Plymouth shootings: what was the police gun licensing backlash?

  • Опубликовано: 23 ноя 2021
  • What has happened to gun licensing in the UK since the August 2021 Plymouth shootings? The answer is not much. However, that’s no help to one shooter in Devon, Andrew Alger, who seems to have been caught up in a dragnet of suspects. Charlie Jacoby investigates.
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Комментарии • 52

  • @julieannecharters6132
    @julieannecharters6132 2 года назад +24

    BASC withdrew the insurance/fighting fund for this type of issue in the membership which i think was a huge mistake.

    • @beefy0978
      @beefy0978 2 года назад +8

      And that was about the only reason to have BASC membership…. They won’t be around much longer then.

    • @genwoolfe
      @genwoolfe 2 года назад +1

      They're appeasers that throw members on the receiving end to the wolves.

    • @MrRambo438
      @MrRambo438 2 года назад +3

      I need to cancel my basc then and get a new policy elsewhere. Do you know where can i go to get a legal cover and also be covered on rifle ranges and whilst on my permissions? thanks

    • @julieannecharters6132
      @julieannecharters6132 2 года назад +2

      @@MrRambo438 gun plan online insurance do it as an add on.

  • @beefy0978
    @beefy0978 2 года назад +14

    The Police as an institution are becoming too powerful. They do as they please, often without law.
    Then the Professional Standards departments say they won’t accept a com0laint or where they do they won’t intervene;
    Chief Constables defer to the Professional Standards Departments;
    The IOPC Independent Office of Police Complaints or whatever they’ve changed their name to this time, state they can’t comment on the legality of Police actions;
    The PCC says they can’t get involved in operational policing decisions;
    And the MPs are too busy having Christmas parties to worry about wha5 the plebs say.
    There are only two options left:
    The Courts, which are our last hope and fading fast, with Judges making more decisions that on the face of it are motivated by politics or media, but I’m hopeful they’ll start acting more frequently for the people against big institutions, because if they don’t the last option is civil revolt. And that would be a bad day for everyone…

  • @rgthomson1
    @rgthomson1 2 года назад +10

    If someone is killed in a car accident do they come round random peoples property and take their cars

    • @afroliciouspresents3603
      @afroliciouspresents3603 2 года назад +1

      There is a difference between a car accident and a guy killing people with a gun.
      The former may have an element of negligence. The latter is a wilful act.

    • @genwoolfe
      @genwoolfe 2 года назад

      @@afroliciouspresents3603 How about when they're deliberately weaponized as per the numerous multi victim examples of late?

    • @afroliciouspresents3603
      @afroliciouspresents3603 2 года назад +2

      @@genwoolfe Again, there is a difference between a deliberate, wilful act and an accident.

  • @clive1539
    @clive1539 2 года назад +9

    It works like this…..
    1. Some kind of shooting
    2. Police response to placate general public
    3. Target legal owners, because criminals are too hard.
    4. Remove as many guns as possible and declare it’s all safe now.
    Generally gun crime is committed by criminals. On the rare occasion it does come from a registered owner, there’s usually red flags that the police have overlooked for some reason. My guess is they’ve gone back through past records and if there’s even a sniff of a previous event ( warranted or not) then a hard line has been taken. Again a presumption…. Police move to over react rather than under react, with the declaration it’s for everyone’s safety.
    The law abiding gun owners just have to suffer the consequences.
    I would have thought there are legal people who specialise in this kind of thing, you have to challenge the law with the law.

    • @genwoolfe
      @genwoolfe 2 года назад

      Yet when Princess Diana died at the hands of a drink driver there was no such knee jerk reaction against law abiding drivers.
      Think about that...

    • @gerryquinn5224
      @gerryquinn5224 2 года назад +2

      @@genwoolfe Henri Paul was NOT DRUNK! That was just a lie put about by her killers to placate people such as you.
      What do you think about that?

    • @genwoolfe
      @genwoolfe 2 года назад

      @@gerryquinn5224 That my point stands.

  • @rikoshea765
    @rikoshea765 2 года назад +10

    Thought this was going to happen. Backlash because they made a mistake. Now going to remove fire arms and fac's because they have made more mistakes or retaliation?

  • @stephenfarnfield9755
    @stephenfarnfield9755 2 года назад +10

    The police apologise been there, they are a law unto themselves.

  • @jimo5146
    @jimo5146 2 года назад +4

    Well that was a whole load of nothing. No concrete information, just a list of unanswered questions and unsubstantiated rumours. And how have other forces responded? The slate suggested we might hear about the Met, Yorkshire Constabulary and others, but no.

  • @marcomcla
    @marcomcla 2 года назад +7

    At least tell us why this gentlemans guns were seized so we can draw a reasonable conclusion, I assume they didnt pull his name out of a hat?

    • @mmc8830
      @mmc8830 2 года назад +4

      @Mr Mega Bang Bang ! And likewise it's not for you to tell me what I can and cannot do.

    • @mmc8830
      @mmc8830 2 года назад +3

      @Mr Mega Bang Bang ! "Its not for you to judge anybody" , it's obviously you who are illiterate, your pseudonym says it all!

  • @marcushill78
    @marcushill78 2 года назад +6

    Bet BASC were sod all help.

    • @genwoolfe
      @genwoolfe 2 года назад

      Hand wringers. Members are ' Guilty until proven Innocent' and left to fend for themselves.

  • @tanfosbery1153
    @tanfosbery1153 2 года назад +4

    Don't think this is an error, but a deliberate policy. I have been looking through some old gun magazines from the 70s and 80s and even then the police were doing everything they could to reduce the number of firearms legally owned by members of the public

  • @joelhall5124
    @joelhall5124 Год назад +1

    Why isn't there an ombudsman for this sort of thing?

  • @gtechlfg1
    @gtechlfg1 2 года назад +4

    B.A.S.C waste of time.

  • @mudgunner49
    @mudgunner49 2 года назад

    Hence why registration will always lead to confiscation...

  • @gang-ridertv5433
    @gang-ridertv5433 2 года назад +3

    I never even heard of this plymouth shooting.

    • @chrisholland7367
      @chrisholland7367 2 года назад +1

      It cost the lives of 5 people including a 3 year old child. The weapon was used in clay pigeon shooting. The perpetrator initially had his licence removed because of an altercation however the killer managed to persuade police here in Plymouth to give him back his gun and licence they more than happy to oblige.The result was mass murder .

  • @royalalloy3471
    @royalalloy3471 2 года назад +9

    We don't have licences, the police don't have licencing departments that would be unlawful, we only have certificates...
    Its time we and especially the firearms media and groups start using the correct language.
    Unlawful home office policies called regulations and enforced as laws do not trump the bill of rights...
    BASC help no one...

  • @peterfranklin1759
    @peterfranklin1759 2 года назад +2

    There will be a reason why the police took this feller's guns, rightly or wrongly. But they're not saying. And the (ex) certificate holder isn't saying why that might be too. Or maybe he thinks it's something too trivial to be mentioning. So it's hard to draw any conclusions. I hope there's a follow-up on this giving a bit more insight, because at present, with the facts revealed in this video, there's any amount of conclusions that can be drawn and only one of 'em will be right.

    • @beefy0978
      @beefy0978 2 года назад +4

      It will be a) domestic violence allegation; or b) mental health / stress / depression / anxiety / ptsd.
      The world view of both is becoming very lefty as it fits the anti gun agenda.
      So kids… don’t get married, don’t have children, don’t join the military or police, and don’t go to the doctor when your head hurts and for the time being your guns will be safe. But rest assured when they’ve mopped up those that have, they’ll be coming for you too…

  • @darrinwoelfle7093
    @darrinwoelfle7093 2 года назад +1


  • @1oneill2
    @1oneill2 2 года назад

    Ooooo look at that handsome bastard……

  • @freedomfighter8614
    @freedomfighter8614 2 года назад +2

    Buy a camera instead.

  • @coldandaloof7166
    @coldandaloof7166 2 года назад +12

    I kind of feel for you Brits, begging the Crown for permission to exercise your God given rights. But wait no I don't, you gave up those freedoms for security willingly a long time ago. Tyranny knows no bounds. Never give an inch. #Iwillnotcomply

    • @goddamnox
      @goddamnox 2 года назад +5

      I do not mean to be rude but I think you may need to take a deep breath and a step back, any rights we have over here were not given by god but fought for by ordinary people (possibly some of your own ancestors!?) over centuries including a civil war. The UK is not the US and I think most people here who shoot would accept that we cannot ever have the same gun culture or access to firearms as those across the pond. And this is not about any right to defend oneself it is about their use in hunting/land management or sporting use. We are a very very small, very overcrowded island and although far from perfect a firearms certification system of some kind is probably required. Yes it needs looking at as aspects (LBP) seem to make no sense but the idea that we should all have access to .50cals and be open carrying in the pub really is utter nonsense. Now if I lived somewhere where I could bump into a bear or mountain lion when out fishing then obviously my opinion would be very different! but the worst you could get over hear is probably an angry badger :-) I hope you dont take offence, simply my point of view.

    • @coldandaloof7166
      @coldandaloof7166 2 года назад +2

      @@goddamnox No offense taken, everyone had thier opinions, but what about a nutter with a knife? Or an idiot with a bat or club? You don't wish to have a means for your wife or anyone else to protect themselves? I feel better knowing we can choose whatever means of protection we want for ourselves and the government so far has not taken that away from us (although some uneducated tyrants are pushing for it constantly). I'm not scared of the 4 legged critters. The 2 legged ones are the most dangerous. And the 2 legged ones in government with misguided good intentions and over reactions are the scariest of all. (Kind of the moral of this story do'nt ya think). When seconds count the police are minutes away. Sometimes hours over here depending on where you live due to geography and wait times. I count on me and mine. If the police come fine. But if needed, its most likely it will all be over by the time they arrive any ways and too late for them to do me or someone I love much good. I will nevrr give up that freedom. Nor will I allow others to take it from me.

    • @goddamnox
      @goddamnox 2 года назад +4

      @@coldandaloof7166 I understand that your history, culture and everyday life inform your stance on all this but we are quite different countries. I simply do not live in fear at all of home invasion or random attack on the streets (and I have lived in London in the past) and despite what you hear on social media or the press, there really are very very few violent crimes in the UK. It is generally just far safer here than the US. If you do get into an altercation here then it will likely be a few drunken fists thrown and that I can deal with. I for one am happy that if I ever did get into some kind of confrontation I can be almost 100% certain that the other person will be unarmed!
      Generally police response times here are very good and if you do call with some kind of incident involving weapons then it seems response here is very very swift. Our armed response officers rarely have to use their weapons, I guess criminals know that if they are involved the two choices are follow instructions or be permanently removed from the situation. To put things in perspective for you in 2019/20 there were just 5 times! yes five!! when armed officers in the UK (of which there are over 6,000) had to use their weapons , UK population of 67million..... in the US 2016 (323m pop) there were 15,000 murders involving firearms, in the UK 2016 there were 22...... Like I say very different countries, now come on honestly, with talk of "Freedom" put aside, where would you feel safer?

    • @pbgd3
      @pbgd3 2 года назад +1

      @@goddamnox yup self fulfilling prophecy.
      I am a member of a shooting club and we've had some really rough scenarios in the last 2 years with people wanting to join who act very militant. They bought a bunch of new guns and want to use our ranges which are members only (can shoot clays non member but not the rifle or pistol ranges).
      These people make us very nervous they do not understand responsible gun ownership and seem to think they can walk around the club with a loaded rifle which is against our rules at the club. Several have made threats when we voted their membership be voided.
      #1 risk to gun rights in the USA is now militant gun owners.

    • @stevew3196
      @stevew3196 2 года назад

      I'm not sure where you get the idea that the 2nd Amendment is a "God given right". I'm not a religious scholar but I don't need to be to understand that God had no part in writing the Constitution.
      The right to bear arms is a legal doctrine set out in the 2nd Amendment. Look that word up in a dictionary.
      There's insufficient political will at the moment and hopefully there never will be BUT an amendment is something that's been altered once. That sets a legal precedent for it to be altered again if there's sufficient support.
      Hopefully that situation won't arise but if it does I think you'll find the "God Given Right" argument won't get you very far and you'll have to step up to the plate to defend your freedom!