No not really. When you consider his name isn't a reference to sonic in the auditory sense, but supersonic due to his speed, it doesn't really appear that surprising. Considering supersonic implies moving faster than the speed of sound, it would be strange for a game to toy with a sensation the main character probably experiences very sparsely.
Kylirr I mean Power Boosting Aliens and Arabic Genies aren’t what I’d consider the “natural” for the series either, and they’ve covered both extensively
Could be an interesting new direction for the series. No one would have guessed that a vaccum or a power washer would be such welcome additions to the Mario franchise but Luigi's Mansion and Mario Sunshine are solid games in IMHO. Could be neat.
I'm honestly surprised SEGA hasn't tried a rhythm game, especially considering that Sonic games are constantly praised for their godlike soundtracks. They even already have an engine in the Hatsune Miku Project Diva games.
This is what you hear in the bad ending where you fail to get the Chaos and Master Emeralds back, and their combined powers prove to be far more destructive than anticipated, destroying the entire planet and leaving Eggman the sole surviving non robotocized organic life form, simply waiting out his death aboard the space station that brought his own demise.
@Owen Wieseler T A K E T H A T L I B T A R D
The joke is that Sonic games had generally good mus- Wait. This isn't SilvaGunner.
Since I watched a SiIvaGunner video right before this one your comment gave me pause.
I just have a group of youtubers that all make similar things including silva gunna, kris kronos, and big prup
My version :)видео.html
Omg..¿silvagunner?....¿whats this rabithole?...guess i'm on for the ride
Wish we still had Gilva…
Damn you missed the opportunity to name it Resonic & Knuckles
Yeah, but it's a Sonic game, so he had to stick on to what it basicly is
I honestly love anything mixed with Resonance. This is perfect
Regular Show, I see you are cultured 😎
How come you guys keep calling Dr. Robotnik an egg man?
Because he looks like an egg
He's more like a beach ball
@@ChrisKogos man goes from beach ball to egg, how do he do it
Cause I said so
Chris Kogos can you just make a Spotify account as an artist so I can always have your music handy?
Loving your work. Much more than just a meme. Keep it up
A flawless masterwork, this is. Listen to this as a substitute for the ketamine, I will.
sout park
The vid at normal speed is Act 1 music, putting it at x2 is Act 2.
Is it possible to learn this power?
X2 sounds horrible, X1.5 sounds much more like a sonic level
X2 feels more like speed shoes 8)
1x 90s Vaporwave
1.5x Chip-house
2x Happy Hardcore
I think 1.25 speed sounds like a sonic act
This is like an intro for a graphic adventure game
Monkey island but it's the future
Don’t you think it’s weird that for a series named Sonic, they don’t ever seem to play with the idea of sound that much in the games?
No not really. When you consider his name isn't a reference to sonic in the auditory sense, but supersonic due to his speed, it doesn't really appear that surprising.
Considering supersonic implies moving faster than the speed of sound, it would be strange for a game to toy with a sensation the main character probably experiences very sparsely.
Kylirr I mean Power Boosting Aliens and Arabic Genies aren’t what I’d consider the “natural” for the series either, and they’ve covered both extensively
Could be an interesting new direction for the series. No one would have guessed that a vaccum or a power washer would be such welcome additions to the Mario franchise but Luigi's Mansion and Mario Sunshine are solid games in IMHO. Could be neat.
@@1Pidds You got me there.
I'm honestly surprised SEGA hasn't tried a rhythm game, especially considering that Sonic games are constantly praised for their godlike soundtracks. They even already have an engine in the Hatsune Miku Project Diva games.
Chris, it's 4am on the East Coast. How am I supposed to enjoy your quality content if I'm asleep right now?
If you're asleep how are you commenting??
but it's saturday night kiddo
Bruh for me it's 9 am Sunday
@@marianolaguzzi R\wOoOoSh
@@ChrisKogos a'ight, fair point
The dislikes are from eggman’s many alternate accounts
Who tf is Eggman
Chris Kogos the guy who pissed on the moon
Chris Kogos dr robotnick
@@ChrisKogos did you delete my comment wtf
Ok, it’s official now, as long as it’s YOUR remix of resonance then you can do some funky dimension hopin’
So many likes o-O
I'm crying right now, sega is my first console.
wtf with this nostalgic feeling hurting my heart :'(
Preorder the Sega genesis mini then.
sega is a company brand, not a console.
you probably meant megadrive or uh *burp* genesis
Robotnik was listening to “We’re Finally Landing” when the death egg crashed
Is this canon or just a thing fans like to believe?
This make my faith in humanity come back
~some dark souls fan
This is actually the first song that came into my recommended during Quarantine
2:13 nice, thanks for this masterpiece Chris
I am unironically loving this. Great job!
Midnight Club pls
He fucking did it
Mad man himself, this was a blast to listen to
Nice work dude
Blast Processing
Why did the RUclips algorithm preempt me from seeing this masterpiece until now?
I REALLY love that Death Egg Act 2 background visual.
I can imagine Sonic slowly walking, smiling with his eyes closed on his way to stop Eggman.
*Dr. Robotnik
Chris Kogos Either way, it works.
@@ChrisKogos *if you were in north america to begin with
@@ChrisKogos ok Mr eroupe
@@gambrytube ok but he was still called robotnik in america on the mega drive
Home should just give you the rights to resonance at this point dude, you're showing it so much love
now THIS is something that *nintendon't.*
This sounds heavily similar to the actual Resonance track.
I love this song in any way shape of form, and i'm glad to see it's still alive and kicking.
Anything with resonance by you is beautiful
I love that album cover. I also love the sound of this one, the genesis had such an amazing sounding sound chip. Great work man.
This isn't even a meme it's just amazing music.
When I saw the notification of sonic X resonance I clicked on it faster than the light's speed. Bro what have u done?! That's awesome
Actually so damn good. I've loved Genesis Sonic's soundfont ever since I first heard it. Keep that good shit coming, man
This is my life mood: eating ice cream this late at night while listening to this.
oh so this is how sonic speed simulator sonic and knuckles trail was made
A R C A D E 🕹️
I need more of this. This is alone deserves its own game.
I never knew how perfect this song could sound until this came around. This is absolutely phenomenal.
please do more genesis remixes of home songs
Knowledge acquired:
Chris Kogos only acknowledges the name Robotnik, "Eggman" is shunned.
You do literally anything to Resonance and I will love it. Thank you.
I can still hear K R A B S O S A N C E
1:32 I love the one instrument used in this part 😌
Dr. Robotnic only used his space ship to get closer to the music.
That’s how good it is.
I hope you won't stop making Resonance videos. Perfect, as always.
That's some high quality art
This is a genuine bop my guy
Yes! Amazing.
No joke, this is better than the original! Profound talent my young lad!
I also really like soundfonts please do more stuff like this. I'd especially love more things out there with Kirby soundfonts since they're so unique.
This is my beep-beep-boop-boop jam.
Depression cured
Y O U ' R E T O O S L O W
Knuckles and Sonic are cool together. Just going back to earth.
all sonic music slaps, so it makes sense that music in that soundstyle would slap
this mad man! he's done it!
I love whenever my generation shows S&K the love while SEGA seems to rather it be buried. But we all remember and will never forget its greatness.
I bloody love your channel man.
This is what you hear in the bad ending where you fail to get the Chaos and Master Emeralds back, and their combined powers prove to be far more destructive than anticipated, destroying the entire planet and leaving Eggman the sole surviving non robotocized organic life form, simply waiting out his death aboard the space station that brought his own demise.
holy shit that's deep
Im glad i woke up to this
This works so well
I love it
Resonance in all its forms is so great
I've waited my whole life for this moment
It's one of the first time the RUclips recommendation give something I want
This Sounds like a legit sonic track if you put the speed at 1.75. great job chris!
I reckon 1.6x is the best for that.
MonkeyMan1242 but there is no 1.6x. Or is that a thing that’s the computer version of youtube and not on mobile?
@@gabeg.5329 Yes, on the desktop version you can set a custom playback speed in 0.05% intervals. Seems you can't do that on mobile.
MonkeyMan1242 alright then. Thanks for letting me know.
Channel Arcane 1.5 personally does it for me
My boy
We also really like soundfonts keep it up!
How is this channeld havent reach 1million subs?
Its so good!
Thank you so much for this 🥺
This is a masterpiece
Wonderful job.
wtf this isn't getting any views. like this legit slaps
Gotta say, I love this. Thanks mate
My favorite song with a good game :)
This Is some fresh synthwave
this goes even more hard bruh
promise me you wont cry
i promise
* this oddly nostalgic song plays *
i wont cry
Ahhhh, Resonance remixes never get old
liked it
The stars are moving
The speedrunning history of Sonic & Knuckles.
This is like a straight up song
This is an instant banger
Epic soundfont cover dawg.
this looks and sounds amazing
Lets gooooooooooooooooooooooo
Good sunday morning stuff.
Made one of my favorite songs ever better thanks dude
Next up, decay
1.25x hits the spot
I think Sammy Classic Sonic Fan would approve this
2x nostalgia
Honestly, I feel like this is more at home in the original Deus Ex... It gives me some serious Honk Kong vibes
Why is this so good?
I can now sleep happy thanks Chris
2:13 go get him sonic!
Its been two years, when's act two droppin'?
oh i can bump to this