"One day after my suicide" The day after my suicide, I loved my mother even more, when I saw her crying on the floor of my room, hugging my clothes with my photos scattered around her, I saw so much love past the tears in her eyes. The day after my suicide, I felt how much my father loved me, no matter how hard it was, in the midst of so much sadness, he spoke to me with tears in his eyes about how proud he was of me and how much he loved me. The day after my suicide, I saw my dog was more incredible than I could imagine. Everytime someone came home, he would run to the door excited to see me, and seeing that it was not me, would lay down in front of the door and continue waiting for me. The day after my suicide, I felt the love of my sister when I saw her sitting in her room with eyes full of tears. She remembered the times we played, talked and argued together in our beautiful childhood. Treasured moments.The day after my suicide, I felt how important I was to my best friends. They were looking at all our pictures together...remembering the laughs we shared. The day after my suicide, I felt the sorrow in my teachers. They blamed themselves for not noticing. At night I went to the morgue to look for myself and said: "So many dreams we had", "So many loved ones", "So many people to meet", "You had so many people that loved you, yet you threw it all away?", "You have to have a lot of courage to take your life. Why didn't you use that courage to win?" Thank goodness that was just a vision. Remember: You are still here and can change your life forever. You are better than you think you are. Prettier, smarter and stronger. Make this yours. Save it to notes and read it later. Disclaimer: This is not my story I just wanted to spread it because maybe it helps some people :)
Oh my dear friend, It's hard. I know. But please don't give up. I promise you, you can get through this. I want you to know that you have a place in this world and you matter x Let your tears out, let go of the stress. There is no judgement here. I want you to be free. You have friends that care about you, you have family that care about you and do want the best for you. It can get dark sometimes but know that you are not alone. Life is not about being perfect, it's not about getting everything right, it's about your faith to keep on going and giving it a try, so I want to remind you that you are capable. I believe in you! And I truly mean that. And I am proud of you and that you have been trying. You haven't come this far for nothing. So keep going okay, it'll be worth it. It will get better. I send you a big hug, you beautiful soul. I do believe in you. You got this okay! Said with love ❤ God bless you
Oh my dear friend, It's hard. I know. But please don't give up. I promise you, you can get through this. I want you to know that you have a place in this world and you matter x Let your tears out, let go of the stress. There is no judgement here. I want you to be free. You have friends that care about you, you have family that care about you and do want the best for you. It can get dark sometimes but know that you are not alone. Life is not about being perfect, it's not about getting everything right, it's about your faith to keep on going and giving it a try, so I want to remind you that you are capable. I believe in you! And I truly mean that. And I am proud of you and that you have been trying. You haven't come this far for nothing. So keep going okay, it'll be worth it. It will get better. I send you a big hug, you beautiful soul. I do believe in you. You got this okay! Said with love ❤ God bless you
Bu dünya acı ile dolu... Hayat kumara benzer... Bir kişinin mutluluğu, bir kişinin üzüntüsü... Bir kişinin kazancı, bir kişinin zararı... Bir kişinin zevki, bir kişinin acısı... Bir kişinin zenginliği, bir kişinin fakirliği... Bir kişinin tokluğu, bir kişinin açlığı... Bir kişinin zaferi, bir kişinin mağlubiyeti... Hayat acımasızdır...
من كان والده حياً بعافيةٍ فل يحمد الله لا شيءٌ كمِثلِ أبي لِصوتِهِ في نواحي الدارِ رهبَتُهُ بالنُصحِ والوعظِ والتوجيهِ والأدبِ بالامسِ طفلٌ يربيني وينصحني أبكي واطلب أضعافاً من اللعب وإن اتى والدي من شغله تَعِباً أقول : بابا فينسى بالغَ التعبِ واليوم قد صرنا كباراً في منازلنا لكن نظل صغاراً في عيون أبي ولم يخلّف لنا مالاً ولا ذهباً لكن وجودُ أبي اغلى من الذهبِ اطال الله في عمرك ولا اراك فينا الا كل خير ❤️
يوم توفى ابوي حسيت الحياة قصيره بس اعرف أبوي ما توفى هو موجود ف قلبي والله بشد على نفسي وان شاء اللة الله تعالى يوفقني في كل شي ،يصير نصيب أحسن و افضل حتى يوم وفاتي
One of my favourite quotes ever comes comes from this movie (fury) “Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.” We hope and pray for an ideal world where we all get along, no hunger or thirst, a home for everyone. Sadly that ideal world is not in our nature. Our history is riddled with violence and cruelty. So let me leave you with my quote. “In a world where we all fight, find something to fight for. Never fight for nothing.”
لا اعرف من يقرأ تعليقي ولكن أتمنى لك السعادة والفرح من كل قلبي والله يعوضك إللي راح باحسن وافضل❤️🌹 I don't know who reads my comment, but I wish you happiness and joy with all my heart, and may God compensate you for what will go better and better
Birini seversin o seni sevmez,senin ruhun ölür ama onun ruhuna yağmur gibi düşersin köklerini salar toprağın en derinlerine sevilmek dostum...sevilmek besler ruhumuzu ve sevgi anne bir köpeğin içinde de aynıdır ama bizim seçimlerimiz var neyi seversen sev karşılıksız sev sevilince fazla içip o suyu boğma kendini dinlen şu müzik gibi arada mola ver ruhuna
En zoruda, ölmüş birini özlemek galiba.. Belkide değil. Bana öyle geliyordur belkide, bilemiyorum. Sonuçta insan ne zaman hangi duyguyu yaşıyorsa, onun hayatının en zor an, yaşantı olduğuna inanıyor.. Ben şuan bu duyguyu yaşıyorum.. Başa çıkamıyorum...
from the birth to learning the way into the world, to the true story, to getting old, to the wildest dream of memories from younger years but waking up knowing there’s only few days to live
Need to know the true way how to live it broo.... If u want to know is to know why u are in this life.. If u want to know ask the god to show u & (and an advice shersh abut it on Islam)
"life isn't always easy I know that but everyday we wake up hoping that it's a good day, sometimes it ain't always easy but we have to think even though we go through depression, anxiety that doesn't stop us from being who we are, you may not like your body, or the way you look, but let me tell you something, you wake up everyday and put that crown on and rule the world, anyone out there going through deep stuff, read this and know I love you, and love yourself even it's hard, but try because you are the queen/king" (To the people out there that are going through deep stuff read this and know that you have my heart and stay strong and keep that hugs from me)
That’s the beauty of it, experience is our way of learning our faults and our strengths. Wether this is a hard journey or simply another path with the same scenery. This song in my opinion is to remind you of that.
Man imagine that i let a guy suck my dick he was more than 100 kg I didn't know what was going on my mind he was so ugly and that was more than 1 year I still regret it everyday also today I went to a girl to ask for her snapchat and she sayed no in my entire life i didnt ask any girl for Instagram or fucking number or anything but when I shoot my shot I missed fuck
Karanlık odada iki göz elektrikli soba bir yanım sobadan yanıyor diğer yanım duvarın soğuğunda hayatımı sorguluyorum. Yemedim içmedim harcamadım. Biriktirdim güzel bir yuva kurmak için. Canımın istediği tatlı mı hayır alamam. İstediğim bir yemek mi hayır alamam. Sabah işe giderken iki simit mi hayır tek simit gezmek hayır. Alkol hayır. Sigara hayır. Oturmak hayır. Çalıştım araba aldım. En kaliteli beyaz eşyaları aldım. Aldım da 🥺 Bırakıldım. Beğenilmedim. Sevilmedim. Önemsenmeyen birisi oldum. Dışlandim. Sırf görüntüm sıfatım biraz kötü diye istenmedim. Bıraktım. Vazgeçtim. Savaşıyorum. Yaşamak istiyorum. Daha zengin olmak istiyorum. Daha iyi bir görünüme sahip olmak istiyorum. Artık istediklerimi almak istediğim hayatı yaşamak istiyorum. Hayatımı birisine adamak yerine kendime adamayı tercih ettim. Artık istediğini alan kimse için değil kendi için yaşayan bir insan olmaya karar verdim. Değer vermek yok , üzülmek yok , önemsemek yok ,istenileni yapmak yok , herşey sadece benim istediğim gibi olacak , herşey ben nasıl arzularsam öyle olacak ve ben istediğimi elde edicem. Bu yolda ömrüm bitecek ve ben ömrüm bu yolda biterken sadece bir gün batımını kendi evimde beş dakika denizle birlikte seyredip gün batımında hayatıma veda edicem. Gidicem bu dünyadan birdaha dönmemek üzere herşeyi geride bırakarak. Kendinizi sevin. Kendinize özen gösterin. Dünya çok acımasız bir yer. Güçsüz olduğun zaman aşağılık birisi oluyorsun. Ben ezildim siz ezilmeyin.
Эта мелодия будто заставляет душу воскреснуть, дает надежду, вынимает из памяти самые отдаленные уголки забытых воспоминаний. Грустных, тоскливых, приятных. Эта мелодия - отпущение ошибок, грехов, сожалений, разочарования. Эта мелодия - полет в космос, глубокий вдох с болью в сердце, это дыхание морозным утром. Эта мелодия может воскресить самые умершие души, но только в памяти, перед глазами, в голове но только не наяву. Наяву остается лишь пустота, которую заполняет и обволакивает Она. Мелодия.
After the war concludes, leaders will exchange handshakes, yet amidst the aftermath, an old woman will persist in waiting for her son, while another young woman longs for the return of her beloved husband. Meanwhile, children yearn for the safe return of their heroic father... 😶
While my heart is still beating My head peace doesn't have Emotions keeps leaving And I am in a painful grave Oh, don't break the down Oh, pain, let me long My love, don't leave me now My soul is empty, but still strong Oh, God, just let me see If happy I'll ever be My bed is cold again "I don't want you" She said then Stupid - is this song Oh, God, I won't be here for long
U know bro sometimes i also realise that its a stupid thing to think about something that you cannot change, but u can't forget sometimes you can't forgive ... I am not talking about forgive someone I am talking about myself I can't forgive myself Some moments I hope to start from the 0 forget and forgive , destroy all badness that affects me ,show the way of the door who doesn't like me . I just fall asleep for a long time but now it is time to get up )
Escuchar esto me hace reflexionar sobre todo lo que pasaron los soldados argentinos en Malvinas,todo el conflicto,la sangre derramada,los gritos,los malboros en momentos de muerte,el sapucai ala hora de pelear,el cuchillo en mano por cualquier cosa,la camaderia ala hora de pelear,con los pantalones bien puestos y destinados a dejar todo por su patria.....mis respetos para los ex combatientes de Malvinas y para los caídos también...dieron todos mis queridos amigos...gracias por todo su valor y honor en esas islas ❤️🤝.....murieron pibes,buenos hombres,padres,esposos,novios,hijos,sobretodo humanos no máquinas de guerra.....❤️❤️
"Was searching for the true cause of my tears so I could stop my tears. Kept searching and searching but I couldnt find it so that made me cry more and more while sad memories were going through my head. At the end I ran out of tears. I couldnt cry nomore. I had won!" -someone
Воистину великолепная музыка! Листая комментарии вижу людей пишущих на английском, французском, немецком, русском, испанском, арабском и множестве других языков, кем бы мы не были, где бы мы не родились, исскуство объединяет нас и весь наш Мир!
Keep calm and carry on. that is all you can do. Desperation will drive a man to do anything. But when he has nothing left to be Desperat for he fades into nothing.
Oh my dear friend, It's hard. I know. But please don't give up. I promise you, you can get through this. I want you to know that you have a place in this world and you matter x Let your tears out, let go of the stress. There is no judgement here. I want you to be free. You have friends that care about you, you have family that care about you and do want the best for you. It can get dark sometimes but know that you are not alone. Life is not about being perfect, it's not about getting everything right, it's about your faith to keep on going and giving it a try, so I want to remind you that you are capable. I believe in you! And I truly mean that. And I am proud of you and that you have been trying. You haven't come this far for nothing. So keep going okay, it'll be worth it. It will get better. I send you a big hug, you beautiful soul. I do believe in you. You got this okay! Said with love ❤ God bless you
жизнь прекрасна, но жизнь одновременно тяжела, это огромная вечная битва... битва с самим собой, когда надо постоянно побеждать внутреннего себя. и порой человек может проигрывать эту битву, склоняет голову и умирает его душа и личность внутри... никогда, дорогой друг, никогда не сдавайся, поражение - это драгоценный опыт, воспринимай его не как горький конец, а как урок, который даст тебе совершить победу в следующий раз. не опускай голову, смотри только вперед и побеждай!
This Song is so great, it makes me think about my memories and how Happy i really am and it makes me really thankful for it but at the same time it makes me sad as i know it wont be the same as it was soon due to everybody goin their own way... But the memories will stay
I've been depressed for a while now and have done nothing. I have 0 friends because I'm that unlikable. It was made painfully clear today, when a coworker insulted me out nowhere and then proceeds to say how horrible I am. This is probably the closest I've got to taking my life. I was contemplating buying bunch of painkillers and just swallowing them. I've decided to get help instead. Life is cruel and unfair. Man, would I love them to be in my shoes for just a day to see what I go through.
@@dillianwhyte443Чем весло лучше, может на войне придёшь в себя, им кстати нужны такие, как человек который проходит это каждый день говорю,(Весло не лучшая идея решений проблем)!
There is nothing I can do. - my life flows from my hands like water. time does not stand still, I can no longer hold it with my hands. weeks are as fast as hours and hours are as fast as seconds...
um minuto de silêncio para todos os bravos guerreiros que perderam suas vidas na guerra da ucrânia, e para todos que morreram para o terremoto na turquia e ao covid, descansem em paz.
Of course, I understand everything that Russia attacked Ukraine, but why doesn’t anyone pay attention to the fact that the DPR and LPR were bombed by the Ukrainians themselves, why doesn’t anyone pay attention that we Crimeans live quietly in Crimea
Why don’t you pay attention to the fact that there was a Maidan that the DPR, LPR were bombed 8 years is a lot why you didn’t pay attention to what the Ukrainians were doing in Crimea
@@Abdul_muslimov-7375 half of people in the west just do not kow what's happening. The other half just supports Ukraine because BadD rUSia. At least there are a few people who look on both the coin's sides. I wish the best and good luck to every local suffering from the war.
Kelimeler anlamını yitireli çok zaman oldu Yağmurlar yağdı, günler doğdu battı ardı ardına Bir güne daha küfrederek uyandın belki de Olsun, eksik etme sol cebinden yine de umudu (:
این اهنگ تمام درد هایم را تا به حال به جلوی چشمان اورد، تمام سختی هایی که پشت سر گذاشتم ، تمام خاطرات خوب و بد و به یاد انها چه گریه ها که نکردم و چه نخندیدم ، چه دورانی بود، چقدر دلتنگی سختی دارم ، خداوندا خودت راه ما را هموار کن و همیشه با ما باش با تمام این مردم ، صلح برقرار کنید ، ❤❤
@@Theronox7 just need a realisation, that we are the part of this universe, after death we are going to mix in all these things, it's like a god's video game, *we all are immortal cuz soul is immortal* (be grateful that you're alive, physically able,)
Wow, éste video atrajo a personas de todo el mundo, una canción simplemente hermosa que puede sonar como fondo para cualquier momento triste de tu vida y darle toques de esperanza pese a lo Jodidas que se ven las cosas...
That’s the best song and it let you remember the faults that you’ve made and old days and I like to hear it when I’m studying which makes me have to see my target like it gives energy
I had an online friend....we were friends for almost 9 months . She lived far away from me but we used to talk on insta almost everyday and i thought we developed a bond . We even decided to meet up one day if that opportunity presents. She used to talk about her personal problems and vent it out to me and i used to always listen . I used to check upon her regularly from time to time just to know if she's doing alright and even she used to check upon me in the beginning. Consequently , i developed feelings towards her cuz i've never talked to a girl before the way i talked to her and i really liked talking to her too .But recently , hardly a week ago ...she said that her childhood friend had been planning to marry her and that even she really liked him. I, on the other hand , was flabbergasted and in the heat of the moment , I decided to confess and thats when....i got blocked. Now im not sure how to move forward from here . I mean it was an online relationship and we've never met but the feelings i had towards her were very real and i used to always think about her and now...i just ruined it
So dont cuzz hope is equal to pain brother just let it go i am also like you dont try just live your life go have fun life is to short to be lost on hopes that could be not real
If you're alive, you still have a reason to live. Come with me and change your live by the power of Jesus Christ. Repent of your sins and experience the love of God.
you know this is the real advice but the love of god allah and all his prophets and messenger who send them to us to lead us to show us the real way and lead us to our maker allah ( jesus {issa} , moses {moussa} , davide {dawood} , Mohamed , jacob {yaakob, ismail, Zakaria, noah { nooh}, ecr and all his messengers that we know and we dont peace upon them all , hope god lead ya to the true way and he will cause somebody write this thing must be a good person ( you ) , thank you again brother :D
Overthinking and overthinking, Could be too many decisions that destroy you and nobody can help you, except you and the music, Today i lost someone that i really love deeply, But i lost too many in this year, My friend died in cancer, My uncle, My friends in GAZA theres no connection right now to see them, When we find someone with a white heart always gone.
Here is my story It all started When i was 18 ...i was not aware of them until I was on the edge. It was really bad. it took almost 4 years for me to understand. After a lot of therapy and medication Now I am 24 doing post graduation. The only secret is rebuilding life brick by brick with patience.
Lucho cada día por pertenecer a la policía militar de mi país, porque creo en sus valores, en honrar su historia y su labor en mi país combatiendo a terroristas y defendiendo a la gente buena. Daría mi vida por ello, de otra forma no tendría esta fuerza vital para intentarlo una vez tras otra. Sin embargo, en las cenas familiares no hago más que recibir preguntas de la necesidad de la labor del cuerpo al que busco pertenecer, del abuso de autoridad y demás cosas que nada tienen que ver con mis valores. Incomprendido a pesar de estar dispuesto a dar mi vida por proteger a los demás. Aún así, seguiré en la lucha hasta conseguirlo. Felices fiestas a todos!
Un día lo lograrás. Yo sé que sí. Yo tuve que de cierta manera “morir” para darme cuenta que cada quién tiene un objetivo de vida. Y hay que perseguirlo, sin rendirse. Puedes disfrutar el proceso, pero nunca te desvies del objetivo. Te quiero hermano
Solo quisiera decir que, yo también he llegado a hablar mal mayormente de los policías ya sean estatales o municipales, pero a quien doy todo mi respeto son a los militares, hace tiempo viví una experiencia sumamente horrible que pasa demasiado seguido en mi país lamentablemente, y creo que los únicos que realmente están en el "campo de batalla" contra la delincuencia son los militares, admiro su dedicación y sus sacrificios, cuando los veo pasar en las caravanas cuando los asignan a una nueva locación incluso mientras llueve o hace frio, o cuando hace un calor espantoso... al final también son seres humanos, son padres, hijos, esposos, hermanos... arriesgan su vida tratando de crear un mejor lugar para todos los demás y nosotros no lo valoramos, por eso siempre que veo que la gente les ofrece comida o agua, se me apachurra el corazón y se que cuando pueda haré lo mismo, aportar mi granito de arena! Mis respetos para ti y mi agradecimiento, porque tienes buenos valores y eso hoy en día casi no hay! Ánimo
Theme of life Life is not happy not even sad. Life is silent. We make make sound, a sound that vanishes in the universe. Eventually we die peacefully and our emotions, body, feelings also die with us. A truth which our ancestors learned we didn't we are in a race to earn endless money, money that brings sadness, stress. People say life is a game. I say life is a trap, a trap which is created to librate us. No one is above life and no one has lived the life fullest.
It is nice to see something that previously hurt you and now does not move you.
Your brother is from Saudi Arabia
هلا بيك انا من الاردن ❤❤❤
are you rich brou?
aywa wallahi
والاجمل ان ترا شيء كنت تتمناه وتتعبه والان صار يتمناك ويتبعك
"One day after my suicide"
The day after my suicide, I loved my mother even more, when I saw her crying on the floor of my room, hugging my clothes with my photos scattered around her, I saw so much love past the tears in her eyes.
The day after my suicide, I felt how much my father loved me, no matter how hard it was, in the midst of so much sadness, he spoke to me with tears in his eyes about how proud he was of me and how much he loved me.
The day after my suicide, I saw my dog was more incredible than I could imagine. Everytime someone came home, he would run to the door excited to see me, and seeing that it was not me, would lay down in front of the door and continue waiting for me.
The day after my suicide, I felt the love of my sister when I saw her sitting in her room with eyes full of tears. She remembered the times we played, talked and argued together in our beautiful childhood. Treasured moments.The day after my suicide, I felt how important I was to my best friends. They were looking at all our pictures together...remembering the laughs we shared.
The day after my suicide, I felt the sorrow in my teachers. They blamed themselves for not noticing.
At night I went to the morgue to look for myself and said: "So many dreams we had", "So many loved ones", "So many people to meet", "You had so many people that loved you, yet you threw it all away?", "You have to have a lot of courage to take your life. Why didn't you use that courage to win?"
Thank goodness that was just a vision.
Remember: You are still here and can change your life forever. You are better than you think you are. Prettier, smarter and stronger.
Make this yours. Save it to notes and read it later.
Disclaimer: This is not my story I just wanted to spread it because maybe it helps some people :)
thanks man
I needed this...
Great piece bro 🙏🏻🙏🏻
No voy a desperdiciar un segundo de mi vida, no quiero sentirme asi cuando muera
Oh my dear friend,
It's hard. I know. But please don't give up.
I promise you, you can get through this.
I want you to know that you have a place in this world and you matter x
Let your tears out, let go of the stress. There is no judgement here. I want you to be free.
You have friends that care about you, you have family that care about you and do want the best for you.
It can get dark sometimes but know that you are not alone.
Life is not about being perfect, it's not about getting everything right, it's about your faith to keep on going and giving it a try, so I want to remind you that you are capable. I believe in you! And I truly mean that. And I am proud of you and that you have been trying. You haven't come this far for nothing. So keep going okay, it'll be worth it. It will get better.
I send you a big hug, you beautiful soul. I do believe in you.
You got this okay! Said with love ❤ God bless you
Thanks 🌹💔
Thanks you for this✨
thank you
When you want to start a new life this song hits 🖤
Thank you for saying that ! And in fact it’s true!! I also feel the same!!
@@natilla23 u want to start a new life too?
@@tommymraz Yeni Hayat Yeni Kural lar Yeni Bir Hayat Savaşı
Oh my dear friend,
It's hard. I know. But please don't give up.
I promise you, you can get through this.
I want you to know that you have a place in this world and you matter x
Let your tears out, let go of the stress. There is no judgement here. I want you to be free.
You have friends that care about you, you have family that care about you and do want the best for you.
It can get dark sometimes but know that you are not alone.
Life is not about being perfect, it's not about getting everything right, it's about your faith to keep on going and giving it a try, so I want to remind you that you are capable. I believe in you! And I truly mean that. And I am proud of you and that you have been trying. You haven't come this far for nothing. So keep going okay, it'll be worth it. It will get better.
I send you a big hug, you beautiful soul. I do believe in you.
You got this okay! Said with love ❤ God bless you
yes, it's hard
Thank you for saying and in fact it's true. I also feel the same
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Bir kişinin zaferi, bir kişinin mağlubiyeti...
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Comment hit so hard that you have to screenshot it ❤
الحياة مبنية على قول قد و قد
dehşet purna
"It's a bad day, not a bad life."
"it's a character building day"
The best part of being sad is that you have nothing to lose
I wish that were true. But no matter what, you always lose time. That much is certain.
no matter the economy of the jungle, the lion will never eat grass
من كان والده حياً بعافيةٍ
فل يحمد الله لا شيءٌ كمِثلِ أبي
لِصوتِهِ في نواحي الدارِ رهبَتُهُ
بالنُصحِ والوعظِ والتوجيهِ والأدبِ
بالامسِ طفلٌ يربيني وينصحني
أبكي واطلب أضعافاً من اللعب
وإن اتى والدي من شغله تَعِباً
أقول : بابا فينسى بالغَ التعبِ
واليوم قد صرنا كباراً في منازلنا
لكن نظل صغاراً في عيون أبي
ولم يخلّف لنا مالاً ولا ذهباً
لكن وجودُ أبي اغلى من الذهبِ
اطال الله في عمرك ولا اراك فينا الا كل خير ❤️
يوم توفى ابوي حسيت الحياة قصيره
بس اعرف أبوي ما توفى هو موجود ف قلبي
والله بشد على نفسي وان شاء اللة الله تعالى يوفقني في كل شي ،يصير نصيب أحسن و افضل حتى يوم وفاتي
@@c0of الله يرحمه ، الدايم الله والله يوفقك بحياتك
ابي انسخها هي وحركاتها كيف
كما قال الشاعر : تعلمت كل شيء من الاب الا العيش بدونه .
One of my favourite quotes ever comes comes from this movie (fury)
“Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.”
We hope and pray for an ideal world where we all get along, no hunger or thirst, a home for everyone. Sadly that ideal world is not in our nature. Our history is riddled with violence and cruelty. So let me leave you with my quote.
“In a world where we all fight, find something to fight for. Never fight for nothing.”
That was profound my friend.
"A person who has everything, has lost everything. "
- By Me
A great speak
You either fight for something or you die for nothing
"I don't always get what I want, but I always get what I need."
لا اعرف من يقرأ تعليقي ولكن أتمنى لك السعادة والفرح من كل قلبي والله يعوضك إللي راح باحسن وافضل❤️🌹
I don't know who reads my comment, but I wish you happiness and joy with all my heart, and may God compensate you for what will go better and better
Thank you man ❤🎉
@@blackcraes-gi3dx ❤️, you are welcome
Gelde şimdi, diri bir bedenin içinde ölü bir ruhu kelimelerle anlat..
Birini seversin o seni sevmez,senin ruhun ölür ama onun ruhuna yağmur gibi düşersin köklerini salar toprağın en derinlerine sevilmek dostum...sevilmek besler ruhumuzu ve sevgi anne bir köpeğin içinde de aynıdır ama bizim seçimlerimiz var neyi seversen sev karşılıksız sev sevilince fazla içip o suyu boğma kendini dinlen şu müzik gibi arada mola ver ruhuna
Yapabilsen banada söyle)
Birini seviyorum ama daha kendine söyleyemedim bile ;(
gelde anlat bunu …
Gelde şimdi yaşatanların yaşattıklarını yaşatarak anlat ve usülce çekil
This song makes me comfortable being alone it’s so bliss words can’t describe how it penetrates the soul
thank you for the support
I respect you all 🫡🫡🇺🇲🇺🇲 thank you
Soldiers deserve respect but people never respect them
@@muhammedalikaradeniz6447 classic, the one who deserve the most always got the worst
its sad how theres no salute emoji allowed on yt
Best job I ever had
Best job I ever had🪖
For the peace of inner soul and relaxation of body. This makes air to pass through my body while I am listening
I got the same feeling , but didn't know how to describe it and you just did
@@abtinizadkhah1989me too
En zoruda, ölmüş birini özlemek galiba.. Belkide değil. Bana öyle geliyordur belkide, bilemiyorum. Sonuçta insan ne zaman hangi duyguyu yaşıyorsa, onun hayatının en zor an, yaşantı olduğuna inanıyor.. Ben şuan bu duyguyu yaşıyorum.. Başa çıkamıyorum...
from the birth to learning the way into the world, to the true story, to getting old, to the wildest dream of memories from younger years but waking up knowing there’s only few days to live
Need to know the true way how to live it broo.... If u want to know is to know why u are in this life.. If u want to know ask the god to show u & (and an advice shersh abut it on Islam)
I was touched while reading the beautiful article.
i am listening this on the day of after eid namaz and i realize that we are temporary for this world.
كل عام وانت بخير
@@barry4267 🥰
other eid with this music
"life isn't always easy I know that but everyday we wake up hoping that it's a good day, sometimes it ain't always easy but we have to think even though we go through depression, anxiety that doesn't stop us from being who we are, you may not like your body, or the way you look, but let me tell you something, you wake up everyday and put that crown on and rule the world, anyone out there going through deep stuff, read this and know I love you, and love yourself even it's hard, but try because you are the queen/king"
(To the people out there that are going through deep stuff read this and know that you have my heart and stay strong and keep that hugs from me)
When you slowly letting go of your past mistakes, this song really plays in your head.
Man its hit hard..
That’s the beauty of it, experience is our way of learning our faults and our strengths. Wether this is a hard journey or simply another path with the same scenery. This song in my opinion is to remind you of that.
@@_The_Seeker_words man..
Man imagine that i let a guy suck my dick he was more than 100 kg I didn't know what was going on my mind he was so ugly and that was more than 1 year I still regret it everyday also today I went to a girl to ask for her snapchat and she sayed no in my entire life i didnt ask any girl for Instagram or fucking number or anything but when I shoot my shot I missed fuck
@@ahmedalsaadi6193 Gawd Damn🤣
Karanlık odada iki göz elektrikli soba bir yanım sobadan yanıyor diğer yanım duvarın soğuğunda hayatımı sorguluyorum. Yemedim içmedim harcamadım. Biriktirdim güzel bir yuva kurmak için. Canımın istediği tatlı mı hayır alamam. İstediğim bir yemek mi hayır alamam. Sabah işe giderken iki simit mi hayır tek simit gezmek hayır. Alkol hayır. Sigara hayır. Oturmak hayır. Çalıştım araba aldım. En kaliteli beyaz eşyaları aldım. Aldım da 🥺
Bırakıldım. Beğenilmedim. Sevilmedim. Önemsenmeyen birisi oldum. Dışlandim. Sırf görüntüm sıfatım biraz kötü diye istenmedim. Bıraktım. Vazgeçtim. Savaşıyorum. Yaşamak istiyorum. Daha zengin olmak istiyorum. Daha iyi bir görünüme sahip olmak istiyorum. Artık istediklerimi almak istediğim hayatı yaşamak istiyorum. Hayatımı birisine adamak yerine kendime adamayı tercih ettim. Artık istediğini alan kimse için değil kendi için yaşayan bir insan olmaya karar verdim. Değer vermek yok , üzülmek yok , önemsemek yok ,istenileni yapmak yok , herşey sadece benim istediğim gibi olacak , herşey ben nasıl arzularsam öyle olacak ve ben istediğimi elde edicem. Bu yolda ömrüm bitecek ve ben ömrüm bu yolda biterken sadece bir gün batımını kendi evimde beş dakika denizle birlikte seyredip gün batımında hayatıma veda edicem. Gidicem bu dünyadan birdaha dönmemek üzere herşeyi geride bırakarak. Kendinizi sevin. Kendinize özen gösterin. Dünya çok acımasız bir yer. Güçsüz olduğun zaman aşağılık birisi oluyorsun. Ben ezildim siz ezilmeyin.
canım benim
Çok içten teşekkür ederim
Mutluluk seninle olsun, Allah yardımcın olsun. (Üzdün bizi , sen üzülme)
Эта мелодия будто заставляет душу воскреснуть, дает надежду, вынимает из памяти самые отдаленные уголки забытых воспоминаний. Грустных, тоскливых, приятных. Эта мелодия - отпущение ошибок, грехов, сожалений, разочарования. Эта мелодия - полет в космос, глубокий вдох с болью в сердце, это дыхание морозным утром. Эта мелодия может воскресить самые умершие души, но только в памяти, перед глазами, в голове но только не наяву. Наяву остается лишь пустота, которую заполняет и обволакивает Она. Мелодия.
Какие это сильные слова, очень приятно было это прочитать
Sou do brasil e essa música a cada toque refresca a alma, uma sensação de alívio de esperança,apesar de todas as dificuldades a vida segue até o final
Respect bro
Hearing this while you're crying cleans your soul. When the only thing you want in the world is just disappear forever...
Keep it together bro, you got this I believe!❤
@@bettingJameson thank you :) hope everything is okay with you...
Stay Strong buddy :'(
After the war concludes, leaders will exchange handshakes, yet amidst the aftermath, an old woman will persist in waiting for her son, while another young woman longs for the return of her beloved husband. Meanwhile, children yearn for the safe return of their heroic father... 😶
I really feel that this music exactly expresses what I feel most of the time nowadays. I am lonely
While my heart is still beating
My head peace doesn't have
Emotions keeps leaving
And I am in a painful grave
Oh, don't break the down
Oh, pain, let me long
My love, don't leave me now
My soul is empty, but still strong
Oh, God, just let me see
If happy I'll ever be
My bed is cold again
"I don't want you"
She said then
Stupid - is this song
Oh, God,
I won't be here for long
Gece Gece Ağlatacak sın bizi
6:00 melhor parte, um sentimento de vazio e solidão, mas tbm de paz e de inquietude.❤
soy español y entendi todo, y estoy de acuerdo
@@liamnilssong gracias ❤️
Listen to this song on the first day of 2023... I realized how stupid I am wasting time thinking about the past.
Yes bro Life war is started.
Bro don't think about the past. Look at the future :')
Your comment gives me hope for my future
U know bro sometimes i also realise that its a stupid thing to think about something that you cannot change, but u can't forget sometimes you can't forgive ... I am not talking about forgive someone I am talking about myself I can't forgive myself
Some moments I hope to start from the 0 forget and forgive , destroy all badness that affects me ,show the way of the door who doesn't like me . I just fall asleep for a long time but now it is time to get up )
There is always time to change ,don't care and move forward.This year work to improve yourself and forget the past.
Sebuah rasa yang telah mati..seolah² bisa bangkit kembali..ketukan luar bisa sobat ❤
Escuchar esto me hace reflexionar sobre todo lo que pasaron los soldados argentinos en Malvinas,todo el conflicto,la sangre derramada,los gritos,los malboros en momentos de muerte,el sapucai ala hora de pelear,el cuchillo en mano por cualquier cosa,la camaderia ala hora de pelear,con los pantalones bien puestos y destinados a dejar todo por su patria.....mis respetos para los ex combatientes de Malvinas y para los caídos también...dieron todos mis queridos amigos...gracias por todo su valor y honor en esas islas ❤️🤝.....murieron pibes,buenos hombres,padres,esposos,novios,hijos,sobretodo humanos no máquinas de guerra.....❤️❤️
Soy brasileño 🇧🇷, mis lamentos a los soldados argentinos en las Malvinas...
"Was searching for the true cause of my tears so I could stop my tears. Kept searching and searching but I couldnt find it so that made me cry more and more while sad memories were going through my head. At the end I ran out of tears. I couldnt cry nomore. I had won!"
Воистину великолепная музыка! Листая комментарии вижу людей пишущих на английском, французском, немецком, русском, испанском, арабском и множестве других языков, кем бы мы не были, где бы мы не родились, исскуство объединяет нас и весь наш Мир!
اجل يا صديقي كنا نتألم بصمت داخلنا لكننا لا نشعر 🗿
вау, как прекрасны твои слова!
सही कहा❤
Dika älar qyñ ma alalaħ
"Don't listen to what others say, listen to your heart"
Keep calm and carry on. that is all you can do.
Desperation will drive a man to do anything. But when he has nothing left to be Desperat for he fades into nothing.
As a man, I must not give up. Even if sometimes this song plays in the background of life.
Yesterday was my birthday and no one celebrated it. welcome 24.
Hbd bro my birthday was in 25th og December
Finally i found this masterpiece 😢
wow man .....now i understand how deep can be this song ... thanks
Oh my dear friend,
It's hard. I know. But please don't give up.
I promise you, you can get through this.
I want you to know that you have a place in this world and you matter x
Let your tears out, let go of the stress. There is no judgement here. I want you to be free.
You have friends that care about you, you have family that care about you and do want the best for you.
It can get dark sometimes but know that you are not alone.
Life is not about being perfect, it's not about getting everything right, it's about your faith to keep on going and giving it a try, so I want to remind you that you are capable. I believe in you! And I truly mean that. And I am proud of you and that you have been trying. You haven't come this far for nothing. So keep going okay, it'll be worth it. It will get better.
I send you a big hug, you beautiful soul. I do believe in you.
You got this okay! Said with love ❤ God bless you
“و في نهاية اللعبة ، سيذهب الجندي و الملك إلى نفس صندوق ❤️🩹♟️”
Exactly 😢
жизнь прекрасна, но жизнь одновременно тяжела, это огромная вечная битва... битва с самим собой, когда надо постоянно побеждать внутреннего себя. и порой человек может проигрывать эту битву, склоняет голову и умирает его душа и личность внутри... никогда, дорогой друг, никогда не сдавайся, поражение - это драгоценный опыт, воспринимай его не как горький конец, а как урок, который даст тебе совершить победу в следующий раз. не опускай голову, смотри только вперед и побеждай!
This Song is so great, it makes me think about my memories and how Happy i really am and it makes me really thankful for it but at the same time it makes me sad as i know it wont be the same as it was soon due to everybody goin their own way...
But the memories will stay
Stay strong brother!
The heart makes mistakes for a moment, and the mind punishes it for years. 🥀😓
احسنت يا صديقي 💔
I've been depressed for a while now and have done nothing. I have 0 friends because I'm that unlikable. It was made painfully clear today, when a coworker insulted me out nowhere and then proceeds to say how horrible I am. This is probably the closest I've got to taking my life. I was contemplating buying bunch of painkillers and just swallowing them. I've decided to get help instead. Life is cruel and unfair. Man, would I love them to be in my shoes for just a day to see what I go through.
@@dillianwhyte443I can feel you bro .Be strong love life
@@dillianwhyte443 Man I understand you. Dont you dare give up bro, keep going and its great you are seeking help
@@dillianwhyte443Чем весло лучше, может на войне придёшь в себя, им кстати нужны такие, как человек который проходит это каждый день говорю,(Весло не лучшая идея решений проблем)!
Excelente trabajo y gran cancion de Einaudi ! ❤🇦🇷👋
إنها تمطر يا جورج 😢
من الذي يقطع البصل يا جورج 💔
Was listening to this on the train when I visited Japan. I was in a new country with no idea really where I was going....but I was at peace
There is nothing I can do. - my life flows from my hands like water. time does not stand still, I can no longer hold it with my hands. weeks are as fast as hours and hours are as fast as seconds...
This is the song that motivate me the most
um minuto de silêncio para todos os bravos guerreiros que perderam suas vidas na guerra da ucrânia, e para todos que morreram para o terremoto na turquia e ao covid, descansem em paz.
Of course, I understand everything that Russia attacked Ukraine, but why doesn’t anyone pay attention to the fact that the DPR and LPR were bombed by the Ukrainians themselves, why doesn’t anyone pay attention that we Crimeans live quietly in Crimea
Why don’t you pay attention to the fact that there was a Maidan that the DPR, LPR were bombed 8 years is a lot why you didn’t pay attention to what the Ukrainians were doing in Crimea
We do not want to Ukraine so many people died for no reason because of the Ukrainian government on both sides, we just want the war to end
Respect from Turkey 🇹🇷
@@Abdul_muslimov-7375 half of people in the west just do not kow what's happening. The other half just supports Ukraine because BadD rUSia. At least there are a few people who look on both the coin's sides. I wish the best and good luck to every local suffering from the war.
I dont wish what im feeling right now for anybody... I know finally life ganna pass me anything i've been through... Be strong it's gonna end someday.
Anyone from 2025
Yeah bro
Best Thing when u combine the best war film with the Piano especially This song ... Ty bro
Kelimeler anlamını yitireli çok zaman oldu
Yağmurlar yağdı, günler doğdu battı ardı ardına
Bir güne daha küfrederek uyandın belki de
Olsun, eksik etme sol cebinden yine de umudu (:
Omg i love it do more like this.please😩🇵🇸🖤
لوتقتحمني عاصفه وتزلزل اركاني رياح✨💔.
dont stop when you are tired. stop whenever you finished it
این اهنگ تمام درد هایم را تا به حال به جلوی چشمان اورد، تمام سختی هایی که پشت سر گذاشتم ، تمام خاطرات خوب و بد و به یاد انها چه گریه ها که نکردم و چه نخندیدم ، چه دورانی بود، چقدر دلتنگی سختی دارم ، خداوندا خودت راه ما را هموار کن و همیشه با ما باش
با تمام این مردم ، صلح برقرار کنید ، ❤❤
Thank you
Don’t overthink it y’all, life is too short for that shit
Its not about overthinking bro but why always simple guy got all pain why? He don't even know what he did still suffering most
@@Theronox7 just need a realisation, that we are the part of this universe, after death we are going to mix in all these things, it's like a god's video game, *we all are immortal cuz soul is immortal* (be grateful that you're alive, physically able,)
Wow... My biggest respect because this song is so wow🥺 can't say the right words for this but it makes me feel a wow situation 🩵🩷
It get better I promise
I'll make them stop
Wow, éste video atrajo a personas de todo el mundo, una canción simplemente hermosa que puede sonar como fondo para cualquier momento triste de tu vida y darle toques de esperanza pese a lo Jodidas que se ven las cosas...
Bro cussed him out 💀
Verdade Hermano
appreciation for ludovic for this masterpiece,
Şarkının dile çevirisi
~Canım Yanıyor...🤕🚬🚬🚬
Eskileri özledim
Best Dream 11 ad ever i watched
That’s the best song and it let you remember the faults that you’ve made and old days and I like to hear it when I’m studying which makes me have to see my target like it gives energy
How did I not found this? 🥺🙏🏽❤ so pretty ❤💪🏽🥺
listening to this after Dortmund loosing to mainz , man it hits really hard .
El mejor regalo de todos es haber estado en esta vida en este momento y el peor es en un muy mal contexto de desgracia
I had an online friend....we were friends for almost 9 months . She lived far away from me but we used to talk on insta almost everyday and i thought we developed a bond . We even decided to meet up one day if that opportunity presents. She used to talk about her personal problems and vent it out to me and i used to always listen . I used to check upon her regularly from time to time just to know if she's doing alright and even she used to check upon me in the beginning. Consequently , i developed feelings towards her cuz i've never talked to a girl before the way i talked to her and i really liked talking to her too .But recently , hardly a week ago ...she said that her childhood friend had been planning to marry her and that even she really liked him. I, on the other hand , was flabbergasted and in the heat of the moment , I decided to confess and thats when....i got blocked. Now im not sure how to move forward from here . I mean it was an online relationship and we've never met but the feelings i had towards her were very real and i used to always think about her and now...i just ruined it
Let it go bro
Love from India 🚩........ ♥️♥️
Anlatamam ama tarif edebilirim belki
Bedenim düşerken ruhum yükseliyor gibi bir his ürpertici...
Lay your head on the pillow and listen to this and understand how I feel every day 😖
I subscribed your channel for this music and picture😢😢😢❤❤❤❤
Thanks Brother 🤍🗝
bu müziği her duyduğumda umutun bitmediğine bir daha inanıyorum
So dont cuzz hope is equal to pain brother just let it go i am also like you dont try just live your life go have fun life is to short to be lost on hopes that could be not real
One day everybody dies
We ain't scare to dies we scare to live
Nope they become immortal in your memories so cherish every moment
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son so whoever believes in him will not perish but will have eternal life
This is just a straight masterpiece
الكراهية=المقارنة مع الآخرين=كره الآخرين=كره الذات=كره الله=الإكتئاب
الإكتئاب=رفض+عجز المسكين رافض لواقعه لكنه عاجز عن التغيير
الأوقات الصعبة تصنع الأقوياء=الأقوياء يصنعون أوقاتاً جيدة=الأوقات الجيدة تصنع الضعفاء(هذا الجيل)=الضعفاء يصنعون أوقاتاً صعبة=نظرية دورة الحياة♻
هههه نفس التفكير
i know.. if u’re here bcs u’re sad.. i get u. but we have to strong, and i know u can do it. I BELIEVE IN U.❤️
Why we have to ?
Çok Zor Ama Başaracaz
@@seyithanuren8376 uff in english? i can’t understand that language 🤏
@@chlkxm2046 ok
If you're alive, you still have a reason to live.
Come with me and change your live by the power of Jesus Christ. Repent of your sins and experience the love of God.
Amen 🙏
you know this is the real advice but the love of god allah and all his prophets and messenger who send them to us to lead us to show us the real way and lead us to our maker allah ( jesus {issa} , moses {moussa} , davide {dawood} , Mohamed , jacob {yaakob, ismail, Zakaria, noah { nooh}, ecr and all his messengers that we know and we dont peace upon them all , hope god lead ya to the true way and he will cause somebody write this thing must be a good person ( you ) , thank you again brother :D
The music said so much in 7 minutes that could never be expressed in words!
Everyone has there own interpretation of this song but one thing is for sure, we’re all going through it in a collective spiritual consciousness.
Bu aralar garipim ama bunundan üstesinden gelirim elbet ben güçlü bir insanım.
my dog died today and I listen this music make me soo much cry remember him :( love you miis you"
i hope he rest in piece ❤
rest in peace 🕊️
Leadership has a price.
I listen to this everyday.
Overthinking and overthinking, Could be too many decisions that destroy you and nobody can help you, except you and the music, Today i lost someone that i really love deeply, But i lost too many in this year, My friend died in cancer, My uncle, My friends in GAZA theres no connection right now to see them, When we find someone with a white heart always gone.
Vazgeçmedim nefes almaya devam ettikçe vazgeçmeyeceğim
This song inspires me to change the world 🌎!!
Aveces me endrogo y todavía escucho sus voces
Here is my story
It all started When i was 18 ...i was not aware of them until I was on the edge. It was really bad. it took almost 4 years for me to understand. After a lot of therapy and medication Now I am 24 doing post graduation.
The only secret is rebuilding life brick by brick with patience.
Lucho cada día por pertenecer a la policía militar de mi país, porque creo en sus valores, en honrar su historia y su labor en mi país combatiendo a terroristas y defendiendo a la gente buena. Daría mi vida por ello, de otra forma no tendría esta fuerza vital para intentarlo una vez tras otra. Sin embargo, en las cenas familiares no hago más que recibir preguntas de la necesidad de la labor del cuerpo al que busco pertenecer, del abuso de autoridad y demás cosas que nada tienen que ver con mis valores. Incomprendido a pesar de estar dispuesto a dar mi vida por proteger a los demás. Aún así, seguiré en la lucha hasta conseguirlo. Felices fiestas a todos!
Un día lo lograrás. Yo sé que sí. Yo tuve que de cierta manera “morir” para darme cuenta que cada quién tiene un objetivo de vida. Y hay que perseguirlo, sin rendirse. Puedes disfrutar el proceso, pero nunca te desvies del objetivo. Te quiero hermano
@@elizondogabo02 muchas gracias por tus palabras. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo 💪💪
Solo quisiera decir que, yo también he llegado a hablar mal mayormente de los policías ya sean estatales o municipales, pero a quien doy todo mi respeto son a los militares, hace tiempo viví una experiencia sumamente horrible que pasa demasiado seguido en mi país lamentablemente, y creo que los únicos que realmente están en el "campo de batalla" contra la delincuencia son los militares, admiro su dedicación y sus sacrificios, cuando los veo pasar en las caravanas cuando los asignan a una nueva locación incluso mientras llueve o hace frio, o cuando hace un calor espantoso... al final también son seres humanos, son padres, hijos, esposos, hermanos... arriesgan su vida tratando de crear un mejor lugar para todos los demás y nosotros no lo valoramos, por eso siempre que veo que la gente les ofrece comida o agua, se me apachurra el corazón y se que cuando pueda haré lo mismo, aportar mi granito de arena! Mis respetos para ti y mi agradecimiento, porque tienes buenos valores y eso hoy en día casi no hay! Ánimo
Theme of life
Life is not happy not even sad.
Life is silent.
We make make sound, a sound that vanishes in the universe.
Eventually we die peacefully and our emotions, body, feelings also die with us. A truth which our ancestors learned we didn't we are in a race to earn endless money, money that brings sadness, stress.
People say life is a game. I say life is a trap, a trap which is created to librate us.
No one is above life and no one has lived the life fullest.
this is the song that reminds you of your future
This song can truly touch hearts
Как будто в ностальджи❤❤❤
الى الناس المقهورين في الحياة لا حول و لا قوة الهم الا الله ، لازم نقاوم و نثبت ذاتنا حتى في ظل الظروف هنا تكمن قيمة الانسان
When you finally be in peace after years of work,suffering and pain
Perfect comment
Without struggle there can be no progress
Without pain there can be no experience
Lastly. Without the lord we. Are nothing.