MORE EVIDENCE: Another player called Dezno that also played with Dynamic and made the same style content... ON CONSOLE:видео.html&ab_channel=Dezno
8:38 this mentality of difficult=impossible is so stupid and it is sadly prevalent in the gaming community(especially from controller players). I play on high sens no aim assist and am really happy there are guys like this pushing the boundaries for controller.
Exactly, how will we ever push the boundaries of possibilities if we instantly dismiss possible as impossible. Certainly makes no logical sense to me and I want to see the best in FPS, not the guys trying to keep the others from getting to the top. Appreciate your kind words though dude and glad you enjoyed the vid^^ Keep on grinding that high sens!
Funny that even with still all this obvious explanation, there's still some random 1 sub account in the comments saying it's 100% cheats. Can only laugh xD
@ILVRanger That's funny but no. The only AI assist in this is the 2nd kill on shipment and the head track on the 2nd last kill - both aim assist. Otherwise, there is no AI input what so ever and you are chatting pure air. Again, look at the pinned comme t for the comparison of the same settings but on console. It's all doable whether you wanna believe it or not. He really does this.
@ILVRanger You know what AI stands for right? I'm also referring to tracking not snapping but I'd love you to go indepth about what you don't know. Here's an example of someone doing the exact same as Dynamic on CONSOLE:видео.html "Old Aimlock Code" 💀- I mean that's kinda embarrassing you'd even say that tbh...
Absolutely man, so many things in this video are obvious to players that have really grinded cod over the years. I'm glad Dynamic chose all his cleanest target switches without even a blink of over aim. The man knows how to cook🥸 Appreciate you backing him also, I'm sure he does too.
The part I'm in disbelief on is the use of a controller, w/o A/A starting and stopping on a dime. Controllers are analog. If you use a website for Controller Testing, you'll see it reads a constant voltage signal. So in order to move as fast as he does, and stop, there's no way it can start moving without a ramp up, and stop without a slow down, as the stick moves from and back to position 0 (or the set dead zone). Your example of you at 7:30 mark isn't any different than myself on m&k, when I'm aiming. Flicking on m&k is easy, tracking and staying on target as it moves, different story. Back to Controller, could these just be a "best of comp" sure, possible, but even w/ A/A disabled, and max settings for controller, I still have 1 remaining issue. I messed w/ M(2)W2 using reWASD and CronusZen to use a Mouse but with A/A and I messed with the settings over and over and over again, and I could NOT get it to let me flick my mouse at NEARLY that speed. Therefore, those clips are extremly sus, if not just flat out aimbot.
Unfortunately, it's amazing how many people misread Jake's tweet, I also said in the video... Aim assist is on bud, he said he doesn't rely on u because he often overflicks or flicks out of the bubble... but he still uses it. For someone that understands the voltage and inputs of a controller, I thought you would have been able to recognise the AI aim moment of the aim assist on the 2nd kill in the shipment clip, but I suppose that could also be what made you think it's more suss. But yeah simple answer, aim assist. For the comparison video, watch the one I'm the pinned comme t which is Dezno, one of Dynamic's pals on the same sens settings doing this on console. Crazy part is, on avg, Dy's flicks are probably faster than a mouse. Watch his hand cams, he's flicking let's say what would be a 5/6cm swipe of a mouse in 0.8mm of a joystick push... his is actually faster but way less control. Again like in the video, stopping aim dead still is actually easier for dynamic too as explained with the hand cam in the vid. And what you don't see is the errors which is where I invite people to do more digging - he's got twitch/handcams etc. He's really doing this again, I've played with him a lot.
Can you send it to me (my twitter is @zewwm)? I know Dynamic personally and will forward it. I know for a fact Dynamic is still on his main account from MW19, currently shadowbanned from reports however he's always unbanned after shadows. During that time he will play on friends accounts to make content, otherwise he's a 17 Yr old college kid... you really think he's got 6x accounts of a £50 game? I'll be very happy to forward on a screenshot of whatever you think you've found though and I'll have him reply here later when he's back around but you sound far off the mark I'm afraid.
Just had my pal, he's an ex-challengers player so I honestly rate this guys skill. Even he read all the pros opinions and instantly believed that they know better because they know how a controller can and can't be used... I instantly was like no, not a single comp player ever even consider going 20 sens with 4x ads multiplier - they wouldn't dream! It would be way to inconsistent in a comp setting? It really is a different concept for people to grasp and I'm loving Dy's uniqueness getting out there right now. The last 4x ads warrior🥷
Nice breakdown Ik he’s not cheating because I do the same thing on controller. I use 4.00 ads to and upload it to my RUclips. The only difference is my sense I really high. He uses minimum dead zones of 15 15 and also maximum of 1.00 dead zone. I use 0 dead zone for my minimum and 25 for my maximum. I can see he shoot’s through walls randomly but I do the same. It is not every time sometimes it takes me days to get wallbangs. The flicks are also possible if you apply a good amount of pressure to your joystick in the middle so it evens out. I also sometimes get one frames sometimes I think on console it’s easier since it’s not as powerful as a pc. He the g.o.a.t tho 💯
good post, kinda highlighting how a lot of people get called out for cheats but evidence cant be 100%, maybe this can be used in cases of other cod players who are under scrutiny, game and map knowledge goes far in cod and unfortunately, thats something the majority of the cod community lacks, taking the easy route out of just claiming hacks
I'm glad I was able to get those points across properly. I think to often people want to highlight good aim that is clean, then form a fictional story over it, not look out outside effecting factors, not take time to really go beyond the 1 piece of information they've digested (many a 30 second video was all they needed to form an opinion). It certainly does show the alarming side of how quickly people form a bias opinion and really some also go straight into "Cognitive Dissonance" (become unreasonable and will not listen to any logic outside of their own, shutting down any point of conversation). I've even chatted with a cheat dev after that have approached me on Twitter. We broke shit down against a cheat he devs and even he said yeah, actually not everything he's doing adds up to cheats even if it looks suss (at first this dev was deadset he was cheating until we talked logistics, he's still not 100% but he definitely agreed it could be legit). I'm glad that I've really been able to hit this topic the way I imposed really. Thank you for commenting and feel free to share on to anyone you think it would help ^^
@@Zewwm how are you putting your name out on DYNAMICYH. there is so many more better videos of DYNAMICYH cheating idk why this guy didn't bring up but for DYNAMICYH to kill all these people through the walls with no indicator that there was a person there my man just comes all the way across the match and just starts to shoot through the wall and kills people, once ok it happens twice ok you got lucky but 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 times in almost every single game he plays come on he cheating and now your taking up for him and when he finally gets exposed your ganna be the guy that people are ganna look at next for trying you hardest to vouch for him .
Rara should maybe just stay that way really. Cancel culture by a middle age man with subpar content... I mean where does the cringe end in that sentence? I personally can't see it.
are you kidding me man.... 7:45 Is NO where near close to the same thing.... hes snapping to people off screen a full 90.... you barley rotated to a guy whos alrdy on screen its not the same Your boy is cheating
Ok, you didn't like that example so here's timestamped another:видео.html Snapping off screen and full 180 degrees, no info on guy behind me, perfect prediction and flick to crosshair placement for the final kill of the 4. OFC top players will make these plays, they are not madly common, but with good game sense, a good player will predict right and do this more often for sure. Dynamic grinds SND, I EXPECT him to make plays like that, I know he's capable and does. You are coping and probably just not that good at FPS. Maybe watch and learn bro, it's not that deep ^^
not just that my name kills more people through walls then i have ever seen in my life, with no indicator that they are there. no red dot on mini map no sound nothing just snaps onto someone and shoots through the wall. Its sad when people try to take up for cheaters and hes ganna wind up ruining his own career.
@@user-vt3vo1yd3v Dude, where did you honestly just make all that information up from? He's had the same main account on PC since MW19, still unbanned. He's been shadowbanned via reports several times and unbanned every time soon after. The only time he's on another account is when he's shadowbanned. There's many players in this cycle thanks to the report system being so broken, again you prove you know very little.
The problem is that the muscle memory of a thumb can not be compared to a hand / forearm .... the flicks he makes are absolutely meaningless ... does not correct the aim, the input goes directly to stop on the enemy. .. as for the wallhack I don't think he has it, knowing the maps and looking at the minimap as much as possible creates this ... if it were legit, which can easily be debunked if he could play with the presence of someone reliable and a pc not his, he would create a "precedent" .. that the aimasissist on games is useless on pad.. it's really hard to believe it's legit, in my opinion i think it uses some sort of slowdown on target. Time will tell the truth
Ofc muscle memory works the same. It works like all muscle memory of any other muscles you use in your body - repetitions over time of mass repeating the same action is how we get to mastery. Neurologists research says 2000 reps until you can do an action without your brain having to consciously think about it, 10k reps for Mastery. People learn to play guitar with their feet. To think a thumb can be as dexterous or that reps over time wouldn't achieve extreme refinement then I'm sorry, you're very wrong and there are many studies that prove this. The slow down is simple, I'd he let's go of the toggle on his pad quickly with 0 in put, when the joystick stops, it will always be a dead stop, hence even when he underflicks or overflicks in clips, every readjustment is very slight tap ok the roller. Infact in the hand cam vid there is several mis-adjustments to correct, several errors of over aim etc. Again I will defend Dy till I'm blue in the face. Played over 100hours in game with him, watched him die more than kill more often than not for these clips... if he was illegitimate, he'd very doing this way more consistent, it's worth watching one of his streams because you'll see the errors waaaayyy more. And ofc what he's doing is very unique, there's a link to a console player doing to same, there was 3 people on these roller settings in my old team, Dynamic being 1 of them. The other 2 have now quit but 1 of them Dezno I have pinned in the comments. He's another example showing this is very much possible :)
@@Zewwm I find it difficult to compare someone who learns to play guitar with his feet and someone who through multiple inputs such as CPU ram, card, video, pad that create latency but oh well ... in the worst case he will become famous like Nadia and make tons of money
Dude... what you just said makes 0 sense. The comparison is to prove thumbs can be trained and very dexterous indeed - they are way more adaptable and functional infact then any other digit on your hand as it has way more movement capability compared (even more so when trained, both roller and mobile players aim with their thumbs after all). He's playing on several inputs causing latency? How bad exactly do you think latency in game is nowa days? His only "input" is his controller, the rest is hardware??? Playing controller through PC on a plugged in controller. Honestly the only latency there is so negligle, it would be milliseconds and basically unnoticeable via a human. Now days input delay is basically a thing of the past and barely plays an issue. When you move your mouse, do you notice input delay?🤣 Well worth watching Dezno in the pinned comment before you comment again :)
@@Zewwm I saw it before commenting .. I repeat the only way to disprove this is to use a non-history PC, with non-his peripherals and controlled by a reliable person ... useless to be a lawyer, you have the same credibility as me and like many others... defend a friend yes, try to exploit the "wave" of being famous as well.
@@_xewo_9856 there's several ways you could prove this. You can get a roller, try the sensitivity. He is currently on a brand new PC, he just upgraded. In terms of lan, he'd have to be invited and isn't a big streamer/comp player so that is just irrelevant at this point in time and will not be a realistic opportunity. We hope this could be a future thing. In terms of acting like a lawyer, I prefer to act like a judge. To be a judge you must be impartial. You must grace both sides of the arguement indepth and openly before you come to a solid conclusion - oh you'd also have to take in the account 1st hand witness like myself AND MANY others that are vouching for him. Maybe this is why you are not in law at all, because you choose to ignore evidence. The fact you are in disbelief and can't even fathom this to be legit is humorous however I understand too because the way it looks is certainly unique. Personally I'm not bothered what legitimises this for you, as proven with many haccusated "cheaters" in the past, you'll most move those jumpers for goalposts when you're proven wrong. The bad part is you are preying on someone's downfall that is doing some legitly... "worse that can happen is he does well in life"... like if you had figured out a way to do something that made you stand out in a massively overcrowed/saturated content market... and then someone completely discredited you, stopping you to reaching your dreams, how would you feel? The kids 17 and you're literally hoping he doesn't succeed - envy at it's finest and you should probably look to grow up a lil more and yes, I'm assuming you are an adult just not really reciprocating the actions of one...
MORE EVIDENCE: Another player called Dezno that also played with Dynamic and made the same style content... ON CONSOLE:видео.html&ab_channel=Dezno
8:38 this mentality of difficult=impossible is so stupid and it is sadly prevalent in the gaming community(especially from controller players). I play on high sens no aim assist and am really happy there are guys like this pushing the boundaries for controller.
Exactly, how will we ever push the boundaries of possibilities if we instantly dismiss possible as impossible. Certainly makes no logical sense to me and I want to see the best in FPS, not the guys trying to keep the others from getting to the top. Appreciate your kind words though dude and glad you enjoyed the vid^^ Keep on grinding that high sens!
Love to see you break this down
Funny that even with still all this obvious explanation, there's still some random 1 sub account in the comments saying it's 100% cheats. Can only laugh xD
@ILVRanger That's funny but no. The only AI assist in this is the 2nd kill on shipment and the head track on the 2nd last kill - both aim assist. Otherwise, there is no AI input what so ever and you are chatting pure air. Again, look at the pinned comme t for the comparison of the same settings but on console. It's all doable whether you wanna believe it or not. He really does this.
@ILVRanger You know what AI stands for right? I'm also referring to tracking not snapping but I'd love you to go indepth about what you don't know. Here's an example of someone doing the exact same as Dynamic on CONSOLE:видео.html
"Old Aimlock Code"
💀- I mean that's kinda embarrassing you'd even say that tbh...
@ILVRanger "devs were more corrupt than the players"🤓
Need to start doing this more, great overview, great pacing, sexy voice and overall quality content!
Ohhh hot dayyummm, gonna have to debunk every OOT player next O.O
10/10. flicks are just map knowledge and thinking about timings. just shows he plays a lot and is mechanically good
Absolutely man, so many things in this video are obvious to players that have really grinded cod over the years. I'm glad Dynamic chose all his cleanest target switches without even a blink of over aim. The man knows how to cook🥸 Appreciate you backing him also, I'm sure he does too.
The part I'm in disbelief on is the use of a controller, w/o A/A starting and stopping on a dime. Controllers are analog. If you use a website for Controller Testing, you'll see it reads a constant voltage signal. So in order to move as fast as he does, and stop, there's no way it can start moving without a ramp up, and stop without a slow down, as the stick moves from and back to position 0 (or the set dead zone). Your example of you at 7:30 mark isn't any different than myself on m&k, when I'm aiming. Flicking on m&k is easy, tracking and staying on target as it moves, different story.
Back to Controller, could these just be a "best of comp" sure, possible, but even w/ A/A disabled, and max settings for controller, I still have 1 remaining issue. I messed w/ M(2)W2 using reWASD and CronusZen to use a Mouse but with A/A and I messed with the settings over and over and over again, and I could NOT get it to let me flick my mouse at NEARLY that speed. Therefore, those clips are extremly sus, if not just flat out aimbot.
Unfortunately, it's amazing how many people misread Jake's tweet, I also said in the video... Aim assist is on bud, he said he doesn't rely on u because he often overflicks or flicks out of the bubble... but he still uses it. For someone that understands the voltage and inputs of a controller, I thought you would have been able to recognise the AI aim moment of the aim assist on the 2nd kill in the shipment clip, but I suppose that could also be what made you think it's more suss. But yeah simple answer, aim assist. For the comparison video, watch the one I'm the pinned comme t which is Dezno, one of Dynamic's pals on the same sens settings doing this on console. Crazy part is, on avg, Dy's flicks are probably faster than a mouse. Watch his hand cams, he's flicking let's say what would be a 5/6cm swipe of a mouse in 0.8mm of a joystick push... his is actually faster but way less control. Again like in the video, stopping aim dead still is actually easier for dynamic too as explained with the hand cam in the vid. And what you don't see is the errors which is where I invite people to do more digging - he's got twitch/handcams etc. He's really doing this again, I've played with him a lot.
@@Zewwm I posted a image on Twitter, of 5 accounts I had seen on him. Can he log into each of those to prove they're not banned?
Can you send it to me (my twitter is @zewwm)? I know Dynamic personally and will forward it. I know for a fact Dynamic is still on his main account from MW19, currently shadowbanned from reports however he's always unbanned after shadows. During that time he will play on friends accounts to make content, otherwise he's a 17 Yr old college kid... you really think he's got 6x accounts of a £50 game? I'll be very happy to forward on a screenshot of whatever you think you've found though and I'll have him reply here later when he's back around but you sound far off the mark I'm afraid.
@@Zewwm this dude knows nothing about the game. Don’t even entertain him.
dynamic is a mechanical king, something these "pros" lack. ego gets the best of them when they see someone with more skill
Just had my pal, he's an ex-challengers player so I honestly rate this guys skill. Even he read all the pros opinions and instantly believed that they know better because they know how a controller can and can't be used... I instantly was like no, not a single comp player ever even consider going 20 sens with 4x ads multiplier - they wouldn't dream! It would be way to inconsistent in a comp setting? It really is a different concept for people to grasp and I'm loving Dy's uniqueness getting out there right now. The last 4x ads warrior🥷
Nice breakdown Ik he’s not cheating because I do the same thing on controller. I use 4.00 ads to and upload it to my RUclips. The only difference is my sense I really high. He uses minimum dead zones of 15 15 and also maximum of 1.00 dead zone. I use 0 dead zone for my minimum and
25 for my maximum. I can see he shoot’s through walls randomly but I do the same. It is not every time sometimes it takes me days to get wallbangs. The flicks are also possible if you apply a good amount of pressure to your joystick in the middle so it evens out. I also sometimes get one frames sometimes I think on console it’s easier since it’s not as powerful as a pc. He the g.o.a.t tho 💯
Oh Zewwm you’re such a W MANS
One day, I'll be the walking W - believe fam xD
good post, kinda highlighting how a lot of people get called out for cheats but evidence cant be 100%, maybe this can be used in cases of other cod players who are under scrutiny, game and map knowledge goes far in cod and unfortunately, thats something the majority of the cod community lacks, taking the easy route out of just claiming hacks
I'm glad I was able to get those points across properly. I think to often people want to highlight good aim that is clean, then form a fictional story over it, not look out outside effecting factors, not take time to really go beyond the 1 piece of information they've digested (many a 30 second video was all they needed to form an opinion). It certainly does show the alarming side of how quickly people form a bias opinion and really some also go straight into "Cognitive Dissonance" (become unreasonable and will not listen to any logic outside of their own, shutting down any point of conversation).
I've even chatted with a cheat dev after that have approached me on Twitter. We broke shit down against a cheat he devs and even he said yeah, actually not everything he's doing adds up to cheats even if it looks suss (at first this dev was deadset he was cheating until we talked logistics, he's still not 100% but he definitely agreed it could be legit). I'm glad that I've really been able to hit this topic the way I imposed really. Thank you for commenting and feel free to share on to anyone you think it would help ^^
@@Zewwm how are you putting your name out on DYNAMICYH. there is so many more better videos of DYNAMICYH cheating idk why this guy didn't bring up but for DYNAMICYH to kill all these people through the walls with no indicator that there was a person there my man just comes all the way across the match and just starts to shoot through the wall and kills people, once ok it happens twice ok you got lucky but 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 times in almost every single game he plays come on he cheating and now your taking up for him and when he finally gets exposed your ganna be the guy that people are ganna look at next for trying you hardest to vouch for him .
W video. Dynamic is a W too!
Absolutely Correct - these guys in Oak Habitat actually a different breed O.O
W vid
Thanks dude, had to back Dy all day man!
Holy mega W
You know it!
Huge W
W's all we know
Gonna need some more Rizla... Can't stop shhmoking rn🌤
👏 👏 👏
They don't realise what you guys been doing all this time xD
Rara has been mad quiet since this dropped
Rara should maybe just stay that way really. Cancel culture by a middle age man with subpar content... I mean where does the cringe end in that sentence? I personally can't see it.
are you kidding me man....
7:45 Is NO where near close to the same thing.... hes snapping to people off screen a full 90.... you barley rotated to a guy whos alrdy on screen
its not the same
Your boy is cheating
Ok, you didn't like that example so here's timestamped another:видео.html
Snapping off screen and full 180 degrees, no info on guy behind me, perfect prediction and flick to crosshair placement for the final kill of the 4. OFC top players will make these plays, they are not madly common, but with good game sense, a good player will predict right and do this more often for sure. Dynamic grinds SND, I EXPECT him to make plays like that, I know he's capable and does. You are coping and probably just not that good at FPS. Maybe watch and learn bro, it's not that deep ^^
not just that my name kills more people through walls then i have ever seen in my life, with no indicator that they are there. no red dot on mini map no sound nothing just snaps onto someone and shoots through the wall. Its sad when people try to take up for cheaters and hes ganna wind up ruining his own career.
i love this video. nothing but the truth
They just can't handle it man :/
@@user-vt3vo1yd3v Dude, where did you honestly just make all that information up from? He's had the same main account on PC since MW19, still unbanned. He's been shadowbanned via reports several times and unbanned every time soon after. The only time he's on another account is when he's shadowbanned. There's many players in this cycle thanks to the report system being so broken, again you prove you know very little.
@@user-vt3vo1yd3v where have u got this evidence LMAO. playing on other people's accounts has nothing to do with me being perma banned?
Thats what a cheater would say 🥱
@@drag0d393 Damn, Drag0d out catch dem cheaters again but actually he cheats in Aimlabs, say WHUUTTTT
The problem is that the muscle memory of a thumb can not be compared to a hand / forearm .... the flicks he makes are absolutely meaningless ... does not correct the aim, the input goes directly to stop on the enemy. .. as for the wallhack I don't think he has it, knowing the maps and looking at the minimap as much as possible creates this ... if it were legit, which can easily be debunked if he could play with the presence of someone reliable and a pc not his, he would create a "precedent" .. that the aimasissist on games is useless on pad.. it's really hard to believe it's legit, in my opinion i think it uses some sort of slowdown on target.
Time will tell the truth
Ofc muscle memory works the same. It works like all muscle memory of any other muscles you use in your body - repetitions over time of mass repeating the same action is how we get to mastery. Neurologists research says 2000 reps until you can do an action without your brain having to consciously think about it, 10k reps for Mastery. People learn to play guitar with their feet. To think a thumb can be as dexterous or that reps over time wouldn't achieve extreme refinement then I'm sorry, you're very wrong and there are many studies that prove this.
The slow down is simple, I'd he let's go of the toggle on his pad quickly with 0 in put, when the joystick stops, it will always be a dead stop, hence even when he underflicks or overflicks in clips, every readjustment is very slight tap ok the roller. Infact in the hand cam vid there is several mis-adjustments to correct, several errors of over aim etc. Again I will defend Dy till I'm blue in the face. Played over 100hours in game with him, watched him die more than kill more often than not for these clips... if he was illegitimate, he'd very doing this way more consistent, it's worth watching one of his streams because you'll see the errors waaaayyy more. And ofc what he's doing is very unique, there's a link to a console player doing to same, there was 3 people on these roller settings in my old team, Dynamic being 1 of them. The other 2 have now quit but 1 of them Dezno I have pinned in the comments. He's another example showing this is very much possible :)
@@Zewwm I find it difficult to compare someone who learns to play guitar with his feet and someone who through multiple inputs such as CPU ram, card, video, pad that create latency but oh well ... in the worst case he will become famous like Nadia and make tons of money
Dude... what you just said makes 0 sense. The comparison is to prove thumbs can be trained and very dexterous indeed - they are way more adaptable and functional infact then any other digit on your hand as it has way more movement capability compared (even more so when trained, both roller and mobile players aim with their thumbs after all). He's playing on several inputs causing latency? How bad exactly do you think latency in game is nowa days? His only "input" is his controller, the rest is hardware??? Playing controller through PC on a plugged in controller. Honestly the only latency there is so negligle, it would be milliseconds and basically unnoticeable via a human. Now days input delay is basically a thing of the past and barely plays an issue. When you move your mouse, do you notice input delay?🤣 Well worth watching Dezno in the pinned comment before you comment again :)
@@Zewwm I saw it before commenting .. I repeat the only way to disprove this is to use a non-history PC, with non-his peripherals and controlled by a reliable person ... useless to be a lawyer, you have the same credibility as me and like many others... defend a friend yes, try to exploit the "wave" of being famous as well.
@@_xewo_9856 there's several ways you could prove this. You can get a roller, try the sensitivity. He is currently on a brand new PC, he just upgraded. In terms of lan, he'd have to be invited and isn't a big streamer/comp player so that is just irrelevant at this point in time and will not be a realistic opportunity. We hope this could be a future thing. In terms of acting like a lawyer, I prefer to act like a judge. To be a judge you must be impartial. You must grace both sides of the arguement indepth and openly before you come to a solid conclusion - oh you'd also have to take in the account 1st hand witness like myself AND MANY others that are vouching for him. Maybe this is why you are not in law at all, because you choose to ignore evidence. The fact you are in disbelief and can't even fathom this to be legit is humorous however I understand too because the way it looks is certainly unique. Personally I'm not bothered what legitimises this for you, as proven with many haccusated "cheaters" in the past, you'll most move those jumpers for goalposts when you're proven wrong. The bad part is you are preying on someone's downfall that is doing some legitly... "worse that can happen is he does well in life"... like if you had figured out a way to do something that made you stand out in a massively overcrowed/saturated content market... and then someone completely discredited you, stopping you to reaching your dreams, how would you feel? The kids 17 and you're literally hoping he doesn't succeed - envy at it's finest and you should probably look to grow up a lil more and yes, I'm assuming you are an adult just not really reciprocating the actions of one...
nadia isnt a cheater shes just good and nobody sees it.
Bro the dude is literally 5'2 he is cheating
How is he cheating
Watch his videos idot american
@@powerups5796 He's using his 5ft2 cheats, I've seen them myself O.O
@@user-vt3vo1yd3v Funny thing is Dezmn has also been in teams with him, we've seen him play, you are literally just proving you know nothing.
@@Zewwm ? Is that supposed to offend me I'm 5/4
Thank you for having a brain