Left Turn: Which Is The Worse Driver, Slow In The Passing Lane Or The Tailgater? | 06/15/22

  • Опубликовано: 4 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 35

  • @uPPasalo
    @uPPasalo 2 года назад +5

    Slow in the passing lane is the worst. It causes traffic, which would also create more tailgating and frustration. Crazy that a lot of drivers are actually oblivious to this law.

  • @goodvibes7104
    @goodvibes7104 2 года назад +8

    Both are dangerous, but tailgating is worse. When somebody tailgates me, that used to give me road rage. Now that I'm older combined with wisdom, self awareness and this crazy world we live in, I just simply pull over and allow the tailgater to go around me. That keeps my blood pressure down and keeps me in my peaceful mind state.

  • @ajnaguy
    @ajnaguy 2 года назад +4

    It's like that old anti-drug commercial: "Who taught you to flip people off?" "I learned it from you, Dad...I LEARNED IT FROM YOU!"

    • @radioactive9861
      @radioactive9861 2 года назад +1

      I remember that commercial...good times...

  • @Zach-hm6ky
    @Zach-hm6ky 2 года назад +9

    Tailgating is dangerous but driving in the fast lane, slow is also dangerous. I’d still say the tailgating ding dong

  • @abjustdoit1294
    @abjustdoit1294 2 года назад +4

    DP with the crossover 😂

  • @joer7837
    @joer7837 2 года назад +4

    If you answered tailgating then YOU are driving too slow and you should move to the right

  • @josephhanretty888
    @josephhanretty888 2 года назад +2

    Sweatshirts inside…just noticed this is very common on the show. Why not just change the temp in the room? It’s summer

  • @ChildOfThe1970s
    @ChildOfThe1970s 2 года назад +2

    If people would simply respect other drivers around them and use driving as a means to get from Point A to Point B, this stuff wouldn't be nearly as big of an issue. Too many people think of driving on a public road as some type of competition, but why? Is there a big cash prive for the winner? If people wanna drive fast and tailgate or block other drivers, there are plenty of racing circuits out there for all the wannabes.

  • @EffTwoFiddy
    @EffTwoFiddy 2 года назад +1

    When my daughter was big enough to sit in the front seat, i would have her shake her finger at drivers in situations like this

  • @billybob2372
    @billybob2372 2 года назад +2

    Seton with all due respect you don't look like you can back up that finger

  • @mclendonracing8244
    @mclendonracing8244 2 года назад +2

    Slow in the passing lane!!!!

  • @underthetrees4780
    @underthetrees4780 2 года назад +1

    Nothing wrong with tailgating someone out of the passing lane, but it's bad behavior any other time.
    Traffic flows so much nicer when people respect the passing lane, slow drivers in the passing lane are why we can't have nice things.

  • @crammydavisjr5813
    @crammydavisjr5813 2 года назад +2

    Slow in passing lane 1000%. A sign of being clueless on the road

  • @radioactive9861
    @radioactive9861 2 года назад +1

    The thing about this poll question that gets me is: What is the definition of 'tailgating'? For some people, tailgating means you have to be 3 inches from the rear bumper of the car in front of you, for others...two car lengths from the rear bumper of the car in front of you is tailgating.... Either way, if you are in the passing lane and people in the lanes next to you are PASSING YOU, then you need to GTFO!!!!!

  • @mikeromanelli6309
    @mikeromanelli6309 2 года назад +2

    I feel slow drivers in the passing lane are worse. I drive to Vegas twice a month. When you get past Barstow , you're in the middle of nowhere on a 2 lane interstate. Trucks make up 30% of the traffic and they religiously stay in the right lane unless it's absolutely necessary for them to pass slow traffic, usually a slower truck going up an incline.. It's dangerous to get around the trucks when there's someone in the left lane just put-putting along. When you do navigate around these slow pokes, before too long you'll catch up to traffic where another slow poke in the left lane has nobody in front of him/her for a country mile.

  • @zachsackers6302
    @zachsackers6302 2 года назад +1

    I hope there is a special place in hell for people who drive slow in the left lane. Not only is it inconsiderate but it's also very very dangerous. If you look at countries like Germany that have no speed limits on part of their highway and yet have lower accident rates than the United States it's because people understand the rules of the road and how to overtake vehicles take vehicle safely and not cruise in the left lane. We as Americans could do better.

    • @Vic-Vega
      @Vic-Vega 2 года назад

      We have speed limits here in 'Murica, though (although they're not really accurately-enforced, which is a big-time pet peeve of mine).
      Tailgating is the worse offense here, BY FAR.

  • @roguewavecreative
    @roguewavecreative 2 года назад

    This explains the Foo Fighter didlike. Man, he really came off as a douche. Not going to tell you to relax as there is not a worse phrase to tell anyone. Maybe a little look in the mirror time:).

  • @joshann1251
    @joshann1251 2 года назад +2

    The people who tailgate someone going 10 over in the left lane just because they want to go 30+ over are the worst. Dangerous driving and assholes.

    • @uPPasalo
      @uPPasalo 2 года назад

      Depends on the flow of traffic. If the limit is 60 and ur going 70, but everyone else is going 80-90, that's on you. I'm sure the other right lanes are going a speed you're more comfortable with. That's a safer choice than trying to be righteous, putting everyone else in danger.

  • @ColbyePresents
    @ColbyePresents 2 года назад +2

    *Slow in the passing lane causes traffic. Traffic effects everyone.*

  • @Catdad776
    @Catdad776 2 года назад

    People in Houston don't know that the left lane is the passing lane....been here 6 years and I see it everyday.

    • @radioactive9861
      @radioactive9861 2 года назад +1

      Same with a LOT of people in california....they seem to think the lane to the right of the HOV lane is the 'getting passed' lane(ie, the lane you get into when you want to be passed by ALL the other cars on the freeway...

    • @RobertKeilOK
      @RobertKeilOK 2 года назад +1

      What is with the tow truck drivers acting like vultures when there’s a wreck? Seriously, the dust is hardly settled and there’s about 5 trucks on scene

    • @Catdad776
      @Catdad776 2 года назад

      @@RobertKeilOK I’ve only been here 6 years and it still amazes me. They know how bad the driving is so they’re always at the ready.

  • @8CountAudio
    @8CountAudio 2 года назад +2

    Tailgater by far

  • @mactheknife7049
    @mactheknife7049 2 года назад

    I had a situation like what Dan's describing in my younger, much more hot-headed days. I kept a .45 in the console between the car seats. As the guy walks up, I reach into the console and grab the pistol, then roll the window. I bring the pistol up toward my chest much in the way one would put their hand over their heart for the national anthem - not brandishing it by any means, but making it *clearly* visible to the guy approaching the car. He got about 10 feet away from me, stopped, and decided whatever he had to say to me wasn't nearly as important as he initially thought it was. I put the pistol away, then drove around his parked vehicle (as he was still walking toward it) and went on my merry way.

  • @cudackedees3327
    @cudackedees3327 2 года назад +1

    Tailgating is just an ass hole move on the road. Getting the finger often just mean you are an ass hole on the road.

    • @devinthomas9754
      @devinthomas9754 2 года назад +2

      blocking the passing lane is just as much of an asshole move. Getting upset someone passes you on the right when you are slow in the fast lane is asinine.