I’ve got a noise when I’m on full lock and at slow speeds. Been told it’s gearbox oil. Also top strut mounts. Does anyone really know what the issue is before I start spending loads of money eliminating them 1 by 1
Thanks for the comment, you can get pricing by contacting a performance specialist here: 📲 Messenger: m.me/regalautosport 📲 Whatsapp: api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=447464783476 📲 +44(0)2380 55 86 36 📩 sales@regalautosport.com
Beautiful car
Thanks for the comment!
I've got a Astra J GTC 2.0, struggling to find coilovers that fit the car ;(
Hey, contact us using the information in the description and we'll be able to source something for you
Which was the setup (camber, toe,....) In the alignment? Now I buy the bolts of Powerflex that incrise the camber to -1,75°
Thanks for the comment Toni, we don't usually share out wheel alignment specs as it's our IP
Which bush exactly is the "front arm front bush"? Thank you
The front bush of the front arm
Can I just get a quote here on my astra k estate thinking to swap for bilstein b12 with labor
You will need to email sales@regalautosport.com for pricing
Whiteline rear anti roll bar can It make a difference ?
Sure can
I’ve got a noise when I’m on full lock and at slow speeds. Been told it’s gearbox oil. Also top strut mounts. Does anyone really know what the issue is before I start spending loads of money eliminating them 1 by 1
It's hard to diagnose over the internet, if you'd like us to take a look at your car you can find our information in the description
Gearbox oil. Must be LS oil (aditiv for limited slip). But noise will come back 😯
What is your opinion for installing the b14 coilovers on astra j sedan 1.4 turbo (petrol)
Do it! They work really well
Simpleh loveleh
How much
Thanks for the comment, you can get pricing by contacting a performance specialist here:
📲 Messenger: m.me/regalautosport
📲 Whatsapp: api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=447464783476
📲 +44(0)2380 55 86 36
📩 sales@regalautosport.com