Talking about 2 different things. Wizard: "Its a gentleman's club on wheels." -- Picturing an elitist British men's club where they sit around reading the newspaper, drinking fine alcoholic beverages, and hobnobbing with old friends. Hoovie: "No its not!" -- Picturing a strip club.
Honestly I love it my God son is autistic. And puzzle pieces are the sign for it. People with kids realize how hard they are add in some disabilities or odd abilities or just being different... makes parenting to 9th degree. My one year old is fine but some friends have children with issues, that are so much more difficult for a parent to provide a "normal" experience
It is funny how people pay him to promote rubbish like that. But it pays his mortgage so I doesn’t bother me skipping a minute or two for him to get sponsors.
@Lassi Kinnunen You do when it's warm, particularly with leather seats and you spend good money on fuel, so you deserve a bit of coolness in such a first class cabin!
Drunken Hobo You can also use hot air for de-fogging. Still, A/C is a must for a vehicle. Try looking up in junkyards or on the Internet for used (and functioning) A/C compressors if that was the fault. You'll probably need to replace the evaporator & condenser if whole system is damaged. Most cars need the whole dashboard to be taken out, hence why labour is so rxpensive.
11:51 The Wizard is referring to a traditional members only Gentleman's club like Whites or the Carlton club in London which traditionally have lots of wooden and leather furniture like the interior of the Bentley, not an exotic bar old sports.
Please please PLEASE! When you decide to sell your Volvo, hit me up. I have always loved Volvo's and out of the 39 vehicles I've owned, I've never had one. I love how quirky the wrap is and, as a teacher, it suits me. Love the channel, keep up the good work.
Damn. That's a really nice wrap, Tyler. The wrap's lines match really well with the boxiness of the Volvo. Nicely done and quite a nice 'little' car. Volvo's are awesome.
The channel is evolving and, surprisingly, is not loosing is essentiality like many other millennials channels that are amazed and confused with what money can do....keep it up Hoovie!
I had a Volvo 740 GLE for ten years and a Volvo 960 GLE (3 litre 24 valve) for eight years, so I’m a huge Volvo fan. Neither of those felt like I was driving a brick, especially the 960, which was deceptively fast! Love your ‘Mondrian’ Art Volvo! 😎
These vids are so much have a great manner and charisma on camera. The cars are pretty cool too....that old' XJS in a dress' is probably my favourite
I really like that you and the Wizard work together. We get your video on the purchase, drive quality and fun facts. We get the Wizards video on the engine, repair and facts about the mechanical aspect. Nice!
There is a 3 way valve which is part of the suspension/braking system at the rear which when it has dirt/debris in it can intermittently "dab" the brakes when the car hits a slight bump
I feel like the 80s Volvo wagons are the sort of sensible car that makes you want to do something ridiculous to it. I remember I had a lot of fun adding a large subwoofer to my 760 back in college and freaking out passengers and other cars at stoplights. That was a rather juvenile mod--this one is much cooler.
Tyler: Buys lifts to raise his vehicles for display Also Tyler: Now sees the bottom and sinks the remainder of hooptie money into the bottoms of all his vehicles that nobody else will see
*WOW* !!!!! *I remember 'The Partridge Family' Bus* !!!!!!! *Does this indicate you will be singing* ????!!!!! *LOL* !!!!! *LOVE the Art Car* !!!! #HooviesGarage
At 5:25 Hoovie gives us the answer as to how he ends up with more cars each time he's determined not to by all the might of his 'Will Power' LTD. Did anyone else catch how Hoovie counts cars? His friend has 50 to 100 cars. Hoovie counts in 50's!
Great basic fundamentals in car design, thus the reason this car could be restored so easily. Swedish Volvo we kiss you. Made cars with one thing in mind, longevity, and easy maintanence. Those were the days, when your average car buyer mattered.🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
DeLorean: hey Volvo are things goin? Volvo: I'm great, my legendary reliability is shining through. DeLorean: uh oh... Volvo: why? DeLorean: if there is nothing wrong with you, you either are going be sold or become an embarrassing project.... Hoovie: volvo, do I have a project for you!
If the Volvo was mine and had just had the paint job done like that on the body, I would be tempted to also have the wheels either wrapped or painted to a similar style Tyler.
Now that you're wrapping your hooptis with modern art, might I suggest: The Ferrari - Salvador Dali The Imperial - Edward Hopper The RR Phantom - Peter Max The Abarth - MC Escher The Wagoneer - Andrew Wyeth
Download Crystalborne for free here!
Hoovies Garage first !!!
Blissful Bunch suckers I made a comment first bahaha
Mobile spam game ads are nasty man. Know you gotta make money but these dudes are scamming kids.
Like the Piet Mondrian style!!! 😉
5:50 - "it was the most amazing collection I've ever seen."
Jay Leno: "Remember me?"
... amazing collection Within an hour's drive.
Jay doesn't count, the man has more money than God.
What a stupid comment.
Great comment. Jay has like 200 cars doesn’t he?
You missed the key words. "I'VE EVER SEEN".
10:20 - Wizard, please put your seatbelt on. Remember who's driving!
Well, Hoovie is not Richard Hammond, so he should be fine
Always makes me nervous when the Wizard does not wear a seat belt. I'd hate to see a video of him flying into the camera and beyond .
It's a strategic move since he can always jump out in case something goes wrong ;)
Put your seatbelt on, Wizard!
can't you see he's pregnant
We need you in this world!
Yeah making me cringe! Dude has a family, needs to look after himself!
If you were a wizard, you'd question seatbelts too.
"Forget everything you know about mobile games"
So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me a mobile game, and I didn't know what the hell they were.
@@DaBaltimoron RIP, Mitch
Haha seriously
DaBaltimoron you’re the hero we don’t deserve.
Great job whoever did the wrap, not an easy design to keep straight n' true!
It is nicely done, but on a car, um, that's a nope.
when that crap starts peeling off, will you still like its "patina"? its god awful!
Straight? Gaily Horizontal !!
D pillars are straight 45° off
I love how you have a selection of your own cars to drive home from the mechanics when you drop another one off there.
will we ever get a video on that Z3 coupe hiding in the background of every video?..
10:30 Seatbelts!!!!!
Talking about 2 different things.
Wizard: "Its a gentleman's club on wheels." -- Picturing an elitist British men's club where they sit around reading the newspaper, drinking fine alcoholic beverages, and hobnobbing with old friends.
Hoovie: "No its not!" -- Picturing a strip club.
Hoovie: "No its not!" -- Picturing eastern european mafiosos and corrupt leaders
Leofred you mean like our governors in Illinois who ALL go to prison?
Was about to post the same thing lol glad I read first lol
When I was a kid I thought a gentleman's club was full of guys in top hats and monocles
Boy was I wrong and overdressed
Honestly I love it my God son is autistic. And puzzle pieces are the sign for it. People with kids realize how hard they are add in some disabilities or odd abilities or just being different... makes parenting to 9th degree. My one year old is fine but some friends have children with issues, that are so much more difficult for a parent to provide a "normal" experience
The Wizard should wear his seatbealt!
Especially in these older cars with balloons for airbags.
10:09 seat belt Mr Wizard...seatbelt
Im sure hoovie really likes games like this 😂
I thought the's money but just an odd thing to promote to "us"
It is funny how people pay him to promote rubbish like that. But it pays his mortgage so I doesn’t bother me skipping a minute or two for him to get sponsors.
@@nickforsythandkids yeah i dont mind it at all
He's never played it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, he has seen the garage that it built, and it is terrific.
Skip ahead to 1:32 to ignore the smartphone game ad.
Reminds me of my bed sheets back in the 90s
No, these bricks are clean
So you still had the same sheets since the 80's?
dhalsim1 had them from like 88-93
I love these Volvos, I had the 960 (Straight 6 cylinders) 3.0 Petrol.. Amaazing. Only problem air con broke down and it needed £2000 to fix!
The bricks on bricks on bricks on bricks has never looked lovelier!! This is the official car of Lovey Howell 😄
@Lassi Kinnunen You do when it's warm, particularly with leather seats and you spend good money on fuel, so you deserve a bit of coolness in such a first class cabin!
You could’ve just rolled down the windows
Air conditioning in the UK is used to keep the windscreen from fogging up due to damp air.
Drunken Hobo You can also use hot air for de-fogging. Still, A/C is a must for a vehicle.
Try looking up in junkyards or on the Internet for used (and functioning) A/C compressors if that was the fault. You'll probably need to replace the evaporator & condenser if whole system is damaged. Most cars need the whole dashboard to be taken out, hence why labour is so rxpensive.
Hoovie, that car is absolutely Beautiful.
Tell wizard to wear his seatbelt broooo
11:51 The Wizard is referring to a traditional members only Gentleman's club like Whites or the Carlton club in London which traditionally have lots of wooden and leather furniture like the interior of the Bentley, not an exotic bar old sports.
Thank you Gatsby
Always happy to enlighten the masses old mucker.
I was hoping for a Raid Shadow Legends Ad... You let me down with that one Hoovie
At least Grammarly is the one constant in our lives, right?
You pretty much did get an aids ad
Me, seeing the sponsorship: "Ah sh*t, here we go again..."
You, getting free content and complaining:
Hoovie needs to pay for the hoopties somehow.
@@diablo2706 Technically he's paying for The Wizard's yacht...
You know, that this is meant to be a meme/joke... right?... RIGHT??? O.O
I like when he has new sponsors. It's good he's making money.
No seatbelt on the wizard, he's living on the edge 😂
You should link Wizard's channel in the description for all the noobs coming 'round.
Wow, that Volvo is rad! I really really love what you have done to it.
Please please PLEASE! When you decide to sell your Volvo, hit me up. I have always loved Volvo's and out of the 39 vehicles I've owned, I've never had one. I love how quirky the wrap is and, as a teacher, it suits me. Love the channel, keep up the good work.
1:32 to skip the ad
as an avid volvo fan, I can tell you that they already appreciated. About a decade ago, that would have sold for a few hundred
I'm impressed with the Mondrian.
Damn. That's a really nice wrap, Tyler. The wrap's lines match really well with the boxiness of the Volvo. Nicely done and quite a nice 'little' car. Volvo's are awesome.
I’m glad the wizard doesn’t need seatbelts. He can teleport himself out of a major crash. 😂love that wizard 👾
This is probably the best thing you’ve done to a car. It looks so dope
Love the 760 turbo! Keep up the great vids!
The channel is evolving and, surprisingly, is not loosing is essentiality like many other millennials channels that are amazed and confused with what money can do....keep it up Hoovie!
As a Dutchman I like how he pronounces "Piet Mondiaan" saying it like he came out of France or something.
Still cool though.
Ben niet de enige Hollander dus
Tevens is het Mondriaan
@@ayoubs7324 nederlander...
@@ayoubs7324 En als Hoovie's kinderen oud genoeg zijn moet hij ze meenemen naar het Gemeentemuseum in Den Haag.
Show more of your 200$ jag! One of my favorite cars.
he sold it to the car wizard
@@Ermy1996 Who then gave it to Junior Mint.
Why do I suddenly have the urge to play with legos?
I had a Volvo 740 GLE for ten years and a Volvo 960 GLE (3 litre 24 valve) for eight years, so I’m a huge Volvo fan. Neither of those felt like I was driving a brick, especially the 960, which was deceptively fast! Love your ‘Mondrian’ Art Volvo! 😎
My kid just ran to his room to get a hot wheel that looks like this lol
These vids are so much have a great manner and charisma on camera. The cars are pretty cool too....that old' XJS in a dress' is probably my favourite
I’m glad I can fast forward thru the beginning.
I really like that you and the Wizard work together. We get your video on the purchase, drive quality and fun facts. We get the Wizards video on the engine, repair and facts about the mechanical aspect. Nice!
One of the only good cars he actually has 😂 i love old volvos
How do we not have a million subscribers yet???? Let's get the hoovster to 1 mil!!!!!!
Day 15 of asking hoovie to buy a 5 cylinder Volvo
Zac Larkby t-5r
There is a 3 way valve which is part of the suspension/braking system at the rear which when it has dirt/debris in it can intermittently "dab" the brakes when the car hits a slight bump
Put on your seatbelt Wizard!!
Put your dental dam in
It's really nice to see a mechanic who knows his stuff.
7:08 Is the speedometer not working or Tyler was really speeding?
I think it's very surprisingly broken
Needs just a bit more speed for the flux capacitor to engage...
I think the speed limit on that road is 75. If he was speeding it wasn't by much.
Clearly he was doing 80 and that thing is only clocked to 85. So clearly it's working.
Some highways are 80 mph limits. I've driven on them in an Isuzu box truck, the poor truck could barely keep up.
I feel like the 80s Volvo wagons are the sort of sensible car that makes you want to do something ridiculous to it. I remember I had a lot of fun adding a large subwoofer to my 760 back in college and freaking out passengers and other cars at stoplights. That was a rather juvenile mod--this one is much cooler.
Bricks on bricks 🧱
I literally typed it right before Hoovie said it 😂
Javier Vazquez i bet you did.
it also literally says it in the title
Best intro ever though
👴🏻yes am I the only one that sees a Hoovies Garage video and doesn’t even read the title just clicks on the video?
John Smith says the guy who probably did the same thing lol. No shame there
I have a 2000 xc70 volvo. I love this rap! You have given me some new ideas. Tks.
I see a RWD Volvo video, I like it.
"Gentleman's club on wheels" the wizard is doing lines now!
off a stripper's ass hopefully lol
Do u know how worthless that car is now. People do that who can’t refinish the right way. And u just shit it up permanently
it looks just like one, they both have a lot of white color on the seats.
Tyler: Buys lifts to raise his vehicles for display
Also Tyler: Now sees the bottom and sinks the remainder of hooptie money into the bottoms of all his vehicles that nobody else will see
Epic and too much fun! Mondrian was a revered figure in art school. Lots of math in his stuff, golden section and stuff.
LOVE the Volvo! Great look for a great car!
*WOW* !!!!! *I remember 'The Partridge Family' Bus* !!!!!!! *Does this indicate you will be singing* ????!!!!! *LOL* !!!!! *LOVE the Art Car* !!!! #HooviesGarage
As a Dutchman I totally approve of your Mondriaan-style wrapping choice :D
Lego would have been too obvious.. but I didn't think of this :)
At 5:25 Hoovie gives us the answer as to how he ends up with more cars each time he's determined not to by all the might of his 'Will Power' LTD. Did anyone else catch how Hoovie counts cars? His friend has 50 to 100 cars. Hoovie counts in 50's!
"Bricks, on bricks on bricks..."
My 7yo son cracked up at that, no fail today, Hoovie. ;)
I love that Volvo, one of the few good looking art cars now.
you almost there hoovie. 1 million subscribers.
1:42 just call him "Pete" (which is phonetically accurate)
Wizards don't need seat belts because they are immortal! Cool!
1:30 to skip advertisement.
Thank you. I have RUclips premium for a reason.
You should go to Houston for the art car parade.
1:28 skip ad
Bald Eagle i double support hoovies, watching it on youtube premium and not skipping the ads.
@@mariogonzalez5107 aren't you special
Bald Eagle my mommy thinks so
Great basic fundamentals in car design, thus the reason this car could be restored so easily. Swedish Volvo we kiss you. Made cars with one thing in mind, longevity, and easy maintanence. Those were the days, when your average car buyer mattered.🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
DeLorean: hey Volvo are things goin?
Volvo: I'm great, my legendary reliability is shining through.
DeLorean: uh oh...
Volvo: why?
DeLorean: if there is nothing wrong with you, you either are going be sold or become an embarrassing project....
Hoovie: volvo, do I have a project for you!
This is literally the coolest car you have. 10/10
Das Bauhaus Volvo!!
If the Volvo was mine and had just had the paint job done like that on the body, I would be tempted to also have the wheels either wrapped or painted to a similar style Tyler.
Does he think anyone doesn't skip ahead when he starts talking about the sponsor?
prob everyone
Sooooo close to that million mark!
Greetings to early squad!
Lol, Hoovie has so many vehicles rotating in and out of the Wizard's shop that he never has to worry about finding a way home.
Wizard is old skool, old skool dont need seat belts.
Does being old SCHOOL make him impervious to the effects of sudden deceleration? 😉
He is a wizard. He simple casts a spell of automotive protection.
please do NOT use your seatbelt and drive yourself into a brick wall ...thx in advance.
that pattern looks absolutely fantastic on that car.
3:21 Most cars don't behave. Then again, most hoopties aren't Volvo's.
Mr. Hoover is a mad man. A mad man!
The "wizzard" needs to buckle up. Please take more care Hoovie, you've got a lot of young viewers I suspect...
I love this channel. Never fails to disappoint, and the content is just so wholesome and classy. Keep up the good work Tyler!
You have a “bedazzled” mirror in your Delorean.
That’s actually pretty neat. Good job dude
I think other's may have mentioned this but it's a take on the "Look Mondrian" logo from the 1980's.
Ya...I think it predates that. lol
Now that you're wrapping your hooptis with modern art, might I suggest:
The Ferrari - Salvador Dali
The Imperial - Edward Hopper
The RR Phantom - Peter Max
The Abarth - MC Escher
The Wagoneer - Andrew Wyeth
"Burlatcher" 🙄
Don’t worry, Hoovie - We’re watching and liking!
The Volvo needs "euro" - headlights.
Are seat belts not mandatory in US states? 10:00
He’s confused if he wants to be an 90 science teacher or a 2000s drug dealer
Breaking Hoovie
The wizard is now a computer hacker! You are lucky to have a mechanic like that.
that sell out hurt my sole.. it was above and beyond..
Nah, why deny a man a living? He's providing interesting content for free.
This was genius - if you aren’t on the trending page - I don’t know what would be.
1:06 reflection of Mrs Hoovie?
Yes it is
SWEET...looks like Wizard is working on that ol CHEVY TRUCK
Love the Mondriaan wrapping. Hoovie, I have a 1991 Volvo Bertone turbo that might wear it well too ...
Well being a huge Volvo fan this video was excellent lol. I also really love the wrap too! Looks amazing
Buy an e46 🤤
Hey Taylor, the car looks cool.
Get the windows tinted black and replace the rims with a black or dark coloured one. It will look awesome.
Had flashbacks to the L'oreal studio line commercials of my childhood.