Should race be the centre of EVERYTHING?

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @amadeuz819
    @amadeuz819 6 месяцев назад +5

    The color of your skin does not make you the person you are, but culture does so I think skin color makes people assume they are from a certain culture and thus be a certain type of person. It's the shortcuts our brains create to make our lives easier(yes go watch a video how our brain loves to create shortcuts even if they can be faulty).

  • @BenjaminVestergaard
    @BenjaminVestergaard 6 месяцев назад +1

    Preach Chico Preach! We shouldn't go colourblind, and we should keep respecting cultures and customs.
    You do a great job bro, we don't need no one to advertise separation.

  • @That_kind_of_orc
    @That_kind_of_orc 6 месяцев назад +2

    I have a work colleague he's black and he's very good person I don't define person by their skin color but culture is a what makes a big difference and all cultures don't fit everywhere unfortunately

    • @bdmenne
      @bdmenne 6 месяцев назад +1

      He’s one person. Invite 10,000 more of him and you suddenly would feel less comfortable.

  • @TimoZ
    @TimoZ 6 месяцев назад

    Here I am thinking of watching video about motorsport racing.

  • @pahis1248
    @pahis1248 6 месяцев назад

    clear head analysis. Thank You / Kiitos

  • @WitchDoctor87
    @WitchDoctor87 2 месяца назад

    As someone from the US and has an East indian wife. The race topic for me plays a role because my wife and I are looking for a safe place. I think you have an immunity you might have in your job. My wife is seeking a teaching position, and I would never want to move to a place where she is not welcomed. As a pod caster or RUclips content creator, you won't feel the same pain as a teacher working with the general public. I'm starting to think Finland isn't for us. Racism is not something I want to risk her or my children to experience.

  • @nipaimmonen1244
    @nipaimmonen1244 6 месяцев назад

    the fact that you have so much grounded and reasonable views. That is refreshing to hear in modern day. Tho i would like more other than political content form your yt channel.

  • @kehtux
    @kehtux 6 месяцев назад

    I truly trust your opinion on racism coming from South-Africa more than the rising American "racism".

    • @bdmenne
      @bdmenne 6 месяцев назад

      It’s all the same. SA and America. Marxist empowered the outsider populations of Blacks to rise up and destroy Whiteness. You are just another scapegoating person.

  • @soomad
    @soomad 6 месяцев назад

    Skin color obviously is an evolutionary trait that has implications. But as a cultural concept - blaah. I personally don't care. It's funny because I'm neutral about skin color and sometimes I say things that if I said to someone of the same skin color, wouldn't make a difference but if I say the same things to someone with a darker skin in Finland, other "white" people see it as problematic. I've had friends with different skin shades and cultural heritage all throughout my life and sometimes it feels that people who have not, tend to make it a bigger issue than I would ever consider.

  • @Beorninki
    @Beorninki 6 месяцев назад

    For me personally, skin color or race doesn't matter. A person takes care of his business or not, is nice or a jerk, reliable or unreliable, regardless of the color of his skin. I do understand that in Finland, for example, gypsies have been treated very racist for a long time, and when those who fight against this racism that is still alive there is a need to talk about it and fight against racists. And if necessary, you have to hold your ground, use a loud voice and show your anger. I also know that in Finland, for example, black people face racists and racism is partly structural. In my grandmother's geography textbook from the 1920s, black people are written in a very racist way. This teaching, although discontinued long ago like my grandma's textbook, is still ingrained in our culture, ever-diminishing, but still there. So I understand that there is still work to be done. However, it sometimes feels bad that because I'm a white middle-aged man and even still, damn it, happy with my gender, I sometimes face offensive attitudes from groups of people who have been targeted by racism or sexual orientation. This is a small grief compared to what, for example, the Gypsies are still experiencing, but somehow I would hope that there would not be more confrontation from those who have already faced oppression. A very prejudiced orientation, even if it is understandable, might drive away someone for whom a relaxed encounter with a person with a slightly different appearance or culture would be very necessary. In Finland, there is still work to be done in eradicating prejudices, but I doubt that here a more relaxed approach to things would advance the matter better than the aggressive attitude adopted elsewhere and which is very necessary there. In the same way, the forest (echo) answers how you shout, says an old proverb.

  • @DanielSmith-x5v
    @DanielSmith-x5v 6 месяцев назад

    I agree with everything you said. I always love how you look at multiple ends of an argument in these videos. No one should ever be treated differently because of who we are, where we are from or what we look like. Humans are literally genetically 100% identical, 1 species. One group of people aren’t naturally richer or poorer, more egressive or not etc. Race is just a social construct meant to hinder people. The one and only thing I would consider about different people is ethnicity. Ethnicity is not a big deal and only involves fairly subtle differences but it is a beautiful thing. While I fully support more immigrants to Finland from everywhere I do believe different regions should maintain a majority of people of ethnic origin in Africa, South Asia, Latin America as well as parts of Europe. Natives are no better or worse as people and should have no more opportunity than others. Regardless In this world We simply have regional differences that we should celebrate. everywhere whether that be the beautiful long eyelashes developed by people of the Middle East to acclimate to desert conditions, or red hair seen in Western Europe due to a certain protein or the rich deep and varying skin tones seen throughout Africa to acclimate to the intense sun. We are all beautiful and I think while we should have representation of all people from everywhere in international borders especially hard working and caring people like you we also should maintain our regional ethnicities to some degree instead of fully adopting the ideology that these beautiful parts of us truly don’t matter and we should all just disperse. Thanks for this video hopefully this will help people veer away from the terrors of racism. You are a true fin.

    • @bdmenne
      @bdmenne 6 месяцев назад

      You are definitely not a geneticist saying we are 100% identical. If two native Finns had a child that needed an organ donor, many in Finland could have a compatible DNA match so the organ isn’t rejected.
      If you take a Native Finn and have them mix with a sub-Saharan, NEITHER will mom or Dad be able to provide a medical match, nor will any Finn or even any Sub-Saharan be able to provide an organ to save the mix child’s life.
      You probably don’t think Red Fox should crowd out Arctic Fox habitats, even if they can breed because you probably value true diversity.
      Mixing up all of humanity creates conflict and destroys diversity.
      Yes I heard you say you are for preservation of parts of all different ethnicities/races to a small region, but at this point All non-Whites from around the globe are entering White Western nations at completely lopsided ratios.
      If you are for diversity of humanity/cultures than you will support Cultures and their people remain where they have been planted.

    • @ChicoMuya
      @ChicoMuya  6 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your kind words 🙏🏾

  • @amadeuz819
    @amadeuz819 6 месяцев назад +1

    Before watching I say yes race do matter depending on what spot on the planet you chose to live at, like evolution has done its job. Today's technology does make it easier for those "living in the wrong spot" but I still think I would suffer more living in some warmer country than a cold one, could be that I just mix it with what I am used to live in but still evolution has been working for many years so cant neglect that work.
    I assume you will speak more about the "feelings" side(whatever its called).

    • @bdmenne
      @bdmenne 6 месяцев назад

      Agreed. Biology matters. Black skin can only receive Vitamin D from the Sun in the Tropics, which covers Africa completely.
      Pale skin can synthesize D from dimmer Sun rays. Not good or bad. Just different.
      We don’t think it smart to mix up all the flora and fauna around the planet into each other’s ecosystems. We have learned how destructive invasive species/subspecies have been on previous isolated native species.

  • @juholaitakari1305
    @juholaitakari1305 6 месяцев назад +1

    Half a million not half of the population.

  • @dannyvario4776
    @dannyvario4776 6 месяцев назад

    People like it when you talk about these issues because we whyte Finns are so frustrated and we can't speak those things out loud without being attacked harhsly. Being a minority in Finland, you are justified to say whatever you want but a Finn would be labelled very ray . cist and would get cancelled if he said "I love my scin kolor and I'm proud being whyte". Obviously it's not your fault, and don't get me wrong Chico, but you do have black/minority privilege in that sense, and more freedom of speech than the natives, although you also get hate and criticism when pointing these issues as you mentioned. Natives are treated as 2nd class citizens and sometimes it's by law. At the same time, there is not one single law, that dis . kriminates minorities (as it should be ofc but this shouldn't be just a one way street). The media and the political left patronize and victimize immigrants too much. They don't think an immigrant could be treated the SAME as a Finn.
    We have systemic, institutional ray . cism and dis. krimination in Finland but only against the whyte natives though. Affirmative action to be precise. I do realise that it's easier to get a job as a Finn but it has nothing to do with color but Finnish language skills. Also, an employer would be labelled a ray . cist if there is any kind of trouble in the workplace, not to mention how difficult it would be to fire an immigrant vs. a FInn. It's not worth the risk to hire. Immigrants like yourself are more than welcome to come and contribute and bring diversity (not just for diversity's sake) and his own culture, opinions etc. As long as immigrants support themselves by not committing crimes, they are appreciated and welcomed. EVERY country has a handful of ray . cists and idiots ofc, that I'm not denying.
    There has been a terr . attack, numerous gang . grapes etc. There has been only ONE ray . cist murdr in Finland, according to police, and the victim was a whyte Finn and the perpetrator was a Roma. Nevertheless the media constantly blames the native whyte Finns and calls them ray . cist. no one is worried about the real ray . cism, anti whyteism. Who are the ones being tormented in schoolyards every single day? Black or whytes .... It's quite clear. But in the media, the baddies are always the Finns, and only Finns, and they are discouraged to speak out, but YOU have that power and chance b/c you're black and immigrant as you may have noticed.
    I appreciate your work and I'm thankful that you speak about these issues, when others are silenced/cancelled and other immigrants blame ray . cism even if there isn't. I hope you don't get hate or cancellation when speaking about these touchy issues, it's also not easy for you. You haven't jump on that blame game bandwagon even though it would be easy to do so and it's even encouraged by the media and other institutions. Keep up the great work and stay positive! We love it when a foreigner really wants to know about our small irrelevant country and is interested in our way of living! We need more based, funny dudes like you and less polarisation. It's 2024 for heavens sake, no normal person think skin tone matters. It's the personality and actions that counts, as you have underlined in many occasions. I wish you all the best man!
    Dis . kriminative hiring policy
    First ray . cist mrdr in Finland (h8 . krime):

    • @johannalehtonen9590
      @johannalehtonen9590 6 месяцев назад

      As a Finn I underwrite this pretty much all the way, though it's a bit exaggerated to say only natives are the victim of (institutional) racism in Finland... For example Russians are treated very poorly at the time by our gov (which are nothing more than NATO dogs nowadays).