I realized I have social anxiety...

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 136

  • @AdrianLoganLive
    @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +11

    Carl Jung said "That which you most need will be found where you least want to look"...isn't that the truth.
    Have you ever discovered something important about yourself later in life then you expected to?

    • @ilhammahmoud9453
      @ilhammahmoud9453 2 года назад +1

      well thank you for sharing this with us as a person who have social anxiety myself it's amazing to see someone who deal with it the right way and didn't let it break you , you gave me hope because now i know i can be more than my social anxiety .♥️social anxiety it's really hard so much emotional pain but it make you who you are thoughtful loving ideas open to others point of view .we are blissful that you share this especially when they are a lot of negative things about having social anxiety .I'm happy for you that you now can name what been going with you 💙

    • @thatguyreiji1045
      @thatguyreiji1045 2 года назад +3

      Thanks for posting this, for being so vulnerable, I too suffered from social anxiety and depression...The hardest thing for me was realizing it at a later stage in life...It's a beautiful and an ugly feeling. The beauty is you find answers to what you always felt was wrong or was something "weird" about you. What we thought were traits we had were actually "negative quirks"... Yet we could never pinpoint them. What parents and peers thought were personality traits were actually things wrong with us. But we didn't know better, we couldn't articulate or express these thoughts or feelings till we got older. And that's the ugly side, I always wonder would my life be better if I got help earlier or if I could just have spoken up about that wrong(weird) feeling in my head or the suffocating feeling in my chest...To me it was normal till I got diagnosed at 25...I lost so much time, I had to relearn/reinvent myself, cause the person I was wasn't someone who was mentally healthy...But I never knew that till someone told me that... I had to create a new "persona"/an "identity" but at least now I can say I know who I am...It's just took me about 10 years to get here...Better late than never I suppose.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +2

      @@ilhammahmoud9453 I find the more we develope and understand ourselves, it increases our humanity. It's easier to empathize and sympathize with others when we are open and can admit to ourselves our own challenges. Thanks a lot Ilham. I hope you continue blossoming in who you are as well :)

    • @ilhammahmoud9453
      @ilhammahmoud9453 2 года назад

      @@AdrianLoganLive thanks hope you the best👍

    • @abeach5420
      @abeach5420 2 года назад

      Hi Adrian . . . . just wow. Congratulations on being your pure self & acknowledging such.
      I always think...wow it is so amazing that Miss Danielle and yourself found one another to
      then endure distance for along time {as she grew her academics} ... to then now 'be' in a new place and heart felt space as a unit. Congrats to you both. Be well.

  • @darrickwhite1986
    @darrickwhite1986 2 года назад +22

    I've found that I enjoy the company of those that feel like they are socially awkward a bit more than than other extroverted people. Great video and thanks for sharing 👍

  • @theskywasgold
    @theskywasgold 2 года назад +13

    Growing up I had SEVERE social anxiety. We're the same age and it is much better now, but certain situations definitely bring it out. I like your videos, keep it up. 👍

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      Thanks alot Alissa. Glad to hear you've worked through it and in a better place

  • @danielleince3230
    @danielleince3230 2 года назад +16

    This was hard to watch …. But I’m grateful that you shared this, so raw and honest. Social anxiety and just having difficulty navigating social interactions can be crippling, I know it is for me. Thank you for sharing, it’s heart breaking hearing how long you’ve struggled with this and not recognizing how’s it’s impacted your everyday life. Keep sharing the next steps as you seek help and work through it! ❤️🙏🏾

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +4

      It was hard to edit too. The tears relapsed lol
      Thank you for sharing life with me and pushing me to grow and look inwards ❤️❤️

  • @Spedfree
    @Spedfree 2 года назад +7

    Society only wants people willing to work 9-5 until they’re 60-80 without complaints. It’s fucking horrible…

  • @84Killuminati
    @84Killuminati 2 года назад +6

    Logan my man. I'm exactly into how you feel. I also preferred being alone at the lunch breaks at schools. Dry your tears my friend. I can promise you EVERYONE on this earth has some deep problems, but most of them won't admit it to themselves non of the less sharing it for others to hear. I think I have some grade of social anxiety to. EVEN if I see myself as a very social kind also. I'm as a person, I'm a "ambivert" I've heard. You are like me. You prefer isolation before people. I have no problem with that. The strange thing is, I have MORE social anxiety about talking in telephone before meeting or socialising with others. There's nothing wrong with liking to be alone. Most of the people hanging in "gangs" or groups at work are mostly doing it just because they don't want to stick out. They are a flock of 🐑. Be strong man, you have it in you. We can all be a better version of ourselves. The journey is long. The thing is to enjoy the ride meanwhile.

  • @hardcorehall2265
    @hardcorehall2265 2 года назад +5

    I was diagnosed with GAD as well and it sucks man I've had it all my life as well.
    I can empathize with you on several points.
    1.) The filter/mask, It's difficult to have a conversation with anyone because most people just don't think as deeply as folks like us do for better and worse and then this is even further compounded because we have to wear that mask all the time so if we were to come across people like ourselves we won't recognize each other because of the mask.
    2.) I've made excuses all my life as far as not wanting to go places etc. It was always the anxiety and expecting people to think I'm weird.
    3.) Being yourself, especially for Black (A-American) and Minority men, Be yourself, you don't have to be a part of the monolith and more and more of us are realizing that. Adrian's right society doesn't appreciate people who are open and themselves, you don't have to act but learn not to cast your pearls before swine, they won't understand you anyway.
    Suggestion to those who also have GAD.
    1.) Workout/Eat healthy - This has kept me going for a long time especially when the darkness comes to my mind.
    2.) Don't go to places or be around people you know you don't click with- If you're 27+ you know who these people and places are for you and it will never change.
    3.) FInally, focus on the good! Life is worth living.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      Thank you. You make a good point about the masking preventing you from seeing what you genuinely have in common with others because they are masking too.
      I do think mental health is a big problem for minorities especially because the cultural norm is to not address it or just dismiss it. I hope we all start to discuss this more.
      Those are great words of advice and suggestions. Thank you

  • @jeffreycoleman8676
    @jeffreycoleman8676 2 года назад +4

    Hey Adrian, I understand you, I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder at 19. I'm also 32 now.
    I'm actually really grateful you made this video, because over the past few years I've gone away from remembering this diagnosis is a core part of my issues socializing. I have instead gone about trying to self diagnose myself with other conditions and disorders as a attempt to understand my lack of social comfortability.
    But in reality, I feel much stronger mentally and socially then I did in the past, which I attribute to maturation and alot of growing pains in the social arena (said growing pains attributed to my work and my drive to be a drummer in a band).
    I still have a very long way to go to feel comfortable discussing my social life with others be it acquaintances or strangers, but i don't have the sense of dread and impending doom from such conversations as I would have had before, although I still feel a bit awkward about having a lack of social life, as though I should hide the fact I dont party/club or that I never have in my teens and 20s.
    I will say though, Aging and having a better grasp on issues such as my mortality, the fact there aren't rules to how a life should be lived and also more self understanding and understanding of others has lead me to be a lot more comfortable in social situations.
    Anyways I could go on for a very long time about this, but I just wanted to say your realization about your Social Anxiety has helped me reestablish the fact that I too deal with this disorder. I think where I am mentally at 32 will help push me forward in ways a 19 year old newly diagnosed SA sufferer couldn't have comprehended.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      That makes sense, I imagine if I found this stuff out about myself in my teenage years I would have taken it for granted or not truly understand the connection it has on my actions.
      I think learning this at my current age will allow me to really tackle it much more intentionally, and have clearer awareness when it creeps up to be able to deal with it.
      For me, seeing the point where my introverted nature stops and the social anxiety begins is going to be such a huge benefit of this emotional awareness.
      I hope you continue finding ways of navigating and overcoming your own challenges with it!

    • @lauratanln
      @lauratanln 6 месяцев назад

      You're lucky to know what is "wrong" at a young age. I only realised so in my late 50s that I am not the only one in the world to feel so.

  • @danielleince3230
    @danielleince3230 2 года назад +2

    “Maybe cause it doesn’t force me to social” ❤️❤️❤️ my heart

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1


    • @abeach5420
      @abeach5420 2 года назад +3

      Hi Miss Danielle . . . how very fortunate you both are to have found one another
      in this enormous world. Then dealt with distance for so very long...to finally now
      be laying new roots in a new place {together}. I am so glad that you and Adrian are
      the unit that you are and that he is encouraged to share n' grow however that looks
      like. Continued best to you both.

    • @danielleince3230
      @danielleince3230 2 года назад +2

      @@abeach5420 you’re such a positive beautiful person ❤️❤️

  • @kathyweber6517
    @kathyweber6517 2 года назад +4

    I'm so proud of you,,first of all, just for you being you ,secondly for speaking out on the subject,, was breaking my heart at the same time ,,I know I wasn't as involved as I could ( or should) have been at times , please forgive me if I at all contributed to you having or developing this anxiety. I am and always have been proud of you,from the young boy you were ,,into the amazing man you are today .
    I love you ♥️♥️

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +2

      Thanks mom. Life is tough for everyone. I hold no grudges, your life hasn't been easy either and we all have our unexpected challenges to deal and come to terms with. Love you too ❤️

    • @kathyweber6517
      @kathyweber6517 2 года назад +1

      @@AdrianLoganLive 💞

  • @winter_s_44
    @winter_s_44 2 года назад +3

    Perfect timing. I literally just realized that I have an actual fear of responsibility which generates a tremendous amount of anxiety when it comes to making any kind of move or progress in my life. Hence why I still don’t drive. Why I didn’t pursue a specific career. Likely why I decided against motherhood. Why I let go of friendships. Why I never had an actual relationship.
    I do believe I have some form of social anxiety mixed in as well, but I never liked that term because to me, it implied that no matter the circumstance, if it I am amongst a group of people, I develop anxiety. This isn’t the case. If it is a group of people I know, I like it and am fine, and I even enjoy myself. For me, it was more just the fear of the unknown. I worried about the small talk I’d have to make and not knowing enough about anything or even having enough of a life to contribute to any conversation. Here, the effects of my fear of responsibility become evident because ALL of the things I avoided in my life out of this fear are directly correlated with the lack of things I’ve never experienced to talk about.
    Like you with your stuttering, I also came to the realization that my disdain of small talk had nothing to do with simply being more highly intelligent or uninterested in superficial things, and everything to do with feeling inadequate and like I had nothing to offer BECAUSE I know I stunted my growth and experiences in this life because of my hypengyophobia (fear of responsibility).
    One of the crippling things about this fear is that, at least for me, it never got better. The times in my life I have taken responsibility and done well, it never served as an example to me that would say: “see? You are capable.” No. Each new experience with responsibility generated the same amount of anxiety. It never seems to get easier.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      I agree. The term social anxiety is inaccurate in that way, it has little to do with being social (I love a great conversation) and meeting new people I vibe with...It's really everything that comes with an environment that doesn't allow for true connection but requiring convo or small talk, or the unknowns I feel unprepared for I guess.
      I've never heard that term before for fear of responsibility, but from the examples you gave it sounds like it really adds up. I'll do some research into that.
      Your experience with it not getting any better despite pushing through it successfully sounds like it would be very frustrating. I understand how that would feel discouraging. Curious if you've seen a therapist and what their input on that has been to you?
      I imagine there is a larger than expected fraction of the population who lives with that and no one knows (Maybe including themselves). This stuff is so important to talk about and for the world to be educated on. It's life changing. I'm happy to hear you've done the work to identify it and continue understanding it. All these mental variances are so recently starting to be understood and categorized I imagine the next decade will reveal a lot about how to best live with and improve with it.

    • @winter_s_44
      @winter_s_44 2 года назад

      @@AdrianLoganLive I have seen therapists in the past but not since I came to the realization that what I am actually dealing with is a fear of responsibility. But I have been looking into hypnotherapy as an option to really confront and get past this.
      I agree it is important for these things to be talked about more and normalized because a lot of the fear that gets perpetuated is in feeling “different” or as though you won’t be accepted. The perception is that most have their act together and go through life with ease; not that lives are easy, but that basic things like interacting with others and EQ and just showing up are so easy and normal and if people really saw how that is not as widespread as we think, and that sooo many people struggle with these fears, we could start to remove the stigmas many of us are slaves to. Feeling you are the abnormal one who just can’t get right and who has to “perform” for/amongst the “normally functioning” people in the world could cease being a driving force in anxiety. You can get more comfy just existing and working through your own things without the added stress of needing to be “on” for others.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      @@winter_s_44 Exactly, to everything you said. Many of the videos I make that require me to be more vulnerable are made primarily because I want others to speak on the things they think, believe or are having trouble with, so I figure if I want to see that change in others then I need to start with myself.
      You're so right, a lot of fears would vanish for people if everyone were more open with their own. "Normal" is such a dangerous concept in that way.

    • @winter_s_44
      @winter_s_44 2 года назад

      @@AdrianLoganLive 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • @believeingodvibes2352
    @believeingodvibes2352 2 года назад +3

    Jus subbed! you deserve much more subs! you good people! we need to support people like this! salute to you bra! 😎

  • @shadt.3166
    @shadt.3166 Год назад

    Man, I just turned 28 but realized I had social anxiety around 23/24 and I became completely ok with it. A lot of what you realized about yourself are the same things I realized about myself. I’m proud of you for having the confidence to post this and thank you for posting this, everything you said resonated with me 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  Год назад

      Thanks man. I appreciate it. I think it's an important step for men to acknowledge who are being challenged by it. Otherwise it gets dismissed or suppressed and nothing good comes from that. All the best with your continued growth bro

  • @bobamanifestos
    @bobamanifestos 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for sharing your story! I also have severe social anxiety and things like small talk and networking are huge triggers for me as well. I’m in a line of work where I have to constantly mask as extroverted and it’s very stressful. My social anxiety has caused a lot of pain and loss of opportunities in my life and I also have trouble accepting that part of me. This video gave me hope knowing there are other people who feel the same way as me. Thank you!

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      Thank you. I'm glad to hear it helped you. I'm an advisor for a living so I'm communicating with people all day and definetely have to flex an extroverted mask as well. Though luckily the social anxiety thing doesn't flair up much with that since I'm more or less in control being the one with the answers.
      Thanks for sharing that!

  • @nathancrawford2457
    @nathancrawford2457 2 года назад +3

    Insightful video. Good for you for having the courage to do some deeper level introspection and unlock core influences to your mindset and corresponding behavior. Many people don’t have the emotional intelligence to do this or quite frankly are too lazy to direct the lens at themselves. One day when you look back over life you’ll find that you’re actually come farther because you ventured to difficult areas

    • @jeffreycoleman8676
      @jeffreycoleman8676 2 года назад

      Well put

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      Thank you Nathan, I appreciate that and agree with everything you said. Shining a light in those dark corners of "self"

  • @elywananda
    @elywananda 2 года назад +3

    Much love to you bro and I'm happy that making this video was therapeutic for you. Pretty much everything you said resonated heavily with me. Like that thing about wanting to get through conversations partly because you felt others just didn't value your words and thoughts. I feel this way with a lot of people around me - particularly family. I can see it in people's faces and their demeanour during conversations. I kind of feel like a lot of people around me are expecting me to "perform" when I speak, and I just don't want to perform. Like you said, the things I want to talk about might not be very entertaining, funny, etc.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      In their faces and demeanor, yes! Sometimes it's people finding it weird or not resonating with the openness or depth or just not used to responding to anything outside of small talk. And for some people I think they are so used to never expressing themselves at a level deeper than surface they don't even know how to form the words to express themselves. Either way it makes for a very lonely and "outcast" experience for me growing up not quite being sure how to interpret it or seeing enough examples of it from out in the world.
      Ofcourse this was back before social media so it was even harder to come across "random" opinions or voices to be able to see people just like you.

  • @MrJavacash
    @MrJavacash 2 года назад +1

    Adrian! As someone from the US, I can relate to you. But foreigners outside of western countries / anglosphere aren't fake like americans or canadians are! I started traveling to other countries in Asia and Latin America and I noticed how easy it was for me to get close to people, be friends on a deep level, and also go on dates. I then found out that americans / canadians are very superficial in the way they interact and that foreigners are more authentic. I then realized that most people who comes from abroad to US / canada also say the same thing that they have trouble with meaningful relationships with people and everyone is smiling and saying things like "let's hang out" but they don't mean it. To this day almost all my friends are foreigners abroad, or international students in the US who align with my values. Have you ever considered going abroad to meet people? It literally saved me social and dating life I'm not even kidding!

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      Avash that is so incredibly accurate. I've found that to be the case myself. I've backpacked through many countries (and headed to Peru in 9 days actually) and interacting with the locals is always such a pleasure. The energy is so much warmer and open. There is a much deeper sense of "humanity" in the interactions, if that makes sense. It feels like a human interacting with a human lol
      Atleast that's been my experience through out the Caribbean, Latin America and in Thailand. Though I imagine it's similar through out Europe & Africa too which I haven't yet been.
      Most my leisure socializing through my life has been with either immigrants or people who's parents are immigrants and I think you made clear why that has often been the case. Thank you for pointing that out. So true!

  • @myiconelizabeth
    @myiconelizabeth 2 года назад +3

    I understand you sooo much and it’s really very important to realize and see this problem to make it easier to solve

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      I think that's where the relief comes from now that I've been able to identify it. Makes it so much easier to navigate. Thank you

  • @vasilijgoncarov3702
    @vasilijgoncarov3702 2 года назад

    I used to have pretty severe social anxiety. Now it's better , I've been working with myself, I moved to another country, but since pandemia, miserable break up and now war with Ukraine, it's kind of came back. I feel more depressed than anxious, but I can 100 ℅ relate, that I can not be fake and be around fake people, or people which I don't have anything in common. So now I'm pretty much isolated, and trying to learn to enjoy my own company. You are a real, sincere person, not fake, It's obvious, I wish I had more people like you around me.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      Thank you so much for that and for sharing. I hope you find balance and can disassociate a bit from the constant onslaught of unfortunate news we get bombarded with. It's a challenging time, especially for empaths. There's a lot of struggle around the world. Try not to let it get to you too much. All the best

  • @potts995
    @potts995 2 года назад +3

    Good on you for discovering something new about yourself, I think it’s hard to understand anxiety when we don’t have people living in our heads to understand the complex feelings we experience! Sometimes I wonder if people with anxiety have a stronger preference for stability, routine, and predictability in the things that they do and maintain, including in their relationships.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      Thank you. And that's a good question, it's all too new for me to speculate on. Soo many mental traits overlap it's hard to distinguish sometimes but I imagine that would be true.

    • @potts995
      @potts995 2 года назад

      @@AdrianLoganLive Understandable! It’s something I think about quite a bit and it’s hard to tell whether or not I’m just committing confirmation bias or if there is something true and meaningful to explore here.

  • @watchwoman6957
    @watchwoman6957 Год назад

    Thank you for being vulnerable. I enjoy your content. I talked fast too. I realized it was because no one wanted to listen to me so I had to speak quickly to get my thoughts out. I tried to tell my mom I had social anxiety when I was a kid because I had seen all of these commercials and had an epiphany and thought I have that. I told her and my sister I probably needed meds and both of them looked at me and said everyone has social anxiety. I never looked back. I knew then that I didn’t have a “problem”. I may still feel anxious but everyone feels like this at some point. Here’s the thing you don’t have social anxiety when you are around people you already know like family. We only experience this in places we are unfamiliar with and people we are unfamiliar with. EVERYONE technically has social anxiety. Nothing is wrong with you, this is normal. We analyze each situation for threats for survival so we are hyper vigilant for threats. Big pharma is taking regular life problems and turning them into diseases and making people believe they are deficient. If everyone suffers from social anxiety that is a lot of meds to sell. Do you see what I’m saying? One of the things that helped me was realizing how rejected Jesus was by this world. If people can’t love the man who walks on water and raises the dead then I don’t have a chance. Understanding Christ helped me to relax around people because they just don’t know any better. When Jesus was being crucified He said to God, forgive them because they know not what they do. People are very toxic and when I realized that this had always been going on I was able to have peace with myself. I accept me for who I am because I know I am accepted by God through Christ for who I am. I love you and I’ll be praying for you on your journey.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  Год назад +1

      Thanks a lot for sharing that. Happy to know you enjoy the content :)

  • @10dev785
    @10dev785 2 года назад +1

    this touched home. I just realized it myself as well..i have to work on this.....thank you for making this video.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      Hope you learn to manage it in your life!

    • @10dev785
      @10dev785 2 года назад

      @@AdrianLoganLive I haven't seen friends of mine in years. I almost fainted at my best friends wedding. I have to somehow work on this.....again thanks for being brave enough to make this video bro

  • @melissaguevara724
    @melissaguevara724 2 года назад

    First off, I could have filed this exact video!! Everything. Everything, you said and feel I feel the same way. You’re not alone. If you lived closer you’d be my best friend. I soooooo relate to every single word and feeling you felt. Growing up in high school I often sat in the cafeteria by myself and I purposely avoided talking because of what I also know now was social anxiety. So much pain and suffering through out my life and I also just realized I have social anxiety and I’m 36. This was a great video. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I am here for you! You’re not alone!

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      Interesting how there's always something new to learn about ourselves, isn't it? Life is full of surprises. Thank you Melissa :)

    • @melissaguevara724
      @melissaguevara724 2 года назад

      @@AdrianLoganLive yes that’s so true! No problem. Thank you for replying. I really enjoy your videos.

  • @ilhammahmoud9453
    @ilhammahmoud9453 2 года назад +2

    keep up the good work ,all love to Daniel we all need someone who show us who we are

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      Absolutely. I'm definitely thankful to have her in my life. Thank you

  • @franckrushike8859
    @franckrushike8859 2 года назад +1

    Man this video resonates so much with me, Society truly does not know how to appreciate people who are true to themselves. Keep up the good work.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      Thank you Franck :)

    • @lauratanln
      @lauratanln 6 месяцев назад

      Society is influenced by entertainment and marketing which are exciting and profitable, instead of knowledge and understanding, which are "boring".

  • @Coedai_76
    @Coedai_76 2 года назад +1

    I discovered i had social anxiety at a later age than you. I was 38, only because I had a bad anxiety attack at a work conference and I told my doctor about it. That’s when he said, sounds like a form of social anxiety. That was the first time I ever heard that term. Answered a lot of questions for me and I understood myself better by know this, but I wish i knew sooner. Feel like I wasted a lot of years.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      I'm hopeful future generations will be shocked to hear about stories like ours...that is took so long before we developed that awareness. It feels like cognitive science is only just starting to really get going and gain mass awareness, but one day it'll be normal for teachers, parents and adults as a whole to be familiar with these things so others won't have to learn about it in their 30s and beyond. Instead they'll be able to see the signs and identify it in people earlier.
      I suspect I may have another thing to be diagnosed with but I'll wait for a professional to confirm it before I discuss it. Life is full of self discovery! Glad you've atleast learned about it and can adjust going forward.
      Many people have went their whole lives never knowing. Atleast we got an opportunity to understand it. All the best bro!

    • @Coedai_76
      @Coedai_76 2 года назад

      @@AdrianLoganLive I’m hopeful this will become more normal for people/society to recognize as well. Especially those in education and in the workplace where there is real struggle for people with social anxiety.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      I just had an interview today to become a supervisor in my department, and I expressed a lot of this during it. My supervisor agreed and expressed his displeasure at how other leadership members are oblivious to the different personality types that exist, and that's exactly what is wrong with the world today. Interpersonal communication skills is very much lacking. But it's advancing slowly but surely. I have faith

    • @Coedai_76
      @Coedai_76 2 года назад

      @@AdrianLoganLive That’s awesome bro! That’s what it’s going to take to make a change; open discussions about the issue. Good luck, hope you get the position!

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      @@Coedai_76 Thank you!

  • @bradleyoconnor5184
    @bradleyoconnor5184 2 года назад

    I’ve saved this to properly watch it and listen when I have free time. Because all of us, value and appreciate your open honesty. We hear you.
    Just from the short part I’ve watched so far, I can already feel that this is going to resonate with me heavy.
    Self discovery is never ending. And you’re on the right path for acknowledging this! Thank you

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      Thank you Bradley. You're completely right, it is a never ending journey. All the best on yours!

  • @PoppySzn
    @PoppySzn Год назад

    Thank you so much for sharing so candidly! You are an absolute gem.

  • @emi2600
    @emi2600 Год назад

    Do what you like to do. If you want to play basketball then play basketball. Just keep being yourself and don't let this anxiety hold you back. Keep being yourself and stop carrying about what society has to say. You need to be happy and for that you have to be yourself. You've made a great start in trying to fix it and I'm sure you'll make it through. You need to talk with a therapist, try to relax yourself and breath deeply. Try to identify and challenge negative thoughts you have about social situations. Ask yourself if they are really true or if there is another way to look at them. Take small steps to gradually expose yourself to social situations. This can help build confidence and reduce anxiety. Also, take good care of yourself (eat healthy, sleep enough, drink enough water, get some exercise).
    Try to keep doing basketball, even though it's a hard with this social anxiety, you need to keep doing what you like. And don't be afraid to interact with people, they won't bite, most of them won't even judge you. Be open, be who you want to be, not everyone will react the same as others do. If you need to talk I'm here.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  Год назад

      Thank you. I've started therapy last month in fact, and plan on continuing it as a general way to improve different areas of my life. I appreciate the thoughtful comment

  • @withyoctopus
    @withyoctopus 2 года назад +1

    I'm autistic and therefore my outward behavior is similar. Avoiding crowded places, not wanting to go where I have to mask, anticipating social conflict. But with me, it's just the experience of actual social conflict that makes me anticipate it and not social anxiety. I'm not nervous. I'm just angry with people who don't communicate with me and then get mad at me for not reading their minds.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      You mention "It's the experience of actual social conflict that makes you anticipate it" - Could you expand on that a bit more?
      I also agree with your last point a lot. It's strange how humans (I'm aware I'm one of them lol) have developed the use of very subtle social cues to communicate and get disappointed or bothered when someone doesn't pick up on them lol We're an odd bunch

  • @UdoADHD
    @UdoADHD 2 года назад

    Acceptance is the first step. Get ready for a beautiful journey with yourself

  • @itgoesmyway
    @itgoesmyway 2 года назад

    Thank you for being vulnerable with us ❤️

  • @mv848
    @mv848 2 года назад +1

    I genuinely *do not want* to listen to a stranger talk openly about... ...well anything. If I can be of service or help - sure! It's immensely important not to be a draining person. No one likes people who suck all the energy out of the room. So yeah: one should present oneself with pride, dignity...

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +2

      Talking openly doesn't mean sitting there and complaining or expressing everything wrong in a person's life. Yes someone who only does that can be a drain.
      But being open in my view is about sharing genuine thoughts instead of only saying what they think others want to hear. It's about having an opposing opinion instead of just going along with whatever the majority view is and being okay with that. It's about being open about interests or views and not feeling the need to constantly try to fit in by suppressing everything that makes you unique.
      Who wants to walk amongst robots every day? 100 people who conform to some arbitrary expectation of society just leads 100 people to BELIEVE that everyone is like that. Meanwhile on the inside they are all unique and different. Why not make individuality and differance in personality the norm instead?
      I can't imagine WANTING to be surrounded by fakeness and inauthenticity. Tolerating it? Yes sure. But wanting it? That's not for me. If you enjoy that then all power to you!

    • @mv848
      @mv848 2 года назад

      Whatever dude, you need to be able to see the bigger picture, but to each their own, you do you. It's gonna be a bumpy road if you expect all the people to be genuine, open, with good intentions.... good luck

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      @@mv848 I don't expect it, but I appreciate those who are. All the best

  • @bradleyoconnor5184
    @bradleyoconnor5184 2 года назад


  • @Loveanimalsdonteatthem
    @Loveanimalsdonteatthem 2 года назад

    Just found your channel and you’re enlightening me damn subscribing!

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      Happy to hear your enjoying the content. Thank you!

  • @greysonbennett6788
    @greysonbennett6788 2 года назад +1

    Anxiety is just a symptom of a much larger problem. Anxiety doesn't just spring out of nowhere; it's a byproduct of something in your subconscious that started to catalyze after poor experiences in your earlier life.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      Oh ye absolutely. I agree. Probably multi-layered. I did go to 12 different schools over my life and moved every couple years on average growing up so I'm sure that's part of it. Lack of stability.

    • @lauratanln
      @lauratanln 6 месяцев назад

      True. I can recall a socially traumatizing incident that kind of changed my life.

  • @virtuousministries
    @virtuousministries 2 года назад +1

    Just wanted to share my testimony brother
    I had like Insomnia and Mild Psychosis and really bad Anxiety A few years back
    Following the most traumatic year of my life
    I know its cliche and lame saying...
    But people told me to try Jesus Christ - I kept ignoring that idea
    Until i was left with no other choice... cus i couldnt sleep for 8 months
    from the insomnia - and then I said... Ok ill try christ
    He delivered me from Anxiety, Psychosis, Insomnia and so much more bro!
    If you struggling then call on him - build your relationship with him through prayer!
    God Bless

  • @judybaldeo826
    @judybaldeo826 2 года назад +1

    Am glad you are talking, but I think you’re being hard on yourself! I think that perhaps you had to move a lot during your formative years, so you had no time to form lasting friendships?

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      It's not about the ability to form relationships as that is not a problem for me. it's more to do with the level of discomfort (anxiety) associated with particular forms of social interactions.

  • @AntonioDavisJr
    @AntonioDavisJr 2 года назад

    I don't know what to say, but I felt the message.

  • @carriberri15
    @carriberri15 Год назад

    I feel like I've been behind the 8-ball my entire life..idk if I should laugh or cry😁 I learned a few years ago there is no timetable to when things are supposed to happen in your life...and a lot of us were meant to live a life of solitude I believe...you know...us thinkers😊

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  Год назад +1

      The more I learn about myself the more I realize how trauma manifests itself in our lives in ways that isn't always obvious, but shit compounds and adds up. I think anxiety is often a way different forms of built up trauma presents itself. Overthinking is probably a contributor lol It's a gift and a curse

    • @carriberri15
      @carriberri15 Год назад

      @@AdrianLoganLive very true. I was told to be quiet alot as a child so now as an adult it's sometimes difficult to speak loudly...I used to always hear "what did you say?" Lol🙃 not as often now tho because I I learned or am learning to speak confidently and clearly..

  • @lauratanln
    @lauratanln 6 месяцев назад

    Some of us would have just been labelled as "anti-social" by those who do not know of social anxiety.

  • @oceania4681
    @oceania4681 2 года назад

    I have severe depression and anxiety

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      Sorry to hear that. I know just one of those is challenging to manage. Hope your ability cope and improve has gotten better over time.

  • @Lextriplef
    @Lextriplef 2 года назад

    I was just talking about this to my therapist I come off rude and cut the conversation short because I feel like the other person doesn’t want to listen to what I have to say so I try to use as few words as possible

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      Yep. I can relate to that. Feel like an alien sometimes.

  • @virtuousministries
    @virtuousministries 2 года назад +1

    John 15:18-25
    18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’[a] If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. 24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’[b]

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      I appreciate the message!

    • @virtuousministries
      @virtuousministries 2 года назад

      @@AdrianLoganLive Your welcome brother! Have subscribed to your channel you got some cool content - God Bless!

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      @@virtuousministries Awesome. Glad you like it. Thank you

  • @Ila-xy6yg
    @Ila-xy6yg Год назад


  • @keyhimself3542
    @keyhimself3542 2 года назад

    Next Video:
    Do Children Owe Parents

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      Next few videos are planned already, though that's a topic I'll make note of to consider touching on when the time is right. Thanks

  • @Spedfree
    @Spedfree 2 года назад

    Is social anxiety an easily movable spectrum, like most people say?

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад

      What do you mean by "movable"?

    • @Spedfree
      @Spedfree 2 года назад

      @@AdrianLoganLive how easily can you improve on it?

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  2 года назад +1

      @@Spedfree Oh absolutely it can be improved upon. Granted I'm sure some people have chronic anxiety which is a different story I'm sure. But social anxiety I'm confident I will improve how I manage it now that I'm aware of it.
      Unlike being an introvert which is something that will never change about me (its part of who I am), social anxiety is something I "have" and can be overcome.

  • @Random59427
    @Random59427 Месяц назад

    Are you familiar with personality types? You seem like an INTP.

    • @AdrianLoganLive
      @AdrianLoganLive  Месяц назад +1

      Great observation. You're right, I am an INTP.

  • @Mr.hyde1886
    @Mr.hyde1886 2 года назад

    Wait a minute, that isn't Joe Budden!

  • @echox000
    @echox000 2 года назад

    69th like

  • @swiftxrapid919
    @swiftxrapid919 2 года назад

    Do you understand the Gospel? Jesus Christ will leave feeling light as a feather 🙏 others can help but Jesus Christ is your salvation and get saved so you can feel the comfort of the holy ghost.

  • @ebonyeyes22
    @ebonyeyes22 3 месяца назад

    Great Video

  • @flykiddjayy
    @flykiddjayy Год назад

    That stuttering pause hit me so hard bro. I know the pain 💯