Akathisia Story

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • This is just my story. I am hoping for this to reach others in crisis, or others who have been through it in hopes of raising awareness of this absolute beast of a condition.
    We are all trying to make sense of this and I am hoping those who see this will have some answers or some hope for people deep in the suffering.

Комментарии • 380

  • @nidritaa.5727
    @nidritaa.5727 4 месяца назад +11

    Only the people who’ve experienced it, can know the feeling. It’s a living nightmare. It could easily be the most traumatic experience I’ve had in life.

  • @AimeeJoshJensen
    @AimeeJoshJensen 3 года назад +27

    You are so strong! The gaslighting and dismissing is criminal!

  • @sk8n854
    @sk8n854 3 месяца назад +6

    Everything you described is Akathisia. Not just the part after the Prozac. Akathisia is by far the most demented and excruciating thing I've ever experienced. It nearly ended my life on multiple occasions. I suffered from it off and on for a year straight. Then another episodes 10 years later and again 5 years after that. I'm currenty on valium because of this last time and tapering off through benzo withdrawal which is also unbelievably awful.

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 месяца назад +2

      Can I ask what caused the Akathisia all those times?

    • @sk8n854
      @sk8n854 3 месяца назад

      ​@@beautifullybroken1591The first time was Xanax Cold Turkey and then being drugged up much like youb were. All the different meds tend to exacerbate it. 10 years later it was reignited from trying to cold turkey off of Cymbalta which I was put on during the first time. I was reinstated and it went away again. This last time was from Kratom but I stopped the kratom and it completely went away with the Valium. But now I'm dealing with a slow and difficult Valium taper. But so far the akathisia hasn't returned.

    • @sk8n854
      @sk8n854 3 месяца назад

      ​@@beautifullybroken1591 the first time it was from a Xanax cold turkey after only like a month on it. Didn't understand what was happening because it happened so fast. Then off and on benzos and given all kinds of other meds sort of like you were. It did eventually go away after coming off all the drugs except one. 10 years later it was reignited by trying to come off that last med(cymbalta). I had it for 2 months and was reinstated and given a ton of klonopin and it did go away again. 5 years later I got it from taking kratom. I only had it for 3 days but as you can imagine that's more than enough time for it to drive you off a cliff. Stopped the kratom and was given valium. It went away again but now I'm dealing with a pretty brutal valium taper. So far the akathisia hasn't returned though. 🤞

    • @_harbinjer
      @_harbinjer 3 месяца назад

      @@sk8n854 this platform has become quite communication restrictive

    • @sk8n854
      @sk8n854 3 месяца назад

      @@beautifullybroken1591 various cold turkeys off of different meds over the years. I'm down to only 2 meds now.

  • @aulikalitka7143
    @aulikalitka7143 6 месяцев назад +11

    I have panic attack disorder, and when I have an attack I feel exactly the way you are describing... it is indescribable. I could relate to slamming my fist onto wall and wanting to smash my head and make it stop. Or not being able to keep myself from jumping from a moving vehicle because you are so out of touch with reality and in such a state of fear and torture.
    You are exceptionally beautiful and I pray the blood of Jesus over you. Just stay strong until Jesus returns to take us away from it all... He will save us if we persevere through this fallen world and trust Him. God be with you always.💜

    • @VenomousMinds
      @VenomousMinds 5 месяцев назад +4

      Panic attacks are terrifying...but they shouldn't feel like that. Makes me wonder if maybe you have been misdiagnosed. 🤔

    @ANNADAIAN 3 месяца назад +5

    Im watching your video ot got recommended to me again after two months of watching it .i just eant you to know toure amazing and keep going

  • @ErikFindling
    @ErikFindling 10 месяцев назад +12

    Keep persevering, God has a brand new body coming for all of those who trust in him and one day we will no longer be subject to pain, disease, sadness, sickness or death. I don’t have akathisia but I have long lasting tremor and genital neuropathy caused by SSRIS. Days are hard, but I remind myself everyday of the Lord’s promises to those who love Him.

  • @amodernalchemist432
    @amodernalchemist432 4 месяца назад +3

    Withdrawal is _no joke!_
    Opioids, Benzos and alcohol have the worst because its not just a mental dependency, it's a mental and physical dependency.
    Don't be embarrassed, you're spreading awareness that can help other people. Stay strong, you got this. 🕉

  • @Innocent_Villain
    @Innocent_Villain 6 месяцев назад +14

    Benzodiazepines (lorazepam, diazepam, etc.) gradually weaken the GABA receptors, which act as essential brakes on chaotic nervous system traffic. The longer anyone with akathisia is on a benzodiazepine, the more the erosion of GABA receptor functionality will get worse as a predictable direct biochemical result of the way benzodiazepines put pressure on the GABA receptors. This can escalate into horrifying hallucinations among other consequences of trying to suppress chaos in the nervous system with a class of drugs that weakens the very neurotransmitter system that it initially amplifies.
    Once that happens, some of the same people who behavioristically claim that the problem is "anxiety" will tend to claim that the problem is "psychosis", and start prescribing "anitpsychotics" that effectively weaken mental focus by blocking dopamine. That makes akathisia even worse, and a lot of psychiatrsts are obstinately obtuse when one tries to inform them that they are literally causing a vicious cycle.
    Absolutely dealdy, torturously deadly. I hope someone is warned in time.

    • @dustygatrell-ru7tg
      @dustygatrell-ru7tg 5 месяцев назад

      Benzos literally cause nervous system damage an brain damage. Cause gaba runs threw the brain as well. Once gaba receptors are damaged it can take months to years for them to repair themselves. There's actually newer studies out that confirm this. Yet phyciatrists are still acting as if this doesent exist . Benzos are the most highly prescribed pshyc med there is, so there Making a killing off these drugs .ofcourse there not gonna tell people the truth. It would put a huge dent in there wallets. An benzos aren't the only pscyc meds that are dangerous like this. Most phyc meds are not good at all.

  • @marshallperrigo849
    @marshallperrigo849 2 месяца назад +2

    Oh my god you describe it just like it was w me. A NIGHTMARE U CANT ESCAPE!!!!

  • @kerrijodierberger
    @kerrijodierberger 7 месяцев назад +10

    When I picked up my Clonazapam that I’m tapering off of, for the first time they had different side effects on it, usually just says tiredness, don’t drive, but for the first time, they had different side effects on them, it said, could cause fear, depression, anxiety and depression,who the hell would take medication with those side effects. I have shear terror, not normal anxiety, extreme depression, body aches, and I believe inner akathasia, I hope things get better with you. God bless you. I never had depression like this or terror, I shouldn’t have ever been put on Clonazapam.

    • @pixelshowpro
      @pixelshowpro 6 месяцев назад +5

      No one should ever be put on these poisons !

    • @ginacheselka6086
      @ginacheselka6086 6 месяцев назад +2

      How long have you been on it? I've been on them for a very long time. Looking back I should have been treated very different and I wish I had known back then. I am praying for you it does make sense the body aches and depression the worst panic and fear

  • @greg9069
    @greg9069 3 месяца назад +5

    I don’t think i had akathisia, but I had to go to a psych ward for gabapentin withdrawal (~3000mg a day for nerve pain) .. I was supposed to be on .5mg ativan a day for a week and taper, and the psychiatrist took it off my chart on the 3rd day, I was tweaking at 3 am in that psych ward screaming and yelling, heart rate 200+ blood pressure through the roof, and all the nurses could do was take my vitals as they told me “it’s not on your chart” I was like this for like10 hours til the psychiatrists showed up and put the Ativan back on my chart.. they acted like I was over reacting but that shit was intense and I remember that night like it was yesterday… while they made it impossible for me to even take the Ativan for a full week to withdraw more comfortably, I was also denied any pain medication going forward and was given antipsychotics and SSRIs, most doctors really should be taken out of the hospitals.

    • @director2bob
      @director2bob 3 месяца назад

      just reading your story gives me intense agitation. I feel so bad for you and pray you are on the path to healing. My prayers are with you🙏

  • @Jimmy-Legs
    @Jimmy-Legs Месяц назад +1

    I also developed it after an operation to remove my thyroid a couple years ago. I don’t know what they gave me, but I developed akastisia shortly after it woke up. I was pacing the hallway s all night long. I’m sure the nurses thought I was a nutter. I tried to sit down, but I just could not. I refused any medication they wanted to give me. Luckily for me it settled down later the next day and I was ok in a couple days.
    BTW, your description of it is spot on.

  • @CeiyntBizpoMusic
    @CeiyntBizpoMusic 4 месяца назад +2

    I feel your pain. You're awesome for posting this. God bless

  • @_harbinjer
    @_harbinjer 3 месяца назад +1

    i care about you, everything about you and your life is important to me, everything you go through, everything you feel, think and experience. I think lithium? was the one I had the strongest or most horrible withdrawals from, it was absolutely unbearable, i was crawling in my skin. I told myself after that experience that i will never be on any of these medications on such a strong and high dose that i can not easily and quickly wean myself from them. It was issues between doctors and pharmacies that gave me the most grief during this time, running out of and short of these powerful meds because of miscommunication. I can understand and relate to everything you shared in this video. It's been almost twenty five years for me being disabled now, i personally think it was from vacs injury at 18 years old (while being processed through the military), what a shame

  • @SammiFrench12
    @SammiFrench12 3 года назад +12

    I am so glad you're alive tessa, I cant believe what you've been through! Grateful to hear your story❤❤

  • @Jimmy-Legs
    @Jimmy-Legs Месяц назад +1

    I had a couple months of that 15 years ago. When I say a living hell, I mean living hell. Physical and mental torture beyond anything that could be adequately described.

  • @janicefarmer8600
    @janicefarmer8600 6 месяцев назад +6

    Thank you for your bravery in making this video. It is so informative and helpful. Stay strong❤

  • @SisterSandraElziraThomas
    @SisterSandraElziraThomas 6 месяцев назад +7

    You are so beautiful in and out. Your symptoms are just like what I went through. I went through it and I’m healed by the grace of God. I’m praying for God to heal you. In Jesus name. Amen

    • @ginacheselka6086
      @ginacheselka6086 6 месяцев назад +1

      In Jesus name Amen 🙏🏻

    • @2needey1
      @2needey1 5 месяцев назад

      Pastor? Are you interested in helping more people? Maxwell

    • @_harbinjer
      @_harbinjer 3 месяца назад

      i am in agreement

  • @sunnyknightsforever9653
    @sunnyknightsforever9653 6 месяцев назад +7

    Your story just open my partner's eyes I was trying to explain these horrible things that were happening for the last few weeks but especially the last couple days and your story opened his eyes so I want to thank you with all my heart for this giving me this information and helping him to understand that it's not just me I will be praying for you thank you for sharing your story you're a very brave woman

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  6 месяцев назад +4

      I'm so sorry you are suffering. But I am glad this video helped you in some way. God bless

    • @oz7916
      @oz7916 6 месяцев назад +1

      I did show this to my mom, so she knows I’m not faking it. She cried:( She is my biggest support because you are spreading this information 💕 And being Russian doesn’t help at all:( In Russia it’s considered laziness. Thank God because of people like you people starting open up about the hell they are going through.
      Hopefully, soon this will be recognized as whatever it is- hell!
      Thank you and God bless!
      Hello from Seattle ( half of my life lived in Russia).

  • @oz7916
    @oz7916 6 месяцев назад +4

    I’m so sorry to hear about what you are going through 🥺 Ive been on clonozepam for about 20 years treating epilepsy. Finally I found neurologist who said there are more ‘gentle’ drugs to treat epilepsy. So I’m on my clonozepam withdrawals journey now. It’s hell on earth, and it’s been just two months( took a little break, had a seizure) me slowly winning of clonozepam. I’m scared of withdrawal symptoms but also seizures). I was laying on my bed during withdrawal in such a fear I couldn’t move, I just felt tears rolling down my face. It would last for three four hours, when I couldn’t take it anymore I ran to my mom’s room screaming make it stop, make it stop please. I wouldn’t even think starting doing this if I didn’t have supportive family. Sorry for mistakes, I’m kinda all over the place. And it’s just less than half way through. I’m going to start my next tapping next week. I’m so so scared, especially, now knowing how it looks and how it feels.
    What really helped and helping me through this is yoga. When I was laying in my bed going through withdrawal I would talk to myself: ‘Olga, ok you can’t move your body, but you can breathe correctly. Slow down your breathing’. That helped me tremendously! All of that gave me severe health anxiety. Just a week ago I had ambulance taking me to the hospital because I couldn’t walk, literally, they were teaching me how to walk again and gave me a walker to take home. The most scary part, when I was discharged from the er I was prescribed while pharmacy, just name a drug 😥 . I’m planning on throwing it away. I have so much to loose. I got this! We got this! This nightmare has to stop!
    Sending lots of love and positive energy your way 💕

    • @ginacheselka6086
      @ginacheselka6086 6 месяцев назад +3

      Sending you soooooo much love and prayers and hugs ❤ You are strong and you got this!!!!

    • @oz7916
      @oz7916 6 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much! It’s not like I’m happy people are going through this hell:( But it’s nice there are people who are going through the same and supporting each other. There certain withdrawals symptoms I experienced, I thought I’m dying, but going through comments I learned that I’m on my way to recovery 😊

  • @susanhenry2775
    @susanhenry2775 6 месяцев назад +6

    I went through this as well. Absolute torture. I'm better but not completely. My Psychiatrist was amazing. She knew just what to do for me. I'm so sorry to all of you 😢

  • @director2bob
    @director2bob 3 месяца назад +2

    .I am going through the same thing you described and you made this video 3 years ago. I have been thinking about suicide for the past 5 months and have enough pills stocked up that if I drink a bottle of vodka and take the pills, the metal and physical pain will end. Please tell me you have improved to the point that life is worth living. None of my friends or family understand the torture I am dealing with. Suicide seems like the only answer but before I commit to the final solution, I still have this small glimmer of hope that this condition will improve. Only someone who is experiencing this condition understands your torment & suffering. I pray for your health & happiness and so hope you made a recovery. Even if not 100% at least to the point you can enjoy life. I do no want to die but I will not spend the rest of my life living in this state so just hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    • @AMG749
      @AMG749 3 месяца назад

      Let me k ow what caused it and i can help you brother, it will heat

    • @_harbinjer
      @_harbinjer 3 месяца назад +3

      i relate 100% to what you are saying. It does get better, good things can and do come to you. It's been many years free from this for me personally. I am experiencing great peace and tranquility and stability like I have never felt before in my life, i would have never thought that it could be possible. I trust the same happens to you, i care about you, hang in there for me, you can have a good life, I am experiencing it now

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 месяца назад +3

      People heal from this all the time. It went away for me. It does come back from different things but it also goes away. The body is designed to heal from this. You just need to figure out the cause, make sure you are not making it worse or triggering it and your body will heal by itself. Do all the research you can and have faith. Don't let it take you out

    • @director2bob
      @director2bob 3 месяца назад +3

      @@beautifullybroken1591 Its amazing but since I posted my comment 10 days ago I had an huge improvement in my symptoms have improved my like 90% and I feel so much better. Thanks so much for the reply and so happy you are doing better as well. 🙏

    • @director2bob
      @director2bob 3 месяца назад

      @@AMG749 Thank you my friend. I have improved so much in the past 10 days its a true miracle. Last night I was able to dream for the first time in over 6 months. I am on a small does of diazepam 5mg which my DR prescribed for me to help with my alcohol withdrawals and also allow me to be able to sleep. I shit you not but two months ago I went to ER because I didn't sleep for 4 days. Thanks again for being so nice and offering to help. It shows me that there are still wonderful people in this world. I pray you are also healing and doing better!! And what caused my Akathisia is the medication the DRs put me on in an inpatient drug rehab I went to. They put me on prozac for depression and also gave me huge doses of seroquel every night to help for sleep. I was only on meds for 14 days and quit the day i got home. Next day I knew something was wrong with my nervous system and was not able to sleep for days at a time. I was seriously contemplating suicide for past few months so anyone reading this just know that you can heal from this dreadful condition. And God Bless the beautiful soul who posted this video. I wish her the very best.

  • @marshallperrigo849
    @marshallperrigo849 2 месяца назад +2

    I had akathesia ABSOLUTELY SCARY!!!!

  • @AMFitnessCaryIL
    @AMFitnessCaryIL 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks for sharing ! I’m so sorry this happened to you :(

    @MISSTEMPAS 3 года назад +8

    I can say I had the same operation, ended up in emergency with nausea 2 weeks later and ongoing for months after, I was dry reaching and had back spasms and pain I couldn’t sleep, I was prescribed diazepam. I lost 6 kgs in a week, the docs had no idea what was wrong and in the end was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. Haven’t had a scope for proof. I’ve refused all meds but I take nexium, if I don’t i feel sick (not sure if it’s my mind or body) I searched for months for myself for a diagnosis and come across an amazing doc thankfully, I’ve since been through nearly 2 years of bladder issues ‘long story’ stil going through it. 2 iron infusions (much needed)
    And the dry reaching has returned.
    I am always tense and always on my feet being busy, soon as I sit I’m a mental mess......
    I’m so grateful you have shared your story!!! You’ve given me a name to tell my doctor !!!!
    I wish you all the best beautiful girl

    • @yarie6277
      @yarie6277 2 года назад +1

      Hello. To start im soo sorry for what you went through and you are incredible strong!
      I want to ask you some questions because im having some issues and have an appointment and this is information is a must to know.
      You got the horrible problems from the operation ( anesthesia) or from Diazepam? the ulcer was from the med as well or the operation? and as well as the bladder issues, operation or med?. I ask because i have Bladder issues for 8 months now and had the same problem for a month back 2017, im going to a urologist and maybe they will do a cystoscopy or who knows and im scare ill get a worst problem. Is been 6 months since i came off an antidepressant and i for any reason want to be put on anothe antidepressant so i want to know that information.
      Thank you and take care. God bless you.

  • @ryanlebear
    @ryanlebear 6 месяцев назад +5

    I hear you, from someone who doesn't expect anyone to understand.
    We do thrive eventually, more so than prior.

  • @missopinionated1976
    @missopinionated1976 3 года назад +8

    So sorry you are going through this Tess. I'm proud of you for speaking out, it's awful to think the medical profession is not up to speed on this issue. Hopefully your experience will help educate them. Sending you all my love, Aunty Di. 💖💕💖

  • @benjaminthacker9383
    @benjaminthacker9383 3 года назад +17

    I’ve never heard anyone describe exactly what I went through for one month straight this past November. It was benzo withdrawal but I didn’t know until I went to rehab months later for suboxone and I felt the same symptoms, THEY TOOK ME OFF CLONAZOPAM. It clicked.
    I couldn’t stop moving or pacing. My mind wouldn’t shut off. I was worried sick but had nothing to worry about. I thought I had died, and was in hell on earth. My body hurt so bad that I wanted to come out of my body or die. It’s worse than hell. The fear is so bad that you pray for flames just to put the fear and pain out. I literally got into my truck after 2 weeks and drove to liquor store. Chugged vodka. It helped me sleep but wouldn’t come close to stabilizing me.
    You’re right when you say there is no way to articulate the agitation, the hell, the fear, the anxiety, like your mind is in your belly, and your belly is worried sick. Pure torture. No one can save you, I even screamed to Jesus “please help me!!!” Before going to liquor. I thought I was either poisoned, possessed or in hell.
    I’m sorry you had to got through this. You’re the first to confirm it wasn’t only me. Thanks for sharing.

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +8

      It really is the most horrible thing I have ever experienced on this Earth and no one cares or can help. It's criminal that we are given drugs that cause something like this to happen to a human. Im sorry you had to endure it. I have years of enduring it to come, slowly coming off the poison of the benzo they put me on to try stop it in the first place. That's a whole other hell. I hope one day someone puts a stop to these drugs so no one has to endure it ever again

    • @jackiejames3898
      @jackiejames3898 2 года назад

      @@beautifullybroken1591 Yes beautifully said. There is nothing that helps and you just want to die. It's literally being tortured.

    • @valeriezushin9419
      @valeriezushin9419 2 года назад +2

      I’m currently experiencing internal Akathisia Has anyone recovered from this ?

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  2 года назад +1

      @@valeriezushin9419Sorry to hear that. Yes they have

    • @mv8908
      @mv8908 2 года назад

      @@valeriezushin9419 what’s the difference? I think I got it. Try omega 3 with krill oil

  • @livingunderachemicalinflue5849
    @livingunderachemicalinflue5849 3 года назад +11

    Hi Tessa, you commented on my page but I couldn’t find the message. Great work speaking out about akathisia 😊. It’s just not right is it what we have to go through, we rely on our medical professionals and this happens. Please reach out when ever you want, happy to support you through the journey. May you continue to heal well 🙏🙏😊

  • @Sunnysideup_3142
    @Sunnysideup_3142 6 месяцев назад +2

    I’ve had that before for a few weeks maybe longer.
    Felt like a lot longer tbh. I had to constantly move around.
    Cogentin helped. My step dad had this foot stimulator thing that felt like micro shocks on my feet and calves. That helped. I literally had to work out constantly. I couldn’t stop moving. I was so uncomfortable.
    Saunas helped. So did the jacuzzi.

    • @ThePainkiller9995
      @ThePainkiller9995 6 месяцев назад +2

      hell i had it for a few hours from taking Seroquel to fall asleep after taking stimulants and it was very uncomfortable i cant imagine having that for a day let alone weeks or months

  • @MmBeeA
    @MmBeeA 5 месяцев назад +1

    Hope things are getting better, thank you for even deciding to do the video, is insightful, helpful and puts a name to it, you are beautiful sweetheart, much love to you and your family❤

  • @nelson850
    @nelson850 2 года назад +8

    one of the biggest things you can take from this is knowing how strong you are to experience this and keep on going, there's not many mental states that are more brutal than what this shit puts you in. if you can weather this than there's nothing that can shake you.

  • @VenomousMinds
    @VenomousMinds 5 месяцев назад +1

    Not much I can say except my heart seriously, sincerely goes out to you. I don't think anyone who hasn't experience this can IMAGINE the horror it's obvious even the most powerful of words cannot describe. It sucks because there's nothing I (or so many of us watching this) can do. And yet if I could--I don't know you but hearing your pain which like I said, I don't think people realize can even EXIST in the way that it does, if I could do something to help alleviate that pain, I would (pick up extra hours at work, sacrifice some random luxury I don't need, etc). I know it sounds stupid, but what I do for my channel pretty much requires that I look for horrifying and disturbing stories all day long. When I'm not researching them, I'm either talking about them (recording them) or thinking about them in some capacity. And considering all the horrifying things I have come to learn about throughout my lifetime (don't worry, my current main focus/channel is more along the lines of "true crime" as opposed to medical maladies), the fact that your story managed to leave me feeling as disturbed and depressed as it did is saying quite a lot. It is powerful, and I think that more--many more--people need to know that these conditions exist. I mean medical professionals and laypeople alike. In the end, I guess Thank You for sharing the experience with the world because it is needed, as I just said. ❤❤❤

  • @brebrown5338
    @brebrown5338 5 месяцев назад +2

    The fact most doctors haven’t even heard of this is terrifying.

    • @cee.marie00
      @cee.marie00 5 месяцев назад +1

      the ones that order these meds should know, on the other hand there’s doctors that know this could happen ans don’t plan for it. i’ve had this from IV meds for nausea 3 times now, the first time they gave me haldol (which they shouldn’t have as zofran works and i have an emergency plan on my file at the hospital there) - him and the nurse laughed after saying they knew it could happen but they’d never seen it, they ran IV benedryl and it helped reverse it but i needed a few doses. the last time was a few weeks ago after i had a TIA, they had pushed maxeran and this was the worst…i was ready to kill myself on the floor begging for help squirming and told the nurse this is akathisia please call the doctor for benedryl, she kept saying you’re just anxious and it took over 20 mins for her to page the doctor twice and a porter saw me on the floor and actually ran to the other part of emergency to get another doctor since i was under neurology and the resident still had not come…i told her what it was and it took another 15 minutes for her to get the Benadryl even with the doctor giving her verbal orders. anyways what i am getting at is if they are ordering these drugs they need to put an emergency order for benedryl the same way they put narcan for opioids. i still have PTSD from these events and it’s awful to see the amount of others who have experienced this and even to the point of taking their own lives.

  • @katmaverick9555
    @katmaverick9555 3 года назад +6

    I am so sorry what you've been through and are still going through. Thanks so much for sharing and raising awareness youre really brave.
    I've been prescribed many different meds when I go to the doctor for help since I was 15 but I always threw the scripts in the bin as ive watched family members have a bad time with them. Then I had a traumatic thing happen I was 23 and I got prescribed lorazapam, i got addicted, was suicidal and a zombie and lost a really good because of it.
    I wonder if a natuopath can help you and be able to ween you off meds safely. They find the root cause and treat it instead of just masking your symptoms and giving you toxic drugs that make it worse. I go to the tara health centre and see Paul who has 20 something years experience. Its really helped with my pcos, depression, anxiety, ocd, adhd and pain. CBD oil has also helped.
    I hope you find some relief asap. My heart goes out to you and your family x

  • @TonyRIKKI
    @TonyRIKKI 2 месяца назад +2

    How is this happening? I seen a video where an 11 year old boy had it, he was given one dose of nausea meds through an IV, it broke my heart seeing him go through that, how is this not recognized as a legitimate illness where people have to research and try and get answers for themselves off the internet, my heart truely goes out to anyone that gets this, I hope you can beat it if you have it. 12:05

  • @angiequeenn221
    @angiequeenn221 5 месяцев назад +1

    You are so pretty. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  • @mystik.mermayde.aotearoa
    @mystik.mermayde.aotearoa 2 года назад +4

    Thank you so much for bringing this to the world's attention🙏🙏🙏 I hope you find healing💖💖💖

  • @Kekoa-dp3gc2ux7z
    @Kekoa-dp3gc2ux7z 5 месяцев назад +1

    In the U.S. , they're using , "Ketamine" infusion. It helps the neurons in the brain and re-wires it so it fires correctly also relieves depression . Try looking up, Ketamine infusion for depression resistant people. You're so brave speaking up about this . ❤❤

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  5 месяцев назад +5

      Thanks yeah I know about Ketamine. Unfortunately it has injured people like me further. I dont have a mental illness, my cns is Injured by an anti nausea medication. But thank you ❤

    • @director2bob
      @director2bob 3 месяца назад +1

      I did Ketamine therapy before I developed Akisisthia a few months ago. I am so desperate now that suicide has become the only thought in my mind. Maybe I should try Ketamine infusions again to see if it can help. The last thing I want to do is make the symptoms worse but at this point I have nothing to lose.

  • @oleneo
    @oleneo 8 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for sharing!🙏 I think this is exactly how the hell would feel.

  • @pamelameltonhuff583
    @pamelameltonhuff583 4 месяца назад +2

    God bless you young lady I hope you heal my prayers are with you there's so many others that are going through the accusation you're talking about I am an elderly woman 68 but have depression and anxiety but having watched these videos that so many people are suffering from akathisia it's Criminal what doctors are putting people on and not helping them when they need it the most prayers going up to you and many others may you heal 100% and your family and support is there for you🙏🙏🙏

  • @user-ep6nj7tn3p
    @user-ep6nj7tn3p 9 месяцев назад +2

    I’m so sorry for what you are going through. I wish I had the knowledge to help you. But you sound very strong please stay that way and fight everyday, everyday. I’m struggling from a medication doctors gave me 15 years ago. It was thought to be a miracle drug at the time but has destroyed my life. Doctors and medications are not always the best caregivers. Hang in there. I will pray for you.

  • @annemariechurchill4896
    @annemariechurchill4896 3 года назад +5

    So sorry your going through this, I will pray for you xxx Thank you for being so brave and sharing x
    Thank you for this - I had a similar incident In My twenties I took citilopram -
    I took one and the overwhelming feeling of
    Death and dread was uncontrollably terrible,
    My husband needed to pin me down on the bed he was frightened. I never took another and to this day I struggle with medication. I use oils and alternative medication now.

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +3

      That will be my way of treating myself now. Staying away from big pharmacy!

  • @beetlejuice1209
    @beetlejuice1209 8 месяцев назад +2

    So sorry you had to go through this. Thanks for sharing. Hope you're feeling better now...

  • @barbarajones859
    @barbarajones859 6 месяцев назад +3


  • @EVOLr
    @EVOLr 7 месяцев назад +3

    Thanks also for describing what acathesia feels like. Now I know it was never in my head

  • @jackiejames3898
    @jackiejames3898 3 года назад +7

    I have ptsd from going through this. Oh yeah it is real!!!

    • @pantingcougar707
      @pantingcougar707 Год назад +1

      I meant to add that to my comment but forgot. I found myself shaking and holding back the tears listening to Tessa’s story because it brought up the trauma of my own experiences with akathisia. Ugh!
      I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

  • @dustygatrell-ru7tg
    @dustygatrell-ru7tg 5 месяцев назад +1

    Sometimes the hardest part about all this is tryimg to hide it from others cause your afraid they wont understand. The worst kind of pain sometimes is the pain people cant see. I hope your doing good now. Dont forget that god is always with you no matter what . Godbless.

  • @Nightwalker25-m3u
    @Nightwalker25-m3u Месяц назад +1

    I can't sit still in a sitting position either. I just shake and shake and shake and shake and shake. Did I mention shake?

  • @sazzyhazard
    @sazzyhazard 4 месяца назад +2

    I got it from an anti-psychotic that was prescribed. Pure hell, luckily it was caught before it became permanent. I couldn’t even talk & was moving everything continuously. The lady in the E.R. asked me if I was on meth!! Sad.

    • @director2bob
      @director2bob 3 месяца назад +1

      OMG....are you telling me that the symptoms stopped and are no longer present? If so you just made my day. Congrats my friend because I think about suicide everyday but have this strange hope that my life can be saved. I trun 62 in July and truly am ready to call it a day unless I know for sure I have a chance at recovery. I am so happy for you!!

    • @sazzyhazard
      @sazzyhazard 3 месяца назад

      @@director2bob yes it is true, they gave me Seroquil to counteract the symptoms. It took time & I gained a lot of weight but it did go away & was able to loose the weight. Pls don’t give up, I know how exhausting it can be, but you’re worth it! I’m 55 & still dealing with severe depression, I’m taking it day by day. Sending love & prayers! ❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @courtneymaree7522
    @courtneymaree7522 Год назад +6

    I had a very similar experience, but from reglan. I'm about your age and live in Aus. Nausea after hospital and the hospital I went to in Sydney administered IV reglan to stop the vomiting.
    I have NEVER experienced anything like it. That HORROR was.
    Everything you said and how you described it is exactly how I did. Not depressed, but I was feeling suicidal simply because I needed to escape my body.

    • @alexafernanda95
      @alexafernanda95 6 месяцев назад

      Did you got better?

    • @director2bob
      @director2bob 3 месяца назад

      How are you doing today Courtnery?

    • @courtneymaree7522
      @courtneymaree7522 3 месяца назад

      @@director2bob Completely better. Only ever had it for 24hrs

  • @shelbylori2476
    @shelbylori2476 3 года назад +5

    Omg love I’m going through benzo withdrawals to 😭😭 it’s so fuckin awful!!! I feel your pain 💔🤍🙏🏻 I pray god helps us heal !!!!

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +2

      I know 😞 I'm basically bed ridden majority of the time in absolute hell. Still have like a year to go to get off. Its taken so much. No one should have to go through this for just doing what their doctors told them. All we can do is pray ❤🙏

    • @sangeetalambh6389
      @sangeetalambh6389 3 года назад

      Shelby did u feel fatigue in ur withdrawal aand stomach cramps also please answer I m 79 days sober

    • @shelbylori2476
      @shelbylori2476 3 года назад +1

      @@sangeetalambh6389 yes extreme fatigue!!! Soul crushing fatigue!💔 I’m 75 days off and it’s been brutal it feels like gravity is pulling my down into the ground, hard to lift my arms .

    • @angelajackson7079
      @angelajackson7079 Год назад

      @@shelbylori2476 how are you now

    • @oz7916
      @oz7916 6 месяцев назад

      Same here:( Clonozepam is poison:( Withdrawals are hell:(
      Sending lots of love, positive energy your way💕 Praying for your speedy recovery 💕You got this! We got this!

  • @mariewojtulewicz143
    @mariewojtulewicz143 9 месяцев назад +1

    Lots of love and many blessings to you, darling. Please remember the Lord Jesus. Please call on His name. He will save you.

  • @alicewright6187
    @alicewright6187 3 года назад +10

    i am going through this right now and grieving the loss of my mother i feel for you girl.

    • @oz7916
      @oz7916 6 месяцев назад

      Sending lots of love, positive energy, healing, good thoughts your way beautiful soul💕 I’m so sorry for your loss:(

  • @user-et1mi9ck2n
    @user-et1mi9ck2n 4 месяца назад +1

    Hang in there. Your brain will need to heal naturally from these prescription drugs. Your symptoms will subside. Be accepting & have patience. Do your best to make yourself calm & comfortable going through this very long process. Healing is possible. ❤

  • @kingkorn15
    @kingkorn15 3 года назад +10

    Your story is my story.. reglan was givin to me via an IV for my migraine that I went to the er for. Even though it's a, wait for it, NAUSEA MEDICATION. Everything you are describing I felt from Sept 2019 to june 2020. I've been aka symptom free since then.

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +3

      So glad you found healing!!

    • @sangeetalambh6389
      @sangeetalambh6389 3 года назад

      @@beautifullybroken1591 did u feel extreme fatigue like no spirit in body and stomach cramps in ur withdrawal please answer I m 79 days sober sleep 6 7 hours daily still. Feel these sym

    • @Personalfinancity
      @Personalfinancity 3 года назад

      How did you become aka free. What treatment and meds helped you, pls help

    • @pantingcougar707
      @pantingcougar707 Год назад +1

      Reglan for migraines was also the cause of my first experience with akathisia 26 years ago. I have since had is from Inapsine, Compazine, Promethazine, Seroquel and Prozac. I’m always fearful I will have it again but thankfully those are all on my allergy list and as a nurse I’m very vocal with docs. I also advocate strongly for my patients.
      I do want to share that I’ve seen Reglan help many migraine sufferers and I have only seen one other case of severe akathisia in my 28 years of nursing. It’s pretty rare but as we sufferers know it’s pure hell. And yes, few in the medical world know about it or if they do they don’t realize how severe it can get. People have committed suicide because of it. I know I was close on one occasion because I just wanted to take a big knife and cut it out of me.
      Tessa describes it well.

  • @JeffSmith-pl2pj
    @JeffSmith-pl2pj 11 месяцев назад +3

    Ya, I'm going through that now. My doctor has been giving Me all kinds of drugs since I was your age and even younger. I'm 65, Xanax, Ambian, Tramadol Opioids, way back when. I am off everything except for 75mg of efexsor. I am trying to taper off but every time I masss a dose, I get the fear.
    For me, it did get better but I didn't think it would.

  • @MisterManMister
    @MisterManMister Год назад +2

    Thanks for your story, I never heard of this until today

  • @user-bp8eh8hj7b
    @user-bp8eh8hj7b Год назад +2

    I’m so sorry this has happened to you . Sending to healing hugs

  • @rafikhan8621
    @rafikhan8621 6 месяцев назад +2

    Hi dear, its really pain to know what were you going through, nobody can come near the pain or will ever understand your situation. My dad 75 years old is still taking Risperidone with benzo (lorazepam) for sleep purpose in a matter of one year he is totaly someone else he is no more himself he is more of a mental than he was before those meds poor him cant even umderstand whats going on he cant get even explain to me or to pscyciterist about his condition only he has me his only son 24/7 with him giving all I have. I am now trying to taper him off from those meds according to his doc will take 2months to wean him off from antipsychotic and another 2months for the benzo though i dont agree with this recommendation. He is not well he cant do anything only one on bed and only few times a day i take him out. Btw how are you doing now I can see the video is 3years old!

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  6 месяцев назад +3

      I'm sorry about your Dad. He needs to get off the medication very, very slowly. Please do all the research you can and find a doctor who will support you through it. God bless

  • @joeericson5961
    @joeericson5961 9 месяцев назад +1

    I am sorry you went through all of this. I hope it gets better for you. Thank you so much for sharing your story with all of us. I was unaware of this and I have been on some of the medications you mentioned. Prozac, lamotrigine, saraquel and effexor.

  • @sarahespiritu8794
    @sarahespiritu8794 3 года назад +6

    You have been serious pollydrugged now. Oh my gosh. I am so sorry! Let me help you out with what it feels like. It’s like a freight train that is rushing through your body that is covered with acid. It rushes through your body. Burning every ounce of your body. It also is wrapped with barbwire that is slicing through your skin. Squeezing your arms so tight in a visc grip. So tight that you can’t stretch them out. You can’t stop the squeezing. You can’t stop the burning pain. But by now it’s filled your whole body. You can fill a thud in your gut from the freight train. It rushes so much adrenaline where you literally are put in the frantic heightened state. It’s like your fight or flight is on overload. Everything is terror and fear. Everything is horror. You can’t stay seated. You can’t lie down. It’s torment and torture. You have to move in order to some what stop the pain. Yet there is no stopping the acid that’s frying your body. Nor the nerves that are firing so fast. Your ears are so heightened. Everything is so loud cause you’re in a state of horror.
    The terror is unreal. Pulse spikes so high. Oh my gosh it’s the worst hell on earth and it needs to stop NOW!!! 3 weeks of withdrawal AKa. Unreal pain!
    Praying for you as they have really done a number on you. Your poor body! It’s going to go through shock when you have to wean. Take it so slow!!! Even if it’s really painful. You don’t want to ruin yourself.

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +1

      Thanks for watching the video, this is an old video, if you would like to catch up to date there are more on my site 🥰 Im doing well, just withdrawing off benzos now 🥴

  • @unf572
    @unf572 6 месяцев назад +1

    Do not exclude going to the emergency room just b honest with doctors and pray to God before you go.God bless you my sister.

  • @TonyRIKKI
    @TonyRIKKI 2 месяца назад +2

    It's almost impossible to explain, how do you describe the undescrible? Then to add insult to injury, alot of people don't beleive you, how's that for helpless? 31:40

  • @SunnyCarnivore
    @SunnyCarnivore 3 года назад +4

    Are you familiar with the Ashton Method for withdrawal of benzos? When you are ready please look into it and under no circumstances stop taking a benzo cold.

  • @leighannmcgowan4859
    @leighannmcgowan4859 Год назад +3

    I know how this feels..so sorryyour going thru this .

  • @andrewbowen6875
    @andrewbowen6875 6 месяцев назад +4

    You feel like you’re the only person on Earth when stuck in this hell

  • @litibbs2800
    @litibbs2800 3 года назад +4

    Thank you for speaking out 💕

  • @littlecat5293
    @littlecat5293 2 года назад +3

    I am suffering from the same thing from compazine , it is horrible. I was rocking on the floor screaming my boyfriend had to call the paramedics and I needed to be tranquilized. Its over 24 hours and I still feel this way after Ativan And Vallium. Its the 2nd time it's happened from compazine and it was on my allergy list. I'm surprised you were able to sleep through it its the worst torture ever.

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  2 года назад +5

      It is truly the worst torture a human can endure. I was able to sleep because I was put to sleep medically. I'd wake up and it would hit me all over again. There are no words..

    • @littlecat5293
      @littlecat5293 2 года назад +2

      @@beautifullybroken1591 It truly is traumatic I had to breast feed through it it was horrible

  • @alexanderp8037
    @alexanderp8037 7 месяцев назад +1

    They gave you metrocloperamide against nausea probably which is an anti-nausea drug originally an antipsychotic

  • @clasherdurden7537
    @clasherdurden7537 2 года назад +5

    They haven't invented a word for how bad Akathisia truly is

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  2 года назад +5

      No I don't think they ever will either. The deepest hell.

    • @pantingcougar707
      @pantingcougar707 Год назад +1


    • @zephyrhills8070
      @zephyrhills8070 10 месяцев назад +1

      Exactly. And not one healthcare "professional" understands it. I got called manic after I had to go to the ER for severe stomach pain and nausea. They pumped me full of Reglan and I was basically convulsing. So now I had to deal with what turned out to be bleeding ulcers and stomach infections and ALSO akathesia. I kept having to go back to the er to get help and they kept sending Psychiatry down. They would let me go but didn't know what to do. I kept getting Propranolol and never helped much. It took 4 months to finally ease up. Absolutely HELL. It is more than just leg movement. It's in your head, BADLY. It's almost impossible to explain. You are stuck in this fight or flight. I can't explain anymore bc I'm having flashbacks. I just remember rolling around in my bed at home and pacing the hall constantly. All night. My dogs didn't know what was going on. Thank God I have my partner. She is invaluable.

  • @mannyx2796
    @mannyx2796 9 месяцев назад +1

    I got this once from an Invega shot and i remember the only thing that offered relief temporarily was vaping and getting a buzz.

  • @timwetmore8250
    @timwetmore8250 3 года назад +4

    I'm going through this too! It started earlier this year and started taking benzos which helped somewhat but then stopped working. I went to rehab where they yanked me off them and now I'm home and living in hell with nothing to help. I'm also desperate and can barely function or think, living in a state of hell. I don't want to tell family or friends because it's just too overwhelming and disappointing. Not sure how I'm going to make it. I'm not myself at all. Super shakey and going insane. Haven't slept in a month.

    • @sangeetalambh6389
      @sangeetalambh6389 3 года назад

      Tim did u feel fatigue in ur withdrawal

    • @emilybarnes5654
      @emilybarnes5654 2 года назад +1

      It will go away and the ability to sleep will return, speaking from experience. The biggest challenge is getting to the other side and not doing anything stupid in the meantime. I had two failed suicide attempts, failed thank goodness. Living my best life again.

    • @mv8908
      @mv8908 2 года назад +1

      How are you doing dear?

  • @Victoria-uq8mf
    @Victoria-uq8mf 4 месяца назад +1

    I have akathisia, i got it from abilify.
    Im currently tapering off of the medication. I sure hope it goes away because ive been having it 3 months already.

  • @nadadenada319
    @nadadenada319 3 года назад +3

    Keto also works for ocd, low carbs reduces glutamate in the brain and was used for epilepsy before pharmaceutical drugs.
    I think glutamate is made from glucose and glutamine, so reducing glucose will reduce glutamate and hyper excitation in the brain. Keto is also good for benzo brains

  • @robertsiatwambo
    @robertsiatwambo 3 года назад +2

    AKATHISIA is hell on earth. I am experiencing it here in Zambia (Africa), from a drug called fluphenazine. No one told me about it either. I found out for myself. I can't sit still and It had made me sucidal. It's hell. But I thank God it's almost over. I have been taking lots of walks

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +1

      Im so happy you are healing, it truly is horrible and hell on earth!

    • @robertsiatwambo
      @robertsiatwambo 3 года назад

      @@beautifullybroken1591 by April I expect to be restored... I hate that it makes it difficult to rest. Can't wait to get back

  • @andygugu5595
    @andygugu5595 3 года назад +2

    Help me please is living hell I ve lost my job my family everything and I can't see a way out

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +4

      Never give up, take it minute by minute. I dont know what you got Akathisia from but try propranolol, you'll need quite a high dose twice a day, it helps me alot. You need to find a psychiatrist or gp who knows what you are dealing with. If you are on any psych meds you need to ween off them now if you haven't already. Join support groups on Facebook and know that you are not alone in this!

    • @emilybarnes5654
      @emilybarnes5654 2 года назад +1

      Push through, it does go away. Mine lasted a few months. Two suicide attempts. Living my best life now. Stay strong.

    • @oz7916
      @oz7916 6 месяцев назад

      Do not give up! Sending lots of love and positive energy your way. Wishing you speedy recovery 💕 I’m not even half way through going through clonozepam withdrawals that I’ve been taking for over 20 years to treat epilepsy 🥺 I’m scared, I’m drained, but I’m doing this. I have so much to lose. You got this! We got this!
      Please, do not give up🥹

  • @jacquelinemarquis6782
    @jacquelinemarquis6782 Год назад +3

    I have severe akasthisia and I have to taper kl and lyrica ! I can no longer go on ! Keep 😊posting for the ones who are no longer here !

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  Год назад +4

      Please stay 💔 This is not the end for you. Please don't taper anything if you are feeling so horrible. Search and search until you find a doc who knows what they are doing and if you can't, then research until you know what to do yourself. Don't let this take you out my friend ❤🙏

    • @WildCornoviiStudio
      @WildCornoviiStudio 6 месяцев назад

      Ropinorole works

    • @ayakowilliams4571
      @ayakowilliams4571 2 месяца назад +1

      🙏🏽😢💗 Please hang in there! Things will get better!!💗😢🙏🏽

  • @carlybbyindanger
    @carlybbyindanger 3 года назад +2

    Hey hun, I think you were experiencing impending doom or even excited delirium. I’ve been doing my research because I went through something similar. It’s like feeling like you’re going to die and all you can do is hopefully run and escape. I’m so sorry you’re going through this... It’s actually making me cry. I’ve been to so many hospitals and doctors trying to get a diagnosis... They kept saying anxiety. There’s a doctor who put a pace-maker into someone’s brain for this condition but the only problem is you’d need to go under anaesthesia. Supporting you! 💕

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +6

      Hi hun, there is no real delirium in akathisia it's just pure horror and unstoppable movements and like ypu have to escape your body. I was definitely not excited it delirious I was very with it just absoloutly terrified. Akathisia is simply hell on Earth and mine is coming back after benzo withdrawl

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +1

      The doctors who do that procedure usually do it for people suffering from parkinsons, hope its all a success for everyone

    • @carlybbyindanger
      @carlybbyindanger 3 года назад

      How are you doing now hun? I looked into Akathisia and I’m so sorry you’re going through this!! I’ve watched some other videos of other people suffering with these symptoms and I’m speechless but you’ve got all of our support.
      I’m experiencing my own turmoil... my body is wasting away and the doctors don’t know how to treat me saying it’s anxiety...
      Are you going to try Benadryl?
      Also how do you get to sleep?

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +1

      @@carlybbyindanger I'm doing much better since I started tapering off my benzos with the Ashton Method, my movements would come on with the short acting benzo I was on and now I switched to a longer acting one and have started tapering off that. Hopefully it will stay settled now but you never know what can set it off in the future xx

    • @carlybbyindanger
      @carlybbyindanger 3 года назад +1

      BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN Thats great news! 🤗 what’s the Ashton method?

  • @Filthycoffin
    @Filthycoffin Год назад +2

    Mine started with reglan 13 years ago

    • @pantingcougar707
      @pantingcougar707 Год назад

      Same but it was 26 years ago! Thank god I only had short term akathisia! It’s happened from several meds over the years. 😢

  • @laurabell2607
    @laurabell2607 3 года назад +4

    Hi tessa I’m sorry you are left in this state. I have withdrawal akathisia. Nearly 4 years later not one doctor will say I have akathisia. It’s all anxiety. I literally just laugh like you I have had anxiety for years and this is not it.

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +2

      It's so sickening. :( What was the offending drug?

    • @laurabell2607
      @laurabell2607 3 года назад +1

      @@beautifullybroken1591 sertraline/Zoloft 200mg coldturkey. The. Pollydrugged for a few weeks with Prozac and mirtazipine. Stopped them after about 3 weeks when It was just getting worse.

  • @david97GP
    @david97GP 6 месяцев назад +1

    Akathisia thought me my parents are NOT a holy blessing

  • @AngForeman93
    @AngForeman93 Год назад +2

    I'm so surprised when I took Valium for a few months I never got addicted or any withdrawal until I was on Venlafaxine. I experienced akathisia being on only 37.5mg for a few months my doctor had me stop cold turkey and after like a week because I just didn't want to be on meds. then I got akathisia it was bad I had to come back on to get it to stop tried coming off again same dose a few months later then the akathisia came back now im stuck on 150mg Venlafaxine and missing even one day now i get withdrawal and it's the worst I wish I could come off but im just so scared of akathisia that I can't. I had literally weeks of almost no sleep and pacing around every day all day it was a nightmare. I too felt like giving up or just crawling in a hole for days even weeks. I've been too scared to try a new anxiety med because they take so long to start working and what if that med doesn't get rid of my akathisia then i have to spend another 6 or so weeks coming back on the venlafaxine for it to start working again. It's like i'm addicted but more so in a sense the withdrawal symptoms just make me too sick to come off.

    • @shirksa1
      @shirksa1 Год назад +1

      I have been trying to get off Effexor for years!!! I did a 1 month taper 8 years ago and lost my mind with withdrawal symptoms. I then did a 3 month taper and thought I was in the clear and had withdrawal symptom at 3 months from my last dose. It was gloom and doom. I never felt so bad and scared. I immediately went back on and had to go up to 150mg. Now recently I started weaning from that dose 14 months ago and I am still at 67.5 mg and should be off in 2 1/2 more yrs but I'm scared to death of that happening again!

    • @dianemorrell9638
      @dianemorrell9638 Год назад

      They call it dependence but it's just semantics. Or discontinuation syndrome. I'm treated as drug seeking even though it's caused by effexor. 3 years counting beads 3x day to maintain blood level i tapered down from 150 to 20 mg hyperbolic taper. I developed akithesia 3 years ago after being cold turkeyed from 23 years of clonazapam and effexor together.

    • @racheldahliamusic
      @racheldahliamusic 10 месяцев назад

      Venlafaxine is hell to get off but doable bit by bit. Keep going and push through. You'll know when to take a dose if your extremeities go numb. Then try push it out as long as you can between doses.

  • @annidee
    @annidee 6 месяцев назад +1

    You CAN heal. It takes time & care. You are not chained to ANY prescription. Our bodies are remarkably resilient and heals itself usually. Not pleasant to go through- utter torture. But people do make it through.
    Bottom line- don’t trust a guy or gal
    in a lab coat just because he (or she) has a degree

  • @nancydaleoware2259
    @nancydaleoware2259 11 месяцев назад +1

    Klonopin and then threw everything else at me...was on Klondike for years. One day dr's,nurse called me and said I couldn't get another script. NO TAPERING...no reason...so so wrong and cowardly

  • @oleneo
    @oleneo 8 месяцев назад

    I am sorry if I did not understand your story correctly. But if you ever take psychotic drugs and stoped them, then later, any drug can cause you to get sick (nausea). You just need to wait till it is gone - drink a lot of water, exercise, eat well. What I want to say is - in case you took antiphsicotic medicine before surgery, even years before, anesthesia could cause that sickness. I hope God will help you to recover 100% from all this! Please believe that recovery is possible!🙏

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  8 месяцев назад +1

      No I never took Antipsychotic meds before. They gave me an anti psychotic as a nausea medication after surgery and I got Akathisia. It's pretty common unfortunately. The nausea is just a normal reaction from the gas and usual anaesthetic meds. The anti nausea med shut off my dopamine causing Akathisia. Hoping that clears anything up 👍

  • @rosieborsellino703
    @rosieborsellino703 3 года назад +1

    God bless you beautiful I truly I want the best for you and I am proud that you've come so far. You've come far I've seen your newly videos and I know you not or you want to be none of us are but knowing that you're going to be there one day soon God bless you always amen ❤️🙏❤️🙏 god bless us all please allow spraying bag to you sweet Jesus Christ God that you heal this woman fully mentally physically emotionally spiritually and myself and all of us that are dealing with this awful drug withdrawal please and thank you are one and only Holy Spirit holy so Heavenly Father sweet Jesus Christ God our Lord and savior he on a crater I love you we love you forever grateful 24/7 equally wonder and 112% for all of us amen ❤️🙏❤️🙏💯💯💯💯

  • @Jwks91
    @Jwks91 Год назад +1

    I was wondering if any of med harmed people have ever had what I have. It might be some form of akathisia, not sure. I don’t really get the terror or panic apart from some adrenaline surges once in a while but not much. No urge to move or pace. But I am terribly out of it, uncomfortable as hell. It feels like being low level electrocuted. I feel tense with this, but moving is a no go, because this feeling paralyses me. It’s like a deep burning/itching/tickling deep in my nerves. I want to get rid of the sensation real bad. When it starts burning it feels like deep bone pain even, when I move it becomes really bad. I also get buzzing and vibrations but not all at the same time. The electric feeling is the worst. It’s like I can feel electricity from my spinal cord. Down my butt, in lower back, upper back, back of head. It changes places and intensity. Hard to describe. I also get overstimulated and when that hits I feel like I am going to have some seizure or jolts. Like I am about to get fried. Like some energy is trying to shoot through me. It feels toxic like acid in veins almost. Sometimes like deep electric nervy almost toothache in my body. Dp/dr hits when it’s bad. I also get weak like I am in slow motion. Need to be as still as possible.
    I was originally harmed by fq antibiotic, then psych meds and was recovering well until I was given a hormonal drug in Aug 22, I then got pregnant, had to take an antibiotic and had an emergency c-section with a lot of meds. I was very bad between November and March and in April I started feeling a lot better, had my baby at the end of May, May and June were very good and then in July it started getting bad again. I am still getting worse. It’s a nightmare. If anyone knows what I am talking about please reach out!

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  Год назад +1

      Yes I know all of those feelings unfortunately. What meds are you on now if any?

    • @Jwks91
      @Jwks91 Год назад

      @@beautifullybroken1591 I was on last psych meds in Jan 21. Nothing since then. But I reacted to other meds ☹️ Hormonal and antibiotics. I have windows and waves all the time.

  • @rodneyschafer7869
    @rodneyschafer7869 Год назад +2

    Hi,I've had akathisia too,not as bad as that,if u look into it ,it is a adverse reaction to the medication, and they should lower the medication or stop it all together, but there is a withdrawal side to the medication, they change mine to a medication that doesn't have that problem this has taken 20 years off complaining to psychiatrists they should of done this 20 years ago, I wish I could help u,it is a very distressing condition

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  Год назад +1

      Hi, this is a video from 3 years ago. I have spent that time doing much research to help others. If you would like to see my follow up videos which address more about medication withdrawal and akathisia then check my page. I hope you are doing well on this new medication with no more akathisia.

  • @jonathanspencer4834
    @jonathanspencer4834 3 года назад +3

    Youre a brave lady. Just hold on !

  • @jouezmoi
    @jouezmoi Год назад +2

    Could have been Metoclopramide or Prochlorperazine. Most likely the latter, which I had a paradoxal anxiety reaction to. I had bad reactions to both the first time they tried it, and I outright have refused it since, very adamantly because sometimes doctors do not want to listen to you.

  • @LiogMi
    @LiogMi Месяц назад +1


  • @monicab8176
    @monicab8176 6 месяцев назад +1

    You are so strong I am deeply sorry 🥺praying you’re okay now

  • @sandrahbradley1511
    @sandrahbradley1511 Год назад +2

    I've been there you will get through this I know you feel you won't, akathesia is the absolute worst hang in there. Look up BIND benzodiapine indused neurological cant remember what the D is for the symtoms are the same sheer hell but their are others who are going through this right now I just noticed the time line I jope you check back on your post, feel better it's coming.💜

  • @bonnieirish5571
    @bonnieirish5571 3 года назад +1

    It started for me when i got off 1 mg. of clonapin ( have 3 yrs 8 months off now ) gaba receptors totally closed down

  • @_harbinjer
    @_harbinjer 3 месяца назад +1

    i care about you, i pray and intercede concerning you, i engage in spiritual warfare on your behalf. I am in agreement with you, you make it

    • @_harbinjer
      @_harbinjer 3 месяца назад

      i'll never forget, i woke up one morning and was getting ready for work and this beautiful audible voice spoke to me and said, 'someone is praying for you right now'. If God is real, that was one of the sweetest things He ever shared with me. If God is real, I pray you meet Him and know Him face to face and not just through reading His word or only through prayer or going to church, if you haven't already. God is a person, like you, just eternal, Holy and perfect and wants deep and meaningful face to face relationship with you. I never ever thought that this was possible with God until it happened to me, I'll always share my story with anyone who wants to listen, my experience becomes theirs, knowing Him personally is infinitely far superior to knowing Him only through His word or prayer or church

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 месяца назад

      I know God. He is my rock and my fortress and the only hope I have in this World. God is real, Jesus is King. It is not a question. I hope you build the faith to know that undoubtedly. We will be face to face with Him soon. God bless

    • @_harbinjer
      @_harbinjer 3 месяца назад

      @@beautifullybroken1591 :) well said

  • @Filthycoffin
    @Filthycoffin Год назад +1

    Hi I pray you are healed and doing better how are you doing love?

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  Год назад +3

      I am down to 6mgs of Valium from 30mgs and am really hopeful I can make it the whole way. I get Akathisia on and off through my taper but I am so blessed to have made it so far. Thank you for asking ❤

    • @pantingcougar707
      @pantingcougar707 Год назад +1

      Tessa. Thank goodness you’re healing. There is no way I could survive as long as you have. No way. You are one strong woman!

  • @HoneyGemHappy
    @HoneyGemHappy 6 месяцев назад

    Hello from Australia ❤️ your video popped up in my feed 🙏🏼 I hope the akathisia has gone away for you. It is one of the cruelest of symptoms. For anyone suffering with this. Siferol is a medication that does reduce severity for some. Not other symptoms but did for akathisia, It did for me 🙏🏼

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  6 месяцев назад +1

      It is the most evil torture imaginable. I am glad you have had some success. In my opinion, all medications are absolute poison. They "help" in one way, but damage in another. God bless

    • @HoneyGemHappy
      @HoneyGemHappy 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@beautifullybroken1591 yes I agree.

  • @goat2503
    @goat2503 3 года назад +2

    Same thing happened to me, I’m currently in week 2 of this hell. How long did it take to settle down for you? I also have a tremor and it feels like there’s a vibration going right through my body. Also in Australia

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +2

      It took about a week for the accute symptoms to calm down then it was more of just anxiety and need to rock for another week. Then it stopped and was brought back by prozac. When I stopped that it slowly went away. Now it comes on in a cute benzo withdrawl and leaves. Very strange. It's horrible, Im sorry to hear you have to experience it. Try propranolol, it helps me

    • @goat2503
      @goat2503 3 года назад

      @@beautifullybroken1591 thanks for the response, I’ve got some propranolol and it does help a little bit with the akathesia symptoms and keeps me a little calmer for sure. I’m now just hitting week 3, it’s extremely rough just this internal anxiety that I’ve never felt before, still having the tremors too which the propranolol hasn’t really helped. I’m waiting to follow up with the neurologist and I’m hoping they can shed some light and hope. Was your shaking and tremor involuntary or did you feel the need to move about etc?

    • @beautifullybroken1591
      @beautifullybroken1591  3 года назад +1

      @@goat2503 I never had a tremor, just a constant need to move around. Pace, rock, couldn't sit, my arms were going around in circles and the inner restlessness like I couldn't be in my body anymore. I hope the neurologist helps somehow for you, it's not fun at all

    • @goat2503
      @goat2503 3 года назад +1

      @@beautifullybroken1591 thank you for the kind words I really hope so too as I want to be around for those I love and care about, i hope you continue to heal and wish you all the best, thank you for sharing your story.

    • @sangeetalambh6389
      @sangeetalambh6389 3 года назад +1

      @@goat2503 which medicine u r taking now

  • @realnoid7839
    @realnoid7839 6 месяцев назад

    Hope now you’re reasonably ok. 17yrs ago I got off “easy” 9 months of complete insomnia+++. My P-doc speech: “we’re still in the dark ages.” How many times did he have to say that crap? When you’re no longer cost effective bc meds made everything worse.