This is absolutely THE BEST video explanation I have seen, and I've watched many. Over 50 videos I'm sure. I'm seeing an ENT next week to figure it all out in addition to eustachian tube dysfunction. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
I had an experience with this just two nights ago. I was lying flat on my back, turned to the left and bam, hit me like a hammer. My eyes were closed so once I turned over it felt like my body was falling off a cliff, I opened my eyes and the room was spinning. It only lasted about 20-30 seconds and afterwards I got this nauseating hot flash throughout my body. Two days later I feel much better but I still have this lingering, almost car sickness type of feeling that won’t quite go away. I definitely appreciate the information in this video!
I had my first attack of what I think is vertigo less than 24 hours ago. You've just described what it felt like, almost to the letter. I thought I was going to die, literally. I was absolutely terrified.
Wow, nailed it. I have had this a few years ago but nothing this bad and it just went away. Recently I crawled under my 4x4 truck to bleed the brakes and that was it. It was so bad a yelled out to my wife who was pumping the brakes for me, "I'm going to pass out". I did not pass out but damn, that was bad. I have all what you described. Then I remembered that about a month before this I was removing a steel fence post by wiggling it back and forth and it suddenly snapped and smacked me on my right side forehead so hard it bleed and I had a big bump there for about 4 or 5 days. (BTW, I am 64) So now I have cause, symptoms, and on to the cure. Thank you so much for these types of videos.
I have been told by my audiologist that a vitamin D deficiency can trigger BPPV. My labs did indicate that I was deficient. Whenever I have a sense that it is occurring or about to I cut I double up on my D3 and it seems to truly help.
WOW. Amazing explanation. My sister-in-law suffers from Vertigo. I will be sharing your video with her right away. Thank you Gordon so much for this video. 👍
no mention of cervicogenic vertigo anywhere in the vid or comments. it would be good to explain the differences in symptoms as I'm not convinced I have BPPV...
1. Sudden and intense symptoms of dizziness for 10-30 seconds. 2. Positional: what leads to the dizziness? Typically movement of head. Tipping head back/bending forward causes it. As well as going in and out of bed. Could be horizontal as well with rolling in bed, but less likely. 3. Can be related to head/fall trauma. (Even just falling on your hip, not always related to your head being hit)
It can be 10-60 seconds or longer. You CAN feel off balance all day after an episode I know cuz i get it. I turned my head to the right while sleeping and wake up SUPER dizzy. It bothers me all day afterward. I think anxiety kicks in. Its horrible. Nobody ever mentions how Out of balance hormones can bring on BPPV, it does and can.
@@ShushanLily Tell me about it. I'm having it now and yesterday was the absolute worst I've experienced. Had nausea for multiple hours, extreme dizziness too after my attacks (I was turning and turning in my bed at night without realizing what was going on). Fortunately I feel better today so fingers crossed this will be over soon
During the middle of my first pregnancy I would experience gnarly vertigo. I always figured it was pressure on nerves that'd never endured pressure before. However, almost 4 years later, i'm experiencing a very different kind of vertigo. I became concerned when it wasn't just a 'here and there' experience. It's often, random, and causes me fatigue and stress. So I talked with a lady at the grocery store who told me about crystals in my ears that might be out of wack. I'm glad i didn't brush it off and forget it. I sincerely had to idea of this. I'm so grateful that I've found such an abundance of knowledge on this subject. I feel like i can treat it myself and move along with my life. Thank you for your time!
I've had vertigo episodes since last February and been diagnosed with bppv . Please tell me how you control it because its stopping me from going g in to shops because I feel off balance at times I feel so down and suicidal Please if someone van help me I'd be grateful I'm 33 should this be happening at this age its the most scary experience I've ever had . I pray to God I and everyone that's suffers from this be healed I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy
@Slickpaving I'm in my 30s as well and have been dealing with vertigo for years. The vertigo therapies can help get the crystals back in order and help you to feel better. Don't give up!
@@Slickpavingpraying for you 🙏🏾. Sorry you are going through this but please stay strong and keep seeking help and self educate yourself as much as you can, while also finding the right doctor to help you. They are out there and I’m praying for you 🙏🏾
I’ve had classic head back bppv for 35 years now. I avoid it by never putting my head back to a horizontal position. It started after a severe ear infection with pus that had to be drained from my middle ear. You said the bppv lasts only a few minutes. But there is nausea that lasts 24 hours even after the vertigo stops.
If you're vertigo is caused by a previous ear infection, it won't follow the same patterns as BPPV. Even with classic BPPV, the nausea can definitely last 24 hours.
Ughh..I couldn't imagine. So sorry to hear you've been dealing with that for that length of time. Praying that you find something that fixes it someday. 🙏🏼
@@MotoMatt418 Because the ear infection is what dislodged the crystals. So even after the infection was healed the crystals are still in the canal. It's classic BPPV. It won't go away until the crystals are dissolved or moved out of the canal.
@@ScotteeBates49 Hey I appreciate the kind words. Fortunately though it is seldom a problem because I know how to avoid the position that triggers it. Really the only activity I cannot do any more is to work under the dashboard of my car. I am a mechanic and was able to modify my creeper with extra padding so it keeps my head elevated under the car. The only other time it happens is in the dentist chair if they lean me too far back.
Look up, half summersault exercise, look at the video a few times before trying. When i did it, all was spinning, stayed in the position till it stopped then continued, took me a few tries for a few days, it made it more manageable, one thing, never sleep on my side, only on my back, if i do it triggers.
It might have triggered mine. I usually sleep on my back, but lately started sleeping on my good side, I rolled over in bed this morning, and bam, vertigo.
Has anyone had this for a long period of time. Thanks so much for your video. This is my 4th time having it and the worst. It’s been almost two months.The epley maneuver makes it worse and so does stress/anxiety.
if you do not do the epley maneuver to address this … it can last several weeks, or months. do not be discouraged if the epley maneuver doesn’t work after 1 session (it’s possible that you just didn’t do it correctly) sometimes, you may need to do it a 2nd or 3rd time. wait 12-24 hrs between treatments.
Thank you for this video. I’ve been having symptoms of this off and on for 5 years. In between severe episodes I occasionally get a random bout that’s not as debilitating. After my first really bad episode I went to physical therapy where they did the Epley maneuver to fix it and it helped right away pretty dramatically although it took awhile for me to feel completely steady on my feet. A week ago I got my second severe attack and proceeded with the Epley maneuver at home. It seemed to help some but not completely. If I tilt my head back or tip to the right I get that sudden feeling like I’m going to fall, lose my balance, and get dizzy. I went back to physical therapy and she did the Epley on me and I’m still doing it at home but I’m still getting symptoms if I I tilt back or tip my head to the right. I also can’t lay back in bed and have to sleep on my left side.
It sounds like you're doing the treatment correctly but might need to keep going. And make sure that your posterior canal BPPV hasn't switched to horizontal canal.
I've had MS 53 year's, vertigo 24/7 last 25. My vestibular nerve is being destroyed.. Ask your doctor for scopolamine dermal patches, they at least help with dizziness and nausea.
I had vertigo and thought this was the problem. I would have severe dizziness and vomiting. Little did I know low sodium in bloodwork can have the same symptoms. After having surgery, not for this, I was seen by an Infectious Disease doctor. I had what I thought was a vertigo attack. He treated me for low sodium and I have not had a problem since. Make sure to get checked out by a doctor if you think you have vertigo.
Gordon, I hesitate to write this as i might jinx myself. I was haunted by vertigo. It would put me on the floor with no thought of place or time. Terrible. My GP referred me to a TP. He was moving my head and neck about. I asked why and he said that there was a school of thought that blood flow to the brain could be a factor. I accepted that as true and that day began running. Not to far but i always finished with a kick so my head would turn red from the effort. I had one vertigo episode thereafter but it has now been about 5 yrs of no vertigo....but i continue to run modest, but with effort, distances. I'm knocking wood, and maybe, just maybe, someone else will benefit from my experiment. Thanks for recognizing how debilitating vertigo is.
l have had this for one month now, Doctor perscribed tranquilizers, no good, Serc, no good and today he perscribed Stugeron 75mg. Starting it tonight. It is to make the blood flow easier to the head! keeping my fingers crossed.
Even though this is an old video you explain my symptoms so well. I going to make an appointment with my dr. to see an ent. Thank you for you video and help.
Hi Mr. Gordon, I have had intermittent reoccurring bouts of extreme vertigo for about ten years. They began when I was 12 and have continued to the present (I am now 23). The nature of the episodes has flummoxed every doctor I have seen and so far I have found no explanation or prognosis. I will wake up in the middle of the night with immediate intense vertigo (e.i. it feels like the world is upside down then right-side up and will continue to spin). This will last for 15 to 30 seconds at which time the world appears to steady itself. After this, I will experience dizziness, that severely worsens with any movement, and extreme nausea. These symptoms usually last for six to ten hours and I will sometimes vomit up to six times. Either symptoms will steady after this period of time (i.e. only slightly dizzy and no imminent threat of vomiting) or I will fall asleep after 3 to 4 hours and after I wake up I feel better. I will feel ill for the rest of the day and slight dizziness may persist for a couple days. My neck also tends to feel rather tight but this may be a result of lying or sitting in awkward positions after the initial acute vertigo to try and avoid making dizziness worse or to prevent vomiting. I have seen an ENT who performed the epley but these episodes persisted. I have also seen doctor who specializes in dizziness and vertigo who performed multiple tests to determine wether the symptoms were caused by BPPV. All the tests were negative (indicated no BPPV). There are a few more factors. Not every episode is the same. Some are much worse while others produce less severe vertigo and no vomiting after which I will fall asleep with in a few hours. Also, these have only occurred while sleeping. When episodes first began they would happen once every other month. At its worst it would happen once a month. When I was 19 I had a severe episode but after that I had only a handful of very minor episodes for nearly 3 years. However, a couple of nights ago I had one of my worst ever. I also have a number of other debilitating neurological symptoms (which occur with no dizziness at all) which so far have been unexplained and resistant to any treatment. Because of the unusual nature of my symptoms I have been treated by many integrative medicine and traditional medicine doctors for Lyme disease. I noticed that often after starting a new antibiotic or a new treatment an episode would occur 48 hours or 2 nights after starting the treatment (maybe coincidence but was a pretty regular phenomenon). Also, the day before the last episode I took one beet root powder capsule, which I have taken regularly in the past without any adverse effects. This has made me think that perhaps the episodes are caused by severe sleep related hypotension (I am aware bp normally drops during sleep). Do you think this may be BPPV or is there another potential cause?
I'm sorry to hear how badly this has affected your life. Based on what you said, I'm guessing you don't have BPPV, as your symptoms are much less predictable and don't follow the typical BPPV pattern. I'm not really sure why things are so bad at night, but I have some ideas for you. First idea: have you working with an "upper cervical specialist" chiropractor yet? If not, I would definitely try to find one in your area and see if they can help. Second idea: have you ever tried an anti-inflammatory diet or an "elimination diet"? If not, I think that's worth a try too, just in cause there are a couple foods in your system that your body doesn't agree with. I'm sorry I can't give you a more definitive diagnosis, but those are the two things I would try if I were in your situation. Please keep me posted on how things go. You can also email me at if you'd prefer. Good luck!
Definitely have all three, last Friday I thought the floor was going to hit my face. Luckily, I was standing next to a cabinet and could grab on for dear life.
I think so accidentally gave myself BPPV when I tried to do a stretch to release tension in my back. I saw it in a video and it was this thing of putting a pillow on the bed and hanging over it. Tried it and ever since I keep getting bouts of vertigo. It’s only been a few days, but it’s so tiring.
Thank you for describing the symptoms. Mine are all exactly the same as you describe, especially the sudden, initial one which threw me totally out of balance and I really got scared. It happened when I turned from one side of the bed to the other i.e. lying on my side and turning to the other side. This has been going on now for the past two+ years. I did try the Epley manoeuvre on my own and I had visions of the whole universe spinning and fell off my treatment table. Never again! Then I took up Dr Brandt-Daroff's manoeuvre for several weeks and it did calm it down..... but it never went away completely. I was finally referred to ENT dept. My ears were checked, my nose and throat, sound tests were done and everything was fine. The doctor then did the wretched Epley manoeuvre again and looked at my eyes and said I did not have BPPV.....but the whole test threw me off balance. I felt dizzy for the next few days, sometimes nauseous until it settled down. I will never do the Epley manoeuvre again. My vertigo has not gone away. I am too scared to look up, down, and sometimes sideways movements trigger it too. I know I have BPPV, but the so-called ENT specialist thought I was fine. I am not fine. It is still there, not at the same intensity all the time, but if triggered with the movement of the head, it is there. I dont get ringing noise in my ears or anything of the sort. I have had vertigo in the past, but they have gone away within a few days. This one is still with me, but does not stop me from leading a 'normal' life.
I went to a physical therapist several years ago because in my research that's who I found treats it. He said during the maneuver I also didn't have the rapid eye movement, but I have all other symptoms. It always starts when I'm lying in bed and turn over to the right. I can't stand the symptoms or the treatment. There has to be something that can be done to treat it without making you dizzy and nauseous. I've been dealing with it for decades and now I just try to move carefully until it finally goes away.
I understand what ur going through. Just to let u know I started taking Serc, it’s a medication especially designed for vertigo. Labirithitis or Meniere disease. ITs actually helping me
I have gotten vertigo 3 times within the past 3 months. In between each attack, I have been feeling dizzy, been getting migraines, and head pressure. Not all the time but a good amount of the time. I hit my head a little over a year ago pretty hard opening my car door but i didn’t know if it would just be affecting me now since it was over a year ago. I have been checked for almost everything else and just want to feel better
I'm sorry to hear that, Olivia! I'm wondering if the residual dizziness, as well as the migraines are related to your neck... do you have much pain and/or stiffness in your neck? If so, I'd recommend pursuing treatment with either a PT or chiropractor (or massage therapist if you'd prefer). One more thing to consider: if your symptoms are coming from your neck, there are "upper cervical" chiropractors that can be really helpful. I hope this helps :-)
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy this is interesting - my mother had complained of back pain concurrent with vertigo. shame you gotta embark on a journey of discovery where reliable healthcare is not available (i.e. Greater London).
Okay so that's what's going on with me, when you mentioned the head injury/trauma thing it made sense I had a horrible car crash about two years ago and none of the doctors said anything about this 😅
I had vertigo this past week "Benign positional vertigo (BPV)". dizziness when lying down of getting up. I was worried about all the things it could be but I booked an appointment with a Chiropractor expecting it to be back or neck related. Turns out it was an inner ear issue. He moved me into various positions twice and this corrected the position of the inner ear crystals. The dizziness has now gone away.
HI, Gordon. Excellent video. I experienced the first 2 of the 3 symptoms of BPPV. I had a SUDDEN onset of the room whirling as I laid down in bed. At that point, for the next 3 weeks (because trying to get appointments post-COVID is close to IMPOSSIBLE!), each time that I tried to turn over in bed, I would have symptoms again. I adjusted by moving SLOWLY, 45 degrees at a time, to get turned. I also experienced vertigo in the shower when trying to rinse shampoo out of my hair in the shower and when I was sitting in a chair and someone came up and stood next to me, so I had to look up to interact with them. My first PT session was HORRIBLE (lie on right side, looking upward, once settled, sit up and lie on my left side looking down). I had to hold onto the table bc I felt like i was being flung off the table. At that point, I was unable to continue. Next time, it took 3 times to clear. After checking out info, I found that, in one reference, 1 of 5 people with COVID experience BPPV. I had JUST gotten over a bout with COVID. Since then, I have heard of several others who have had the same symptoms after having COVID. It has ben a wild ride. I basically lost the entire month of March with COVID and BPPV.
Sounds like quite the experience, Nancy! Overall, are you back to normal now? I haven't heard of a link between COVID and BPPV, but it's very possible a link exists.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Yes! I went through the entire series of maneuvers on day 1. I was exhausted and disoriented enough that I couldn't continue. I vowed the next visit to stick it out no matter what! I asked what was the highest number of times that this set of maneuvers had been done with a patient before they cleared. She said Five. I set my sights on Six and we just went for it. The first and second time on day 2 were brutal, but symptoms dramatically decreased on the third time. The next time through was a breeze. It took a couple of days before I trusted that it wouldn't return. I'm having my Vitamin D checked with my next PCP appt and will be taking a Vitamin D3 supplement just to be pro-active.
@@nancyvaleski267 Hi Nancy, it brings hope to hear that people have successfully rid themselves of this health issue as it is debilitating! Quick question, does a lack of vitamin d add to this problem?
I have vertigo now after a bad bout of flu. I think anything that affects your sinus passages (like colds, flu, sinusitis or yes, covid) can muck up your balance due to inability to adjust pressure in the Eustachian tube (pop your ears). Ear, nose and throat are all connected, after all.
I have had severe vertigo symptoms for about four years. Doctors haven’t been able to find what’s wrong, which is frustrating. Because I’ve had other health issues for two years I haven’t been Back to see the doctor about it.
I just started having issues with vertigo about 3 days ago. From the symptoms you describe it almost certainly seems like BPPV. The only outlier is that the very first day it happened it started with getting out of bed and seemed limited to horizontal to vertical orientation changes. However the most severe reaction I had was when lying on the ground that evening while changing oil on my car and I rolled over from stomach to my back. OMG the world started spinning and I felt like I was going to fall off!! Since then the symptoms seem to have shifted to becoming more prevalent and less severe. I am feeling slightly dizzy when doing things like bending over and even when driving and coming to a stop at a red light. I have not had a severe dizzy spell in the last 2 days. I have not tried any of the exercises yet, since it is late right now and I am winding down for bed.
My first experience with vertigo happened in bed while I was sleeping, I turned in my sleep and got the worse dizziness I have ever had, I feel from my bed down to the floor and when I tried to see, everything was just spinning and also feeling like I wanted to throw up. I did the eply thing, that helped for a while, but now I get it laying flat and also moving my head back/forward. One thing that I have notice is that when I get anxiety attacks, that trigger the vertigo. At this point I don't know what to do about it, doctor's just confirm, yes you have vertigo and tell me to do the eply thing, but that doesn't work with the back/forward thing. I have had this problem now for over ten years. Sorry for the rambling.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Sorry for late response. No, the "only" thing they did was some small test to see if I had something wrong with my brain, Babinski reflex and other reflexes. Every thing was fine regarding that. I don't live in the US, but when I try to find something that might help me I turned to search US. I live in Sweden by the way.
Hello, thank you very much for such an informative video. BPPV really came out of nowhere for me, and I ended up with a huge cut on my forehead that needed stitches. As a former military medic, I was trying to conjure up every medical knowledge I have in order to find out what was going on. I happened to come across this video, and asked my doctor about it, and the symptoms in fact are believed to be those of BPPV. It was shocking just how suddenly it just came right out of blue with a strong left hook. I guess I now have a BPPV trophy to carry around on my forehead now.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Unfortunately, not yet. The first onset hit me on Monday or so, and I'm still trying to navigate through everyday task with nauseating vertigo. I'm doing the "sitting up sideways" exercise, and hopefully the symptoms will start to improve soon.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Additionally, I just found out through my doc that one of the more severe adverse effects of my new insomnia medication is a sudden massive hypotension. I think pairing that with BPPV was the recipe for forehead stitches.
You might have BPPV, although it doesn't usually cause tinnitus (ringing in the ears). I would check for BPPV first and proceed from there. If you continue having ringing in your ears, I would consult with an ENT doctor.
I am on bed rest for two weeks now. I am thinking I have sinus and migraine problems. I had strange health problems since 2008. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure when I graduated in 2008. I had so many symptoms and I went to many doctors, and still have symptoms. Right now is a new symptom. I am dizzy and lightheaded since February 9 now. I had blood tests done and the doctor said on Friday I am a little dehydrated, which does not make sense to begin with because I drink lots of water. I went back on Monday yesterday, I told him it feels like I am rocking back and forth on a boat, and he said it sounds like vertigo. I quit my amlodipine and switched to propranolol this past weekend. So far, the propranolol is doing better maintaining my blood pressure. I am still lightheaded. I suspect it is sinuses because when I went to the dentist, they kept saying I have serious sinuses in my head. I had no clue sinuses could be this bad. I wonder if these are the root of all my health problems since 2008. I don't have any pain though. I have a cardiologist appointment on February 27 next week, and my ENT otolaryngologist appointment is this coming February 24 on Friday. I do have tonsils that have been swollen since 2018 or 2017, but the reception girl said they only do one case at a time, so I am going in for this vertigo and sinus problem first. I can't get work done and this is my first major job that has gone over a year on contract. My boss said I could go on disability, but I told her I will try to work next week. I don't know of anyone else is having these symptoms. It came out of nowhere. The vertigo and dizziness. I also searched something called cervical instability as a possibility. It can come from poor posture and being on computers, phones, and laptops too much. I am leaned over on my bed on my laptop now. I have been more ever since my desktop went down in 2021. It can't be from lack of exercise because I exercise everyday. Update: I went to the ENT and she suspects it is my inner ear. I failed the drunk balance test and the Fukuda (I think it is called) test. I opened my eyes and I turned 90 degrees to the right. I definitely have a balance problem. I have been dizzy for three weeks now. The doctors are saying it is vertigo. I have multiple appointments next week for MRI, inner ear, and sinus scans. I have my cardiologist appointment tomorrow.
Yeah, it seems I have this especially when I roll out the bed or tilt my head up (which is difficult because I have eye drop medication I need to take every 2 hours).
I’ve had vertigo for decades. The very worst bout was a couple of months ago. It was so bad and constant, I literally only got out of bed when I really really had to pee. Couldn’t even make it into the kitchen. It lasted full strength the entire day, was still lingering, but at a diminished strength the next two days.
The crystals are a completely normal structure in an adjacent inner ear organ (called your "utricle"). They're supposed to stay put in the utricle, but sometimes they get dislodged and float into the semicircular canals, which causes BPPV.
I had this one time and I praise God for helping me diagnose it and do these maneuvers at home by myself after looking them up. I was able to trace what it was by realizing when it started which was because I had tripped and lunged at a chair, and just caught the chair to save myself, but the force of it dislodged the crystals in my ear. I am so thankful I was able to do that. The vertigo would LITERALLY hit me out of nowhere such as when I was driving or even just sitting still. It was actually one of the scariest things that ever happened to me, even moreso than my gallbladder pain because it would happen randomly, and as he said here, intensely. I would want o vomit from the vertigo. What he describes here is EXACTLY what I experienced.
I have been having vertigo for over 13 years now.but it was short ones lasting between 2 to 5 minutes. And it used to be normal. But suddenly yesterday night i started getting thos weird sensation like m bout to fall or whenever i moved my head everything nausea and vomited which i seldome do's been 15 hours since then whenever i get up ot happens,whenever i move my head it happens.went to see ent doc.she told me it was bppv and will go away itself. Gave me pills because i vomited.feeling like dying right now.everything moves.cant go out can't do anything. Afraid to eat because i throw everything up..this is literally nightmare..
That sounds horrible! BPPV rarely goes away on its own, so if you're still having vertigo, try to get some help from a trained PT in your area! Good luck!
Check for BPPV first (Dix-Halpike and Supine Roll Tests). If you have BPPV, proceed to treatment. And if those tests are negative, your vertigo is probably due to something else, like cervicogenic dizziness.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Thanks for replying...whats cervicogenic...I have other symptoms also..I find doctors are not working for me, usually suggest taken drugs which masks the symptoms and you become a robot :)) but pleased to say I still have a sense of humour 😀
I guess I have something else then.. Lasts a lot longer, even a full day, also in certain position I am ok (when lying on my back and looking at a 45 degree angle to the right, but if I turn my head to the left it starts spinning like absolute crazy. What could it be ?
Doesn't sound like BPPV... check out this video about tinnitus and Meniere's Disease to see if that's what you have:видео.html
Few days ago, I have witnessed the light headed dizziness, vomitings, i have been on bed for almost a day ,next day i consulted nearest physician and he prescribed Vertin 16mg tablets daily 3 doses for upto 5 days as my physician suggested to consume 3 doses per day. I am not sure how it will be in same in next months but i want to be free from Vertigo without any medicine 🙏
I'm not familiar with Vertin, but I'm guessing it's an anti-nausea medication. Either way, here's what I'd want to know if I were you: what's causing the lightheadedness and vomiting? Did your physician address that (the underlying cause)?
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy No, i am assuming it's vertigo problem but not sure what's the exact problem for this dizziness, i informed my physician regarding this and he prescribed Vertin 16mg. It's been almost 3 days am using now and its working fine , dizziness reduced but am not sure how longer should I take this medicine going forward
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Also, i have infected for Jaundice 2 months ago, now am completely free from Jaundice,. During Jaundice,i got dizziness problem for around 3-4 days, i used same Vertin 16mg tabs and then after 2 months again I have witnessed dizziness, any suggestions please?
I believe I have bppv horizontal in right ear. Unfortunately I think I also have cervical dizziness from poor posture. Upper back & both shoulders pain. Been to chiro for c1 c 2. Now going to doctor for right ear.
Hello, my name is Scottee. 32 year old male from WA. Currently dealing with severe vertigo/light headedness. Had a tooth infection that led to root canal and crown procedure, 9 days ago. Was then put on an antibiotic for the infection that had made its way into my sinuses. Since the procedure and start of antibiotics, I have had severe vertigo thats often accompanied by a light headache and sonetimes nausea. Got so bad a few nights ago I ended up in the ER, recieved an MRI and blood work. Everything came back normal. I have finished my one week course of antibiotics and the infection is gone, still having these symptoms at a loss..😢
Hey, how did it go? Were you able to get rid of it? If so, just gradually went away or had to get meds or seen by a specialist? Experiencing more light-headedness and being off balance 24/7 rather than room spinning or it being particularly positional, so maybe not BPPV. Been dealing with bronchitis for over a month. Was put on prednisone last week, 12 hrs after first does I got tingling in arms and legs and high blood pressure type symptoms for a few hours. About 23 hours after 2nd dose (1hr before taking my 3rd), I was leaning back in my chair and when I sat up I was light headed and off balance. Got so bad the next day I went to the ER and spent 8 hrs waiting around for them to shrug it off, spend more time on my heart/lungs for the bronchitis aspect I wasn't concerned about (was doing better from the prednisone) and given meclizine and told to see neurologist if it doesn't go away in a week. Its been 2 days and is slightly better, but it makes work hard to concentrate on (big deadline at end of week I have to meet) and makes me afraid we may have to cancel the Disney trip for my kids next month if it doesn't get better, which is a major part of their Christmas presents. What a pain.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Going on 3 months now. Vertigo has calmed down a bit. Found out it was most likely an allergic reaction to the Clindamycin they put me on for the infection. However, also ended up having to get the tooth pulled that I had a root canal and crown on, beings it wasn't taking properly and causing me pain and other issues unfortunately. Since the start of the tooth infection I have been in ER 6 times, had an MRI, CAT Scan, Lumbar Puncture, tons of meds. Still have another CAT Scan next week for sinuses, and another MRI in the beginning of March. Have not been able to truly pinpoint what's causing everything though unfortunately.
@@ScotteeBates49 Hard to tell where I am at, it was getting better last week and Fri/Sat I thought I was soon to be in the clear as my tinnitus was barely noticeable, pressure in the ear and head mostly gone and dizziness was to a minimum. Then on Christmas eve I was playing on the floor with my kids and looked over my shoulder and it hit me again. The next day on Christmas I was miserable: dizziness, nausea, tired feeling, etc. I did take some zofran for the nausea, first time taking it, and I know it can cause some drowsiness so maybe that led to some of the bad feeling, who knows. Anyway, next day I was feeling a little better but tinnitus started coming back, not as bad as last week but today the tinnitus got worse in my right ear but at least the dizziness is down more. No idea what it is, went to my GP and they didn't have answers other than giving more anti-vert meds and saying to see an ENT. Called around, and the earliest ENT I can get into is a month away. Frustrating. I'm supposed to start practicing with a band to play a show in 1.5 weeks, so not being able to drive is hurting that and worried how my ears will do, I don't want to put more strain on them. Also supposed to take the kids to Disney the week after my ENT appointment. Hope this is better enough by then for me to fly (not sure what the pressure would do on my ears) and go on rides. Will be a disappointment for the kids if we have to reschedule the trip for later in the year.
I get intense spinning where the room spins clockwise, i only got it once right after i woke up, but now i get it if i spend a log time talking in meetings, or talk while eating something very crunchy. Ive gone to 3 specialists and no one can figure it out
Hello doctor when i move my head i have vertigo and dizzynes, and also i hear like a buzz all day, and my ear and sometime my head gets really hot its annoying do you think its bppv?🤔help me please doctor 😢
Thank you for this informative video! I just experienced this awful condition this past Tuesday evening and it was horrific. Went to the Emergency Department on Thanksgiving night because it just won’t go away. Tried the Epley maneuver at home but too frightening to do alone. The ED doc avoided it because he said it never works. Will see ENT next week. I am also dehydrated. Just increased my Vitamin D supplementation and added ginko biloba to my nutritional plan. Btw, Meclizine puts me in a coma. Can handle upright positions okay but turning the head especially when lying down is deadly. Wicked aggressive nystagmus and spinning sensation. Ty for sharing your knowledge. I pray to be healed from this. 🤍
I hope you can get treatment soon! That's weird that the ER doc says the Epley doesn't work... I wonder where that comment came from. When it comes to treatment, make sure you use the Epley for posterior canal BPPV and the Gufoni for horizontal canal BPPV. Find a good PT who can help!
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy thank you very much! The ED doc did not distinguish between posterior or horizontal canals or the types of maneuvers or even that I had BPPV. He kept it generalized and diagnosed me with dizziness. I reached out to the ENT referral he gave me and that was a dead end. Maybe I will seek out PT Services instead, as you suggested. Tyvm
When em in crowded place or shopping or in the road..i get soo uncomfortable and dizzy..also when in church we sit n get up..i get mostbtime i have to sit still..n still be dizzy n uncomfortable..what is that?
What a great video! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge. This morning when I woke up I was overcome with these dizziness symptoms. It took several minutes but it stabilized. So now I'm researching this event and found your video. My symptoms closely align with your description of BPPV. Naturally I want to know what caused this, seemingly out of the blue. Research indicates it isn't caused by hearing aids, however, just last night I was trying to get an ill-fitting, cheapo hearing aid into my ear. The "small" earbud felt to large (mom always said I had small ears :) so I was trying to force it in far enough so it stopped popping out. To my question: Could this have possibly caused the sudden BPPV? I tried the Epley Maneuver but I may have to keep at it. The motion of picking something up off the floor seems to bring it on the strongest. Would one of the other maneuvers be more recommended? Thanks again 👍🦻
You're welcome! No, it's doubtful your hearing aid had anything to do with the BPPV. For a lot of people, it just comes on randomly, with no specific cause. You didn't do anything wrong... it just happens. Self-treatment can be very difficult, so my advice is always to find an experienced vestibular therapist in your area and have them help. Let me know how things go!
I have bvvp and its miserable. Ive fallen several times because of it. It attacks in the ned, when i roll over, when i sit up. I have to situp slowly, then sit for a few moments, same with getting up from the couch. I wish i could get rid of it.
I passed out and hit the back of my head off the toilet and floor 2 years ago and it was my c1 atlas and c2 axis that got messed I had post concussion syndrome. It's been HELL. Still seeing an upper cervical chiropractor.
Hi Gordon! This video helped me more than the visit by my Doctor. 😢 I don't remember to had my head knocked some where, or any kind of trauma. But if i lay my head to the side, it goes insane. up & down, absolutely no prob, but side? Woah! Tried these manouver and almost kicked myself out of this universe. Cold sweat all over my body! Almost throw up. Oh my gosh! I would like to never do it again! 😢 Do i have to do it kind of fast, or can i also do it slower, just real slow? Thnak you very much for your work and effort!
Omg this is the wooorst. I had a really bad cold/head congestion that was messing with my ears and once that resolved I rolled over in bed and everything started spinning, like my eyes are having a seizure too. Threw up nonstop and felt sick all day. Tried the different methods for solving this, like the Epley method, and it’s too disorienting. I don’t understanding how one is supposed to hold a pose for 30 seconds that makes you spin and vomit. Once I begin the procedure I end it as soon as I spin and take a motion sickness pill. I hate this!
My bppv comes on only in bed, thank goodness never in public or driving etc. It first hit me in 2017 after a short plane trip, no fall etc. Whenever i wake up with it, it's always my right ear/side that is affected. I do the Epley manoeuvre straight away which i hate but know its going to fix it. My big tip is close your eyes when that crazy spinning happens in those first 30 seconds or so, helps not to feel so yuck
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Thank you for your reply. Yes, I can say so because my vertigo usually starts after a head or body position change but in addition to that, 2 years ago I had a severe episode when I barely got home from work swaying and only managed to overcome that by taking Dimenhydrinate 50 mg and Diazepam 10 mg. That very morning I had a slight attack of vertigo, did the Eppley manoeuvre and thinking it's over I went to work but after an hour had to go back home with intense vertigo and nausea. That is the point when I began to rely mainly on antihistamines as it is almost 100% effective. Btw, I haven't noticed any vertigo links to colds/flu or drugs etc.
Gordon, dude! GOOD, clear, informative video, but... the volume of this video is waay low. I listen with headphones and STILL had to crank up the volume to hear you at a 'normal' level (like all the previous and subsequent vids). I suggest you investigate and repost after making adjustments. * Just sayin' * :o)
Yes it is possible but not very likely. I would try to key into the direction of your eye movements with positional testing. Can you give me any information on that?
Would radio waves be able to dissolve or break up the crystals or would that cause more issues? I know radio waves can be used to break up kidney stones.
Hi Gordon Since I was 17 I’ve had strong onsets of dizzyness yearly which have lasted for around 2 weeks at a time. It’s like you said, sudden violent onset of the world spinning around me. Sometimes caused by small head movements, sometimes by nothing. Took about 2 weeks before I could function properly again. Went to the doctors and an ENT and said nothing was wrong. Problem is, the last few years it’s happened more often and it never fully “goes away” anymore. It’s a huge pain and has been causing stress and difficulty for the last 5 years. It often comes in times of stress too, so it’s a mean circle. I tried going to the doctors again and even got an MRI scan. I’ve been looking into it being caused by tight upper back and neck muscles with a physio and now I’m reconsidering it being BPPV. (Especially after reading about other’s bad experiences with ENT’s) I’ve tried all the classics of head movement exercises. Sometimes they help, but they can also make it worse. Never hit my head badly, I suffer from migraines (with aura) sometimes and I might be a bit low on B12. Do you have any suggestion as to what might be causing the vertigo and motion sickness? I’m tired of not knowing what it is.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy I’ve also been quite confused about it. I’ve been working with a physiotherapist, and doing the exercises has loosened the tightness a bit. But with that it’s also made me a bit more dizzy, so you could be on to something. I’ve been doing some head and eye restabilisation exercises on the side to treat the dizziness and I’ve found that to help.
Hello, your situation seems similar to mine. I can't remember when is the last time I felt 'normal'. I did do blood tests and had an MRI scan but nothing was unusual. Recently, the doctor diagnosed me with anxiety, which I agree it does make it worse but I don't think its the true cause of the vertigo. When I get violent attacks, doing the manoeuvres does help slow it down but I can't seem to make it go completely... I used to have no problems with riding cars and buses but it seems to get worser with vertigo and anxiety. How are you feeling right now? I really need to talk to someone about this as it driving me nuts. Vertigo is such an invisible condition. Nobody understands how I feel because I look fine, its to the point that people think I'm lying
My inner ear got damaged 18 years ago. I have chronic BPPV. The crystals fall out constantly no matter how many times I do all of the maneuvers. Is there a surgery to fix the crystals to not fall out anymore. This is debilitating.
I need help. I was lying down and started to feel strange, dizzy. I got up from bed and felt a sense of movement. After two days, it came back, and I went to the doctor where they did an ear lavage. I had a lot of earwax and I use headphones at full volume. My symptom was more like a pulsation without loud sound, a sensation that never stopped. The first few days it was intense and didn’t let me sleep, but then it started to decrease, and it was the only symptom I had. It’s been a month, and I am 90% recovered, but I’m not sure if it was BPPV
Tgis JUST happened to me for the diest time yeaterday. Inrolled from my eight side ro mt ledt snd leaned my head up snd the next thinf I know the room is spinning left snd right for about 30 seconds. TERRIFIED ME. It keeps happening in bed when I roll over and I am having light headedness for sudden moments at random throughout the day. No trauma recently..... But not when driving 🤔. Mainly walking or standing around.
Hello, if the sudden dizziness only lasts a few seconds, is that still considered bppv? I get sudden dizziness since having my son and i notice it when leaning over when playing with him or reading to him
Great question, Seth! There are a few differences in symptoms: with Meniere's, you often have ringing in the ears, while there's no auditory component with BPPV. Also, BPPV is much more positional, meaning that you get a sudden wave of vertigo with certain head movements, whereas Meniere's can cause vertigo even when just sitting still. I hope that helps!
I have all these symptoms, but the dizziness is constant, it worsens moving head up and down, side to side, have had this feeling almost a week, I had every test imaginable, all were negative, this is a horrible condition, I'm afraid to drive
What condition would be more aligned with constant/unyielding vertigo? Like it constantly feels like I'm moving, even when completely still, standing up or laying down, etc. with no relief or response to medication
I don't get the spinning, but there is a jarring sensation that occurs all the time. It happens in any position. I get dizzy and sometimes get a wave of nausea that goes away quickly. Thoughts?
That doesn't sound like BPPV, as BPPV is much more specific to certain position changes and movements. I've never heard someone report a jarring sensation before... can you describe that in more detail?
Thank you so much for this comprehensive explanation🙏 Now I know that my vertigo is not BPPV. I can't anticipate and it doesn't cause me nausea. It is also not positional; my vertigo can occur while I'm still. Do you have any idea about what type my vertigo is? When I was a toddler I used to have severe earaches that I couldn't sleep at night crying my eyes out. After that age I seldom suffered from earache until present.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Yes, I had. They assumed that my allergy to humidity and pollution is the cause behind my ear infection since I can't breath correctly from my nose. I haven't visited a doctor for my vertigo yet, I thought I had to see a neurologist. Fortunately that I watched your video, I'll see an ENT first. Thank you so much for your advice, doctor🙏
I think I have the first one. My attacks comes out out of no where. Everything to me moves up and down and my balance is off. However, I know it lasts for hours. I do have tinnitus with moderate hearing lost
@GordonPhysicalTherapy Thanks, I know now that it's time to find a new neurologist. I have been telling her could it be my medication , especially Trileptal. She doesn't answer my question.
Is it possible, i get this from bridges, heights overpasses. I start getting dizzy, i shake my head and vision gets distorted. Then full blown sweat, panic. It really sucks as i have been driving fine and over bridges every day for work. :( i feel like its vertigo
That's probably not BPPV but something more related to a panic attack. Have you had issues with a fear of heights for a long time, or is this something new for you?
I’m pretty sure I have bppv and it’s been a year 😵💫 mine I think started after doing a somersault. I didn’t hit my head or anything but did come down hard on my shoulders. Bedtime is a nightmare and I get it bad both sides when I turn and of course sitting up is a nightmare. I was lucky and got some medicine that takes away the worst part of vertigo and leaves me just slightly dizzy (but no nystagmus or violent world spinning) it’s not fun and would love to have my life back
Definitely sounds like you have BPPV! If you haven't been able to treat it on your own, I recommend finding a PT in your area who specializes in treating vertigo so they can help you. Good luck!
The first time this happened to me, it lasted weeks. That was several years ago. It happened again a few days ago after I was trying a new sit-up exercise. I still have the vertigo. Why is it lasting so long?
Having vertigo multiple times is completely normal. For some it goes away and then comes back months or years later. If you have BPPV, all it means is that you need to treat the vertigo again and get those crystals back where they belong. I hope that helps!
My condition is nystagmus , blurry vision sensitive to light, A feeling of nausea and off balance. Going on 2 years now . I never feel normal. And clear mri scan. Mine started with a bacterial infection of diverticulitis. I feel horrible most of the time .
This is absolutely THE BEST video explanation I have seen, and I've watched many. Over 50 videos I'm sure. I'm seeing an ENT next week to figure it all out in addition to eustachian tube dysfunction. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
Wow, thank you! You're quite welcome :-)
I had an experience with this just two nights ago. I was lying flat on my back, turned to the left and bam, hit me like a hammer. My eyes were closed so once I turned over it felt like my body was falling off a cliff, I opened my eyes and the room was spinning. It only lasted about 20-30 seconds and afterwards I got this nauseating hot flash throughout my body. Two days later I feel much better but I still have this lingering, almost car sickness type of feeling that won’t quite go away. I definitely appreciate the information in this video!
I hope you're able to treat your vertigo if it's still bothering you!
I had my first attack of what I think is vertigo less than 24 hours ago. You've just described what it felt like, almost to the letter. I thought I was going to die, literally. I was absolutely terrified.
Same! The Epley Maneuver fixed mine!
I had same last night man trying to figure out what going on. You doing better?
That is exactly what happened to me about a year ago. It's been happening once or twice every 2 weeks since then
Wow, nailed it. I have had this a few years ago but nothing this bad and it just went away. Recently I crawled under my 4x4 truck to bleed the brakes and that was it. It was so bad a yelled out to my wife who was pumping the brakes for me, "I'm going to pass out". I did not pass out but damn, that was bad. I have all what you described. Then I remembered that about a month before this I was removing a steel fence post by wiggling it back and forth and it suddenly snapped and smacked me on my right side forehead so hard it bleed and I had a big bump there for about 4 or 5 days. (BTW, I am 64) So now I have cause, symptoms, and on to the cure. Thank you so much for these types of videos.
Glad this helped! I hope you've been able to get some treatment (or treat it yourself).
Hi Gordon,
I am a doctor and impressed that how nicely you have explained,
Thank you very much! I appreciate your kind words :-)
I have been told by my audiologist that a vitamin D deficiency can trigger BPPV. My labs did indicate that I was deficient. Whenever I have a sense that it is occurring or about to I cut I double up on my D3 and it seems to truly help.
That's excellent information! Thank you for sharing! And make sure to get some Vitamin D the old-fashioned way too :-)
WOW. Amazing explanation. My sister-in-law suffers from Vertigo. I will be sharing your video with her right away. Thank you Gordon so much for this video. 👍
Thank you! Glad it was helpful!
Thank you SO much! I had a suspicion this is my problem and your clear and informative video has helped me to confirm that it most probably is BPPV.
You're very welcome!
no mention of cervicogenic vertigo anywhere in the vid or comments. it would be good to explain the differences in symptoms as I'm not convinced I have BPPV...
I agree! I still need to make that video... thanks for the reminder!
1. Sudden and intense symptoms of dizziness for 10-30 seconds.
2. Positional: what leads to the dizziness? Typically movement of head.
Tipping head back/bending forward causes it.
As well as going in and out of bed.
Could be horizontal as well with rolling in bed, but less likely.
3. Can be related to head/fall trauma. (Even just falling on your hip, not always related to your head being hit)
Excellent summary, thank you!
Can inner ear infection be a cause?
It can be 10-60 seconds or longer. You CAN feel off balance all day after an episode I know cuz i get it. I turned my head to the right while sleeping and wake up SUPER dizzy. It bothers me all day afterward. I think anxiety kicks in. Its horrible. Nobody ever mentions how Out of balance hormones can bring on BPPV, it does and can.
@@ShushanLily Tell me about it. I'm having it now and yesterday was the absolute worst I've experienced. Had nausea for multiple hours, extreme dizziness too after my attacks (I was turning and turning in my bed at night without realizing what was going on). Fortunately I feel better today so fingers crossed this will be over soon
@Suzee1111 what a horrible feeling. I equate it to being thrown out of a plane when it happens when I'm in bed. Feels like your dieing.
I've had this a number of times and it is a horrible feeling. Each time I used the Epley maneuver and it worked. Not only worked, but worked quickly.
That's awesome that it worked for you so well and still does!
During the middle of my first pregnancy I would experience gnarly vertigo. I always figured it was pressure on nerves that'd never endured pressure before. However, almost 4 years later, i'm experiencing a very different kind of vertigo. I became concerned when it wasn't just a 'here and there' experience. It's often, random, and causes me fatigue and stress.
So I talked with a lady at the grocery store who told me about crystals in my ears that might be out of wack.
I'm glad i didn't brush it off and forget it.
I sincerely had to idea of this.
I'm so grateful that I've found such an abundance of knowledge on this subject.
I feel like i can treat it myself and move along with my life.
Thank you for your time!
Thank you for sharing your story! You have a great message: if you have vertigo, don't brush it off. It's very likely you can get help!
I've had vertigo episodes since last February and been diagnosed with bppv . Please tell me how you control it because its stopping me from going g in to shops because I feel off balance at times I feel so down and suicidal Please if someone van help me I'd be grateful I'm 33 should this be happening at this age its the most scary experience I've ever had . I pray to God I and everyone that's suffers from this be healed I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy
@Slickpaving I'm in my 30s as well and have been dealing with vertigo for years. The vertigo therapies can help get the crystals back in order and help you to feel better. Don't give up!
@@Slickpavingpraying for you 🙏🏾. Sorry you are going through this but please stay strong and keep seeking help and self educate yourself as much as you can, while also finding the right doctor to help you. They are out there and I’m praying for you 🙏🏾
What are doing or taking for these 😕
I’ve had classic head back bppv for 35 years now. I avoid it by never putting my head back to a horizontal position. It started after a severe ear infection with pus that had to be drained from my middle ear. You said the bppv lasts only a few minutes. But there is nausea that lasts 24 hours even after the vertigo stops.
If you're vertigo is caused by a previous ear infection, it won't follow the same patterns as BPPV. Even with classic BPPV, the nausea can definitely last 24 hours.
Ughh..I couldn't imagine. So sorry to hear you've been dealing with that for that length of time. Praying that you find something that fixes it someday. 🙏🏼
I wonder why your vertigo would last so long after your prior ear infection?
@@MotoMatt418 Because the ear infection is what dislodged the crystals. So even after the infection was healed the crystals are still in the canal. It's classic BPPV. It won't go away until the crystals are dissolved or moved out of the canal.
@@ScotteeBates49 Hey I appreciate the kind words. Fortunately though it is seldom a problem because I know how to avoid the position that triggers it. Really the only activity I cannot do any more is to work under the dashboard of my car. I am a mechanic and was able to modify my creeper with extra padding so it keeps my head elevated under the car. The only other time it happens is in the dentist chair if they lean me too far back.
Look up, half summersault exercise, look at the video a few times before trying. When i did it, all was spinning, stayed in the position till it stopped then continued, took me a few tries for a few days, it made it more manageable, one thing, never sleep on my side, only on my back, if i do it triggers.
Thanks for the tip!
It might have triggered mine. I usually sleep on my back, but lately started sleeping on my good side, I rolled over in bed this morning, and bam, vertigo.
Has anyone had this for a long period of time. Thanks so much for your video. This is my 4th time having it and the worst. It’s been almost two months.The epley maneuver makes it worse and so does stress/anxiety.
People often have vertigo several times over the course of years.
if you do not do the epley maneuver to address this … it can last several weeks, or months. do not be discouraged if the epley maneuver doesn’t work after 1 session (it’s possible that you just didn’t do it correctly) sometimes, you may need to do it a 2nd or 3rd time. wait 12-24 hrs between treatments.
Thank you for this video. I’ve been having symptoms of this off and on for 5 years. In between severe episodes I occasionally get a random bout that’s not as debilitating. After my first really bad episode I went to physical therapy where they did the Epley maneuver to fix it and it helped right away pretty dramatically although it took awhile for me to feel completely steady on my feet. A week ago I got my second severe attack and proceeded with the Epley maneuver at home. It seemed to help some but not completely. If I tilt my head back or tip to the right I get that sudden feeling like I’m going to fall, lose my balance, and get dizzy. I went back to physical therapy and she did the Epley on me and I’m still doing it at home but I’m still getting symptoms if I I tilt back or tip my head to the right. I also can’t lay back in bed and have to sleep on my left side.
It sounds like you're doing the treatment correctly but might need to keep going. And make sure that your posterior canal BPPV hasn't switched to horizontal canal.
I've had MS 53 year's, vertigo 24/7 last 25. My vestibular nerve is being destroyed.. Ask your doctor for scopolamine dermal patches, they at least help with dizziness and nausea.
I had vertigo and thought this was the problem. I would have severe dizziness and vomiting. Little did I know low sodium in bloodwork can have the same symptoms. After having surgery, not for this, I was seen by an Infectious Disease doctor. I had what I thought was a vertigo attack. He treated me for low sodium and I have not had a problem since. Make sure to get checked out by a doctor if you think you have vertigo.
Excellent input! Thank you, Wendy!
Gordon, I hesitate to write this as i might jinx myself. I was haunted by vertigo. It would put me on the floor with no thought of place or time. Terrible. My GP referred me to a TP. He was moving my head and neck about. I asked why and he said that there was a school of thought that blood flow to the brain could be a factor. I accepted that as true and that day began running. Not to far but i always finished with a kick so my head would turn red from the effort. I had one vertigo episode thereafter but it has now been about 5 yrs of no vertigo....but i continue to run modest, but with effort, distances. I'm knocking wood, and maybe, just maybe, someone else will benefit from my experiment. Thanks for recognizing how debilitating vertigo is.
Thank you for sharing your story! I'm wondering if your PT was doing "craniosacral" treatments with you... does that sounds familiar?
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy I will find out next week and let you know.
@billgrewe8340 ...aaaaaaaaand? some folks with TBIs would ask you to plz still share!
l have had this for one month now, Doctor perscribed tranquilizers, no good, Serc, no good and today he perscribed Stugeron 75mg. Starting it tonight. It is to make the blood flow easier to the head! keeping my fingers crossed.
Even though this is an old video you explain my symptoms so well. I going to make an appointment with my dr. to see an ent. Thank you for you video and help.
Happy to help! Good luck!
thank you! very helpful. I've known I have this for a while, but its always nice to validate. Boy does this thing suck!
You're welcome! Good luck! It does suck!
Hi Mr. Gordon,
I have had intermittent reoccurring bouts of extreme vertigo for about ten years. They began when I was 12 and have continued to the present (I am now 23). The nature of the episodes has flummoxed every doctor I have seen and so far I have found no explanation or prognosis. I will wake up in the middle of the night with immediate intense vertigo (e.i. it feels like the world is upside down then right-side up and will continue to spin). This will last for 15 to 30 seconds at which time the world appears to steady itself. After this, I will experience dizziness, that severely worsens with any movement, and extreme nausea. These symptoms usually last for six to ten hours and I will sometimes vomit up to six times. Either symptoms will steady after this period of time (i.e. only slightly dizzy and no imminent threat of vomiting) or I will fall asleep after 3 to 4 hours and after I wake up I feel better. I will feel ill for the rest of the day and slight dizziness may persist for a couple days. My neck also tends to feel rather tight but this may be a result of lying or sitting in awkward positions after the initial acute vertigo to try and avoid making dizziness worse or to prevent vomiting. I have seen an ENT who performed the epley but these episodes persisted. I have also seen doctor who specializes in dizziness and vertigo who performed multiple tests to determine wether the symptoms were caused by BPPV. All the tests were negative (indicated no BPPV). There are a few more factors. Not every episode is the same. Some are much worse while others produce less severe vertigo and no vomiting after which I will fall asleep with in a few hours. Also, these have only occurred while sleeping. When episodes first began they would happen once every other month. At its worst it would happen once a month. When I was 19 I had a severe episode but after that I had only a handful of very minor episodes for nearly 3 years. However, a couple of nights ago I had one of my worst ever. I also have a number of other debilitating neurological symptoms (which occur with no dizziness at all) which so far have been unexplained and resistant to any treatment. Because of the unusual nature of my symptoms I have been treated by many integrative medicine and traditional medicine doctors for Lyme disease. I noticed that often after starting a new antibiotic or a new treatment an episode would occur 48 hours or 2 nights after starting the treatment (maybe coincidence but was a pretty regular phenomenon). Also, the day before the last episode I took one beet root powder capsule, which I have taken regularly in the past without any adverse effects. This has made me think that perhaps the episodes are caused by severe sleep related hypotension (I am aware bp normally drops during sleep). Do you think this may be BPPV or is there another potential cause?
I'm sorry to hear how badly this has affected your life. Based on what you said, I'm guessing you don't have BPPV, as your symptoms are much less predictable and don't follow the typical BPPV pattern. I'm not really sure why things are so bad at night, but I have some ideas for you. First idea: have you working with an "upper cervical specialist" chiropractor yet? If not, I would definitely try to find one in your area and see if they can help. Second idea: have you ever tried an anti-inflammatory diet or an "elimination diet"? If not, I think that's worth a try too, just in cause there are a couple foods in your system that your body doesn't agree with. I'm sorry I can't give you a more definitive diagnosis, but those are the two things I would try if I were in your situation. Please keep me posted on how things go. You can also email me at if you'd prefer. Good luck!
Please see a neurologist, there are so many things this could be and none of them are good.
Definitely have all three, last Friday I thought the floor was going to hit my face. Luckily, I was standing next to a cabinet and could grab on for dear life.
Sorry to hear that! I hope you're able to get help with treatment!
I think so accidentally gave myself BPPV when I tried to do a stretch to release tension in my back. I saw it in a video and it was this thing of putting a pillow on the bed and hanging over it. Tried it and ever since I keep getting bouts of vertigo. It’s only been a few days, but it’s so tiring.
Sounds like BPPV! Have you been able to get rid of it?
Thank you for describing the symptoms. Mine are all exactly the same as you describe, especially the sudden, initial one which threw me totally out of balance and I really got scared. It happened when I turned from one side of the bed to the other i.e. lying on my side and turning to the other side. This has been going on now for the past two+ years. I did try the Epley manoeuvre on my own and I had visions of the whole universe spinning and fell off my treatment table. Never again! Then I took up Dr Brandt-Daroff's manoeuvre for several weeks and it did calm it down..... but it never went away completely. I was finally referred to ENT dept. My ears were checked, my nose and throat, sound tests were done and everything was fine. The doctor then did the wretched Epley manoeuvre again and looked at my eyes and said I did not have BPPV.....but the whole test threw me off balance. I felt dizzy for the next few days, sometimes nauseous until it settled down. I will never do the Epley manoeuvre again. My vertigo has not gone away. I am too scared to look up, down, and sometimes sideways movements trigger it too. I know I have BPPV, but the so-called ENT specialist thought I was fine. I am not fine. It is still there, not at the same intensity all the time, but if triggered with the movement of the head, it is there. I dont get ringing noise in my ears or anything of the sort. I have had vertigo in the past, but they have gone away within a few days. This one is still with me, but does not stop me from leading a 'normal' life.
I'm curious, if you don't have BPPV, won't did the ENT tell you was causing your vertigo? Something isn't adding up...
How are you feeling today?
Epley Maneuver cured my vertigo just 2 wks ago. Do it with someone to assist you. Even if it's not a PT.
I went to a physical therapist several years ago because in my research that's who I found treats it. He said during the maneuver I also didn't have the rapid eye movement, but I have all other symptoms. It always starts when I'm lying in bed and turn over to the right. I can't stand the symptoms or the treatment. There has to be something that can be done to treat it without making you dizzy and nauseous. I've been dealing with it for decades and now I just try to move carefully until it finally goes away.
I understand what ur going through. Just to let u know I started taking Serc, it’s a medication especially designed for vertigo. Labirithitis or Meniere disease. ITs actually helping me
I have gotten vertigo 3 times within the past 3 months. In between each attack, I have been feeling dizzy, been getting migraines, and head pressure. Not all the time but a good amount of the time. I hit my head a little over a year ago pretty hard opening my car door but i didn’t know if it would just be affecting me now since it was over a year ago. I have been checked for almost everything else and just want to feel better
I'm sorry to hear that, Olivia! I'm wondering if the residual dizziness, as well as the migraines are related to your neck... do you have much pain and/or stiffness in your neck? If so, I'd recommend pursuing treatment with either a PT or chiropractor (or massage therapist if you'd prefer). One more thing to consider: if your symptoms are coming from your neck, there are "upper cervical" chiropractors that can be really helpful. I hope this helps :-)
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy this is interesting - my mother had complained of back pain concurrent with vertigo.
shame you gotta embark on a journey of discovery where reliable healthcare is not available (i.e. Greater London).
I am having neck pain due to bad posture while using my laptop, could it be the reason od of spinning
Okay so that's what's going on with me, when you mentioned the head injury/trauma thing it made sense
I had a horrible car crash about two years ago and none of the doctors said anything about this 😅
There you go!
Hi thanks for the great insightful vidoe. I think i have medicine induced vertigo . Pls advise symptoms for this too
What are your symptoms like?
I had vertigo this past week "Benign positional vertigo (BPV)". dizziness when lying down of getting up. I was worried about all the things it could be but I booked an appointment with a Chiropractor expecting it to be back or neck related. Turns out it was an inner ear issue. He moved me into various positions twice and this corrected the position of the inner ear crystals. The dizziness has now gone away.
That's great to hear!
can i ask, did it also feel like u were in a boat? like u went left to right? i have that and im kinda worried it might be something serious..
HI, Gordon. Excellent video. I experienced the first 2 of the 3 symptoms of BPPV. I had a SUDDEN onset of the room whirling as I laid down in bed. At that point, for the next 3 weeks (because trying to get appointments post-COVID is close to IMPOSSIBLE!), each time that I tried to turn over in bed, I would have symptoms again. I adjusted by moving SLOWLY, 45 degrees at a time, to get turned. I also experienced vertigo in the shower when trying to rinse shampoo out of my hair in the shower and when I was sitting in a chair and someone came up and stood next to me, so I had to look up to interact with them. My first PT session was HORRIBLE (lie on right side, looking upward, once settled, sit up and lie on my left side looking down). I had to hold onto the table bc I felt like i was being flung off the table. At that point, I was unable to continue. Next time, it took 3 times to clear. After checking out info, I found that, in one reference, 1 of 5 people with COVID experience BPPV. I had JUST gotten over a bout with COVID. Since then, I have heard of several others who have had the same symptoms after having COVID. It has ben a wild ride. I basically lost the entire month of March with COVID and BPPV.
Sounds like quite the experience, Nancy! Overall, are you back to normal now? I haven't heard of a link between COVID and BPPV, but it's very possible a link exists.
More like the Covid vaccine
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Yes! I went through the entire series of maneuvers on day 1. I was exhausted and disoriented enough that I couldn't continue. I vowed the next visit to stick it out no matter what! I asked what was the highest number of times that this set of maneuvers had been done with a patient before they cleared. She said Five. I set my sights on Six and we just went for it. The first and second time on day 2 were brutal, but symptoms dramatically decreased on the third time. The next time through was a breeze. It took a couple of days before I trusted that it wouldn't return. I'm having my Vitamin D checked with my next PCP appt and will be taking a Vitamin D3 supplement just to be pro-active.
@@nancyvaleski267 Hi Nancy, it brings hope to hear that people have successfully rid themselves of this health issue as it is debilitating! Quick question, does a lack of vitamin d add to this problem?
I have vertigo now after a bad bout of flu. I think anything that affects your sinus passages (like colds, flu, sinusitis or yes, covid) can muck up your balance due to inability to adjust pressure in the Eustachian tube (pop your ears). Ear, nose and throat are all connected, after all.
Very helpful video. Thank you!! ❤👌🏽
You're so welcome!
I have had severe vertigo symptoms for about four years. Doctors haven’t been able to find what’s wrong, which is frustrating. Because I’ve had other health issues for two years I haven’t been Back to see the doctor about it.
Any tips for getting through the excercises without feeling nauseous and dizzy
Sometimes people will take anti-nausea medications or supplements like ginger
I just started having issues with vertigo about 3 days ago. From the symptoms you describe it almost certainly seems like BPPV. The only outlier is that the very first day it happened it started with getting out of bed and seemed limited to horizontal to vertical orientation changes. However the most severe reaction I had was when lying on the ground that evening while changing oil on my car and I rolled over from stomach to my back. OMG the world started spinning and I felt like I was going to fall off!!
Since then the symptoms seem to have shifted to becoming more prevalent and less severe. I am feeling slightly dizzy when doing things like bending over and even when driving and coming to a stop at a red light. I have not had a severe dizzy spell in the last 2 days. I have not tried any of the exercises yet, since it is late right now and I am winding down for bed.
I would definitely test for BPPV and treat as able. Good luck!
My first experience with vertigo happened in bed while I was sleeping, I turned in my sleep and got the worse dizziness I have ever had, I feel from my bed down to the floor and when I tried to see, everything was just spinning and also feeling like I wanted to throw up. I did the eply thing, that helped for a while, but now I get it laying flat and also moving my head back/forward. One thing that I have notice is that when I get anxiety attacks, that trigger the vertigo. At this point I don't know what to do about it, doctor's just confirm, yes you have vertigo and tell me to do the eply thing, but that doesn't work with the back/forward thing. I have had this problem now for over ten years. Sorry for the rambling.
I'm wondering if you have horizontal canal BPPV instead of posterior canal... Has anyone checked you for that?
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Sorry for late response. No, the "only" thing they did was some small test to see if I had something wrong with my brain, Babinski reflex and other reflexes. Every thing was fine regarding that. I don't live in the US, but when I try to find something that might help me I turned to search US. I live in Sweden by the way.
Where is the link to the treatment you mentioned in the video? I definitely have all 3 of the signs, I want to know how to treat it
Here you go!видео.html
thank you very much for such an informative video. BPPV really came out of nowhere for me, and I ended up with a huge cut on my forehead that needed stitches. As a former military medic, I was trying to conjure up every medical knowledge I have in order to find out what was going on. I happened to come across this video, and asked my doctor about it, and the symptoms in fact are believed to be those of BPPV.
It was shocking just how suddenly it just came right out of blue with a strong left hook. I guess I now have a BPPV trophy to carry around on my forehead now.
Sorry to hear about the fall and the stitches! Have you been able to get rid of the BPPV yet?
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Unfortunately, not yet. The first onset hit me on Monday or so, and I'm still trying to navigate through everyday task with nauseating vertigo. I'm doing the "sitting up sideways" exercise, and hopefully the symptoms will start to improve soon.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Additionally, I just found out through my doc that one of the more severe adverse effects of my new insomnia medication is a sudden massive hypotension. I think pairing that with BPPV was the recipe for forehead stitches.
I have both dizziness the vertical and horizontal position with headache. Ringing of ears. Is this vertigo? What treatment should i do?
You might have BPPV, although it doesn't usually cause tinnitus (ringing in the ears). I would check for BPPV first and proceed from there. If you continue having ringing in your ears, I would consult with an ENT doctor.
I am on bed rest for two weeks now. I am thinking I have sinus and migraine problems. I had strange health problems since 2008. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure when I graduated in 2008. I had so many symptoms and I went to many doctors, and still have symptoms. Right now is a new symptom. I am dizzy and lightheaded since February 9 now. I had blood tests done and the doctor said on Friday I am a little dehydrated, which does not make sense to begin with because I drink lots of water. I went back on Monday yesterday, I told him it feels like I am rocking back and forth on a boat, and he said it sounds like vertigo. I quit my amlodipine and switched to propranolol this past weekend. So far, the propranolol is doing better maintaining my blood pressure. I am still lightheaded. I suspect it is sinuses because when I went to the dentist, they kept saying I have serious sinuses in my head. I had no clue sinuses could be this bad. I wonder if these are the root of all my health problems since 2008. I don't have any pain though. I have a cardiologist appointment on February 27 next week, and my ENT otolaryngologist appointment is this coming February 24 on Friday. I do have tonsils that have been swollen since 2018 or 2017, but the reception girl said they only do one case at a time, so I am going in for this vertigo and sinus problem first. I can't get work done and this is my first major job that has gone over a year on contract. My boss said I could go on disability, but I told her I will try to work next week.
I don't know of anyone else is having these symptoms. It came out of nowhere. The vertigo and dizziness. I also searched something called cervical instability as a possibility. It can come from poor posture and being on computers, phones, and laptops too much. I am leaned over on my bed on my laptop now. I have been more ever since my desktop went down in 2021. It can't be from lack of exercise because I exercise everyday.
Update: I went to the ENT and she suspects it is my inner ear. I failed the drunk balance test and the Fukuda (I think it is called) test. I opened my eyes and I turned 90 degrees to the right. I definitely have a balance problem. I have been dizzy for three weeks now. The doctors are saying it is vertigo. I have multiple appointments next week for MRI, inner ear, and sinus scans. I have my cardiologist appointment tomorrow.
I hope vertigo treatment helps you with your balance and dizziness. Please comment back with an update after you've had some treatment.
Hope you are OK. I have had this for 3 weeks it's so scary doctors appointment tomorrow x
Yeah, it seems I have this especially when I roll out the bed or tilt my head up (which is difficult because I have eye drop medication I need to take every 2 hours).
Definitely sounds like BPPV! Make sure you test before you treat it so you know which side is involved (as well as posterior vs. horizontal canal).
I’ve had vertigo for decades. The very worst bout was a couple of months ago. It was so bad and constant, I literally only got out of bed when I really really had to pee. Couldn’t even make it into the kitchen. It lasted full strength the entire day, was still lingering, but at a diminished strength the next two days.
What did you do to get rid of it?
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy nothing. Just slept as much as I could. Most of the time, sleeping for a couple of hours helps. Not that day…
What causes the crystal to form in the first place?
The crystals are a completely normal structure in an adjacent inner ear organ (called your "utricle"). They're supposed to stay put in the utricle, but sometimes they get dislodged and float into the semicircular canals, which causes BPPV.
I had this one time and I praise God for helping me diagnose it and do these maneuvers at home by myself after looking them up. I was able to trace what it was by realizing when it started which was because I had tripped and lunged at a chair, and just caught the chair to save myself, but the force of it dislodged the crystals in my ear. I am so thankful I was able to do that. The vertigo would LITERALLY hit me out of nowhere such as when I was driving or even just sitting still. It was actually one of the scariest things that ever happened to me, even moreso than my gallbladder pain because it would happen randomly, and as he said here, intensely. I would want o vomit from the vertigo. What he describes here is EXACTLY what I experienced.
I have been having vertigo for over 13 years now.but it was short ones lasting between 2 to 5 minutes. And it used to be normal. But suddenly yesterday night i started getting thos weird sensation like m bout to fall or whenever i moved my head everything nausea and vomited which i seldome do's been 15 hours since then whenever i get up ot happens,whenever i move my head it happens.went to see ent doc.she told me it was bppv and will go away itself. Gave me pills because i vomited.feeling like dying right now.everything moves.cant go out can't do anything. Afraid to eat because i throw everything up..this is literally nightmare..
That sounds horrible! BPPV rarely goes away on its own, so if you're still having vertigo, try to get some help from a trained PT in your area! Good luck!
Mine Vertigo came on with a Migraine headache (i was taken to hospital) it's been 3 weeks now, any thoughts please?
Check for BPPV first (Dix-Halpike and Supine Roll Tests). If you have BPPV, proceed to treatment. And if those tests are negative, your vertigo is probably due to something else, like cervicogenic dizziness.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Thanks for replying...whats cervicogenic...I have other symptoms also..I find doctors are not working for me, usually suggest taken drugs which masks the symptoms and you become a robot :)) but pleased to say I still have a sense of humour 😀
Thank you very much for this explainer!!! Really helped me to diagnose the problem!
You're welcome!
I guess I have something else then.. Lasts a lot longer, even a full day, also in certain position I am ok (when lying on my back and looking at a 45 degree angle to the right, but if I turn my head to the left it starts spinning like absolute crazy. What could it be ?
Doesn't sound like BPPV... check out this video about tinnitus and Meniere's Disease to see if that's what you have:видео.html
Few days ago, I have witnessed the light headed dizziness, vomitings, i have been on bed for almost a day ,next day i consulted nearest physician and he prescribed Vertin 16mg tablets daily 3 doses for upto 5 days as my physician suggested to consume 3 doses per day. I am not sure how it will be in same in next months but i want to be free from Vertigo without any medicine 🙏
I'm not familiar with Vertin, but I'm guessing it's an anti-nausea medication. Either way, here's what I'd want to know if I were you: what's causing the lightheadedness and vomiting? Did your physician address that (the underlying cause)?
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy No, i am assuming it's vertigo problem but not sure what's the exact problem for this dizziness, i informed my physician regarding this and he prescribed Vertin 16mg. It's been almost 3 days am using now and its working fine , dizziness reduced but am not sure how longer should I take this medicine going forward
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Also, i have infected for Jaundice 2 months ago, now am completely free from Jaundice,. During Jaundice,i got dizziness problem for around 3-4 days, i used same Vertin 16mg tabs and then after 2 months again I have witnessed dizziness, any suggestions please?
I believe I have bppv horizontal in right ear. Unfortunately I think I also have cervical dizziness from poor posture. Upper back & both shoulders pain. Been to chiro for c1 c 2. Now going to doctor for right ear.
Is it possible for this to occur infrequently and without any specific triggers?
Yes, it is. That's very common actually.
Hello, my name is Scottee. 32 year old male from WA. Currently dealing with severe vertigo/light headedness. Had a tooth infection that led to root canal and crown procedure, 9 days ago. Was then put on an antibiotic for the infection that had made its way into my sinuses. Since the procedure and start of antibiotics, I have had severe vertigo thats often accompanied by a light headache and sonetimes nausea. Got so bad a few nights ago I ended up in the ER, recieved an MRI and blood work. Everything came back normal. I have finished my one week course of antibiotics and the infection is gone, still having these symptoms at a loss..😢
Hey, how did it go? Were you able to get rid of it? If so, just gradually went away or had to get meds or seen by a specialist?
Experiencing more light-headedness and being off balance 24/7 rather than room spinning or it being particularly positional, so maybe not BPPV. Been dealing with bronchitis for over a month. Was put on prednisone last week, 12 hrs after first does I got tingling in arms and legs and high blood pressure type symptoms for a few hours. About 23 hours after 2nd dose (1hr before taking my 3rd), I was leaning back in my chair and when I sat up I was light headed and off balance. Got so bad the next day I went to the ER and spent 8 hrs waiting around for them to shrug it off, spend more time on my heart/lungs for the bronchitis aspect I wasn't concerned about (was doing better from the prednisone) and given meclizine and told to see neurologist if it doesn't go away in a week. Its been 2 days and is slightly better, but it makes work hard to concentrate on (big deadline at end of week I have to meet) and makes me afraid we may have to cancel the Disney trip for my kids next month if it doesn't get better, which is a major part of their Christmas presents. What a pain.
Hey, Scottee! How are you doing now? Did you end of having BPPV, or were your symptoms caused by the infection and antibiotics?
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Going on 3 months now. Vertigo has calmed down a bit. Found out it was most likely an allergic reaction to the Clindamycin they put me on for the infection. However, also ended up having to get the tooth pulled that I had a root canal and crown on, beings it wasn't taking properly and causing me pain and other issues unfortunately. Since the start of the tooth infection I have been in ER 6 times, had an MRI, CAT Scan, Lumbar Puncture, tons of meds. Still have another CAT Scan next week for sinuses, and another MRI in the beginning of March. Have not been able to truly pinpoint what's causing everything though unfortunately.
@@FireMrshlBill Hows everything shaping up for you. My update is here in the feed.
@@ScotteeBates49 Hard to tell where I am at, it was getting better last week and Fri/Sat I thought I was soon to be in the clear as my tinnitus was barely noticeable, pressure in the ear and head mostly gone and dizziness was to a minimum. Then on Christmas eve I was playing on the floor with my kids and looked over my shoulder and it hit me again. The next day on Christmas I was miserable: dizziness, nausea, tired feeling, etc. I did take some zofran for the nausea, first time taking it, and I know it can cause some drowsiness so maybe that led to some of the bad feeling, who knows. Anyway, next day I was feeling a little better but tinnitus started coming back, not as bad as last week but today the tinnitus got worse in my right ear but at least the dizziness is down more.
No idea what it is, went to my GP and they didn't have answers other than giving more anti-vert meds and saying to see an ENT. Called around, and the earliest ENT I can get into is a month away. Frustrating. I'm supposed to start practicing with a band to play a show in 1.5 weeks, so not being able to drive is hurting that and worried how my ears will do, I don't want to put more strain on them. Also supposed to take the kids to Disney the week after my ENT appointment. Hope this is better enough by then for me to fly (not sure what the pressure would do on my ears) and go on rides. Will be a disappointment for the kids if we have to reschedule the trip for later in the year.
I’m short (just under 5’ tall). Looking up at the tallest shelf at the grocery store triggers bouts. Fun stuff…
Yeah, not so fun!
I love to understand the why. This was super helpful. Thanks.
I get intense spinning where the room spins clockwise, i only got it once right after i woke up, but now i get it if i spend a log time talking in meetings, or talk while eating something very crunchy. Ive gone to 3 specialists and no one can figure it out
That's really interesting in terms of the presentation... have you had any luck figuring out the cause yet? It's possible it's related to your jaw...
Hello doctor when i move my head i have vertigo and dizzynes, and also i hear like a buzz all day, and my ear and sometime my head gets really hot its annoying do you think its bppv?🤔help me please doctor 😢
It sounds more like Meniere's Disease to me.
I have it and have done the test. My family dr doesnt know what im talking about...Where should I go?
Can you find a local PT who treats vertigo?
Thank you for this informative video! I just experienced this awful condition this past Tuesday evening and it was horrific. Went to the Emergency Department on Thanksgiving night because it just won’t go away. Tried the Epley maneuver at home but too frightening to do alone. The ED doc avoided it because he said it never works. Will see ENT next week. I am also dehydrated. Just increased my Vitamin D supplementation and added ginko biloba to my nutritional plan. Btw, Meclizine puts me in a coma. Can handle upright positions okay but turning the head especially when lying down is deadly. Wicked aggressive nystagmus and spinning sensation. Ty for sharing your knowledge. I pray to be healed from this. 🤍
I hope you can get treatment soon! That's weird that the ER doc says the Epley doesn't work... I wonder where that comment came from. When it comes to treatment, make sure you use the Epley for posterior canal BPPV and the Gufoni for horizontal canal BPPV. Find a good PT who can help!
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy thank you very much! The ED doc did not distinguish between posterior or horizontal canals or the types of maneuvers or even that I had BPPV. He kept it generalized and diagnosed me with dizziness. I reached out to the ENT referral he gave me and that was a dead end. Maybe I will seek out PT Services instead, as you suggested. Tyvm
When em in crowded place or shopping or in the road..i get soo uncomfortable and dizzy..also when in church we sit n get up..i get mostbtime i have to sit still..n still be dizzy n uncomfortable..what is that?
Definitely an inner ear issue, possibly vestibular hypofunction.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy will try the menuevering excercise
What a great video! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge. This morning when I woke up I was overcome with these dizziness symptoms. It took several minutes but it stabilized. So now I'm researching this event and found your video. My symptoms closely align with your description of BPPV. Naturally I want to know what caused this, seemingly out of the blue. Research indicates it isn't caused by hearing aids, however, just last night I was trying to get an ill-fitting, cheapo hearing aid into my ear. The "small" earbud felt to large (mom always said I had small ears :) so I was trying to force it in far enough so it stopped popping out. To my question: Could this have possibly caused the sudden BPPV? I tried the Epley Maneuver but I may have to keep at it. The motion of picking something up off the floor seems to bring it on the strongest. Would one of the other maneuvers be more recommended? Thanks again 👍🦻
You're welcome! No, it's doubtful your hearing aid had anything to do with the BPPV. For a lot of people, it just comes on randomly, with no specific cause. You didn't do anything wrong... it just happens. Self-treatment can be very difficult, so my advice is always to find an experienced vestibular therapist in your area and have them help. Let me know how things go!
I have bvvp and its miserable. Ive fallen several times because of it. It attacks in the ned, when i roll over, when i sit up. I have to situp slowly, then sit for a few moments, same with getting up from the couch. I wish i could get rid of it.
I hope you can get rid of it too! Have you had anyone help you with treatment yet?
@GordonPhysicalTherapy unfortunately no. I have to use a military clinic and the Dr there is abysmal at best. I've just gone with it.
I fell backwards off a curb and slammed the back of my head on the pavement. CAT scan negative. Look forward to following your videos.
I hope the videos help!
I passed out and hit the back of my head off the toilet and floor 2 years ago and it was my c1 atlas and c2 axis that got messed I had post concussion syndrome. It's been HELL. Still seeing an upper cervical chiropractor.
Where would you FO for professional assistence,ear doctors????
I would go to an ENT or experienced vestibular PT (or both).
Hi Gordon! This video helped me more than the visit by my Doctor. 😢 I don't remember to had my head knocked some where, or any kind of trauma. But if i lay my head to the side, it goes insane. up & down, absolutely no prob, but side? Woah! Tried these manouver and almost kicked myself out of this universe. Cold sweat all over my body! Almost throw up. Oh my gosh! I would like to never do it again! 😢 Do i have to do it kind of fast, or can i also do it slower, just real slow? Thnak you very much for your work and effort!
Just had my first episode a few days ago and I'm 46. I'm terrified if this happens again if I'm driving
Sorry to hear that! If you have BPPV, it won't usually come on while driving, unless you make a sudden head movement.
What about Virdigo that feels like and elevator or like if the ground went up and down do you think that has something to do with my ear ?
that could be inner ear... it doesn't hurt to check for BPPV
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy I have but the doctor said its stress but he didn’t even bother to look in my ear
This started in June 6
Both canals ?
Omg this is the wooorst. I had a really bad cold/head congestion that was messing with my ears and once that resolved I rolled over in bed and everything started spinning, like my eyes are having a seizure too. Threw up nonstop and felt sick all day. Tried the different methods for solving this, like the Epley method, and it’s too disorienting. I don’t understanding how one is supposed to hold a pose for 30 seconds that makes you spin and vomit. Once I begin the procedure I end it as soon as I spin and take a motion sickness pill. I hate this!
I'm sorry to hear this has been so hard on you! I hope you can get some help soon!
My bppv comes on only in bed, thank goodness never in public or driving etc. It first hit me in 2017 after a short plane trip, no fall etc. Whenever i wake up with it, it's always my right ear/side that is affected. I do the Epley manoeuvre straight away which i hate but know its going to fix it. My big tip is close your eyes when that crazy spinning happens in those first 30 seconds or so, helps not to feel so yuck
Glad you're able to treat it with the Epley! Thank you for your tip :-)
Got any exercises for after bppv is gone but you still have symtoms like you can spin out at any moment
Yes I do! Here you go:видео.html
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy thank you appreciate it
Cool. How do you fix it?
I have all sorts of videos on how to diagnose and treat BPPV! Check them out!
What type is a vertigo that comes after a head movement and then persists for several days waxing and waning?
It could still be BPPV, with residual symptoms coming and going. Do you have the other signs/symptoms of BPPV?
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Thank you for your reply. Yes, I can say so because my vertigo usually starts after a head or body position change but in addition to that, 2 years ago I had a severe episode when I barely got home from work swaying and only managed to overcome that by taking Dimenhydrinate 50 mg and Diazepam 10 mg. That very morning I had a slight attack of vertigo, did the Eppley manoeuvre and thinking it's over I went to work but after an hour had to go back home with intense vertigo and nausea. That is the point when I began to rely mainly on antihistamines as it is almost 100% effective. Btw, I haven't noticed any vertigo links to colds/flu or drugs etc.
Gordon, dude! GOOD, clear, informative video, but... the volume of this video is waay low. I listen with headphones and STILL had to crank up the volume to hear you at a 'normal' level (like all the previous and subsequent vids). I suggest you investigate and repost after making adjustments. * Just sayin' * :o)
Is it possible to have posterior and horizontal at the same time? Because I have dizziness with all the movements you've mentioned.
Yes it is possible but not very likely. I would try to key into the direction of your eye movements with positional testing. Can you give me any information on that?
Would radio waves be able to dissolve or break up the crystals or would that cause more issues? I know radio waves can be used to break up kidney stones.
That's an interesting question... I've never come across radio waves being used for BPPV, likely because it's so close to your brain.
I have dizziness from past 20 days and it stay for 24*7 but very mild and i also have stomach problems with it.what coul be the reason?
It's probably not BPPV... have you seen an ENT yet?
No what it could be
I have both positional and non positional vertigo comes on at anytime for me.
I get vertigo after getting CoVid 19 4 months ago.
They are sudden but not as intense as at the onset.
I made a video about that too, as many people report getting vertigo after COVID...
Hi Gordon
Since I was 17 I’ve had strong onsets of dizzyness yearly which have lasted for around 2 weeks at a time. It’s like you said, sudden violent onset of the world spinning around me. Sometimes caused by small head movements, sometimes by nothing. Took about 2 weeks before I could function properly again. Went to the doctors and an ENT and said nothing was wrong. Problem is, the last few years it’s happened more often and it never fully “goes away” anymore. It’s a huge pain and has been causing stress and difficulty for the last 5 years. It often comes in times of stress too, so it’s a mean circle.
I tried going to the doctors again and even got an MRI scan.
I’ve been looking into it being caused by tight upper back and neck muscles with a physio and now I’m reconsidering it being BPPV. (Especially after reading about other’s bad experiences with ENT’s)
I’ve tried all the classics of head movement exercises. Sometimes they help, but they can also make it worse.
Never hit my head badly, I suffer from migraines (with aura) sometimes and I might be a bit low on B12.
Do you have any suggestion as to what might be causing the vertigo and motion sickness? I’m tired of not knowing what it is.
It doesn't sound like BPPV to me. Did you have someone help you with the tightness in your neck and upper back? That might be the culprit.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy I’ve also been quite confused about it. I’ve been working with a physiotherapist, and doing the exercises has loosened the tightness a bit. But with that it’s also made me a bit more dizzy, so you could be on to something.
I’ve been doing some head and eye restabilisation exercises on the side to treat the dizziness and I’ve found that to help.
It might be digestive issues causing it. Maybe look into seeing a gastroenterologist if you have any digestive issues or food sensitivities.
Maybe vestibular migraine?
Hello, your situation seems similar to mine. I can't remember when is the last time I felt 'normal'. I did do blood tests and had an MRI scan but nothing was unusual. Recently, the doctor diagnosed me with anxiety, which I agree it does make it worse but I don't think its the true cause of the vertigo. When I get violent attacks, doing the manoeuvres does help slow it down but I can't seem to make it go completely... I used to have no problems with riding cars and buses but it seems to get worser with vertigo and anxiety.
How are you feeling right now? I really need to talk to someone about this as it driving me nuts. Vertigo is such an invisible condition. Nobody understands how I feel because I look fine, its to the point that people think I'm lying
My inner ear got damaged 18 years ago. I have chronic BPPV. The crystals fall out constantly no matter how many times I do all of the maneuvers. Is there a surgery to fix the crystals to not fall out anymore. This is debilitating.
That's horrible! I'm not sure if there's a surgery to correct what you have. I would consult with an ENT.
I need help. I was lying down and started to feel strange, dizzy. I got up from bed and felt a sense of movement. After two days, it came back, and I went to the doctor where they did an ear lavage. I had a lot of earwax and I use headphones at full volume. My symptom was more like a pulsation without loud sound, a sensation that never stopped. The first few days it was intense and didn’t let me sleep, but then it started to decrease, and it was the only symptom I had. It’s been a month, and I am 90% recovered, but I’m not sure if it was BPPV
That doesn't sound like BPPV, but it doesn't hurt to check.
Tgis JUST happened to me for the diest time yeaterday. Inrolled from my eight side ro mt ledt snd leaned my head up snd the next thinf I know the room is spinning left snd right for about 30 seconds. TERRIFIED ME. It keeps happening in bed when I roll over and I am having light headedness for sudden moments at random throughout the day. No trauma recently..... But not when driving 🤔. Mainly walking or standing around.
Sounds like BPPV, possibly horizontal canal. Make sure you test with the Dix-Halpike and Supine Roll Tests before you try any self-treatment.
Happened to me 3 times in past 4 years.. suddenly get vertigo if I roll over until I take medication
How can we get the crystals to dissolve? Wouldn't that be great?
Yes, that would be great! The crystals can dissolve at times, but there's not a way they we know of to encourage it.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapyvit d3 .
Can driving cause BPPV? or would it be another condition? Episodes would be around 10 seconds.
It's possible yes, especially when turning your head. I would check for posterior canal and horizontal BPPV.
How many milligrams should be taken of vitamin 12 daily?
Hello, if the sudden dizziness only lasts a few seconds, is that still considered bppv? I get sudden dizziness since having my son and i notice it when leaning over when playing with him or reading to him
Yes, BPPV often only lasts a few seconds.
This was very helpful. How do tell the difference between BPPV and something like Meniere's?
Great question, Seth! There are a few differences in symptoms: with Meniere's, you often have ringing in the ears, while there's no auditory component with BPPV. Also, BPPV is much more positional, meaning that you get a sudden wave of vertigo with certain head movements, whereas Meniere's can cause vertigo even when just sitting still. I hope that helps!
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy thanks, yes it does!
Looks like I have this. What causes it?
I'll explain the crystals below your other question...
Thank you so much for this .
I have all these symptoms, but the dizziness is constant, it worsens moving head up and down, side to side, have had this feeling almost a week, I had every test imaginable, all were negative, this is a horrible condition, I'm afraid to drive
You might have "labyrinthitis". Have you heard of that?
What condition would be more aligned with constant/unyielding vertigo? Like it constantly feels like I'm moving, even when completely still, standing up or laying down, etc. with no relief or response to medication
Several possible causes: inner ear damage, an infection, Meniere's or MdDS.
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Thank you very much for your response. I'll look into these.
I don't get the spinning, but there is a jarring sensation that occurs all the time. It happens in any position. I get dizzy and sometimes get a wave of nausea that goes away quickly. Thoughts?
That doesn't sound like BPPV, as BPPV is much more specific to certain position changes and movements. I've never heard someone report a jarring sensation before... can you describe that in more detail?
Hey Gordon are you still active on this channel and chat?
Yes, I am. I'm just a bit sporadic with getting back to people. What can I help you with?
Does it have to be reproducible? I only get it sometimes when i look up after looking down for a little while
It will usually be reproduceable with positional tests, yes.
Thank you so much for this comprehensive explanation🙏 Now I know that my vertigo is not BPPV. I can't anticipate and it doesn't cause me nausea. It is also not positional; my vertigo can occur while I'm still. Do you have any idea about what type my vertigo is? When I was a toddler I used to have severe earaches that I couldn't sleep at night crying my eyes out. After that age I seldom suffered from earache until present.
If you've had ear infections in the past, that might be the cause of your vertigo. Have you seen an ENT yet for detailed testing?
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy Yes, I had. They assumed that my allergy to humidity and pollution is the cause behind my ear infection since I can't breath correctly from my nose. I haven't visited a doctor for my vertigo yet, I thought I had to see a neurologist. Fortunately that I watched your video, I'll see an ENT first. Thank you so much for your advice, doctor🙏
I have all 3 of these and driving on the highway causes dizziness
Sorry to hear that! Have you been checked for BPPV yet? Dix-Halpike and Supine Roll Tests...
I think I have the first one. My attacks comes out out of no where. Everything to me moves up and down and my balance is off. However, I know it lasts for hours. I do have tinnitus with moderate hearing lost
That might not be BPPV then, especially if your vertigo comes on randomly and lasts for hours.
@GordonPhysicalTherapy Thanks, I know now that it's time to find a new neurologist. I have been telling her could it be my medication , especially Trileptal. She doesn't answer my question.
I stand up and put my head back and I getting severly dizzy.
*I'm getting very dizzy
That could be BPPV. You might also check your blood pressure between sitting and standing.
Is it possible, i get this from bridges, heights overpasses. I start getting dizzy, i shake my head and vision gets distorted. Then full blown sweat, panic. It really sucks as i have been driving fine and over bridges every day for work. :( i feel like its vertigo
That's probably not BPPV but something more related to a panic attack. Have you had issues with a fear of heights for a long time, or is this something new for you?
I’m pretty sure I have bppv and it’s been a year 😵💫 mine I think started after doing a somersault. I didn’t hit my head or anything but did come down hard on my shoulders. Bedtime is a nightmare and I get it bad both sides when I turn and of course sitting up is a nightmare. I was lucky and got some medicine that takes away the worst part of vertigo and leaves me just slightly dizzy (but no nystagmus or violent world spinning) it’s not fun and would love to have my life back
Definitely sounds like you have BPPV! If you haven't been able to treat it on your own, I recommend finding a PT in your area who specializes in treating vertigo so they can help you. Good luck!
@@GordonPhysicalTherapy thank you 😊 I will see if I can find one since it’s still very much here. I appreciate you getting back to me 👍
The first time this happened to me, it lasted weeks. That was several years ago. It happened again a few days ago after I was trying a new sit-up exercise. I still have the vertigo. Why is it lasting so long?
Having vertigo multiple times is completely normal. For some it goes away and then comes back months or years later. If you have BPPV, all it means is that you need to treat the vertigo again and get those crystals back where they belong. I hope that helps!
My condition is nystagmus , blurry vision sensitive to light,
A feeling of nausea and off balance. Going on 2 years now . I never feel normal. And clear mri scan. Mine started with a bacterial infection of diverticulitis. I feel horrible most of the time .
I'm sorry to hear that! Did you ever find a solid diagnosis? I'm assuming you were checked for BPPV and didn't have it... is that accurate?
I need your help with knowing what I can do because I can not do the maneuvers because it will definitively make the dizziness start again
It's normal for the maneuvers to cause vertigo, but the good news is that if you do the right maneuver correctly, it should help right away!