on us in and hard to put in words but from the soul given to the Lord without rancor without worry without fear he always provides our needs abundantly I know in this abundant world we we think if we ain't eating play me on it it's not abundantly but it is it's so abundant beyond what we even need and beyond what history is shown other people lived on we are blessed abundantly abundantly blessed so my little two cents I give homage to my brother my pastor here I love him I pray for him and like I said it was just a thought to come to me people talking about tithing we got demonstration after demonstration where people brought tithing and offering to the church to the apostles in the early parts of the church God bless in Jesus name

  • @danielgc1970
    @danielgc1970 2 года назад +1


  • @fm-er3gc
    @fm-er3gc 2 года назад +2


    • @saav7778
      @saav7778 2 года назад

      This a great suggestion👍

    • @pastorurshan
      @pastorurshan 2 года назад +2

      Bro. Marks is a friend of mine. I would enjoy having him on. Getting him to come on is quite another matter.🙂

    • @fm-er3gc
      @fm-er3gc 2 года назад

      @@pastorurshanAhh. Cody marks is also my favorite preacher. If you can get him on, Thank you!

  • @hargisP2
    @hargisP2 5 месяцев назад

    NT tithe is 100%. You don't trust God fully with everything you have, you will not grow spiritually. It's because of God that you have anything.

  • @sd5269
    @sd5269 Год назад

    Per the OP, he is saying the tithe started with Abel and prior to the Law. Fact is. The Law was given to Adam and Eve in the garden per the forbidden fruit Law. This broken Law is the worst offense to ever happen between God and man. The Law began with Adam and Eve prior to the tithe/Abel idea in the OP.
    Tithe was added to the Law after the Law was introduced to Adam and Eve.

  • @bradsmith8510
    @bradsmith8510 2 года назад +1

    Well said

  • @mikeeagan1307
    @mikeeagan1307 2 года назад +3

    I'm glad to see that there is a healthy debate in here and that the Pastor is heavily involved. This is a very important and deep subject that should be totally understood. Too many decades have passed with Cherry picked Scriptures and the main one chosen is Mal.3:8-11, and if anyone challenges this they run to Abram, every single time. There needs to be an indepth study on Tithing alone and why, without embellishments. One will see it was the Law, and the Law has been done away with, Rom.6:14. Which means the curse of the Law is dead along with the punishment. Why are Tithing Preachers still using Mal. 3 to prove their message? This is so wrong. You are taught by this teaching that you Give to Get back! Wrong! And if you don't Pay(Give), then you are Robbing God, and Cursed with a Curse. Wrong! When you bring up this fact they begin to jump to other Scriptures to prove the blessing of Giving, not Paying Tithing because it isn't there. God is required now to pay you since you Paid Him. Show the proof of God's Monetary blessings overflowing because you Paid your Tithing. Its not their. These verses have nothing to do with Monetary, but Agricultural for giving life. Its time to quit putting words in God's Word. How many here know that the Jew today doesn't Pay Tithing? They don't. Why? There is no more Temple. Search that one through. Today, God does not Dwell in temples made with man's hands, correct? What does He Dwell in? So why then are you told to bring your Tithing into the Temple/Storehouse today? Because it sounds/preaches good? You need to ask and search and quit just accepting because he is a good preacher. Every preacher will be accountable for all he says to his people, that should shake one up a bit.

    • @pastorurshan
      @pastorurshan 2 года назад +2

      I have addressed this in the thread to Theophilus. I wouldn't say people "run to Abraham". Abraham is the precedent. He is the father of the faithful. His example is the one that we follow. We follow it because it is the original model. This is not to "run" to him. We are built upon Abraham. To marginalize that is to rip people from their Abrahamic moorings. That is a grave mistake.

    • @sd5269
      @sd5269 2 года назад +4

      The Law has not been done away because sin has not been done away.
      Only the saint is free from the Law that is walking in the Spirit, but the rest of humanity is born under it to be judged by it. We are to follow the Law of the Spirit, not the old covenant. Another bad teaching is the idea that the dispensation of promise ended and the Law started. The fella that came up with that one missed this....
      17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.
      Which means the Law and Promise co-exist, simultaneously.
      We need to run from the Law, which is hunting us down as we speak. The only way to do this is to obey Acts 2:38 and walk in the Spirit.

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      Have you totally ignored Matthew 25:35-40?
      Our neighbors in the Third World are still hungry.
      That means, Jesus is still hungry.
      You're nitpicking and arguing about tithing while......

    • @kevinconnelly6075
      @kevinconnelly6075 Год назад

      @@endtimesareuponus8930 No. He is not ignoring Matthew 25. If you knew him you would know he has personally started in third world countries WITH TITHING. Have you? Bro. Urshan lived in Honduras for a couple of years and there is a church there because of his efforts. Tithing paid for that. You would like to stop that with you unscriptural ideas that would cripple the churches from dong God's mission. You should know who you are talking to before accusing.

    • @mikeeagan1307
      @mikeeagan1307 Год назад +1

      ​​​@@kevinconnelly6075 What does World Missions have to do with Tithing? Nothing. Paul teaches to Give and Nothing anywhere about Tithing. All these letters to the these Gentile Christians about how to live and not a written word on Tithing, but plenty on Giving. You think these Gentiles knew the Jewish Law? Then why not then explain it to them? One reason would be, Paul was teaching the Law was done with, as Galatians explains. Paul gets into it about Circumcision and how that's not necessary and says to quit teaching that it is. You can't obey one part without obeying it all. But Tithing was before the Law everyone screams, so there. Well, so was Circumcision, it was commanded by God given to Abraham as we all know. The Old Covenants are done away and we live in the New. Open up your hearts as Paul says and be Led..... Give to those in need, give to those that work in Gospel that they be taken care of and if its not enough then they need to get a job, as Paul also had being an Apostle. If you are going to Tithe and be blessed (or cursed if you don't)according to the Old Covenant, then you better obey the whole Tithing. Remember, the Lord also said concerning Tithing in Malachi, 3:6 "I change not....Return unto me" Why then are you changing the way the Lord wants you to Tithe

  • @sd5269
    @sd5269 Год назад

    Okay, here is where I am going.
    Tithing is of the OT.
    The entire OT is "The Law".
    The prophets are "the Law"
    Psalms is "the Law".
    Gen-Mal is all Laws of God.
    Some "theologian" divided it up like a pizza so he could teach "partial Law".
    Follow the money...theologians want tithes, so they say it is before Law.
    Law started in the garden(tree of the knowledge of good and evil).
    Eat it and DIE.
    Grace started in the garden(tree of life).
    Eat it and live.
    There is no such thing as "tithing was before Law, but ammended into the Law".
    Every man that ever existed has always been subject to the Law of God, even as more was ADDED via transgressions....
    The Law is still in effect for sinners today, including tithing and it's associated curses.
    Only the saint is free from the Law, including tithing

  • @jamesmoore768
    @jamesmoore768 2 года назад +3

    Amen amen amen Brother Urshan! Thank God for faithful people who bring their Tithe and give to various other needs including missions foreign and home missions! Thank You for the Word The Truth! I listened to Your great grandfather preach in 1963 or 64. I’m 67 at First United Pentecostal Church of Jackson, MS. I would have been 8 or 9 maybe 10! Bro Thomas L Craft was the Pastor!

  • @Keepitoriginalministry
    @Keepitoriginalministry 29 дней назад

    I will love to have a discussion with you on the tithe. But i know that you will not. Its easy to kill the tithe lie.

  • @sd5269
    @sd5269 2 года назад +1

    If we teach we also receive tithes via Melchisedek(Heb 7), then we become a type of Jesus. This is why we are taught we are tithing to Jesus when we tithe to our Pastor....yikes!
    Others have taught that the saints are the NT equivalent to the OT, 11 tribes and the Pastors are the NT equivalent of the OT Levites....yikes!
    Which one is it these days?

  • @paxchola3414
    @paxchola3414 2 года назад +1

    Very very true pastor

  • @sd5269
    @sd5269 Год назад

    I see what is going on in the Spirit now.
    God saves us all as equals and at some point separates us as Levites (ministry)and the 11 tribes (laity)to tithe to our Levite brethren.
    Except that Jesus messed it all up with being from Judah, eliminating the Levitical priesthood.
    We need to create a better explanation.

    • @eballerproductions3022
      @eballerproductions3022 8 месяцев назад

      Jesus is a priest. Order of Melchizadek

    • @sd5269
      @sd5269 8 месяцев назад

      @@eballerproductions3022 yes, so only Jesus can receive tithes, not human proxies of Melchizedek.

  • Год назад +2

    30:30 when Abraham tithe, it was AFTER receiving blessing, he then GAVE tithe. Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to give in order to be blessed. These are false teachings.

    • @TheBiblosNetwork
      @TheBiblosNetwork  Год назад +1

      This is exactly what we teach. We tithe after God blesses us and we give it from our own freewill.

    • Год назад

      Amen brother.

    • @rm8281
      @rm8281 Год назад +3

      @@TheBiblosNetwork No, you teach that God will curse you and you are a robber if you don't tithe. Hardly a freewill offering as Paul described in 2 Cor 9.

    • @kevinconnelly6075
      @kevinconnelly6075 Год назад

      @@rm8281 All scripture is obeyed by free will. Transgression will still result in death and hell in disobeying any commandment. All sin results in death, even though we freely obey from our hearts. This includes tithing. I'm surprised you don't know this.

    • @rm8281
      @rm8281 Год назад +2

      @@kevinconnelly6075 My argument is that tithing is not a commandment in the NT church. They use Malachi 3 to scare people into giving. I gladly give to my church as Paul explains. I don't need a gun to my head.

  • @Keepitoriginalministry
    @Keepitoriginalministry 29 дней назад

    Is it a principle or is it a commandment? You can't have a both. You are a liar. So which is it?? A PRINCIPLE OR A COMMAND BECAUSE WE WILL BE CURSED? 😂 LET'S TALK

  • Год назад

    Reading your Bible is the only way you will understand. Not anyone’s point of view

  • Год назад

    Tithing is not just money. Its also time and works.

    • @michaelmerck7576
      @michaelmerck7576 Год назад +2

      It is none of these. Biblical tithing was about food for the levites and nowhere is money ever been accepted As a tithe

    • @endtimesareuponus8930
      @endtimesareuponus8930 Год назад

      Do you obey Matthew 25:35-40 wholeheartedly?
      I guess not.
      Jesus is still hungry in the Third World.

    • Год назад

      @@endtimesareuponus8930 so are people here.

  • @hargisP2
    @hargisP2 5 месяцев назад

    Ignorance is not a bad word to use. ignorant /ĭg′nər-ənt/
    Lacking education or knowledge.
    Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge.
    "an ignorant mistake."
    Unaware or uninformed.
    "was ignorant of the drug's harmful effects."