Yesterday, i watched this one criminal to orange intensely begging let him go. Respectful Judge Simpson to asked him when he'll be released. He was crying and the guards could not get him to leave. He was mentally ill. I don't know the reason he was indefinitely detained. He said,"W I be in here forever? And was begging . He did have another date to see Judge Simpson. After her left, we all watch the Judge smile and broadly smile along with the two females laughing about him. Obviously, the judge was kind and knew him well. Mental illness , so sad to witness the three of the smirking smiling thinking itvwas funny. Disturbing.
Super thanks are enabled, but not required. This channel does not do memberships currently. I'm just a hobbyist. The biggest contribution is sharing, liking, subscribing, and commenting. In essence, you've already done most of it, if not all of it. :P
A .312 BAC?!?!?! How is she even alive? That's not 6 beers, that's a handle of whiskey.
Thanks Wolfie
It’s hard to keep track with so many in different places
Yesterday, i watched this one criminal to orange intensely begging let him go. Respectful Judge Simpson to asked him when he'll be released. He was crying and the guards could not get him to leave. He was mentally ill. I don't know the reason he was indefinitely detained. He said,"W I be in here forever? And was begging . He did have another date to see Judge Simpson. After her left, we all watch the Judge smile and broadly smile along with the two females laughing about him. Obviously, the judge was kind and knew him well. Mental illness , so sad to witness the three of the smirking smiling thinking itvwas funny. Disturbing.
It sounds disturbing the way you described it. It sounds cruel.
How do I join or donate? Better to use twitter acct? Lmk
Super thanks are enabled, but not required. This channel does not do memberships currently. I'm just a hobbyist. The biggest contribution is sharing, liking, subscribing, and commenting. In essence, you've already done most of it, if not all of it. :P