Battle Cats: New Testament Courier strategy & explanation

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • another one bites the dust…maybe
    most importantly, my courier here is level 50 and bahamut is 40. other cats EXCEPT CURLING are devolved to better fit the time where someone would realistically be playing this level (pre ul, so level 30 legends and level 40 units generally). i have what would be an attack combo present to more accurately emulate the boost necessary.
    so whats with my old nemesis of a level? well, the general consensus for a long time has been 2 cycle bahamut, and courier was just seen as a yulala replacement to curb the blogger spam. but i had a feeling that there was more to courier here, given how an unbuffed sleipnir doesnt actually hit that hard, and courier is a decent tank in that regard. so heres this, something that i believe is a more consistent way to beat the level, and so that the intermediate players no longer have to suffer the inconsistent bahamut cycling that i had to put up with. im very confident this level is possible richless like this, but i didnt do that
    beginning timings are as follows
    maglev immediately
    courier and curling at 2800 (with rich)
    every following courier will get through clionels ld because of bio bone, if sent out instantly
    additionally, by default, courier can sneak through clionels ld when clionel is beginning her attack animation and is at the enemy base
    the way enemies spawn from their base, sleipnir cant hit courier but can be hit by couriers ld. sleipnir should be kbed right after curling dies, such that courier is untouched. if not, maybe use zamboney or level up curling cat (cause it might be necessary with courier at 40). next, whittle down sleipnir and bring in more couriers and maglev in accordance with clionels animation. he should be weak enough to die in one bahamut hit. lure and kill gory with bahamut, clear the bloggers with cat cannon, kill sleipnir, and then comes the toughest part (or most inconsistent.) clionel should be weak enough to the point where a single bahamut hit will kb her. at this point, there will likely be bloggers in the way, so they need to be dealt with or bahamut dies. i used hyper mr, but crazed cow could work too, at the expense of maglev’s damage.
    try to sneak in a courier at this point too, because you can have bahamut hit sleipnir for an easy kb, if no bloggers are in the way. if not make absolutely sure the second sleipnir is kbed once before the gory duo comes in. by the time sleipnir is closing in on your base, bahamut should be off cooldown for an easy kill on him and clionel, should sleipnir be at half hp. anyways, draw in the gory duo, then kill them with courier and ramen. my artist is level 46, so a level 32 ramen should suffice. after fire the cat cannon and spawn bahamut. clionel has to die here or the gory trio will kill you, so hopefully bahamut has been getting his hits in.
    for cleanup, bahamut should get some hits off on the gorys. if one dies early, youre golden. chip sleipnir, then kill the next gory trio with bahamut. this should be enough, then, to destroy the base, and youre home free.
    as for no plan a, since you dont have a unit cap of 5, you can just cheese the base with courier spam plus bio bone and riceball.
    courier 50
    bahamut 40
    artist 46 (≈ramen 32 without talents)
    curling 30
    express 49 (≈maglev 32)
    hyper mr 30
    below here is the explanation for why i believe level 40 courier and 30 bahamut would work. keep in mind this is only in theory, so if someone could test it, that would be a great help to all those people who want a decent anti angel cat.
    courier at 50 can tank out sleipnir enough to deliver a second hit if uninterrupted. also, he has 2.2k more damage per hit (but this would be a difference of about 1.2k with the attack combo in effect) for arguments sake, courier at 40 with 10% more attack vs courier at 50
    courier at 50 takes 17 hits to kb sleipnir, and 24 hits to bring sleipnir low enough for level 40 bahamut to kill him with his first hit
    courier at 40 with combo takes 19 hits to kb sleipnir, and 27 to bring sleipnir low enough for level 30 bahamut with combo to kill with his first hit
    so there is a moderate difference, HOWEVER, the only thing courier really has to do for this strategy to work is bring sleipnir down to half hp. this is a guarantee for the first, and they can likely still do enough damage for a quick bahamut kill. since there is such a drastic lure for the second sleipnir, all courier has to do is halve his hp too so bahamut has a kill all lined up (which is even easier with maglev, that i didnt use for killing the most important sleipnirs.) combo bahamut at 30 is only marginally weaker than 40 bahamut, so there shouldnt be much of a difference in when clionel dies (in total, it shouldnt take more than 2 bahamut hits to kill clionel), so it all looks like it should work. of course, theory and testing are very different, so id have to see it done to believe it.

Комментарии • 68

  • @OreoSmith1fan
    @OreoSmith1fan Год назад +100

    Seeing first form bullet train makes me uncomfortable

    • @JohnVangKB
      @JohnVangKB 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @damaschiari1465
      @damaschiari1465 4 месяца назад +1

      Who doesn't?

    • @cuberfan08
      @cuberfan08 11 дней назад

      I’m so used to either bullet train or maglev I’ve never seen anyone actually use express cat

  • @SupremeCalamitas1
    @SupremeCalamitas1 Год назад +92

    My therapist: front facing Zamboney isn't real, he can't hurt you. Front facing Zamboney:

  • @Un_Smert
    @Un_Smert 7 месяцев назад +9

    If anyone wants to know the No-Rich timings, here they are:
    --> Maglev immediately
    --> Worker Cat level 2
    --> Courier and Zamboney/Curling at 1290-1310 (And the rest of the couriers)
    --> Worker Cat level 5
    --> 4th Courier after Maglev dies and 5th after Zamboney/curling dies
    Do rest of the strat as normal
    Upgrade to Max Worker Cat after you get A. Bahamut into Clionel's range
    Extra notes:
    When the first Gory comes, spawn A. Bahamut then Maglev immediately after
    After cat cannon to kill Trolley Bloggers, make sure to spawn Mr. Hyper/Crazed Cow really late in order to not trigger Clionel's attack
    It seems like spawning Courier and zamboney/curling when A. Bahamut get's his first attack on Clionel is a consistent way to get them both into his range, not sure about this though

  • @TheDudeThatChills
    @TheDudeThatChills Год назад +8

    This strat still works wonders even today, only needed to remember what to do on specific sections and the rest was easy. Preciate the strat.

  • @Grimbaloo
    @Grimbaloo 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so much, this worked WAY better than any other guide.

  • @thevenomtrap
    @thevenomtrap Год назад +2

    Thank you so much! I was struggling and this helped even though I mistimed 3 A Bahamuts in a row, it worked first try!

  • @Geology051
    @Geology051 Год назад +6

    I’m not sure why, but I for some reason have some kind of nostalgia with this stage.
    Anyway, I guess that’s yet another level courier has destroyed with his arrival. Maybe he could’ve helped me a little more than what I had used when I played this stage, cause this level was very hard for me then

  • @yukagregorius
    @yukagregorius Год назад +2

    Works beautifully. Thanks!

    • @catbattles
      @catbattles  Год назад

      what were your courier and bahamut levels when you did this?

    • @yukagregorius
      @yukagregorius Год назад

      @@catbattles my units are all boosted with lvl 45 courier and 40 abahamut, but i didnt use any of attack combo

    • @mr.tesser5941
      @mr.tesser5941 Год назад

      ​@@catbattles what level is your courier cause it seemed kinda boosted to

    • @blueflames4612
      @blueflames4612 7 месяцев назад

      @@mr.tesser5941 40 max probs

    • @mr.tesser5941
      @mr.tesser5941 7 месяцев назад

      @@blueflames4612 I've already beat this level lol😭

  • @davidbokan7437
    @davidbokan7437 Год назад +1

    Fantastic guide, thank you

  • @squidwardlegends2950
    @squidwardlegends2950 5 месяцев назад +2

    Explanation: Courier

  • @joejoe-cs8ct
    @joejoe-cs8ct Год назад +1

    worked with level 40 courier
    edit: all other units were level 30 (although artist, curling and maglev were in their second forms) i also replaced mini saurus with tiny ancient hunt
    won first try

  • @lagiacca8184
    @lagiacca8184 Год назад

    NAH NAH MAN, YOU ARE THE GOAT. EVEN WITH THE WRONG CANNON (breakerblaster) I STILL MANAGED TO WIN LOL. Dor anyone wondering, my lineup: combos: little ancient hunt, bony bone, bio hazard.
    Lineup: Hyper Mr (30), Ramen (39+4), Courier (40), Zamboney (38), Maglev (30), A.Bahamuth (30)
    P.S. the form written here are the one I used, if you have higher stats use other forms like in the video

    • @TyKo-h8w
      @TyKo-h8w 12 дней назад

      My. Ramen is 40+ but lower with C Angel Defense Up Talent Orb.

  • @Flameonoodle
    @Flameonoodle Год назад +1

    - I try Wafflecat's strat with Jizo and Light Iz.
    I lose.
    -Try again with powerups.
    I lose.
    -Try this strat with exact same lineup as you with powerups.
    I lose.
    -Try again, forget both powerups, mess up the start because slower money, and A.baha doesn't kill Slepnir.
    Win with 0 base damage lmfao

  • @joshuachan413
    @joshuachan413 6 месяцев назад

    Not even kidding it worked
    I was struggling for a long time but it worked

  • @zar0_69
    @zar0_69 Год назад +6

    Thank you. This worked very well when I changed the strat up. I used a 40 Courier, 30 Bahamut, 46 Ramen, 40 Zamboney and 39 Maglev. With the attack combo my couriers would kb clionel before dying in the beginning so I couldnt push back and died a few times due to clionel destroying my base and not being able to kill gories fast enough. Im bad at timing it seems but I managed to push in bahamut and couriers after the second gorie wave and the bahamut died. Couriers managed to kill clionel and I won. Thanks it is in fact a more reliable way to do it for me at least!

  • @GarudAtma
    @GarudAtma Год назад

    Just wanted to share that with balrog, this stage is super duper easy
    with 2x research and 1x defence combo and lvl 40 balrog and ramen. All that is needed

  • @FriesienBerg
    @FriesienBerg 11 месяцев назад

    The Strat worked flawlessly

  • @tapioca2200
    @tapioca2200 8 месяцев назад

    literally just repeat the same thing shown in the video
    didn't manage to kill or even kbthe slepnir at the end though, so had to do it with bahamut instead. great video though.
    Ramen 40 + 6
    Zamboney 28
    Maglev 29
    Courier 40
    Bahamut 30

  • @damaschiari1465
    @damaschiari1465 3 месяца назад

    This infamous always kills me with about 23% life 😭

    • @damaschiari1465
      @damaschiari1465 3 месяца назад

      After way too many attempts I finally beated it!🤩

  • @noelessayas9689
    @noelessayas9689 Год назад

    I struggled so much with the first stage, I didn't dare attempt this one. A month later, I will try again. My cats: Lvl 51 ramen, lvl 50 courier, lvl 45 green shell(was a pain to get), lvl 45 bullet train, and lvl 40 a bahumat. I have all other advents, and most of merciless adventures awakening stages. I even have kalisa tf and jizo. Wish me luck. Idk how I didn't beat this before
    Lmao I lost 3 times, cuz my cats were too strong for the timing. So on the 4th attempt, I stacked 2 bullet trains at the Frontline and they got 2 kbs on the clionel. And later on, my bahumat finished off the big angel

    • @Grimbaloo
      @Grimbaloo 11 месяцев назад

      I ended up winning with a level 40 courier, but I had some other high level units.

  • @Hephji
    @Hephji 3 месяца назад

    Courier becomes carrier

  • @Sanstheskeleton4
    @Sanstheskeleton4 Месяц назад

    I was so close to winning with 18 % then ran not only out of rich cats I ran out of cat food time and I was that close and I even messed up like 90% of the vid that’s how good this is

    • @00P1UMEXE
      @00P1UMEXE 28 дней назад

      u dont actually need rich cat also save cat food and u can get rich cat for free

  • @yannisd4059
    @yannisd4059 Год назад

    Worked perfectly
    Lvl 40+3 ramen
    Lvl 38 maglev
    Lvl 40 courier
    Lvl 30 a bahamut
    Lvl 40 zamboney
    2 research up (sm) combo + 1 attack up (sm) combo
    2nd try cuz I mistimed too much units

  • @bsksridbsn
    @bsksridbsn 28 дней назад +1

    Songname pls?

  • @BC_BabyGao
    @BC_BabyGao Год назад

    This actually worked with my lvl 30 bahamut, lvl 40 courier, lvl 40 ramen and lvl 32 zamboney and lvl 40 bullet train lmao

  • @gibbysglizzy1377
    @gibbysglizzy1377 10 месяцев назад

    i tried this with lvl 30 bamahut and level 40 courier and after 7 tries i got the boss down to 2% but now i'm out of rich cats 😭

  • @OneSmallBoss
    @OneSmallBoss 10 месяцев назад

    Seeing this works makes me depressed.

  • @NANITH961
    @NANITH961 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for cheese 😁

  • @mohammed44_
    @mohammed44_ Месяц назад

    True form kalisa, maglev, and zamboney completely destroyed this level and it bacame a joke blindspot bosses arent a real challenge once you get an uber/legend to their face, same with queen B I ruined the stage with dr.heaven

  • @ilikepineapples6704
    @ilikepineapples6704 Год назад

    I just used level 40 courier and level 40 zamboney (and the combos) and somehow won with that

  • @DecidiousGreens
    @DecidiousGreens Год назад +2

    attack up combo doesnt work with first form

    • @Geology051
      @Geology051 Год назад

      Lol I just noticed that now

  • @AxelDolby
    @AxelDolby 2 месяца назад

    Thank you so much i could beat thei level i was at my 15 attempt and I saw this video i was using the same strategy as you but i didnt know you could kill the first sleipnir and have bahamut survive
    I have beaten the second level first try it was piss easy
    Edit: i have just beaten Z onel roses thanks to cadáver bearcat

  • @Why-Fi048
    @Why-Fi048 Год назад +2

    I managed to cheese completely by accident, although my units were a bit boosted

    • @Why-Fi048
      @Why-Fi048 Год назад

      just bullet train --> green shell --> courier spam

    • @Why-Fi048
      @Why-Fi048 Год назад

      on no plan a

    • @CourierCat-2
      @CourierCat-2 11 месяцев назад +1

      B TRAIN

  • @Commenter303
    @Commenter303 11 дней назад

    What if i have no curling cat

    • @catbattles
      @catbattles  11 дней назад

      use egg pod

    • @Commenter303
      @Commenter303 11 дней назад

      @@catbattles I don't have egg pod

    • @Commenter303
      @Commenter303 День назад

      @@catbattles if I don't have curling cat how tf u expect me to have an egg pod?

  • @SHADOW-yx7vb
    @SHADOW-yx7vb Год назад

    Hee hee ho, hee hee hee ho, hee hee hee ho, hee hee heeeee

  • @Purple_guy48
    @Purple_guy48 Год назад

    I kinda used cat with a gun

    • @johnsiegel6849
      @johnsiegel6849 9 месяцев назад

      Whats your strat? My units r too low level but i do have a jizo that i maxed

    • @Purple_guy48
      @Purple_guy48 9 месяцев назад

      Freeze gun it

    • @johnsiegel6849
      @johnsiegel6849 9 месяцев назад

      @@Purple_guy48 srry wym by freeze gun?

    • @Purple_guy48
      @Purple_guy48 9 месяцев назад

      No I used a cat to freeze then I shot them with a different cat

  • @johnsiegel6849
    @johnsiegel6849 9 месяцев назад

    How do you level up bahamut to 40?

    • @SiegeBot-if8xz
      @SiegeBot-if8xz 8 месяцев назад

      Beat the first Uncanny Legends sub chapter

  • @damaschiari1465
    @damaschiari1465 4 месяца назад

    Still failing 😭