Why We Serve

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 52

  • @AhmadShahMakou
    @AhmadShahMakou 19 дней назад +2

    God bless Great America 🇺🇸 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @user-tr7by2oj1z
    @user-tr7by2oj1z 9 дней назад +3

    TRUMP VANCE 24, save America vote for Americans 🇺🇲❤️💯👍😎

  • @WalterCruz-USA
    @WalterCruz-USA 27 дней назад +6

    God Bless America!!! 🇺🇸🦅⚡️⚡️💀🔥✝️🙏🏻

  • @user-dg7sy8cz3b
    @user-dg7sy8cz3b 28 дней назад +2


  • @holaWednesday
    @holaWednesday 21 день назад +1

    I'm not thirsty for power

  • @johnhopkins6260
    @johnhopkins6260 28 дней назад +1

    Sir(s): As a disabled vet USAF SSgt, I am deeply grateful that my government, my DoD and my USAF is giving voice to those who serve... regardless of infantile attempts at derision.
    Last, but not least: A debt of gratitude to the life-saving/preserving service of my VA... you gave me my life back, fwiw... "thanks" is insufficient.
    BTW: there is a vast difference between defending "freedom", and protecting Liberty; Liberty is freedom, with responsibilities. To wit: "...with liberty and justice for all."

    • @user-dg7sy8cz3b
      @user-dg7sy8cz3b 27 дней назад

      The VA is being used as a conduit to distribute financial aid to the individuals streaming across our borders.
      It’s subversive, and practically unknown.
      We are being invaded. Intentionally, by peoples devoid of our values and customs.
      It’s literally the manifested strategy of our historic enemy of the last 100 years.
      Everyone, wake-up!

  • @LfishL
    @LfishL 22 дня назад


  • @ExpertInfantyCplPendulumTarot
    @ExpertInfantyCplPendulumTarot 25 дней назад

    You serve United States Council of Human Consciousness

  • @PendulumMapTarotLightWorker
    @PendulumMapTarotLightWorker 27 дней назад

    I fight against United States Special Forces in Iraq, I love my Professional Expert Infantry Job

  • @gathrightcrystal
    @gathrightcrystal 5 дней назад

    I got a court order the Dod is valiating with censorship

  • @terrencemilton5088
    @terrencemilton5088 23 дня назад

    Thank you for your services. It would have been awesome if I enlisted 15 years ago when I went to the recruiting off. I guess it wasn't gods plan.

  • @Derrick4Davidson
    @Derrick4Davidson 28 дней назад

    Thanks everyone 🏀

  • @Marstruth
    @Marstruth 21 день назад +1

    To hide the truth about what's on Mars and the moon... That's "why YOU serve"

  • @gnabiumrani
    @gnabiumrani 27 дней назад +1

    میسر خیر خواہوں کو تو عیش جاودانی ہو
    ترے بد خواہ کو حاصل ہمیشہ ذلت و خواری
    پئے تلوار تیرے ہر گھڑی خون دل اعدا
    ترا خنجر کرے دائم ترے دشمن کی خونخواری
    دعا آٹھوں پہر ہے ہفت اقلیم آئے قبضے میں
    ترے قلعے کی ٹھہرے ربع مسکوں چار دیواری

  • @AhmadShahMakou
    @AhmadShahMakou 19 дней назад


  • @TimothyWaldronSemple
    @TimothyWaldronSemple 5 дней назад

    5 August 2024. Dispatch for Department of Defense & Republican Party & Democrat Party, CC: POTUS: After Action Review. You want to talk about the Afghanistan withdrawal, how our Warriors died and we left behind battle-ready equipment to fall into the hands of the enemy? Fine, but let's talk about all of it: all the mistakes and all the strategic errors and all the American Warriors who died in America's Longest War.
    Let's talk about frontline infantry wearing green woodland camouflage SAPI armor plate carriers over desert camouflage uniforms - thereby negating the desert camouflage - because the correct color of camouflage plate carrier was unavailable.
    Let's talk about frontline infantry lining the floor of their humvees with sandbags as improvised armor against mines.
    Let's talk about combat outposts built in the valleys of Afghanistan surrounded by mountains - in defiance of all sound military doctrine that would have them built on high ground - because some non-veteran suit thought winning hearts and minds was more important than physical security.
    And let's talk about a war that was lost from the very beginning, two wars, Iraq and Afghanistan, the Nine Eleven Wars, because our unwise leaders disgraced America with the war crime of torture, ceded the moral high ground, and made us morally equivalent to the Taliban or Al Qaeda or any other terrorist. Let's talk about that, o ye baby boomers who condoned this evil while ye were in government and mysteriously retain office.
    Let's talk about how we irresponsibly outsourced American warfighting to companies like Blackwater, how we shamefully hired them to do our job for us.
    Let's talk about American Warriors taking their own lives in droves while Veterans are homeless, while the VA criminally embezzles veteran benefits, while George W. Bush paints in his art studio and his warriors have no art studios at all, and Biden & Harris smile and lie and tell us that America has a sacred duty to take care of the Veterans. None of you should have homes until we have homes, for there is no American work you have done that remotely compares to fighting in war for all of us.
    I am grateful to POTUS for ending the Afghanistan War - to stop the loss of further lives of American Warriors. I grieve our brothers-and-sisters-in-arms who perished as we left. And yes, from a professional warfighting perspective, it is unsatisfactory that we left behind battle-ready equipment for the enemy to use, un-destroyed and un-sabotaged.
    But there are more mistakes for us to address than just those we made during our withdrawal from Afghanistan - we must address the mistakes of the entire campaign.
    May God save all the Veterans, and grant us homes in this ungrateful country we fought for and still fight for. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
    Very Respectfully,
    In Christ,

  • @user-dg7sy8cz3b
    @user-dg7sy8cz3b 27 дней назад

    AI is erasing comments.

  • @TimothyWaldronSemple
    @TimothyWaldronSemple 26 дней назад

    15 August 2024. Economic Dispatch for Treasury Secretary Yellen, Minority Leader Jeffries, Speaker Johnson, FED Chairman Powell. Government is not a business, it is a service to the American People, and therefore it should be profitable to the American People. Our ballooning national debt is quantitative proof that we are leaving a worse country to the next generation than the country we inherited. I would have us leave a sovereign wealth fund to the next generation, as some countries have, not crippling national debt. Furthermore, I consider this debt a national security vulnerability. What if China invades Taiwan, and we come to Taiwan's defense, and China decides to call in all our debt or sell it to other nations at ten cents on the dollar? Haven't we given them an economic lever to devalue USA and devalue our credit?
    My orders are: all of us shall seek out and identify new revenue streams for our government that we may commit exclusively to paying down our national debt. I'm not talking about merely taxing the rich, though this is necessary and President Biden is right to do it. We could legalize marijuana, and tax it, and commit 100% of the tax revenue to paying down our debt. Additionally, we would have a new cash crop to export and would take business away from the cartels, thereby reducing cartel violence and mitigating the flood of immigrants who are desperate to escape cartel violence.
    What are your ideas? How can our government generate revenue to pay down our national debt so we leave the next generation an even better country than the one we inherited? Government is not a business - it is a service to the American People, and we are all servants of the American People.
    God save the United States of America, and all our Noble Allies.
    Very Respectfully,
    In Christ,
    T.W. Semple

  • @TimothyWaldronSemple
    @TimothyWaldronSemple 24 дня назад

    17 August 2024. Evening Poem: Joy's Crockpot
    In the end, Joy died alone
    forever estranged from family & friends
    I know that could be me someday
    Her children never came, she was
    thinly accompanied by us her housemates
    intimates made intimate by the forced intimacy
    of shared living quarters
    but still we held her hand
    People die, and the world goes on without them
    with all of its pain
    barely changed
    someday I will die
    an unaccompanied veteran
    and this country will still have problems
    but they will no longer be
    my problems to solve
    The housekeeper here
    works seven days a week
    for ten dollars an hour
    to keep her husband and son
    in a motel room like mine
    she cannot afford to pay a dentist
    to fix her toothache
    on her slavery wages
    I'm going to pay the dentist
    for her. All I have, these
    veteran benefits, they are
    the tax dollars of the American People
    entrusted to me to spend how I will
    Lo, I am become the state
    and if you receive veteran benefits
    then you are the state, too
    let us love our neighbors
    and bless the American People
    for if not us then who?
    When the air turns cold,
    I will put on the Washington Commanders
    heavy woolen cap that Joy gave me
    and the matching Washington Commanders gloves
    though I may never see DC again
    I will turn on the crockpot Joy gave me
    fill it up with meat and root vegetables
    in a tomato-and-Guinness sauce
    this motel room will be warmed and perfumed
    by the slow cooking
    all these gifts Joy gave me to
    keep me alive
    It's hard for me to
    part with a single dollar
    for I know the horror of American homelessness
    that awaits me should my balance hit zero
    but I will pay for that dentist
    and think of my friend Joy
    smiling up at me from the stoop
    old lined face crinkling with pleasure
    smoking the cigarette she wasn't supposed to have:
    "Good morning, Majestic."
    "Good morning, Jungle Cat."
    There's got to be
    a Heaven after
    this, and I will
    see her there

  • @Ravi-fw7fh
    @Ravi-fw7fh 27 дней назад

    God bless America . If God doesn't bless America, there are many people who are there for America.

  • @Ravi-fw7fh
    @Ravi-fw7fh 27 дней назад

    American soil is blessed that you people are protected American soil.

  • @TimothyWaldronSemple
    @TimothyWaldronSemple 27 дней назад


  • @shannoncleveland5904
    @shannoncleveland5904 20 дней назад


  • @BatmantelepatiaTelepathy
    @BatmantelepatiaTelepathy 23 дня назад

    Estoy secustrado por telepatia por mark Milley general del army mi Visa core peligro rescatarme pronto investigar me en o por telepatia oiga telepatia de todo el mundo q le da envidia por telepatia venir onde estoy secustrado en Maryland md Lanham Mongolia ave cipriano rd enfrente de un hotel en casa de canpana

  • @fujironakombi6581
    @fujironakombi6581 4 дня назад

    GO RUSSIA 🇷🇺

  • @ShaunFace
    @ShaunFace 27 дней назад

    To be on tv and get paid. Duh.
    😂the worse.

  • @ExpertInfantyCplPendulumTarot
    @ExpertInfantyCplPendulumTarot 25 дней назад

    Don't need a Security Clearance when you are psychic 👁🔮✨️🗡😇✨️⚖️🧭🗺