Scott Galloway: How could we have been this stupid?

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 99

  • @kurtnunn6116
    @kurtnunn6116 4 месяца назад +7

    Saw Scott’s picture and then I realized Donnie has a channel. Immediately subscribed. Seeing these two together was a must watch for me. Great interview, great information.

  • @lucibjlb
    @lucibjlb 4 месяца назад +26

    Scott Galloway is absolutely correct. I'm 70 and female who grew up in a working class family. My parents did not teach me anything about money. Back in those days, they taught females to get married because the guy will take care of you. Unfortunately, it didn't work out so well. Now, I work full-time and will probably work until I die. The good news is, I did find out what I was good at doing (working with animals). My marketing and sales experience has allowed me build a business where I make pretty good money. Physically, it's a struggle at times. But I will continue. Regardless, both you guys are great. Appreciate your insights.

    • @Yourmission9
      @Yourmission9 4 месяца назад +1

      Yes ma’am you’re exactly right, hell women didn’t get the right to open their own bank account until 1974! Good on you for finding something you’re good at that you also enjoy, and may much prosperity be in your future sister!

  • @johhny711
    @johhny711 4 месяца назад +18

    Having listened to the whole interview now I wish I had heard this advice 40 years ago, it's so straightforward ,honest and brilliant .

    • @stevechance150
      @stevechance150 3 месяца назад +1

      40 years ago I didn't have $300 a month to put in a low fee index fund. We've built a system that is really good at keeping old rich people rich.

  • @samuelweiner5382
    @samuelweiner5382 4 месяца назад +4

    I did what Scott Galloway said to when I was in my mid thirties I started investing in a 401k and kept saving my money and invested every month. I made mistakes along the way, but at the age of 68, my economic health is better than I ever thought it could have been. I am a big New York Knick’s fan, in a recent post game interview, an emerging star player, Miles McBride was asked about a new contract he signed, and what he was going to do with his newly earned wealth, he said his mother told him to save more money then you spend. His answer put a smile on my face. He is going to be alright.

  • @Joseph-og9jh
    @Joseph-og9jh 4 месяца назад +9

    I deal with Senior citizens and a majority are choosing between money for food, or rent, or Rx. Those that have the wealthy are the minority

    • @stevechance150
      @stevechance150 3 месяца назад

      The richest country on earth and we have people in the twilight years deciding between buying food and buying their prescribed medications. We have failed as a society.

  • @user-we9mx1ok6k
    @user-we9mx1ok6k 4 месяца назад +12

    Scott needs to get out more. There are many seniors who have worked all their lives who depend on Social Security for their existence. Many of those seniors have never had the funds to own a home. The fallacy that all older Americans are wealthy is BS.

    • @kevdaag2523
      @kevdaag2523 4 месяца назад +3

      True. He's right that there is a wealth transfer to old people, but it's clearly not all, or even the majority of, old people.

    • @contracthit9839
      @contracthit9839 4 месяца назад +2

      Galloway does not have his boots on the ground and is out of touch with reality. A plutocrat lecturing the peasants..His arrogance is quite entertaining..

    • @loftbuckleyrc
      @loftbuckleyrc 4 месяца назад +1

      He is not for getting rid of it, but if you don’t need it, you don’t get it.

    • @donnathompson4259
      @donnathompson4259 3 месяца назад +1

      And many older adults that have something worked like a dog to obtain what they have. It wasn't given to them. Don't generalize.

  • @lindafox3555
    @lindafox3555 4 месяца назад +5

    Love Scott Galloway❤

    • @contracthit9839
      @contracthit9839 4 месяца назад

      Of course you do Galloway is a male bashing feminist

    • @hughjasol-qr2xd
      @hughjasol-qr2xd 3 месяца назад

      @@contracthit9839 WAHHHHHH!!!!, he hurt your "feelings"

  • @beedee4890
    @beedee4890 4 месяца назад +4

    Ok - I am a millennial. I have heard this advice since I was a kid. It didn't resonate BECAUSE you can't just tell someone to put money aside - they have to be shown. If you have kids, show them a High Yield Savings calculator, visually SHOW them what that looks like when money is compounded. Even create a goal - do you want to live off your interest? Here is how much you need to do that...etc.

    • @CeliaBennett
      @CeliaBennett 3 месяца назад

      That really would have helped me to get going - this should be taught in grade school!

  • @kevdaag2523
    @kevdaag2523 4 месяца назад +6

    " The average 70-year-old is 72% wealthier than they were 40 years ago"
    That feels like it's framing true data in a way that might lead to the wrong conclusion. I suspect the true data is that there is 72% more wealth among the 70-year-old cohort. But in reality, almost all of that increased wealth accrues to the top 1%. That's my concern about that statement. Yes, it might indicate that young people are being screwed, but it frames things as a young versus old problem and not the familiar problem of the 99% versus the 1 percent.

  • @franagovino9061
    @franagovino9061 4 месяца назад +3

    Thanks Donny for another great podcast! I learned a lot from it! Scott Galloway was very knowledgeable and interesting!

  • @bennisim7949
    @bennisim7949 4 месяца назад +5

    Scott you are one of few people who deserve your success plus more of it. Thank you.

  • @user-st4fj2ii2h
    @user-st4fj2ii2h 4 месяца назад +3

    Great conversation. Thanks, Bob

  • @markendicott6874
    @markendicott6874 4 месяца назад +3

    Wise analysis from Scott, thanks for going into this kind of detail.

  • @joanduffie1707
    @joanduffie1707 3 месяца назад +1

    I’m in my 80s and found many people in my generation fell victim to some of the most sophisticated marketing and the credit card system which is only regulated in favor of the banks. Most of the people I knew carried heavy credit card debt. If they got a raise they sold their home to move up. They took advantage of consolidating their debt. They had all the toys but were always cash light. My kids were always telling me that our neighbors were rich and why didn’t we have the same lifestyle. Now they know but is not a popular learning curve. Yes some of my generation are living on only Social Security. But did they do all the right things?

  • @suzannebornemann
    @suzannebornemann 4 месяца назад +2

    Loved & learned a lot, listening to the brilliant and extremely articulate & insightful Scott Galloway. Thanks for helping me understand why this presidential election is still tied and smart people still support a fascist. Thanks Donny.

  • @tonywilson4713
    @tonywilson4713 4 месяца назад +2

    I like Scott and like what he generally ahs to say. I have learned a huge amount about how markets operate and respond from watching the Prof G. podcast. I also like the stand he's taken on men's health issues and is one of the very few willing to discuss these issues in the way he does. But regarding Israel he's also somewhat blind and quite biased.
    On the simple question of _"Should _*_EVERY_*_ Jewish student feel safe on _*_EVERY_*_ college campus?"_ the answer is YES. Every time its YES, but I'd ask Scott a equally simple question _"Should _*_EVERY_*_ student irrespective of their heritage, beliefs, politics or orientation feel safe on _*_ANY & EVERY_*_ college campus?"_
    There's a narrative here that somehow Jewish students are a special case, when the reality is EVERY STUDENT should feel safe on EVERY campus on the planet and this has been a problem for decades.
    Also there's been some terrible lies told like the student who claimed she was poked in the eye with a Palestinian flag. I've seen the footage that she herself released and she was NOT poked. That same student also made previous false claims about meals in cafeterias. There's also been a lot of false claims about what happened when Hamas attacked. *YES October 7th was an ATROCITY and YES Israel had EVERY RIGHT* to respond, but NOBODY NEEDED to make up stories about mass rape and torture or babies being roasted alive in ovens. *What some of the Hamas fighters posted on social media was disgusting and enough to JUSTIFY Israel going into Gaza in force to get the perpetrators.* So there was no need to lie about anything.
    AND MOST IMPORANTLY I WANT Scott to explain why 15,000 innocent children who had NOTHING TO DO with October 7th *HAD TO DIE as part of Israel's response* and 1,000s more deserved to have arms and legs blown off, their homes destroyed and their future annihilated.

    • @fastingman4726
      @fastingman4726 4 месяца назад

      I wholeheartedly agree with your comment but these Israel shills ignore the facts and just hammer their boomer narrative of Israel good Palestine bad w/o much nuance.

  • @chuckrogers5567
    @chuckrogers5567 3 месяца назад +1

    Galloway has many good insights. He conveniently refuses to mention the effect government spending will have on our children’s prospects. He advocates tax increases and cutting Social Security. And supports Biden who is clearly suffering from dementia and has made catastrophic decisions. Too many to mention. Both of these guys want love from their followers at the expense of real thought.

  • @yaeldegany
    @yaeldegany 4 месяца назад +2

    Key distinction on faculty role in protests vs student role. Wise. Haven't heard that before

    • @johhny711
      @johhny711 4 месяца назад

      The truth is I think that no one wants to face the real truth of what happened in the Middle east , there were two crimes , two victims , unless we face the facts of what happened it will never be fixed .I think the kids really believe that the people paying for the biggest crime in history are innocent Arabs , so Arabs are paying for the crimes of Europeans .
      That can’t be right can it !
      Maybe what should be done is to exact revenge on the perpetrators of the crimes in Europe and Russia , if revenge is what we want, not innocents in the Middle east , sounds logical doesn't it , as you know alternate facts are in fashion these days , facts and truth are old hat .
      Personally I think what we need is a peace and reconciliation process in the Middle East .

  • @robertetin1156
    @robertetin1156 2 месяца назад

    I largely agree with what's being said here. However, we probably should note that part of the reason the average 30 year old is not doing as well as their parents did at the same age is that today's 30 year old knows that he or she can probably expect to live significantly longer, which allows him or her the freedom extend the care free stage of life a little longer. My parents had picked their primary careers and had their children in their mid twenties. I didn't really feel any desire to do either until my 30s. Consequently I was able to do a lot more interesting stuff and pursue far more self discovery in my 20s than they were.
    I would add that if you're a young able bodied person who wants to get the most personal growth and self reflection out of their late teens and 20s, while still comfortably landing on your feet in your 30s, you should consider joining the military. As difficult, stressful, and dangerous as it was, joining the US Army in my early 20s was probably the best decision I made in my 20s because it absolutely set me up for success far beyond my peers in my 30s.
    Between the GI Bill, the thrift savings plan, the leadership skills, and the technical skills you can pick up in the military, as well as the surprising amount of free time you get (when not deployed or preparing for a specific deployment) and the chance to meet ambitious driven people from all over the country, I really can't imagine a better incubator for success later in life for the average person. Serving in the military is also the perfect time in a young person's life to begin implementing the advice in Scott's book. (Although If you're a genius who can get into a top university on scholarship or born super wealthy you can probably ignore this advice and go straight to college. )

  • @BirchandEvergreen
    @BirchandEvergreen 3 месяца назад

    Donny and Scott, I am your generational peer with a 23-year old daughter. She left the US, obtained her university degree in the Netherlands, and in 2024 doesn’t see a future for herself in the US. She is keeping her American citizenship BUT later this year will become a permanent EU resident through her Dutch residency. Can you see how this independent thinking person sees her home country starting as teen girl who began American high school in 2015?

  • @jet4tv
    @jet4tv 4 месяца назад +3

    SO appreciate you Donnie!
    Scott is amazing guest, LOVE, wisdom and Insight!!!

    • @contracthit9839
      @contracthit9839 4 месяца назад

      Galloway is a coward who don't debate

  • @Dctosd
    @Dctosd 4 месяца назад +5

    What world do these 2 live in that they think 20-30 year olds have $300 A MONTH to invest, and then $1,000 a month after 30?Where are those jobs? When I was in my 20s and 30s living in DC, working in the legal field, I was on a tight budget just to pay for rent, food, clothing and student loans. l was lucky if I had $20 a month for some kind of entertainment. What a crock - get into the real world, gentlemen.

    • @jimbell6116
      @jimbell6116 4 месяца назад +2

      Work harder while you have the energy aaand save and stop whining.

  • @purplehayes33
    @purplehayes33 4 месяца назад +1

    What aobut when you have no income? Finding a job is extremely difficult right now

  • @voxpapa21
    @voxpapa21 4 месяца назад +2

    Good one Donny ✌️👍

  • @CeliaBennett
    @CeliaBennett 3 месяца назад

    I got lucky finding something I was good at - computer programming. It was the early 1990's and a perfect time to get into the field without a comp/sci degree (I was a BS in Zoology and Biochemistry). I do wish I had heard Scott's advice at that time - I've done ok, due to 401k's and a family that encouraged investing. However, I could have avoided a number of pitfalls I hit along the way financially had I known this stuff.
    Love you, Scott - and all of your podcasts!! ❤

  • @mollyshredder
    @mollyshredder 4 месяца назад +2

    "Surround yourself w rich people."......ugh!
    Let's not conflate rich ppl w good ppl.....

    • @contracthit9839
      @contracthit9839 4 месяца назад +2

      SCOTT Is out of touch with every day Americans

  • @kimeppenstiner404
    @kimeppenstiner404 4 месяца назад +2

    Great show

  • @aupti
    @aupti 4 месяца назад +1

    He’s right!!

  • @Tony-dk1bp
    @Tony-dk1bp 4 месяца назад

    Thanks man. Where were you when I was making all the wrong choices? A little late now.

  • @1tigerbee
    @1tigerbee 4 месяца назад +2

    I was told by a wise man 50 years ago that if I saved at least 10% of my take home pay every month that I would retire early and comfortable.
    By golly he was right.

  • @dottiebaker6623
    @dottiebaker6623 3 месяца назад

    Prof. Galloway, I can't believe you're giving the Catholic Church a pass on anti-semitism! You know the history there - and can articulate it. After all your honesty, don't pull punches now.

  • @Tussing42
    @Tussing42 4 месяца назад

    Agree; faculty must be held to a much higher standard... picture a faculty member protesting and supporting a hate speech fueled protest targeted towards a specific classification/race of could that faculty member legitimately return to the classroom and teach? Should a student, (that happens to be a target of the protest), and pays (or parents, or takes loans, etc.) $100K+ for tuition trust that they will be treated/graded fairly? If the student decides it best they should not attend a class or programs offered by that faculty member's department, shouldn't the student get a discount on tuition?

  • @stephenboyington630
    @stephenboyington630 4 месяца назад

    My take is that so few people are successful...because so few people do things to help them become successful. If 50% of everyone started being more responsible they would not be as successful as when only 10% do.

  • @neilmoran9988
    @neilmoran9988 4 месяца назад +1

    Scott rules

    • @contracthit9839
      @contracthit9839 4 месяца назад

      Scott is coward who don't debate and only enters safe zones.Pathetic

    • @neilmoran9988
      @neilmoran9988 4 месяца назад +1

      @@contracthit9839 a Master debater

  • @lonewulf44
    @lonewulf44 4 месяца назад

    "a few million dollars" ... yeah that would be kinda nice. The casual way those kind of numbers are simply tossed into that sentence ... I just can't relate. Scott is spot on with the state of men, especially under 25 range.

  • @jneumann5251
    @jneumann5251 3 месяца назад

    Really like Galloway and watch all his stuff, but there is $34 trillion of debt in the market and to continue rising like it has since Reagan we have to keep printing and sending out checks.

  • @amyfrancois9121
    @amyfrancois9121 4 месяца назад +1


  • @ronismith9883
    @ronismith9883 4 месяца назад +5

    Scott is absolutely correct. I am a 70 yr old white female, worked my whole life, but learned to invest in myself at a fairly young age because my parents weren't going to do so. I started a 401 at age 28, worked until I was 68 and have a fairly nice nest egg. I got divorced at 58 and live solo and I love it. But what I see in young men is alarming. I go to DD every day for my coffee, and listen to the young men bitch about everything. So I said to them, "you are working at a non viable job earning minimum wage. Go down the road 2 miles, there's a siding factory where they start you out at $29/hr." They looked at me like I was nuts! And they both said, "can't do that because we don't have a car." No desire to drive, or even to excel. It's just nuts. I have drilled it into my daughter that you have to take care of yourself. Invest in yourself and always work!

  • @voidwraithprime8521
    @voidwraithprime8521 4 месяца назад

    "The vast, vast majority are peaceful protests. Now, with that very important point out of the way, let's do a bunch of lazy conflating of our own...": these 2 guys, basically.

  • @eriksyring
    @eriksyring 4 месяца назад

    No, antisemitism as presently interpreted first appeared around the 12th century (in Britain).

  • @vikkienos6807
    @vikkienos6807 4 месяца назад +1


  • @eriksyring
    @eriksyring 4 месяца назад

    22:30: Wrong, the tribe collectively look after children.

  • @buckeye200175
    @buckeye200175 3 месяца назад


  • @Kingromstar
    @Kingromstar 4 месяца назад +4

    This guy is about as delusional as it gets.
    The protests are targeted at Israel because of the country's actions.
    Israel is 80% Jewish, not 100%.

    • @contracthit9839
      @contracthit9839 4 месяца назад +1

      So true he is also afraid of debate he only enters safe zones...

  • @digitalelectronswebsolutio6524
    @digitalelectronswebsolutio6524 4 месяца назад

    23:43 😢🧠

  • @eriksyring
    @eriksyring 4 месяца назад

    1440p video my ass.

  • @fastingman4726
    @fastingman4726 4 месяца назад +1

    Great video. I’m a former Dem who now supports Trump because there is nothing he does that scares me. In fact he’s so incompetent, I see him as much less of a threat than another Biden presidency. He has been a big disappointment on social and cultural issues and okay with the economy.

  • @JosedeJezeus
    @JosedeJezeus 3 месяца назад +1

    Scott is thought provoking, but he has the most depressing voice.
    He reeks of depression.
    Is he on tranquilizers? (Psych meds)

  • @mollyshredder
    @mollyshredder 4 месяца назад +3

    Galloway is so certain of things....some of his insights r good, but his arrogance is kind of boring. He also reduces women too much for my liking....

  • @Clyde.artwork
    @Clyde.artwork 4 месяца назад

    People who can't figure out why Js have been hated and despised throughout history are either willfully ignorant or outright carrying water for them. By their nature they consolidate power and wealth. In addition, they're very exclusionary and insular.

    • @jaygatz4335
      @jaygatz4335 3 месяца назад +1

      That's reflective of the survival instinct. It may not always display the best of human nature, but protecting their interests against centuries of bias should not justify hatred.

  • @morhanny
    @morhanny 4 месяца назад

    You call diabolical somebody , you are doing the same as the protestors

  • @rshangrila
    @rshangrila 2 месяца назад

    Such a dour man.

  • @user-qf7ud5de9h
    @user-qf7ud5de9h 4 месяца назад
