Wonderful pics - I don't remember the old sandstone church across from where the Apple store now sits in Bondi Junction - was that just demolished or moved somewhere else ?
They demolished that. old church. And a few of the shops next to it. about 50 years ago I remember back in the 70s when I was going to school it was. a large construction site.
Bondi from the South before Markam did some dodgy deal and sold off the public land donated to us for a rich mega development, allowed the developers to dump the demolition spoil straight onto the beach. I bet you can still find housebricks there. they closed and sold off halfway houses and ensured the rich glitz, souless rubbish would take over.
it was a good neighbourhood, good days and good times, pile of garbage now, feels like a glitzy glass white shoe drugs and money brothel. Was a very human place with everyone from the bottom to the top and from al oler, locals, tourists whoever.
That was my stomping ground 50 60&70s was working class suburb
With working class pubs and great “ Sheila’s”
Top days back then
Goods days
Every single photo has an associated memory, thanks for sharing.
@@AustrAlien-sx6vx Thankyou
@@AustrAlien-sx6vx thankyou
Magnificent artdeco buildings, rock solid building codes proud building trade craftsmanship
@@tasmaniancaptain7768 yes built to last, no besser blocks!
Great old pics BBB
Before it was overcrowded too.
Bondi and much of Sydney was such a chill place back in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, now it’s turned to crap.
Great historical video, thanks for sharing.
Thanks, yes gentrification well and truly changed the old days
3:31 went to kindergarten which was out the back of that church in the late 1950s.
Yes the church, not many remember that!
Wonderful pics - I don't remember the old sandstone church across from where the Apple store now sits in Bondi Junction - was that just demolished or moved somewhere else ?
Not sure about it being moved, interesting the church was moved for progress?
Demolished mid to late 60's, watched it coming down on way to school
@@Gazzapa57 thankyou
They demolished that. old church. And a few of the shops next to it. about 50 years ago I remember back in the 70s when I was going to school it was. a large construction site.
Demolished it for David Jones then became Westfield .I worked in both Grace Bros in the late seventies then DJs .
Bondi from the South before Markam did some dodgy deal and sold off the public land donated to us for a rich mega development, allowed the developers to dump the demolition spoil straight onto the beach. I bet you can still find housebricks there. they closed and sold off halfway houses and ensured the rich glitz, souless rubbish would take over.
it was a good neighbourhood, good days and good times, pile of garbage now, feels like a glitzy glass white shoe drugs and money brothel. Was a very human place with everyone from the bottom to the top and from al oler, locals, tourists whoever.
RIP Jimi Appleton
@@supervidere7 🙏
Yes the old church gone!