Here’s What People NEED to Realize About the Trump Shooting | Ken Ham

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Here’s what people NEED to realize about the Trump shooting… In this presentation, Ken Ham speaks on the recent Donald Trump rally shooting, sharing his perspective on it as a Bible-believing Christian.
    Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (Christianity-defending) ministry dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ effectively.
    On our RUclips channel, you’ll find answers to your most pressing questions about key issues like creation, evolution, science, the age of the earth, and social issues. We desire to train believers to develop a worldview based on the Bible and expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas and their implications.
    You’ll hear from top teachers such as Ken Ham, Martyn Iles, Bryan Osborne, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, Dr. Tim Chaffey, Bodie Hodge, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, Dr. Terry Mortenson, and more.
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Комментарии • 1,9 тыс.

  • @WestTexasStyle
    @WestTexasStyle Месяц назад +946

    This world is groaning for the return of the Messiah 🙏🏼

    • @iamthestorm1004
      @iamthestorm1004 Месяц назад +23


    • @EnochianChronicles
      @EnochianChronicles Месяц назад +8

      Peace be upon you.
      19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
      20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
      21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
      22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
      He returns in his people as the head of the body to be married in full union, bridegroom and bride. He will manifest in his temple which temple we are to be
      Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.
      Prepare the vessels of he Lord so that he may inhabit them, be ye holy as I am holy, humility is the heart of a servant. Wait upon the Lord, prefer others over self in love, to minister means to serve and attend to the needs of others.
      Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
      God be with you.

    • @SolarVergmoid
      @SolarVergmoid Месяц назад +13

      @@EnochianChronicles You should ALWAYS include Book, Chapter, and Verse.

    • @EnochianChronicles
      @EnochianChronicles Месяц назад +6

      @@SolarVergmoid You can copy paste into google and get that easy peasy, but let us not be as the Bereans who proved all things even the teachings of Paul?
      I copy pasted from the KJV online, surely you can reverse copy paste and get it if you want, to understand full context you would need to read the entire chapter and book anyway, and then apply that to the entire book.
      Perhaps you failed to read the new testament where they often quote the Torah and do not include chapter or verse, oh wait there was no chapter or verse in the original writing ....

    • @jgeph2.4
      @jgeph2.4 Месяц назад +2


  • @SantaFe19484
    @SantaFe19484 11 дней назад +25

    So grateful to be a follower of Jesus Christ. No one will be able to stop him.

  • @VickyE....
    @VickyE.... Месяц назад +1288

    Amen, I agree. This nation does need to repent.

    • @nickfrost9771
      @nickfrost9771 Месяц назад +20

      It has been extremely complicated to post a video about what has been on my mind. But this video sets the tone for after viewing it, you'll understand my thoughts.
      I Love America. I Love for what we stand for and why other countries love it.
      However, to be completely transparent. Our country was founded on many sins. Theft, murder, disobedience, deception. The bible states the absolute worst thing one can be is a hypocrite.
      The words written in our constitution sound perfect verbally. But we know there are many contradictions within it. Reading the bible front to back time and time again over the years. I have often thought about the prostitute nation spoken of in revelations. I always thought this to be the entire nation of the anti Christ's rule. But what if it literally means just one nation at that time. Nation that sins against itself. Commits all of God's forbidden sins. Invades the desert, etc,etc,etc. America has risen very fast, but it is falling even quicker. Does anyone else feel that we are that prostitute nation and most are blinded by the words of freedom and liberty? It does say in the end times, that nation will be consumed and burned. Maybe our energy sources and defences will be haulted then we will be attacked?
      Just curious to everyone's thoughts.
      Cheers and my god blessed, protect and welcome us all home at the time of his choosing...

    • @evilzarmy1
      @evilzarmy1 Месяц назад +5

      Speak for yourself, I have nothing to repent for

    • @boxelder9167
      @boxelder9167 Месяц назад +28

      @@evilzarmy1- I used to think that way too. I always had my finger pointing out and never in. I believed that it was just the outside that needed to change. After all wasn’t I a good person because my intentions were good by my own standards?
      One day I walked past the 10 commandments. I stopped out of curiosity and read them. That’s when I realized that I had broken all of them. I also realized that was the same standard I had been using to judge the hypocrites.
      I redoubled my efforts and checked back in after a while to see how much I had improved. Turns out I was still guilty of breaking all of them. And in most cases I had actually gotten worse.
      Turns out that I was just good at making judgements on others about the very things that I did.

    • @eigenvalue5775
      @eigenvalue5775 Месяц назад

      The way America memorializes its achievements should tell you where it stands:
      - An Egyptian structure to memorialize the first US president?!
      - An androgenous statue about Lucifer in the guise of freedom?!
      - A printed denomination replete with demonic symbols?!

    • @BonnieG101
      @BonnieG101 Месяц назад +15

      @@nickfrost9771 I have to disagree on your statement about the Constitution. It does not contradict itself and it, along with the Declaration are just fine. It is humans that twist it, purposely twist it, and use it for political gain by misrepresentation. They make laws that are totally against the constitution and make it where someone must take it before the courts. Until that happens, our representatives are fine with using a bad law. Any law that is contrary to the Constitution is no law at all, and it says plainly that anything not covered by the Constitution belongs to the states. So you see, our elected officials have made a mess of it.

  • @MountainMan.
    @MountainMan. Месяц назад +1043

    Our existence is so fragile, and depends on so many things. Yet billions walk around thinking they have no need for God.

    • @silversilk8438
      @silversilk8438 Месяц назад +18


    • @dareese6778
      @dareese6778 Месяц назад +11

      @@MountainMan. If there is such a creature, what's the need? Could anything be without it? U're talking merely belief. If i believe there's no moon, is the night always dark? Could such a creature have it's feeling hurt if i don't believe it exists? How insecure do u think ur god is? Do good parents want their children to worship them? Would the parent of all creation be more egotistical? Need constant praise? Perhaps it's just a friendly fellow watching it's creation stumble along. How about those who waste so much worshipping others like Elvis, or now the gullibles on Trump, or in ur case Jesus (granted a good guy), etc. Spend more of ur time realizing ur own worth & others. Happy stuff. 🥳

    • @kevinrtres
      @kevinrtres Месяц назад +25

      @@dareese6778 Joke is on you, fella! Just how do you think you came into existence? Abiogenesis and evolution? If you believe in those things you are believing in fairy tales of the first kind.

    • @Woopor
      @Woopor Месяц назад +7

      @@kevinrtres it’s always hilarious when apologists like you say “GOTCHA! Evolution is a fairy tale/religion!” As if you don’t believe in a literal religion yourself

    • @Reclaimer77
      @Reclaimer77 Месяц назад

      @@kevinrtres Yes of course. Those things are infinitely more plausible and evidence-based than the fairy tale of a magical Jewish carpenter zombie. It's funny how backwards you presuppositionalists are. You use an argument from incredulity fallacy to suggest an even more incredulous and unlikely alternative with zero explanatory power. Here I'll prove it.
      "Just how do you think you came into existence?"
      Tell me specifically how you think YOU came into existence? How did god make you? How did god "breath" on dirt and make it come alive? How does god "Create" anything? Give me specifics. Give me the chemistry. Give me the formula. Is there ANY aspect of this that you can explain to me?

  • @Jim-P
    @Jim-P Месяц назад +1528

    Not just America, the whole world has turned against God. We are all sinners no one is perfect except for Christ.

    • @markduell2468
      @markduell2468 Месяц назад +12

      They have come to realize the Bible is not from God.

    • @user-vl7ys9nh1h
      @user-vl7ys9nh1h Месяц назад +18

      Who are you to speak for God? You can't possibly know that.

    • @derautisadrianos7050
      @derautisadrianos7050 Месяц назад +7


    • @MH-oh8rn
      @MH-oh8rn Месяц назад +39

      ​@@markduell2468 No that is not true but they love darkness rather than light .

    • @royfriesen2889
      @royfriesen2889 Месяц назад +47

      Jesus is God

  • @oeyvind.7
    @oeyvind.7 Месяц назад +126

    "It's a spiritual answer.
    People need to change their hearts and minds in regard to God."

    • @jamessikes6700
      @jamessikes6700 Месяц назад

      Yes my friend you are so right and the mystery of Donald Trump as well as all other world rulers and especially World Christians need to know. Is Donald Trump a Anointed one sent from God? Yes; Did you know the name Donald means World Ruler or Mighty one and that Donald Trumps Great Grand Father's Name is Philip Christ and Philip's Daughter is Elisabeth Christ Trump who Married Friedrich Trump that started the family Wealth during the Gold Rush by owning Saloons that provided Alcohol and Prostitution to the Gold Miners. The Donald Trump mystery goes much deeper if you are a truth seeker looking for spiritual truth. The name of the spiritual game is PROVE ALL THINGS and that demands person sacrifice and diligence. Have a blessed and peaceful Day. AMEN

    • @backyardpc1656
      @backyardpc1656 14 дней назад +2

      If our hearts are evil and desperately wicked as the Bible says, how can we as humans change that? Answer: WE cannot! The only way is hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ and believing that Christ died for our sins and was raised again for our justification. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it [the gospel of Christ] is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." Romans 1:16

    • @jamessikes6700
      @jamessikes6700 12 дней назад

      @@backyardpc1656 May I suggest that the Good News is not a program of things one must do but instead a Process as to What and How to Think which is a state of Consciousness. Christ is not a person but as the word means a Anointing of Divine Consciousness that controls a persons Imaginations and thoughts that produce Words and actions that reveal a persons Character that sets there destiny moment by moment day by day as weather they are blessed or cursed. Playing bible ping pong may we look at theses Bible Verses? Isaiah 55:8-9 My thoughts are not your thoughts and My Ways are not Your ways: But they should be: Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinks in his heart so is he. 2nd Cor. 10:5 Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience to Christ Consciousness. Please follow up your Romans 1:16 with Paul's statement in Romans 16: 25-27 and Colossians 1:26-27. and last of what John writes in 2nd John 7-11 Only One Gospel and Only One Doctrine My Friends which is the Good News Gospel Doctrine of Living By the Divine Anointing and Dying to the Proud Lustful EGO Animal fallen nature we as humans are in bondage to the Only Hope Of Divine Glory. Our Creators have done every thing pertaining to Physical Life And Divine Consciousness and because for the Love of All Creation allows each Human Being the Choose of continual Blessing or Curses Beginning with every imagination and Thought. It all Behind in the Book of Begins Genesis 6: 4-6 Read for your self

  • @Mrsrchy17
    @Mrsrchy17 Месяц назад +570

    Amen!! We MUST keep our eyes on Yeshua/Jesus. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit, and pray for the repentance of this nation under God.

    • @FairLaunchDaily-wu9hv
      @FairLaunchDaily-wu9hv Месяц назад

      Jesus Not yeshua you heretic

    • @BonnieG101
      @BonnieG101 Месяц назад +20

      @@Mrsrchy17 We are in the End Times. It is the 11th hour and things are happening fast. Our Father through his Son, is the only way.

    • @zerosteel0123
      @zerosteel0123 Месяц назад +6


    • @pearlsdaughter2281
      @pearlsdaughter2281 Месяц назад +4

      🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 💯

    • @nayon9379
      @nayon9379 Месяц назад

      🍂THE GOSPEL OF WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name"
      (The Christ of the last days brings life to all and brings a last and eternal way of truth. The work of the last days exposes the work of Jehovah and also of Jesus and all mysteries and mysteries that man does not understand. This is done to reveal the destiny and of humanity and end all works of salvation among humanity. This phase of work brings all things to the end. In the last days, Christ uses various truths to teach people. Reveal the human spirit and check his words and actions. These words are made up of different many truths. As human duty, how to obey God, how to be faithful to God, how a person should live normally, so is God's wisdom, and disposition, and do on. Those words expose how man rejects God in how man is an representation of Satan and an enemy force that opposes God. Judgment gives--away for man to understand the will of God. It also allows man to recognize and know the evil spirit and the roots of his evil, as well as to discover the uglyness and defects of man. These effects are all results of the word of Judgment in the last days.)
      Almighty God said
      " The CHRIST of the LAST DAYS brings LIFE to ALL and BRINGS a LAST and ETERNAL WAY of TRUTH. This TRUTH is the WAY by which MAN CAN OBTAIN LIFE and the ONLY WAY by which MAN CAN KNOW GOD and --GOD'S WILL. ☀️🙏
      This PHASE of WORK BRINGS ALL THINGS to the END. 🌺
      In this final stage of the work the results are achieved through words. THROUGH gh the WORD man COMES to the UNDERSTANDING of many MYSTERIES and the WORK of GOD, through the WORD man is ENLIGHTENED by the HOLY SPIRIT; through the word man UNDERSTANDS the MYSTERY that has not been SOLVED by PAST GENERATIONS ns as well as the WORK of the PROPHETS and APOSTLES of PAST TIMES and the PRINCIPLES on which they WORK ; through the WORD people COME to an UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S DISPOSITION, as well as HUMAN REBELLION and RESISTANCE and come to an understanding of their own substance. ☀️🙏☀️
      Through these steps of work, and all the words spoken; man comes to understand the work of the Spirit in the work of God incarnate, and especially in His entire disposition. " 🙏
      THESE WORDS ARE MADE UP OF DIFFERENT MANY Truths. As human duty, how to obey God,
      how to be faithful to God, how a person should live normally, so is God's wisdom and disposition, and so on. These words focus on the Spirit of man. And in his bad disposition. ☀️🌻
      WHAT the WORK of JUDGMENT will CAUSE is MAN'S UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S TRUE FACE and the TRUTH ABOUT his rebellion. 🌻
      The purpose of God's works and Plans, and the mysteries and mysteries that cannot be understood. It also ALLOWS MAN to RECOGNIZE and KNOW his EVIL SPIRIT and the ROOTS of his EVIL, as WELL as to DISCOVER the UGLYNESS and DEFECTS of MAN. 😪🙏
      These EFFECTS are all RESULTS of the WORK of JUDGMENT in the LAST DAYS.
      Because the SPIRIT of THIS WORK is the OPENING of the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE to ALL who have FAITH in HIM. " 🙏🙏
      From "The Word Appears in the Flesh"
      Fulfillment in (John 1:1) and (Ezekiel 2::9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
      📩 All who have "ears to listen" are led to what the Spirit of God is saying in His lowered and built kingdom/Church engraved with His new name, His totality, the ownership of this disposition, "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD "💐 fulfillment from what was said He to Peter 2,000 years ago recorded in (Matthew 16:18-19). His Coming is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the great book of Revelation, so the last "Salvation" He brought the whole truth, the way for eternal life. So the "victorious" ones who will receive them are the wise "virgins" because as recorded in the prophecy of His return no one knows it except the one who will receive it! So "come" and come to His kingdom/church standing in the holy place in the air/RUclips! This is also a fulfillment from the book of (Isaiah 2:2/9:6) which He first fulfilled in His first incarnation. 📥
      "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... and (Isaiah 2: 2 / 9:6) "On the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " . "For a baby boy is born to us. The rule will be given to him; and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." 📤

  • @skerbs7755
    @skerbs7755 Месяц назад +248

    Ken, you are totally correct. My regular prayer i have prayed for years is that the Lord by His grace opens the eyes of our people, to see their sin as God sees sin, and that they repent and place their faith in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ for salvation. Thank you for the ministry of Answers in Genesis to my family!

    • @johnbrown6189
      @johnbrown6189 23 дня назад

      The cheese has slid off Hams cracker.

  • @jeanneelisabeth
    @jeanneelisabeth Месяц назад +119

    Correct, Pastor. We need to turn back to the Lord our God and beg His forgiveness.

  • @hoodlum64
    @hoodlum64 Месяц назад +22

    Couldn't agree more except your opinion of Mike Johnson. He's part of what's wrong in America. He talks Christianity, but his actions in congress are quite different, yet we give him a pass because he's a "christian".

  • @marshafick4006
    @marshafick4006 Месяц назад +529

    This country was built on a great faith in God and respect for His commandments. Look at what we’ve become now.

    • @itsablessingbeinganamerica1401
      @itsablessingbeinganamerica1401 Месяц назад +17

      Feminist movement

    • @JohnnyDouchbag-nr5yf
      @JohnnyDouchbag-nr5yf Месяц назад +21

      Gay movement!

    • @nickfrost9771
      @nickfrost9771 Месяц назад +11

      It has been extremely complicated to post a video about what has been on my mind. But this video sets the tone for after viewing it, you'll understand my thoughts.
      I Love America. I Love for what we stand for and why other countries love it.
      However, to be completely transparent. Our country was founded on many sins. Theft, murder, disobedience, deception. The bible states the absolute worst thing one can be is a hypocrite.
      The words written in our constitution sound perfect verbally. But we know there are many contradictions within it. Reading the bible front to back time and time again over the years. I have often thought about the prostitute nation spoken of in revelations. I always thought this to be the entire nation of the anti Christ's rule. But what if it literally means just one nation at that time. Nation that sins against itself. Commits all of God's forbidden sins. Invades the desert, etc,etc,etc. America has risen very fast, but it is falling even quicker. Does anyone else feel that we are that prostitute nation and most are blinded by the words of freedom and liberty? It does say in the end times, that nation will be consumed and burned. Maybe our energy sources and defences will be haulted then we will be attacked?
      Just curious to everyone's thoughts.
      Cheers and my god blessed, protect and welcome us all home at the time of his choosing...

    • @joshgomez5793
      @joshgomez5793 Месяц назад +14

      No it wasn’t… the Declaration of Independence wanted to stray away from religion as much as possible… now it says that you are free to believe in what ever you wish but that doesn’t mean go crazy with it. Just believe in what you believe and move on and be a human being instead of somebody blabbering and wanting others to change to your religion

    • @Gek1177
      @Gek1177 Месяц назад +11

      Actually it was built on French Enlightenment era secularism.

  • @mrscottspodcast
    @mrscottspodcast Месяц назад +39

    God is Good!! I'm excided about all the people coming to Christ all over the world!!!! 🙏🤎🖤🤍

  • @trishspinazola287
    @trishspinazola287 Месяц назад +324

    We allowed God to be taken out of everything! The Church has not stood up either! That’s where we are! And yes we do need to repent as a nation!
    2 Chromicles 7 v 14.

    • @sandman9390
      @sandman9390 Месяц назад +12

      Yes, but we need to emphasize that the scripture says "If My people, which are called by My Name"....
      repentance must begin in the house of God before it will reach the nation ❤

    • @raymondthomas3579
      @raymondthomas3579 Месяц назад +9

      The Bible does not call for the repentance of this nation, He calls for His people who are called by His name to repent...

    • @sandman9390
      @sandman9390 Месяц назад +3

      @@raymondthomas3579 that is right!

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 Месяц назад +2

      Oddly, that was the Sunday, after 7/13
      Our Sunday before 4th of July
      Had that scripture on it
      2 Chronicles 7:14

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 Месяц назад +1

      1 Peter 4:17

  • @debwinfrey
    @debwinfrey Месяц назад +79

    We have been watching the RNC the past few days...and it's refreshing to hear the name of the Lord being spoken in thanksgiving and praise 🎉❤😊

    • @tctecsas9340
      @tctecsas9340 Месяц назад +1

      Well, your lord hasn't healed you. He's not the truth. Not worth confidence. Facts are not darkness, religion and false lords or gods are. Think of it. The truth.

    • @hoppes9658
      @hoppes9658 Месяц назад +5

      @@tctecsas9340 Get thee behind me Satan.

    • @tctecsas9340
      @tctecsas9340 Месяц назад

      @@hoppes9658 Go away, non-healing and false god and its false prophets !

    • @fabbrofamily7038
      @fabbrofamily7038 Месяц назад +2


    • @ChristisKing117
      @ChristisKing117 28 дней назад

      They are baiting you. Both parties are controlled by very evil people.

  • @missypin7520
    @missypin7520 Месяц назад +43

    Imagine Noah preaching for years and only his family believed. We should worship our Creator. Only one God! We need Him back in all of our lives! Pray for our Leaders and all people!

    • @timclark2925
      @timclark2925 28 дней назад +2

      thats because only Noah and his family found grace from God.....Genesis 6:8......were all saved only by His Amazing Grace

    • @mama13bugs
      @mama13bugs 4 дня назад

      ⁠​⁠@@timclark2925anyone can have that grace! They didn’t want it in Noah’s time and they don’t want it now. Can you imagine the pressure Noah and his family lived with as he was building the ark and trying to tell people what was coming. People trying to open peoples eyes to Gods grace are facing the samething today. God didn’t force his grace on Noah and he still doesn’t force it on anyone now

    • @timclark2925
      @timclark2925 4 дня назад

      @@mama13bugs WRONG! God chooses who to save and who not to save....they are called in the Bible the Elect. Just read I Cor 1:26-31....3 times Paul says that GOD CHOSE the weak things of the world to shame the wise; GOD CHOSE the despised things and the things that are not; so that noone may boast before Him. IF GOD did not choose you; you will one day hear from Him ; Depart from ME I never knew you! Thats why its called Amazing Grace! Your false Gospel would be called common Grace...its not common.

  • @josephhopkins8889
    @josephhopkins8889 Месяц назад +110

    Thank you so much, Dr. Ham, for reminding believers of God's perspective on the current trends. Christians must stand steadfast for God's truth in His Word, and not compromise by taking it out of context. I totally agree that this nation is on a downward moral spiral. May God spare us from ruin.

    • @AcidGubba
      @AcidGubba Месяц назад

      Too much education is very bad for faith. It would be better to be uneducated, then belief in a god makes the most sense.

    • @fabbrofamily7038
      @fabbrofamily7038 Месяц назад


    • @johnbrown6189
      @johnbrown6189 23 дня назад

      No one can know the mind of God, cause he's not real but keep banging away saying you do.

  • @ronquiring7796
    @ronquiring7796 Месяц назад +355

    Well done Ken! Well said, very good logic and argumentation. This world needs repentance from self and faith in Christ. This has nothing to do with politics.
    Gaza needs Christ, Israel needs Christ, all factions of Islam need Christ, all factions of humanism need Christ.

    • @JB-yb4wn
      @JB-yb4wn Месяц назад

      People in Gaza are muslims, braintrust. The very fact that religion plays a big part in this conflict should tell you how bad religion is.

    • @bondjamesbond1664
      @bondjamesbond1664 Месяц назад +16


    • @boristheamerican2938
      @boristheamerican2938 Месяц назад +3

      No it doesnt. People are free to choose what ever religion if any they wish to follow. Rekigion is a self thing, you should not force it upon anyone. The oldest religion Zoroastrianism teaches that people choose to follow good or evil.

    • @kiraPh1234k
      @kiraPh1234k Месяц назад

      Ken is sinning in this sermon and not ashamed, not repentant.
      Humans are incapable of repentance.

    • @EM-mp3bx
      @EM-mp3bx Месяц назад +9

      @@boristheamerican2938 Yet you are forcing your views that others shouldn't "force" it on anyone else.

  • @Mystblueangel
    @Mystblueangel Месяц назад +28

    Amen to that! "God is in Control!" ✝🙏🩸🌹No matter what it looks like on the outside, God is still GOOD and is Always in Control

    • @tctecsas9340
      @tctecsas9340 Месяц назад

      Did he control your illness ? No ? Mmh....

    • @catherinellewelyn-evans3693
      @catherinellewelyn-evans3693 Месяц назад

      So God WAS in control of the last election then? Why, then, did so many Republicans dispute the results? Especially after every single court case was thrown out. God gives man free will, which means that even if, in the end, God will triumph, evil can yet be a very controlling and destructive force. Think Hitler and all those Christians mouthing, ‘God is in control,’ as if that validated Hitler’s actions.

  • @raysantiago3750
    @raysantiago3750 Месяц назад +144

    God is the answer. Jesus is the reason for all the seasons. ❤✝️🛐

    • @chrisubias7135
      @chrisubias7135 Месяц назад +8

      Actually it is the rotation of the earth position around the sun.

    • @Andre_XX
      @Andre_XX Месяц назад

      @@chrisubias7135 Careful, you are going to confuse these people with facts!

    • @juliemckenzie5960
      @juliemckenzie5960 Месяц назад


    • @MrBugPop
      @MrBugPop Месяц назад

      Is he responsible for global warming too?

    • @juliemckenzie5960
      @juliemckenzie5960 Месяц назад +2

      @@MrBugPop You’re probably joking but read Revelations it’s gonna get a LOT hotter!!

  • @Jesuslovesyou88627
    @Jesuslovesyou88627 Месяц назад +87

    Amen! This world has been wicked after the fall. I am not afraid to stand up for the gospel of Jesus Christ!

    • @tonywood3660
      @tonywood3660 Месяц назад +1

      I'd rather sit and watch you tube....

    • @Andre_XX
      @Andre_XX Месяц назад

      @@tonywood3660 Me too!

    • @tctecsas9340
      @tctecsas9340 Месяц назад +1

      Well, your god has never ever lied... ? Mmh...

    • @Jesuslovesyou88627
      @Jesuslovesyou88627 Месяц назад +2

      @@tctecsas9340because he can’t lie, I worship the God of the Bible

    • @tctecsas9340
      @tctecsas9340 Месяц назад

      @@Jesuslovesyou88627 Ok. So he's healed you and family ? ...

  • @otis4349
    @otis4349 Месяц назад +190

    Mr Ham, I truly appreciate you and your body of work. May God bless you and your team.

  • @wingingit-ol5pf
    @wingingit-ol5pf Месяц назад +18

    I was lucky enough to meet Ken Ham while in high school over a decade ago, and that meeting changed my life. I have to say, besides a spiritual revolution, we need the schools. We have to be in education. If my school had not invited Ken to talk, I wouldn't believe what I believe today.

    • @deebee4314
      @deebee4314 Месяц назад +2

      I agree we need education, real education. But parents need to be the ones doing it, because public schools, and more private schools are going the way of the world. When you send your children to Caesar, don't expect them to not come back Romans.

  • @PittsburghArtistStudio
    @PittsburghArtistStudio Месяц назад +112

    True. It so upsetting to me that people have turned away from God. God have mercy on us and show more the way to truth and light.

    • @tctecsas9340
      @tctecsas9340 Месяц назад

      It's because of religion. Religion is against facts. It religion spoke the truth, I guess more people would turn to God. Facts are not darkness,.religion is.

  • @jesusismyking4070
    @jesusismyking4070 Месяц назад +16

    It is such a breath of fresh air hearing someone speak on repentance, how we, as a nation, do need to repent. I been going through a time of repentance myself for my own sins. Repentance doesn't come easy. Thank you Ken.

    • @aquamarine5180
      @aquamarine5180 Месяц назад +1

      You are a breath of fresh air too! May we Christians also examine our own hearts, words, and actions. Blessed are the peacemakers, they will be called the children of God.

    • @AcidGubba
      @AcidGubba Месяц назад


  • @martinwolrich6464
    @martinwolrich6464 Месяц назад +137

    Love your works Ken Ham.God is indeed in full control.Always has & Always will be.God bless.Aussie in Australia.

  • @dennisfuller2571
    @dennisfuller2571 Месяц назад +12

    We will never be united until we all accept the Truth of Jesus

    • @rr7firefly
      @rr7firefly 5 дней назад

      That will never happen. There are other major religions that have other beliefs. They look at the U.S. (supposedly a Christian nation) and see hypocrisy. Christians allied with political movements that justify actions that go against Christ's teachings. See Matthew 25:40-45

  • @jeanmarie4507
    @jeanmarie4507 Месяц назад +135

    Amen, Ken. The simple truth. Not some convoluted half truth confusion.

    • @nickfrost9771
      @nickfrost9771 Месяц назад +2

      It has been extremely complicated to post a video about what has been on my mind. But this video sets the tone for after viewing it, you'll understand my thoughts.
      I Love America. I Love for what we stand for and why other countries love it.
      However, to be completely transparent. Our country was founded on many sins. Theft, murder, disobedience, deception. The bible states the absolute worst thing one can be is a hypocrite.
      The words written in our constitution sound perfect verbally. But we know there are many contradictions within it. Reading the bible front to back time and time again over the years. I have often thought about the prostitute nation spoken of in revelations. I always thought this to be the entire nation of the anti Christ's rule. But what if it literally means just one nation at that time. Nation that sins against itself. Commits all of God's forbidden sins. Invades the desert, etc,etc,etc. America has risen very fast, but it is falling even quicker. Does anyone else feel that we are that prostitute nation and most are blinded by the words of freedom and liberty? It does say in the end times, that nation will be consumed and burned. Maybe our energy sources and defences will be haulted then we will be attacked?
      Just curious to everyone's thoughts.
      Cheers and my god blessed, protect and welcome us all home at the time of his choosing...

    • @flyingtime5501
      @flyingtime5501 Месяц назад +5

      ​@@56onceit is showing love telling the truth. Lying to a man who thinks he is a woman by enabling his feelings is doing him a true disservice. The truth shall set you free!

    • @markborr5016
      @markborr5016 Месяц назад

      ​@@56onceyou gotta be anti gay cuz its sinful. Whats wrong with that? U can still hate the gay ideals but not the gay person

  • @sherireuther3047
    @sherireuther3047 Месяц назад +25

    Yes Ken. I pray for the lost, in this nation and around the world. I pray for them to have their eyes and ears opened and their hearts turned back to flesh. Repentance, relationship, and restoration. God bless you brother. The Ark was awesome, thank you for re-building it. 🙋‍♀️🙏⚔️🛡️🔥🍷🍞🔥

  • @louispearson4442
    @louispearson4442 Месяц назад +60

    This message is 100% on the Mark! Thank -you!

  • @phoenixbird7579
    @phoenixbird7579 Месяц назад +32

    As a non-Christian living a western country for a long time, the first thing I noticed was how empty and shallow the people are (with due respect), after some time I realized that most people here are not spiritual at all. from my own experience, I would rather have a religious Christian as a neighbor or a friend than a Christian by claim who does not follow his religion.

    • @shawnpenn
      @shawnpenn Месяц назад +5

      Very true - It’s in fact dangerous to live with neighbours who are non-spiritual than people who are Spiritual. BEING SPIRITUAL CONNECTS YOU TO HUMANITY AND BEING HUMAN !

    • @lilac6940
      @lilac6940 Месяц назад +2

      I wonder where you determine yourself to be in this spectrum of shallowness vs. depth that you are critiquing in your neighbors.

    • @AcidGubba
      @AcidGubba Месяц назад

      @@shawnpenn Too much education is very bad for faith. It would be better to be uneducated, then belief in a god makes the most sense.

  • @JA-zh5xi
    @JA-zh5xi Месяц назад +292

    Without God it is simply a man’s opinion which I can choose to agree with or not.

    • @sacredsounds4234
      @sacredsounds4234 Месяц назад

      I agree.But there is one thing that we can't disagree with is Godliness.Like a new born baby,a mother and her cubs,the sun,moon,existence,the ocean.You can call it godliness,love,beauty,existence its self but we have to agree it is happening.

    • @PhYTMatics
      @PhYTMatics Месяц назад

      Thank you

    • @nunyabiznazz2210
      @nunyabiznazz2210 Месяц назад +3

      Not if it's backed up with facts. You can disagree, of course, but then you would be wrong. Styrofoam floats on water. That is a fact. You can disagree, but you'd be wrong. Empirical facts do exist, even in a godless universe. I am not claiming that this is such a universe, just making a point.

    • @JA-zh5xi
      @JA-zh5xi Месяц назад +3

      @@nunyabiznazz2210 I think it’s pretty obvious we are talking about morality and not physics

    • @nunyabiznazz2210
      @nunyabiznazz2210 Месяц назад

      @@JA-zh5xi Fair enough, but when physics conflict with people's favorite holy text sometimes they reject facts and choose superstition instead. The flood story in the Bible is a perfect example of this. The Bible is not wrong. There was a flood, but it was only a regional flood. It happened around 2900 BC in what is now Iraq. There is plenty of evidence for this as well as earlier and more accurate versions of the story, except for the parts where they reference pagan gods, of course. In times of conflict, tho' morality and even truth oftentimes lose their meaning. What is right is what helps my side, and what is wrong is what helps the enemy. Unfortunately political discourse in America has devolved to that level. Keep your Bible, because you are going to need it.

  • @karensmiles7463
    @karensmiles7463 Месяц назад +95

    " We dont worship Government We worship God" Trump said that years ago.

    • @elmorocha4973
      @elmorocha4973 Месяц назад +12

      lip service, I don’t see fruits of the spirit

    • @Elvengem
      @Elvengem Месяц назад +8

      he is the one who wants to over throw it and be like God.

    • @kathleennorton6108
      @kathleennorton6108 Месяц назад +7

      ​@@Elvengemno he doesn't. and he says worship God.

    • @Wandjina104
      @Wandjina104 Месяц назад +10

      Trump worships Trump. Period.

    • @Elvengem
      @Elvengem Месяц назад +2

      @@kathleennorton6108 what god? its like daniel 11:38 Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his ancestors he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts. ' that would be like god of wealth and war or war like aggression,and he sees himself as that.

  • @sadybell
    @sadybell Месяц назад +99

    Jesus is the only way

  • @wandaarnt234
    @wandaarnt234 Месяц назад +6

    Beloved continue to pray for God’s Great Awakening in America 🇺🇸. 2 Chronicles 7:14. Blessings from Pennsylvania 🇮🇱🙏🎚🇺🇸

  • @aprilholton1150
    @aprilholton1150 Месяц назад +8

    Ephesians 6:12 explains what is going on in our world today!! We all need to put God first and spread the gospel, God is in control and there are steps we need to take.
    God bless you all going forward

    • @AVoiceCryingintheDesert-tq4vw
      @AVoiceCryingintheDesert-tq4vw Месяц назад

      You, like all the people snared into all the 100% apostate churches have no idea what the gospel is. The gospel the church sells is not the gospel of the Bible. It is a 100% false, manmade, fraud.

  • @kennyherrick8379
    @kennyherrick8379 Месяц назад +10

    When you see the signs..look up for my time draweth near. Even so come Lord Yeshua

  • @midnightqueen3332
    @midnightqueen3332 Месяц назад +166

    Regarding Trump, or any person for that matter, you don't need to be a Christian to be used by God. We need to remember the stories of like Rahab, Ruth the moabitess, these outsiders, and plenty of others are grafted in to the line of Christ. You could be the worst sinner in the world and be used by God and also not be saved at all. I feel as if there is a falsehood spreading that you have to be a Christian in order to be used by the Lord. Something to chew on. God Bless.

    • @mattk6719
      @mattk6719 Месяц назад +12

      The falsehood you're hinting at is the underlying fallacy of all cancel culture. It is the idea that a person's true words can be somehow invalidated by their sinful actions or other false words. In psychology it is called "splitting." To view a person as either all-good or all-evil based on perceptions. The truth is everyone is a sinner, no one is perfect, and even brilliant people with brilliant ideas can make terrible mistakes. But throwing out all of someone's good deeds and words because of something bad they said or did is error. The words, the deeds, each should be judged by their own merits, not by association. Pastors, politicians, your parents, teachers, everyone.
      (Per Bible, the ONLY ones who must meet the standard of perfection in their words are prophets. Even of teachers, it is said to keep what is good and discard the errors. But prophets speaking for God have no room for error. This is one reason why we know the prophets of Islam, Mormonism, and other cults are phony.)

    • @corneliuscoble6297
      @corneliuscoble6297 Месяц назад +6

      So absolutely true...Judas was with Christ in the inner circle!😢

    • @kkirsch3583
      @kkirsch3583 Месяц назад +7

      There is a fine distinction between being used OF the Lord versus being used BY the Lord. Do you see it?

    • @gingin294
      @gingin294 Месяц назад +2

      No, you are wrong. You have to know Christ as your Saviour for him to use you. He wants others to see Him through you as one of his own. If your not saved He does not hear your prayers. John chapter 3 :vs 16
      Call upon the Lord and you shall be saved.🙏

    • @nickfrost9771
      @nickfrost9771 Месяц назад +7

      It has been extremely complicated to post a video about what has been on my mind. But this video sets the tone for after viewing it, you'll understand my thoughts.
      I Love America. I Love for what we stand for and why other countries love it.
      However, to be completely transparent. Our country was founded on many sins. Theft, murder, disobedience, deception. The bible states the absolute worst thing one can be is a hypocrite.
      The words written in our constitution sound perfect verbally. But we know there are many contradictions within it. Reading the bible front to back time and time again over the years. I have often thought about the prostitute nation spoken of in revelations. I always thought this to be the entire nation of the anti Christ's rule. But what if it literally means just one nation at that time. Nation that sins against itself. Commits all of God's forbidden sins. Invades the desert, etc,etc,etc. America has risen very fast, but it is falling even quicker. Does anyone else feel that we are that prostitute nation and most are blinded by the words of freedom and liberty? It does say in the end times, that nation will be consumed and burned. Maybe our energy sources and defences will be haulted then we will be attacked?
      Just curious to everyone's thoughts.
      Cheers and my god blessed, protect and welcome us all home at the time of his choosing...

  • @dianacarr5515
    @dianacarr5515 Месяц назад +16

    Praying God will give me (us) wisdom like Ken Hamm. So few of us can defend our beliefs and speak truth to this world.

    • @AcidGubba
      @AcidGubba Месяц назад

      Too much education is very bad for faith. It would be better to be uneducated, then belief in a god makes the most sense.

  • @katherineking3174
    @katherineking3174 Месяц назад +25

    Yes turned away!!! The LORD says, when you become prosperous don't forget Me!!!

  • @magikdust2095
    @magikdust2095 Месяц назад +9

    I was an atheist who believed in evolution for as long as I can remember, despite being raised by very religious parents... it wasn't really a choice, I just didn't believe in God. I thought of myself as spiritual but not religious. However, I started seeing the evil that has permeated our country and world, which made me question things. I started watching conservative channels... then I found this channel... which made my doubts in evolution stronger... which made me seriously question whether God is real...
    I can see very clearly that the people on one side of this fight are evil, doing evil things, are filled with hate, and they are tricking others into believing evil is good and good is evil. I do think a lot of people are starting to wake up, though. I'm one of them. Hopefully, more will awaken as well.

    • @georgewagner7787
      @georgewagner7787 Месяц назад +1

      Ask Jesus to show you what is true and read Scripture

  • @chantaldixon2783
    @chantaldixon2783 Месяц назад +70

    We are living in the last days people. The timetable already been set. Give your life to Jesus Christ

    • @MegUSN52
      @MegUSN52 Месяц назад +7

      According to the New Testament, we have lived in the "last days" since early Christ followers. Even Jesus stated that He did not know the day or hour. Instead of focusing on "last days", "End Times", etc. I think it's just more important to be prepared that it could be today or tomorrow.

    • @nickfrost9771
      @nickfrost9771 Месяц назад +3

      It has been extremely complicated to post a video about what has been on my mind. But this video sets the tone for after viewing it, you'll understand my thoughts.
      I Love America. I Love for what we stand for and why other countries love it.
      However, to be completely transparent. Our country was founded on many sins. Theft, murder, disobedience, deception. The bible states the absolute worst thing one can be is a hypocrite.
      The words written in our constitution sound perfect verbally. But we know there are many contradictions within it. Reading the bible front to back time and time again over the years. I have often thought about the prostitute nation spoken of in revelations. I always thought this to be the entire nation of the anti Christ's rule. But what if it literally means just one nation at that time. Nation that sins against itself. Commits all of God's forbidden sins. Invades the desert, etc,etc,etc. America has risen very fast, but it is falling even quicker. Does anyone else feel that we are that prostitute nation and most are blinded by the words of freedom and liberty? It does say in the end times, that nation will be consumed and burned. Maybe our energy sources and defences will be haulted then we will be attacked?
      Just curious to everyone's thoughts.
      Cheers and my god blessed, protect and welcome us all home at the time of his choosing...

    • @bremeartic8650
      @bremeartic8650 Месяц назад +1

      you ppl been saying that for past 50-100 years lol

    • @markduell2468
      @markduell2468 Месяц назад +1

      @@bremeartic8650 Actually, they have been saying it for 2,000 years. It was very prevalent during WW II.

  • @densershepherd4479
    @densershepherd4479 Месяц назад +3

    You speaking exactly what I have been thinking for a long time. When one dismisses the fact of the One True God, Jesus Christ, what is the basis for right and wrong. “ Every man does what is right in his own eyes”.

  • @brentknudson9131
    @brentknudson9131 Месяц назад +33

    I don't know if they will repent without calamity 😢 thank you for sharing this 🙏✝️💯

    • @paullomonaco8553
      @paullomonaco8553 Месяц назад

      Sadly, we know thru the book of Revelation, that the hardened heart does not see or seek God. And we know that even during the most horrific of times ( The Tribulation) the unsaved will SHAKE THEIR FISTS at the ONE TRUE GOD and curse Him… but they WILL NOT REPENT. AND SO WE MUST PRAY! With our ceasing for these lost souls.

  • @Craftigurl
    @Craftigurl Месяц назад +7

    Pray for America and love all, pray for our neighbors and world . Most of all Love the Lord thy God with all your heart …

  • @christtheonlyhope4578
    @christtheonlyhope4578 Месяц назад +7

    God is sovereign and nothing comes as a surprise to Him. Whether we face fluctuating economics, threats from abroad, unrest at home, or other troubling circumstances, our Heavenly Father is not caught unaware. Through prayer, we are able to tap into His wisdom, strength, protection, and peace. He stands ready to respond to our needs when we humbly ask for divine intervention in the affairs of men.

  • @Raymond-rr5iv
    @Raymond-rr5iv Месяц назад +8

    I felt like we were all sharing the same
    miracle❤🙏🇺🇸 !!!

  • @tammyedwards9758
    @tammyedwards9758 Месяц назад +55

    Truth! I love your ministry! May God bless you and AiG!

  • @edwardwicks304
    @edwardwicks304 Месяц назад +7

    I love your work Brother Ham. Continue to minister the truth as God leads. The Holy Spirit will use your words to bring conviction to the hearts of men and women and bring them to repentance.

  • @Lisa-ty5xw
    @Lisa-ty5xw Месяц назад +22

    You’re absolutely right Dr. Ham!

    • @Andre_XX
      @Andre_XX Месяц назад

      But the guy is a deluded fool!

  • @AmandaFessler
    @AmandaFessler Месяц назад +5

    That's why I love Ministries like these. They always go back to the beginning, the foundations of the world and Word. Why did Abraham stop at 10? Perhaps because he remembered that God didn't spare the world for 8 righteous people. Bless you all.

  • @pamelarobbins1462
    @pamelarobbins1462 Месяц назад +10

    I absolutely agree! We all need repentance!

  • @danielkuykendall4919
    @danielkuykendall4919 Месяц назад +5

    Tell it brother..You always speak the truth. Amen Gods blessings on you brother Hamm

  • @michaelpfister1283
    @michaelpfister1283 Месяц назад +16

    100%. Thank you for speaking the truth

  • @Martin-qn1sx
    @Martin-qn1sx Месяц назад +2

    Thank you Sir, everything you’ve said I firmly agree with. This is why I love answers in Genesis so much. May G-D continue to bless you abundantly for your walk in his word

  • @eclipsesonic
    @eclipsesonic Месяц назад +34

    That was an interesting thought, Ken, regarding why Abraham didn't go below 10 people, when talking about how many righteous people would it take for God to spare the city of Sodom. I wonder if Abraham did have Noah and his family in mind?

  • @user-bo9vc4ek5z
    @user-bo9vc4ek5z Месяц назад +3

    Thankyou Ken, for all the wonderful work you do to bring people to Christ.

  • @corneliuscoble6297
    @corneliuscoble6297 Месяц назад +34

    People worships the creature more than the creator!😢

    • @Kyrelel
      @Kyrelel Месяц назад

      Well, creatures are real :/

  • @hankwurtz134
    @hankwurtz134 Месяц назад +2

    Good job Ken! Thank you for your faithful service to our Heavenly Father and standing as a beacon to remind us of what He said.

  • @corneliuscoble6297
    @corneliuscoble6297 Месяц назад +93

    This nation has totally turned thier bck on the Lord!

    • @Denise-dv3ps
      @Denise-dv3ps Месяц назад +4

      That's a very broad statement & it's not actually true there ARE people here who have NOT turned their backs on God

    • @Andre_XX
      @Andre_XX Месяц назад +1

      How do you turn your back on a fantasy?

    • @RachelOlynuk-vy3tq
      @RachelOlynuk-vy3tq Месяц назад +2

      Not everyone has turned against God❤ don’t believe in God? You should… he believes in you!

    • @Andre_XX
      @Andre_XX Месяц назад +1

      @@RachelOlynuk-vy3tq Fantasies don't believe in me. Fantasies don't believe in anything. Get real, dude.

    • @rayspeakmon2954
      @rayspeakmon2954 Месяц назад

      ​@@Denise-dv3psLot and his family had not turned their backs on God either and you saw what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah.

  • @jhs55
    @jhs55 Месяц назад +6

    I like to listen to people like you, Tony Perkins and Christians.

  • @clintkeene1146
    @clintkeene1146 Месяц назад +7

    I’m a God fearing man sir. 6 toes 9 fingers 26 surgeries in 10 years. Congestive heart failure and 3 months later 5 stints in my heart with 45% of my heart ♥️ pumping the blood 🩸 through my body and I walk as much as I possibly can. My pastor calls me today’s walking miracle. My 27th surgery they were putting me under to give my lower left leg 5 stints to open up the blood flow to my two toes on my left leg. I asphyxiated and was clinically dead for about 10 minutes until I woke up in icu with pneumonia. I’m still walk up 16 steps to bed every night and I might still feel pain. Pain is nothing. I’m today’s biblical leaper. I’m still alive because I don’t believe in suicide. It’s an out. I’m here for a reason and still don’t know what Gods plan is for me. Yall have a blessed day.

    • @clintkeene1146
      @clintkeene1146 Месяц назад

      I’m surviving could use just a little more but I don’t complain. I tried I know what it’s like to be thirsty and hungry and without anything. God can’t bless us unless we all agree to bless Himself God Himself He is our creator. I still try. Just got done my 3rd monster truck build in last couple of years. Don’t know what is keeping me alive but I promise I know what pain feels like.

    • @frank-wt1rc
      @frank-wt1rc Месяц назад

      With that kind of life full of hardships, which I'm sure sucks big time, God is blessing you for sure !! This is at least one thing a share with God, sarcasm....

  • @TheStaffOfLife
    @TheStaffOfLife Месяц назад +4

    THANK YOU, Ken Hamm.
    Repent and believe the Gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. AMEN

  • @rlunnerstall3527
    @rlunnerstall3527 Месяц назад +79

    The Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is NOT Voting as we would hope a Christian would. We are shocked to hear Ken Ham say he was voting right.

    • @MrSymbolic7
      @MrSymbolic7 Месяц назад +13

      Interesting that's when I stopped listening and came to the comments !

    • @jericullen9252
      @jericullen9252 Месяц назад +3

      Who is we?

    • @jericullen9252
      @jericullen9252 Месяц назад +4

      So there you go you disagree and that makes you right? 🙏🙏🙏

    • @eternalhigh05
      @eternalhigh05 Месяц назад

      @@jericullen9252 you're right.

    • @nickfrost9771
      @nickfrost9771 Месяц назад +3

      It has been extremely complicated to post a video about what has been on my mind. But this video sets the tone for after viewing it, you'll understand my thoughts.
      I Love America. I Love for what we stand for and why other countries love it.
      However, to be completely transparent. Our country was founded on many sins. Theft, murder, disobedience, deception. The bible states the absolute worst thing one can be is a hypocrite.
      The words written in our constitution sound perfect verbally. But we know there are many contradictions within it. Reading the bible front to back time and time again over the years. I have often thought about the prostitute nation spoken of in revelations. I always thought this to be the entire nation of the anti Christ's rule. But what if it literally means just one nation at that time. Nation that sins against itself. Commits all of God's forbidden sins. Invades the desert, etc,etc,etc. America has risen very fast, but it is falling even quicker. Does anyone else feel that we are that prostitute nation and most are blinded by the words of freedom and liberty? It does say in the end times, that nation will be consumed and burned. Maybe our energy sources and defences will be haulted then we will be attacked?
      Just curious to everyone's thoughts.
      Cheers and my god blessed, protect and welcome us all home at the time of his choosing...

  • @kimshuman4175
    @kimshuman4175 Месяц назад +2

    Thank you, Ken, for your dedication to God and sharing the important truths of His word.

  • @avondalemama470
    @avondalemama470 Месяц назад +9

    So good to hear from concerning what happened Saturday with Mr. Trump. I agree with you 100%. May your words about God’s truth be heard by many.

  • @sjm2is4ra6el
    @sjm2is4ra6el Месяц назад +23

    Many people are now praying, calling out to God, praying more now, and reevaluating their attitudes and words used. Praise the Lord God Almighty.
    Used a rally to shake up His people and His creation.
    People have looked and are looking 🎉upon those thst they love and what is important to cherish.
    Bless you Adonai.
    Love you Yahweh.

    • @nayon9379
      @nayon9379 Месяц назад

      🍂THE GOSPEL OF WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name"
      (The Christ of the last days brings life to all and brings a last and eternal way of truth. The work of the last days exposes the work of Jehovah and also of Jesus and all mysteries and mysteries that man does not understand. This is done to reveal the destiny and of humanity and end all works of salvation among humanity. This phase of work brings all things to the end. In the last days, Christ uses various truths to teach people. Reveal the human spirit and check his words and actions. These words are made up of different many truths. As human duty, how to obey God, how to be faithful to God, how a person should live normally, so is God's wisdom, and disposition, and do on. Those words expose how man rejects God in how man is an representation of Satan and an enemy force that opposes God. Judgment gives--away for man to understand the will of God. It also allows man to recognize and know the evil spirit and the roots of his evil, as well as to discover the uglyness and defects of man. These effects are all results of the word of Judgment in the last days.)
      Almighty God said
      " The CHRIST of the LAST DAYS brings LIFE to ALL and BRINGS a LAST and ETERNAL WAY of TRUTH. This TRUTH is the WAY by which MAN CAN OBTAIN LIFE and the ONLY WAY by which MAN CAN KNOW GOD and --GOD'S WILL. ☀️🙏
      This PHASE of WORK BRINGS ALL THINGS to the END. 🌺
      In this final stage of the work the results are achieved through words. THROUGH gh the WORD man COMES to the UNDERSTANDING of many MYSTERIES and the WORK of GOD, through the WORD man is ENLIGHTENED by the HOLY SPIRIT; through the word man UNDERSTANDS the MYSTERY that has not been SOLVED by PAST GENERATIONS ns as well as the WORK of the PROPHETS and APOSTLES of PAST TIMES and the PRINCIPLES on which they WORK ; through the WORD people COME to an UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S DISPOSITION, as well as HUMAN REBELLION and RESISTANCE and come to an understanding of their own substance. ☀️🙏☀️
      Through these steps of work, and all the words spoken; man comes to understand the work of the Spirit in the work of God incarnate, and especially in His entire disposition. " 🙏
      THESE WORDS ARE MADE UP OF DIFFERENT MANY Truths. As human duty, how to obey God,
      how to be faithful to God, how a person should live normally, so is God's wisdom and disposition, and so on. These words focus on the Spirit of man. And in his bad disposition. ☀️🌻
      WHAT the WORK of JUDGMENT will CAUSE is MAN'S UNDERSTANDING of GOD'S TRUE FACE and the TRUTH ABOUT his rebellion. 🌻
      The purpose of God's works and Plans, and the mysteries and mysteries that cannot be understood. It also ALLOWS MAN to RECOGNIZE and KNOW his EVIL SPIRIT and the ROOTS of his EVIL, as WELL as to DISCOVER the UGLYNESS and DEFECTS of MAN. 😪🙏
      These EFFECTS are all RESULTS of the WORK of JUDGMENT in the LAST DAYS.
      Because the SPIRIT of THIS WORK is the OPENING of the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE to ALL who have FAITH in HIM. " 🙏🙏
      From "The Word Appears in the Flesh"
      Fulfillment in (John 1:1) and (Ezekiel 2::9-10), (Rev. 19:9,13)
      📩 All who have "ears to listen" are led to what the Spirit of God is saying in His lowered and built kingdom/Church engraved with His new name, His totality, the ownership of this disposition, "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD "💐 fulfillment from what was said He to Peter 2,000 years ago recorded in (Matthew 16:18-19). His Coming is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the great book of Revelation, so the last "Salvation" He brought the whole truth, the way for eternal life. So the "victorious" ones who will receive them are the wise "virgins" because as recorded in the prophecy of His return no one knows it except the one who will receive it! So "come" and come to His kingdom/church standing in the holy place in the air/RUclips! This is also a fulfillment from the book of (Isaiah 2:2/9:6) which He first fulfilled in His first incarnation. 📥
      "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... and (Isaiah 2: 2 / 9:6) "On the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " . "For a baby boy is born to us. The rule will be given to him; and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." 📤

  • @gi169
    @gi169 Месяц назад +48

    Thank you Ken Ham.

  • @josephinewhite6224
    @josephinewhite6224 11 дней назад +2

    Christians and all conservative thinking people do our best to function in a fallen world. No one making it to the presidency will be squeaky clean, but we must vote for the person who represents the party that most closely reflects the values we hold dear.

  • @JohnDuncan0347
    @JohnDuncan0347 Месяц назад +7

    I've never seen you prior to today, but I appreciate what you're saying. Thank you for your work in the ministry.

  • @KR-te8kw
    @KR-te8kw Месяц назад +2

    Amen! Agree 100%! thank you!❤
    Keep our eyes on Christ and know He has all authority and is in charge! Praise God!❤

  • @christybailey8784
    @christybailey8784 Месяц назад +7

    Appreciate what you have said. Prayers 🙏 for our country

  • @RunTwoWin
    @RunTwoWin Месяц назад +2

    What I appreciate about Ken is that his ministry isn't just about creation but more importantly about salvation. Others involved in the Answers in Genesis ministry itself are focused on creation with some even at odds with others on their interpretations of the scriptures. Ken has been well rounded with a firm Biblical foundation and I appreciate that.

  • @KimWinquest-lt3wh
    @KimWinquest-lt3wh Месяц назад +17

    So comforting to hear this word. Thx.

  • @bobcurcio7036
    @bobcurcio7036 Месяц назад +3

    May our LORD continue to bless you Dr Ken. You are SPOT-ON with your msg. And thanks be to our GOD for making me a prayer warrior/intercessor; therefore I'm praying for this program to go viral across America 🇺🇸 in the mighty mighty name of JESUS the CHRIST amen and amen!!!WAKE-UP AMERICA the word for ALL of Us is REPENT, look it up...

  • @ukulelebutterfly
    @ukulelebutterfly Месяц назад +8

    "In God We Trust "
    We forget that.
    I wrote and sing about it on my tiny channel.
    "WE" the People CAN do something about it.
    "Where there's life, there's hope." Msgr. Tim
    ~ 🦋

  • @suzannehofer2541
    @suzannehofer2541 Месяц назад +12

    Oh yeah, Biden’s words are so sincere. I haven’t heard him said a truthful word yet.

    • @pattitilden7998
      @pattitilden7998 Месяц назад

      Please learn proper English. Do you have something against God?

    • @suehalufska745
      @suehalufska745 Месяц назад +1

      Biden is a Godly man, he is honest & a good person. He wishes no ill on anyone

    • @michaelengland6534
      @michaelengland6534 27 дней назад

      That is because you have listened to only Trump, and he is never truthful.

  • @carolynnunes3922
    @carolynnunes3922 Месяц назад +27

    Philippians 2:15
    That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world
    Proverbs 24:12
    If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?
    Jeremiah 23:24
    Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.
    Ecclesiastes 12:14
    For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

  • @stevehammond8393
    @stevehammond8393 29 дней назад +1

    you,ve taken the prayers right out of my mouth. Thank you! Keep up the good work!

  • @user-jm2yo8bw5v
    @user-jm2yo8bw5v Месяц назад +8

    I believe this started with opening businesses on Sunday and pretty much made people work on Sundays.. Taking them away from Church..Then taking GOD out of the Schools..We use to say the pledge of Alliance which came over the intercom every morning at school.. People Use to invite others to Church.. haven't heard that in decades..We must return to GOD'S ways Not the World's..

  • @ToliveisChristPhilippians121
    @ToliveisChristPhilippians121 29 дней назад +1

    You're smart! Praise God! Thanks for this, Ken & all your teachings & thank you to all at "Answers in Genesis"! God bless! Be praying for you all & your ministry! 😁👌👌👌☝️

  • @Janice-d-witnessing
    @Janice-d-witnessing Месяц назад +17

    Well said! What Mr. Ham did there is actually called presuppositional apologetics. I know he's an evidentialist, but I'm glad to see him using that very important argument as well regarding the foundations of morality.

  • @moirarussell1950
    @moirarussell1950 Месяц назад +1

    Thankyou Ken. It’s comforting to hear your quiet take on things as unsettling as these in times as confusing as these.God bless you. ❤️🙏🇨🇦

  • @ThomasClementsRVA
    @ThomasClementsRVA Месяц назад +22

    Amen to your sermon 🙏🙏🙏

  • @pooupi80
    @pooupi80 Месяц назад +2

    Mr Ham, I am really starting to believe you are right. The more I look around at what has been going on, the more I realize that man left to himself trully is wicked. How sad what we have allowed in this country.

  • @MrChickensnatcher
    @MrChickensnatcher Месяц назад +6

    Great Biblical response, Amen!

  • @LTD-7
    @LTD-7 Месяц назад +5

    Jesus Is The Answer

  • @banemaler
    @banemaler Месяц назад +74

    I wish Mike Johnson would walk the walk. I appreciate his love for this ministry and Living Waters but he betrayed Christianity by robbing victory from the jaws of defeat in Louisiana when he opposed a bill that would end all abortion in the state. Even going as far as allegedly threatening the political careers of individuals including a Pastor who authored the bill. It pains me to point this out instead of his closest friends counseling him or ignoring the issue. Now AIG has put themselves out there by saying this.

    • @silverbackhayabusa
      @silverbackhayabusa Месяц назад

      There are almost zero republicans (definitely zero democrats) that she be endorsed based on godly values because they will sometimes give a good talk but anyone paying attention to their political actions will see they aren't working God's Will. The Republican platform has scrubbed all opposition to abortion except a single statement opposing late term abortion. They've watered down opposition to homosexuality. And it goes on.

    • @cassielitton753
      @cassielitton753 Месяц назад +21

      🎯🎯🎯. People need to look at MJ and quit going by what he says. Look at his actions

    • @matth254
      @matth254 Месяц назад +1

      Please explain Ray Comfort’s “another gospel?” I don’t see it.

    • @patk3601
      @patk3601 Месяц назад +2

      ​@@matth254 - me neither. I've watched Ray gor many years and have never heard him misrepresent the Gospel.

    • @lewlewbelle7275
      @lewlewbelle7275 Месяц назад +16

      Mike Johnson is bowing to Caesar not Jesus Christ

  • @slickwilly7703
    @slickwilly7703 Месяц назад +3

    I saw a debate between Ken Hamm and Bill Nye the Science Guy at our church many years ago. After the debate young people were invited to come up and speak to Ken and Bill and while the young people treated Bill Nye like a rock star while Ken Hamm stood there all alone. It was embarrassing that this was happening in our church and I didn't understand why. Until many years later when someone told me that Bill Nye was shown in the classroom on tv every day. Then it all made sense. Our public schools have kicked God and prayer out of schools across the nation and replaced that with an atheist everyday. Reason #327 why we homeschool our kids.

    • @georgewagner7787
      @georgewagner7787 Месяц назад

      If you ever saw nyes music video you'd understand how awful he is

  • @GDM1787
    @GDM1787 Месяц назад +24

    God will not be mocked.

    • @markduell2468
      @markduell2468 Месяц назад +3

      Which God are you referring to?

    • @giuseppetrezza8215
      @giuseppetrezza8215 Месяц назад

      why not? im an atheist and ridicule your god all the time. your statement is then false... use your brain instead of following others stupidity.

    • @BonnieG101
      @BonnieG101 Месяц назад

      God Almighty knows who this person is referring to.​@@markduell2468

  • @heaistevenhoko1845
    @heaistevenhoko1845 Месяц назад +1

    It is not America! It is not any nation! It is not the world! IT IS THIS GENERATION!
    Thank you for the highlighting what is the issue or the answer - it is all spiritual.

  • @debrazawlocki3975
    @debrazawlocki3975 Месяц назад +3

    Thank-you, Pastor Hamm.

  • @jmmch3358
    @jmmch3358 28 дней назад +1

    Completely agree, our Nation needs to turn toward God and repent to receive his Blessings🙏.
    In God we Trust.

  • @LordsServant4ever
    @LordsServant4ever Месяц назад +7

    Johnson may be Christian, but like all sinners he is weak, and Compromised. Good message otherwise Ken

  • @newcreationinchrist1423
    @newcreationinchrist1423 Месяц назад +3

    Jesus is coming back soon! 🙏🙏🙏✝️🕊️ Be ready!

  • @jpnapier750
    @jpnapier750 Месяц назад +51

    absolutely love your ministry!

  • @elbertsorrell8394
    @elbertsorrell8394 Месяц назад +1

    I just love this man & his message! He stays consistent, no matter where he is or who he's dealing with! I have been preaching this same thing for years!
    True Christians in America need to wake up to the facts Ken is sharing here! There is NO great revival coming! Our world & nation will see things get worse from here! Not better! This is what Jesus said! Let us hear & prepare!

  • @sweetrouble420
    @sweetrouble420 Месяц назад +3

    Amen ❤ Praise Jesus ❤️

  • @anettethrasher7422
    @anettethrasher7422 Месяц назад +2

    Amen! Jesus Christ is the answer! Accept him today as your Lord and Savior!

  • @garyreneker6226
    @garyreneker6226 Месяц назад +6

    You totally lost me on the Johnson endorsement. You obviously have not studied his past, or his more recent words and activities. Just because someone calls themself a Christian does not make them one, anymore than sitting in a barn and calling yourself a horse will turn you into a horse. You did mention what I think is probably your prime reason for supporting him. "He supports this ministry."

  • @bethabercrombie6244
    @bethabercrombie6244 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you, Mr Ham. Well spoken. The insight as to God saved 8 and judged the rest of the world, so Abraham stopped at 10 righteous for one city ... makes me consider God's ways....