규정상 사용가능한 단일 논타겟 스킬이 있는 챔프들은 쓰레쉬 노틸러스 아리 쉬바나 케넨 이즈 니달리 럼블 리신 브랜드 블리츠크랭크 소라카(힐) 아무무 문도 잔나 모르가나 르블랑 이정도로 상당히 한정된 챔프폭이네요 그중에도 아무무같은건 사용이 힘들고 리신Q 아리E같은거로만 하려면 쿨이 너무 길고 약하니 더욱더 챔프폭이 줄어드네요 힐러로 소라카를 넣어도 나쁘지 않을것같습니다 모르는사람들끼리 롤피구합니다 하면서 이렇게 하긴 어려울거같구요 친구들끼리 할때 예능으로 재밌게 할만한거같네요
Pick Champions that have Skillshots in there Q,W,or E. The only item that is allowed is a ward. Place wards to create a line between the two teams. Do not cross that line. Runes, Masteries, Spells are free to use.
Ahri, Naut, Thresh (Obviously Blitzcrank) - not listed due to the ability of moving the opponent out of bounds. Even if we consider them; their damage output falls as low as shyvana due to their long cd's. Morgana = CC Ezreal, Nidalee, Rumble, Brand = DPS Mundo = God Kennen = Lesser Rumble Urgot = Burst DPS
you need pink wards becuase auto attacking is not allowed, so if you make a mistake by stopping and accidently auto, it will hit the closest thing which is, the ward instead of the other person
Blitzcrank's grab is single non-targeting :D
No seriously. So Brand and Urgot are available for this gamestyle?
If you can dodge a briefcase then you can dodge a ball.
2013년 감성...
Oh and btw Champions with skills that will drag people across the line such as Blitz and Thresh are not allowed
Suddenly, Baron spawns.
All these people asking what the wards are for... Obviously they have never played dodgeball
Single targeted Skillshot with CC ain't allowed right?? e.g. Morgana's Dark Binding and Elise' Cocoon
혹시 이 비디오 만드셨나요? hostan peter 이사람도 하루전에 똑같은 동영상을 올려서요.
알고리즘이 날 이끌었다
규정상 사용가능한 단일 논타겟 스킬이 있는 챔프들은
쓰레쉬 노틸러스 아리 쉬바나 케넨 이즈 니달리 럼블 리신
브랜드 블리츠크랭크 소라카(힐) 아무무 문도 잔나 모르가나 르블랑
이정도로 상당히 한정된 챔프폭이네요
그중에도 아무무같은건 사용이 힘들고
리신Q 아리E같은거로만 하려면 쿨이 너무 길고 약하니
더욱더 챔프폭이 줄어드네요
힐러로 소라카를 넣어도 나쁘지 않을것같습니다
모르는사람들끼리 롤피구합니다 하면서 이렇게 하긴 어려울거같구요
친구들끼리 할때 예능으로 재밌게 할만한거같네요
Guys read the description.
pretty sure this was originally supposed to be on dominion....with the buffs as a divider
how do people not get this? dont see why you would need to read description to understand whats going on here
The name confused me, but it makes sense when you look into it.
i thought when i clicked on this it would be a game full of orianas...
Can I use Draven's Q ?
This is bigger than us.
Pick Champions that have Skillshots in there Q,W,or E.
The only item that is allowed is a ward. Place wards to create a line between the two teams. Do not cross that line.
Runes, Masteries, Spells are free to use.
There will be minions in the way, you can stand behind them so you wont get hit.
플레이 맵에서 거미 구덩이에서 피구. 거미 플레이 맵에서 살고있는 곳을 재생할 수 있습니다.
why not just play on howling abyss blind pick with single target pokes?
what is the name of the song? This looks hilarious btw!
I think the problem with this is the minions getting in the way
Is that prince of tennis music I hear?
Vote this up so people can see.
Because of minions in the way and no way to put wards to define area.
I've never played dodgeball before but I STILL knew what the wards are for. Some people are just clueless
Why not twisted treeline's spider pit?
Could you add the song name, and artist in the description for us all and future viewers? It would help out a lot :)
whats up with these wards? these are crossing line?
0:33 문도 ㅋㅋ
There has to be a bigger space for this
what is the song?
what's the music? I feel like Ive heard that before but I cant remember where.
모르가나 속박도 되나요?
what do the wards do
I don't want to read the video instruction..
In the 3v3 map where Vilemaw is.
I´d say it´s one of madoka´s songs remixed...
So cass is allowed?
whats the point in the wards ?
Does Rumble count?
song pls
by single non target im assuming rumble E doesnt count
이때부터 시작이였네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 롤 역사가 깃든 문도피구
is this yu-gi-oh gx music ?
i seriously dont understand the game mechanic...can someone explain?
Mana regen items should be allowed so resourceless champions don't have a huge advantage. Maybe giving Mundo Rejuv or two as well?
just a korean comment passing by...
Elemental Hero Neos? :O
Ahri, Naut, Thresh (Obviously Blitzcrank) - not listed due to the ability of moving the opponent out of bounds.
Even if we consider them; their damage output falls as low as shyvana due to their long cd's.
Morgana = CC
Ezreal, Nidalee, Rumble, Brand = DPS
Mundo = God
Kennen = Lesser Rumble
Urgot = Burst DPS
can you use your other abilities or just your poke?
Only koreans can think of that lol
추억의 쥬다이
Would this concept also work on the walls surrounding the base? Use wards to mark a clear "court" area and just shoot through the wall.
2021 왔다감 .
What if suddenly Baron up?
논타겟이뭔가요? 롤 시작한지 18렙 ㅠ
맞추는 스킬입니다 이즈q 니달리q 카서스q등이 있습니다
+권민상 간단하게 타겟팅이라는것은 케이틀린 궁으로 예를들수있는데요 무조건 맞는것을 타겟팅이라하고니달리 처럼 q를 못맞출수도 있고 맞출수도있고 자기가 던지는곳으로 가야 맞는것은 논 타겟팅이라고 합니다
+권민상 간단하게 타겟팅이라는것은 케이틀린 궁으로 예를들수있는데요 무조건 맞는것을 타겟팅이라하고니달리 처럼 q를 못맞출수도 있고 맞출수도있고 자기가 던지는곳으로 가야 맞는것은 논 타겟팅이라고 합니다
you need pink wards becuase auto attacking is not allowed, so if you make a mistake by stopping and accidently auto, it will hit the closest thing which is, the ward instead of the other person
2020년 왔다갑니다
Single. Landing Targets.
np :D
then why are they attacking the wards?
What if ez run out of mana?
If i kill 2 Enemys, i hit LVL 2. Its not really fair
솔직히 이건 블랭이 사기긴 한데 룰을 정해야 할듯 선 넘으면 닷 넘어갈때까지 평타 쳐맞는다거나 1대1에서는 평다 2대 맞고 간다거나 규칙이 필요할 듯 난 형이랑 할때 평타 두대 맞는 걸로 해서 니달리 밟아 버림 ㅋㅋ
그렙안되는걸로암 끌리면피구아님쿨도김
블랭은 못함
Could you take a support character? like Lux with her W?
and for the ranged people like nidalee and ezreal, the wards protect from auto attacking the enemy team.
What about his E?
Almost, But not quite... unless you've got proof. I've heard this song but I dont think it came from Yu-Gi-Oh.
u don't need riot to do anything..
평타도 반칙인데 지켜지지가 않아서 안됭
took me a while, but the soundtrack is called "You're winning" from Yugioh GX Tag Force 1
Lol his replies to the other comments are all the same
read the video instruction
You can just use runes of mana regen.
어? 님들 저 서폿함님 저랑친추되잇으신댘ㅋㅋㅋ 이런영상도만드시는구낰ㅋㅋㅋ
cuz then there would be minions blocking
korean micro training
모르가나q가 씹사기일듯 논타겟 단일 원거리 스킬 중에 속박있는게 이거밖에 없음 럭스q는 스플래쉬 있어서 안되고...
애초에 원딜챔은 평타 때매 쓰면 안됨
최민규 이즈는 뭔가요?
최민규 이즈는 뭔가요?
최민규 그리고 영상에서 이즈가 평때리는건 시야석 때리는거임
노재훈 알아
what if u cross the line?
isnt this basically aram?
I can't get jiggy with this shit
where am I..
이거 브금 뭔가요? 음악제목좀 알려주세요 ㅠㅠ
브x저장소에 유희왕gx 듀얼 승리라치면 나옵니다
+송영진 (이름이 확실하지않아서요.....) ㅠㅠ
And you auto attack the wards not the champs
이젠 전령의 협곡 땜시 fall...
진짜 확실히 협정덕에. fail이네요ㅎㅎ
+손의현 ㅎㅎ
신송 와드는 1개씩만 깔아도 되지 않을까요 핑와 저거보다 거리를 좀 둬서 놓아도 3ㄷ3 하면 6개니까 충분할거같은데
soo funny XD
To draw a line that you can't cross and also should you ever accidentally auto attack, it will attack the wards instead of the enemy champions.
이거 브금 뭐에요?
song from yugioh GX what is name ??
카서스딱콩은 한명만 맞추는게아니잔아요..ㅎ
단일 논타겟팅이니까
damn lee sin really can preform every role