enjoy it. Narin escapes from the man who would take her to another country. Suna arrives with letters to Emir and asks that when he leaves Reyhan's house, Emir tells him not to worry that the two of them will go on vacation soon and that everything will improve. During dinner, Reyhan tells his uncle that he is worried about Suna and Cemre tells him that he is worse because Reyhan is in the house, Hizmet annoyed and replies that Reyhan would never hurt anyone, before that he had already told Cemre that she was already able to go home because reyhan had returned and her mother missed her. In the final scene, Cemre and Reyhan face each other Cemre asks him what he intends to be there, if he doesn't realize that the uncle is the only one who wants her. Reyhan tells her the one to go is not me, you know, Cemre asks what she means, Reyhan answers I am where I should be is my family, you are just a guest and one more thing Emir loves me
@ruchira dissanayake some episodes are uploaded again in youtube with english subtitles. And there are several websites in google like dailymotion website. They are upload yemin episodes with english subtitles. But their uploaded system is very slow so last yemin episodes are still not uploaded with english subtitles.
Oh the irony of Cemre claiming that Reyhan has no pride and Emir doesn't want her. I mean does she seriously not hear herself when she talks? If Reyhan has no pride then what about Cemre? At least Reyhan is still Emir's wife, and knows that even if he's mad at her now, he was in love with her once. Emir has never had romantic feelings for Cemre and physically cringes and pulls away whenever she touches him. But instead of accepting that with or without Reyhan, Emir will never want to be with her, Cemre clings to some desperate hope that somehow he'll suddenly realize he's been in love with her all along. Meanwhile, she destroys his life and his family, drugs his sister, and nearly gets him killed, repeatedly. All for what exactly?
Because Cemre is a delusional evil that cannot leave Emir and Reyhan's married life to be happy. She is behind all the terrible things that happened in Emir and Reyhan's life. I cannot wait for Cemre to get caught, be punish and rot in jail as she deserve.
capitulo 77 Español Reyhan: Dije que no renunciaré a arreglar todo, incluso si tengo que pegar las piezas una a una, he tenido épocas más difíciles, Emir: lo intentas en vano, Reyhan: no es en vano tengo tiempo, haré mi mejor esfuerzo incluso si el perdón demora toda la vida, Cemre: no te queremos, debes irte, Kemal: me casé en forma inesperada y no tuve tiempo de avisar a nadie, Hizmet: dije que eras las amiga de Reyhan y eres la esposa de mi hermano, fue una sorpresa para mí, seguro eres buena e inteligente como ella, Cemre pide un remedio para el dolor de cabeza a Nigar, Zeinep: ¿Por qué estás triste, Reyhan?¿Hay algún problema?, Reyhan: nada, cariño, no te preocupes, Kemal explica que lo del juicio de Masal no se ha resuelto, deben esperar, Hizmet los invita a cenar, Kemal : recién estamos en todo esto ella está cansada será otro día, Hizmet: no puedes tomar esas decisiones solo, ahora eres casado. A Narin, la llama el hombre que la va a sacar del país, debe ir a verlo, Narin piensa que se adelantó la fecha, Cemre: cómo puedes hacerlo, Emir: (Bienvenido, ¿qué haces aquí? Dije que no quiero verte aquí. ¿Es tan difícil de entender? No quiero, no te quiero a ti ¿No puedes entender eso? Reyhan: Estoy de acuerdo, lo he dicho muchas veces. Lo diré nuevamente, cometí un gran error, pero perdonarás, seré paciente, porque aún Emir: no te quiero, no te engañes, crees que eso puede volver a repararse) Pronto ella también verá, no tenemos futuro, ella se irá, ¿Qué crees que estás haciendo? no entiendes lo que acabo de decir, no quiero verte, vete, lo haces a propósito, sí, incluso estás tratando de volverme loco, Reyhan: no, es mejor que te acostumbres, me quedaré aquí ahora, Narin acepta la invitación a cenar de Hizmet, Emir: no es necesario, cuide su trabajo, me relajo en casa ni siquiera estoy en el hospital, todos me cuidan acá, volvimos a casa juntos, se preocupa de mí y Suna, Nigar cambiará las sábanas de Emir, Reyhan dice que ella lo hará, Cemre: pero estas discutiendo en la puerta , no corresponde queremos que se recupere, Reyhan: tienes razón, una multitud es innecesaria, puede causar daño, no se pueden cambiar, está descansando, Cemre: nunca volverá a esta casa, volverás al agujero de ratón de donde saliste, Reyhan: ¿Te levantarás un poco? cambiaré la sábana debes haber sudado, Emir: no he traspirado, Reyhan: bien, entonces te mueves durante 2 minutos y te levantas un poco, Emir: no quiero, Reyhan: dije que las sábanas deben cambiarse. Emir: ¿Moriré si no se cambian? Reyhan: no lo diga, Emir: decidirá lo que diga, Reyhan: no, pero es genial traer el tema hasta este punto, Cavidan llama a Cemre preguntando si Emir salió del hospital, Cemre dice que sí, pero que está muy ocupada en cuidarlo a él y a Suna y debe darles los medicamentos, termina la llamada, Cavidan: quiero hablar con cualquiera, Reyhan escucha que Suna llama a Cemre, se da cuenta que ha tomado muchas medicinas, intenta ayudarla pero Suna no permite que se acerque llega Cemre: puedes salir de la habitación por favor no ves a la chica, Suna: no quiero verte, fuera, Cemre: no ves que está llorando puedes salir por favor, no quiere verte, Suna estoy a tu lado, cálmate ya pasó, Taci informa a Kemal que, no tiene malas intenciones pero no puede dejar de visitar a Leyla en su tumba pero comenzará una nueva vida, probará su suerte , Kemal rompe el boleto, Narin llega al lugar donde supuestamente debe ver al capitán de barco que la sacará de Turquía Reyhan: (Esto es lo que estaba buscando cuando se despertó después del accidente, por qué, déjame darte la respuesta porque todavía me Emir: no te quiero) Suna está actuando raro, no es solo ira. Llama a su doctora y le dice los problemas que está teniendo Suna y que toma muchos remedios, La doctora le contesta que recién le envió una receta, no hace más de dos días, Reyhan se preocupa porque vio el frasco vacío, ve de lejos a Cemre conversando con un hombre que le entrega unas píldoras, se preocupa, Reyhan: Cemre quiero conversar sobre Suna, me preocupa, Cemre: no hay nada de qué preocuparse, eres una invitada por unos días, no te preocupes, yo me hago cargo de eso, Kemal está molesto porque Narin no contesta la llamada, a Narin el hombre dice que debe esperar un poco más y que preparará té, Reyhan: informa a Nigar que ella hará la comida de Emir , será sopa que será buena para sus huesos, Nigar: la señora Cemre me pidió la comida para.. Reyhan: yo la preparo, Cemre: quiero preguntar algo, vi bien, Suna no te quiere. Emir es como tú. Ambos sobrevivieron a pesadillas muy pesadas. Después de todo, me pregunto. ¿Eres consciente del daño que has creado?, Reyhan: soy consciente, algún otro problema, Cemre: no, desearía que te hubieras quedado, así tendrías una oportunidad, Reyhan: No es necesario, pondré todo en orden. Sólo necesito algo de tiempo y calma, Narin escucha al hombre que habla con alguien y pide que llegue rápidamente se da cuenta que algo está mal y se va corriendo, Kemal a través de un GPS está tratando de ubicarla, Emir: que es esto, Reyhan: sopa de huesos, Emir: No quiero beber esto o algo más, Reyhan: ¿No quieres porque lo hice yo? Emir: Sí, no quiero beber porque lo hiciste, Reyhan: pero ayudarás a tus huesos. No quieres levantarte de la cama de inmediato. Emir: insiste en vano que no quiere beber la sopa, retíralo, Cemre: Hice comidas dietéticas con aceite de oliva. Reyhan olvidé decírtelo, cuando lo dan de alta, no tienes idea porque no estás en el hospital, no se tomarán muchos alimentos de origen animal, tiene el colesterol alto, trabajaste duro, pero, Reyhan: verdad, Nigar lleva esta sopa a la cocina, qué rico huele esta comida, pero no estas cómodo, déjame ayudarte, espera un segundo no comience, Cemre la sopa es muy buena, si quieres beberla. Cemre: iré a ver a Suna, Reyhan: puede comer tranquilo, yo no lo hice, disfrútelo, Narin: alo, estoy en el puente limonda en el puerto, Kemal escucha que un hombre le pide el teléfono, Melike: se perdió los platos que Reyhan hizo. Hizmet: no mentiré los extrañe, Suna: Cemre, ¿vendrás antes de irte a dormir? Cemre: por supuesto, me llames o no, Reyhan quiere ir tras ella, pero Hizmet la detiene, Nigar: Señora Cemre, quiere algo especial para el menú del señor Emir, si hay algo que comprar lo agregaré a la lista, Cemre: No, como dijimos, está bien, Hizmet: Nigar, Gracias a Cemre, hemos estado apoyando a Suna durante los últimos 3 meses y se ha ocupado de estos trabajos, Ahora que Reyhan ha vuelto, no cansemos más a Cemre, quiere hija, quedó claro, hablé con tu madre por teléfono, te extraña mucho, Cemre: Hablamos con mi madre, está muy preocupada por la salud de Suna y está muy contenta de que yo esté interesada, Suna lleva las cartas a Emir; que le pasa a mi hermana que parece preocupada, de vuelta a casa, nos dañamos un poco, pero lo conseguimos, Suna: cuando se irá de la casa Reyhan, No quiero verla, vuelve después de todo lo que ha hecho. Emir: olvídalo, me recuperaré, vámonos de vacaciones, ven aquí, Hombre: ¿no eres razonable? Si me vuelves loco puedes morir, Hizmet: Estoy tan contento de que haya regresado a la mansión, espero que volvamos a nuestros hermosos días lo antes posible, con todo mi corazón, Reyhan: Soy consciente del resentimiento en esta casa para mí, lo siento mucho, sé que dañe a Suna, si conseguimos ayuda profesional para Suna, Cemre: No entiendo ya están en manos de los médicos, por supuesto, lo sé, Suna está teniendo un período muy sensible. Reyhan: digo que, si encontramos un ayudante, él apoyará a Suna con sus traumas, Cemre: no me malinterpretes, pero las crisis de Suna han aumentado después de que regresaste. El hecho de que estés aquí nos recuerda los días dolorosos, Hizmet: Reyhan y Suna siempre se ha llevado bien y volverá a ser buena, no se preocupe, Reyhan va a hacer café, Kemal: estas bien, Narin: ten cuidado, Cemre: trato de entenderlo así, te fuiste hace meses, ¿por qué viniste, por qué juegas con los sentimientos de las personas en esta mansión? Primero con Emir y ahora es el turno de Suna, crees que ellos quieren que estés aquí, Reyhan: quieres café, Cemre: me estas tomando el pelo, realmente me pregunto cuándo te irás, Reyhan: yo no soy el que debe irse de esta mansión, Cemre: ¿Qué quieres decir? Reyhan: Quiero decir que no soy la persona que no pertenece a esta mansión, Cemre: Estoy curando las heridas que has abierto, Reyhan: Gracias por lo que hiciste, pero ahora estoy de vuelta aquí. Cemre: desagradecida, Reyhan: no soy desagradecida, sería mejor decir que sé muy bien cuál es su principal problema, Cemre: cual sería, Reyhan: No hace falta decir que ambos sabemos muy bien qué, más bien, quién, Cemre: bien hecho, comencé a escuchar grandes palabras de una chica de su estatura, ¿con qué lucharás ahora?, Reyhan: no es necesario eres sólo una invitada, una cosa más, Emir me ama.
At this point, Emir seems to be afraid of the impact or power Reyhan has on him. He seems to be afraid of how Reyhan turned him into a broken man by leaving. He seems to be lashing out because he is frustrated with the power Reyhan has over him, of making or breaking him.
Reyhan geçen sezondan beri hakaretlere okadar maruz kalmış ki artık tepki bile vermiyor, alışmış, hatta okadar kudurmalarına sakin cevaplar vererek trollüyor bütün konağı Reyhan😊
Im crazy🤦I don't do understand this drama but I keep watching it..and just scrolled down to read a summary🤣 Fighting self .I'm gettin' addicted to this drama🤦
I love the last scene in the kitchen - how Reyhan handled Cemre was perfect!!!! Cemre won't be able to hide her 'crazy' anymore - it is going to explode for all to see.
Either you walk away or stick it gurl. Fight the good fight. Slay them with your kindness and compassion. Salute! This is for all the women who fights the good fight.👊 muscle through 💪
I had a problem with Cermre and Nigar entering Reyhan and Emir's room, to bring food, without knocking. I wish they would've been engaging in one of their classic stares or some other form of affection.
His mother Cavidan sent a letter to Emir telling him that all things happened because of evil Cemre. I hope Emir will get the letter soon and not held by evil maid Negar who received the letter when delivered at the house or held by the evil Cemre!
Reyhan has Cemre and Emir confused because she's no longer the meek and quiet country girl. She is a strong woman fighting for her man and love. She let Cemre know that Emir loves her and not you wicked witch. 🤩🤩🤩🤩😊😊😊😊
I wondered these things until this episode. In this household everyone has a role, so he allowed Cemre to manage the household duties, but now Reyhan is back, and this is officially her role as Emir's wife. Cemre will stay, because Suna is going to convince her father, that Cemre is needed to care for her.
Realmente espero que Reyhan cambie su actitud y no se deje ni de Emir y sobre todo de esa loca de cemre que esta más loca y obsecionada con un hombre que ni siquiera le gusta que lo toque
Thank you too the ones who gives a summary of the episodes, some people got together and are supposed to be doing Esubs, but they are putting it on some page you have to join and its in another language, so you can't figure out how to join?😱😤 so again thanks so much for the summaries, it helps a lot....very much appreciated👏👏👏
19:37 best part of the episode 😍😍😍😍 I swear their chemistry is so beautiful. This episode is so much better. The way Reyhan is standing up for herself. The way she gave food to Emir like a spoiled baby 😂 cant wait for next episode 😍
@@DonyaZimmerman Iam curious what will happen between them both in next scene. The power of Reyhan is her - self control. Cemre is dangerous madwoman :-(
Can someone give him plastic glasses ..It's interesting when Emir said you want to drive me crazy, Rayhan: No, I will leave when you get better, The look of sadness in Emirs eyes says it all , No men can ever look closely into the eyes of a woman they love and not feel nothing, Emir didn't anyone ever tell you hurt heals with time but love grows darkest of times..😘💖❤️
We love Narin too, she is beautiful with great personality but changing Leyla was unnecessary, the writer would have just come up with something more creative to bring Kemal and Leyla closer other than death.
It's much better if you can't understand the dialogues. I'm watching elsewhere with subs and the script is a bit embarassing, i.e. Emir at 1:01 says "I'm not such an ill-mannered person as to drive you out of the hospital" after he called her a (whore) for giving herself to him, or smashing things around her all the time. And the paramedics at the end barging into a private residence to take Suna away based on a phone call from "Reyhan Tarhun", with unverified identity.
In yemin season 2 , i just watch the drama for Kemal and Narin scenes . However i missed leyla so much but if the script writer thinks that kemal should have a new life partner , i think we shuold accept it. The new girl from azarbaijan is not bad and i like her too. Nari and kemal has a good chemistry and hope that they will come closer soon. 💝💑💝
Bt i was more addicted to watch this serial only bcz of leyla and kemal chemistry... Nd now more disappoint for role out leyla...i can't even watch this without her😒😞
Pls add subtitle my humble request i coild not understand turkidh language pls give us the subtitle in english i realy like this serial i do watch turkish serials 👍😎❤😍
This was a great episode. Love the fact that In his private solitude moments, Emir comes to the realization of him loving Rayhan. That bothers him. Last season he said to Zafar that he was fighting two fronts in falling in love with Rayhan : one his mom and her schemings and himself as a man falling head and toe over a woman that he hardly knew and was ready to get rid of in one day! He said that he was angry with himself not understanding what was happening to him. I think he is now angry with himself about not being able to shake off his mind and his soul off of her. He will as Rayhan puts it, will eventually let that love put all the broken pieces of his heart together. I like the more powerful fighter spirited Rayhan. She owes that to Emir first and to herself next. So many cute moments. Emir shocked face at Rayhan getting him all fixed for his dinner in front of Negar and Cemre was priceless 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆🤗🤗🤗👍🏼🍃🌹
Reyhan so strong every one is yelling on you Suna Emir Cerme if Cavadan was there will be worse than this even the maid is helping Cerme except Melike sh support you
That was awesome when Reyhan shut the door at Cemre's face. Stop being so soft
enjoy it. Narin escapes from the man who would take her to another country. Suna arrives with letters to Emir and asks that when he leaves Reyhan's house, Emir tells him not to worry that the two of them will go on vacation soon and that everything will improve. During dinner, Reyhan tells his uncle that he is worried about Suna and Cemre tells him that he is worse because Reyhan is in the house, Hizmet annoyed and replies that Reyhan would never hurt anyone, before that he had already told Cemre that she was already able to go home because reyhan had returned and her mother missed her. In the final scene, Cemre and Reyhan face each other Cemre asks him what he intends to be there, if he doesn't realize that the uncle is the only one who wants her. Reyhan tells her the one to go is not me, you know, Cemre asks what she means, Reyhan answers I am where I should be is my family, you are just a guest and one more thing Emir loves me
Thanks dear 😊
watching 2020 very appreciated your efforts in translating it. I begin to like this drama♡
You have watched the promo with subtitles and come to tell the summary. This all the promo. If you wanna help, so give a full translation..
Nice episode👍. Reyhan you ara right. Emir still loves you so don't give up. Fight to win him. I really love you both❤️. Love from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰
✌👊 *l k*
@ruchira dissanayake some episodes are uploaded again in youtube with english subtitles. And there are several websites in google like dailymotion website. They are upload yemin episodes with english subtitles. But their uploaded system is very slow so last yemin episodes are still not uploaded with english subtitles.
Love from Indonesia
Oh the irony of Cemre claiming that Reyhan has no pride and Emir doesn't want her. I mean does she seriously not hear herself when she talks? If Reyhan has no pride then what about Cemre? At least Reyhan is still Emir's wife, and knows that even if he's mad at her now, he was in love with her once. Emir has never had romantic feelings for Cemre and physically cringes and pulls away whenever she touches him. But instead of accepting that with or without Reyhan, Emir will never want to be with her, Cemre clings to some desperate hope that somehow he'll suddenly realize he's been in love with her all along. Meanwhile, she destroys his life and his family, drugs his sister, and nearly gets him killed, repeatedly. All for what exactly?
Because Cemre is a delusional evil that cannot leave Emir and Reyhan's married life to be happy. She is behind all the terrible things that happened in Emir and Reyhan's life. I cannot wait for Cemre to get caught, be punish and rot in jail as she deserve.
capitulo 77 Español
Reyhan: Dije que no renunciaré a arreglar todo, incluso si tengo que pegar las piezas una a una, he tenido épocas más difíciles, Emir: lo intentas en vano, Reyhan: no es en vano tengo tiempo, haré mi mejor esfuerzo incluso si el perdón demora toda la vida, Cemre: no te queremos, debes irte, Kemal: me casé en forma inesperada y no tuve tiempo de avisar a nadie, Hizmet: dije que eras las amiga de Reyhan y eres la esposa de mi hermano, fue una sorpresa para mí, seguro eres buena e inteligente como ella, Cemre pide un remedio para el dolor de cabeza a Nigar, Zeinep: ¿Por qué estás triste, Reyhan?¿Hay algún problema?, Reyhan: nada, cariño, no te preocupes, Kemal explica que lo del juicio de Masal no se ha resuelto, deben esperar, Hizmet los invita a cenar, Kemal : recién estamos en todo esto ella está cansada será otro día, Hizmet: no puedes tomar esas decisiones solo, ahora eres casado. A Narin, la llama el hombre que la va a sacar del país, debe ir a verlo, Narin piensa que se adelantó la fecha, Cemre: cómo puedes hacerlo, Emir: (Bienvenido, ¿qué haces aquí? Dije que no quiero verte aquí. ¿Es tan difícil de entender? No quiero, no te quiero a ti ¿No puedes entender eso? Reyhan: Estoy de acuerdo, lo he dicho muchas veces. Lo diré nuevamente, cometí un gran error, pero perdonarás, seré paciente, porque aún Emir: no te quiero, no te engañes, crees que eso puede volver a repararse) Pronto ella también verá, no tenemos futuro, ella se irá, ¿Qué crees que estás haciendo? no entiendes lo que acabo de decir, no quiero verte, vete, lo haces a propósito, sí, incluso estás tratando de volverme loco, Reyhan: no, es mejor que te acostumbres, me quedaré aquí ahora, Narin acepta la invitación a cenar de Hizmet, Emir: no es necesario, cuide su trabajo, me relajo en casa ni siquiera estoy en el hospital, todos me cuidan acá, volvimos a casa juntos, se preocupa de mí y Suna, Nigar cambiará las sábanas de Emir, Reyhan dice que ella lo hará, Cemre: pero estas discutiendo en la puerta , no corresponde queremos que se recupere, Reyhan: tienes razón, una multitud es innecesaria, puede causar daño, no se pueden cambiar, está descansando, Cemre: nunca volverá a esta casa, volverás al agujero de ratón de donde saliste, Reyhan: ¿Te levantarás un poco? cambiaré la sábana debes haber sudado, Emir: no he traspirado, Reyhan: bien, entonces te mueves durante 2 minutos y te levantas un poco, Emir: no quiero, Reyhan: dije que las sábanas deben cambiarse. Emir: ¿Moriré si no se cambian? Reyhan: no lo diga, Emir: decidirá lo que diga, Reyhan: no, pero es genial traer el tema hasta este punto, Cavidan llama a Cemre preguntando si Emir salió del hospital, Cemre dice que sí, pero que está muy ocupada en cuidarlo a él y a Suna y debe darles los medicamentos, termina la llamada, Cavidan: quiero hablar con cualquiera, Reyhan escucha que Suna llama a Cemre, se da cuenta que ha tomado muchas medicinas, intenta ayudarla pero Suna no permite que se acerque llega Cemre: puedes salir de la habitación por favor no ves a la chica, Suna: no quiero verte, fuera, Cemre: no ves que está llorando puedes salir por favor, no quiere verte, Suna estoy a tu lado, cálmate ya pasó, Taci informa a Kemal que, no tiene malas intenciones pero no puede dejar de visitar a Leyla en su tumba pero comenzará una nueva vida, probará su suerte , Kemal rompe el boleto, Narin llega al lugar donde supuestamente debe ver al capitán de barco que la sacará de Turquía Reyhan: (Esto es lo que estaba buscando cuando se despertó después del accidente, por qué, déjame darte la respuesta porque todavía me Emir: no te quiero) Suna está actuando raro, no es solo ira. Llama a su doctora y le dice los problemas que está teniendo Suna y que toma muchos remedios, La doctora le contesta que recién le envió una receta, no hace más de dos días, Reyhan se preocupa porque vio el frasco vacío, ve de lejos a Cemre conversando con un hombre que le entrega unas píldoras, se preocupa, Reyhan: Cemre quiero conversar sobre Suna, me preocupa, Cemre: no hay nada de qué preocuparse, eres una invitada por unos días, no te preocupes, yo me hago cargo de eso, Kemal está molesto porque Narin no contesta la llamada, a Narin el hombre dice que debe esperar un poco más y que preparará té, Reyhan: informa a Nigar que ella hará la comida de Emir , será sopa que será buena para sus huesos, Nigar: la señora Cemre me pidió la comida para.. Reyhan: yo la preparo, Cemre: quiero preguntar algo, vi bien, Suna no te quiere. Emir es como tú. Ambos sobrevivieron a pesadillas muy pesadas. Después de todo, me pregunto. ¿Eres consciente del daño que has creado?, Reyhan: soy consciente, algún otro problema, Cemre: no, desearía que te hubieras quedado, así tendrías una oportunidad, Reyhan: No es necesario, pondré todo en orden. Sólo necesito algo de tiempo y calma, Narin escucha al hombre que habla con alguien y pide que llegue rápidamente se da cuenta que algo está mal y se va corriendo, Kemal a través de un GPS está tratando de ubicarla, Emir: que es esto, Reyhan: sopa de huesos, Emir: No quiero beber esto o algo más, Reyhan: ¿No quieres porque lo hice yo? Emir: Sí, no quiero beber porque lo hiciste, Reyhan: pero ayudarás a tus huesos. No quieres levantarte de la cama de inmediato. Emir: insiste en vano que no quiere beber la sopa, retíralo, Cemre: Hice comidas dietéticas con aceite de oliva. Reyhan olvidé decírtelo, cuando lo dan de alta, no tienes idea porque no estás en el hospital, no se tomarán muchos alimentos de origen animal, tiene el colesterol alto, trabajaste duro, pero, Reyhan: verdad, Nigar lleva esta sopa a la cocina, qué rico huele esta comida, pero no estas cómodo, déjame ayudarte, espera un segundo no comience, Cemre la sopa es muy buena, si quieres beberla. Cemre: iré a ver a Suna, Reyhan: puede comer tranquilo, yo no lo hice, disfrútelo, Narin: alo, estoy en el puente limonda en el puerto, Kemal escucha que un hombre le pide el teléfono, Melike: se perdió los platos que Reyhan hizo. Hizmet: no mentiré los extrañe, Suna: Cemre, ¿vendrás antes de irte a dormir? Cemre: por supuesto, me llames o no, Reyhan quiere ir tras ella, pero Hizmet la detiene, Nigar: Señora Cemre, quiere algo especial para el menú del señor Emir, si hay algo que comprar lo agregaré a la lista, Cemre: No, como dijimos, está bien, Hizmet: Nigar, Gracias a Cemre, hemos estado apoyando a Suna durante los últimos 3 meses y se ha ocupado de estos trabajos, Ahora que Reyhan ha vuelto, no cansemos más a Cemre, quiere hija, quedó claro, hablé con tu madre por teléfono, te extraña mucho, Cemre: Hablamos con mi madre, está muy preocupada por la salud de Suna y está muy contenta de que yo esté interesada, Suna lleva las cartas a Emir; que le pasa a mi hermana que parece preocupada, de vuelta a casa, nos dañamos un poco, pero lo conseguimos, Suna: cuando se irá de la casa Reyhan, No quiero verla, vuelve después de todo lo que ha hecho. Emir: olvídalo, me recuperaré, vámonos de vacaciones, ven aquí, Hombre: ¿no eres razonable? Si me vuelves loco puedes morir, Hizmet: Estoy tan contento de que haya regresado a la mansión, espero que volvamos a nuestros hermosos días lo antes posible, con todo mi corazón, Reyhan: Soy consciente del resentimiento en esta casa para mí, lo siento mucho, sé que dañe a Suna, si conseguimos ayuda profesional para Suna, Cemre: No entiendo ya están en manos de los médicos, por supuesto, lo sé, Suna está teniendo un período muy sensible. Reyhan: digo que, si encontramos un ayudante, él apoyará a Suna con sus traumas, Cemre: no me malinterpretes, pero las crisis de Suna han aumentado después de que regresaste. El hecho de que estés aquí nos recuerda los días dolorosos, Hizmet: Reyhan y Suna siempre se ha llevado bien y volverá a ser buena, no se preocupe, Reyhan va a hacer café, Kemal: estas bien, Narin: ten cuidado, Cemre: trato de entenderlo así, te fuiste hace meses, ¿por qué viniste, por qué juegas con los sentimientos de las personas en esta mansión? Primero con Emir y ahora es el turno de Suna, crees que ellos quieren que estés aquí, Reyhan: quieres café, Cemre: me estas tomando el pelo, realmente me pregunto cuándo te irás, Reyhan: yo no soy el que debe irse de esta mansión, Cemre: ¿Qué quieres decir? Reyhan: Quiero decir que no soy la persona que no pertenece a esta mansión, Cemre: Estoy curando las heridas que has abierto, Reyhan: Gracias por lo que hiciste, pero ahora estoy de vuelta aquí. Cemre: desagradecida, Reyhan: no soy desagradecida, sería mejor decir que sé muy bien cuál es su principal problema, Cemre: cual sería, Reyhan: No hace falta decir que ambos sabemos muy bien qué, más bien, quién, Cemre: bien hecho, comencé a escuchar grandes palabras de una chica de su estatura, ¿con qué lucharás ahora?, Reyhan: no es necesario eres sólo una invitada, una cosa más, Emir me ama.
Listo, esperamos. Saludos
Gracias melocoton! Estaré al pendiente 👍
Gracias 😉💐👍
Gracias a ti amiga.... saludos desde ECUADOR....
Well done Reyhan.
Love the way she closes the door at gemres face and the way she pulls Emir up for the dinner.
Rayhan slammed the door in Gemres face, I loved it.. Emir likes slamming doors on Rayhan when he's angry with her..
Emir es experto en cerrarle la puerta la puerta a Rayhan maleducado..
Love the way Reyhan is so smart and calm to beat Jemre :D ❤
Best character in this drama is MASAL such a cute little baby always brings smile to my face
Hm hm 🤗❣
Que olhinho é aque linda
Reyhan is the most beautiful awesome woman in the whole show
"No es necesario, eres solo una invitada. Emir me ama" Ufff !!! Que gustazo, bravIsimo Reyhan!
At this point, Emir seems to be afraid of the impact or power Reyhan has on him. He seems to be afraid of how Reyhan turned him into a broken man by leaving. He seems to be lashing out because he is frustrated with the power Reyhan has over him, of making or breaking him.
I'm just watching
Skip..skip..skip Emir-Rayhan skip..skip..skip.........
I was watching the episode the same time.can you translate to English?
I do the same skipping until Emir_Rayhan came
Me too
@@imperfecto-lyku ib. Yomebibj c.j
Me Too!
Emir's look when she pulled him up for the meal....😄😄😄😄
Reyhan geçen sezondan beri hakaretlere okadar maruz kalmış ki artık tepki bile vermiyor, alışmış, hatta okadar kudurmalarına sakin cevaplar vererek trollüyor bütün konağı Reyhan😊
Cemra, Cemra.... you are wasting your time chasing Emir ,he's just not into you 😂
Am i crazy, watching turkish serial without understanding a word
That’s not just u bro 😂😂😂💙
Jajjaja I'm also
Yeah you are not alone brother.
Same here😢
Me also
Best scenes when rehan close door on cemre face 🤣
Poor Reyhan...always picking up broken glass!
It seems like she picks them until the end
I can't even understand single word but I can't resist myself to watch plz give English subtitles love from Pakistan
Why don't learn turkish for your fellow Pakistani like me. Please.
Reyhan is such an angel. Plus this series is so good, every character is so much engaging. But I am wondering where is zafer.
I miss Zafer and want to know where he and Kemal's assistant are.
Zafer must be still their, but I think Kemals assistant is gone 🤔
and poor Leyla died 😩
@@nurschannel7372 leyla died? Why? What happened?
@@victoriajessie3794 ......Zafer travel to London for work
That's the reyhan we all want....👍
Im crazy🤦I don't do understand this drama but I keep watching it..and just scrolled down to read a summary🤣 Fighting self .I'm gettin' addicted to this drama🤦
Same here ..
Same here wishing to see a translation summary 🤣🤣🇿🇦
. I need to find way to translate to english either throw d phone or learn turkish lang. 😂
I love the last scene in the kitchen - how Reyhan handled Cemre was perfect!!!!
Cemre won't be able to hide her 'crazy' anymore - it is going to explode for all to see.
Eliyle kırıkları toplama rekoru Reyhan’da vaAllah
In real life a smart man like the papa would have figured out already all the evils of Cemre.
Emir needs an anger management program urgently
And therapist
@@arabbullies7793 it's getting annoying to listen to his underwhelming cringy fake anger tho
Merly Cramer very true
Jajaja true
Ela dedin Reyhan.Cemreni yandirib tökdün.👌👌👍👍👏👏
Bin dene Bravo!!!!!!!!!!!
Either you walk away or stick it gurl. Fight the good fight. Slay them with your kindness and compassion. Salute! This is for all the women who fights the good fight.👊 muscle through 💪
This episode was published two min ago and already has 400 views!!! We are all just crazy about this show
Merly Cramer absolutely I have always dreamt about those two😍😂
Yes of course
i knw right hahahaaa yemin fans comeon 👏👏👌👌👍👍😘😘😘
Yes way not
Exactly! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Hikemet is the best father in law
Very best 😍😍
Reyhan leave this problem with Suna
Emir ele davranır ki sanki bir suçlu reyhanmış kibi kendi hareketlerini ne çabuk unutmuş bu ne davranış bee
Yes he changes like his clothes. Words he said to Reyhan. Noone can swallow it. Just wait how he changes his tunes next.
cavidanin mektubuda artik ordan orya savrulur sezon finalina kadar acilmayi bekler 😂
SG 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Duzdu desen 😃😃🎫🎫
I had a problem with Cermre and Nigar entering Reyhan and Emir's room, to bring food, without knocking. I wish they would've been engaging in one of their classic stares or some other form of affection.
Don't mind that crapin the kitchen. She hate Reyhan the first day she enter that house. She jealous of Reyhan. Foolish woman
Bien hecho Reyhan 👏 pusiste en su lugar a Cemre. Con esta simple palabra Emir me ama😂
43:18 reyhan rocked emir and cemre shocked 😲
Reyhan rock
Emir and jemre shocked😂😂😂.
Emir eyes will pop out from shock.. Priceless moment!!
Pretty Good Episode..
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤩🤩🤩🤩 still love him.. and when is angry 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Wonderful :-)
That's my girl 👧
Nigar u will pay dear for what u are doing to Reyhan. Don't worry Reyhan will be your boss.
Emir və Reyhan sizi hər kəs sevir Azerbaycadan size selamlarrr😍😍😍
Cheers to YEMIN producer, for giving us a most handsome man on this planet
Will ever Emir get to know that it was Cemre who changed the medications of Suna and set up the trap for Emir and Reyhan?
Is only in Yemin that evil is not expose
His mother Cavidan sent a letter to Emir telling him that all things happened because of evil Cemre. I hope Emir will get the letter soon and not held by evil maid Negar who received the letter when delivered at the house or held by the evil Cemre!
Reyhan ne zaman universiteye başlicak, başlasin artik. Bi başlasin o zaman görürüz Emirin Kiskancliğini 😊
Reyhan has Cemre and Emir confused because she's no longer the meek and quiet country girl. She is a strong woman fighting for her man and love. She let Cemre know that Emir loves her and not you wicked witch. 🤩🤩🤩🤩😊😊😊😊
That scene in the kitchen was definitely priceless.
It was such a fun...to see that scene ...I was laughing...😂😂
Coz now Rehaan is not weak ....she will fight....
Maybe there characters would be happier if they showed some genuine affection toward each other.
Dorothy Gibson I believe it is coming💕
Cemre as you are the owner in that house you are U any way no shame
Bravo,reyhan!👏👏👏interesting watching how they arguing caring for Emir.😍
Emir Reyhana bağırdığı sahnede az qaldı ki gülsün.😄
Emirin gòzlerinin ici her zaman gùlùr ona gòrede qezeblenende ciddi gòrunmùr
Gözlərinin içi gülür ama qəzəblənəndə də çox pis qəzəblənir çox inandırıcı mən heyrətlənirəm
Mən də fark etdim gözləri güldü
How come hikmet allow cemre in his house when he got two maid.
How come he doesn’t know what medicine providing his daughter????
I wondered these things until this episode. In this household everyone has a role, so he allowed Cemre to manage the household duties, but now Reyhan is back, and this is officially her role as Emir's wife. Cemre will stay, because Suna is going to convince her father, that Cemre is needed to care for her.
Exactly how come he allow Cemer to look after Suna but he has two maids.?????
This is obviously the writer’s mistakes, nonsensical moves..
I think Cemre's duty is to finish Suna if they allow her to continually stay in the house.@@victoriajessie3794
Realmente espero que Reyhan cambie su actitud y no se deje ni de Emir y sobre todo de esa loca de cemre que esta más loca y obsecionada con un hombre que ni siquiera le gusta que lo toque
Está drogando a la hermana lo que no entiendo pq las servientas le hacen caso ni que fuera la dueña
عنوان هذا المسلسل كان لازم يكون عذاب ريحان ،تعذيب ريحان ،جنون عائلة،أي عنوان إلا اليمين
العنوان المناسب دموع في غرفة
I scrolled down every comment just to look for summary but didn't find 😭😭
I did same & result also same 😭😭😭
It is now
@@jayaupadhaya3407 where
There is summary dear in English read it
Nice episode. Reyhan you are right. Fight for to win him.from Philippines ❤❤❤
Estoy enojada con Emir por lo mal que esta tratando a Keyhan.
Please , upload with English subtitles how will people who don't know turkish will know whats going on ? 🙄
Thank you too the ones who gives a summary of the episodes, some people got together and are supposed to be doing Esubs, but they are putting it on some page you have to join and its in another language, so you can't figure out how to join?😱😤 so again thanks so much for the summaries, it helps a lot....very much appreciated👏👏👏
where is the summary can you please tell me
Maheen Zafar usually if you keep scrolling through comments, you will see summaries. Look for person melocoton
Where is the summary???
Where is the English 16:11 summary please?
19:37 best part of the episode 😍😍😍😍 I swear their chemistry is so beautiful.
This episode is so much better.
The way Reyhan is standing up for herself. The way she gave food to Emir like a spoiled baby 😂 cant wait for next episode 😍
Spoiled baby, ha?!!! His look at that scene = priceless :-) Great moves Reyhan :-) Well done!!!
I loved the ending when she went toe to toe with Cemre.
@@DonyaZimmerman Iam curious what will happen between them both in next scene. The power of Reyhan is her - self control. Cemre is dangerous madwoman :-(
Sana Xo his shock on his face: priceless 😁
It's getting hot guyz
Salam olsun hər kəsə Emir ❤Reyhan Sevənlər burdasız
Men burdayam
@@siyahincim6012 🙋
Aleykum selam
Bir menemi sabaxdan otrub yeni bolum qoyulmagni gozleyen,yoksa ?
Mende gözlüyürdüm
Mən yutubu ələk vələk eliyib axtarırdım😄
Bu hansi kanalda gedir?
@@leylimehdiyeva1554 Kanal 7də.çox şaşırdım hələ hansı kanaldan getdiyini bilmirsiz?
Men youtubede baxiram butun seriyalara
This second season Reyhan is cool calm & collected.....U go girl fight evil with kindness.....Eat your heart out Cemre evil witch
Play cool baby girl love conquer evil. Yemin fan we will conquer 💪 Reyhan don't worry we are with u .
Love you Rehan. I lòve the way you handle Emir
Ux bə Reyhana bak ya sakitcə hər şeyi cəmreyə anladır 👍həm gözəl həm akilli 👍
اكو عرب بطياره😎💜💜🇮🇶🇮🇶 وينهم
كلنا موجودين😍💙💙
هلا العراقيين 💙😍❤
نعم موجودين
@@zu99o 😍🤗😘
نعم موجودين
I think reyhan should slap cemre's face insted of Emir's!😂lol
Subaida kC ... Reyhan will slap her if is not this episode the next one.
Correct if I was reyhan I will give a sleeping slap that snake cemre
ÖZGE&GÖKBERK are the most beautiful, wonderful couple of the "YEMİN" 💟💟💟
Emirs try to stand up in front of reyhan without help her its too close her face ☺️😘
Can someone give him plastic glasses ..It's interesting when Emir said you want to drive me crazy, Rayhan: No, I will leave when you get better, The look of sadness in Emirs eyes says it all , No men can ever look closely into the eyes of a woman they love and not feel nothing, Emir didn't anyone ever tell you hurt heals with time but love grows darkest of times..😘💖❤️
You write beautiful
❤Reyhan ❤Emir ❤Aşkı ❤
We beg our translator to help us out l just can't leave this movie i loved Reyhan she's such a beautiful angel i skip too much watching fr NZ Auckland
Affərin Rehanıma Cemrenin yaxşı cavabını verdi👍👍🇦🇿🇹🇷
Where r u melcoton.???🙄 Plz translate this episode..... Kindly😣
r u know pls tell where r layla
Broo it is uploded
@@aftab1205 where?????
@@dipsyk6313 wait mei phirse upold krta hoon kisi ne delt krdi....
@@dipsyk6313 Hogya uplod ...🤝
I want Leyla back ,I love to see her with kemal 😭💔
Yes I too want to know about layla n Kemal
Leyla is dead now
Me too... I feel sad when I heard her deceased
Where is leyla???? I wanted to see leyla
Bizim qizdan hec yox Yaqmur Sahbazova sizi destekleyirik cox fexir edirem bizim qizimiz Turkiyede seriyala cekilibdi
Odaya yerleşmeyi iyi oldu süper emirin yanında yatması ela Emir sevindi yüzüne vurmur sağol Rehan başarlar diliyorum
We love Narin too, she is beautiful with great personality but changing Leyla was unnecessary, the writer would have just come up with something more creative to bring Kemal and Leyla closer other than death.
This great series. I watch all this episodes. Even I cannot understand. Still watching here..
Same i can't understand for language
Same here😢
Same me watching I can t understand a word what a pity
It's much better if you can't understand the dialogues. I'm watching elsewhere with subs and the script is a bit embarassing, i.e. Emir at 1:01 says "I'm not such an ill-mannered person as to drive you out of the hospital" after he called her a (whore) for giving herself to him, or smashing things around her all the time.
And the paramedics at the end barging into a private residence to take Suna away based on a phone call from "Reyhan Tarhun", with unverified identity.
In yemin season 2 , i just watch the drama for Kemal and Narin scenes . However i missed leyla so much but if the script writer thinks that kemal should have a new life partner , i think we shuold accept it. The new girl from azarbaijan is not bad and i like her too. Nari and kemal has a good chemistry and hope that they will come closer soon. 💝💑💝
Bt i was more addicted to watch this serial only bcz of leyla and kemal chemistry... Nd now more disappoint for role out leyla...i can't even watch this without her😒😞
Pls add subtitle my humble request i coild not understand turkidh language pls give us the subtitle in english i realy like this serial i do watch turkish serials 👍😎❤😍
@Sandarbh Chaubey yes...I am Turk...but I am also didn't convert in English language
@Sandarbh Kumar I just checked, in season 2 there are just 39 episodes uploaded in Hindi.
@Sandarbh Kumar kese krna bhai....batao jara
Why the hell they are not providing this serial with subtitles 😩
So funny emir face react when reyhan makes him eat😅😅😅😅😅
Süpersin Reyhan hep cemrenin böyle azının payını ver 😁
Evet yaa😘😏
Good job reyhan😊act like a wife to care your husband..ba bye cemre😂😂you kicking out😂😂
Gemre is like a monster 🤣🤣
This was a great episode. Love the fact that In his private solitude moments, Emir comes to the realization of him loving Rayhan. That bothers him. Last season he said to Zafar that he was fighting two fronts in falling in love with Rayhan : one his mom and her schemings and himself as a man falling head and toe over a woman that he hardly knew and was ready to get rid of in one day! He said that he was angry with himself not understanding what was happening to him. I think he is now angry with himself about not being able to shake off his mind and his soul off of her. He will as Rayhan puts it, will eventually let that love put all the broken pieces of his heart together. I like the more powerful fighter spirited Rayhan. She owes that to Emir first and to herself next. So many cute moments. Emir shocked face at Rayhan getting him all fixed for his dinner in front of Negar and Cemre was priceless 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆🤗🤗🤗👍🏼🍃🌹
yeah, true, love to see them both .
Defenitely true!
I’m not so it’s real love 💕 or he’s mad 😡
Thank you.
kinoda olsa Rehanin buqeder ağlamasina üreyim ağriyir :(:(:(
Keşkə Emir Reyhanı affetib barışsa onlara bayılarak bakıyorum
Ilk bolumden izleyen kac kisiyiz?
✋ ben ✋
Banda izlyoryum hamda kayfla
Ayni sheyler ama hep. Saatlerce bakishlar, saatlerce hatirlamalarla dizi sureyi dolduruyor
Salam. Düz deyirsiz yenə başladılar boş boş vaxt itkisinə
SuperRenchik aynen Ya cooook yavas gidiyor biraz aksiyon
Aynennnnn, su bakislari uzatmasalar bu kadar ya , birde reyhanin aglamalari,bon bon bakislari
Reyhan so strong every one is yelling on you Suna Emir Cerme if Cavadan was there will be worse than this even the maid is helping Cerme except Melike sh support you
Ilahi qizdada bele sifetmi olar .bu cemre ne heyasiz biriymis.zornan deyir ki men emire arvad olacam.biy senin yiyenine nehlet .
Sirtiqdida Adam da uz Yaxsi şeydii
ayyy cox guldum buna😂😂cadididaa cadi
Why didn't u uploaded the summary in English also.. Are u fine?
77 bolumdu Reyhan yerden qab qacaq qiriqlari toplayir.😊
samira huseynova 😂😂😂👍👍👍
@@ehmedovaa9420 abone olur musun?
Cemre iki üzdüdü menimle eyni fikirdə olan var. Bəlkədə həqiqi həyatda yaxşı insandı
Allahn cezasi cemre
бомба шейди)))
Allahin cəzası cemre düz deyirsiz
Can you please translate the summary of this episode 😢😢
Ya kendimden supe etmeye basladim biz bunca zamandir baska bir diziyemi bakiyoduk butun kotulukleri reyhan yaptida bizim mi haberimiz yok
Bu Emir fazla gurur yapıyor
Still watching even if can't understand Turkish language.. 😅😭.. please do upload episodes with English subs please.. begging...🙏🙏🙏🙏💖
The same here bu i love it so much😘😘😘😘😘
Same here 😭😭😭
@@chanelledouglas9311 hehehe
Yes same here at least I didn’t see Rehyan cry in this episode.
También los comentarios ayuda.
19:38 am dead omg😍😍😍 i keep on repeating dat moment smiling alone like a mad person .... getting more n more interesting n exciting 😘😘😘
Ha ha
Yeah me too😂😂😂😂😂
Mee too
What a moment 🔥😶
Sukur Reyhan aglamadi.Sozleri ile Cemreyi cartlatdi hala beee.😃😙
Uff I want to see all episodes in one night 😢😩
Kanwal Baloch You can watch in dailymotion.com. To me, the best English subtitles are those made by Mint Promise or VDO.com.
@@dinbernal1102 that site is not safe 🙁
This is the best bolum, it was so funny, when Emir was left speechless 🤩🤩🤩,love is on from both sides,at last😍
If there is such an award for BEST in PICKING UP BROKEN PIECES, award it to Reyhan.
I think cemre giving another medicine of suna
best moment of this episode is 42:39 to 43:48
Cemreye nifret edenler varmi
Suali bele qoy Cemreye nifret etmeyen varmi? Cunki hami nifret edir ondan.
Olmazmi gicik yaaaaa😠😠😠😠 Onu görunce hortlak görduğumu saniyorum. Boğmak, öldürmek , bir kaşik suda boğmak, eşşek sudan gelinceye kadar dövmek istiyorum😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😤😤😤
Ты еще спрашиваешь?😂😂 она мне очень нравится 😂😂
emircik_ krasavcik _19 cox sevirik onu 😂😂😂
Бу жемрени уйи йукмикан ааа