Samuel: So the Amharas have migrated to the south and the east to teach kindness/generosity, agriculture, and civilization? Minew leket atach-hu? This is an insult to the host people. This is an insult to members of the armed force from the south and the east who are at the war front to defend their country. Let me ask you, Samuel? Have you ever been to the east and been able to visit the walled city of Harar? To Konso from whom the world can learn terracing? To chencha where the dorzes ingenuity of shema making leaves one open mouthed? I can go on and on mentioning so many of the south's and the east's contribution to the nation. Is eating injera a measure of civilization? What would you say to a person who says we can leave without injera. We have kocho, kitfo, genfo, amicho etc? Don't sow the seed of hatred. The tplf has done that and we are paying for it. Samuel and the TV's management should come out and apologize for such an irresponsible blatant statement.
Why do you want them to appolgize? Dont be too sensitive what they have said is written by fernjis your gods. U might be tegrea if not Aba Biya was an arab man we didnt raise this issue because this happend in one historical process. Liberate yourself from hate other wise it will eat you.
Samuel: Geez precedes Amharic. Geez was the language of the Amharic and Tigrigna-speaking people (including Eritrea). The alphabets were already there.
ሳሙኤል ሞላ :ጋዜጠኛ ብቻ ሳይሆን አርበኛ የአባቶቹ ልጅ ነው። ሳሚ ጀግና አይገልፀውም ፍርሃትን ይንቃል :ታሪኩን ይጠብቃል:ወገን ያነቀቃል። ክበርልኝ ሳሚ💞
እንዲህ ዓይነቱን አውሬ ሰብስቦ መቀለብ አጉል የዋህነት ይመስለኛል። የአምሳ ዓመት እናትን በቡድን የደፈረ ወንበዴ፣ ትምህርት ቤትና ሆስፒታልን ያቀጠለ ሰይጣን ማርኮ መቀለብ ስህተት ይመስለኛል። ለነገ ልጆቻችንም ሰላም የሚሰጡ አይደሉም። እንዲታሰብበት መልዕክት ብታስተላልፉልን ጥሩ ነው።
ይሄ አነሳስ ለእኔ በጣም በጣም ዘግይተናል ለምን እንደሆነ ባይገባኝም!! ይሄ ሁሉ ህዝብ እስኪያልቅብን ዝምታው አሳዛኝ ቢሆንም!!!!!! ሌላው አብይ ባይሄድ ወይንም..... ባይሆን ኖሮ ህዝቡ አይነሳም ነበር ማለት ነው???? ያሳዝነኛል ዋናው አነሳሱ መዘግየቱ!!!!
እዝባችን መሪ ነው እሚፈልገው በስርአት በስብእና በእኩልነትእሚመራቸው ይሄ መቼ ይሆን እሚከሰተው ለትውልዱ እግዚአብሔር ይርዳው!!!!!
show map please.
ጋሸና ግምባር ወንድ ከሆኑ
ለምን አይመጡም እንዴት አሉ
ጄ/ብርሀኑ ጁላ ወያኔ ሰራዊት
በሌለበት ቦታ እየመጣ እዣለሁ ያለ እሚያሶራው ብለው ጋዜጠኛ መሳይ ሲጠይቃቸው የሰጡት
መልሰ ግራ ያጋባል። ጋሼና ግምባር ወያኔ ምሸግ
ሰርቶ መሰፈሩን አያውቁትም ነበር? የሚገርም ነው።
Samuel: So the Amharas have migrated to the south and the east to teach kindness/generosity, agriculture, and civilization? Minew leket atach-hu? This is an insult to the host people. This is an insult to members of the armed force from the south and the east who are at the war front to defend their country. Let me ask you, Samuel? Have you ever been to the east and been able to visit the walled city of Harar? To Konso from whom the world can learn terracing? To chencha where the dorzes ingenuity of shema making leaves one open mouthed? I can go on and on mentioning so many of the south's and the east's contribution to the nation. Is eating injera a measure of civilization? What would you say to a person who says we can leave without injera. We have kocho, kitfo, genfo, amicho etc? Don't sow the seed of hatred. The tplf has done that and we are paying for it. Samuel and the TV's management should come out and apologize for such an irresponsible blatant statement.
No doubt
Why do you want them to appolgize? Dont be too sensitive what they have said is written by fernjis your gods. U might be tegrea if not Aba Biya was an arab man we didnt raise this issue because this happend in one historical process. Liberate yourself from hate other wise it will eat you.
Map speaks a lot than many talks.
ዛሬስ አቶ ብርሃኑ ጁላ እስር ምንም አላደረገም አሉን እኮ።መጠየቅ ሲኖርባቸዉ ሀገር ዘረፋ ላይ ናቸው።
Samuel: Geez precedes Amharic. Geez was the language of the Amharic and Tigrigna-speaking people (including Eritrea). The alphabets were already there.