Softening sound and tightening the low C7=1uF C18=1uF Change low freq to 208Hz and Q to 5,1 R61=1,5K C30=0,039uF To reduce low on boost knob R37=1K To reduce Low on Dist knob R29=39K To add more gain R30=47K To add more mids R21=47K
Both BD2 and Chorus status are OFF. The chorus only use as signal splitter, not for chirus effect. Actually the routing is only for demoing some pedals I modded myself.
Sounds amazing :) 🍻 ❤🇹🇷
Quais foram as modificacoes executadas neste boss amigo? Poderia por favor nos contar?
Softening sound and tightening the low
Change low freq to 208Hz and Q to 5,1
To reduce low on boost knob
To reduce Low on Dist knob
To add more gain
To add more mids
Sounds amazing 👍
Thank you
Why do you put it after your chorus and before a bd2 with maxed gain? Sounds good but i still prefer the original sound.
Both BD2 and Chorus status are OFF. The chorus only use as signal splitter, not for chirus effect.
Actually the routing is only for demoing some pedals I modded myself.
Ok got it, thx for the answer.