Our most watched videos here👇🤗 ✅ How to use traditional cookware: ruclips.net/video/iM3cUio4oVA/видео.html ✅ Celebration traditions with Ayyangar kitchen: ruclips.net/video/HIK642VImKg/видео.html ✅ How to eat food in a right way: ruclips.net/video/rOJHnaQCvm8/видео.html ✅Difference between cast iron and pure iron: ruclips.net/video/WKn6ZQZ0zmM/видео.html ✅ Difference between Brass and Bronze: ruclips.net/video/wfvS2ERF9nk/видео.html
I so love to hear when someone who's an authority on the subject speaks. Thanks a ton for clearing a very important subject for us.. have taken lots of notes 😀
we use clay earthen pot for cooking free from hazardous material its the best i think cz metals i cnt say tomato is used in many vegetables tamarind is also there kadampuli is also used in fish curry so better with clay pots......
हमारे पंजाब में इतने पापुलर तो नहीं है अब पीतल तांबा और कांसा के बर्तन पर हम इस्तेमाल करते हैं क्यों की एल्युमिनियम सेहत के लिए बहुत हानिकारक है। आपका वीडियो जानकारी से भरपूर है।
Some concept clarifications: 1. When you coat brass with tin, tin prevents contact of food material with the copper base (brass). Therefore the acclaimed benefits of cooking in copper vessels are eliminated. 2. Tin is generally contaminated with lead. Commercially used tin for the vessel coating is liberally contaminated with lead and therefore not preferable. It is to be remembered that lead is a cumulative poison. 3. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. Tin passivates the surface of the vessel. Therefore, it prevents (though not completely) attack of food acids on base metal. 4. For these reasons between brass and bronze, bronze is preferred for cooking. 5. These alloys were used in cooking, before aluminium came into commercial use in mid 20th century. Cast iron, earthen pots and brass and bronze faded into oblivion with the advent of aluminium. 6. Scientific reports till date have conflicting opinions on ill effect (if any) of aluminium. 7. Retention of heat in bronze vessel after cooking is also a myth. After the heat source is removed from the vessel, retention of heat depends on: i. Total mas of hot material - Bronze being a casting, is generally heavier and hence the apparent retention. ii. The ambient temperature ( if ambient is cool, vessel cools faster). iii. Surface area & surface condition of vessel outside. 8. Tin was not used as a vessel in the past for making "rasam" as you wrongly mentioned. They used lead pots for this purpose. Once, the world knew of the toxicity of lead , this practice came to a halt.
@@santhig1810 கருத்துத் தெளிவுறுத்தல்: 1. பித்தளை பாத்திரங்களை உட்பக்கம் கலாய் பூசுதல் (வெள்ளி ஈயம் பூசுதல்) செய்துதான் பயன்படுத்தினர், பயன்படுத்துவர். உணவு அமிலங்கள் தாமிரப் பாத்திரத்தை சேதப்படுத்துவதைத் தடுப்பதற்காக இது செய்யப்படுகிறது. தாமிரப் பாத்திரங்களை நேரடியாக சமையலுக்கு எவரும் பயன்படுத்துவது இல்லை. மேலும், உணவுப் பொருளில் உள்ள அமிலங்கள் தாமிரப் பாத்திரங்களை தாக்குவதால் உடலுக்கு தீங்கு தரும் தாமிர கூட்டுப் பொருட்கள் (toxic copper compounds) உருவாகி உணவில் கலந்து உடலுக்கு கேடு விளைவிக்கும். 2. கலாய் பூசுவதில் பயன்படுத்தப்படும் வெள்ளீயத்தில் (tin), காரீயம் (lead) என்னும் நச்சு உலோகம் பொதுவாக கலந்திருப்பதால் கலாய் பூசுவதும் உடலுக்கு கேடு விளைவிப்பது தான். 3. வெண்கலம் (bronze) என்பது தாமிரமும் வெள்ளீயமும் கலந்த கூட்டு உலோகமாகும். இதிலுள்ள வெள்ளியம், பாத்திரத்தின் மேற்பகுதியில் ஒரு பாதுகாப்பு கவசத்தை உருவாக்குவதால் , தாமிர பாத்திரங்களையும், பித்தளைப் பாத்திரங்களையும் விட வெண்கலம் மேலானது. ஆனால் முற்றிலும் சிறந்தது அல்ல. 4. தாமிரம், பித்தளை, வெங்கலம் போன்றவற்றை இந்திய மக்கள் ஏறக்குறைய 1950கள் வரை பெருவாரியாகப் பயன்படுத்தினர். அதன் பின்னர் அலுமினியம் பயன்பாட்டிற்கு வெகுவாக வந்ததால் செப்பும் செப்பு சார்ந்த உலோகக் கலவைகளும் படிப்படியாக பயன்பாட்டில் இருந்து விலகின. 5. தாமிரத்தை விட அலுமினியம் மலிவாகக் கிடைத்தது இதற்கு ஒரு முக்கியமான காரணமாகும். ஆனால், அலுமினியத்தை பற்றியும் விஞ்ஞானிகளிடையே எதிர்மறையான கருத்துக்கள் இன்றும் நிறுவப்படாமல் பேசப்பட்டு வருகிறது. 6. வெண்கலப் பாத்திரத்தில் சூடு வெகு நேரம் தாங்கும் என்பது ஒரு மாயை ஆகும். சூடுபடுத்தும் மூலம் (heat source) அகற்றப்பட்ட பின்னர் பாத்திரத்தில் உள்ள பொருளின் சூடு, பின்வருவனவற்றைப் பொருத்ததாகும்: அ. சூடான பொருளின் (உணவு, பாத்திரம் இரண்டும் சேர்ந்தது) மொத்த எடை. இது அதிகமாக இருந்தால் பொருள் வெகு நேரம் சூடாக இருக்கும். வெங்கல பாத்திரங்கள் பொதுவாக வார்படங்கள் (castings) என்பதால் அவை கனமாக இருக்கும். ஆ. வெளிப்புற தட்பவெட்பநிலை. குளிர் நிலையில் விரைவாக ஆறிவிடும். இ. பாத்திரத்தின் வாயின் அகலம், மேலும் பாத்திரத்தின் மொத்த பரப்பளவு, பாத்திரத்தின் பளபளப்புத் தன்மை இவற்றையும் பொருத்ததாகும். 7. மற்றும் தாங்கள் (video vlogger) கூறியது போல் அந்தக் காலங்களில் ரசம் செய்வதற்கு வெள்ளீய (tin) பாத்திரங்கள் பயன்படுத்தப்படவில்லை. மாறாக, முன்னோர் பயன்படுத்தியது ஈய (lead)ப் பாத்திரங்கள் ஆகும். உலகம் ஈயத்தின் மோசமான நச்சுத்தன்மையை உணர்ந்தபின், ஈயதின் பயன்பாடு முற்றிலுமாக பாத்திரங்கள் செய்வதிலும், தண்ணீர் குழாய்கள் செய்வதிலும் இருந்து முற்றிலும் அகற்றப்பட்டது. (மொழிபெயர்ப்புக்கு ஆன கால தாமதத்திற்கு என்னை மன்னிக்கவும். அறிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்னும் தங்களுடைய ஆர்வத்துக்குத் தலைவணங்குகிறேன்).
Thank you Karunanidhi sir...I bought a brass vesel for cooking rice recently...that time I had no knowledge of bronze...after reading your message to I decided no to to get tin coating done...kindly reply whether is there any problem if I cook below items without adding citric foods: Like rice, curd related recipes, milk related , jaggery, ghee related and normal sabjis
@@vknidhi Thank you Karunanidhi sir...I bought a brass vesel for cooking rice recently...that time I had no knowledge of bronze...after reading your message to I decided no to to get tin coating done...kindly reply whether is there any problem if I cook below items without adding citric foods: Like rice, curd related recipes, milk related , jaggery, ghee related and normal sabjis
Well articulated sir. Thanks. Can you please link any good sources on the history of brass and bronze in India and tamilnadu....I would like to know more. Most of what comes in Google is half baked research or facts twisted for marketing.
😊😊Nice Vedio.... I was actually in search of this TOPIC. The moral of the Vedio is - May it be BRASS or BRONZE it should be TIN coated. Though the vedio is old but.......Evergreen Informative
Most fantablous informations for the younger generation who wish to changes from stainless silver into brass/ bronze utensils for dialy cooking , thanku mam
Great video and excellent explanations. Especially how you explain that the alloy bronze helps to get the benefits of copper without excess leaching of copper. And how tinning can help to prevent excess cooper leeching when cooking acidic foods. Also, copper is a trace mineral needed by the body in small amounts as well. The bronze cookware is similar to cooking in cast iron. All about what is being cooked in there, acidic or not.
We usually do payasamwithrice for perumal but we don't keep for not more than hour becos if it's left by night itself light green color forms that's y we remove within 1 or 2 hrs. Of course ur demo is as well very much useful.
Thank you for the I formative video. All the information that you gave are available on the internet also. In the 60s and 70s in Bangalore the households used only brass, bronze and aluminum to cook. Plus earthen pots for selective dishes like mudde or ganji etc. Aside of the benefits listed by you or on the internet, I think these were used because nothing else was available. Steel came a little later and took over because of ease of maintenance, plus it avoided the leaching, the need to cook separate dishes in different vessels and ease of usage. Brass vessels used to be tinned annually. Not once in 2 to 5 years. Perhaps that could be because their usage was high. Specialist tinning people used come around and would do the tinning, which often would be an all day affair. As children we used to be fascinated and and would wait until the days work finished and embers cooled to collect what we called lead balls. At present that door step tinning does not exist. One has to find shops which may do winning. I think it is still done in "Hittale matket" ( literally meaning brass market)" off chikpet. I don't know if it is done on avenue road. Getting brass vessels tinned is the big hurdle in using them for cooking. And in cleaning it is necessary to clean them often with tamarind paste or vinegar, otherwise over time brass would tarnish and ugly green deposits would appear. In the market there are ready cleaning powders available for cleaning brass items. I don't recollect about bronze particularly, to write here. BTW, using aluminum is not entirely harmful. Leaching of Al into food is the issue here too and like brass or bronze it cannot be tinned. In Al vessels too it leaches when acidic foods are cooked. And aluminum is present in processed and unprocessed food naturally anyway. It becomes harmful when aluminum is absorbed beyond 5 to 10 mg per kg of body weight per day. Leaching of aluminum into food would of course lead to higher absorption and therefore we need to avoid cooking sour / acidic foods in aluminum vessels. Other things can be cooked safely. Rice was almost always cooked in aluminum pots, later in Al cookers. Milk was always boiled in alpots. We as children carried food - even rice and sambar - in aluminum boxes. Serving or eating in aluminum utensils is not harmful. I again thank you for this post. And like you say all the information is available at finger tips these days if only we browse for a short while.
Thanks for the video Madam. Couple of questions, please clarify. 1) Brass is known to retain 97% of the nutrients. If we apply tin coating, same principle applicable? 2) Why cant we apply tin coating on Iron Or aluminium kadai? As it is much cheaper than bronze. We r hiding bronze with tin coating anyway. 3) Does Tin leach in to the food? If so, is it okay for the bodyy? 4) If we coat with Tin, can we use sharp spatulas? Would it break the Tin coating? Should we be careful? Thank you!
Yes tin does leeches into it. It's worse than cooking simply in the bronze vessel. Just do as the old people did, cook in bronze or well earthen pots if you can, thats it
Thank you. I do not want to ask any question regarding brass or bronze. Only one question. When food comes in contact with tin, what are the properties of tin which can be helpful for human body ?
1-Can we drink water after boiling in brass cookware without tinning? 2-Can we use brass tap from which boil water will come in kitchen sink mixture taps (as every taps are made from brass inside )?
Hi, yes.. you can boil water in brass without tin coating and drink from it. Make sure you do not store boiled water for too long beyond 24- 36 hours.. the water will start leeching too much of the copper in to the stored water.An ideal option would be to use a brass vessel without tin coating for boiling and one with tin coating for long term storage.Thank you
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Madam, which following material is best for cooking or making healthy food??brass/bronze/stainless steel/mud pot, pls reply prefference first, second, three,.......
Brass, Bronze and Clay are very good for cooking. Preference is a personal choice. Brass and bronze will last for many generations and life of clay is for 1 to 2 years.
Thankyou so much Meera. I have purchased a lot of utensils from you. All good. Waiting to see you in Mumbai in October. I want to buy eeya chombu as my 25years old chombu, ( my mom's) got robbed in transit.
Hi Ma'am We daily cook dal or vegetable wherein tomatoes are used. Is it safe to use bronze? It becomes useless if we cant cook tomatoes in daal and vegetables. So the quantity would only be one or two tomatoes but is it safe to cook?
Hi, Thanking you for your query, Yes you may cook in bronze with a little tomatoes or tamarind please do make sure once you are done cooking you shift it immediately into a different vessel .Hope this helps. Thank you
thanks for the information...but I one question and doubt here if I m using tin coating brass and bronze then what is the benefit of outside metal cause m using and cooking in tin ..so
Hello everyone- I would like to share my experience on cooking in bronze and brass vessel. I used to make rice in. The bronze vessel. Heavy thick bronze pot. Onky plain rice and water were boiled. For almost 2 years i didn’t realize that the mild burning sensation in my whole alimentary canal was due to this. I went out of town for one week and didn’t have this problem. Same thing happened again recently when I got lazy to use the heavy bronze potand used stainless steel vessel for rice since 4/5 days and again the burning sensation cooled off. Now I wonder if something is leaching from it. I hand wash every day. It’s a sturdy thick heavy pot made 100 years back from my mother in laws grandmothers family. But didn’t suit me it benefit me. I used brass coffee filter but didn’t like the taste.. so stopped it
In South India Rasam is made in a vessel and once it is made it is poured in the " eeyachombu" which you are calling as Tin vessel. It is not made with only tin. It is made with mixer of many metals one of them is silver. That is why it is extremely expensive. If it is directly kept on the gas and if the water content evaporates then it melts and you get many silver pieces around the gas with the pot and rasam missing.
Super informative stuff. Thank you. I have 2 questions. 1- Can we EAT curd or curd based food in bronze and brass thali, katori. 2- Can we cook curd based foods in bronze or brass. What is actually mean that is Curd (yogurt) a citrus product?
Hi, 1. Yes you can have citric food in Bronze plates. That is not an issue. 2. Cooking citric food will react with Bronze. If thick curd would be cooked for a longer duration eg, more than 10 minutes, then it is better to avoid it. Adding curd towards fag end of cooking is fine. Transfer the food to another vessel within an hour of cooking, if any citric element has been added to the dish.
Hi Meera. (You have answered this partially in the video but I still want to confirm ) Can we make tea and boil milk in Brass vessel (WITHOUT TIN COATING)? I am asking this again as we see many Chai tapris where Brass vessel (without tin coating)is used to make tea Some people say it enhances the taste so is it a good practice or not ? Thanks for this video, I like your Zishta's products.
We appreciate your interest and support towards Zishta! Thank you for your question! We do not recommend cooking in brass vessels without tin coating. While you may see brass vessels being used in chai tapris, the concern is that cooking without tin coating can lead to higher copper leaching into the food. Although copper is essential for our body, excessive amounts are not necessary and can cause discomfort. For safety, we advise using brass vessels with tin coating for cooking. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! Thank you
Hi mam good information thank you. My question is aluminium vesel is not good for long term but my in law are using all alluminium vessels of thin quality yet they r good in health now they are in 90's with no ailments like Diabetes blood pressure no heart problem no digestive system issues so does using particular vessel make any difference in health or depend on person to person
Greetings from Zishta, Thank you for your kind words! Your question is indeed very interesting and one that sparks a lot of debate. When we prepare food in any vessel, there is a sort of leaching that occurs into the food depending on the material used. Some materials are neutral and do not affect the food cooked inside. In traditional vessels, leaching is present, but the elements are generally beneficial. It's important to note that health is influenced by a variety of factors including lifestyle, genetics, the overall diet, and even how the vessels are maintained. Your in-laws' excellent health could be attributed to a combination of these factors. While certain materials may have potential health impacts, the overall picture of health and wellbeing is complex and influenced by many variables. Thank you Team Zishta
Summary: 1. Brass is ALWAYS coated with Tin and can be used to cook anything. 2. Bronze can be used without Tin and is very healthy and beneficial, but make sure to not use many acidic ingredients in it. It is leech safe and very healthy you can use acidic ingredients but do not be excessive. It's benefit is that it need not be taken to Tin coating vendors, it can be used on it's own without coating. But If you want to you can still add Tin coating to it and can cook anything without watch.
I saw your video now after purchasing a petal Kadhai with tin coating, I didn’t know about your shop. Well next time I’ll definitely order from there. But how do I recognise if my Kadhai is good quality and doesn’t contain harmful metals in it.
Hi Varsha - we will surely explore the same. If made with good quality bronze, they will be safe. Someone we firmly believe nothing works better than iron or cast iron for dosa tawa. Otherwise our ancestors would have long made them in bronze and used it extensively as well.
Thanks for information ma'am..one question mam , In ancient times silver was used as kalai but now we use Tin and Tin is also used in electronic equipments for soldering, tin melting point is very low so Lead is used to increase Tin's durability because it melt very easily. Lead is a serious health hazard .Is there a possibility of Lead mixed in Tin?
That's a good question. The Tin used by the artisans are pure and with usage they wear off as well. Also the utensils are tested in NABL accredited laboratory and comply with EU standards for Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS). Thank you Team Zishta
I just use eversilver, cast iron or iron pans. & earthen pots. Maintaining these kalai coated vessels is difficult as it requires periodical coating when such labour is few nowadays added to this the weight if these vessels is difficult to handle. I discarded the aluminium vessels.
Could you please differentiate between bronze and bell metal (mostly used in Kerala and in which we can cook acidic base food like tomatoes and yogurt base food without kalai)
bell metal are variations of bronze and has varying % of tin. Higher the % of tin helps in allowing food items like tomatoes, yogurt base to be used in the cooking process. The kerala style of making is actually called vellodu and they are pretty versatile for Kerala style cooking. Hope this helps.
Nowadays getting tinning(kalai) i done is very difficult. So one can't use these vessels. However , can one cook in them and after finishing cooking, transfer into your steel dish.
HI, Thanking you for your enquiry, we are doing kalai at our end in our bangalore store as of now.You may use bronze vessels without tin coating to cook, if and only when you cook citrus based food you will have to shift it to a different vessel. Brass requires tin coating for making it viable for cooking.Hope this helps.Thank you
Thank you Ma’am. Glad I found this video. I browsed your site to purchase bronze pots and ladle, which I was happy to find. I wasn’t sure if you do overseas (UK) shipping, so I sent email to query about this but no reply from your side. So, I am using this platform; do you do overseas shipping to the UK?
Hello Saffron. Regret the inconvenience of you not having received a response from us. It was an inadvertent miss. Yes we ship overseas, anywhere across the world. You may kindly visit our website www.zishta.com to place your order. Thank you.
Hi, Thanking you for your query, it is recommended storing water for drinking in a copper vessel for the multitude of health benefits it offers. Drinking water from the copper vessel can help balance the tridoshas (Kapha, Pitta, Vata) and prevents from various infections.Hope this helps.
Well information, can you please tell me about where I can buy original brass and bronze utensil in Odisha (south Odisha), or any other place which is pure original one. Is that the khansa and bronze are same or different.
Hi, you may visit our website www.zishta.com to order the produts. Kindly note that we do have the authentic kansa from orissa in our collection.Thank you
Hi,Bronze is a tad heavier than brass. Bronze does not require kalai to cook non acidic food or food less in acidity. One can cook any food in brass which has tin coating.Thank you
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I use one tomato in every curry , is small amount citrus with other ingredients is ok to cook in bronze utensil, still not safer. Please answer this question.
Thanks for your enquiry. The Bronze is an alloy of Copper and Tin. When we prepare anything acidic in a Bronze vessel without tin-coating, the leaching of Copper into the food would be more. Copper is an element our body needs in trace quantity. Anything in excess is not required for the body and may result in slight discomforts. Hence we recommend to choose the bronze cookware with tin-coating if we're planning to cook anything citric in it. Based on our experience, in the heirloom bronze utensils, we can prepare citric food (even without tin-coating) as the leaching has come down to bare minimum due to the usage over many years. Thank you Team Zishta
Absolutely yes😊 Please subscribe to Zishta RUclips Channel for the latest updates Learn the Traditional Wisdom about Handcrafted Cookware & Lifestyle Products - ruclips.net/channel/UCPmAZxTFJGjZ1Pkhv8Dke7Q
Would recommend you use either cast iron, brass with tin coating or earthy materials like clay, soapstone or manipur black pottery. They might suit your usage.
@@vikassharma-it9qo Hi, it is advisable to do tin coating on the inside of the vessel before using it for cooking. Brass is an alloy of Copper and Zinc and the Tin coating would prevent excess leaching of Copper into food. Hope this helps.
Hi Sunitha, In brass there is no seasoning process, you can just wash with normal dish liquid and start cooking. The only concern is you can leave the cooked food in brass for 2-3 hours once cooked. Hope this clarifies. Thank you.
Hi we have done a few videos on this. Sharing one of them. You can check for the rest in our Zishta channel. Thank you. ruclips.net/video/WKn6ZQZ0zmM/видео.html&pp=sAQA
Thanks 😊 Subscribe to Zishta RUclips Channel & Learn the Traditional Wisdom about Handcrafted Cookware & Lifestyle Products - ruclips.net/channel/UCPmAZxTFJGjZ1Pkhv8Dke7Q
I Would like to mention that dishwashing is not a preferred method for cleaning brass and bronze, for that matter even aluminium. The strong, hot alkaline jets in dishwasher will corrode away the material very soon.
Our most watched videos here👇🤗
✅ How to use traditional cookware: ruclips.net/video/iM3cUio4oVA/видео.html
✅ Celebration traditions with Ayyangar kitchen: ruclips.net/video/HIK642VImKg/видео.html
✅ How to eat food in a right way: ruclips.net/video/rOJHnaQCvm8/видео.html
✅Difference between cast iron and pure iron: ruclips.net/video/WKn6ZQZ0zmM/видео.html
✅ Difference between Brass and Bronze: ruclips.net/video/wfvS2ERF9nk/видео.html
Fo you ship to usa?
I so love to hear when someone who's an authority on the subject speaks. Thanks a ton for clearing a very important subject for us.. have taken lots of notes 😀
First time I m watching this..Subscribed immediately after watching this video with awesome explanation❤
Thank you very much.
Mam Ur Guidance is invaluable ❤
we use clay earthen pot for cooking free from hazardous material its the best i think cz metals i cnt say tomato is used in many vegetables tamarind is also there kadampuli is also used in fish curry so better with clay pots......
And even then you look like Johnny Lever 😂😇
How do u clean it.?
Hi madam!I’m very thankful for the information you have given.
हमारे पंजाब में इतने पापुलर तो नहीं है अब पीतल तांबा और कांसा के बर्तन पर हम इस्तेमाल करते हैं क्यों की एल्युमिनियम सेहत के लिए बहुत हानिकारक है। आपका वीडियो जानकारी से भरपूर है।
Some concept clarifications:
1. When you coat brass with tin, tin prevents contact of food material with the copper base (brass). Therefore the acclaimed benefits of cooking in copper vessels are eliminated.
2. Tin is generally contaminated with lead. Commercially used tin for the vessel coating is liberally contaminated with lead and therefore not preferable. It is to be remembered that lead is a cumulative poison.
3. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. Tin passivates the surface of the vessel. Therefore, it prevents (though not completely) attack of food acids on base metal.
4. For these reasons between brass and bronze, bronze is preferred for cooking.
5. These alloys were used in cooking, before aluminium came into commercial use in mid 20th century. Cast iron, earthen pots and brass and bronze faded into oblivion with the advent of aluminium.
6. Scientific reports till date have conflicting opinions on ill effect (if any) of aluminium.
7. Retention of heat in bronze vessel after cooking is also a myth. After the heat source is removed from the vessel, retention of heat depends on:
i. Total mas of hot material - Bronze being a casting, is generally heavier and hence the apparent retention.
ii. The ambient temperature ( if ambient is cool, vessel cools faster).
iii. Surface area & surface condition of vessel outside.
8. Tin was not used as a vessel in the past for making "rasam" as you wrongly mentioned. They used lead pots for this purpose. Once, the world knew of the toxicity of lead , this practice came to a halt.
Pls tell me in Tamil sir I couldn't understand completely reply me karunanidhiin tamil
@@santhig1810 கருத்துத் தெளிவுறுத்தல்:
1. பித்தளை பாத்திரங்களை உட்பக்கம் கலாய் பூசுதல் (வெள்ளி ஈயம் பூசுதல்) செய்துதான் பயன்படுத்தினர், பயன்படுத்துவர். உணவு அமிலங்கள் தாமிரப் பாத்திரத்தை சேதப்படுத்துவதைத் தடுப்பதற்காக இது செய்யப்படுகிறது. தாமிரப் பாத்திரங்களை நேரடியாக சமையலுக்கு எவரும் பயன்படுத்துவது இல்லை. மேலும், உணவுப் பொருளில் உள்ள அமிலங்கள் தாமிரப் பாத்திரங்களை தாக்குவதால் உடலுக்கு தீங்கு தரும் தாமிர கூட்டுப் பொருட்கள் (toxic copper compounds) உருவாகி உணவில் கலந்து உடலுக்கு கேடு விளைவிக்கும்.
2. கலாய் பூசுவதில் பயன்படுத்தப்படும் வெள்ளீயத்தில் (tin), காரீயம் (lead) என்னும் நச்சு உலோகம் பொதுவாக கலந்திருப்பதால் கலாய் பூசுவதும் உடலுக்கு கேடு விளைவிப்பது தான்.
3. வெண்கலம் (bronze) என்பது தாமிரமும் வெள்ளீயமும் கலந்த கூட்டு உலோகமாகும். இதிலுள்ள வெள்ளியம், பாத்திரத்தின் மேற்பகுதியில் ஒரு பாதுகாப்பு கவசத்தை உருவாக்குவதால் , தாமிர பாத்திரங்களையும், பித்தளைப் பாத்திரங்களையும் விட வெண்கலம் மேலானது. ஆனால் முற்றிலும் சிறந்தது அல்ல.
4. தாமிரம், பித்தளை, வெங்கலம் போன்றவற்றை இந்திய மக்கள் ஏறக்குறைய 1950கள் வரை பெருவாரியாகப் பயன்படுத்தினர். அதன் பின்னர் அலுமினியம் பயன்பாட்டிற்கு வெகுவாக வந்ததால் செப்பும் செப்பு சார்ந்த உலோகக் கலவைகளும் படிப்படியாக பயன்பாட்டில் இருந்து விலகின.
5. தாமிரத்தை விட அலுமினியம் மலிவாகக் கிடைத்தது இதற்கு ஒரு முக்கியமான காரணமாகும். ஆனால், அலுமினியத்தை பற்றியும் விஞ்ஞானிகளிடையே எதிர்மறையான கருத்துக்கள் இன்றும் நிறுவப்படாமல் பேசப்பட்டு வருகிறது.
6. வெண்கலப் பாத்திரத்தில் சூடு வெகு நேரம் தாங்கும் என்பது ஒரு மாயை ஆகும். சூடுபடுத்தும் மூலம் (heat source) அகற்றப்பட்ட பின்னர் பாத்திரத்தில் உள்ள பொருளின் சூடு, பின்வருவனவற்றைப் பொருத்ததாகும்:
அ. சூடான பொருளின் (உணவு, பாத்திரம் இரண்டும் சேர்ந்தது) மொத்த எடை. இது அதிகமாக இருந்தால் பொருள் வெகு நேரம் சூடாக இருக்கும். வெங்கல பாத்திரங்கள் பொதுவாக வார்படங்கள் (castings) என்பதால் அவை கனமாக இருக்கும்.
ஆ. வெளிப்புற தட்பவெட்பநிலை. குளிர் நிலையில் விரைவாக ஆறிவிடும்.
இ. பாத்திரத்தின் வாயின் அகலம், மேலும் பாத்திரத்தின் மொத்த பரப்பளவு, பாத்திரத்தின் பளபளப்புத் தன்மை இவற்றையும் பொருத்ததாகும்.
7. மற்றும் தாங்கள் (video vlogger) கூறியது போல் அந்தக் காலங்களில் ரசம் செய்வதற்கு வெள்ளீய (tin) பாத்திரங்கள் பயன்படுத்தப்படவில்லை. மாறாக, முன்னோர் பயன்படுத்தியது ஈய (lead)ப் பாத்திரங்கள் ஆகும். உலகம் ஈயத்தின் மோசமான நச்சுத்தன்மையை உணர்ந்தபின், ஈயதின் பயன்பாடு முற்றிலுமாக பாத்திரங்கள் செய்வதிலும், தண்ணீர் குழாய்கள் செய்வதிலும் இருந்து முற்றிலும் அகற்றப்பட்டது.
(மொழிபெயர்ப்புக்கு ஆன கால தாமதத்திற்கு என்னை மன்னிக்கவும். அறிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்னும் தங்களுடைய ஆர்வத்துக்குத் தலைவணங்குகிறேன்).
Thank you Karunanidhi sir...I bought a brass vesel for cooking rice recently...that time I had no knowledge of bronze...after reading your message to I decided no to to get tin coating done...kindly reply whether is there any problem if I cook below items without adding citric foods:
Like rice, curd related recipes, milk related , jaggery, ghee related and normal sabjis
@@vknidhi Thank you Karunanidhi sir...I bought a brass vesel for cooking rice recently...that time I had no knowledge of bronze...after reading your message to I decided no to to get tin coating done...kindly reply whether is there any problem if I cook below items without adding citric foods:
Like rice, curd related recipes, milk related , jaggery, ghee related and normal sabjis
Well articulated sir. Thanks. Can you please link any good sources on the history of brass and bronze in India and tamilnadu....I would like to know more. Most of what comes in Google is half baked research or facts twisted for marketing.
Very Very important and essential information 💁♀️ 👌 thanks alot
😊😊Nice Vedio.... I was actually in search of this TOPIC.
The moral of the Vedio is - May it be BRASS or BRONZE it should be TIN coated. Though the vedio is old but.......Evergreen Informative
Thank you
Most fantablous informations for the younger generation who wish to changes from stainless silver into brass/ bronze utensils for dialy cooking , thanku mam
Thanks a lot for your kind words.
Brilliant explanation. Cleared lot of doubts
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Great video and excellent explanations. Especially how you explain that the alloy bronze helps to get the benefits of copper without excess leaching of copper. And how tinning can help to prevent excess cooper leeching when cooking acidic foods. Also, copper is a trace mineral needed by the body in small amounts as well. The bronze cookware is similar to cooking in cast iron. All about what is being cooked in there, acidic or not.
Nice speech fine to hear.valga vaalamudan
Thank you very much.
We usually do payasamwithrice for perumal but we don't keep for not more than hour becos if it's left by night itself light green color forms that's y we remove within 1 or 2 hrs. Of course ur demo is as well very much useful.
Hi, light green colour forms in case the food is left in Bronze beyond 6 hours or if it refrigerated or of it is acidic.
Very Very important and essential 👌 ✨ information thanks 😊 👍 a lot
Many thanks
I appreciate your speach between brass and bronze
Hi, Thank you so much.
You are very knowledgeable and helpful amma
Pls one more live session because we really want to go back to basics
Thank you for the I formative video.
All the information that you gave are available on the internet also.
In the 60s and 70s in Bangalore the households used only brass, bronze and aluminum to cook. Plus earthen pots for selective dishes like mudde or ganji etc. Aside of the benefits listed by you or on the internet, I think these were used because nothing else was available. Steel came a little later and took over because of ease of maintenance, plus it avoided the leaching, the need to cook separate dishes in different vessels and ease of usage.
Brass vessels used to be tinned annually. Not once in 2 to 5 years. Perhaps that could be because their usage was high. Specialist tinning people used come around and would do the tinning, which often would be an all day affair. As children we used to be fascinated and and would wait until the days work finished and embers cooled to collect what we called lead balls.
At present that door step tinning does not exist. One has to find shops which may do winning. I think it is still done in "Hittale matket" ( literally meaning brass market)" off chikpet. I don't know if it is done on avenue road.
Getting brass vessels tinned is the big hurdle in using them for cooking. And in cleaning it is necessary to clean them often with tamarind paste or vinegar, otherwise over time brass would tarnish and ugly green deposits would appear.
In the market there are ready cleaning powders available for cleaning brass items.
I don't recollect about bronze particularly, to write here.
BTW, using aluminum is not entirely harmful. Leaching of Al into food is the issue here too and like brass or bronze it cannot be tinned. In Al vessels too it leaches when acidic foods are cooked. And aluminum is present in processed and unprocessed food naturally anyway. It becomes harmful when aluminum is absorbed beyond 5 to 10 mg per kg of body weight per day. Leaching of aluminum into food would of course lead to higher absorption and therefore we need to avoid cooking sour / acidic foods in aluminum vessels. Other things can be cooked safely. Rice was almost always cooked in aluminum pots, later in Al cookers. Milk was always boiled in alpots. We as children carried food - even rice and sambar - in aluminum boxes. Serving or eating in aluminum utensils is not harmful.
I again thank you for this post. And like you say all the information is available at finger tips these days if only we browse for a short while.
thank you very much for your detailed information. Knowledge is such a treasure we should cherish and we sincerely thank you for sharing it with us.
Tq madam for valuable information. Thank-you so much.
Thank you so much .very very informative vedio
Very useful..thanks
You are most welcome!
Thanks for the video Madam. Couple of questions, please clarify.
1) Brass is known to retain 97% of the nutrients. If we apply tin coating, same principle applicable?
2) Why cant we apply tin coating on Iron Or aluminium kadai? As it is much cheaper than bronze. We r hiding bronze with tin coating anyway.
3) Does Tin leach in to the food? If so, is it okay for the bodyy?
4) If we coat with Tin, can we use sharp spatulas? Would it break the Tin coating? Should we be careful?
Thank you!
Is it 100 years old bronze pot ???
Yes tin does leeches into it. It's worse than cooking simply in the bronze vessel.
Just do as the old people did, cook in bronze or well earthen pots if you can, thats it
@@aresetramadiraizel8810Tin isn't harmful but lead in it us so, generally tin (pure) has over 99.(8-9)% tin in it..
Hello..please give a clarity on how long to store different recipes in brass or bronze
Very appropriate and informative for biginer Ma'am. Thank you very much.
Thnak you
U have explained verynicely about brass and bronze how to cook ..in those. Vessels I also us these vessels for some items.I like n i use .👌🍎🎈🌼🌼🌸💃
Best ever info Mam. Thank you
Most welcome 😊
Very well explained Ma’am thank you 🙏
Thank you.
I do not want to ask any question regarding brass or bronze.
Only one question.
When food comes in contact with tin, what are the properties of tin which can be helpful for human body ?
Nothing. If it's low quality tin you get lead poisoning that's all.
I was really confused thanq mam 4 selecting this topic answer ed all my queries 🙏
Thank you
Superbly, teacher way communicated
Concise and informative.
Hi Mam, Thanks for clear explanation.
1-Can we drink water after boiling in brass cookware without tinning?
2-Can we use brass tap from which boil water will come in kitchen sink mixture taps (as every taps are made from brass inside )?
Hi, yes.. you can boil water in brass without tin coating and drink from it. Make sure you do not store boiled water for too long beyond 24- 36 hours.. the water will start leeching too much of the copper in to the stored water.An ideal option would be to use a brass vessel without tin coating for boiling and one with tin coating for long term storage.Thank you
@@Zishta thank u for reply
Very informative ma'am. Thanks for your information
This was very interesting thank you for sharing
Thanks 😊
Subscribe to Zishta RUclips Channel & Learn the Traditional Wisdom about Handcrafted Cookware & Lifestyle Products - ruclips.net/channel/UCPmAZxTFJGjZ1Pkhv8Dke7Q
Thank you for this video
thank you.
Madam, which following material is best for cooking or making healthy food??brass/bronze/stainless steel/mud pot, pls reply prefference first, second, three,.......
Brass, Bronze and Clay are very good for cooking. Preference is a personal choice. Brass and bronze will last for many generations and life of clay is for 1 to 2 years.
Can you explain in detail about bell metal, kansa and what we can cook with it
we will upload a video on the same soon.
No u can not cook in bronze
For more details abt bronze check
thank you so much all my questions anserd
You are most welcome.
Thankyou so much Meera. I have purchased a lot of utensils from you. All good. Waiting to see you in Mumbai in October. I want to buy eeya chombu as my 25years old chombu, ( my mom's) got robbed in transit.
Hi Ma'am
We daily cook dal or vegetable wherein tomatoes are used. Is it safe to use bronze? It becomes useless if we cant cook tomatoes in daal and vegetables. So the quantity would only be one or two tomatoes but is it safe to cook?
Hi, Thanking you for your query, Yes you may cook in bronze with a little tomatoes or tamarind please do make sure once you are done cooking you shift it immediately into a different vessel .Hope this helps. Thank you
thanks for the information...but I one question and doubt here if I m using tin coating brass and bronze then what is the benefit of outside metal cause m using and cooking in tin ..so
Excellent Mam👍👏
Hello everyone- I would like to share my experience on cooking in bronze and brass vessel. I used to make rice in. The bronze vessel. Heavy thick bronze pot. Onky plain rice and water were boiled. For almost 2 years i didn’t realize that the mild burning sensation in my whole alimentary canal was due to this. I went out of town for one week and didn’t have this problem. Same thing happened again recently when I got lazy to use the heavy bronze potand used stainless steel vessel for rice since 4/5 days and again the burning sensation cooled off.
Now I wonder if something is leaching from it. I hand wash every day. It’s a sturdy thick heavy pot made 100 years back from my mother in laws grandmothers family.
But didn’t suit me it benefit me.
I used brass coffee filter but didn’t like the taste.. so stopped it
In South India Rasam is made in a vessel and once it is made it is poured in the " eeyachombu" which you are calling as Tin vessel. It is not made with only tin. It is made with mixer of many metals one of them is silver. That is why it is extremely expensive. If it is directly kept on the gas and if the water content evaporates then it melts and you get many silver pieces around the gas with the pot and rasam missing.
completely agree. the metal can melt if kept on gas and the water completely evaporates.
Mam, is tinning different than applying ranga with nausadar inside these coockware?
Can you please do one on aluminium vessels?
There is nothing great about aluminium vessels to do a video. Sorry!
Fantastic video.
One question.
Can we use steel ladle while cooking in tin coated brass pot?
yes you can use. Just make sure you do not scratch the vessel too much. We generally do recommend using wooden ladles. Hope this helps.
Thank you. Using a wooden spatula as of now. Thanks again. 🙏
Thanks for the video I really appreciate it 👏👏
Super informative stuff. Thank you. I have 2 questions. 1- Can we EAT curd or curd based food in bronze and brass thali, katori. 2- Can we cook curd based foods in bronze or brass. What is actually mean that is Curd (yogurt) a citrus product?
Hi, 1. Yes you can have citric food in Bronze plates. That is not an issue. 2. Cooking citric food will react with Bronze. If thick curd would be cooked for a longer duration eg, more than 10 minutes, then it is better to avoid it. Adding curd towards fag end of cooking is fine. Transfer the food to another vessel within an hour of cooking, if any citric element has been added to the dish.
@@Zishta ik
Hi Meera. (You have answered this partially in the video but I still want to confirm )
Can we make tea and boil milk in Brass vessel (WITHOUT TIN COATING)?
I am asking this again as we see many Chai tapris where Brass vessel (without tin coating)is used to make tea
Some people say it enhances the taste so is it a good practice or not ?
Thanks for this video, I like your Zishta's products.
We appreciate your interest and support towards Zishta!
Thank you for your question! We do not recommend cooking in brass vessels without tin coating. While you may see brass vessels being used in chai tapris, the concern is that cooking without tin coating can lead to higher copper leaching into the food. Although copper is essential for our body, excessive amounts are not necessary and can cause discomfort. For safety, we advise using brass vessels with tin coating for cooking. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
Thank you
Hi mam good information thank you. My question is aluminium vesel is not good for long term but my in law are using all alluminium vessels of thin quality yet they r good in health now they are in 90's with no ailments like Diabetes blood pressure no heart problem no digestive system issues so does using particular vessel make any difference in health or depend on person to person
Greetings from Zishta,
Thank you for your kind words! Your question is indeed very interesting and one that sparks a lot of debate.
When we prepare food in any vessel, there is a sort of leaching that occurs into the food depending on the material used. Some materials are neutral and do not affect the food cooked inside. In traditional vessels, leaching is present, but the elements are generally beneficial.
It's important to note that health is influenced by a variety of factors including lifestyle, genetics, the overall diet, and even how the vessels are maintained. Your in-laws' excellent health could be attributed to a combination of these factors.
While certain materials may have potential health impacts, the overall picture of health and wellbeing is complex and influenced by many variables.
Thank you
Team Zishta
1. Brass is ALWAYS coated with Tin and can be used to cook anything.
2. Bronze can be used without Tin and is very healthy and beneficial, but make sure to not use many acidic ingredients in it. It is leech safe and very healthy you can use acidic ingredients but do not be excessive. It's benefit is that it need not be taken to Tin coating vendors, it can be used on it's own without coating. But If you want to you can still add Tin coating to it and can cook anything without watch.
Thank you for giving the correct information and helping the society.
I saw your video now after purchasing a petal Kadhai with tin coating, I didn’t know about your shop. Well next time I’ll definitely order from there. But how do I recognise if my Kadhai is good quality and doesn’t contain harmful metals in it.
Hi zishta… pls add the bronze dosa tawa to ur items .. also please advise if it’s safe
Hi Varsha - we will surely explore the same. If made with good quality bronze, they will be safe. Someone we firmly believe nothing works better than iron or cast iron for dosa tawa. Otherwise our ancestors would have long made them in bronze and used it extensively as well.
Thanks for information ma'am..one question mam , In ancient times silver was used as kalai but now we use Tin and Tin is also used in electronic equipments for soldering, tin melting point is very low so Lead is used to increase Tin's durability because it melt very easily. Lead is a serious health hazard .Is there a possibility of Lead mixed in Tin?
That's a good question. The Tin used by the artisans are pure and with usage they wear off as well. Also the utensils are tested in NABL accredited laboratory and comply with EU standards for Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS).
Thank you
Team Zishta
I just use eversilver, cast iron or iron pans. & earthen pots. Maintaining these kalai coated vessels is difficult as it requires periodical coating when such labour is few nowadays added to this the weight if these vessels is difficult to handle. I discarded the aluminium vessels.
Wonderfull explained . Thanks a lot
Thank you
Thank you so much mam for this very needed video
Thank you
Thank you very much for the wonderful explanation, 💐💐💐.
Can I use the wine in tinned bronze or brass?
Could you please differentiate between bronze and bell metal (mostly used in Kerala and in which we can cook acidic base food like tomatoes and yogurt base food without kalai)
bell metal are variations of bronze and has varying % of tin. Higher the % of tin helps in allowing food items like tomatoes, yogurt base to be used in the cooking process. The kerala style of making is actually called vellodu and they are pretty versatile for Kerala style cooking. Hope this helps.
Could you pls make an intensive video on bronze and uruli/bell metal for cooking.
Nowadays getting tinning(kalai) i done is very difficult. So one can't use these vessels. However , can one cook in them and after finishing cooking, transfer into your steel dish.
HI, Thanking you for your enquiry, we are doing kalai at our end in our bangalore store as of now.You may use bronze vessels without tin coating to cook, if and only when you cook citrus based food you will have to shift it to a different vessel. Brass requires tin coating for making it viable for cooking.Hope this helps.Thank you
Nice information about brass kansa
Thank you Ma’am. Glad I found this video. I browsed your site to purchase bronze pots and ladle, which I was happy to find. I wasn’t sure if you do overseas (UK) shipping, so I sent email to query about this but no reply from your side. So, I am using this platform; do you do overseas shipping to the UK?
Hello Saffron. Regret the inconvenience of you not having received a response from us. It was an inadvertent miss. Yes we ship overseas, anywhere across the world. You may kindly visit our website www.zishta.com to place your order. Thank you.
@@Zishta Thank you
If copper leaching into fluids is dangerous...should we discourage using copper waterbottle, tumblers and jugs
Hi, Thanking you for your query, it is recommended storing water for drinking in a copper vessel for the multitude of health benefits it offers. Drinking water from the copper vessel can help balance the tridoshas (Kapha, Pitta, Vata) and prevents from various infections.Hope this helps.
Madame. can u tell me which type of cooking vessel is good to cook food for fighting diseases like Cancer?
Many thanks for making such an informative video.
So nice of you
Thank you 🙏
You’re welcome 😊
Very informative.....
Mam can we store ghee in brass box ,
Please 🙏 reply mam
Super informative
All the best zishta😁👍
Thanks a lot
Thank you so much for the information mam
Well information, can you please tell me about where I can buy original brass and bronze utensil in Odisha (south Odisha), or any other place which is pure original one. Is that the khansa and bronze are same or different.
Hi, you may visit our website www.zishta.com to order the produts. Kindly note that we do have the authentic kansa from orissa in our collection.Thank you
@@Zishta Hi, Ok, sounds well, thank you 👍
Make a video what all items can be cooked in bronze which is not having kalai.
Thank you very much for your guidance.How will we know the vessel is bronze or brass?🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hi,Bronze is a tad heavier than brass. Bronze does not require kalai to cook non acidic food or food less in acidity. One can cook any food in brass which has tin coating.Thank you
Sweet recipe cooking in brass and bronze..it also kept in 6-7 hrs mam.... how long i kept in the brass and bronze vessel..
Thanks for information
Our Pleasure
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Good Information....
Thank you very much! V.informative.
Thank you
Thankyou Mam for explaining in detail
Hi,mam it's good knowledge . ✌️
I use one tomato in every curry , is small amount citrus with other ingredients is ok to cook in bronze utensil, still not safer. Please answer this question.
Thanks for your enquiry.
The Bronze is an alloy of Copper and Tin. When we prepare anything acidic in a Bronze vessel without tin-coating, the leaching of Copper into the food would be more. Copper is an element our body needs in trace quantity. Anything in excess is not required for the body and may result in slight discomforts. Hence we recommend to choose the bronze cookware with tin-coating if we're planning to cook anything citric in it.
Based on our experience, in the heirloom bronze utensils, we can prepare citric food (even without tin-coating) as the leaching has come down to bare minimum due to the usage over many years.
Thank you
Team Zishta
After coating with TIN does brass and bronze still has health benefits
Absolutely yes😊
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Learn the Traditional Wisdom about Handcrafted Cookware & Lifestyle Products - ruclips.net/channel/UCPmAZxTFJGjZ1Pkhv8Dke7Q
Even I have the same doubt..as we do tinning(a coating)how can we get the benefits of brass r bronze
ತುಂಬಾ ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿದೆ
நல்லா விளக்கம் நன்றி அக்கா......
As i will be cooking acidic food in sauce pan and frying pan pls advice me which metal will be the best
Would recommend you use either cast iron, brass with tin coating or earthy materials like clay, soapstone or manipur black pottery. They might suit your usage.
I have purchased brass ( पीतल )vessel for cooking without tin coating . Should I go for coating or not. Pls reply
@@vikassharma-it9qo Hi, it is advisable to do tin coating on the inside of the vessel before using it for cooking. Brass is an alloy of Copper and Zinc and the Tin coating would prevent excess leaching of Copper into food. Hope this helps.
Why break your head with brass or bronze, we have moved so far with harmless, lesser priced than brass o bronze, that is amazing stainless steel 😅😊
How to use brass pot for boiling milk first time ?? Please advise if we have and seasoning procedure
Hi Sunitha, In brass there is no seasoning process, you can just wash with normal dish liquid and start cooking. The only concern is you can leave the cooked food in brass for 2-3 hours once cooked. Hope this clarifies. Thank you.
very good information
If you dont use sour things can we director cook in brass & milk products too.
generally its not recommended unless its casted brass.
Tin coating lost in 3years means is it went inside food (body)
Tin is a safe metal and will not have any adverse effect. Most of it is lost during cleaning process.
Thank you so much for valuable information 🙏👌
It's my pleasure
Can u do a video on cast iron & iron products.
Hi we have done a few videos on this. Sharing one of them. You can check for the rest in our Zishta channel. Thank you. ruclips.net/video/WKn6ZQZ0zmM/видео.html&pp=sAQA
Excellent work
Thanks 😊
Subscribe to Zishta RUclips Channel & Learn the Traditional Wisdom about Handcrafted Cookware & Lifestyle Products - ruclips.net/channel/UCPmAZxTFJGjZ1Pkhv8Dke7Q
Can we cook in bronze and store in the same vessel? Can we use it like a cook and serve vessel?
Hi, you may store in the same vessel for 4 to 5 hours. Thanks
Very nice
Thank you so much.
I Would like to mention that dishwashing is not a preferred method for cleaning brass and bronze, for that matter even aluminium.
The strong, hot alkaline jets in dishwasher will corrode away the material very soon.
Mam in bronze we can store food and milk long time without tin coating??
We do not recommend as food has salt and milk lactose which could react with the copper in the bronze and cause food discolouration!
@@Zishta then mam we can store either milk or any acidic food for long time with tin coating??
@@Zishta which is good for health and store milk or food for long time ie,24 has brass r bronze??