Louis Vuitton High Rise Bumbag VS Mini Bumbag: Best Bag Is?! LV UNBOXINGS 😍

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 101

  • @robisiers4347
    @robisiers4347 Год назад +2

    It’s wonderful to see you happy. I love your message that our blessings are on the way. Thank you for the love you put forth on your channel and look forward to joining your new channel. ❤

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад +1

      That means so much! Thank you love! 🙏❤️❤️

  • @krystalhernandez5907
    @krystalhernandez5907 11 месяцев назад +1

    This video was beautiful ❤️ of course the luxury was nice! But the ending message was great. A much needed hear 🥰 Congratulations on your new home 🙏

  • @user-qb2sm6uj7w
    @user-qb2sm6uj7w Год назад +2

    Thanks for the update comparison. ❤my original bumbag and the mini bumbag 💕🩵

  • @stacybledsoe911
    @stacybledsoe911 Год назад +2

    So enjoy your videos please continue to make them as you begin this new journey in your life so excited for u and I love the luxury part too of course lol. U r a remarkable woman keep up the faith you are an inspiration to me and many others I’m sure 👍

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад +1

      That is so kind.. much appreciated hun 🙏🙏❤️

  • @Mary_305
    @Mary_305 Год назад +3

    Congratulations on your new home . Great content on the Bumbags and thanks for the inspirational message. 🥰

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      That means so much 💗 Thank you love 💗💗💗

  • @rosannapuleo9365
    @rosannapuleo9365 4 месяца назад +1

    Lovely words! We need more people like you in the world. Congrats on the house and I cant wait for baby!!!!! Sending love...

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  4 месяца назад

      @@rosannapuleo9365 that's so sweet to say. Thank you so much 🙏🙏❤️

  • @lv_lover3393
    @lv_lover3393 Год назад +2

    Lovely to see you back, that’s amazing that your going to adopt ❤ lovely unboxings and great comparisons ❤

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад +2

      Thank you love ❤️ & YES! We're so excited ☺️

  • @Shellylux
    @Shellylux Год назад +2

    Great comparison Meg. Thanks for sharing and HAPPY THANKS GIVING LOVES !!!

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Thank you love! I hope you enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble 🦃❤️❤️

  • @paulachaffin8846
    @paulachaffin8846 6 месяцев назад +1

    Just ordered the High Rise. Thank you for the information and inspiration. 💖

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  6 месяцев назад

      Oh yay!!! It's a gorgeous bag!! I enjoy the shiny hardware so much 😍😍
      Thanks for watching love ❤️

  • @americanpatriotgirl9863
    @americanpatriotgirl9863 Год назад +5

    I love my LV Mini Bumbag. It's such a great little bag! ❤

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад +1

      Me too!! Enjoy yours love 😍😍😍

  • @nbonn7896
    @nbonn7896 Год назад +1

    Congratulations on your new home!.
    I would love to see a closet tour!!!

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      I'll have to arrange that! ☺️💗💗 Thanks for watching love 💗💗💗

  • @cmills53
    @cmills53 Год назад +1

    Meg- you look beautiful and so happy! I’ve always carry more than what I need-thus probably why my back hurts! Ha I love the view from your new home and the designer wall! So happy for you about adopting! You’ll be a fantastic mom💕😊

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Thank you love! I appreciate you so much.. and so does Brownie! 😍❤️

  • @dionneedwards1196
    @dionneedwards1196 Год назад +3

    I'm so glad you made this ENCOURAGING video. I am fortunate enough to also both bags and I treasure both. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      We definitely have similar taste in bags 🥰 Enjoy yours love! & Happy Thanksgiving to you 🦃❤️❤️

  • @snow77707
    @snow77707 Год назад +2

    Hi Beautiful ❤❤ The bumbag is pretty, huge difference between the 2. Beautiful message. Glad to hear you're living @ the plc you always wanted🙏

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Thank you so much love.. sorry for the late reply! I always appreciate your kind heart so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @YosheaLux
    @YosheaLux Год назад +1

    Hello Meghan! Oh wow you moved!! That is sooo awesome. I'm loving the color o your hair. It suits you. That is so awesome that you and your hubby are going to adopt. How exciting.
    Your hat is very cute on you. Omg! Would love this bum bag. I tried it on and I love it. Both the bum bags look great! But the smaller one is my favorite. I so enjoyed watching and love your new background. So glad to see you again.

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Thanks love... I'm so happy with where I moved. It's literally a true "dream come true!" God gave me more than I could have hoped for. He's so so good 🙏
      Both bummies would look STUNNING on you! I'm excited that LV will be releasing a "empreinte" mini bummie. They'll have black and cream 😍 I'll probably go with the black bc it's beautiful and carefree 🥰
      I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Sending lots of love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @virginiadennehy9784
    @virginiadennehy9784 Год назад +3

    So glad to see you back..💜
    Congratulations on your dream home, Happy Thanksgiving
    Gods blessings always 💜🙏🏻💜

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Aww, thanks so much! I appreciate you taking the time to watch love ❤️

  • @VickyglamLifestyleGlam
    @VickyglamLifestyleGlam Год назад +1

    Congratulations on everything, that’s awesome!! To live in ur dream city is everything i bet. You look beautiful.!!

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      You're so sweet hun.. thank you ❤️ & yes, I am literally blown away by the home/ city God brought me to ❤️❤️❤️

  • @nlovewithhandbags1768
    @nlovewithhandbags1768 Год назад +1

    Great video!🎉 I have the mini bumbag and adore it!

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      We really do have similar taste love 😍🥰❤️❤️

  • @MariaGarcia-do3mf
    @MariaGarcia-do3mf Год назад +1

    Hi, it's nice to see you again. Congratulations on your dream home!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Thank you love ❤️ Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble 🦃❤️❤️

  • @LulaWestLuxe
    @LulaWestLuxe Год назад

    It’s so great to see you back with another video! Congrats on your new home and wishing you blessings in your journey ahead. ❤️

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Thank you so much hun 🥰 Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃❤️❤️

  • @Mouc_2021
    @Mouc_2021 Год назад +2

    Congratulations megan! Very happy for you. Good things happen to good people. So, as i told u before i got both of them few months ago thinking of keeping one and returning the other one. However, i ended up keeping both and dont regret it 😂. Like u i love the mini much more. Its super cute like a baby

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад +1

      Oh, I'm happy you kept both love 😍 They're both so amazing in different ways.. and YES, the mini bummie is adorable like a baby 👶 haha 🥰❤️

  • @eribM9443
    @eribM9443 9 месяцев назад +1

    God knew that i needed to finish this video, i was one of the ones who would respectfully leave after the luxury part. Now im so excited to find your other channel and get a perspective about spirituality ❤❤❤ amazing!

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  9 месяцев назад

      Thank you hun. I'm truly so excited to start my new channel.. it's definitely my calling. Nothing is more important than our peace/ happiness which is truly given by God and only God. He wants us happy always!
      Your comment means so much 🙏❤️❤️

  • @ideedeevg
    @ideedeevg 8 месяцев назад +1

    Girl you been around. I can’t pin point exactly when I first came across you but it was a long time ago 😂. You always have the bags I’m looking to get ❤

  • @YourYouTubeCoach.
    @YourYouTubeCoach. 10 месяцев назад +1

    Congrats on your new home and best of luck with your adoption! I'm really enjoying your videos while I do some research on these bags!

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  10 месяцев назад

      Aww, thank you so much 🙏❤️❤️

  • @lorigodby7117
    @lorigodby7117 Год назад +1

    Dear Megan wishing continued blessings for you/your family. My fav is High Rise. Will you do review Pochette Métis EastWest ? I cant tell you how your inspiration messages touch me. You! are a gift from G-od 🙏sincere thanks and hugs and love mentioning Brownie.

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Oh yes! My next vid will feature the pochette Metis east west.. that bag is just 🤩 I appreciate your words so much..& so does Brownie! ☺️❤️❤️

  • @americanpatriotgirl9863
    @americanpatriotgirl9863 Год назад +1

    I own both of those LV ball caps!!! Love them both ❤

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Me too love! I wore the denim cap a few days ago and enjoy it even more than I thought.. the quality is outstanding on LV hats 😍 Enjoy yours! 🥰🥰

  • @BrummyGirl37c
    @BrummyGirl37c Год назад +1

    Big love and respect to you both for considering adoption there is such a great need for loving homes. Merry Christmas ❤

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      That's so kind love.. we're very very VERY excited bc we know it's God's calling. I can't wait to see the little ones God brings to us! I want to do my best to give them an amazing life 🥰
      Merry Christmas love and thanks so much for watching! 🙏❤️❤️

  • @mekad7900
    @mekad7900 Год назад +1

    Welcome back!

  • @centralcoastgirl383
    @centralcoastgirl383 Год назад +2

    Looking forward to your new channel 🙏🏼

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      That means so much love.. thank you ❤️❤️

  • @Handbaglvoer
    @Handbaglvoer Год назад +1

    Can’t wait til they release the emprient black version of the mini bum bag. Im getting that one 😊

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад +1

      Omggggg.. me too! I'm too excited!! 😍😍😍😍

  • @gogogirlmandy5648
    @gogogirlmandy5648 Год назад +1

    I love my mini bum bag…my go too bag
    For sure. It just adds so much style
    To any outfit and is handy ❤️

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      I couldn't agree more love 😍 Enjoy yours! ❤️

  • @chereaholcomb2168
    @chereaholcomb2168 Год назад +2

    I love your take on luxury bag and I love to see what you purchased! The best part is your faith in God! God tells us to go forth and share his word! I love the fact that you do!

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      That means so much.. thank you love 🙏💗💗

  • @theturningstar
    @theturningstar Год назад +4

    Oh, how good to see you again! I love the mini one too, so so versatile yet classy. Yes, take joy in the blessings in our journey here, awesome message as always. Happy Thanksgiving xoxo Oh, please would your precious bunny consider a IG account?!

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад +1

      Thank you love ❤️ I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful 🦃 my bunny Brownie is actually already on Instagram. Haha! His IG name is "browniebunboy". He loves making new friends on there ☺️💙💙

  • @thegraylatte1638
    @thegraylatte1638 Год назад +1

    Hello Beautiful!! Love the hats, they both look so cute on you!! I love both bags & have the High Rise & the mini I ordered but haven't got it yet (they said 5-7 weeks, can't wait!!). Have you in my prayers, I know it will work out for the best!! Hugs & Happy Thanksgiving!! 🍂💞😘🙏

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Thank you beautiful! I enjoy both bags for different reasons.. I'm happy you got the mini bummie! You'll look so good with it! Thanks for watching love & I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 🦃❤️😍❤️

  • @LIN-wt8dk
    @LIN-wt8dk Год назад +1

    Hi! So I recently purchased the carry all in black empreinte leather, I absolutely love it and can’t seem to want to trade out of it!🤷‍♀ So now I think I want the Boulonge with the black leather trim….do you have any thoughts on this bag, have you seen in?

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      I'm actually considering the black carryall too hun 😍 I might be getting it soon!
      I honestly haven't tried the Boulogne on yet.. but I think it looks beautiful!
      I'll have to see if it's available at lv the next time I go to the boutique 😍
      If you're very drawn to it, I say "go for it!"
      Enjoy that beautiful carryall love! 😍😍

  • @toko_ribbon
    @toko_ribbon Год назад +2

    So happy to see a new upload! 💖💖💖 congratulations on the new home/move! 🎊 🎉Also LOVE the mini bum bag omg its soo unique and trendy! 😍I really needed to hear that inspirational message at the end. Went thru a major life setback past 2 months- keeping hope and faith has been the most challenging especially. 🥲Listening to what you mentioned, I’m completely guilty of holding so much anger because of the setback… going to reevaluate my reaction and hurt. It may be what takes the cosmic cog out and gets the gears going in the right direction.

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад +1

      Thank you hun! I honestly am still in complete "awe" by what God has done in my life. I also had to let go of anger caused by hurtful ppl.
      I've learned a LOT during times of hardship.. the biggest thing was : obedience leads to blessings 🙌 God wants to repay what the enemy has stolen. He watches EVERYTHING & loves us more than we could imagine. I've also learned the importance of forgiveness! I'll talk a lot about this on my other channel, but quick fact: forgiveness keeps the "torment" away. We gotta choose to have peace (happiness) instead of proving we're right. I've done this, and God has opened doors that I couldn't have imagined! Please know your angels are always working behind the scenes in your life. It's amazing how following God's instructions really does grant us true fulfillment and blessings. Thanks for watching love.. I appreciate you 🙏❤️❤️

  • @tashahartman38
    @tashahartman38 Год назад +1

    So nice to see you back Megan, glad you are doing well. Congratulations on your new home and also on deciding to adopt. That is so admirable and shows just how kind and considerate of a person you are. I really enjoyed your message today. We are all Gods children and he made us all different for different reasons. Love how you said we are not perfect and all we need to do is ask for forgiveness and he will understand 🙏🏾🙏🏾. I just love your channel and can’t wait for new uploads specific to this..❤❤ HappyThanksgiving 🦃🦃

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      I love your words so much.. thank you so much love..& Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃❤️

  • @MaykoYang
    @MaykoYang 3 месяца назад

    Thanks so much for your video, after watching your video, I did go try the High Rise. I did email you and would love your opinion on how it sits on me. Thanks so much for your video ❤
    Do you feel the pleating will hold up well for the High Rise?

  • @amberlee9892
    @amberlee9892 10 месяцев назад +1

    Yesss, that’s amazing you’re going to adopt! I am a county adoption social worker!

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  10 месяцев назад

      Thank you love! We're very excited! 🥰🥰

  • @renest.peters3979
    @renest.peters3979 8 месяцев назад +1

    could this bag be used with a different strap, like a leather darker color. I am so afraid of the light color straps due to stains and such

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  8 месяцев назад

      Oh yes! I think a darker colored strap would look beautiful. It's so great that the strap is detachable on this bag 😍
      You could always wear the vachetta strap on occasion and swap for a different one..I love changing the "look" that way 😍
      If you're interested, lv sells the black empreinte leather version..extremely carefree strap
      Please let me know if you decide to get one! 😍🥰😍

  • @kikilee9
    @kikilee9 Год назад +1

    Mini bum bag! It makes people look more put together 😊

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Agreed love! I can't wait for the release of the "empreinte leather" version! 😍😍

  • @JP-kl1mj
    @JP-kl1mj Год назад +1

    It's so nice to see your pretty face. Are you and your husband definitely adopting a baby? Congratulations on your new home ❤

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад +1

      Yes love ❤️ we've already begun the process.. I'm so excited! ☺️ Happy Thanksgiving hun! 🦃❤️

    • @JP-kl1mj
      @JP-kl1mj Год назад +1

      ​@lvluxdelight Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so happy for you! 💗

  • @bf9351
    @bf9351 Год назад +2

    Love both your bumbags but I love your faith in God the most. God is good!!!!!!!! And yes......more bunny please......🐰

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад +1

      Aww, thank you love ❤️ & my bunny (Brownie) said "yay! I can't wait!" ☺️

  • @jeanettenfreeland1408
    @jeanettenfreeland1408 Год назад +1

    I would pick the bigger one

  • @jess_luvs_lv
    @jess_luvs_lv Год назад +1

    God is wonderful😊 Can’t wait for your new channel🤗

  • @LIN-wt8dk
    @LIN-wt8dk Год назад +1

    Beautiful message……through Him, we are saved and what a feeling to know how much He loves us!

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Oh yes.. it's truly too amazing. We're so blessed 🙌🙏❤️

  • @phudang55
    @phudang55 6 месяцев назад +1

    Mini bum bag is cuter for me since i already have a lot bigger bags

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  6 месяцев назад

      Agreed!! It's my fav small LV bag 🤩🤩

  • @nellyvillanueva2601
    @nellyvillanueva2601 7 месяцев назад +1

    I’m so happy best news ever.. God’s plans are perfect for us🙏😍🎉

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  7 месяцев назад

      Oh yes.. He is so good! Always with us.. giving His protection!! 🙏❤️❤️❤️

  • @nellynodarse9520
    @nellynodarse9520 Год назад +1

    ❤❤ I will be ready to subscribe to your new channel. Love the end of all your videos. Jesus first always!

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      That means so much..TYSM love! 🙏❤️

  • @rhondahood2968
    @rhondahood2968 Год назад +1

    I love the way the high rise looks much more than the mini. I like sporty looks much more for my taste. I’m a casual everyday type dresser. The shorter skinny strap on the mini isn’t for me and I’m not into the chains unless I’m dressing up a bit more. But they are both gorgeous in their very different ways.

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      I agree love; adore the high rise too 😍 🙌 I thought I'd never be able to pick a "fav".. it's still hard bc yes, it's such a great casual bag for many different reasons. LV did well with their revised bummies! 🥰❤️❤️

  • @rhondahood2968
    @rhondahood2968 Год назад +1

    And by the way, you can adopt me. Lol
    And share your bag collection. Haha. Isn’t that what families do. Lol. Kidding. Love your videos

    • @lvluxdelight
      @lvluxdelight  Год назад

      Haa! Yes..I share with my sis! ☺️❤️❤️