I think it will because it would make the game better but because Minecraft doesn’t like to make to different then what it was there a chance they might not and because the portal would be kinda easy to make
I think it’s inevitable at this point. Mojang hired one of the original aether mod creators and he has to be working on something. Philza also had a good point that the dark cities portal looking structure maybe a actual portal to a future dimension. That’s why the wardens are so strong and dangerous. There not protecting loot there protecting a portal
It’s sad that we probably won’t even get the fabled Sky Dimension but hopefully with any End updates we can get something that could be the Sky Dimension we dreamed of.
The fact that they scrapped an entire dimension because the lighting engine was bad is just funny to me. The engine had so much potential for upgrades as shown by the mods phosphor and starlight but jeb was just like: nope.
Yeah but the game started as sphaggethi code and reworking an entire feature is quite difficult. also I'm pretty sure at the time they didnt have a big enough team to just divert ressources to working on something that isnt a direct new feature and already works well enough
They probably didn't want to be compared to the Aether mod if their Skylands wasn't the same level or better, so they just made another dimension. Fans wouldn't be satisfied either way so it's a lose-lose situation.
You have to understand it's not just about potential. Java sucks, it would have been left in the dust abdecade ago if it wasn't in everything. Minecraft needs to run on anything. And we'll, those mods don't work on everything. They wouldn't be able to get it optimized enough
if anything deserves to be updated, its the end. only reason you come here is shulker boxes, XP from the dragon, endermen farms, elytra and its 2 special blocks. _2_ . it *needs* to be updated
I think what could've happened is that the Sky dimension wasn't even close to the Aether in gameplay and was basically just the overworld but floating and while usually fine would have actually been disappointing after the community saw the Aether so they decided to scrap it in favor of The End which had the distinguishing feature of being the boss arena of the enderdragon and could then later be expanded upon with its own unique indentity separate from both the overworld and the Aether mod
But the end is still so boring, and we don't appear to be getting an update on it any time soon, despite it being 10 major updates again since it was addes
@@Rainbow0015 They need to implement all of the features that have been delayed, and update combat before the end. After those two things are done I'm sure the end will be next. I bet we'll have an end update but 1.24 at the latest
@@maestrofeli4259 no. What else are they going to update for that long before the end? One of the first things I see them starting development on again after the things they're behind on being combat. After that maybe a smaller update for parity, but fixes, ect. Then maybe a biome update, a structure related update, or both. Then a smaller update. Finally after that they'd do an end update. That's the scenario I see it taking the longest. I see the most likely scenario being that the best update will be a catch up update. Then a smaller update. Then the end after that. Combat might take longer to develop so I see it taking longer. However, that doesn't mean that's what will happen. Combat just might come first who knows.
Really wish we had gotten the sky dimension instead of the end. I just love the idea of a duality of heaven and hell. Just adds to the mythical/fantasy undertones of Minecraft
As much as I see the intrigue I see modern Mojang's point of originality too. Developer kingbdogz, one of the people that created the Aether mod, says they didn't add glowing mushrooms to lush caves just because it's an overdone, unoriginal, and kind of lazy generic idea for example. Similarly they updated the Nether to be a unique alien-like dimension and not just simply a hell concept. Now as they're at a position where the playerbase of from hundreds of thousands to millions of people have their eyes on them at all times ready to criticize every little thing in this deep into development game with a well established style and set of rules they can never afford to resort back to an idea as generic and unoriginal as hell vs heaven. Besides adding a heaven-like dimension would kind of take away from the beauty and customization of the overworld. If you had the perfect paradise would you want keep living in this "regular world". For this you could say the solution is to make it a comlex alien place with strange concepts and challenges with rewards like the Aether instead of some "perfect paradise" but then it's the End all over again, just with a more "heavenly" appearance. So obviously I don't know what it would be like if they went with it back in the day but it's certainly not very possible at this point.
If anything it's at least impressive that the person who started the Aether mod now works on the vanilla game also Hollow Knight music at 2:10 is a surprise but a welcome one
Fun fact: There is a mod called "Rediscovered" that ads scrapped Minecraft features into the game,including the Sky dimension,which is accesible by sleeping(with a small chance of course),or with a dream pillow by right-clicking on a bed when it's night time The dimension itself is pretty simple:the terrain being quite similar to the one tweaked in the scrapped developer versions of the past. Instead of oak trees,cherry trees generate(which were also scrapped at some point) As mob spawning goes,only ckickens and giants can be seen,with the giants having an actual A.I(don't worry they are not as dangerous as in the 1.14 snapshots) The dimension also includes one structure: a pigmen village that is generated high in the sky The village is inhabited by pigmen guards(hostile variants armed with bows or swords),regular pigmen that offer trades with rubies as their currency,beast boy,black steve,steve and ryianna (all of those being hostile except for ryianna) Rewards for visiting this village? A calm-4 music disc :)
The sky dimension could still exist alongside the End. I would love for it to be revealed that the End is really a sort of "Broken Heaven", a failed attempt at a portal. Going along with some of the most popular theories, the ancient builders might have tried to escape the overworld, be it from the Wither, a zombie plague, or something else, they might have tried to build a portal to an idyllic universe, but they built it wrong and resulted in them ending up with a corrupted, broken version that lead to an empty world, where they are forever trapped.
Honestly this video made me realize just how pathetic the end was (and still is) when compared to the overworld and 1.16+ nether Bland, boring and basic as hell. Especially before 1.9 when it was just a single island.
My theory is that they noticed that the skylands at the time was just floating overworld and with the aether mod giving players false hope and expectations they decided to go for the end which is unique as a boss arena and can then later still be expanded once they know what they wanted to do.
And people don’t want an end update because “it would ruin it being barren” My brother in Christ, there’s a difference between barren and boring, and the Nether got an update but still feels hellish and barren, so the same can easily be done to the end
I'm honestly completely fine with the End being how it is. The Nether and End were supposed to be like opposites. The Nether is scary because there are so many scary, hellish mobs and terrain features. The End is scary because it's so empty and there's almost no food or places to hide or get resources. If there was an end update, however, I would love some new structures or mobs, just no trees or biomes that make it feel like the Nether Update again.
@@darknessdescending6695 i think new biomes wouldnt hurt as long they still kept corrupted, void and empty land theme so essentially theres something you can do there but you cant also do something that made the end is boring yet it was not boring something like how many minecrafters still plays that 10 years old game
I'd rather it be unique. They can use the idea of sky islands while being entirely different than the aether. They could make it a land of clouds or something too instead of sky islands. There's a lot more they can do with a new dimension than copying a mod. They could take inspiration, but I doubt they'd just implement the entire aether dimension into the game.
In fact, The portal summoned the Warden, if it were a dimension nothing much will happen, all what will happen is that the ancient cities would have no scull (the warden started of making sculk)
The sky dimensions generation looks awesome. I wish it can get implemented in the game somehow. Also, it’s sad that the Aether mod was stolen and sold on the marketplace.
Going by the new discs added to the game there might be a chance of a new dimension being added, maybe he'll get his redemption lol. Mainly speculation tho
@@kaybe9797 The original Aether mod is also still being worked on, and they shared a picture with 1.16 blocks on their Twitter, however that was sometime ago and idk how development is going now.
I remember seeing the sky dimension in 2011 and loving it, would still love to see it ingame. I tried building the Aether portal in vanilla even after learning it was a mod, haha. Fun fact: the sky dimension would actually generate in Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 4 (or at least one of the Beta 1.9 prereleases, but my memory tells me it was this one), but only in multiplayer servers as a bug that sometimes occurred with the overworld terrain generation (so it wasn’t everywhere). Before that, someone also edited the wr.class code (don’t know what the class is called when deobfuscated) in Beta 1.6 to make the sky dimension generate instead of the overworld, including the clouds below the land and the purple-ish sky; idk if it was custom code or not tbh, but I was always under the impression that it was unused code the person enabled, and maybe it was if I remember correctly. There’s also an “Old Days” mod for Release 1.6 (or maybe 1.6.4, not 100% sure) that includes being able to play in the same sky dimension, as well as a bunch of other features and even bugs from older versions of the game, all of which can be enabled/disabled easily ingame.
this is correct and funnily enough i tested this 2 days ago while experimenting with old 1.9 prerelease builds, it only happens in prerelease 3 multiplayer servers and its really odd because it happens in certain areas only, making entire cross sections in the world through bedrock where sky dimension chunks generate instead of regular
Honestly I don't remember if I tried to make an aether portal, it's been like 8-9 years, all I know is that I like that notch didn't just incorporate the aether into vanilla and made something unique, at that time it was barren but after Microsoft bought Minecraft in 1.9 they added a few late game items into there, really cool.
Honestly I think he couldnt just add a mod cause that might have caused copyright issues and the original skylands were to close to both the aether mod and the overworld so I think the End was a good decision since It was unique and gave them a basis to fill with future content
@@tekbox7909 horses were taken from a mod after discussions with the creator who helped make the final version of the horse, optifine was going to be added but the deal fell through. It’s not a super new idea to incorporate mods or some version of it. After all, the desire for the caves and cliffs update likely came from the insane terrain generation mods that came prior to it.
I have seen a few videos about the fabled sky dimension before, but this video I think went into the best detail and recounted story I have ever seen. It was well done and very interesting. Minecraft End Update 1.20? Would love to see it.
They need to do a smaller update first to catch up with what they planned on adding already like all the biome votes and update features they're behind on. If they tried to pick up a project like that they'd get even more behind, and that update would be split.
the aether really was the path i wish mc took. all the different mobs and styled weapons. the first extra bit in the game were dungeons and i wish that was the main idea. its sad to think he was "rushed" to get the game out of beta and it turned into a much easier and simpler game.
I hope they completely overhaul the end as soon as possible. The Ender Dragon fight and the end cities are all that is enjoyable about it, and even those are to be taken with a grain of salt because the dragon fight is way too easy, the end cities are insanely annoying to find without external tools and it only gets more frustrating because not every end city actually has a ship, aka. the one reason why we search for them to begin with.
I believe the aether brought on too many expectations for the team to handle at that time. I can see the developers having to deal with anxiety when faced with a mod that in-depth, complete with features Minecraft didn't even have the basis for yet. But the fact Mojang never revisited the idea later is even more baffling to me. And the portal-like deep dark stuff does not help as it reignites the carnal desire for another fleshed out dimension like the Aether.
6:14 I did try to build it in vanilla minecraft back when I started playing in 2014, I didn't even know mods were a thing yet Fun fact though, most videos I could find at the time on how to build an aether portal also showed how to build a portal to mars, with a netherrack frame and by litting it up with a lava bucket. Could never find back these videos, nor the mod that went with it
What I would do for a hypothetical End Update: Make the dragon fight harder Make end cities more advanced Add a second structure with some very unique loot items Add one or two new cool mobs
It also needs more biomes (still part of the barren theme) and a more fun way to navigate between biomes whether that be floating/magic lily pads or hitching a ride on a flying mob
@@fissilepear7805 Maybe biomes like giant ice spikes but made of end stone, or some sort of barren cave system underground, or weird climbable vines beneath the islands.
People who say the dragon fight should be harder are biased as they are people with a lot of mc experience and lategame players. I think the fight is perfect for a newer player, and they should die the first few attempts. That's just how a bossfight is.
somehow the end feels more to"outer space"instead sky dimension replacement. they only need to add burning stars and few new"alien"biome + mobs to perfect it.
yoooooooooooooooooooo I love all your videos dude. I wake up every sunday hyped to watch a misterepic video (and FitMC lol) Keep up the amazing quality and content!
@@FilmBucket I mean, the axolotl is just another useless mob with no real practical purpose, and the deep dark has a couple of new mechanics and 1 new mob that's also useless. Nothing really groundbreaking as far as I'm concerned. Mojang tired so hard to make the warden un-cheese-able, that they made actually engaging with it completely pointless. The only worthwhile inclusion is the spreading sculk and storing xp in blocks.
@@UsernameGeri aight but are you really enjoying the game if the only experience you gain out of it is by playing it practically. that just sounds like glorified studying
You don't need to fight warden even(if you accidently trigger warden spawning just sneak away from him onto wool and stay away from him till he dispawns naturally), and deep dark is very rewarding with it's loot and xp blocks and it's very intresting and thrilling. I guess you're just to scared it seems...
Its funny how quirks of Minecraft's early development and the early community on RUclips almost consist of some sort of mystical "lore" It makes all this so much more interesting to learn about
mojang should make the forgotten sky dimension come back through the ancient city portal. those who survived whatever disaster had befallen them went through the portal and shut it behind them, and the souls became sculk which haunts the city to this day. would be pretty cool, and unlike the nether it could have impact on overworld time instead of position. every 1 minecraft day spent there would be 8 in the overworld. besides, the world gen was, before 1.18, in the game, and had no performance issues or bugs other than floating fossils and mineshafts. but with chains added to them, that would fix how weird it looks and the fossils cant be _that_ hard to fix. i feel it has a chance again to come back, and i hope it could.
What gets me every time i see your videos is the music you are using in them. While you were talking for the End's promblems showing gameplay footage, my heart felt open! Im not overeacting!
I'm actual kind of sad that they disabled the world generation option which made the overworld spawn as islands. It was such a nice survival twist that didn't require any mods or datapacks to be installed.
I remember the ather mod. Good times. It would have been nice to see a sky lands dimension but it didn't work out. Tbh though, if the end gets a revamp, it could be good enough. But there's a lot it would need to change
I'm pretty sure the basic code for world generation in the sky dimension and the separate "dimension" (which later probably was altered to be used for the end) was/is in the game, but it was not used. I remember we added the ability to teleport to the sky dimension via modding on the SMP server I helped run back in the day and the map generation that made islands etc existed in the game.
im almost certain that the 1.9 end islands use a similar generator to the sky dimension, as sky dimension farlands look identical to end farlands in 1.9+ when re-enabled
@@TheMisterEpic Yes that is true, Beta 1.6/1.7 and 1.8 all had the code containing the sky dimension, just modifications were required to access it, and it seems starting in beta 1.9 pre-release 3, there was a bug for multiplayer servers in which part of the sky dimension would generate in the main overworld dimension instead.
Ngl I wish they had just added the Aether mod into the game with minor changes if they wanted but it just felt perfect for the game and added a lot to it, the atmosphere in the Aether alone was enough to justify its existence imo.
I remember playing on a public survival server that actually used the skylands world generator. I think this was around 2013 to 2014, this server had these skylands in the overworld, but the generator was modified in such a way that it had more trees and biomes on the floating islands. It also had a plugin that rarely spawned giants on the map. This server was quite fun, I remember exploring the islands which was quite a challenge and picking an island to build a house on. Unfortunately I don't remember what the servers name was, I think it shut down one day which was quite disappointing. But it was great that there were plugins back then that could generate the skylands on an overworld map for servers.
There is still the Rediscovered Mod which adds the Sky Dimension as well as a bunch of other scrapped and removed features. A lot of those features are now found in the Sky Dimension including Indev houses, old wool/cloth, etc. The way you get there is the same as Notch said. You sleep and have a random chance. You can then find a Dream Pillow which allows you to get there whenever you want. While there, you can sleep in any bed to go back but it is better to find a Dream Pillow first so you don't have to get there by luck again. It is a great mod and shows how things could've been.
I remember seeing somewhat recently about this, someone made a data pack that creates floating worlds and it now works in 1.18 as it was somewhat recently updated. so it indeed is worth checking out.
Note; I found what it was called. Caloumi's Floating Islands I am on my phone, so could not tab out to find it while writing. Also like few months late, but still. For anyone that wants to play on such a world, that data pack is worth checking out
There was a bug in beta 1.9 pre release 3 that allowed chunks on multiplayer servers to generate with the skydimension world gen. Allowing u to get some parts of the sky dimension in ur overworld, highly recommended for the start of a good unobtained series with friends, for us almost the entire spawn area was in the sky dimension. I was also surprised how well this bug worked, thinking we‘d have to move around a lot to get a single sky dimension chunk but in reality it was pretty common in that specific version of the game
I really hope they still add sky lands, floating chunks of land are just cool. I honestly wouldn’t mind if they just straight up added the Aether to the game, with some tweaks of course. Either way, we should have a proper dimension with floating sky lands that isn’t the end, which honestly needs to have an update to make it fun.
Since a suggestion abt a Sky Dimension on the Minecraft Feedback site is tagged as under review, perhaps Mojang has taken a change of course and will add some sort of Sky dimension in some facet. Plus the dimension in Disc 5 sounds kinda aether-like.
The sky dimension was actually present in the game's code (in beta 1.7 iirc) and could be accessed with a simple server plugin, I remember messing with it on bukkit. It was definitely lacking in features with little there aside from the islands, clouds below you, chickens and no day cyle. But it was cool, way more interesting than the end tbh. I also tried importing a custom map into the dimension and it looked pretty nice
I remember being like 8 years old, didn't really understand English, seeing videos of the sky dimension so I would just tower up high looking for it and always being disappointed
@TheMisterEpicYou can still go to the sky dimension you just need to shift press worldtype until you see floating islands the create world and there you go!😊😃
Of course they are adding a Aether dimension! It is just going to take 2 years and 30 million dollars for the full sized development team’s payroll and then we’ll get the “Aether Part 1” update that doesn’t even add the dimension and just adds the blocks!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Hopefully one day, we will finally see the sky dimension be added to the game and children will not be disappointed when trying to light a glowstone portals.
I like the aesthetic of the end more, and I like that minecraft is pretty neutral and doesn't lean much into mythic/medieval tropes, it can stay stuck in mods. Wish people wouldn't mope about not getting that idealized version of the Skylands in their head that didnt even get made in the dev build. There's absolutely nothing to suggest that the end still being the Skylands would have made it any less baren than the end is now
I had a strange experience right now... I had (days and several restarts ago) tried to open a file from my hard drive (an image). Now, while watching this video, it suddenly popped up. I have no idea how that worked...
i think an interesting point you could have touched on here is how the sky dimension is a thing in minicraft, that 2d zelda-like version of minecraft notch made for ludum dare
There's a lot of things in Minecraft that seemed more than just a myth to me. I swear you were able to protect yourself against fall damage if you have parrots on your shoulders. Maybe do some sort of video covering the Mandela effect?
I remember thinking sugarcane grew faster on sand, but I think that isn’t true. Despite that, I still find myself paying more attention to sand than grass when planting sugarcane, or at least I did not long ago.
@@TheCJBrine I remember thinking my house was haunted because of the amount of mobs inside it (huge stone base that wasn’t properly lit). Turns out years later when I got my old Kindle working again that I had spawnproofed the entire map (not infinite world and only one island) so every mob would spawn in my base.
Thank god the Aether has finally been updated, I honestly never thought we’d see the day. I used to revisit it once every few years for a nostalgia trip but now that it runs on modern versions I’m gonna pretend it’s part of vanilla.
I feel like a lot of the disappointment was because of the Aether but the thing is it takes a lot more effort to add things to the base game then making a mod
So, do you think a sky dimension will still be added to minecraft? Be sure to subscribe and help me get to 400k!
Join my discord - discord.gg/WGc9UNM
I think it will because it would make the game better but because Minecraft doesn’t like to make to different then what it was there a chance they might not and because the portal would be kinda easy to make
Hello. Thanks for uploading I love this content!
Is your sever on bedrock or java
I think it’s inevitable at this point. Mojang hired one of the original aether mod creators and he has to be working on something. Philza also had a good point that the dark cities portal looking structure maybe a actual portal to a future dimension. That’s why the wardens are so strong and dangerous. There not protecting loot there protecting a portal
End dimension is sky dimension
The failed Aether portals is a mental engravement of my childhood.
Sad to see that this idea was (mostly) scrapped.
i just recently resolved that trauma when I got java and installed Aether. The java and bedrock launcher update helped resolved that.
It’s sad that we probably won’t even get the fabled Sky Dimension but hopefully with any End updates we can get something that could be the Sky Dimension we dreamed of.
I imagine it will be, eventually
Just play the aether mod
Yes very sad
better end mod already does that
@@kaybe9797 that's like saying if you want pistons just get the mod don't add them stupid logic. we want the aether in the game not a mod.
The fact that they scrapped an entire dimension because the lighting engine was bad is just funny to me. The engine had so much potential for upgrades as shown by the mods phosphor and starlight but jeb was just like: nope.
Yeah but the game started as sphaggethi code and reworking an entire feature is quite difficult. also I'm pretty sure at the time they didnt have a big enough team to just divert ressources to working on something that isnt a direct new feature and already works well enough
They probably didn't want to be compared to the Aether mod if their Skylands wasn't the same level or better, so they just made another dimension. Fans wouldn't be satisfied either way so it's a lose-lose situation.
You have to understand it's not just about potential.
Java sucks, it would have been left in the dust abdecade ago if it wasn't in everything.
Minecraft needs to run on anything.
And we'll, those mods don't work on everything.
They wouldn't be able to get it optimized enough
@@FeedMeSalt yeah but the other versions already have optimized code and run on C++, MCJE desperately needs an optimization update.
@@EmdyMC this is very true
For me, it just feels right that they have to update the backlogged biomes first before taking on a new dimension.
Same. But when the new dimension inevitably drops it'll be really cool
Nah we definitely don't need the biome updated anymore we need another dimension
@@R.O.T.C._SEEM I'd rather have 3 well made dimension than 15 barebones dimension.
This is a bullshit argument, because they added the End anyway as well.
if anything deserves to be updated, its the end. only reason you come here is shulker boxes, XP from the dragon, endermen farms, elytra and its 2 special blocks. _2_ . it *needs* to be updated
I think what could've happened is that the Sky dimension wasn't even close to the Aether in gameplay and was basically just the overworld but floating and while usually fine would have actually been disappointing after the community saw the Aether so they decided to scrap it in favor of The End which had the distinguishing feature of being the boss arena of the enderdragon and could then later be expanded upon with its own unique indentity separate from both the overworld and the Aether mod
But the end is still so boring, and we don't appear to be getting an update on it any time soon, despite it being 10 major updates again since it was addes
@@Rainbow0015 They need to implement all of the features that have been delayed, and update combat before the end. After those two things are done I'm sure the end will be next. I bet we'll have an end update but 1.24 at the latest
@@swagmiredoesall you mean earliest?
@@maestrofeli4259 no. What else are they going to update for that long before the end? One of the first things I see them starting development on again after the things they're behind on being combat. After that maybe a smaller update for parity, but fixes, ect. Then maybe a biome update, a structure related update, or both. Then a smaller update. Finally after that they'd do an end update. That's the scenario I see it taking the longest. I see the most likely scenario being that the best update will be a catch up update. Then a smaller update. Then the end after that. Combat might take longer to develop so I see it taking longer. However, that doesn't mean that's what will happen. Combat just might come first who knows.
Really wish we had gotten the sky dimension instead of the end. I just love the idea of a duality of heaven and hell. Just adds to the mythical/fantasy undertones of Minecraft
In Minecraft heaven was corrupted and turned into the end. Remember Minecraft lore is evil,
Yeah like on terraria if you ever played there's sky islands and hell
As much as I see the intrigue I see modern Mojang's point of originality too. Developer kingbdogz, one of the people that created the Aether mod, says they didn't add glowing mushrooms to lush caves just because it's an overdone, unoriginal, and kind of lazy generic idea for example. Similarly they updated the Nether to be a unique alien-like dimension and not just simply a hell concept. Now as they're at a position where the playerbase of from hundreds of thousands to millions of people have their eyes on them at all times ready to criticize every little thing in this deep into development game with a well established style and set of rules they can never afford to resort back to an idea as generic and unoriginal as hell vs heaven.
Besides adding a heaven-like dimension would kind of take away from the beauty and customization of the overworld. If you had the perfect paradise would you want keep living in this "regular world". For this you could say the solution is to make it a comlex alien place with strange concepts and challenges with rewards like the Aether instead of some "perfect paradise" but then it's the End all over again, just with a more "heavenly" appearance.
So obviously I don't know what it would be like if they went with it back in the day but it's certainly not very possible at this point.
having heaven/hell dimensions sounds incredibly overdone and generic
but i do wish they added the sky dimension in some other way
Nah, both dimensions, the end and the sky dimension.
If anything it's at least impressive that the person who started the Aether mod now works on the vanilla game
also Hollow Knight music at 2:10 is a surprise but a welcome one
Fun fact: There is a mod called
"Rediscovered" that ads scrapped Minecraft features into the game,including the Sky dimension,which is accesible by sleeping(with a small chance of course),or with a dream pillow by right-clicking on a bed when it's night time
The dimension itself is pretty simple:the terrain being quite similar to the one tweaked in the scrapped developer versions of the past.
Instead of oak trees,cherry trees generate(which were also scrapped at some point)
As mob spawning goes,only ckickens and giants can be seen,with the giants having an actual A.I(don't worry they are not as dangerous as in the 1.14 snapshots)
The dimension also includes one structure: a pigmen village that is generated high in the sky
The village is inhabited by pigmen guards(hostile variants armed with bows or swords),regular pigmen that offer trades with rubies as their currency,beast boy,black steve,steve and ryianna (all of those being hostile except for ryianna)
Rewards for visiting this village?
A calm-4 music disc :)
dream pillow? sounds mega gay
Nice, Now we have piglins in the game but not villages for them
The sky dimension could still exist alongside the End. I would love for it to be revealed that the End is really a sort of "Broken Heaven", a failed attempt at a portal.
Going along with some of the most popular theories, the ancient builders might have tried to escape the overworld, be it from the Wither, a zombie plague, or something else,
they might have tried to build a portal to an idyllic universe, but they built it wrong and resulted in them ending up with a corrupted, broken version that lead to an empty world, where they are forever trapped.
Damn, thats some cool lore right there
Honestly this video made me realize just how pathetic the end was (and still is) when compared to the overworld and 1.16+ nether
Bland, boring and basic as hell. Especially before 1.9 when it was just a single island.
My theory is that they noticed that the skylands at the time was just floating overworld and with the aether mod giving players false hope and expectations they decided to go for the end which is unique as a boss arena and can then later still be expanded once they know what they wanted to do.
And people don’t want an end update because “it would ruin it being barren”
My brother in Christ, there’s a difference between barren and boring, and the Nether got an update but still feels hellish and barren, so the same can easily be done to the end
@@derptea7 Exactly!! Well put
I'm honestly completely fine with the End being how it is. The Nether and End were supposed to be like opposites. The Nether is scary because there are so many scary, hellish mobs and terrain features. The End is scary because it's so empty and there's almost no food or places to hide or get resources. If there was an end update, however, I would love some new structures or mobs, just no trees or biomes that make it feel like the Nether Update again.
@@darknessdescending6695 i think new biomes wouldnt hurt as long they still kept corrupted, void and empty land theme so essentially theres something you can do there but you cant also do something that made the end is boring yet it was not boring something like how many minecrafters still plays that 10 years old game
The dream is that the "portals" in the ancient cities lead to an aether dimension, but we really won't find out for years
I'd rather it be unique. They can use the idea of sky islands while being entirely different than the aether. They could make it a land of clouds or something too instead of sky islands. There's a lot more they can do with a new dimension than copying a mod. They could take inspiration, but I doubt they'd just implement the entire aether dimension into the game.
It would be interesting if a corrupted, creepy place lead to a wholesome haven of a dimension.
In fact, The portal summoned the Warden, if it were a dimension nothing much will happen, all what will happen is that the ancient cities would have no scull (the warden started of making sculk)
The sky dimensions generation looks awesome. I wish it can get implemented in the game somehow. Also, it’s sad that the Aether mod was stolen and sold on the marketplace.
Even sadder that the creator of the mod works at Mojang and still can't do anything about it.
Going by the new discs added to the game there might be a chance of a new dimension being added, maybe he'll get his redemption lol. Mainly speculation tho
The aether mod is still being developed on curseforge as the aether reborn or paradise lost
@@Gladiator-fx6rr I hope not, rather fix the end than make a new dimension
@@kaybe9797 The original Aether mod is also still being worked on, and they shared a picture with 1.16 blocks on their Twitter, however that was sometime ago and idk how development is going now.
I remember seeing the sky dimension in 2011 and loving it, would still love to see it ingame. I tried building the Aether portal in vanilla even after learning it was a mod, haha.
Fun fact: the sky dimension would actually generate in Beta 1.9 Pre-Release 4 (or at least one of the Beta 1.9 prereleases, but my memory tells me it was this one), but only in multiplayer servers as a bug that sometimes occurred with the overworld terrain generation (so it wasn’t everywhere). Before that, someone also edited the wr.class code (don’t know what the class is called when deobfuscated) in Beta 1.6 to make the sky dimension generate instead of the overworld, including the clouds below the land and the purple-ish sky; idk if it was custom code or not tbh, but I was always under the impression that it was unused code the person enabled, and maybe it was if I remember correctly.
There’s also an “Old Days” mod for Release 1.6 (or maybe 1.6.4, not 100% sure) that includes being able to play in the same sky dimension, as well as a bunch of other features and even bugs from older versions of the game, all of which can be enabled/disabled easily ingame.
this is correct and funnily enough i tested this 2 days ago while experimenting with old 1.9 prerelease builds, it only happens in prerelease 3 multiplayer servers and its really odd because it happens in certain areas only, making entire cross sections in the world through bedrock where sky dimension chunks generate instead of regular
Honestly I don't remember if I tried to make an aether portal, it's been like 8-9 years, all I know is that I like that notch didn't just incorporate the aether into vanilla and made something unique, at that time it was barren but after Microsoft bought Minecraft in 1.9 they added a few late game items into there, really cool.
Honestly I think he couldnt just add a mod cause that might have caused copyright issues and the original skylands were to close to both the aether mod and the overworld so I think the End was a good decision since It was unique and gave them a basis to fill with future content
@@tekbox7909 horses were taken from a mod after discussions with the creator who helped make the final version of the horse, optifine was going to be added but the deal fell through. It’s not a super new idea to incorporate mods or some version of it. After all, the desire for the caves and cliffs update likely came from the insane terrain generation mods that came prior to it.
I hope eventually they add a sky dimension of some sort. At least a new dimension would be good!
I have seen a few videos about the fabled sky dimension before, but this video I think went into the best detail and recounted story I have ever seen. It was well done and very interesting. Minecraft End Update 1.20? Would love to see it.
They need to do a smaller update first to catch up with what they planned on adding already like all the biome votes and update features they're behind on. If they tried to pick up a project like that they'd get even more behind, and that update would be split.
the aether really was the path i wish mc took. all the different mobs and styled weapons. the first extra bit in the game were dungeons and i wish that was the main idea. its sad to think he was "rushed" to get the game out of beta and it turned into a much easier and simpler game.
what i consider the sky dimension is fighting phantoms with a riptide trident while it rains
I hope they completely overhaul the end as soon as possible. The Ender Dragon fight and the end cities are all that is enjoyable about it, and even those are to be taken with a grain of salt because the dragon fight is way too easy, the end cities are insanely annoying to find without external tools and it only gets more frustrating because not every end city actually has a ship, aka. the one reason why we search for them to begin with.
I believe the aether brought on too many expectations for the team to handle at that time. I can see the developers having to deal with anxiety when faced with a mod that in-depth, complete with features Minecraft didn't even have the basis for yet. But the fact Mojang never revisited the idea later is even more baffling to me. And the portal-like deep dark stuff does not help as it reignites the carnal desire for another fleshed out dimension like the Aether.
6:14 I did try to build it in vanilla minecraft back when I started playing in 2014, I didn't even know mods were a thing yet
Fun fact though, most videos I could find at the time on how to build an aether portal also showed how to build a portal to mars, with a netherrack frame and by litting it up with a lava bucket. Could never find back these videos, nor the mod that went with it
What I would do for a hypothetical End Update:
Make the dragon fight harder
Make end cities more advanced
Add a second structure with some very unique loot items
Add one or two new cool mobs
Also maybe some craters (for certain explored biomes) or plants (for, well, plant biomes)
It also needs more biomes (still part of the barren theme) and a more fun way to navigate between biomes whether that be floating/magic lily pads or hitching a ride on a flying mob
@@fissilepear7805 Maybe biomes like giant ice spikes but made of end stone, or some sort of barren cave system underground, or weird climbable vines beneath the islands.
People who say the dragon fight should be harder are biased as they are people with a lot of mc experience and lategame players. I think the fight is perfect for a newer player, and they should die the first few attempts. That's just how a bossfight is.
If you never tried to make an aether portal in vanilla minecraft, you do not have a child hood.
Bro this guy could say that Minecraft used to have guns and somehow convince me
somehow the end feels more to"outer space"instead sky dimension replacement. they only need to add burning stars and few new"alien"biome + mobs to perfect it.
yoooooooooooooooooooo I love all your videos dude. I wake up every sunday hyped to watch a misterepic video (and FitMC lol) Keep up the amazing quality and content!
Players in 2011:
We want the heaven!
Players after the 1.16 update:
The nether is already a heaven
There is the Floating Islands world type in current Minecraft (1.17.1), but having it as a seperate dimension would definitely be even cooler.
The floating islands world type was removed in 1.18. Now we need to make it ourselves using custom world generation to see it.
@@ManosSef oh i didn't even notice that for some reason
Awesome story, I'm here for the "no pressure though" part
Minecraft development became so formulaic and predictable, I doubt we'll ever see such experimentation like the sky dimension.
disagree honestly, never expected to see stuff like axolotls and everything involving the deep dark
@@FilmBucket I mean, the axolotl is just another useless mob with no real practical purpose, and the deep dark has a couple of new mechanics and 1 new mob that's also useless. Nothing really groundbreaking as far as I'm concerned. Mojang tired so hard to make the warden un-cheese-able, that they made actually engaging with it completely pointless. The only worthwhile inclusion is the spreading sculk and storing xp in blocks.
@@UsernameGeri aight but are you really enjoying the game if the only experience you gain out of it is by playing it practically. that just sounds like glorified studying
just say you're scared of the warden
You don't need to fight warden even(if you accidently trigger warden spawning just sneak away from him onto wool and stay away from him till he dispawns naturally), and deep dark is very rewarding with it's loot and xp blocks and it's very intresting and thrilling. I guess you're just to scared it seems...
Its funny how quirks of Minecraft's early development and the early community on RUclips almost consist of some sort of mystical "lore"
It makes all this so much more interesting to learn about
We need an end Update like the nether. The end has so much potential
@@__En__ if they do one. It could be 1.2 or 1.22
@@__En__ I was thinking enderite. Another idea I was thinking was a boss like creature that is a cousin of the warden. And a forest and swampish biome
@@__En__ or it's like toxic lava like substance
@@__En__ that's dark black and deals poisonous wither like effects
Here's hoping this idea is revived with the deep dark city portal
6:05 PaperBatVG! Anyone else used to watch his "Minecraft the Movie" series?
Dint know it exists for a short period of time... thank you misterepic!
mojang should make the forgotten sky dimension come back through the ancient city portal. those who survived whatever disaster had befallen them went through the portal and shut it behind them, and the souls became sculk which haunts the city to this day. would be pretty cool, and unlike the nether it could have impact on overworld time instead of position. every 1 minecraft day spent there would be 8 in the overworld. besides, the world gen was, before 1.18, in the game, and had no performance issues or bugs other than floating fossils and mineshafts. but with chains added to them, that would fix how weird it looks and the fossils cant be _that_ hard to fix. i feel it has a chance again to come back, and i hope it could.
I was surprised when you mentioned 400k subs. Your videos are so good in quality that I thought they were from a Chanel with millions of subs.
What gets me every time i see your videos is the music you are using in them. While you were talking for the End's promblems showing gameplay footage, my heart felt open! Im not overeacting!
I'm actual kind of sad that they disabled the world generation option which made the overworld spawn as islands. It was such a nice survival twist that didn't require any mods or datapacks to be installed.
I remember trying to build an aether portal and being so disappointed that it didn't work lol. must've been like 8 or 9 at the time
i still have slight hope that we'll get a proper sky dimension, i'll even accept an end update as long as it delivers on that
I remember the ather mod. Good times. It would have been nice to see a sky lands dimension but it didn't work out. Tbh though, if the end gets a revamp, it could be good enough. But there's a lot it would need to change
indeed, there's not exactly much to come back for once you have a shulker in the overworld, an Elytra with mending, and a chorus farm (for purpur).
I'm pretty sure the basic code for world generation in the sky dimension and the separate "dimension" (which later probably was altered to be used for the end) was/is in the game, but it was not used. I remember we added the ability to teleport to the sky dimension via modding on the SMP server I helped run back in the day and the map generation that made islands etc existed in the game.
I'm fairly certain you could alter class files and make it generate sky dimension terrain in beta 1.6/1.7
im almost certain that the 1.9 end islands use a similar generator to the sky dimension, as sky dimension farlands look identical to end farlands in 1.9+ when re-enabled
@@TheMisterEpic Yes that is true, Beta 1.6/1.7 and 1.8 all had the code containing the sky dimension, just modifications were required to access it, and it seems starting in beta 1.9 pre-release 3, there was a bug for multiplayer servers in which part of the sky dimension would generate in the main overworld dimension instead.
World type "Floating Islands": Am I a joke to you?
Aether mod takes me back, and it always felt,... right
Watching this when it's 4 hours old.
"boring, cold, bland and uninteresting dimension"
*the end in minecraft dungeons:* am i a joke to you?
Ngl I wish they had just added the Aether mod into the game with minor changes if they wanted but it just felt perfect for the game and added a lot to it, the atmosphere in the Aether alone was enough to justify its existence imo.
Great video! I hope that you get to 400k soon, you really deserve it!
Jeb: "The lighting didn't work!"
Kingbdogz internally, knowing full well it did: "Don't say anything, don't say anything, don't say anything..."
I remember playing on a public survival server that actually used the skylands world generator. I think this was around 2013 to 2014, this server had these skylands in the overworld, but the generator was modified in such a way that it had more trees and biomes on the floating islands. It also had a plugin that rarely spawned giants on the map. This server was quite fun, I remember exploring the islands which was quite a challenge and picking an island to build a house on. Unfortunately I don't remember what the servers name was, I think it shut down one day which was quite disappointing.
But it was great that there were plugins back then that could generate the skylands on an overworld map for servers.
That's sounds fun
0:22 this is why I respect notch he’s just so humble lmao
There is still the Rediscovered Mod which adds the Sky Dimension as well as a bunch of other scrapped and removed features. A lot of those features are now found in the Sky Dimension including Indev houses, old wool/cloth, etc. The way you get there is the same as Notch said. You sleep and have a random chance. You can then find a Dream Pillow which allows you to get there whenever you want. While there, you can sleep in any bed to go back but it is better to find a Dream Pillow first so you don't have to get there by luck again. It is a great mod and shows how things could've been.
I remember seeing somewhat recently about this, someone made a data pack that creates floating worlds and it now works in 1.18 as it was somewhat recently updated. so it indeed is worth checking out.
Note; I found what it was called. Caloumi's Floating Islands
I am on my phone, so could not tab out to find it while writing.
Also like few months late, but still. For anyone that wants to play on such a world, that data pack is worth checking out
That would been a great addition back then :( at least we still have the aether mod
That lighting issue is such a lame excuse by jeb. If the aether mod could do things just fine, why couldn't they do it? Laziness, that's what it is.
I remember creating an Aether portal in one of my old worlds in anticipation of it being added to the vanilla game.
Damn, that's just depressing.
Love these videos!
sky dimension had performance issues but yet the Aether mod ran so well.
Considering KingBdogz is now an official developer at Mojang, I think it’s possible now we could see a sky type dimension at some point in the future.
Notch getting interviewed by a 10 year old is the most Minecraft thing ever
There was a bug in beta 1.9 pre release 3 that allowed chunks on multiplayer servers to generate with the skydimension world gen. Allowing u to get some parts of the sky dimension in ur overworld, highly recommended for the start of a good unobtained series with friends, for us almost the entire spawn area was in the sky dimension. I was also surprised how well this bug worked, thinking we‘d have to move around a lot to get a single sky dimension chunk but in reality it was pretty common in that specific version of the game
Finally got it after years. You were intended to fight the red dragon in a sky dimension as the final battle and it was quickly flipped before launch
You're killing me with the hollow knight music. ugh I need to play that game over again
ngl i love the oldest end portal look
The fact that you could take those isometric screenshots without any chunk glitches AAAA
I really hope they still add sky lands, floating chunks of land are just cool. I honestly wouldn’t mind if they just straight up added the Aether to the game, with some tweaks of course. Either way, we should have a proper dimension with floating sky lands that isn’t the end, which honestly needs to have an update to make it fun.
yea, i think for now we just have to stick with mods for the aether or something similar but it still would be cool
I honestly love the End. I think the lack of features oddly compliments the atmosphere.
Maybe something like better shattered savannahs, only like shattered meadows, for more large flat floating islands.
I've been waiting so long for such video!
You got 3k subs in one day, congrats!
Since a suggestion abt a Sky Dimension on the Minecraft Feedback site is tagged as under review, perhaps Mojang has taken a change of course and will add some sort of Sky dimension in some facet. Plus the dimension in Disc 5 sounds kinda aether-like.
I hope they call the potential new dimension “The Shadow Realm”
10 year old me was so disappointed that I couldn't light my glowstone portal, I didn't even know what a mod was at this point
The portal in the thumbnail is actually the old design of the end portal
The sky dimension was actually present in the game's code (in beta 1.7 iirc) and could be accessed with a simple server plugin, I remember messing with it on bukkit. It was definitely lacking in features with little there aside from the islands, clouds below you, chickens and no day cyle. But it was cool, way more interesting than the end tbh. I also tried importing a custom map into the dimension and it looked pretty nice
I remember being like 8 years old, didn't really understand English, seeing videos of the sky dimension so I would just tower up high looking for it and always being disappointed
Floating Islands Preset: Am I a joke to you?
I like the hollow knight music in the background it's always fun hearing obscurish games in the background
@TheMisterEpicYou can still go to the sky dimension you just need to shift press worldtype until you see floating islands the create world and there you go!😊😃
no not really
The newer player base seems to have forgotten this, but this is something that I've been mad at Minecraft for to this day.
i just realized the goods night sleep mod is basically the sky demension that notch was thinking of without the floating island part
Of course they are adding a Aether dimension! It is just going to take 2 years and 30 million dollars for the full sized development team’s payroll and then we’ll get the “Aether Part 1” update that doesn’t even add the dimension and just adds the blocks!!! 🔥🔥🔥
The sky dimension basically became the end; mojang has confirmed this
Hopefully one day, we will finally see the sky dimension be added to the game and children will not be disappointed when trying to light a glowstone portals.
The aether mod is still being developed on curseforge as the aether reborn or paradise lost
At least we got sky generated world...
I like how Mojang still gives hope to those who didn't get ot go to the aether by making an underground city Portal
I like the aesthetic of the end more, and I like that minecraft is pretty neutral and doesn't lean much into mythic/medieval tropes, it can stay stuck in mods. Wish people wouldn't mope about not getting that idealized version of the Skylands in their head that didnt even get made in the dev build. There's absolutely nothing to suggest that the end still being the Skylands would have made it any less baren than the end is now
the old end portal is so interesting to me
6:40 I laughed so hard on this part that I had to pause the video to try to breathe.
I had a strange experience right now...
I had (days and several restarts ago) tried to open a file from my hard drive (an image). Now, while watching this video, it suddenly popped up. I have no idea how that worked...
The sky dimension looks like a negative space version of the nether made of the overworld terrain
Nice video! Very entertaining!
i think an interesting point you could have touched on here is how the sky dimension is a thing in minicraft, that 2d zelda-like version of minecraft notch made for ludum dare
There's a lot of things in Minecraft that seemed more than just a myth to me. I swear you were able to protect yourself against fall damage if you have parrots on your shoulders. Maybe do some sort of video covering the Mandela effect?
I remember thinking sugarcane grew faster on sand, but I think that isn’t true. Despite that, I still find myself paying more attention to sand than grass when planting sugarcane, or at least I did not long ago.
@@TheCJBrine I remember thinking my house was haunted because of the amount of mobs inside it (huge stone base that wasn’t properly lit).
Turns out years later when I got my old Kindle working again that I had spawnproofed the entire map (not infinite world and only one island) so every mob would spawn in my base.
Thank god the Aether has finally been updated, I honestly never thought we’d see the day.
I used to revisit it once every few years for a nostalgia trip but now that it runs on modern versions I’m gonna pretend it’s part of vanilla.
The end is just so high in the sky that neither the sun nor the overworld are visible anymore. Floating in the void of space
Imagine how many ideas notch had for Minecraft that he never got to add...
I feel like a lot of the disappointment was because of the Aether but the thing is it takes a lot more effort to add things to the base game then making a mod
at least we have the aether! we can download the mod and have best of both worlds