This seems like the typical "blame others for the repercussions of your mistakes." No one made them go on interviews and say stupid things. Time to take Responsibility Peeps...
Uh, John Mayer plays to sold out stadiums all over the world both solo and with the Dead and Company. What exactly does he need to make a comeback from?
Good riddance. The man tried to marry a 14 year old for f**k's sake! It took a lot of gall to show his face in public after that. I hope he finds Jesus, gets good counseling, and never works again.
Smicki smick That may not be who YOU or I am, for certain. However, it is who THEY are. They're just being themselves, grumpy, racist, homophobic selves. You or me judging won't help it. There are a lot of "bad" ppl out there. You can't change that, it's who they have a need to be and who they are.
I agree on the fact that we should never be okay with those stuff, but I'm not okay with people judging somebody for their bad actions instead of helping them. If you don't mean to help, then why do you not approve or why do you judge in the first place? Does that make you better than them? Certainly not
Lotus Eater My focus is more on the safety of those these acts would affect. The victims of the actions. I am not the bleeding heart who thinks to save the pedophile while giving the multiple chances to harm children. Child safety takes precedent to me so save that crap for someone else.
Are we going to ignore how she basically said the writing of Grey’s Anatomy for her character wasn’t worthy of an Emmy-aka, not good enough? She bit the hand that fed her, twice. There’s sharing an opinion, and then saying either she’s better than this or she didn’t get enough “good” work.
So if I called your work sexist to a degree, you wouldn't feel insulted? I'm sure he wasn't insulted one bit, but the words she chose to say, were very poor. Sexist is just as bad as calling someone racist.
Big difference between an 18 year old teen girl and a 13 year old being that one is legal the other not. Desire for illegal age girls is not illegal.... only if you act on it.
Oh please Katherine and Megan were not shunned in Hollywood even after they open their big mouths and I like both of them Megan has three movies coming out
Don't throw that bs on knocked up, the movie was based on him and his wife. Just because having a kid was hard for them doesn't mean it was hard for everybody. (Which was stated in the movie)
Can we now take a moment to question, “difficult to work with” being one of the phrases used to describe actresses who wouldn’t do sexual favours, and were black listed, meaning they weren’t hired by any other directors as being difficult. I hate to question how many of these actresses faced that kind of career ending black mail
The males on this list were actually offensive, R. Kelly incriminating. But Fox and Heigl were just speaking up about the mistreatment of women. Interesting.
NoneWhatsoever Who mistreated them? I bet it was some evil men. If Katherine Heigl was so worried about how women are portrayed in that movie, why isn't she worried about how men are portrayed in most Hollywood movies
You can't complain about how sexist a movie is *after* you spend weeks filming the scenes and you cash your cheque. Heigl wasn't being a "strong woman", she was biting the hand that fed her.
I'm really bummed about Katherine Heigl, she brought up some important issues in that interview. And as for withdrawing her name from consideration for the Emmy because she felt the material wasn't up to parr, I think that was a more or less noble choice. It's okay to have standards.
Well said. 👏 Actors are almost like models. In a sense they are professional liars. They have to tell you what you want to hear. Everything is great, awesome, everybody's super nice and there are negative aspects. They have to seel themselves, their looks, their products. They also tell and show you a lot of their private life and that makes you fall for them. But movies, videos, music, media is generally seen as fun and entertainment, not as products that people are selling to make a living. While celebrities being in ads might not always work, them doing interviews and showing up in talk shows promoting their lates movie or song is doing the job.
They can have opinions but all to often they hold themselves out to be ‘experts’ which I have yet to see that actually be the truth. Many people foolishly listen as if their opinion matters or carries special weight when of course it does not. May of them are educated while others are dumb as a box of rocks. While they’re speaks ng it often shows just how ignorant they are with some really stupid statements which make a 5th grader laugh. Too often they’ll speak about politics which seems to be a great favorite and they have n idea who said what or when. They won’t have people in the correct parties or even know when major events took place and who was President at the time. One comes to mind is when a relative new comer who is a really good actress stated she blamed Donald Trump for 911 as he should’ve stopped it as it was all because of him. Nothing about that statement makes any sense as most Americans know. I knew nothing of her Politics nor did I care. I was channel surfing and stopped for a moment. Now, I don’t want to watch anything she’s in. She was very nasty and arrogant which made it worse. What a completely loser. I doubt that interview helped her career. They may want to consider either making certain they know the subject matter or skip such types of interviews until they can speak without sounding so stupid. I checked and this wasn’t a ‘gotcha moment’ as she was being interviewed to discuss politics. 🤣
Jack Fury I had to relisten to that a couple times. I realized this same thing. The person who made this video isn’t so smart. Napalm is not a recreational drug.
It really is. People like Harvey Weinstien hasn't been convicted either but almost everyone agrees he's a rapist. R Kelly shouldn't get any special treatment. He married at 15-year-old at 27.
Well last I checked Jerry Lee Lewis married a young girl who was his cousin.. didn't see him do any time on that and u can't get any more disgusting than that. So u guys can kiss R. Kelly's butt and mines too cause he's a great artist and that's what his fans support..the rest is between him and go to HELL!
@Eddy Boh not they are not. while I would even agree that teenagers are not "children" anymore, they are also not "adults" (which is probably literally why we have another term for them!).
Actually I feel like the Fox/Bay thing being true on both sides. I can easily see Bay as an insecure infantile tyrant riddled with ocd and anxieties, I've known people like that in my life. And I can also see her distant not interested and a bit depressed.
Actually there is a big story about this. Megan has been trying to talk about how much he sexualized her in general. She was always shut down tho. You can search it up
Me personally, I'm kinda sad for Heigl. She went from A list to the bottom of the barrel like THAT! Hope she makes a comeback. She did less harm than Robert Downey Jr. and the media treats her like she was worse than he was at his lowest low.
Robert Downey Jr never bad mouth his movies that made him household name and that Robert didn't harm anyone but himself when he was doing drugs he got clean and sober and never blame anyone for his drugs addiction
To get a men out of track, he needs to be a real jerk, a sociopath or a criminal. To get a woman out of track, she needs to speak her mind. Like, how Katherine destroyed her career on this interview? How did Paula?
same with Angelina and so many others I have to confess I don't understand this obsession to look like an old porn star esp when they look so beautiful before hand. my only guess is natural beauty is no longer in fashion.
Regardless of R Kelly being a douche it was a bait question and he deflected it like a pro. What the guy was really trying to do was trick R Kelly into admitting to being a paedophile, but one could be a teenager and above the age of consent.
Liz Way I don't get him either but I remember once he was like the it guy in Hollywood. His PR team did a great job to promote him to the world. The media can't stop talking about him and he was everywhere like in magazines, talk shows, award shows etc. They didn't just talk about his music (which was mediocre at its finest), they also talked about how sexy and desirable he was because a lot of a-list actresses/singers were seeing to be with him at some point during that time. Even at that time I was thinking, this guy has to be most overrated mofo in Hollywood. Thank God those days are over and he is a hasbeen nobody now.
Seth and Paul are comedy actors doing what they do best but also believable in their roles, I know I would be just like Rogens character if a baby came at me unexpectedly years before I was ready, not a stoner but juvenile a little and also not be used to the harrowing responsibility but now I know I would be just like Paul Rudds character who is ready for fatherhood and has his shit together but at the same time struggle for that free time. Heigl's character has their shit together but still thrown through a loop because she was dreading having to raise a child with an unsupportive father, I don't think the given roles are sexist but rather impressive to see how brave they are in taking so much control in their lives whilst in a period of time that renders physically, mentally and emotionally unstable. willpower can change a bad situation into a beautiful future as long as one can support the other so yeah the guys were funny but everyone watching knew the women despite going all crazy were doing so understandably. Men may be funnier but when it comes down to facing down childbirth, women are unrivalled in cool.
Mariana Canessa Heigl was blacklisted by Shonda because she refused an Emmy nomination stating that Grey's Anatomy story writing for her character was not worthy of it.
Mariana Canessa guess women always need to be portrayed in a positive light or otherwise it's sexist. Is it sexist when men are portrayed negatively? If no then you are not being logically consistent. Oh but women can't be sexist and black people can't be racist. This Marxist newspeak if I have ever saw it. Bow down to your cultural Marxist overlords you dupes.
ibsio the point that was made by the original commenter was that the characters were indeed sexist. How is that missing the point? What point are they making besides that? I think you missed my point.
a.jewellRN I know about what he did in the past but this is my first time seeing this....when he asked that DUMB as question my mouth literally dropped.😮😮😮
Heigl, though she took the role in knocked up, she has a point indicating that why the movie itself is too stereotypical. I'm glad she spoke up about it. she doesnt give a damn anymore!
Yeah, she complained all the way to the bank with the paycheck she got for making the movie. "Why is this how you're portraying women?" I dunno, Katherine, why was it how *you* were portraying women? What a crock.
Ummm, she was playing a character, she was portraying that particular character, she was not a representation of women, she was a representation of that particular fictional character. She read the script it's not like she was playing Erin Brockovich or something. Just think of Seth Rogen's character, portrayed as an immature, irresponsible, unemployed pothead but you dont hear a bunch of guys complaining that he portrayed men in a negative way.
Megan No, she was offered a script and, knowing exactly what the character was going to say and do, decided to play that character. It's not like Judd Apatow pulled a switcharoo and sprung a whole new concept on her after the contracts were signed. Not to mention, she went on to play the same uptight killjoy type character in the incredibly sexist The Ugly Truth.
Eighteen and nineteen year olds are still teenagers. He wanted to be clear on whether they meant of-age or underage teenagers. But we all know he likes underage.
In the US you're an adult at 18, R Kelly is American so why would he be talking about 18 year olds. He was probably thinking about 16 year olds because that's the age of consent (even though they're still minors)
Well some people consider teenage to be 17 and younger and some people consider 18 and 19 to still be teenage. I think he was just clarifying that before he answered. Maybe he has been attracted to 19 year olds before. Who knows.
Katherine Heigl: "I hated the script and thought movie was sexist but I wasn't forced to do it and did it anyway and blame everyone but myself for doing the film." LOL.
Maybe she took the job to talk about it after? Idk Or sometimes post production makes a lot of changes to a movie and it's script so that could've happened
Pandas are cool everyone keeps saying that as if they’ve disproved her argument but that’s stupid. Yeah she took the role, it’s her fuckin job. You’ve never disliked something you had to do at work? What people don’t seem to be arguing is that the movie isn’t sexist, because everyone here just trying to put her down know that she’s right
@@alisonbrennan127 this isn't like a normal job. And even if it was, at no job are you forced to do something you disagree with. Actions speak louder than words so if she disagreed with how the characters were portrayed she could have let the role go to a different actress who would've been happy to play the role. Personally I don't see anything sexist about the film or the characters, especially because Katherine was the only unfunny character in the film. The other female character is and was hilarious. Katherine has no business being in a comedy film to begin
They weren't all offensive and that's not even the premise of the video. The title is *Awful Interviews That Destroyed Celebs' Careers* not "Most Offensive Celebrity Interviews". You clearly misunderstood. Celebrities acting really drunk or high on live tv is an obvious way to possibly destroy your career. It's happened to loads of celebs. No one said it was "offensive".
you have to pay the bills so people complaining about how 'katherine shouldn't have taken it' pretty much a lot of predominantly leading women roles then were lowkey sexist as fuck so if you want to actually act you take it but it doesn't mean you have to like how a movie portrayed your character
he said something about drugs in the interview about her so they were right. the exact quote was "That girl, for me, is a drug. And drugs aren't good for you if you do lots of them. Yeah, that girl is like crack cocaine to me. Sexually it was crazy. That's all I'll say. It was like napalm, sexual napalm."
yeah cuz she did not get a script to read before the shooting of the movie she signed to act on this without knowing anything about the plot.every day she got a few pages and the producer said this is what we will be doing today she had no idea what the movie was about before hand, so she comply complained and cashed the cheque lol then complain again LOL LOL
She literally chooses every single role she complains about. She CHOOSES to be in this industry that already caters a lot to women, she CHOOSES to accept roles with scripts that she thinks is "sexist", so she's literally enabling the issue she's whining about. 😂
Cause there are NO movies out there that portrays guys as a**holes and dirtbags. 🙄 Please. It’s a fricken movie. She knew the script before she did it.
Darryl Brooks yeah people who are bitching about transformers seems to forget that it doesn't what it promises. Which is huge ass centient beings blowing shit up. If you want Drama go watch Young & The Restless. Transformers always delivers on why it makes hundreds of billions.
Paula Abdul has Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/ CRPS. Very painful condition. There's no known cure. Typically treated with strong opiates. I wouldn't be surprised if she's a bit fuzzy from time to time.
Especially if it's mixed with something else, such as muscle relaxants. And if she WAS on legally prescribed pain meds, that's not really the same as doing drugs.
Katherine, on behalf of all women, thank you for your comments about Knocked up. You have always been one of my favorite actresses, and now you're one of my favorite people. You have such class, charisma and strength.
I LOVE MEGAN FOX! I'm glad, after she apologized, she got good roles again. It's a clear sign how powerful these big old men are to be able to blacklist women like this, but it's Hollywood.
I didn't care even Paula really was drunk. Her music was great, she was and probably still is a great dancer and she's got a big heart. There are plenty of legitimate a-holes to criticize.
She quit acting because she wanted serious roles and directors only wanted her to sit amd look pretty... Transformers was suppose to be a big role for her but he wanted her to just be sexy
@Moon Child True. To me its just the question..WHY? Get someone your own age..or close to it. Im 33 and no kids yet. I have 35 nieces and nephsons. If either 1 of them told me(pretty positive they wont,Id have to find out,or catch them slippin) but they were 18,19 with a 40 something year old other..Id be highly upset. Grown ppl dating kids,then wonder why they are childish..they are kids!! To me there's nothing a person under 21 can do for someone under that age. You cant even buy me a drink! They are still kids taking on adult problems. Its a NO for me bud.
Its a sad thing that such talents were wasted just for speaking of their opinion & you boast that Americans are open minded people who respect individual freedom of expression, huh !!
Freedom of speech is dying in this country. It’s the public themselves that became “Big Brother”. Welcome to 1984- but the alternative where it’s not the government controlling everything - it’s the regular citizen. They are doing the language and thought control - and making others suffer for speaking their minds.
caesar349 how? By giving his opinion and exercising free speech? If it’s ok for these celebrities to voice their opinions, then why isn’t it ok for someone else to voice theirs?
R Kelly angry, confronting Dave Chappelle over Chappelle making skit about R Kelly peeing on teen: R Kelly: "How you gonna make a video about peeing on somebody?" Dave Chappelle: "How YOU gonna make a video about peeing on somebody?"
I agree COMPLETELY with Heigl ,This shouldnt have she lost her career ,Wow the sexism Iv seen male celebs say much more terrible things and still be so freaking success and rich
Huh I always felt that way about knocked up and wasn’t a huge fan of Katherine heigl because of the rolls she played in boring rom cons, but hearing her have awareness about it made me like her more!!
Katherine Heigl said nasty things about Knocked up and Grey's anatomy AFTER working in them. If she had a problem with it she should've declined the roles
You never took a job you didn't fully agree was moral, like McDonald's, or even that you just didn't like?She needs to make a living you know. We all wear clothes made by 12 year old Chinese kids all the time and I'm sure none of us advocate child slavory. Also, she further said she knows exaggerating stereotypes are done for comic purposes so she gets the idea, she'd still want to see less of it. Get it now?
@@Meg-ts3kx I think you do not get it. Do actors read the script before they take the role? I hope so. When I was in the bad job, I QUIT! I do not complain to the boss I hate this job so much, it is so sexist, I am payed less for more work than my female collegues do... I rather quit. The living argument, stop it, please. She little poor victim, she needs money...well than go to clean houses or clean dishes in restaurant. During my Ph.D. years and I have collect fruit in my country to have money. You act like she has only one option in the world - to basically lie in front of the camera, which is incredibly reductive and actually sexist. She is a millionaire! Start your own feminist company and make genderless and stereotype-less movies, if you do not like it and want to see less of it. And no, we all do not wear clothes made by 12 years old. If you do, than stop complaining about bad jobs, because it is you who enables it. Choose the expensive stuff and these companies will be forced to pay more to their employes. Simple as that. But no, you avoid any responsibility as it was a plague.
Thanks for the follow through and comments by those involved , it gives perspective and is more informative. I wondered why happened to these particular stars .
@@KingSoap-fy1oq Once they let the kids play. Hextall laid the groundwork by getting rid of bad contracts and drafting well. Hopefully the window will still be open as Giroux and Voracek start to decline.
Steven Spielberg wanted Meghan Fox punished only because she dared to mentioned Hitler. Katherine Heigl's comments were intelligent and true. John Meyer comes across as conceited and idiotic. R Kelly is a sick paedo. No Paula, you cannot unsay something.
It's disrespectful and tacky, especially as a public person, to talk about someone's performance in bed or any other private details for that matter. His comment was just cringey and immature, hence why people were put off. It showed a new and unattractive side of him, stuff like that comes off as a kid bragging/dissing to his mates except this is a major media outlet, and what grown person is into that.
He said she was like crack cocaine, so I think he meant that he was addicted to having sex with her and it was amazing. He just made some off the wall remark that no one understood.
john mayer's career never recovered ? ..1 #1 album, 2 #2 albums, filling arenas around the world every time he goes on tour, and stadiums when he plays with dead and company.. respected by the musical world.. lol, oh, and a prs signature guitar model that came out recently ? ..i rest my case
Heigel was 100% correct! I sort of loathed her in the movie KNOCKED UP despite her spectacular looks and loooved the guys ( and of course the sensational stunning Leslie Mann!) And this DID seem to be By Design It seems like the suspish problematic pattern continues with other Seth Rogan films. The female counterpart is a flop. Nobody upstages the Rog but he ,- and we. are denied thethrill of a charismatic wild witty provocative equally loveable &refreshing costar and are the instead routinely saddled with a cardboard dud. The wife is the proverbial fictitious buzzkill ball-n-chain Ugh. Look at younger counterparts like good-natured dreamboat Zac Ephron and the electrifying Adam Devine- they get to riff off equally wild iconoclastic comedic wizards like Anna Kendrick and AUBREY PLAZA! Superstars with real comedic chops and the results are ELECTRIC! CINEMA GOLD ! Seth, onthe other hand, seemed to get paired up with either brilliant hilarious sizzling hot bro male costars in BuddyFlick masterpieces or silently screaming ' passive dud' female sideick ugh/it's tha wife - ugh/it's girlfriend toxic film gender role hostages who can be disappeared into his shadow. WHAT'S UP with THAT!!? At Least the magical Charlyne Yi SKMEHOW snuck throughthe NOFUNNYFEMALES gatekeepers and the luminous LESLIE Mann gets to be spectacuarly magical delightful hilarious gorgeous and yet completely supportive to her male costars, galvanizing, hyping & Uplifting them and never upstaging them .. Heigel is RIGHT! HOW COME SETH ROGAN GETS to be loveable hilarious enchanting and adorable and gets routinely paired up with humorless funless stiff unbearably boring female romantic partners. ???? It can't be accidental. Look at Paul Rudd He's so enchanting and evidently secure he gets to collaborate with insanely BRILLIANT female costars like LeslieMann,Tina Fey &Amy Poehler and the chemistry and performances are electric ! MOVIE MAGIC! There are PLENTY of MAGICAL adorable electrifyingly hilarious female actors. These type casting fouls Heigel griped about are a problem VERY WELL WORTH griping about !! ! They are problematic. They detract from otherwise great films and reinforce gross archaic gender stereotypes.
You're right, but it just wasn't a proper answer. In that case, he could've said that he liked 18 year olds onwards, but anyway it would've had the same effect. He shouldve just said no. Remember he had a reputation to clean.
I honestly side with Heigl. A lot of movies tend to sideline women from the comedy, when there's plenty of examples of funny women out there who can handle the comedic chops with the right material.
Which of these celebs do you want to make a comeback?
This seems like the typical "blame others for the repercussions of your mistakes." No one made them go on interviews and say stupid things.
Time to take Responsibility Peeps...
They can stay wherever they at
Nicki Swift I think I'm good on all of em
Uh, John Mayer plays to sold out stadiums all over the world both solo and with the Dead and Company. What exactly does he need to make a comeback from?
R Kelly's career ended because of more than just an interview
Good riddance. The man tried to marry a 14 year old for f**k's sake! It took a lot of gall to show his face in public after that. I hope he finds Jesus, gets good counseling, and never works again.
@@feanor411 15, Elvis wanted to marry 14 yr old Priscilla...js
@@dwayneturner9395 yup, and Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin. R Kelly sure didn't invent it!
@@feanor411 and he pissed on a girl ew
Still famous.
What about when Joey Tribbiani said that he wrote a lot of his own lines?
Grace Elizabeth then got fired from days of our life😂
Poor guy. dr Drake rumaray
But he came back with a women's brain 😂😂😂
He also ended up winning a Soapy, on Jessica's behalfing it 🏆
Grace Elizabeth srsly i clicked it thinking of this 😂
society: "be yourself"
society: "no, not like that"
Fine example of when people stop liking you after you show your true personality. Amazing.
Lotus Eater Be yourself certainly doesn't extend to being a paedophile nor racist.
Smicki smick That may not be who YOU or I am, for certain. However, it is who THEY are. They're just being themselves, grumpy, racist, homophobic selves. You or me judging won't help it. There are a lot of "bad" ppl out there. You can't change that, it's who they have a need to be and who they are.
Sorry I disagree especially we should never be complacent and tolerate paedophilia nor racism.
I agree on the fact that we should never be okay with those stuff, but I'm not okay with people judging somebody for their bad actions instead of helping them. If you don't mean to help, then why do you not approve or why do you judge in the first place? Does that make you better than them? Certainly not
Lotus Eater My focus is more on the safety of those these acts would affect. The victims of the actions. I am not the bleeding heart who thinks to save the pedophile while giving the multiple chances to harm children. Child safety takes precedent to me so save that crap for someone else.
Katherine is totally right about Knocked Up. However, she should have declined the role if she felt so strongly about it.
Exactly!! But don't bitch and moan when you DO the movie and made you a star in the process! Her career is shit now!
OoOoOoh, you got us! Good job man.
Have you ever complained about how men are portrayed in Hollywood movies?
So do black woman Mike
She was talking about the movie that put her in the map...I mean use your head and stay quiet long enough and then throw shit on it
I always liked Katherine Heigl ... she just had an opinion which we are a lot to share, she didn’t insult anyone, what a shame !
I've met Katherine Heigl. She seemed like a sweet, sweet person. She doesn't deserve to be shunned by Hollywood. I hope she makes a comeback.
Are we going to ignore how she basically said the writing of Grey’s Anatomy for her character wasn’t worthy of an Emmy-aka, not good enough? She bit the hand that fed her, twice. There’s sharing an opinion, and then saying either she’s better than this or she didn’t get enough “good” work.
Yes because nothing screams approval like saying your Bosses work isn’t good enough for you
soniaustralie she’s an absolute bell piece lol
So if I called your work sexist to a degree, you wouldn't feel insulted?
I'm sure he wasn't insulted one bit, but the words she chose to say, were very poor.
Sexist is just as bad as calling someone racist.
"When you say teenage, how old are we talkin?" 😂🙈
The look on the interviewer's face after he said that😭😭😂😂
Lol someone that's 20teen
That will never get old lol
Big difference between an 18 year old teen girl and a 13 year old being that one is legal the other not. Desire for illegal age girls is not illegal.... only if you act on it.
The desire may not be illegal but it is very fucking creepy
and this is why women didn't speak out in hollywood until now because the ones that did were shunned
They're weren't shunned
Oh please Katherine and Megan were not shunned in Hollywood even after they open their big mouths and I like both of them Megan has three movies coming out
Remember Katherine doing Nyquil commercials for a while? That was sad.
Don't throw that bs on knocked up, the movie was based on him and his wife.
Just because having a kid was hard for them doesn't mean it was hard for everybody. (Which was stated in the movie)
That’s cause Hollywood scum looks glamorous
The pettifiles need to go especially
Can we now take a moment to question, “difficult to work with” being one of the phrases used to describe actresses who wouldn’t do sexual favours, and were black listed, meaning they weren’t hired by any other directors as being difficult. I hate to question how many of these actresses faced that kind of career ending black mail
If you want that fame, it comes with a cost. You owe.
Humans OWE their bodies to noone.
@@victoriabagwell8426 see Jimmy Ruster.
@@forrestrous4551 Remember Harvey Weinstein?
I was hoping to see the actual interview, not someone reading me a story.
jeez ikr
Same bruh
The reaction of the guy interviewing R. Kelly had me DYING! 😂😅😂😅😂😅
The males on this list were actually offensive, R. Kelly incriminating. But Fox and Heigl were just speaking up about the mistreatment of women. Interesting.
NoneWhatsoever Who mistreated them? I bet it was some evil men. If Katherine Heigl was so worried about how women are portrayed in that movie, why isn't she worried about how men are portrayed in most Hollywood movies
Megan and Katherine weren't miss treated and I like both of them
It’s really 1 sides and double standard in the industry.
You can't complain about how sexist a movie is *after* you spend weeks filming the scenes and you cash your cheque. Heigl wasn't being a "strong woman", she was biting the hand that fed her.
I get Heigl. But not Fox. You can criticize someone without comparing calling them "like Hitler" on tv.
I’ll never understand what women see in John Mayer 🤢🤮
What do you see in him?
He’s a guitar god and one of the best songwriters of all time. He’s also 6’4”. It’s probably more the second thing LMAO
Good musician
@@nicholaspalacio9672 "He's a guitar God and one of the best songwriters of all time"
*LMFAO* 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Seriously dude, please reevaluate your taste.
He is not that hot at all
I'm really bummed about Katherine Heigl, she brought up some important issues in that interview. And as for withdrawing her name from consideration for the Emmy because she felt the material wasn't up to parr, I think that was a more or less noble choice. It's okay to have standards.
Celebrities can't have opinions. They are walking advertisements and that's why their careers are effected over interviews.
Well said. 👏 Actors are almost like models. In a sense they are professional liars. They have to tell you what you want to hear. Everything is great, awesome, everybody's super nice and there are negative aspects. They have to seel themselves, their looks, their products. They also tell and show you a lot of their private life and that makes you fall for them. But movies, videos, music, media is generally seen as fun and entertainment, not as products that people are selling to make a living. While celebrities being in ads might not always work, them doing interviews and showing up in talk shows promoting their lates movie or song is doing the job.
@@technologywontsaveus that's interesting.
Sister Grimm ain’t that the truth!
They can have opinions but all to often they hold themselves out to be ‘experts’ which I have yet to see that actually be the truth. Many people foolishly listen as if their opinion matters or carries special weight when of course it does not. May of them are educated while others are dumb as a box of rocks. While they’re speaks ng it often shows just how ignorant they are with some really stupid statements which make a 5th grader laugh. Too often they’ll speak about politics which seems to be a great favorite and they have n idea who said what or when. They won’t have people in the correct parties or even know when major events took place and who was President at the time. One comes to mind is when a relative new comer who is a really good actress stated she blamed Donald Trump for 911 as he should’ve stopped it as it was all because of him. Nothing about that statement makes any sense as most Americans know. I knew nothing of her Politics nor did I care. I was channel surfing and stopped for a moment. Now, I don’t want to watch anything she’s in. She was very nasty and arrogant which made it worse. What a completely loser. I doubt that interview helped her career. They may want to consider either making certain they know the subject matter or skip such types of interviews until they can speak without sounding so stupid. I checked and this wasn’t a ‘gotcha moment’ as she was being interviewed to discuss politics. 🤣
And once they get comfortable in an interview and share a lot, they get fired. Wow y'all
you know napalm is an explosive and not a drug......right???
I didnt understand that at all. Explosive sex must be good, right? Or did he mean it gave him a burning sensation?
Actually, napalm isn't av explosive, just giving you a hard time, bro!
Lmao came looking for this comment. I’m like wtf is the chick talking about? Ahaha.
Jack Fury I had to relisten to that a couple times. I realized this same thing. The person who made this video isn’t so smart. Napalm is not a recreational drug.
The takeaway from Katherine Heigl and Megan Fox: don't speak out on Hollywood sexism or you'll get blacklisted!!
Smacy uuhhh have you watched the news for the last six months...?
Hahahaha dumbest comment of the day!
Smacy feminist bitch
This thread is gold. Thanks for participating everyone. Internet points for all! 👍
Smacy What weed are you smoking dude? In which part of Megan foxs interview was there states anything about sexism?
Actually, Katherine's comments are pretty spot on.
Thayla May as if to say they're no movies that do the opposite?
Thayla May yes! Agreed!
Nagalorium just seems like a very stupid thing to complain about to me, she's mad because her character was a villain?
Thayla May 58m ,e1ss÷1÷w
Then she shouldn't have taken the role...
Can I point out that napalm is not a drug? It’s an explosive.
Thank you
It's official gasoline 😂 for real though.
Napalm is an accelerant based medium
It's a exceller not explosive
I know, that was hilarious !!! Thanks god, he wasn´t refering to a korean girl !!!!
R Kelly should be in jail.
He wasn't found guilty for any of the "underage" allegations.
DrunkenAussie He married a 15 year old at 27... 19 and 49 is legal
He sure fucking should be, seeing these idiots in the comments defend him is so disgusting
It really is. People like Harvey Weinstien hasn't been convicted either but almost everyone agrees he's a rapist. R Kelly shouldn't get any special treatment. He married at 15-year-old at 27.
Well last I checked Jerry Lee Lewis married a young girl who was his cousin.. didn't see him do any time on that and u can't get any more disgusting than that. So u guys can kiss R. Kelly's butt and mines too cause he's a great artist and that's what his fans support..the rest is between him and go to HELL!
"When you say *_Teenage_* h-how old are we talkin?"
Eddy Boh Oh. Heyy, R.kelly. 👋🏼
Eddy Boh: I'd like to see how happy you'll be when your "adult" 14 year-old daughter is "dating" a 30 year-old man.
@Eddy Boh
not they are not. while I would even agree that teenagers are not "children" anymore, they are also not "adults" (which is probably literally why we have another term for them!).
xxxaragon Isn't 18 and 19 an adult age? That's probably what he meant?
I guess. a man way into his adulthood hooking up with 18 or 19 year olds is still creepy, especially if one is a famous singer.
Actually I feel like the Fox/Bay thing being true on both sides. I can easily see Bay as an insecure infantile tyrant riddled with ocd and anxieties, I've known people like that in my life. And I can also see her distant not interested and a bit depressed.
Actually there is a big story about this. Megan has been trying to talk about how much he sexualized her in general. She was always shut down tho. You can search it up
R.kelly has always been gross.
Kells is the shit
Jimmy Jones Yeah he’s shit.
Eddy Boh at least I have a profile picture 🤷♀️
If you had a job you wouldn't say that.. In that case at least show your real Asian face than hiding it with a profound amount of
Eddy Boh Thank you!
Me personally, I'm kinda sad for Heigl. She went from A list to the bottom of the barrel like THAT!
Hope she makes a comeback. She did less harm than Robert Downey Jr. and the media treats her like she was worse than he was at his lowest low.
Robert Downey Jr never bad mouth his movies that made him household name and that Robert didn't harm anyone but himself when he was doing drugs he got clean and sober and never blame anyone for his drugs addiction
No one wants to hire someone that sabotages the projects they work on.
There had been reports that she is difficult to work with
LaraCroftEyes1 If I could give you a gold star, I would.
LaraCroftEyes1 But Charlie sheen didn’t harm anyone but himself, either yet he got fired?????
To get a men out of track, he needs to be a real jerk, a sociopath or a criminal.
To get a woman out of track, she needs to speak her mind.
Like, how Katherine destroyed her career on this interview? How did Paula?
Paula was drunk during an interview.
Megan was so beautiful before so much botox and fillers.
Still smash
Kriz Yamz Damn right!!
I think she looks the same
same with Angelina and so many others I have to confess I don't understand this obsession to look like an old porn star esp when they look so beautiful before hand.
my only guess is natural beauty is no longer in fashion.
Hollywood does that. It's the modern day foot bindings.
3:31 his reaction!! The answer threw him completely off!! 💀💀😂😂 like “did he really just try and debate this?!”
Ka'Mya Robinson I
19 year old is a bit grey though, even 18 is almost thinkable for some people
Regardless of R Kelly being a douche it was a bait question and he deflected it like a pro. What the guy was really trying to do was trick R Kelly into admitting to being a paedophile, but one could be a teenager and above the age of consent.
LOL "deflected it like a pro"??? You do realize that he DID make himself look like a pedophile in that interview?? Serious question
Sérgio Alves well that was the worse deflection I ever saw
John mayer isn't attractive too me. Don't know why ppl flock too him.
He can play a mean guitar
He is genuinely a badass guitarist - 👍
Liz Way I don't get him either but I remember once he was like the it guy in Hollywood. His PR team did a great job to promote him to the world. The media can't stop talking about him and he was everywhere like in magazines, talk shows, award shows etc. They didn't just talk about his music (which was mediocre at its finest), they also talked about how sexy and desirable he was because a lot of a-list actresses/singers were seeing to be with him at some point during that time. Even at that time I was thinking, this guy has to be most overrated mofo in Hollywood. Thank God those days are over and he is a hasbeen nobody now.
Cause he's a drug addict and America loves to promote weed alcohol and drugs
But Katherine wat tottally right.
The characters were a little sexist
Seth and Paul are comedy actors doing what they do best but also believable in their roles, I know I would be just like Rogens character if a baby came at me unexpectedly years before I was ready, not a stoner but juvenile a little and also not be used to the harrowing responsibility but now I know I would be just like Paul Rudds character who is ready for fatherhood and has his shit together but at the same time struggle for that free time. Heigl's character has their shit together but still thrown through a loop because she was dreading having to raise a child with an unsupportive father, I don't think the given roles are sexist but rather impressive to see how brave they are in taking so much control in their lives whilst in a period of time that renders physically, mentally and emotionally unstable. willpower can change a bad situation into a beautiful future as long as one can support the other so yeah the guys were funny but everyone watching knew the women despite going all crazy were doing so understandably. Men may be funnier but when it comes down to facing down childbirth, women are unrivalled in cool.
I agree but she should have kept her mouth shut until she’s 60.
Mariana Canessa Heigl was blacklisted by Shonda because she refused an Emmy nomination stating that Grey's Anatomy story writing for her character was not worthy of it.
Mariana Canessa guess women always need to be portrayed in a positive light or otherwise it's sexist. Is it sexist when men are portrayed negatively? If no then you are not being logically consistent. Oh but women can't be sexist and black people can't be racist. This Marxist newspeak if I have ever saw it. Bow down to your cultural Marxist overlords you dupes.
ibsio the point that was made by the original commenter was that the characters were indeed sexist. How is that missing the point? What point are they making besides that? I think you missed my point.
R. Kelly is such a creep. He literally makes me sick to my stomach! 🤢
a.jewellRN His music makes me sick to my stomach.
a.jewellRN I know about what he did in the past but this is my first time seeing this....when he asked that DUMB as question my mouth literally dropped.😮😮😮
Paula was high as hell. No doubt. Her eyes tell all
Might be pain killers. Dancers deal with lots of pain. I like Paula.
I mean she didn't say anything offensive. She just wasn't serious. Probably on painkillers and she shouldn't have received hate
@@ganymeade5151 yes, she's had about 20 surgeries, incredibly painful.
Heigl, though she took the role in knocked up, she has a point indicating that why the movie itself is too stereotypical. I'm glad she spoke up about it. she doesnt give a damn anymore!
I thought 'Knocked Up" stunk for the same reasons KH talked about.
Yeah, she complained all the way to the bank with the paycheck she got for making the movie. "Why is this how you're portraying women?" I dunno, Katherine, why was it how *you* were portraying women? What a crock.
Ummm, she was playing a character, she was portraying that particular character, she was not a representation of women, she was a representation of that particular fictional character. She read the script it's not like she was playing Erin Brockovich or something. Just think of Seth Rogen's character, portrayed as an immature, irresponsible, unemployed pothead but you dont hear a bunch of guys complaining that he portrayed men in a negative way.
Hi 👋
Megan No, she was offered a script and, knowing exactly what the character was going to say and do, decided to play that character. It's not like Judd Apatow pulled a switcharoo and sprung a whole new concept on her after the contracts were signed. Not to mention, she went on to play the same uptight killjoy type character in the incredibly sexist The Ugly Truth.
Eighteen and nineteen year olds are still teenagers. He wanted to be clear on whether they meant of-age or underage teenagers. But we all know he likes underage.
TheBashar327 I just commented same. Didn't see your post first. And you're right.
True, not defending him, but that's what he meant by asking that. People just don't get context.
I believe once you reach 18, you are already an adult; a young one, but an adult nonetheless.
In the US you're an adult at 18, R Kelly is American so why would he be talking about 18 year olds. He was probably thinking about 16 year olds because that's the age of consent (even though they're still minors)
Stars NSand, in some states 16 may still be consent, but more and more states are making it 18.
😳Girls who are teenagers. I about died 😂😂😂
Well some people consider teenage to be 17 and younger and some people consider 18 and 19 to still be teenage. I think he was just clarifying that before he answered. Maybe he has been attracted to 19 year olds before. Who knows.
Rule 1: Never be honest in showbusiness
KingFahtah Exactly!
KingFahtah it’s not that they shouldn’t be honest, it’s that they should be tactful with what they say.
SoloHero: I'd agree...a little bit of diplomacy can go a long way...especially when it comes to preserving your livelihood.
Political correctness is a must in show business.
KingFahtah basically😂😂😂
Good for katherine for having the guts to say what she said.
Katherine Heigl: "I hated the script and thought movie was sexist but I wasn't forced to do it and did it anyway and blame everyone but myself for doing the film." LOL.
Maybe she took the job to talk about it after? Idk
Or sometimes post production makes a lot of changes to a movie and it's script so that could've happened
Katherine Heigl sounds like a Narcissist.
Pandas are cool everyone keeps saying that as if they’ve disproved her argument but that’s stupid. Yeah she took the role, it’s her fuckin job. You’ve never disliked something you had to do at work? What people don’t seem to be arguing is that the movie isn’t sexist, because everyone here just trying to put her down know that she’s right
@@alisonbrennan127 this isn't like a normal job. And even if it was, at no job are you forced to do something you disagree with. Actions speak louder than words so if she disagreed with how the characters were portrayed she could have let the role go to a different actress who would've been happy to play the role. Personally I don't see anything sexist about the film or the characters, especially because Katherine was the only unfunny character in the film. The other female character is and was hilarious. Katherine has no business being in a comedy film to begin
Paula Abdul part was ridiculous... Lol she didn't do anything offensive like the rest
El Chico del Apartamento 512 I would love to get drunk with paula,lol
Blessing in disguise...she is a MUCH better judge on SYTYCD.....
El Chico del Apartamento 512 sounds like me on St. Paddy's day.. Lol
Phil McCrevice calm down dumb ass.... They obviously offended people to be dumped by Hollywood...
They weren't all offensive and that's not even the premise of the video. The title is *Awful Interviews That Destroyed Celebs' Careers* not "Most Offensive Celebrity Interviews". You clearly misunderstood. Celebrities acting really drunk or high on live tv is an obvious way to possibly destroy your career. It's happened to loads of celebs. No one said it was "offensive".
Megan deserved better and was being groomed for years by that freak.
Heigils comment is pretty fair it is her feelings and they make sense
Katherine is actually right about Knocked Up... I couldn't watch the whole movie ughhh
Then she shouldn't have taken the job. The read the script before filming and agreed to it.
T I N A you dont join a project then insult it. She also shit on her tv show in the same way.
Not bright
I feel like it accurately DEPICTED women..... tbh
T I N A So for once they weren't showing men in a negative light?
you have to pay the bills so people complaining about how 'katherine shouldn't have taken it' pretty much a lot of predominantly leading women roles then were lowkey sexist as fuck so if you want to actually act you take it but it doesn't mean you have to like how a movie portrayed your character
2:51 Um,...Napalm is not a drug...
he said something about drugs in the interview about her so they were right. the exact quote was
"That girl, for me, is a drug. And drugs aren't good for you if you do lots of them. Yeah, that girl is like crack cocaine to me. Sexually it was crazy. That's all I'll say. It was like napalm, sexual napalm."
Katie Wright ty for context
thought I was the only one that picked up on that :)
"I took some napalm and it blew my mind." Lol
Narc 1820 Napalm was a type of chemical bomb used by the American military during the Vietnam war. ℹ☢💣❣♂️🎥
Whats more greater than Megan fox's looks is her Honesty. WOW.
Really surprised that Charlie Sheen isn't on here?
He's always winning!
She may be difficult to work with (so I heard off from the internet), but the comments she made about knocked up were spot on.
yeah cuz she did not get a script to read before the shooting of the movie she signed to act on this without knowing anything about the plot.every day she got a few pages and the producer said this is what we will be doing today she had no idea what the movie was about before hand, so she comply complained and cashed the cheque lol then complain again LOL LOL
She literally chooses every single role she complains about. She CHOOSES to be in this industry that already caters a lot to women, she CHOOSES to accept roles with scripts that she thinks is "sexist", so she's literally enabling the issue she's whining about. 😂
@@daisyjones6018 precisely. She knew what she was getting into and she got paid for it
Cause there are NO movies out there that portrays guys as a**holes and dirtbags. 🙄 Please. It’s a fricken movie. She knew the script before she did it.
And the guys weren't portrayed as irresponsible losers? Gtfoh
In what universe is John Mayer’s career in jeopardy? He has a $40 million net worth and is currently on tour. He’s killing it right now.
They cut Meghan Fox from Transformers and it was STILL a dump show of a movie
Coconut ScienceGirl92 the first transformers was actually really good! But all the other ones *sigh*
Coconut ScienceGirl92 still made millions
Darryl Brooks yeah people who are bitching about transformers seems to forget that it doesn't what it promises. Which is huge ass centient beings blowing shit up. If you want Drama go watch Young & The Restless. Transformers always delivers on why it makes hundreds of billions.
Sr Chalice meh more car chases than transformers in transformers 4
Coconut ScienceGirl92 what are you talking about Megan was part of what made transformers good ok
Paula Abdul has Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/ CRPS.
Very painful condition. There's no known cure. Typically treated with strong opiates. I wouldn't be surprised if she's a bit fuzzy from time to time.
what is that?
Especially if it's mixed with something else, such as muscle relaxants. And if she WAS on legally prescribed pain meds, that's not really the same as doing drugs.
Robyne Williams-heller yeah you are right. That could be it.
Star Hunter it's exactly the same actually
Katherine, on behalf of all women, thank you for your comments about Knocked up. You have always been one of my favorite actresses, and now you're one of my favorite people. You have such class, charisma and strength.
Paula Abdul was sooo drunk, she can't deny it....
Karin Dunham .....oh I know! I don’t believe any of that multiple ear pieces nonsense either . She was clearly intoxicated.
You’d think her friends/family manager would not let her do the interview if she was drunk.
She was definitely sh*t faced.
well said karin hen
I thought she was a known alcoholic??
Did she just call Napalm a drug?
It could be a drug
'Knocked Up' it's so bad
Paula was rocked in that interview. Her eyes stopped working as a team and started working individually lol. 😀
Shes clearly on drugs haha
She was drugged up on something on American Idol too. Not the only time this happened.
lily blu lol, she was on something pretty strong
I LOVE MEGAN FOX! I'm glad, after she apologized, she got good roles again. It's a clear sign how powerful these big old men are to be able to blacklist women like this, but it's Hollywood.
But she drinks blood as a ritualistic thing. That's kinda sus..
R Kelly: What do you define peeing on a girl?
@@poopstain5216 Sounds like you got peed on your face. LOL
Teenage Golden Shower 😅
Really messed up on drugs?
I didn't care even Paula really was drunk. Her music was great, she was and probably still is a great dancer and she's got a big heart. There are plenty of legitimate a-holes to criticize.
Beaste Meauxde she hilarious lol
More than drunk
i thought megan fox got fired cuz she wouldnt sleep with the producer?
LOL nope.
maybe she just not a great actress, way she acting of late is embarrassing.
She only get roles cause she hot as hell man
Not exactly, she was fired because after 87 times sleeping with the producer she call it quits.
She quit acting because she wanted serious roles and directors only wanted her to sit amd look pretty... Transformers was suppose to be a big role for her but he wanted her to just be sexy
18 is technically a Teenager but legal 🤔🤔🤔
say that to myself all the time haha lol
19 is too
It's just hypocricy at it's best
@Moon Child True. To me its just the question..WHY? Get someone your own age..or close to it. Im 33 and no kids yet. I have 35 nieces and nephsons. If either 1 of them told me(pretty positive they wont,Id have to find out,or catch them slippin) but they were 18,19 with a 40 something year old other..Id be highly upset. Grown ppl dating kids,then wonder why they are childish..they are kids!! To me there's nothing a person under 21 can do for someone under that age. You cant even buy me a drink! They are still kids taking on adult problems. Its a NO for me bud.
"Sexual napalm"? What does that even mean?
a napalm bomb but instead of fire, it's cum
yes or no?
david thicc ew wtf
Unicornian girl hahahahaha
Um im thinking she was the bomb in the sack😝
Its a sad thing that such talents were wasted just for speaking of their opinion & you boast that Americans are open minded people who respect individual freedom of expression, huh !!
Freedom of opinion =/= freedom of consequences
William Bear it’s people like you who preach that philosophy that are destroying free speech. It’s thought policing and control
Freedom of speech is dying in this country. It’s the public themselves that became “Big Brother”. Welcome to 1984- but the alternative where it’s not the government controlling everything - it’s the regular citizen. They are doing the language and thought control - and making others suffer for speaking their minds.
caesar349 how? By giving his opinion and exercising free speech? If it’s ok for these celebrities to voice their opinions, then why isn’t it ok for someone else to voice theirs?
William Bear Lmao I don't know what makes people think that others won't have the same freedom to backlash at something
r. kelly's teenage question was legit. The interviewer should have said "underage" or "minors."
Clearly it's "recycled topic" week at Nicki Swift. Any more "dark secrets" the cast of Friends tried to hide???
This channel is on it's way down. I unsubbed awhile ago I just come by to see how sad it has gotten and to give a thumbs down.
Funny 😝
jblue705 these types of channels are trash anyway
jblue705 right? "Dark secrets" that everyone already knows since the show's been off for about 20 years!!
Crystal Rowe You sound like an overly-attached ex-girlfriend with possible semi-violent tendencies.
“The fact that I was hearing two different sounds in my ears made me slur my words and nod out like a junkie.”
John Mayer is still one of the most respected musicians around and is involved with tons of projects
" when u say teenage how old are we talking" 🤔 .. " girls who are teen age"😒… classic Robert
R Kelly angry, confronting Dave Chappelle over Chappelle making skit about R Kelly peeing on teen:
R Kelly: "How you gonna make a video about peeing on somebody?"
Dave Chappelle: "How YOU gonna make a video about peeing on somebody?"
Please tell me there's a video of this somewhere
Hahahaha someone defending r kelly. Made me laugh tonight. Love it
I agree COMPLETELY with Heigl ,This shouldnt have she lost her career ,Wow the sexism Iv seen male celebs say much more terrible things and still be so freaking success and rich
Huh I always felt that way about knocked up and wasn’t a huge fan of Katherine heigl because of the rolls she played in boring rom cons, but hearing her have awareness about it made me like her more!!
Katherine Heigl said nasty things about Knocked up and Grey's anatomy AFTER working in them. If she had a problem with it she should've declined the roles
Well the world revolves around all the people in this video. We are truly honored to be talking about them..
Lets face it once Megan was gone from Transformers the next movie wasn't all great.
True 👍
Yeah but the ones she was in weren’t that great either
Liam Neeson: Hold my beer
Hold my *Guinness
R. Kelly: When you say teenage, how old are we talkin'?
and I'm like........ 🙄🤬
Yeah, but Heigl had no problem cashing that check, now did she?
Yep, that was the first question that flashed in my mind after she said those remarks. You read the script, why’d you agree to be cast in it?
Ty right? No integrity, whatsoever. I guess a buck is a buck.
Yeah really. Women should all just stop working until the world is less sexist. We should hold our breaths while we wait
You never took a job you didn't fully agree was moral, like McDonald's, or even that you just didn't like?She needs to make a living you know. We all wear clothes made by 12 year old Chinese kids all the time and I'm sure none of us advocate child slavory.
Also, she further said she knows exaggerating stereotypes are done for comic purposes so she gets the idea, she'd still want to see less of it. Get it now?
I think you do not get it. Do actors read the script before they take the role? I hope so. When I was in the bad job, I QUIT! I do not complain to the boss I hate this job so much, it is so sexist, I am payed less for more work than my female collegues do... I rather quit.
The living argument, stop it, please. She little poor victim, she needs money...well than go to clean houses or clean dishes in restaurant. During my Ph.D. years and I have collect fruit in my country to have money. You act like she has only one option in the world - to basically lie in front of the camera, which is incredibly reductive and actually sexist. She is a millionaire! Start your own feminist company and make genderless and stereotype-less movies, if you do not like it and want to see less of it.
And no, we all do not wear clothes made by 12 years old. If you do, than stop complaining about bad jobs, because it is you who enables it. Choose the expensive stuff and these companies will be forced to pay more to their employes. Simple as that. But no, you avoid any responsibility as it was a plague.
John Mayer's career hasn't suffered at all
Thanks for the follow through and comments by those involved , it gives perspective and is more informative. I wondered why happened to these particular stars .
"when you say teenagers, how old are we talking?" AHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA
Napalm isn't a drug. WTF is that? It's a firebomb.
when will the flyers be good again?
@@KingSoap-fy1oq Once they let the kids play. Hextall laid the groundwork by getting rid of bad contracts and drafting well. Hopefully the window will still be open as Giroux and Voracek start to decline.
Steven Spielberg wanted Meghan Fox punished only because she dared to mentioned Hitler. Katherine Heigl's comments were intelligent and true. John Meyer comes across as conceited and idiotic. R Kelly is a sick paedo. No Paula, you cannot unsay something.
Napalm ain't a drug, honey.
Excuse me, but isn't sexual napalm a compliment? Napalm being an explosive substance? If John Mayer meant that as an insult, he missed the mark!
Heather Hillman napalm is hot and sticky and hard to remove off you when it's on you. Explosive stuff requires compression, I fink
It's disrespectful and tacky, especially as a public person, to talk about someone's performance in bed or any other private details for that matter. His comment was just cringey and immature, hence why people were put off. It showed a new and unattractive side of him, stuff like that comes off as a kid bragging/dissing to his mates except this is a major media outlet, and what grown person is into that.
He said she was like crack cocaine, so I think he meant that he was addicted to having sex with her and it was amazing. He just made some off the wall remark that no one understood.
Im saying, i'd pay for that review.
Heather Hillman honestly i dont feel like the sex stuff mattered but what was with the racial?
Napalm is not a drug🤦🏼♀️
My favorite movie from Katherine is 27 dresses
The Daily kids 1 bbbb Benny and the Jets.
27 dresses is amazing except she says yes to everyone and it irritates me lmao
That one and wish upon a star
27 Dresses, second worse movie of all time, behind How To Be Single. 'Blockers' might top the list soon.
I'd love fir Katherine Heigl to make a come back. She's always been one of my favorite actresses.
Touré wasn’t ready for that response😂😂😂😂😂!!! He was like wtf 😨😨😨🤭🤭🤭
So John Mayer basically admits he used Jessica Simpson for sex.
Anita Luca i think there were lots of em
What else would you use her for
Of course he's got money. He can have anyone. You would too, if you had his kind of money.
Gee what a shock did you think it was her vast intelligence that got his attention?
And the problem?
john mayer's career never recovered ? ..1 #1 album, 2 #2 albums, filling arenas around the world every time he goes on tour, and stadiums when he plays with dead and company.. respected by the musical world.. lol, oh, and a prs signature guitar model that came out recently ? ..i rest my case
John Mayer is great, but that silver sky is a strat with a PRS headstock lol
Kevin Logue he’s still trash.
John is brilliant and totally not a racist. His career is great! Just saw him with the Dead. Sold out.
@@ernstvanstangl1048 He says the the n-word but he isn’t a racist? That doesn’t make sense.
Fantastic! At last...honesty!
When you take an acting role n then complain about how it's unfair
3:30 omg the interviewers face was hilarious
Heigel was 100% correct!
I sort of loathed her in the movie KNOCKED UP despite her spectacular looks and loooved the guys ( and of course the sensational stunning Leslie Mann!)
And this DID seem to be By Design
It seems like the suspish problematic pattern continues with other Seth Rogan films.
The female counterpart is a flop. Nobody upstages the Rog but he ,- and we. are denied thethrill of a charismatic wild witty provocative equally loveable &refreshing costar and are the instead routinely saddled with a cardboard dud.
The wife is the proverbial fictitious buzzkill ball-n-chain Ugh.
Look at younger counterparts like good-natured dreamboat Zac Ephron and the electrifying Adam Devine- they get to riff off equally wild iconoclastic comedic wizards like Anna Kendrick and AUBREY PLAZA! Superstars with real comedic chops and the results are ELECTRIC! CINEMA GOLD !
Seth, onthe other hand, seemed to get paired up with either brilliant hilarious sizzling hot bro male costars in BuddyFlick masterpieces or silently screaming ' passive dud' female sideick ugh/it's tha wife - ugh/it's girlfriend toxic film gender role hostages who can be disappeared into his shadow. WHAT'S UP with THAT!!?
At Least the magical Charlyne Yi SKMEHOW snuck throughthe NOFUNNYFEMALES gatekeepers and the luminous LESLIE Mann gets to be spectacuarly magical delightful hilarious gorgeous and yet completely supportive to her male costars, galvanizing, hyping & Uplifting them and never upstaging them ..
Heigel is RIGHT!
HOW COME SETH ROGAN GETS to be loveable hilarious enchanting and adorable and gets routinely paired up with humorless funless stiff unbearably boring female romantic partners. ????
It can't be accidental.
Look at Paul Rudd He's so enchanting and evidently secure he gets to collaborate with insanely BRILLIANT female costars like LeslieMann,Tina Fey &Amy Poehler and the chemistry and performances are electric !
There are PLENTY of MAGICAL adorable electrifyingly hilarious female actors.
These type casting fouls Heigel griped about are a problem VERY WELL WORTH griping about !!
! They are problematic.
They detract from otherwise great films and reinforce gross archaic gender stereotypes.
In all fairness, there is a huge difference between a thirTEEN year-old girl and a nineTEEN year-old girl for instance.
Steven Fallon o
Not to R.Kelly
Yeah but we know he wasn’t talking about 19 year olds
You're right, but it just wasn't a proper answer. In that case, he could've said that he liked 18 year olds onwards, but anyway it would've had the same effect. He shouldve just said no. Remember he had a reputation to clean.
Lol don't judge r.kelly. every man from 18+ love 18year olds. From 18 got 70
I honestly side with Heigl. A lot of movies tend to sideline women from the comedy, when there's plenty of examples of funny women out there who can handle the comedic chops with the right material.
The R.Kelly part😂🤣😭💀🤦🏽♂️
There's no way that Abdul was sober during those interviews!
Heigl also ruined One for the Money, a film based on Janet Evanovich's books. Don't forget to add that to her list of crimes.
"How tragically familiar is success - performed voraciously upon the stage of serendipity by those too vacant to have ever learned their lines."
Katherine will always be Izzie Stevens for me 🙌🏼
Nicki Swift - NAPALM IS NOT A DRUG. 😂 smh
"Why is she being such a killjoy?"
**is a killjoy**