Thanks am starting to learn programming I was going to give up but am now on way to programming I from Germany I appreciate you very much thank you am now motivated specially when I see the 10 years old boy 😊
I would want to express my gratitude to Evangadi Tech and Ms. Adugan for providing us with the opportunity to expand our knowledge in these areas, particularly for Ethiopian students. I hope to see you in the upcoming session.
God bless you for taking the time share with us such a detailed video Your are doing what God ask us to do to be good to other and treating others with love and sharing your knowledge This video helped me a lot to start learning about programming Thankyou so much
my first challenge is every time i got an opportunity to work somewhere, i find out they use different technology and i have to learn new language and new frame work. i am jumping from here to there.
Her drive and determination are truly inspiring. I aspire to achieve similar success and hope to have the opportunity to be interviewed on your channel someday.
Currently, there is a higher demand for cybersecurity full stack web development than there is for cybersecurity, and there are a lot more certifications available in this field.
አንተ መልካም ሰዉ እድሜህ ይለምልም,,,,,መልካም ቅን ለህዝብህ ማደግ መመማር እየሰራህ ያለህዉ ስራ እጅግ የሚገርም ነዉ ! ! !
the way he asks is amazing!!!respect
Ya that was great
እኔ ነኝ የጅጅጋዋ ልጅ! It was veeeeeery helpful! Thank you very much🙏
Me too!
በጅጅጋ አለ? እኔም በጣም ነው የሚፈልገው!!
በጣም ጎበዝ ጥሩ ልምድ ነው
ተባረኩልን እኔም እንደእግዛብሔር ፍቃድ በቅርቡ አንተ ጋር መማር እጀምራለሁ
Thanks am starting to learn programming I was going to give up but am now on way to programming
I from Germany
I appreciate you very much thank you am now motivated specially when I see the 10 years old boy 😊
የአንተን ቀናነት ሳላደንቅ አላልፍም እያንዳንዱን ነገር በደንብ እንዲገባን ነው ያደረከው። ሁለተቹህንም በጣም እናመሰግናለን
Thanks betam. Fetari abizito yistik
Thanks for being part of digital transformation of Ethiopia.
I would want to express my gratitude to Evangadi Tech and Ms. Adugan for providing us with the opportunity to expand our knowledge in these areas, particularly for Ethiopian students. I hope to see you in the upcoming session.
Your such a motivation for those of us taking the boot camp
Thank you, it's very helpful.
Thanks , this helps a lot👍👍👍👍👍
Great move, keep up👏👏
Thank you
I am also learning programming myself. But I'd appreciate some help from senior programmers.
God bless you for taking the time share with us such a detailed video
Your are doing what God ask us to do to be good to other and treating others with love and sharing your knowledge
This video helped me a lot to start learning about programming
Thankyou so much
አይደለም አበሻ ሲጀመር ምቅኛ ህዝብ ነው እና ሆን ብለው ነው አወሳስበው ሲጠየቁ የሚመልሱት ። ልክ እነሱ ብቻ የተለዩ አርገው እራሳቸውን ስለሚያስቡ ነው ። እኔ ብዙ ግዜ ገጥሞኛል ። እኔ ግን ልክ በራሴ መንገድ ሳውቀው ፣ለሰው ስናገር አቃልዬ ነው ።
Adugna you are doing a great things🤙 !! keep doing such a wonderful role on helping others
Thank you for experience advise,she answered me my all question that bugging me and i see clearly my future purpose
Ohhh, very interesting! thank you so much, both of you.🙏🙏🙏
my first challenge is every time i got an opportunity to work somewhere, i find out they use different technology and i have to learn new language and new frame work. i am jumping from here to there.
You are the best
Her drive and determination are truly inspiring. I aspire to achieve similar success and hope to have the opportunity to be interviewed on your channel someday.
O my God! Both WOW
እባክህ እርዳኝ መማር እፈልጋለሁ የ10ኛ ክፍል ተማሪ ነበርኩ ካቋረጥኩኝ ግን በጣም ቆይቻለሁ እናም ዩቲዩብ እያየሁ
html እና css በትንሹም ቢሆን አዉቂያለሁ በቃ መማር እፈልጋለሁ እስከ አሁን አለመማሬ ቆጭቶኛል
የእሷን ልምድ መስማት እፈልጋለሁ ከእርሷ እባክህ አድራሻዋን ባገኝ ደስ ይለኛል
thanks evangadi ! call make a video at list outline and setup like visual studio, GitHub etc and starting upto ending from starting html5......
አዱኛ ሰላም ነው መቼ ነው አድሱ የእናን ምዝገባ please info give me!
መቼ ይሆን ኢቫንጋዲ እኔን ስኮላርሽፕ የሚሰጠኝ እኔ አንድ ቀን መግባቴ አይቀርም ኢንሻአላህ
start by your self don't wait to the opportunity
በውስጥ አውራኝ እስኪ
i could use your help i'm beginner
@@rowdaabdella6293true you don’t need anyone these days with the internet we have
@@abubekeresmael6334how can I get you?
Jegniit and more and more!!!!!!!!!!
Yemsrach is a student of our batch. She is very good person and helpful I believe she will reach a better place that this !!
Good job!!
wow i wish to be like you
Jijiga ያለችው ልጅ በደንብ ተረድታለች i think😁
Guadgnay you did it 💪💪💪💪 berchlgn yn wud kanch bzu etbkalhu😍😍😍
what's her name?
@@wendwesengirma yemsrach tamirat🤔
Ohh I like this channel 😮😊
እቨንጋድ መማር ፈልጋሎ መማር የፈለኩት የነጋወን አድሱን ዲጂታልን እባክህ 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Evangadi ye software temari negn gn ye evangadi course memar feligalw indet magnyet chilalw
አንድ ሰው ኮዲንግ ለመማር ዝቅተኛው የትምህርት ደረጃ ቢያንስ እስከ ስንተኛ ክፍል መማር አለበት? ኮሜንተተሮችም ቢትሆኑ አስተያየት ብትሰጡኝ ደስ ይለኛል
One day እኔም የምገባ ይሆናል
When will be the next class States
Please memar felgalew yanten tutorial indet join mareg chilalew?
Ine ahun jimma university first year temari negn ibaki software bimar ine bemimerekibet gize lesria idil yinoregnal AI aysferam ????
Good, i am initiated and i will try
I want to enrol in your training
Good job
አረብ ሀገር ነኝ ። በጣም ለመማር እፈልጋለሁ ። ቶሎ የመረዳት ችሎታ አለኝ። በቋሚነት በኦንላን የሚያስተምረኝ ባገኝ ጥሩ ተጽዕኖ ፈጣሪ ሴት መሆን እችላለሁ ። ወይም ደግሞ ከፍለንም መማር የምንችልበትን ሁኔታ ካለ ብትጠቁሙን
register አድርገሽ ለምን አትማሪም
play Store ላይ css 'html' javascript አውርደው ይማሩ
Ye lijitoun or yanten telegram account betam efeligalehu lanagirachu silemifelig new😢😊
i always begin coding but i didn't still finish it i have started login page but i didn't finish also its code
Mr Adugn I wanted to get Google professional Certificate in Data Analytics or data science. And what do you recommd me.
How can we start the course
I want learn programing you might be give me chances
What about AI?
Don’t you think it will take your job before anyone else? Since everything is remote
is it possible to take online
How can I join your class plz
I was applied for 3 times, but I cannot get the chance.
Selam adugna how can i join your evagad code
Jegna nesh😮😮
እስኪ እኛንም ተቀበሉን ስንቴ አፕላይ አደረኩኝ መቼ ነው እድሉን ምትሰጡን
I see the first time I am GIS and RS specialist in Woreta town how to contact you ?
how can I attend your class?.
why do you mute the voice 🤔
እንዴት ላገኝህ እችላለሁ በ voice call
ባክራውንድ ሙዚቃችሁ ይረብሻል። አሥቡበት።
Programming brother neber
Ye bootcamp address share bitadrgi
Currently, there is a higher demand for cybersecurity full stack web development than there is for cybersecurity, and there are a lot more certifications available in this field.
እንደማመር ቤተሰብ💎💙
አንደኛ ብር ካለ እንኳን programer አለ የተባለውን ይቅረና አለም ላይ አለ የተባለውን መማር ትችላለህ ጥያቄው ፍላጉቱ ኖሮ ብር ካሌል እውቀት አይኖርም አንተም አትኖርም
ለመማር የምን ብር ነው ?? ኢንተርኔት አለልህኮ
Indet lawarak ichilalew?? ye first year SW temari negn😟😮
how can i learn coding on my self please
RUclips has a lot of videos
ወሬ ባታበዛ ምንም አትልም
ድምጽ የለውም
የእኔ የምጠይቅህ ነገር Evangadi Tech የነጻ የትምህርት እድል ለማያገኙ ሌላ አማራጭ ብትነግርን ጡሩ የተሻለ እውቀት የሚያስጨብጡ Bootcamp ጥርት የለ ያልተዛዛ እውቀት የሚያስጨብጥ ጠቁመን አንድ ቪዲዮ ስራልን እባክህን አዱኛ የምትሰራው ነገር ትልቅ ክብር እሰጣለሁ አመሰግናለሁ
Udemy coursera
በእርግጠኝነት አይደልም ጀማሪ ትንሽ የተማረ እራሱ udemy cource አይጨርስም። ወይ የሆነ ፓርት ድረስ ማየት ይሻላል እረጃጅሞች በጣም አድቫንስድና አሰልች ናቸው
good job