ለመጪው የቴክኖሎጂ ዘመን ለመዘጋጀት ሁላችንም ምን ማድረግ እንዳለብን የተወያየንበት መድረክ (March 6th, 2022)
- Опубликовано: 25 ноя 2024
- በዚህ ውይይት ላይ የተነሱ ጥያቄዎች:
👉 የቴክኖሎጂ ፊልድን መማር ለኔ ይከብዳል፣ አልችለውም፣ የሚለውን ፍርሃት እንዴት ማለፍ እንችላለን?
👉 ለመማር የመረጥኩትን ፊልድ የትመህርት ማቴሪያል ከየት ማግኝት እችላለሁ?
👉 በቀላሉ ገቢ የሚያስገኝልኝ ፊልድ የቱ ነው?
👉 የቴክኖሎጂ ፊልዶችን ብማር በ6 ወር ውስጥ ስራ ማግኝት እችላለሁ? የስራው ማርኬት ምን ይመስላል?
👉 የቴክኖሎጂ ፊልድ በፍጥነት ስለሚቀያየር፣ ጀማሪ የሆንን ሰዎች ገና ተምረን ሳንጨርስ ቢቀየርብንስ? ቶሎ የማይቀየረውን ፊልድ እንዴት እንምረጥ?
👉 ለቴክኖሎጂ ፊልድ አዲስ ጀማሪ የሆነ ሰው ስራ ከማግኝቱ በፊት ምን ያህል ግዜ ይወስድበታል?
👉 ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የሚኖር ሰው የቴክኖሎጂ እውቀት ካለው ኢንተርኔት ላይ ስራ ማግኘት ይችላል?
👉 የኮሌጅ ተማሪ የሆነ ሰው ከትምህርቱ ጎን ለጎን አጫጭር ኮርሶችን መውሰድ ይገባዋል?
Selam adugna, I really respect your dedication to help your community thank you so much !!!
Today I was so surprised by my son he came his school ( kindergarten student) he told me that he started learning coding and he showed me his homework and i see your advice honestly!! I really feel so bad I need to take the class for sure!
በጣም ነው ያነቃቃኝ አመሠግናለሁ
40:22 is just was what my heart was aeching about.....thank you abate...adugna you will be a legend in the future...emenegn!
Mine is 1:47:15
Thanks adugna;Invaluable advice and incite!keep up the good work.
Wow አጥጋብ ነገር ነው የተማርኩት አዱኛ በጣም እግዚአብሔር ይስጥህ ።
በእውነት በጣም ትለያለክ 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
this man is really brilliant.....Thank u..............
Thank you Adugna I have a huge respect for you. Stay safe!
Thank you Adugna, I am convinced.
I watched this 2 hours discussion like 😳. it is amazing. thank you Dear brother
You don't only inspire us to code but to dream big and live. I'm from Ethiopia thanks.
Firstly, I appreciate everything you did. I attend the meeting in case of some problems I can't request my questions.
I fill the scholarship application and I stared every day on your website and RUclips channel wetting your last selection on that. On the other hand, the only fear of the Ethiopian community who live in the U.S. and Ethiopia is getting a trustworthy link either on RUclips or other sites after yours.
Amazing thanks for sharing helpful advice 🙏👍
Great discussion!
Wow arif session , keep it up
Thank you adugna
እኔ በተለይ በቋንቋ እንግሊዘኛ ብዙ ስላልሆንኩ ነው እንጅ በጣም በጣም ፍላጎቱ ነበረኝ😢😢
adugna .... its hard to keep silence not appreciating ur huge impact to our society whether we achieve it or not because you are taking too much frankly about it so keep going smartly my bro
በትክክል ብለሻአል አልችልም ነው ወደኋአላ ሚያአስቀረን
selam dear adugna betam new programiken yemiketatelew ginedilun bagegnna bimar efeligaleku ena wudu wendime fekadik kehone yememar edlun sitegn ena limar wud wendime tanx
Thank you
Do you have your wonderful presentation in English?
please upload all of your lectures of web development
Amazing amazing Amazing 🤩
Very good communication
Thank you!
እንደምነህ ወንድማለም እንደው ብትችህል ሃገር ላለነው schoolarship ብታዘጋጁልን
daily lememar internet alagegnem min laderg ene yemimechegn besamint 3 days becha nw
ሰላም አዱኛ እኔ አብርሃም እባላለው .የ high school
ተማሪ ነኝ ወደ IT ኮርስ መማር እፈልጋለሁ እና የመክፈል አቅም የለኝም ስለዚህ scholarship እንዴት ነው የሚጀመረው?
wawoo you are smart
keep it up
How get ur video please tell me
Selam aduya sel combeuter corse lemused faleg nwe
react ena node tetekmen live mewtat ychlal websitu endet new live serv mareg yemichlew yemiyak kale please ngerugn
I am living in Germany can you help me were can i start?
Selam aduy sel combuter mamr eflgalu
ሁሉም ሀሳብሽ ተመችቶኛል! ግን የእኔ ጥያቄ ወይንም ላለመጀመር ምክንያት የሆነኝ -ላፕቶፕ ወይም ደህና ስልክ የሌለን ሰዎች እንዴት እናርግ (እኔ ለምሳሌ 4 አመት የተጠቀምኩበት Samsung J3 pro) ስልክ ነው ያለኝ ምን ላድርግ??
አዱ የscholarshipን ነገር ምን አረክልኝ ???
arif hulu ngr tkekel nhe gn eingas ethiopia yalenew bzum eingan yamkela aydelm lmn ethiopia wst atstmrunm bzu sew yflgal enenm chmro flgote aleing gn dhn tmhrt bet ylw aduiga ebakhe bsfat ethiopia wst ymistbetn ngr mngedun bdnb asfaw
Here I am, new subscriber , when does the next class start ? I just missed the March 12 one
Early May
Short term trainings 4_6 moths?
Adugna computer programing mamar ifaligalawu addis ababa falige adrashachuhun lagagni alichalikum please adressihin tsafilign thank you
Adugna Ethiopia new yalhut memar efeligalhu online gin meche new yemijemirew sile programming hintu algn
Slm yenanet temari mehon felg nbr
Selam adugna scolarship ahun memulat ychalal ende
ለሌላ ድርጅት ተቀጥሮ ከመሥራት ይልቅ የግል ሥራ እንዴት መፍጠር ይቻላል ?
selam adugna, betam des mil discussion neber kalefe bewala new videown yayehut rasen mesemer endeyez agezehgnal tanks alot....i wanna ask u something when will u announce list of persons that won the scholarship
Winners are posted on the website already
When does the registration start?
Where do I start?
Ethiopia wuste class yisetale wey A.A
I am new here from Ethiopia ...so is that possible to apply for scholarship to attend the sene...hw can i
Yes it is. Full information can be found on the website. www.evangadi.com
አድራሻዉ የተ ነዉ ...
ቀጣዩ ምዝገባ መቼ ነው አዱኛ
Eqra tube, they are now registering for the new Course which will be starting March 12 2022.
I want to tell you one secret of Indians. They can do the given work not only by themselves but also everyone support each other. Every developer share WhatsApp and they talk in a group chat, and they get the solution for every of their problem. The main point is they participate actively in group chat to help each other.