r/EntitledParents MY MOTHER THREW A TANTRUM! - Reddit Stories

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024

Комментарии • 36

  • @RunnyBabbitMom
    @RunnyBabbitMom Год назад +21

    Those people who gatekeep the motor scooters make me so mad, you have to be double amputee or geriatric before they think you can use one. I sprained both ankles, on my way home from the e.r I stopped at Walmart and a woman said two sprained ankles the size of grapefruits wasn't a disability so I had no right to use a scooter.

    • @Aedi_H._Dee
      @Aedi_H._Dee Год назад +2

      I felt so ready to throw hands with the entitled mother in that first story, oh my gob

    • @crazygoose8939
      @crazygoose8939 Год назад +2

      I remember when I worked as a caregiver for my elderly boss and when his own personal scooter broke down, I’d have to drive the store scooter to the car for him and back (and it was a struggle to even get him into the car and out) and the looks id get always get made me scared and feel guilty, but yeah it’s like don’t judge because you never know why people are on these scooters.

    • @blitzwolfmon8297
      @blitzwolfmon8297 Год назад

      This is why when I see folks using the scooters I just shrug my shoulders and think 'Oh well not my business why they are using the scooter.'

  • @nikki9125
    @nikki9125 Год назад +3

    Story 1: did no one else notice that the only reason OP was in that situation was because her mother didn’t want to pause her show to go to the store? OP should not have been allowed to walk to & from work 2 weeks post surgery. I had a hysterectomy four years ago, without any complications & was instructed by my doctor not to do any lifting, bending, & start taking short walks four weeks post surgery.

  • @marielsea2292
    @marielsea2292 Год назад +5

    People like the Mother in the first story are the reason I hated using my accommodations at school and avoided it whenever I could, I'm disabled but I don't "look" disabled! I ended up getting hurt a lot as a result.

  • @FluffieXStarshine
    @FluffieXStarshine Год назад

    The first story is why I'm glad grocery delivery is a thing. Been using services like peapod since the 90s.

  • @Mina_chan223
    @Mina_chan223 Год назад +3

    I'm 33 and had a myoectomy a month ago, which is surgically removal of a fibroid, and I had a huge one that took up most of my uterus. The surgery is akin to a c-section minus a baby. I couldve gotten a hysterectomy since I never wanted bio kids, but I dont want to deal with hormonal problems for the rest of my life. For 2 weeks I couldn't get around much without help nor was I allowed to drive.
    A little over a week ago I could finally drive again, albeit with a plushie on my stomach between me and the seatbelt. I walked maybe 3 minutes in the store before I started feeling pain and a little dizzy. An employee suggested I use one of the motor carts, and I realized "Why didn't I think of that?!" 😅
    So for my next 3 visits to a store, I used the cart and it was definitely weird and made me feel awkward. But anyone who asked, I just said I had surgery recently and they'd give a variation of "oh you poor thing, feel better" and I went on my way. No Karen/Chad issues yet.
    I understand how OP feels, minus the leg problems, and I hope this experience doesn't put her off using a motor cart if, heaven forbid, she ever needs one in the future. Hope that Karen gets what she deserves...

  • @Nozubozu
    @Nozubozu Год назад +1

    Man, that first story is why I'm way too terrified to use those motor-scooters while out shopping. I'm extremely disabled (I'm not even allowed to legally drive anymore thanks to my heart condition) but I don't outwardly "look" disabled and I'm always scared of a Karen coming at me if I dared to use one. I don't even feel comfortable going out with my mom with my disability placard for the same reason. It hasn't happened yet, mostly because my mom is older so I assume they think the placard is for her, but I'm absolutely terrified that one day I'll be approached/reprimanded for "not looking disabled" enough to use a handicapped space 😔

  • @DezziWezzi
    @DezziWezzi Год назад

    Are we just not going to talk about how, in story 1, OP's mother was annoyed at having to pause her show because or some "petty drama", even though she was assaulted and popped a stitch? Especially after being told WALK to the store only TWO WEEKS after having an organ removed AND working full shifts while having BRITTLE BONES?! there were TWO entitled mothers in that story.

  • @kellybrown2472
    @kellybrown2472 Год назад +1

    The depressed man needs to contact a suicide hot line and be honest about his total environment and mental health. They can help him leave his current situation and get him free help.

  • @visala4495
    @visala4495 Год назад

    Oh god, the first story. I had knee surgery and felt awkward about using handicapped PARKING even though I literally felt like I was dragging a limb with a firepoker ran through

  • @Dragonmaster0118
    @Dragonmaster0118 Год назад

    I'm 37, but I look a lot younger and I broke my hip a couple years ago on top of my whole left side being screwed up because a massive brain tumor almost killed me thankfully the few times I've needed to use the mobility aid carts I wasn't harassed

  • @lizzzz711
    @lizzzz711 Год назад

    i have lupus which is an invisible disability and use my disability sticker to park on my really bad days, im only in my 20's and people always look at me weird even though im in immense pain and struggling to even stand at some moments

  • @BridgetKF
    @BridgetKF Год назад

    That first reminds me of when I was recovering from back surgery and couldn't walk well. I'm heavy, genetic disorders don't judge, and while I prefer walking, I could barely stand for 10 minutes much less walk after the surgery. So after hobbling with my cane into the store, I used the power-scooter.
    Now I HATE those things. They're too slow, they're bulky, and the seats are SO not comfortable, but it's better than my legs buckling beneath me. But it's not like I had a choice.
    Not only did this absolute b..... of a karen follow me around screaming at me that I was just being "fat and lazy", but even went so far as to try to drag me out of the cart, then screamed like I was killing her when I grabbed my cane and threatened to hit her with it if she didn't let go of me.
    Long story short, managers, and cops, got called, I admitted freely I threatened to hit her with my cane if she didn't let go of me because she was trying to drag me out of the cart, woman was actually moronic enough to say "I was trying to drag her out because SHE doesn't need it, she's fat and needs to walk, and she got arrested. Yes I pressed charges.
    She got banned from the store because apparently this was NOT the first time she'd physically grabbed people using the power-carts, yanked on them to try to pull them out of their seats, and accused them of "joyriding".

  • @charliejohnson1844
    @charliejohnson1844 Год назад

    Story 2, sweep up the cigarette butts and put them in her bed. Take the entitled mothers plates and spoons, forks, and knives and put them in fee bed as well. That is how I broke one of my roommates back in the 70’s to pick up his crap.

  • @Anuyushi
    @Anuyushi Год назад +1

    Oh my gosh that's my story

  • @mjwatson8686
    @mjwatson8686 Год назад +3

    Omgerrrrdddd 😂 I can't stand people 🤬 🥴😂🤦‍♀️ who tf do they think they are??? For real 😢

  • @oxford14
    @oxford14 Год назад

    "You would do it for your own kind" was the only racist remark.

  • @dorothylloyd1804
    @dorothylloyd1804 Год назад

    Thanks Steven. Have a good evening

    • @G-y_m
      @G-y_m Год назад +1

      Thanks for listening and liking and subscribing

  • @G-y_m
    @G-y_m Год назад +2

    Sad the upload schedule changed again

  • @suzyboyleanderson6945
    @suzyboyleanderson6945 Год назад

    I can't stand people who try and yank people off of the scouters cause they can't mind his or her own business. It's not their jobs to police the scouters in the store

    • @blitzwolfmon8297
      @blitzwolfmon8297 Год назад

      Same here. Is it really that hard for folks to butt out and mind their own business, friend?

  • @MariahLS666
    @MariahLS666 Год назад +1

  • @L0rdVen0m
    @L0rdVen0m Год назад


  • @Candyme60
    @Candyme60 Год назад +1

    Way too much explaining. .

  • @davidbirkett4636
    @davidbirkett4636 Год назад


    • @G-y_m
      @G-y_m Год назад +1

      Cool story bro

  • @davidscott1340
    @davidscott1340 Год назад

    Story 1 the cops weren't called. Why even waste your time reading that story? I can't even finish the video if you just waste time with fake stories.

    • @Anuyushi
      @Anuyushi Год назад +2

      Hi, I wrote that story. We didn't call the cops because I just wanted to go home. I just got off work and was injured, I wanted to rest, not deal with police reports.
      And two, only the employee saw her grab me, I didn't tell anyone else she had because I was still in shock. The employee is also a young adult and he probably didn't think the cops were needed if I wasn't demanding for them.
      Long story short, cops aren't needed for every situation, and I wanted to go home.

    • @FluffieXStarshine
      @FluffieXStarshine Год назад

      ​@@Anuyushi wow to go through that, and then have idiot comments because no cops were called... I'm sorry you had to deal with all the idiots

    • @blitzwolfmon8297
      @blitzwolfmon8297 Год назад

      @@Anuyushi That and I understand you just wanting to go home without trouble. You are also right about cops not being needed for everything.