Reading & Time!

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • I guess this topic really boils down to: marathoning stories versus experiencing them a bit at a time. Which do you prefer? What are the pros and cons of your preference?
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Комментарии • 140

  • @Empressoftickle
    @Empressoftickle 11 лет назад

    This is the perfect topic to watch a video on for me at the moment! I'm a reader that if I like what I'm reading, or have a feeling I will like the story, then I will stretch that story for as long as possible. I think it just lets you fall in love with the story even more. And even though it's going to really hurt when it's over. At least you've fallen in love with the story enough to be able to grieve over it.

  • @literaryprints
    @literaryprints 11 лет назад

    fall madly in love with the beauty of the literature and the characters and the whole world of the story. That's my fifty cents. (This is probably the longest comment I've ever written.) Really great video, as per usual. Thanks for sharing! :)

  • @AllyMay
    @AllyMay 9 лет назад +1

    I fit my reading time around everything else. I carry a book everywhere in case I have 5 minutes to spare on the tram, eating breakfast, before class starts and before bed. I'm a fairly slow reader and doing this allows me to get through a decent sized book in 5-6 days during the school term.

  • @literaryprints
    @literaryprints 11 лет назад

    I think that both reading in one sitting and throughout spaced out chunks both have their own pros and cons. I used to read books all at once (especially with the Harry Potter books) and I really enjoyed that - it was that sense of overwhelming of stories and characters and so many worlds created by the author - all read in one sitting - that I think made it much easier to immerse myself completely in the story. With spaced out chunks, you are detached from the world for hours before getting (c)

  • @donkeyfacekilla1
    @donkeyfacekilla1 11 лет назад

    I digest entertainment in the same way that you do. Probably not the best way to do it! I'm reminded of the age old adage "learn to sip your pleasures" haha.

  • @bel5755
    @bel5755 11 лет назад

    I totally get you! I like reading books back to back because I feel like the amount of time waiting often makes you forget how the storyline goes when the new one comes out. I read one book at a time and i set a goal of finishing it on the same day but often I get tired and need a break so I end up finishing it the next day. I like finishing books in the spam of 2 days max

  • @NaturalPoppy
    @NaturalPoppy 11 лет назад

    Great questions Kat. I'm a quick reader as well, and sometimes I just can't help myself! I do find that when I'm getting to the end of something I really like, I will slow down, because I want to savor it! As far as trilogies and sequels, I think it's okay to read them all together. When I've been waiting a year for a sequel to come out, I re-read the previous book before I read the new one, so it's kind of the same thing.

  • @cerysh7380
    @cerysh7380 10 лет назад +3

    I usually read like 5 chapters each day until maybe the last ten or so, which I read all at once!

  • @LectoraEstherica
    @LectoraEstherica 11 лет назад

    Hi! I've made this question to myself many times. This is me: i read the trilogy THG in 1 week and the HP saga in 6 weeks or so...And i enjoyed them, a lot. I'm eager to read them again, and again. I have other series that i have to wait a year for the release of the new book. For me there's no difference between them. If you love one book, you will love it reading it in a day, in a week or in month.

  • @BearSpyder99
    @BearSpyder99 10 лет назад +2

    i like to read books back to back but i dont like finishing the book so damn quick, i can read quite fast and get all the info but i like to read slow. it's lake eating a dessert. you wanna eat it nice and slow for 2 reasons. 1. savor the taste. 2. make it last nice and long

  • @MandiLynnWrites
    @MandiLynnWrites 11 лет назад

    I read a 5 book series in a week, but now I don't know what happened in which book so if I want to go back and read a scene it takes awhile to find it. So, yes, I have the same MUST READ ALL AT ONCE habit :)

  • @MyNameIsConnieB
    @MyNameIsConnieB 11 лет назад

    I read two to three books at a time. I read one or two of the larger books I have at home, and bring the smaller book in to school every day to read, so by the end of the week I will have finished that book and can sit down to finish the larger book at the weekend. When I put my mind to it I can finish a six hundred page book in one or two sittings, only getting up to get drink or food, but because I have school, I rarely do that.

  • @renkellym
    @renkellym 11 лет назад

    I spread out my reading, but that's mostly because I read three or four books at the same time (English major woes). Over the summer, though, I tend to read bigger chunks at a time. :) Cool topic!

  • @beautysbiggestfan1
    @beautysbiggestfan1 11 лет назад

    for clockwork princess in particular, spoilers are EVERYWHERE and cassie didnt really give much arcs out so like 99% of the fandom is reading the book when it comes out so that really has something to do with how fast u read a book, you read as much as you can as quick as you can because you dont want to be spoiled

  • @LuckyOwlVlog
    @LuckyOwlVlog 11 лет назад


  • @tardisreader
    @tardisreader 11 лет назад

    It usually depends. When I'm in school it usually takes me between 4 days to a week to read a book. But when I'm in vacation or something I read them in 2 or 3 days, and I think I enjoy the story more that way because I can keep the details fresh.

  • @AnchorCrab
    @AnchorCrab 11 лет назад

    I like to only read a chapter or two a day. I think that speculating about what will happen next and eagerly anticipating the next chapter is part of the reading experience.

  • @sidekickm24
    @sidekickm24 11 лет назад

    I try to read a book within a couple days of starting. If the book is good, it sticks with me from the beginning, so if I were to limit myself into spacing out my reading...I would go insane! I find myself thinking about the book, and what's going to happen next.
    As much as I would love to wait and buy a whole series at once, I always find myself picking up each book as it's released, which in turn, makes me crazy before the next book comes out. Clockwork Princess is Amazing!!!!!

  • @ytran16
    @ytran16 11 лет назад

    I totally get what you are saying. I like to finish my books within a few days of my start time, but unfortunately my busy life schedule kinda prevents me from doing that. Schoolwork keeps me so busy that it may take me a more than month to finish. Some books I like to experience a journey in reading them, such as series. Mostly because it allows you go on a journey with the characters. Others books such as stand alone novels, I like to finish quickly.

  • @pianobooks42
    @pianobooks42 11 лет назад

    I usually read whenever I can (in the car, at the bus stop, waiting for my internet to load, ect) but I also read in large chunks. It matters how much I like the book and where I am. If I'm not busy and I can't put down the book, I'll read it in a day or 2. If I'm not that into it, it can take me a month. I also almost always take at least the rest of the day before I start another book to let the story sink in.

  • @writerspen010
    @writerspen010 11 лет назад

    During the summer, I'll devour my books in a matter of days, sacrificing sleep time to catch up on books I missed out over the summer, but I won't do that every day. This usually happens for about 2 weeks, then a week off, then back to the cram sessions, since my eyes need a break / I can only take so much of certain writing/story types (same goes for tv). But during the school year, I just try to read a couple of chapters in between classes, when I'm not overloaded with hmwk.

  • @EvilKermit2460
    @EvilKermit2460 11 лет назад

    I've done both. Over vacation I read a book a day and I loved that. I think you can often get more immersed in a story if you read it all at once. However, there are some books I read in short sessions because I really loved them and wanted them to last. But, generally, if a book takes me a long time it's because I didn't like it. Anyway, that's my experience.

  • @10flute
    @10flute 11 лет назад

    With series, I feel as though your method has an advantage. Those who read books as they were published may have to read it again, where as when you read them you already are.

  • @hayleyknighten2416
    @hayleyknighten2416 11 лет назад

    Sometimes I think it's fun to marathon through a book and enjoy the story then read it again (if it's a good book) to absorb all the brilliance on a deeper level. I will also marathon a book if I'm not particularly enjoying it and want to finish it so I can move on to something else. There are also books that have beautifully painted worlds or stunning language that I try to savor like they're chocolate mousse and will intentionally read slowly. For me it all depends on the book.

  • @cookieaddictions
    @cookieaddictions 11 лет назад

    I've become a slower reader over time. I like to enjoy the book and read a lot of the dialogue out loud. I think if I read a book too fast, it's usually a sign that it's not such a great book. But sometimes it's just the opposite, so it's hard to tell.

  • @readfirstwritesecond
    @readfirstwritesecond 11 лет назад

    For me it totally depends on the book. I usually read before bed, and there are some that I just can't put down once I start and I'll stay up all night reading no matter how tired I am. But other times I'll like the book but I'll choose sleep over continuing to read. It's an interesting question, though, of if it's better or worse. I know when the last HP came out, I didn't want to put it down, but I also wanted to savor it and make it last. I definitely marathon TV shows though!

  • @frekinhell
    @frekinhell 11 лет назад

    I have a fairly lengthy train trip to Uni (2ish hours one way) so I generally try and burn through large chunks of whatever I'm reading at a time.

  • @AThousandLivesOfDais
    @AThousandLivesOfDais 11 лет назад

    I often find I come in to a series and all the books/or just one is left of it. I personally find waiting between books grueling and then when they do come out I often have to reread the previous book as I've forgotten. Reading them all together with not a lot of time in between (days) is much more enriching for me. I'm not a fast or slow reader, I'm more on the middle ground. I read Clockwork Princess within about 16ish hours I think? If it's 300 pages, I can do it in more 8-10.

  • @noonaemda
    @noonaemda 11 лет назад

    I read my books in one sitting because I like the feeling of starting & finishing in one row. I get a better sense of the story, I can connect better, I dont get distracted & since Im not stoping I wont forget what I previously read.
    I tried to read books more slowly but I just end forgetting what I previously read or I lost interest in the story. Even books as big as the Twilight series or Beautiful Creatures series I read them in one sitting.

  • @AverySometimesReads
    @AverySometimesReads 11 лет назад

    i tend to read a chapter or two at a time, but do that several times a day. some books i devour in one sitting, but not most.

  • @thaliavourskey1218
    @thaliavourskey1218 11 лет назад

    It's also will power. Sometimes you can't help but read it all at once because it is that good.

  • @AMindNeedsBooks
    @AMindNeedsBooks 11 лет назад

    I wish I had the time to read like that- for most books I prefer to marathon it (and there are a few books I would make the time to do this for) but for the most part it's fitting in reading time when I can, and reading for uni I try to schedule, otherwise I'd never keep up with it all. This was a great video :)

  • @ryanohrama
    @ryanohrama 11 лет назад

    Such good points! :)

  • @curlyhairedwanderer
    @curlyhairedwanderer 11 лет назад

    I'm a marathoner. Especially if I really like the book. Either way is fine, I think. As long as you're reading! :)

  • @leighsreads
    @leighsreads 11 лет назад

    I definitely like marathon-ing my series! But I do understand what you are saying-If I wait for the second in the series, I tend to forget those little things. I also think that this is a part of our generation - we like immediate gratification (which is not always a good thing). So we would rather wait for the whole show/series/movies to come out and then watch/read when we want to rather than be told to wait. I power read like crazy, typically reading at least 100+ pages in one sitting :)

  • @chairgg
    @chairgg 11 лет назад

    I think it depends on the book. Some books I read slowly, others I stay up all night reading. You've raised some interesting questions. : )

  • @itarisita1
    @itarisita1 11 лет назад

    Great topic. I've done both because I had to. I prefer to read a book all at once, thats just the way I like to do it. When it takes me a week or so to read a book has been cause I had to work or because I had to do other things, not because thats the way I like to do it. I also prefer to read a series that is complete, I hate waiting a year for a book. That is so mean! I also like to watch shows back to back as well. I did that with the Vampire Diaries, I love that show & I couldn't get enough!

  • @HRPrime95
    @HRPrime95 11 лет назад

    I do exactly the same thing as you do when I can, but I definitely think that it's better for some stories to space it out if you can, especially if it's nothing that you're feeling like you NEED to read the rest of straight away. I tend to read books more slowly recently because of the time I have available, but if I can I read them in chunks as quickly as I can. I think it's better to marathon TV shows if you can though, otherwise I tend to get people spoiling me if I tell them I like it.

  • @ZacharyFlye
    @ZacharyFlye 11 лет назад

    Before I started doing book reviews and book blogging I would read whenever I found time and only for maybe an hour or two, but since I started I kind of snowballed into shotgunning my books and reading them in one sitting over 5-6 hours which like you said is great for grasping foreshadowing but doesn't give me the same experience I'm used to. Also, Like you I like marathoning my series usually if it's a show I haven't watched yet I'll watch them all over summer or winter break.

  • @Saucylark
    @Saucylark 11 лет назад

    I hate spacing reading out, because I have hectic days and by the time I get back to the book, I've forgotten what has happened. I normally finish a book a day, and I enjoy it that way. I always reread it like a day or two after, just to experience it again.

  • @yuujinchounonaka
    @yuujinchounonaka 11 лет назад

    It usually takes me about 1-2 weeks to finish a book, I try to read at least 50 pages each day but I divide that up during the day for when I have the time. I think that if I had the time I would read in longer sittings, but it doesn't work with my lifestyle now. I do agree with you, that by taking the time to read it a little 'slower' you have more time to process - which I think is important for me. But my pace also really depends on the book.

  • @books4teens
    @books4teens 11 лет назад

    For me it highly depends on the book and the amount of time I have. I often read just before bed, before work and in my lunch break so it forces a kind of chapter by chapter approach on most books I read - taking normally about a week to finish one. Having said this I do like digesting a book slowly, it makes lunch times something to look forward to even more. (If that made any sense!) :)

  • @slamiller14
    @slamiller14 11 лет назад

    I am definitely a marathon reader. I bought City of Bones through City of Fallen Angels several months before City of Lost Souls came out without doing research to see if there were more books. Of course! I had to wait for two more! I discovered this after I read all four books in four consecutive days. Yeah... Then, I bought City of Lost Souls the day it came out. Finished it the same night. I rarely spend more than two days on a book. I also waited to read the Infernal Devices. :)

  • @cookieaddictions
    @cookieaddictions 11 лет назад

    Although I think it's good to read all at once sometime, because after a week or two I forget a lot about a book, so by the time a year has passed and the next book has come out I can barely remember anything, so then I have to go back and read the first ones. Except for when I don't want to, so I read the new book very confused cuz I forgot what happened.

  • @thesunwentred
    @thesunwentred 11 лет назад

    just set down the book at the end of a REALLY good line and think about that for the next day - if something really resonated with me. It is interesting that you said that you think you retain a lot of the details when you read all in one sitting or read series back to back - I think I would miss a lot of things because I would be reading so fast - kind of whipping through to get to the end. I do like marathoning tv shows, like watching one or two a day and finishing series quickly.

  • @mobandy64
    @mobandy64 11 лет назад

    Books that I KNOW I can read in one or two sittings I do, like Looking For Alaska or Divergent. Smaller books, lighter books, YA books. That kind of thing. But if I'm reading a classic I sort of read a little at a time. It helps me to understand better and to enjoy it better as well because if I force myself to read it all at once I'll probably hate it because classics or even some adult fiction books are often harder to take in. I like it the way I do it :)

  • @ajallen128
    @ajallen128 11 лет назад

    With books, especially linked books, I like to take it slow and try to pick up on little details that may come into play.

  • @literaryprints
    @literaryprints 11 лет назад

    to let yourself fall in beat with the world and the way the characters thought, and the whole story, so I'd always thought that one sitting was the only way to maximise all the positive of qualities in books. The cons, of course, is that you don't get much time to think about the logical aspect of the book - no space to think critically about all the literary aspects. I personally prefer reading a book in fewest sittings as possible (especially with Fantasy books), because I really want to (c)

  • @ghosthallgremlin
    @ghosthallgremlin 11 лет назад

    my reading habits change from book to book, i read until i feel like i'm getting bored, or looking for the end of a chapter then put the book down & pick it up again when i feel ready to continue. i also read fairly quickly & like to go through books quickly but i don't ever want to feel like i'm pushing through, even though sometimes i am & it can take me a week or so to get through. i really can't try & read a book for more than a week though, if it's taken me that long i know i don't like it

  • @estrella2651
    @estrella2651 11 лет назад

    I'm like you. I just sit down and try to read the whole thing at once, i think its way easier to find those long times. And I kind of get more into the story, if I try to do it slowly I forget things and i hate that.

  • @officialfangurl
    @officialfangurl 11 лет назад

    it usually takes me about three to four days to finish a book, firstly because I don't really have the time to sit there for hours a day, with school and all that. and I really can't chug down a story all at once. it works pretty well for me, having the time to let the information sink in. so uh, yeeeah

  • @DualPerspectives
    @DualPerspectives 11 лет назад

    With me, reading a book is like a relationship. It takes me a few tens of pages to get to know it, to get a feel for how it's going to go. Then, a hundred or so pages in is like the friendship stage. I want to be reading pretty much all the time because I want to know how/what is going on! And it goes on from there.
    For me, reading a book in a week or two's time is a little more pleasurable because I've taken my time. I've gotten attached to the book and it's characters. But I also think it's...

  • @sadomirth
    @sadomirth 11 лет назад

    I tend to like taking my time. On average the most pages I can read a day is about 200, thats over many sittings. I try to read a book in a few days, but sometimes it takes me a few weeks because I start new books. But it also depends on the book, the length, weight, interest ect. Time you have to read, distractions, thinking about books. I like to marathon. I loved this video. I might make a response video.

  • @RosieOutdoors
    @RosieOutdoors 10 лет назад

    An interesting topic which has got me thinking now. In the week I can only really read at night and on the weekends I might be able to get a few hours in a day. If I could marathon a book I would but I don't have time.
    I'm not sure which way is better as long as you enjoy it.

  • @makaylalerner3740
    @makaylalerner3740 11 лет назад

    My problem is, when I'm reading: time is gone, like completely. For example, I started reading the reading The Fifth Wave at 7:15pm, and when I finally looked up from the book when it ended, it was like midnight. It was day and night before I knew it.
    But recently, I've been looking for series that are just beginning so that I can live with them as they thrive every year, like The Fifth Wave. Not because I want to be a hipster "I liked it before it was cool." There's just a special connection.

  • @Rec426
    @Rec426 11 лет назад

    I'm a slow reader so I only focus on one book at a time. It depends on the books size and how tired I am but I can usually read one or two chapters a night and this usually helps me keep the story in my head longer :)

  • @daniellearze6686
    @daniellearze6686 11 лет назад

    I tend to read my books a chapter or two at a time. Since I'm a relatively fast reader I can usually finish it in a few days. I can't read a book in one setting without putting it down for a few minutes and mulling over it so I use the extra time in school to read :)

  • @LisaG27
    @LisaG27 9 лет назад

    I am a slow reader, and when I settle down and get comfy to read a book, I tend to have a bad habit of dozing off much earlier than I planned, especially at night before bed. So marathon-reading isn't really my thing, not necessarily by choice.
    In a perfect world, I would love to read 3-4 hours a day, which would allow me to finish a 300-page book in 2-3 days at my reading speed. Although, in a perfect world, I would be a faster reader, so I would probably be able to finish a 300-page book in one 3-4 hour sitting each day. A book a day would be awesome! Just think of all the places I'd be able to visit and characters I'd be able to meet in my lifetime! (I hope that makes sense! lol)
    However, in my imperfect world full of chores and paperwork and all kinds of stuff on which it seems I'm always behind, some days I might get to squeeze in 15 pages at night before falling asleep in bed, and some days I might actually get to sit down and read for a few hours. I don't think I've ever finished a book in one day, though. Marathon-reading and being able to read a book a day would be awesome bc you'd get to read and enjoy so many books/stories in your lifetime. However, on the flip side, reading 15-50 pages a day and taking a little longer to finish a book allows you to spend more time in whatever world and with whichever characters you're reading about. You kinda get to draw out the enjoyment of the book and savor it that way.
    When I do finish a good book, no matter how long it takes me to read it, I often feel sad because when it's over, it's just over. When I get to the last page, I want more. I don't want to say goodbye to the characters with whom I've spent so much time, characters I've grown to know and love as well as the enchanted world into which I was escaping. Of course I pick up another good book and repeat the cycle again, but my point is that sometimes I like to draw out reading a book bc I don't want it to end.

  • @MindPalaceASMR
    @MindPalaceASMR 11 лет назад

    I read book 1 and 2 when they came out, now I will have to re-read them before I read Clockwork Princess.

  • @csfontaine
    @csfontaine 11 лет назад

    Good question! I think you're doing it the write way for a writer.
    You get to mull over the entire trilogy. That might help you write one.

  • @bookpenguin
    @bookpenguin 11 лет назад

    I would rather experience them all together. I HATE waiting for the next book in the series. Most of the time I can remember everything that happened previously, but I don't remember as much as I would've if I just read it. I read my books in 2-3 days and I like it that way.

  • @TheNerdyBookNerd
    @TheNerdyBookNerd 11 лет назад

    I, just like you, prefer to read the whole book at once or in as few sittings as possible. It allows me to get completely sucked into the book, whereas I easily feel dislocated from the book if I try to read it over a longer period of time. I feel like I'm quite forgetful, and if it goes too long between readings, I will forget what has previously happened. Especially if the book (towards the end) talks about something that happened in the beginning. But to quote the one and only John Green:

  • @annefien
    @annefien 11 лет назад

    I always read one book at a time, but I take a long time. I usually am too busy to actually sit down for an hour and only read. I mostly read when there's nothing else I can do, for example, on commute.
    I don't know if it's better/worse it's just the only way for me. I do feel that in the spaces in between reading I think about the book more (and reflect on it more) than when I do have time to finish a book in 2-3 days.

    @TheQUBANQT 11 лет назад

    Katy I myself read books in 1 sitting maybe 2. I've been known to stay up overnight/early hrs reading a book. My fiancé hates it when I do this bc I only get 3 hrs of sleep then go to work or take PTO. He's convinced I have a book addiction. I prefer reading a series vs. a standalone book. I'll usually wait for at least 3 or 4 books in that series to become avail before I start it. I also refuse to buy books that are under a certain page count. I'm also guilty of marathoning TV/movies.

  • @Xenaisthebusiness
    @Xenaisthebusiness 11 лет назад

    If reading something epic, like a trilogy or a large, engaging story, I'll probably read as much as possible whenever possible. But for other items (like paperbacks in my 1960's sleaze novel collection) I'll usually just read 1 or 2 chapters per whenever I feel like it.

  • @LITERARdenerpiaia
    @LITERARdenerpiaia 11 лет назад

    Hi, I have a book Chanel too and my opinion is that we bust read the way we feels good at. I usually try to read all at once, but I can stay too much time in to a book, so I read it for a,little longer time.

  • @MrParkerJensen
    @MrParkerJensen 11 лет назад

    I read books in about 5-6 days so i read it some what quick but also soak it all up in that amount of time, I find I like reading best this way

  • @thaliavourskey1218
    @thaliavourskey1218 11 лет назад

    For me it really depends on the book itself. If it is a last book in a long-waited series I really try to force myself to take my time reading it so I can savour it. E.g. Oblivion by Anthony Horowitz which was about 800 pages, i could have finished it in a couple of days but I spent about a week reading it. For Clockwork Princess, I tried my hardest and managed to keep the book for about 4 days before I completely devoured it.

  • @beksan1
    @beksan1 11 лет назад

    Usually if its a stand alone novel I'm like you, I'll read about 200 pgs and try to finish it the next day. However, I can't seem to read series back to back to back. I tend to get bored of the story so I have to squeeze another book in between :)

  • @Shaad2321
    @Shaad2321 11 лет назад

    Hey Kat,
    I prefer to read my books as quick as possible but the books I read are usually quite long so usually they take at least 4 days to read! Recently I just started read young adult books and I have noticed the font is bigger and spaced so its easier to read than an adult fantasy book which has tiny font and minimum spacing. an examples is I just read legend it took 4 hours(i enjoyed it) and also read Ender's Game and it took 6.5 hours(its scifi). There basically same length!

  • @MyNameIsConnieB
    @MyNameIsConnieB 11 лет назад

    I find doing things like that a whole lot easier! It's better carrying around a smaller book for 6-7 hours a day than a humongous 600 page book that will take up most of the space in your bag :D

  • @ElenaBoteva
    @ElenaBoteva 11 лет назад

    Personally I like to get as much of the story at a time as possible. So I guess I am a "marathoner" if such a word existed... I do that with TV shows too, or movie franchises. I feel that when I do that, I get more of the story, I experience it better, than when it's devided by time...

  • @amandalily28
    @amandalily28 11 лет назад

    I read books during school, so I don't really have the option to read 200 pages at once, sadly. I'll read for the twenty minutes at the end of a class when I'm done with my work and have nothing else to do. When I'm at home, however, I read for as much or as little as I feel like reading (which usually depends on how interesting/good the books is that I am reading). Also, I only read one book at a time, and once I start a book, I'm making a commitment to myself and to that book to finish it.

  • @SunriseFireberry
    @SunriseFireberry 11 лет назад

    I read fast. If I'm interested in a book and vocabulary is YA or similar, and I have the time, I'll read a 500 pg book straight thru. Hunger Games trilogy took 14 hr over 2 days. HP Book 7 took 9.5 hr. A Casual Vacancy took 6 hr. Divergent 5 hr. If the book is sizeable and nonfiction, or is a thick classic like Dicken's Bleak House or Eliot's Middlemarch, I'll read it a Ch. or 2 at a time over the course of a month. Re these thick tome novels, I can see why some just watch theBBC video versions.

  • @fizlov3
    @fizlov3 11 лет назад

    I'm a pretty fast reader and I usually end up, if I'm not doing anything else, finish a book in a sitting. I like to marathon thought series as well just because I hate to wait for the release of the next book. I feel like if I'm reading all the book from a series at the same time I more likely will remember everything of the story, where as if I read the first book and than wait a whole year in between books I more likely will forget some parts of it.

  • @smac07
    @smac07 11 лет назад

    I think there is something very satisfying about marathoning a story. I love doing it with book but more so with TV shows. BUT at tghe same time its also great to have time to think about the story in between reads. If you have a couple of months or even years of waiting between each book it can be pretty cool as well. You gwet to go online and discuss your theories with others and becaome a part of the fandoms. I dunno i guess it can be cool to marathon but waiting is also great. LOL

  • @BooksforMichaela
    @BooksforMichaela 11 лет назад

    If i could i'd sit down and just read all at once but since either i lack time and/or patience to do that. I'll read every night, usually a chapter a night then on weekends i try to finish the book. That way i have it in my head for the whole week. If i don't finish it then, i'll slowly chip away until that next weekend to finish it. I don't like starting a new book in the middle of the week (just cause i'm weird) i like to keep thinking about a book for a period of time. I notice things i don't

  • @TheBookShell25
    @TheBookShell25 11 лет назад

    I did the same thing with the hunger games trilogy. I waited and then read the whole thing in 4 days. If I take long to finish a book it's just time issues with school. In the end, I don't think it matters how long we take to read the book just that we read it and think about it. The real problem is when some people just mindlessly consume novels without really thinking about what it is they are reading.

  • @mbecca7222
    @mbecca7222 11 лет назад

    I only buy books in series all at once so I do not have to wait on another book to come out. I leanred my lesson with HP. So now i only buy books when their series are complete.

  • @AssiaReadALot
    @AssiaReadALot 11 лет назад

    I thought I was the only person who did this.
    Especially ESPECIALLY With tv shows.
    I have to wait until a tv show has at least 3-4 seasons so I can just go straight through and not have to really wait.
    I like to read at least 50 pages a week. If it's a book I like I try to read it quickly.

  • @intothewildwego
    @intothewildwego 10 лет назад

    Im exactly the same marathoning my tv shows and reading as much as life will allow in one big chunk. I both LOVE and dred when I find an epic new book series/tv show ( game).. on the obvious hand its what im looking for but at the same time everything else gets a huge pause button till its finished.. litterally I have to remind myself to eat and sleep. Don't get into korean dramas. Really. They are too easy to watch back to back and there are just so many! I do sometimes feel like im cheating myself reading in long sittings and not enjoying the book over a more acceptable time frame... but... I have no reason to continue this sentence. Cant think of anything. Long sittings are just fine. We get to read more right :)

  • @thesunwentred
    @thesunwentred 11 лет назад

    I used to read the Harry Potter books in one day/one sitting right when they came out. Then the anticipation for the next book to come out was unbearable. When I finally owned the whole series I read them all in a week and cried the whole time, lol. That is my only experience with marathoning books. I tend to take my time with books, reading a chapter a night for a month or so, letting the ideas stew in my head, talking about them with people, looking up words in a dictionary. Sometimes I even

  • @bekhanhnguyen
    @bekhanhnguyen 11 лет назад

    Nice discussion/thoughts! ^_^ I usually prefer reading slowly, because if I read a book too quickly, I often end up forgetting details, even the big and important ones. =/ But it just really depends on the book and how good it is. :)

  • @Katherine-rb7rk
    @Katherine-rb7rk 11 лет назад

    It depends on the book for how slowly you read. Like if it's a more complex book, or a longer book, then you could try and read it in more sittings so you can think things through. I just finished a book for school, and I had to read it over the span of 2 months, because so many chapters were assigned each week, and I found that I enjoyed the book, and understood it a lot more than I would with one I read in a few days. The book is called The Other Side of The Island, anyone read it? I liked it.

  • @kerysreads7149
    @kerysreads7149 11 лет назад

    I read one book at a time and I normally read about 15-30 pages a night...On the weekend I read more like 40-50 pages. I don't set a time limit to read a book as I don't want to rush the story. :)

  • @LuckyOwlVlog
    @LuckyOwlVlog 11 лет назад

    i like to read a couple chapters so i have time to process and usually read before bed too so i can dream about it too :)

  • @brillosaurusrex
    @brillosaurusrex 11 лет назад

    I kind of you're type, I guess. Mostly I read a Series when all Books are already out. But a lot of Times my Sister makes me so curious of a story, that I read it right away. This was the Case with the Infernal Devices Series, and it was so good that I could'n wait until the Book is released in German and so I bought read it in English...

  • @e-wentan290
    @e-wentan290 11 лет назад

    I think reading a few chapters in one sitting is just good. This way, you can think about what you just read over the time not reading.

  • @readeatsleeprepeat
    @readeatsleeprepeat 11 лет назад

    I consider myself a slow reader, but it depends on the subject matter. If a book is really dense or slow paced, I take my time so that I can fully absorb the information. I like to be immersed in the world of the story over a longer period of time, I guess. That being said, I can still speed through a book if it's just so good that I can't put it down. =)

  • @dandoona1998
    @dandoona1998 11 лет назад

    I usually read a book in 5 days , but there are 2 exceptions :
    1. When the book is AMAZING , like The Fault in Our Stars , I read it in 2 days .
    2. When the book is AWFUL , like Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater , I tried reading it and I spent 3 weeks reading it and I only got through 200 pages then I completely gave up on it .

  • @MartineVH97
    @MartineVH97 11 лет назад

    Sometimes I read a whole book in a couple of hours (150 - 250 pages), and sometimes I don't finish a book before a couple of weeks, so I do both :)

  • @MrEastRyder
    @MrEastRyder 11 лет назад

    I read in sequence, 2nd act midpoint third act than finish usually takes me 4 to 5 sittings

  • @thaliavourskey1218
    @thaliavourskey1218 11 лет назад

    Same! I marathon TV shows! :) :) :D :D

  • @madibrooke6145
    @madibrooke6145 11 лет назад

    I usually read 2 books a week. I like to spend as much time as I can in that world if I really like it without taking too long to actually read it. I can't really read fast enough that I could read one book in 5 hours. It usually takes me at least 50 seconds to read one page so I'm not the fastest of readers

  • @Boghunden
    @Boghunden 11 лет назад

    I'm like you, and unfortunately I find myself forgetting about the book within a few weeks. I think if I slowed down I'd remember them better

  • @TheNerdyBookNerd
    @TheNerdyBookNerd 11 лет назад

    (Continued): "I don't care how people read, I care if they read." I just know what works best for me :) Great video as always, Kat! :)

  • @noonaemda
    @noonaemda 11 лет назад

    And I do the same thing with western series & korean dramas.
    I get easily distracted... like way to easy.

  • @CrystalEyez53
    @CrystalEyez53 11 лет назад

    And finally, I see how many chapters are in my book and I figure out how many chapters I need to read in order to finish it within a week (or two weeks if it's super long.) Obviously, if I'm really into the story, I can read more than that day's worth of chapters and I can finish the book sooner, but I definitely try to read the minimum amount in order to finish within a week or two.

  • @ouervrou
    @ouervrou 11 лет назад

    also, I have NEVER read a book when it came out because I am so behind because i used to take like 3 months for one book, so im only just reading divergent now, read hunger games 3 months after the movie came out, still need to read catching fire and mocking jay, i did read twilight when it came out i think, and i just got city of bones, a bit late hahaha

  • @gryffindorsphoenix
    @gryffindorsphoenix 11 лет назад

    Once I start reading its very difficult to stop, :D Ive read Obsidian, Onyx and Opal in less then 2 days, :) x