The Promise Season 2 Episode 99

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • In Episode 99 of The Promise: A new curtain opened in Cavidan's ongoing treacherous plan. Seeing that Hikmet cannot speak or move, Cavidan hires a new man. Cavidan, who kept his job after the assassin's failure, was very different this time. Will Emir and Reyhan, who are about to receive a blow from an unexpected place, be able to prevent it?
    Ozge Yagız (1- 2. season)
    Gokberk Demirci
    Can Verel
    Munise Ozlem (1. season)
    Yağmur Sahbazova
    Cansu Tuman
    Berkant Muftuler
    Gul Arcan
    Cansın Mina Gur
    Ceyda Olguner
    Mustafa Simsek
    Esra Demirci Coban
    Derya Kurtulus Oktar
    Director: Ayhan Özen, Serkan Mut
    Scenarist: Nazmiye Yılmaz
    Production Company: Karamel Yapım
    Music: Minör

Комментарии • 1,6 тыс.

  • @melocoton1659
    @melocoton1659 5 лет назад +1244

    Summary chapter 99 in English
    Reyhan desperately shouts where they take her, Emir is sorry to have yelled at him and badly asked him not to press him on the subject about his father and said goodbye to her in such a bad way. Reyhan asks God to help her and wonders who and why and where they take her, looks out the window and realizes that it is near a steel mill and a forest, Narin is out of place with the letter he read from Kemal and He says he wants to sleep so he doesn't talk to him. Emir goes to the hospital to look for Reyhan since he is sorry for his behavior, asks the nurse and she replies that he has not seen her and surely left but Emir says that it is impossible that he would never leave his dad alone and claims to the nurse that her father is not well taken care of. Reyhan is threatened by the kidnappers and they ask him to stop screaming if he will not suffer the consequences and that he must remain in that place in silence. The doctor tells Emir that it is much better for his father to begin his recovery in his environment, at home in his room so he can recover faster and gives him the indications of his care. Narin wonders why Kemal is still at home since he sees his phone, in that Emir calls, Kemal leaves a letter to his sister hoping to forgive him for the discussion of the previous day. Reyhan wonders what is happening, since bad things happen to everyone, Emir, the uncle, she, and continues to pray to God, it occurs to him to call the kidnapper, once the man enters Reyhan tells him to go to the bathroom , the man first refuses and asks please, the man tells him that the boss can bother, finally convinces him. In an oversight Reyhan manages to escape. Emir arrives with his father home. The men chase through the forest and wonder where she can be, one of them begins to threaten her with killing her, she thinks she has managed to escape but one of the men catches her and tells her if she moves you I'll bury you under this same tree. Cavidan in front of everyone is worried about Hizmet and asks Melike that if he has taken his remedies and medications, then pretends that the pressure dropped, Emir asks Sefer to be aware of everything the father needs and Sefer responds that He will do it with great pleasure since it is like a father to him. Melike asks him about Reyhan and Emir replies that he is in the hospital that he came to leave his father and will return for her. Back to the room where Reyhan is kidnapped, the man tells him that the beautiful woman wanted to escape and the other tells him not to try to escape again since he is so far away from everywhere that he will not achieve anything. Emir leaves the house very worried and remembers that he did not want to stay with her in the hospital and wonders if she is with Narin, that is why Oya and Kemal come to visit Hizmet, Kemal asks about Reyhan and Emir says that there is no problem and that he goes to see Hizmet, Narin and the maid talk about the foods Kemal likes. They take food to Reyhan and the man drops the phone, she calls Emir, he asks her why she doesn't want to talk to him and Reyhan says she is kidnapped near a steel factory that took her in an ambulance, the man He discovers and tells Emir that if he calls the police he will kill his wife. Sefer must take Zeynep to school and from a distance Cavidan looks at Hizmet with a defiant look to scare him. Cavidan takes advantage of threatening her husband and tells her that Reyhan's life is in her hands and that everything is over since her life is also in her hands, everything frees Cemre both talk without problems in front of him since they know that Nothing can say. Narin is very clumsy and Kemal starts counting, 1, 2, 3, ... and he says patience. Emir thanks to the indications of Reyhan manages to find the place and sees the men, one of them says that he must meet with the boss and be careful with Reyhan, Narin wonders why she is so nervous, listen to Kemal make 2 reservations in a restaurant and say that he must say what he wants face to face, Emir finds Reyhan, tells him not to be afraid that he is by his side, asks him to move away from the door and manages to open it, Reyhan warns him of the man, He says be calm, and calm down since he is by your side. When they are escaping Talaz is pointing a gun at Emir's head. late but I complied, Regards

  • @graciousj6494
    @graciousj6494 2 года назад +25

    Since Reyhan left her village to the Tarhun family mansion it’s been tears and pain all through.

  • @susanmeow9628
    @susanmeow9628 3 года назад +62

    I have lost count of the number of times that reyhan got kidnapped! 😂

    • @mralisports8945
      @mralisports8945 3 года назад +3


    • @rowenaasuncion9290
      @rowenaasuncion9290 3 года назад +1


    • @anaceliareyesrueda.2074
      @anaceliareyesrueda.2074 2 года назад +1

      Jejeje jeje jejeje 😆😃,Lo bueno que los secuestradores son unos balurdes de quinta; Igual las dos brujas se tragan su propio veneno al verla regresar siempre junto a Emir ,Ver esa cara de odió y frustración vale la pena la angustia 😭 que nosotros pasamos.👍.

    • @kathyandrews5217
      @kathyandrews5217 2 года назад +3

      I wonder if she should be left out of the house by herself

    • @mugishacanan1505
      @mugishacanan1505 2 года назад +3

      4 times being kidnapped

  • @silvananaurato8707
    @silvananaurato8707 3 года назад +53

    We need the PROTECTOR to protect Reyhan and Emir from his evil mother and accomplice cemer 🤯 I'm feeling brain bruised at the moment with this drama 😳

  • @whitedove071089
    @whitedove071089 3 года назад +16

    Hikmet playing sick to find out who is enemy

  • @fahadabdullah979
    @fahadabdullah979 5 лет назад +38

    everyone is busy appreciating emir reyhan kemal narin but seriously kemal maid shehri anti doing his job very good she is so funny 😂 we all need to appreciate his role

  • @ajuendarwati248
    @ajuendarwati248 Год назад +9

    Narin mencoba menguji kesabaran Kemal ... mereka seperti anak anak 😅😅😅

  • @solofelangdikate1410
    @solofelangdikate1410 2 года назад +19

    The love Emir have for his wife is amazing.😍😍🇿🇦

  • @divinaduran3223
    @divinaduran3223 9 месяцев назад +3

    I like Kemal when angry he keeps counting 1- 10 before reacting, and he is so cool, I will marry him 😍

  • @roweenachetty7312
    @roweenachetty7312 Год назад +8

    Ozeh and Ogberk plays such amazing characters 😍 👏 they deserve an Oscar

  • @melocoton1659
    @melocoton1659 5 лет назад +540

    Resumen capitulo 99 en Español
    Reyhan grita en forma desesperada a dónde la llevan , Emir está arrepentido de haberle gritado y pedirle de mala forma que no lo presione con respecto a el tema sobre su padre y haberse despedido de ella de tan mala manera. Reyhan pide a Dios que la ayude y se pregunta quién y por qué y adonde la llevan , mira por la ventana y se da cuenta que está cerca de una fábrica de acero y un bosque, Narin esta descolocada con la carta que leyó de Kemal y dice que desea dormir para no hablar con él. Emir va al hospital a buscar a Reyhan ya que está arrepentido de su comportamiento , pregunta a la enfermera y ella le contesta que no la ha visto y seguramente se fue pero Emir dice que eso es imposible que nunca dejaría a su papá solo y le reclama a la enfermera que su padre no está bien cuidado. Reyhan es amenazada por los secuestradores y le piden que deje de gritar si no sufrirá las consecuencias y que debe quedarse en ese lugar en silencio. El médico le dice a Emir que es mucho mejor que su padre comience su recuperación en su entorno , en su casa en su habitación así se puede recuperar más rápido y le da las indicaciones de sus cuidados. Narin se pregunta por qué Kemal aun se encuentra en casa ya que ve su teléfono , en eso llama Emir, Kemal deja una carta a su hermana esperando que lo perdone por la discusión del día anterior. Reyhan se pregunta que está pasando, ya que a todos les pasan malas cosas , Emir , el tío , ella , y continua rezando a Dios, se le ocurre llamar al secuestrador , una vez que el hombre entra Reyhan le dice que debe ir al baño , el hombre primero se niega y le pide por favor , el hombre le dice que el jefe puede molestarse , finalmente lo convence. En un descuido Reyhan logra escapar. Emir llega con su padre a casa. Los hombre persiguen por el bosque y se preguntan en dónde puede estar, uno de ellos comienzan a amenazarla con matarla, ella cree que ha logrado escapar pero uno de los hombres la atrapa y le dice si te mueve te enterraré debajo de este mismo árbol. Cavidan delante de todos se muestra preocupada por Hizmet y le pregunta a Melike que si ha tomado sus remedios y medicamentos , después finge que le bajó la presión , Emir le pide a Sefer que esté atento a todo lo que el padre necesite y Sefer responde que lo hará con mucho agrado ya que es como un padre para él Melike le pregunta por Reyhan y Emir responde que está en el hospital que el vino a dejar a su padre y regresará por ella. De regreso al cuarto donde está secuestrada Reyhan el hombre le dice así que la hermosa mujer quería escapar y el otro le dice que no intente escapar nuevamente ya que está tan lejos de todos lados que no logrará nada. Emir sale muy preocupado de la casa y recuerda que no quiso quedarse con ella en el hospital y se pregunta si está con Narin , en eso llega Oya y Kemal a visitar a Hizmet , Kemal le pregunta por Reyhan y Emir dice que no hay problema y que vaya a ver a Hizmet, Narin y la sirvienta hablan de las comidas que le gustan a Kemal. A Reyhan le llevan comida y a el hombre se le cae el teléfono, ella llama a Emir , el le pregunta porque no quiere hablar con él y Reyhan dice que está secuestrada cerca de una fábrica de acero que la llevaron en una ambulancia , el hombre la descubre y dice a Emir que si llama a la policía el matará a su esposa. Emir molesto consigo mismo dice que es su culpa por dejarla sola en el hospital. Sefer debe llevar a Zeynep a la escuela y desde lejos Cavidan mira a Hizmet con mirada desafiante para asustarlo . Cavidan aprovecha de amenazar a su esposo y le dice que la vida de Reyhan está en las manos de ella y que todo terminó ya que su vida también está en sus manos , todo frete a Cemre ambas hablan sin problemas delante de él ya que saben que nada pueden decir. Narin esta muy torpe y Kemal comienza a contar , 1, 2 , 3 , ... y se dice paciencia. Emir gracias a las indicaciones de Reyhan logra encontrar el lugar y ve a los hombre , uno de ellos dice que debe reunirse con el jefe y que tenga cuidado con Reyhan, Narin se pregunta por qué esta tan nerviosa , escucha a Kemal hacer 2 reservaciones en un restaurante y decir que debe decir lo que quiere cara a cara , Emir encuentra a Reyhan , le dice que no tenga miedo que el está a su lado , le pide que se aleje de la puerta y logra abrirla , Reyhan le advierte del hombre , el dice que este tranquila , y se calme ya que él está a su lado. Cuando están escapando Talaz está apuntando con un arma la cabeza de Emir . tarde pero cumplí , Saludos

    • @sonialopez1638
      @sonialopez1638 5 лет назад +11

      melocoton gracias 😊

    • @virginializano4333
      @virginializano4333 5 лет назад +6


    • @dadaisilva3631
      @dadaisilva3631 5 лет назад +10

      Ansiosa por tua chegada, muy feliz por sua disposição em nos ajudar a compreender essa série. Muchas gracias el very good seu excelente dedicação. Muito obrigada querida!

    • @rubyrodriguez8360
      @rubyrodriguez8360 5 лет назад +6

      Eres tan gracias!!

    • @luzmendoza8477
      @luzmendoza8477 5 лет назад +9

      Melocotón.. que haríamos sin vos .. GRACIASSSS INFINITASSS

  • @rhildamiller7203
    @rhildamiller7203 5 лет назад +36

    Kemal is very good looking. Just wish smile more.

  • @thamtham5931
    @thamtham5931 2 года назад +9

    What I don't understand Dayi Kemal has hidden cameras all over his house why can't he ask Emir to do the same to their house?

    • @FURON-z9o
      @FURON-z9o 5 месяцев назад

      Tout à fait d'accord, quand on voit ce grand manoir sans aucune caméra dehors comme dedans, c'est incomprehensible, n'importe quoi

    • @bingeramis366
      @bingeramis366 2 месяца назад


    • @blacklibra5515
      @blacklibra5515 Месяц назад

      Absolutely true my dear 😂😂😂

  • @ailenetumamao6446
    @ailenetumamao6446 3 года назад +9

    I was addicted since episode 1 up to this season 2 bcoz more on sweetness of reyhan and emir..

  • @armidadeoro8328
    @armidadeoro8328 3 года назад +40

    I love kemal as I watch him he is so patience, calm, responsible man. Love so much his acts. So gentleman 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

    • @maznahmahadi6995
      @maznahmahadi6995 2 года назад +2

      Me too. Charming gentleman!

    • @pelagiaalmonte9547
      @pelagiaalmonte9547 2 года назад

      Kemal is gentleman because he is a lawyer not like emir spoiled brat he talk what he wants if he is mad that cavidand is happy think she win already to his evil doing Hy crazy eoman

    • @dimakatsodintwe2846
      @dimakatsodintwe2846 Год назад +2

      I wish Emir can learn from him..he puts a smile on my face everytime I look at him

    • @sylvianalwoga6245
      @sylvianalwoga6245 Год назад +1

      ​@@dimakatsodintwe2846 me too he puts a smile on my face I enjoyed his scenes with Leyla but unfortunately she's dead lets move on with Narin

  • @marykarras7369
    @marykarras7369 3 года назад +25

    Have to say ladies, if you have a husband like Emir, who needs enemies!! Reyhan was begging him to go see the old man that shot his mother for days, he wouldn't go but when she finally made him go the guy was dead! Now who's fault was this of course Reyhan's NOT Emir's that wouldn't go from the beginning!! Then what does he do he leaves her alone at hospital like it's her father! What kind of son and husband is that?? Hm what happen's she gets kidnapped because of him but she never blames him.... If he was with her like a man should be Reyhan would be safe! Sklaros!!! Doesn't he realize the minute the Evil witch is back in Mansion trouble begins for poor Reyhan again!! Better alone than with a husband like Emir!!!!

  • @ulviyyabayramova5207
    @ulviyyabayramova5207 5 лет назад +14

    Emir nasıl buldu reyhanı ya? Kız sadece demir fabrikası dedi. Şehirde sadece 1 tane mi demir fabrikası var? 😁

  • @kf-ot6vw
    @kf-ot6vw 5 лет назад +286

    How the director prepped the actors for yemin: 🤔
    To kemal : so you are going to be leading a double life in two parallel dimensions
    All u need to do is maintain a frown.😣
    To hikmet : u will spend most of the time on a hospital bed.
    In 1st season ud be having a terminal disease
    And in 2nd ul be paralysed
    So just practice lying on a deathbed🤕
    To reyhan : u will be crying for 99 episodes out of the 100 so practice that...😭
    Oh ya and most importantly do you know how to run in heels? U will be kidnapped in every second episode and will have to run in heels in jungles so be prepared🤦‍♀️
    To emir : ah! Frown please... Oh ya that suits u with that dimple...
    And do the maneuver of getting into the car banging shut its door and banging on the steering wheel (that will give u the solution to all ur problems, Cz we are not giving u intelligence)🧠🔫
    To cavidan and cemre : u get to do all kinds of wicked supernatural stuff.... Dw u won't get caught..... Our scriptwriter has got u covered .😎
    Plus if u both are willing to slash down ur wages for the second season I will give u more screen space than reyhan and emir.
    To zafer : u are emir's flashlight...... Also u give him his required doses of Mentos (dimaag ki batti jalade😅)
    To talaz : ur guttural husky hoarse rough voice is enough😆
    To leila :.....
    Leila : please wait... My astrologer has told me that the second season is gonna suck.. So count me outta it. I'd rather be killed than act in it
    To Suna : u are a really sweet person in the first season.🤗
    For the second.... Here read the script of the second season......
    (Suna reads..... Has convulsions....😖🤯.)
    Director : wonderful... We have a great script 😀

  • @nirashasubhashini210
    @nirashasubhashini210 3 года назад +11

    I watch this from the beginning, but I do not understand the language. I understand the ideas and emotions.
    That too is interesting.😁
    I am Sri Lankan.🇱🇰
    Thank you for knowing this language and publishing it in English. ❤️ Now this story is my favorite play.

  • @JacquelineTaylor-jd1xw
    @JacquelineTaylor-jd1xw Год назад +5

    It would be great if he was faking his stroke and recording everything going on in order to get both Cavidan and Cemere,.THAT WOULD BE A BOOM!!!!!!😅❤

  • @jazmimina2468
    @jazmimina2468 3 года назад +6

    I understand the series from the comments more than watching it😂😂

  • @narotsonana
    @narotsonana 5 лет назад +25

    I guess none of us is going to mention the fact that Emir could become the next James Bond, because we were all reading the comments as he was busy doing his shenanigans...

  • @auntysweetysultan3933
    @auntysweetysultan3933 5 лет назад +121

    I have never seen an evil mother like this my entire series

    • @auntysweetysultan3933
      @auntysweetysultan3933 5 лет назад +3

      She is watching her son suffering whtkind of a mother............I'm.gng crazy

    • @rhildamiller7203
      @rhildamiller7203 5 лет назад +2

      Aunty Sweety Sultan oh I could raise Up slap her face

    • @elenajoseph8643
      @elenajoseph8643 5 лет назад +3

      She can't be call mother :-\

    • @shenazshariff3630
      @shenazshariff3630 5 лет назад +5

      She doesn't deserve to be a mother to the kids she doesn't love her kids or her husband she just love money

    • @shenazshariff3630
      @shenazshariff3630 5 лет назад +4

      She is not a good wife and she is not a good mother and she is not a good mother in law she is a criminal and per psychopath

  • @arianepon-an5701
    @arianepon-an5701 2 года назад +4

    This is the fourth time that Reyhan got kidnapped 😂😂😂

    • @arianepon-an5701
      @arianepon-an5701 2 года назад +1

      And yet they did not report about it to the police even once....nice!

  • @sandhyasalve7939
    @sandhyasalve7939 5 лет назад +30

    I am looking for for this serial only for emir & reyhan, they are so cute, I just love them

    • @marieg4739
      @marieg4739 4 года назад +1

      This serial isn't worth watching ,not even for Emir and Rehan: The theme of this story******lots of yelling ****lots of
      crying and lots of evil deeds and going nowhere.What a waste of time.YUCK

    • @marieg4739
      @marieg4739 4 года назад +2

      Isn't it time for Kemal to stop scowling?

    • @marieg4739
      @marieg4739 4 года назад +1

      The only thing Emir has going for him is his husky, sexy voice.

    • @anaceliareyesrueda.2074
      @anaceliareyesrueda.2074 2 года назад

      Creo sin equivocacion que Casi todos ( Por no decir la MAYORÍA) vemos está sería en ( Círculos negativos)Por Reyhan y Emir..

  • @celiasantos7218
    @celiasantos7218 Год назад +9

    O médico dando instruções sobre o tratamento do pai e Emir preocupado com a Reyhan!🤭😅😅😅

  • @hlianaland6520
    @hlianaland6520 5 лет назад +9

    Emir'in Heyyyyy heyyyy demesi çok komikti hahah

  • @hadizahadiza2669
    @hadizahadiza2669 5 лет назад +21

    Как же мне нравится Шахрие.Хотела бы я такую бабушку

  • @faymashalz7730
    @faymashalz7730 3 года назад +9

    Narin is trying kemal or what is happening 😂😂 salkin ol kemal salkin ol

  • @hamayilmammadova2317
    @hamayilmammadova2317 Год назад +4

    Indi hec olmasa Emir bir az duwunsun, Reyhani kim ogurlatdi,ne ucun,kim edir bu iwleri?
    Bu yaziq Reyhan ne qeder acimazsiniz cekir,ne qeder azabin cekir,axi bu qeder de olmaz,insafsiz senarist ele bil duwmen babasina ceza verir, cox zalimsan Nezmiye xanim

  • @umidayakubova2948
    @umidayakubova2948 4 года назад +15

    Cavidan😳🙄. Estağfurullah böyle bir eşi hiç kimseye nasip etmesin Allahim 🤲🏻

  • @nissa-mx3ns
    @nissa-mx3ns 3 года назад +22

    Reyhan suppose to be a professional in being kidnapped she suppose to know how to get out of it by now .....Emir need to ask himself why is my wife always getting kidnapped and who is responsible

    • @smilingsmita1784
      @smilingsmita1784 3 года назад +9

      sorry to say.. director made EMIR character so dumb..he is only good at anywhere his mind doesn't work at all & in Rehan case too his friend was giving advice...he need to smart like Kemal

    • @gloriamutoni5137
      @gloriamutoni5137 3 года назад +2

      They made him a dumb sad

    • @nissa-mx3ns
      @nissa-mx3ns 3 года назад +1

      @@gloriamutoni5137 they certainly did

    • @benradette54
      @benradette54 2 года назад

      playing deadma hahaha!

    • @benradette54
      @benradette54 2 года назад

      @@gloriamutoni5137 yes

  • @sakhrinawal1579
    @sakhrinawal1579 4 года назад +9

    Love is Very beautiful😇emir 💖rayhan😍

  • @aimannaseem9443
    @aimannaseem9443 5 лет назад +115

    Comments are more interesting than this show😂😂

  • @glorianaalomoh4866
    @glorianaalomoh4866 2 года назад +5

    How can the writer of this drama make Rayhan so naive

  • @charoucharoujasmine5600
    @charoucharoujasmine5600 5 лет назад +18

    I hope this time cavidan gets in to truoble by her own evil plan of kidnapping reyhan since it has trapped emir again

  • @darleneh7740
    @darleneh7740 4 года назад +34

    This series should be titled “The Witches “!!!

    • @lkaskahoward2503
      @lkaskahoward2503 3 года назад +3

      true, A Witch,!, why they hate Rayman sooooooo much,?.....

    • @lkaskahoward2503
      @lkaskahoward2503 3 года назад +2

      there is always a third party in love !

    • @lkaskahoward2503
      @lkaskahoward2503 3 года назад +1

      I cannot understand without the English,

    • @lkaskahoward2503
      @lkaskahoward2503 3 года назад +1

      Hey Thanks for the English ,good move

    • @kezo144
      @kezo144 3 года назад +1

      Yes you are right 😄

  • @mahnoortahir2896
    @mahnoortahir2896 4 года назад +13

    I am laughing to see that what are narin doing? 😂🤣😅

  • @ednagavillan1486
    @ednagavillan1486 3 года назад +8

    Me encanta esta novela una pareja con mucha química pero la dañaron con el final

  • @saraodisho2929
    @saraodisho2929 5 лет назад +18

    Like Narin Charecter in one look she knew Yonge is after Kemal

  • @Айпери-г1г
    @Айпери-г1г 5 лет назад +5

    Film 1 saat ve 9 dakika gösterir. Ve 40 dk Emir ve Reyan birbirlerine sessizce bakıyor ve hayran. Ve 10 dakika müzede olduğu gibi konuşur ve kalan dakikalarda başkalarını gösterir. Bu yüzden 100 serisine ulaştı. Daha ne kadar dizi olacak, karanlık.

  • @hesenallahyarov4809
    @hesenallahyarov4809 5 лет назад +11

    Allahım Reyhanla Emirin yardımcısı ol.Onları Talaz belasından kurtar.Onlar çox mutlu olsunlar.Hikmet bey de bir an önce iyiləşsin.Cavidanla Cemre de cezalansınlar.Narinle Kemal iyi bir aile olsunlar.Keşke Emirle Reyhan gerçek hayatda da mutlu olub evlenseler.İnşaallah ki o da olar.🙏😊😊🥰🥰

  • @mahnoortahir2896
    @mahnoortahir2896 4 года назад +29

    I enjoy to see the narin and kemel situation. 😊😂

    • @tanseelou806
      @tanseelou806 4 года назад +5

      Kemel and Narin is my now favorite couple. Tired of Emir and Reyhan melodrama lol

  • @graciousj6494
    @graciousj6494 2 года назад +33

    What I’m happy in Hikmet’s case is that there’s no loss of memory, he recognises people just like when he sees Cavidan he reacts, so when he recovers he won’t have problem with his memory.

    • @mariareginaribeiro8031
      @mariareginaribeiro8031 2 года назад +1

      NÃO entendo nesse idioma.
      Português ou espanhol entendo. Sou brasileira.

  • @pianosistema
    @pianosistema 5 лет назад +89

    otro episodio en donde no se concluye nada. Sigue la maldad de estas dos mujeres. Es la serie de mayor número de secuestros que he visto en mi vida. Esta pareja tan bella y en manos de guionistas con tan poca imaginación. Como que el tema más importante aquí es la perversidad de Cemre y Cavidan. Y todo lo demás es secundario. Qué lástima porque los dos personajes Emir y Reyhan son fabulosos.

    • @danielamuller7319
      @danielamuller7319 5 лет назад +5

      Y tb estan de mas kemal y nerin!!!! Q lástima gastar tanta plata en un bodrio mayusculo.sobre toda habiendo hecho un montón de series esolendidas

    • @elvalucindamoreno8099
      @elvalucindamoreno8099 5 лет назад +14

      Ana González perdí el interés de verla solo leo los comentarios y espero el resumen de MELOCOTÓN y así me voy enterando como va.... está segunda temporada me hace espere con mucha ilusión y me defraudaron los guionistas....solo espero que tenga buen final.

    • @virginializano4333
      @virginializano4333 5 лет назад +5

      Toda la razon,

    • @eneidagarcia5789
      @eneidagarcia5789 5 лет назад +9

      Creó que la protagonista de está serie es la malda es lo que no están dando a entender propiciadas por estas víboras,arpias, y ahora que se sumó a ellas el alacran de talaz uno más despiadado que el otro,van a tener que cambiarle el formato a está serie y ya ponerle el nombre ( las maldades de las víboras y el alacran )

    • @yorceliscantillocastro1464
      @yorceliscantillocastro1464 5 лет назад +7

      Tal parece que estan relatando como hacer maldades, perversidades con éxito.

  • @ummy_zara
    @ummy_zara 5 лет назад +67

    I'm just waiting to watch season finale,I'm tired of wasting my data on this series.

    • @lolankaujmi4825
      @lolankaujmi4825 5 лет назад +2

      Me too

    • @binitamaisnam5331
      @binitamaisnam5331 4 года назад

      Wat is the last episode no.?of season 2..I think I sud jump to the last part.its getting bored now

    • @tropicalbut4670
      @tropicalbut4670 4 года назад +2

      The scriptwriter is reinventing all characters uhmmmm making all stupid but Cemre & Cavidan. They run the show🙄... Also tired😒

    • @ummy_zara
      @ummy_zara 4 года назад

      @@binitamaisnam5331 it's not aired

    • @hadizashehu1763
      @hadizashehu1763 4 года назад +1

      Very true what a waste of data

  • @rimonkazi3892
    @rimonkazi3892 4 года назад +108

    Can anyone tell me that how many times reyhan will be kidnapped? and such stupid scenes of emir who find the spot 10x faster than the cops.. What a stupidity... I was watching Turkish and suddenly it turns into hindi serial..

    • @nusratjahan2462
      @nusratjahan2462 4 года назад +1


    • @lesenbeniezung2756
      @lesenbeniezung2756 4 года назад +5

      😂😂😂😂 even me my blood are boiling seeing this irritating kidnapping scene

    • @sharingknowledge2640
      @sharingknowledge2640 4 года назад +5

      😅😅😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣same taught in indian serial taken finding her by 10 episode, fighting scene 10 episode and hospital scene 10 episode police, court......... and so so...

    • @zeusnymphe6412
      @zeusnymphe6412 4 года назад +1

      It's really borring now ! Same things happen ,mwe just like beautifull faces , otherwise, nothing else! And i begin to prefer kemal's love story ! So charming with Narin!

    • @jhehan8592
      @jhehan8592 4 года назад

      me too😆😆

  • @sevimbayram7015
    @sevimbayram7015 5 лет назад +16

    Yazik reyhana cok üzülüyorum gözünün yaşi hicmidinmeyecek yilan cavidan dalga geciyor

    • @cicekleriyi9768
      @cicekleriyi9768 5 лет назад +4

      Insanin kimsesi olmayinca gelen giden vuruyo isre

  • @footballworld4484
    @footballworld4484 5 лет назад +47

    Why every act of kidnapping is rescued by emir. Why he doesn't involve police to investigate after having a lot of kidnapping.

    • @paolabicz5236
      @paolabicz5236 5 лет назад +3

      He was told not to call the police👍

    • @BeltranLopes
      @BeltranLopes 5 лет назад +3

      The police seems quite clumsy,perhaps he feels he can do better on his own.

    • @lindayahya7705
      @lindayahya7705 5 лет назад +7

      Since Reyhan was always in the habit of getting kidnapped, Emir should have the foresight of hiring bodyguards for her.

    • @shenazshariff3630
      @shenazshariff3630 5 лет назад +3

      Because he's very stupid brainless man

    • @beatrizsierra6894
      @beatrizsierra6894 5 лет назад

      M Nadeem Ashraf Butt yo piensos lo mismo, xq nunca pide ayuda

  • @yemekvesirniyyatalemi6553
    @yemekvesirniyyatalemi6553 3 года назад +9


  • @сусанаВ-з8к
    @сусанаВ-з8к 5 лет назад +28

    Рейхан♡♡♡Эмир Мелеке♡♡♡Хикмет. Нарин♡♡♡Кемаль. СУНА♡♡♡Заферр

  • @elnurisrafilov8570
    @elnurisrafilov8570 5 лет назад +44

    Vay be dizi nerden nereye qeldi ya 🇹🇷🇦🇿

  • @isabellahtun2653
    @isabellahtun2653 2 года назад +4

    The evil 😈 monster-in-law, Cavidan, ry much cruel as Canna. So frustrating😤 Emir not able to see, evil mother, hire people to kidnap Reyhan. 😔

  • @Айпери-г1г
    @Айпери-г1г 5 лет назад +115

    benden başka kimse Kemal ve Narin'in yatağının hiç değişmediğini fark ettimi?))

    • @srkanmmmdov2319
      @srkanmmmdov2319 5 лет назад +3

      Mən fikir vermişəm həmişə qara rəngdədir

    • @kuzeyyildiz7571
      @kuzeyyildiz7571 5 лет назад +3

      Men fark edim

    • @Айпери-г1г
      @Айпери-г1г 5 лет назад +3

      @hamlet 😂

    • @famousfamous5022
      @famousfamous5022 5 лет назад +3

      hamlet axaxax🤣🤣🤣tocno deyiwmir o pejamani

    • @Айпери-г1г
      @Айпери-г1г 5 лет назад +3

      @@famousfamous5022 sabahları yıkar ve akşamları onları giydirir. Ya da yazarlar böyle şeylere para harcamak istemediler. Narin'in saç modeli hakkında... Suna ve Emir saç modeli

  • @fabifi6070
    @fabifi6070 5 лет назад +21

    Por favor guionistas denle argumento. No más de lo mismo. Es muy predecible. No estoy entiendo hacia donde va.

  • @yunisa6017
    @yunisa6017 5 лет назад +55

    Who's always present??? Tho' sometimes disappointed but patiently waiting.. #ReyEm is 💖💖💖 ...

  • @9995700016
    @9995700016 5 лет назад +47

    Season 1 series name" yemin "
    Season 2 series name" kemal narin ask"

  • @lurbinperaza7166
    @lurbinperaza7166 5 лет назад +118

    This show is not longer the promise it should be name Cevidan and Cemre dirty deeds.

  • @yagmurcumsudlu8863
    @yagmurcumsudlu8863 5 лет назад +6

    Cavidan Reyhanı kaçırtdı Emrinde başını belaya sokdu ...bu nasıl bir anne ya Mundar

  • @fgdhdirhdhd4725
    @fgdhdirhdhd4725 5 лет назад +38

    1 saatlıg diziye 10 deqiqe baxırıq çox menasızlaşdı

  • @zahramammadova2286
    @zahramammadova2286 5 лет назад +21

    Bir Narinle Kemal sahnələrini izliyordum, artık onu da kayb ediyorum qalibaaa! Narinin aptal yerinə koyulmasi və kəndi kəndinə monoloqları biktirdi . Ön bolumlerde hep Reyhandan dinlədik, şimdi Narin 😩

  • @kemishesenova5680
    @kemishesenova5680 5 лет назад +5

    Cox sevirem bu dizini gorek bunun sonu ne cur bitecek birce Emirnen Reyhan qovussun hecne istemirem birde Narinnen Kemal gozel cift olarlar hepisi

  • @pchmuni4263
    @pchmuni4263 3 года назад +3

    Character of Emir Tarhun is very very foollish,how can he still does not know his mother and Gemre are very cruel and horible ,not having principle

    • @FURON-z9o
      @FURON-z9o 5 месяцев назад

      il le sait que les 2 vipères sont cruelles et horrible, il l'a dejà dit dans un des derniers épisodes , mais il croit encore les paroles de sa mère c'est vraiment du n'importe quoi, ça me herisse les poils

  • @xiomaralopezdeadames7015
    @xiomaralopezdeadames7015 Год назад +3

    Ay dios mío hasta cuando tanta maldad de cavidad y cemres y cuántos más secuestro le quedan a Reygan. Traducción del capítulo 99

    • @FURON-z9o
      @FURON-z9o 5 месяцев назад

      Reyan a bien fait de quitter a la fin de la 2ème saison, je la comprends c est une fille intelligente

  • @sarlagopal9197
    @sarlagopal9197 5 лет назад +5

    Wishful thinking...... for a very special appearance of Kadir from Carpisma to catch Cavidan & Cemre 😅........😂.

  • @salenaba7976
    @salenaba7976 2 года назад +2

    it seems that the police or investigation des not exist in this serie

  • @МаринаМари-с9ч
    @МаринаМари-с9ч 5 лет назад +36

    Я наверное сойду с ума пока всё не выяснится, ну сколько можно так крепать нервы людям 🤦 сценаристы явно издеваются, джемре с джавидан всё время выходит сухими из воды, и из любой ситуации 🙄🙄

    • @borzborz6348
      @borzborz6348 5 лет назад +1

      Скажите пж,Джавидан что мужу сказала,у Кемаля с Нарин шо там?

    • @gulikbride8521
      @gulikbride8521 5 лет назад +2

      сценорист испытовает свой шанс,если так и пойдет дальше то финал не зогорами.

    • @МаринаМари-с9ч
      @МаринаМари-с9ч 5 лет назад +1

      @@borzborz6348 вчера по фрагменту я поняла, джавидан сказала мужу ты в моих руках, и твоя деревенщина невестка тоже

    • @ek6823
      @ek6823 5 лет назад +1

      @@borzborz6348 Та ничего стоящего, все как всегда 😀 дошла очередь до твоей содержанки 😆😆

  • @brokenpoint5707
    @brokenpoint5707 4 года назад +23

    Every day, one gets kidnapped or gets addicted in hospital or goes to jail.

    • @TunaStrata
      @TunaStrata 3 года назад

      Its kinda boring tbh. I just see the summary. If something interesting i watch it for reyhan and emir scene, lol.

    • @sallyebenye8888
      @sallyebenye8888 3 года назад +1

      @@TunaStrata Emir will not find out who kidnap his wife and why

    • @AbdulSalam-gf8vu
      @AbdulSalam-gf8vu 3 года назад

      100 % true

    • @PerovicSimic
      @PerovicSimic 3 года назад


    • @gloriamutoni5137
      @gloriamutoni5137 3 года назад


  • @timeforalex
    @timeforalex 4 года назад +9

    Without a doubt, 1:06:02 one of the best moments in the whole serie, so far the most genuine, tender and sexy hug between Emir and Reyhan😍 Bravo!!!

  • @Русланбро-н1й
    @Русланбро-н1й 5 лет назад +31

    Bu evde bir kamere yokmu cavidan ve cemrenin pisliklerin cixarta uze

  • @carlacunha8374
    @carlacunha8374 3 года назад +16

    Amo a playlist de Kemal e Narin 😍👏🇧🇷

  • @sarhanatarani1703
    @sarhanatarani1703 3 года назад +17

    Salute to kemal . For having a multitasking job. Despite of having a family problem. He can also manage his feeling toward nariiiinn..
    As avid fans of you. Please give us big smile even once . Because Smile is sunnahp

  • @salmanquliyev7022
    @salmanquliyev7022 5 лет назад +8

    Salam 99 cu bölümde Narin .+ Kamal = ❤ . Kefdi.ler e . Emirle Reyhandan çok onlari takibdeyim 👍

  • @jhansirani8428
    @jhansirani8428 3 года назад +2

    Bravo reyhan every time troubles come to u in knowingly

  • @carmedi.ga22
    @carmedi.ga22 5 лет назад +21

    El cuarto secuestro de Reyhan y oh llega Emir y la rescata... Que novedad oh (capítulo 9, 19, 53 y 99). Rectifico cinco veces la han secuestrado, cuando el secuestro de Zeynep ella también estuvo.
    Y la cuarta vez que vemos un hospital en la segunda temporada ( Zeynep, Emir, Cavidan y Hikmet).
    Qué pocas ideas tienen
    Queremos beso coñe! y quitad tanto maltrato. Un piquito no hace daño

    • @kbrendavero8889
      @kbrendavero8889 5 лет назад +1

      mecardi12 es bueno llevar la cuenta , se nota a que somos fan ❤️ te lo digo porque yo también la llevo jajaj ya no más escenas en hospital por favor 🙏 ni secuestros .. saludos 😇

    • @lucyfleitas3753
      @lucyfleitas3753 5 лет назад

      Sii.. Verdad.. Total falta de ideas.. Por ende vacio de contenido

    • @roxanapedagogia8012
      @roxanapedagogia8012 5 лет назад

      Y que rol tienen Zeynep y Oya? Sí no suman, incorporen a otros personajes que den agilidad, giros... uf me tiene agotada tanta maldad..

    • @kbrendavero8889
      @kbrendavero8889 5 лет назад

      Roxana Pedagogía zeynep si tiene un rol.. Oya si solo está de adorno y de chismosa aunque gracias a ella se logró que Kemal y Narin se acercaran más porque al estar en la casa de metiche ellos tenían que fingir su amor .. y así se volvió realidad 😅

    • @nildagarcete3025
      @nildagarcete3025 5 лет назад

      Jajaja apuesto lo que sea que ni piquito habrá

  • @ridf7388
    @ridf7388 5 лет назад +24

    Dizinin hec bir tadi kalmadi Cavidan planlar yapar Rehani kacirirlar Emirde bulur sonra yene planlar planlar

  • @nitalopes515
    @nitalopes515 5 лет назад +19

    Please 🙏🙏have mercy on all of us non Turkish viewers and give us some English summary for guidance a request from a Turkish tv additive viewer 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷

    • @shenazshariff3630
      @shenazshariff3630 5 лет назад +1

      There is two people who are always writing the summaries you can read the summary an you will understand everything thanks to them both of them

    • @shenazshariff3630
      @shenazshariff3630 5 лет назад +1

      Even I am not Turkish but still I'm reading the summaries on my god bless them both I am really depending on their summaries always

    • @benradette54
      @benradette54 2 года назад

      the production don' t need viewers hahahha 😄🤗

  • @thamtham5931
    @thamtham5931 2 года назад +3

    I got to love Nanir, she's slink like hell looking Yonca 🤣🤣🤣🙈

  • @mariaeugeniabermudezcorone9672
    @mariaeugeniabermudezcorone9672 5 лет назад +9

    Estoy muy muy triste no entiendo tanta maldad primero cavidan si fue pobre y ahora quiere ser rica por casarse con un hombre rico que no ama y lo quiso matar hay que aceptarnos tal como somos por otro lado cemre obsesionada con un hombre que ni siquiera da un peso por ella y luego ese loco del papá de leyla que odia a kemal por que lo metió a la cárcel por algo fue que lo acusó por ratero es triste ver tanto odio en una serie que estaba tan hermosa y que se veía que iba que sería una serie llena de cosas bonitas yo se que la maldad existe pero todo tiene un limite. Solo espero que todos los que han hecho maldades lo paguen muy caro y que no se extienda más su maldad por que tal parece que ellas son las protagonistas gracias por su trabajo bendiciones

    • @reyessanchez5719
      @reyessanchez5719 5 лет назад

      el padre de leila parece una cacatúa con el pelo de atrás todo levantado😂😂😂😂

  • @RockstarxLisa
    @RockstarxLisa 5 лет назад +17

    Ilk sezon izlememisem bu dizini. Izleyenler deye biler zehmet olmasa Hikmet Reyhanin dayisidisa Kemale niye dayi demir? Oya da teyzesi olur da. Onlara ama muracieti basqadi.

    • @aygl_ahmdva999.5
      @aygl_ahmdva999.5 5 лет назад +2

      Çünki öz dayısı deyil. Hİkmət böyükdü həmdə qaynatasıdı deyə dayı deyir

    • @tellimamedova7286
      @tellimamedova7286 5 лет назад +4

      Doqma dayi deyil.anasina yardim etmiw.abla kardew kimi

    • @RockstarxLisa
      @RockstarxLisa 5 лет назад

      Cox sagolun

    • @azizahuseynova7813
      @azizahuseynova7813 5 лет назад

      Hayir Hikmet esl dayisi deyil korpelikden baxib deye dayi deyir

    • @ЖалеРахимова
      @ЖалеРахимова 5 лет назад

      Dogma dayisi deyil ki eslinde olar reyyanin hec neydi reyyanin anasi olende hikmet baxib reyyani

  • @serxanquluyev426
    @serxanquluyev426 5 лет назад +108

    Narin kemal💜

    • @mrs.ayshu0438
      @mrs.ayshu0438 5 лет назад +2

      Salam sizin bu verlişi izliyram

    • @mrs.ayshu0438
      @mrs.ayshu0438 5 лет назад +1

      Cavidana va camraya nifrat ediram rehana xanmdl

    • @akabobr6905
      @akabobr6905 4 года назад +2

      Harin menen Kamal biri birine juda mas kelet

    • @mohaamedmouddakhir3642
      @mohaamedmouddakhir3642 4 года назад


    • @marilynmonroe4477
      @marilynmonroe4477 3 года назад +3

      U know I m just watched reyhan and emit seance

  • @hmzmmmdli1913
    @hmzmmmdli1913 5 лет назад +11

    Qaragun reyhanin da basina gelmeyen qalmadi day

  • @kieutrinhphan3070
    @kieutrinhphan3070 5 лет назад +48

    what is wrong with the writer? kidnapping police involved, tomorrow would be hospital scene dissapointed.

  • @АЗААЗА-э3о
    @АЗААЗА-э3о 5 лет назад +104

    Мы как дети смотрим мультфильм Том и Джерри 😁😁🌹🌹🌹

  • @dolcevita9810
    @dolcevita9810 5 лет назад +5

    Bir qadin ne qeder cirkin ola biler? Agzi burnu , qaracilara oxwayir cavidan.

  • @serifeegitmenoglu9723
    @serifeegitmenoglu9723 5 лет назад +2

    Narin Kemal soyutacayim derken dahada asik edeceksin demidi deme

  • @ЛилияИгнатова-н4ц
    @ЛилияИгнатова-н4ц 5 лет назад +28

    Рейхан умница, красавица, спортсменка без страха и упрёка. Эмир тоже ничего, красив, мужественный, силен и все, блуждающие мысли бродят в голове не дают покоя и от этого не видит решения всех проблем.👏👏👏🤔🤔🤔

    • @ЛилияИгнатова-н4ц
      @ЛилияИгнатова-н4ц 5 лет назад

      @@helgalakmi1743 может быть кто писал снарий имел ввиду себя, он же мыслит, пишит, а Гекберк воплощает,но классно воплощает.

    • @ek6823
      @ek6823 5 лет назад

      @@helgalakmi1743 полностью с вами согласна 😀

  • @kontakthome8034
    @kontakthome8034 5 лет назад +5

    veee Emiiirr yinee kahraman olduuu😍😍😍😍😍

  • @BB-sm7eg
    @BB-sm7eg 4 года назад +13

    It seems like a hindi serial😂😂akta kapoor's drama🙆 oh god people think same way.story line all r same

  • @HalimeEs-k3b
    @HalimeEs-k3b 3 месяца назад +1

    Emir ve reyhan sizi cok seviyorum emire reyhana cok yazlk olaçak şunku reyhan öpuyom cok açldlm halerine çok yazlk oldu ikisinede😭❤

  • @samirmx8905
    @samirmx8905 5 лет назад +12

    Emir qardaş dedim axı divanı qaytar yerinə sizə bir yerdə yatmaq düşmədi

  • @livy5899
    @livy5899 5 лет назад +8

    y como es que Cemre que es de alta sociedad conoce a un tipo como Talaz, además a mi me parecia en la primera temporada que Leyla era hija de la madre de Cemre, porque cuando se conocieron ella le pregunto si ya se habian visto antes y la encontraba tan especial y además pusieron esas campanitas, cuando hay una mirada especial

  • @СайкалСайкал-х7ж
    @СайкалСайкал-х7ж 5 лет назад +10

    Turk kardeslerimiz kendileri izlemiyor bence yorum yapanlar hep yurt disindakilar oluyor cuku iyce tadi kacti dizi'yin

  • @197pink
    @197pink 5 лет назад +13

    Me encanta esta novela cada día más bueno

  • @novruzzeynalov3761
    @novruzzeynalov3761 5 лет назад +46

    Bu dizinin senarisini Cavidanla Cemre yazmiski onlarin etdiklarinin cazasni almirlar 100 bolum oldu halada pisliklarindan al cakmirlar bu ne serialdi

  • @vioricatiterlea8707
    @vioricatiterlea8707 2 года назад +2

    Emir trebuia să suni la poliție,cînd ai găsito pe Reyhan,și nu mai puteau nici ei să-ți însceneze crima aia, trebuia să te întorci la mașină să iei telefonul să ceri sprijin!

  • @yorceliscantillocastro1464
    @yorceliscantillocastro1464 5 лет назад +11

    El tio kemal no se qie busca, estan lindo y esta super buenísimo. Me encanta.
    El tonto de Emir llamando a Reyhan despues de haberle gritado y dejarla sola sin siquiera despedirse, ahora esta hecho el pendejo porque no puede localizarla. A de tener remordimiento de conciencia. Ya me estoy hartando de tanta estupidez, cualquier persona con tres o mas dedos de frente es capaz de pensar siquiera que Hikmet sufrio el derrame fue a causa del golpe del que nisiquiera se han debido dar cuenta, eso esta sospechoso un golpe que lo deja incosciente y nadie llama a la policia ni nada y se quedan asi como si nada hubiese pasado. Deberian al menos tener malicia para pensar que al viejo lo quieren matar. Pero tienen camaras y no las ven, no se eso esta raro. Los libretistas no se fijaron en eso. Jajajja.
    Reyhan la secuestran y Emir siempre la rescata,tampoco dan aviso a las autoridades; la han secuestrado sopotocientas vvecesque perdí la cuenta. La bruja ahora dice todo delante del viejo como para que sepa lo mala que es, le hara maldades y de todo. Emir solamente lo llaman y sabe ubicarse de una y abre puertas impresionantemente, debió haber sido detective es bueno para los rescates. La bruja se va a morir cuando sepa que Emir fue por Reyhan y que ahora ambos son prisioneros. Jajajaja. Al menos algo le sale mal.

    • @kbrendavero8889
      @kbrendavero8889 5 лет назад +2

      yorcelis cantillo castro no creo que le importe mucho si hijo si no le duele que sea infeliz y lo ha visto llorar ehh .. pero si espero que no le pase nada a Emir o a Reyhan .. aunque es un show .. si lloraría 😭😭 jajaja yo estoy más loca que la mamá y cemre 😂😂 porque me meto en la trama jajja

    • @yorceliscantillocastro1464
      @yorceliscantillocastro1464 5 лет назад +2

      @@kbrendavero8889 eso suele pasar. Estoy igual o peor

    • @lucyfleitas3753
      @lucyfleitas3753 5 лет назад +2

      Siii.. Verdad.. Creo q es la 5.. Vez q la secuestran.. Y El SUPEREMIR!! rescata siempre a su amada... En esta novela es como caminar en circulos... Siempre lo mismo.. Tan predecibie ya....... Creo q se le acabo la idea a la libretista.. Que es la misma de Adini Den Koy... Y para muestra.. Un Hitón

    • @lucyfleitas3753
      @lucyfleitas3753 5 лет назад +1

      Para muestra un BOTÓN#

    • @BeltranLopes
      @BeltranLopes 5 лет назад +1

      Recuerdas a Zorro? Pues este es el momento zorro de emir ,el es el heroe siempre disponible de Reyhan.

  • @kesiadejesus4024
    @kesiadejesus4024 5 лет назад +25

    Deveria também botar legendário porque nem todo mundo fala porque tem muitas pessoas que falam português e não entendoeu queria muito entender o que eles estão falando eu gosto muito desse vídeo amo esse canal mas só que eu não entendo nada o que eles estão eu não entendo nada porque eu falo português, eu só queria que alguém me explicasse o que é que ele está falando... Amém 🙏💋👏🌼🌸✨🤗.

    • @elinetesilva5037
      @elinetesilva5037 5 лет назад +4

      Procura melocoton nos comentários, ela comenta em espanhol coloca no tradutor. Acompanho dessa forma.

    • @heuderabelo2392
      @heuderabelo2392 5 лет назад +1

      Vcs podem assistir os capítulos legendados em espanhol no grupo facebook Coban Ildizi Sukru, pedi pra entrar no grupo toda semana eles postam 3 capítulos

    • @heuderabelo2392
      @heuderabelo2392 5 лет назад

      Kesia Fera vc pode assistir no grupo facebook Coban Ildizi sukru toda semana posta 3 capítulos legendados

    • @heuderabelo2392
      @heuderabelo2392 5 лет назад

      ELINETE SILVA assisti no Coban Ildizi Sukru grupo facebook

    • @luzdalin1299
      @luzdalin1299 5 лет назад

      @@heuderabelo2392 en ese grupo recien estan en el cap 87

  • @niyyameddinrustemov4527
    @niyyameddinrustemov4527 5 лет назад +7

    Hikmet indi her şeyi kameraya çeke subut üçün .özünü xesdeliye vurmüs ola . Lezzet eliyer .kaşki ele ola

    • @fatimefatime3708
      @fatimefatime3708 5 лет назад +1

      Niyyameddin Rustemov. Men de ele fikirleşirem. Yalandan edir. Her şeyi üze çıxarmaq üçün☺inşAllah ele olar

  • @hellobay8991
    @hellobay8991 5 лет назад +30

    Əla aktrisalıq edirsən amma azəri dilində, Danış çox yaraşır size