DIEGO FUSARO: Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Resistenza e resa, la teologia senza Dio

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 6

  • @enzolionetti6872
    @enzolionetti6872 Год назад +1

    Bonhoeffer è un teologo che non deve mai mancare nelle nostre letture; la sua testimonianza è un invito di verità cristiana in un'epoca di piena apostasia; non un cristianesimo che mira a "conoscere" Dio, ma a viverlo. Non una fede teorica, ma un sì a Dio che mette insieme realtà ultime e penultime. Già Barth aveva sottolineato che soltanto attraverso l'insignificanza è possibile trovare la significanza. Un grazie particolare per aver dato spazio ad uno di quegli eroi dell'essere che E. Fromm, in maniera del tutto originale, contrappone a quell'innumerevole schiara di eroi dell'avere che riempiono le pagine dei nostri media. Un caro saluto.

  • @andrearodigari4840
    @andrearodigari4840 Год назад

    Ecco perchè questa chiesa mi ha deluso.
    Dichiarare "un'atto d'amore" una violazione mai vista del diritto all'autodeterminazione.

  • @federicoalessandrocoacciol6077

    No, grazie, mi tengo Dio nella religione (cattolica).

  • @mgholmen
    @mgholmen Год назад

    Luther has been painted so often and so thoroughly as a proto-Nazi sympathizer that there is hardly any hope of clearing his name. Luther was more revolutionary than Bonhoeffer not less. Luther allowed Christ's statement to stand: "Render unto Caesar's that which is Caesar's; render unto God that which is God's." Luther, indeed, allowed the princes to reign, just as Christ let Caesar reign. But Luther was heroic in using his mouth, that is to say, the Gospel. He was fearless in denouncing both the greedy landowners and the disobedient peasants. Political and economic revolutions that would alter the way people of different classes relate to one another was, indeed, impossible for Luther to imagine. You cannot fault him for not being Karl Marx. But he was free with his speech. Bonhoeffer would have been more like Luther if he had openly denounced Nazism instead of plotting behind the scenes for an assassination. We easily forget how dangerous it was for Luther to denounce the pope, the councils, and the princes of his day. These forces would have just as gladly killed Luther as the Nazi regime killed Bonhoeffer. Writing Luther off as a stooge of the landed classes is lazy and prevents one from seeing how free, how revolutionary, Luther was.

    • @SerGio-go2xs
      @SerGio-go2xs Год назад

      Questa che manifesti è solo la tua opinione...ma hai mostrato piuttosto chiaramente la visione reazionaria dei rapporti tra le classi sociali che era propria di l'utero.

    • @mgholmen
      @mgholmen Год назад

      @@SerGio-go2xs Luther is reactionary. Luther is revolutionary. In his "Freedom of a Christian" his thesis is two-fold: "A Christian is lord of all, completely free of everything. A Christian is a servant, completely attentive to the needs of all."
      If, through unbelief, the first part of this two-fold thesis is rejected, then the servile nature of Christianity is truly pathetic.
      Paul already understood this: "If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is pointless, and your faith is pointless too... If our hope in Christ applies only to this life, we are the most pitiful people of all." (1 Cor. 15:14, 19)