It's a pity because if Vishy had just looked at the resulting position after Bf5 he would've noticed the win for White in 10-20 seconds or probably less.
Previously Anthony had a game with the same line where players agreed to a draw. So Anand thought it's a draw line because there wasn't computer to help you. Vishy played this line and smacked because of Qe2. It was in 1988 and vishy just became gm and he hadn't any team to help him to analyse position.
yasser laughing in every single thumbnail 🤣
Yasser's stories are unbeaten
That one game did act as a reminder. After that Vishy turned into one of the pioneers of Petroff.
Yasser is having good time🤣🤣
Poor Vishy lmao that was a nice story
I can't help imagining Naroditsky taking notes in his head to improve his impression.
Yasser has the best stories no contest
LOL I had no idea that Vishy was inspired by that Miles-Christiansen game. He must have been so mad. 😂😂😂😂
the chess grandpa we all love
I got to play Tony Miles on ICC years ago. He teased me about my silly handle. Very cool guy.
It's a pity because if Vishy had just looked at the resulting position after Bf5 he would've noticed the win for White in 10-20 seconds or probably less.
Could not catch up the vishy part bcz of this laughing'😁😁
Previously Anthony had a game with the same line where players agreed to a draw. So Anand thought it's a draw line because there wasn't computer to help you. Vishy played this line and smacked because of Qe2. It was in 1988 and vishy just became gm and he hadn't any team to help him to analyse position.
If you had known the second part of the story this backstory is way more funnier. The second part is the above comment
why is this amazing